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Boom drogue adapter air refuelling Document ATP -56(B) Part 5, Annex ZA, Appendix 2, Figure ZA-2-1 -BDA

Boom drogue adapter air refuelling Document ATP -56(B) Part 5, Annex ZA, Appendix 2, Figure ZA-2-1 -BDA

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Accommodation wagons and night trains have a relatively long tradition in Europe and have been a popular and developed segment of transport for decades. However, at the end of the last century, the trend began to change, and long-distance night traffic began to stagnate. The consequence was the significant restriction and cancellation of several di...


... Moreover, SAF can provide a near-term and even long-term solution to civil aviation for lower environmental impact compared to petroleum fuels, as well as diversification of energy resources. At the same time, SAF produced from renewable feedstock must meet the requirements connected to the efficiency, reliability and durability of aviation equipment [1,3,4]. ...
... The key to the successful development and implementation of SAF is the availability of feedstock at a large and sustainable scale and compatible price. Increased yields and reduced plantation or transportation costs can promote the commercialization of SAF production [3]. Today, there is a large variety of renewable feedstock or biomass for SAF production. ...
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The work is devoted to the estimation of the possibilities of using lignocellulosic biomass for the production of components of sustainable aviation fuels. The current situation in the production of sustainable aviation fuels is presented along with challenges related to its use. Lignocellulosic biomass is considered a promising feedstock for the production of aviation fuels; its composition, as well as possible conversion routes, are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the levulinic acid as a component received as a result of biomass processing. It is proposed to convert levulinic acid into alkyl levulinates using different simple alcohols to use them as components of sustainable aviation fuels. The method of alkyl levulinates synthesis is described. The basic physical-chemical properties of received products are determined and analyzed. Alkyl levulinates’ properties are compared to conventional jet fuel’s properties. Based on the experimental data, the possibilities of f using lignocellulosic biomass use for sustainable aviation fuel production are substantiated.
... У зв'язку зі стрімким розвитком авіаційної галузі актуальним є підвищення енергоефективності палива та зменшення викидів від повітряних суден [1]. Сьогодні, відповідно до державної політики провідних країн світу в паливно-енергетичній галузі, налагодження виробництва та використання альтернативних моторних палив, зокрема авіаційних, з відновлюваної сировини є одним з пріоритетних завдань [2]. ...
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... Проблемі авіаційних викидів присвячено низку керівних документів провідних організацій у галузі цивільної авіації. Ними встановлено вимоги щодо постійного скорочення викидів СО2 в середньому на 1,5 % щорічно з метою зменшення вики-дів вуглекислого газу на 50 % до 2050 року порівняно з 2005 роком [2][3][4]. На сьогоднішній день одним з перспективних шляхів екологізації авіаційного сектору є використання альтернативних авіаційних палив. У зв'язку з цим Міжнародна організація цивільної авіації (ІКАО) прогнозує, що сучасний авіаційний сектор потребує швидкого розвитку виробничих потужностей з виробництва нових видів авіаційних палив. ...
Робота присвячена дослідженню фізико-хімічних властивостей авіаційних біопалив, зокрема, обґрунтуванню впливу біодобавок на основі різних рослинних олій на властивості палив для ГТД та оцінці можливості використання нових біодобавок для одержання авіаційних біопалив. Розглянуто сучасний стан авіаційної галузі та наведено ключові напрями її розвитку. Враховуючи завдання щодо мінімізації впливу авіації на навколишнє середовище, декарбонізації авіаційного сектору та підвищення його енергоефективності, одним із основних пріоритетів галузі є розвиток технологій виробництва альтернативних авіаційних палив та упровадження їх у практичне використання. У рамках роботи розглянуто альтернативні авіаційні палива (біопалива), що є сумішшю традиційного авіаційного палива та біодобавок, одержаних з різноманітних рослинних олій. Ураховуючи тенденції щодо активного переходу від біопалив першого покоління до біопалив другого та третього поколінь у статті розглядаються нові види рослинної сировини для одержання біодобавок до палив. Зокрема, розглянуто можливості використання біодобавок на основі пальмоядрової та кокосової олій для одержання біопалив другого покоління. У роботі досліджено та проаналізовано хімічний склад та фізико-хімічні властивості біодобавок на основі різних рослинних олій. Показано, що кількісний та якісний склад біодобавок визначає їх фізико-хімічні властивості. Надалі, досліджено фізико-хімічні властивості зразків авіаційних біопалив на основі нафтового авіаційного палива та біодобавок. Показано, що введення біодобавок до складу нафтових авіаційних палив призводить до зміни їх властивостей, зокрема до підвищення густини, в’язкості та температури кристалізації. За результатами експериментальних обґрунтовано, що біодобавки на основі пальмоядрової та кокосової олій мають кращі характеристики порівняно з біодобавками, що вивчалися раніше (на основі ріпакової та рижієвої олій), зокрема, з огляду можливості їх використання як компонентів авіаційних біопалив. Таким чином, нові біодобавки можуть успішно використовуватися для подальших досліджень щодо розроблення альтернативних авіаційних палив.
... According to the forecasts (Dessens et al., 2014;Lee et al., 2009), the share of conventional energy sources in the total volume of energy use by 2050 will be not less than 70%. The transport sector is even more dependent on conventional energy sources (up to 95%) (Yakovlieva et al., 2019b). The most widespread energy sources for transport are gasoline, jet fuel (JF), diesel fuel and petroleum gas, which are produced from crude oil and other fossil fuels. ...
... At the same time, it produces about 12% of all CO 2 emissions from the transportation sector (Brooks et al., 2016). According to forecasts, emissions of CO 2 from civil aviation will increase by about three times by 2050 (Yakovlieva et al., 2019b). The reason for this is the quick development of passenger and cargo air transportation Moreover, road transport becomes more energy-efficient and, thus, the share of aviation in transportation emissions rises. ...
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The paper presents an analytical review of technological processes of alternative jet fuel production from alcohols and experimental results on the study of its physical-chemical properties. State-of-the-art in the sphere of civil aviation development within the framework of sustainable development and minimization of transport’s negative impact on the environment is presented. The development and implementation of sustainable aviation fuels are considered the main measure for reaching carbon-neutral growth. Two technologies of alcohol-to-jet fuel production are considered, and possible feedstock and processing pathways are presented. Physical-chemical properties of two kinds of alcohol-to-jet fuels are studied experimentally, as well as the properties of conventional jet fuels blended with alternative ones. It is shown that the physical-chemical properties of jet fuels blended with alcohol-to-jet component containing aromatics are very close to conventional jet fuels. All of the studied fuel blends with alcohol-to-jet components completely satisfy the requirements of specifications. Basing on the received results it is expected that alcohol-to-jet component containing aromatics may be successfully used for blending with conventional jet fuel and used as a drop-in fuel.
... Moreover, in recent months, the European community has been concerned about the diversification of energy resources and quick integration of alternative fuels. In addition, the world public is concerned about the influence of the aviation industry on the environment [1,3]. ...
... The determination and analysis of factors and risks that can lead to environmental pollution consist of identifying all sources of threats and assessing their impact on the environment and human beans [3]. At the same time, it is important to establish a connection between the threat and environmental factors, which makes it possible to track the occurrence of some initiating conditions that can provoke the threat of environmental pollution. ...
... Similar to the fuels for motor transport, the end product of jet fuel combustion is exhaust gases, which contain various harmful substances. Except for the main fuel combustion products (CO2 and H2O), they are carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, unburned hydrocarbons, soot, and particulate matter [3,6,13]. ...
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The paper is devoted to determining andanalysing potential risks related to the production and use ofconventional and sustainable jet fuels. The modern state in thesphere of sustainable aviation development and decreasing thenegative impact of air transport on the environment ispresented. The use of alternative jet fuels is shown as one of themost reliable solutions for the decarbonisation of aviation. Forthe purpose of the study, the stages of the fuel life cycle wereproposed and considered. Risks were determined and classifiedaccording to the proposed stages. Environmental risks, whichmay occur during the direct use of conventional and alternativejet fuels, are discussed in detail with a focus on exhaust gasemissions. It is shown that both types of fuels presentenvironmental danger on a local and global level. At the sametime, due to the natural origin and specific composition,sustainable aviation fuels may have fewer environmental risksfor human health, the environment and global decarbonisationinitiatives. The fulfilled study provides fundamentals for thefollowing research in the field of environmental risk assessmentwith the development of quantitative estimates and proposals ofcertain measures.
... Gas obtained from pyrolysis of pine wood had the highest values of lower calorific value in range from 13.75 to 13.90 MJ / kg. The results of these researches sufficiently correlate with the results obtained in [22][23][24][25]. ...
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Energy values of gaseous pyrolysis products of typical forest and aquatic plant biomass of Europe are investigated. Theoretical research of main characteristics of samples of typical plant biomass of Europe such as pine, thorn, microcystis, elodea is produced. Methodology and planning of experimental studies of process of pyrolysis of plant biomass are formulated. Experimental researches of composition of gas pyrolysis products of different types of plant biomass for different temperatures were carried according to laboratory conditions. Pyrolysis of plant biomass was carried out using a specially designed and manufactured pyrolysis plant the main part of which is a pyrolysis reactor. Installation made by our department is intended for slow pyrolysis. In research for determine presence and percentage of product yield qualitative and quantitative gas chromatography assays were used. The lower calorific value of gaseous pyrolysis products of samples of typical forest and aquatic plant biomass of Ukraine are calculated. As a result of calculations it was determined that during pyrolysis of aquatic plants and algae mixture of the obtained gases had the highest values of lower calorific value: 17,10-17,15 MJ/kg – for microcystis and 16,45-16,50 MJ/kg – for elodea. Gas obtained from pyrolysis of pine wood had the highest values of lower calorific value in the range of 13,8 to 13,85 MJ/kg. The lower calorific value of pyrogas obtained from thorn samples ranged from 12,6 MJ/kg to12,65 MJ/kg.
... Figure 4a-c correspond with [34,99,100], respectively. Yakovlieva et al. [101] incorporated fatty acids ethyl esters (FAEE) derived from rapeseed oil (RO) as bio-additives into Jet A-1 fuel at proportions of 10% and 20%. The sulfur contents in Jet A-1 and modified FAEE were 0.025% and 0.0085%, respectively. ...
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In order to achieve the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) goal of achieving net-zero emissions in the aviation industry by 2050, there has been a growing emphasis globally on the technological development and practical application of sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs). Discrepancies in feedstock and production processes result in differences in composition between SAFs and traditional aviation fuels, ultimately affecting the emission performance of the two types of fuel. This paper discusses the impact of CO2/NOx/SO2/CO/PM/UHC emissions from the aviation industry on the natural environment and human health by comparing the two types of fuel under the same conditions. Fuel combustion is a complex process in the combustor of an engine, which transfers chemical energy into heat energy. The completeness of combustion is related to the fuel properties, including spray, evaporation, and flammability. Therefore, engine performance is not only affected by fuel performance, but also interacts with engine structure and control laws. The CO2 emissions of SAFs differ significantly from traditional aviation fuels from a lifecycle analysis perspective, and most SAFs can reduce CO2 emissions by 41–89%. Compared with traditional aviation fuels, SAFs and blended fuels can significantly reduce SO2 and PM emissions. Pure Fischer–Tropsch hydroprocessed synthesized paraffinic kerosine (FT-SPK) can reduce SO2 and PM emissions by 92% and 70–95% respectively, owing to its extremely low sulfur and aromatic compound content. In contrast, the differences in NOx emissions between the two types of fuel are not significant, as their generation mechanisms largely stem from thermal drive and turbulent flow in the combustor, with emissions performance being correlated to power output and flame temperature profile in engine testing. CO and UHC emissions are related to engine operating conditions and the physical/chemical properties of the SAFs, with no significant upward or downward trend. Therefore, SAFs have significant advantages over conventional aviation fuels in terms of CO2, SO2, and PM emissions, and can effectively reduce the hazards of aviation to the environment and human health.
The chapter is devoted to theoretical and experimental research of intermolecular processes, which take place in bio-jet fuels composed of conventional jet fuels and plant oil derived bio-additives. Modern tendencies in alternative aviation fuels production and use are shown as well as a brief review of popular renewable feedstock of its production. Within the study the bio-additives based on rapeseed oil, camelina oil, palm kernel oil, and coconut oil esters were analyzed. The regularities of the influence of the bio-additives obtained from different plant oils on the physical–chemical properties of conventional jet fuel were found and formulated. It was shown that in bio- additives based on plant oils the forces of dispersion interaction between ester molecules prevail and determine its properties as well as properties of bio-jet fuels. It was that increasing of molecules size of fatty acids esters leads to the rise of polarization ability and energy of dispersion interaction. During blending of conventional jet fuel with bio-additives the energy of the system decreases by 31–69.3 kJ/mol as the proportion of esters in the hydrocarbon fuel—fatty acid esters system increases. Reduction of the total energy in the system has a direct influence on the physical–chemical properties of bio-jet fuels blended with fatty acids esters. Experimental study of physical–chemical properties of bio-jet fuel samples have proved theoretical developments about the intermolecular interactions between hydrocarbons of conventional jet fuels and fatty acid esters of bio-additives.
The paper proposes a list of criteria for environmental impact assessment in construction and reconstruction projects of transport facilities. The list of criteria includes impact on the quality of the surface layer of atmospheric air; volume of consumption of non-renewable resources; impact on the quality of the aquatic environment; waste management efficiency indicator; impact on the quality of land resources; impact on the quality of the geological environment; physical factors influencing the environment; impact on flora and fauna, protected objects; impact of TF on the social environment; impact of the transport structure on the man-made environment. Each of the criteria is a set of local indicators. The method of quantitative evaluation of these criteria has been developed, which provides for expert evaluation of each criterion according to the proposed scale. The method was implemented during the environmental impact assessment of the project “Construction of a state road H-31 Dnipro – Tsarychanka – Kobeliaky – Reshetylivka from the village of Loboykivka to the border of Dnipropetrovsk region I-b technical category with 4 lanes bypassing Loboykivka, Petrykivka, Mohyliv, Kitaygorod, Tsarychanka, Lyashkivka.” The example of defining certain criteria for the impact of this project on the environment is given.KeywordsEnvironmental impact assessmentTransport facilityHighwayEnvironmental impact criteriaQuantitative indicators
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The air transport industry is characterized by the consequences of the speedy and momentous impacts of surrounding actions and economic and social changes. An airport hub serves as a center point that connects everyone and everything. Because they protect the financial interests of airlines and satisfy the connectivity requirements of both passengers and cargo, hubs continue to play a significant role in aviation. An efficient hub airport with enough extra space will increase passenger options and encourage airline competition by allowing additional competitors, routes, and frequencies. The airport networks need to apply the developed management and use its features to try to arrive at the optimum results and used its facilities such as: (geographical, capital, the ability for multi-model transports, ready to apply with the future technology, ready to welcome the companies such as FedEx and DHL, applying e-airport with e-airline with e- freight with e-AWB). This helps to achieve maximum growth and to be able to face rapid growth. Future airport networks need to reach all sites, so they should employ several different transmission technologies. Accordingly, this paper aims to compare the competitiveness of the busiest hub in each continent or region in 2019 for cargo and passengers which will be Hong Kong airport (HKIA) for Asia, Frankfurt hub (Fraport) for Europe, in Africa Addis Ababa air hub (ADD) and Cairo international airport hub (CAI), while for middle east will be Dubai airport (DXB).
The paper is devoted to the development of environmentally safe avgas compositions with low content of tetraethyl lead. Modern trends in global avgas production and consumption are shown, along with tendencies in restriction of tetraethyl lead use for anti-knock properties improvement. The main methods of avgas octane number rising are shown, among which are introduction of high-octane hydrocarbons, oxygenated compounds and anti-knock additives. The influence of individual hydrocarbons on octane number is studied. It is found that blending alkylate, isopentane, isooctane and benzene with based improves octane number by 2–4 units. Similar tendency is found for blending base gasoline with anti-knock additives. Combination of high-octane hydrocarbons and anti-knock additives has allowed to improve octane number of avgas up to 6 units. Basing on these components new compositions of avgas were developed.