Body surface area formulas. 

Body surface area formulas. 

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Background: Allometric scaling is an empirical examination of the relationship between the pharmacokinetic parameters and body size. Because of the importance of body surface area formulas for calculation of anticancer agents, there is need to standardize and score all the existing body surface area formulas with a view to obtaining the best and mo...


... Operasi morfologi citra adalah operasi pemrosesan gambar yang memproses gambar berdasarkan bentuk wilayah atau segmen gambar [12]. Matematika di balik operasi ini adalah operasi himpunan, jadi memahami operasi himpunan sangat penting untuk memahami operasi morfologis. ...
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Pengukuran berat dan tinggi manusia pada era modern sekarang masih menggunakan metode lama yaitu menggunakan alat ukur manual seperti timbangan digital untuk mengukur berat badan dan stature meter untuk mengukur tinggi badan dan dilakukan secara terpisah sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang cukup panjang jika dilakukan oleh banyak pengguna dan berulang – ulang seperti untuk keperluan administrasi tenaga medis dan rekruitasi instansi militer. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengukuran berat dan tinggi manusia bersamaan dalam satu sistem menggunakan metode body surface area dan operasi morfologi dalam citra digital sebagai penyempurna gambar. Proses dimulai dengan citra masukan berupa foto manusia dengan background putih dan full body dengan manusia menghadap kedepan kamera lurus serta jarak antara manusia dengan kamera handphone 2 meter dan ketinggian kamera dengan lantai berjarak 1.5 meter, setelah itu foto yang dihasilkan akan dilakukan proses segmetasi objek atau preprocessing dengan cara menghitung jumlah piksel dari ujung kaki ke ujung kepala untuk mengetahui nilai tinggi badan sedangkan, untuk menghitung berat badan maka dilakukan perhitungan luas tubuh manusia dalam satuan piksel dan satu foto digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai data acuan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tools yang telah dibuat dapat di simpulkan bahwa sistem ini dapat menghasilkan pengukuran tinggi badan maksimal dengan akurasi 99,15% dan berat badan maksimal dengan akurasi 97,35% dengan reolusi foto 12 mega piksel dengan rincian tinggi foto 2080 px dan lebar foto 4624 px dari data tinggi dan berat badan maka bisa diolah untuk mengetahu nilai indeks massa tubuh yaitu menentukan tubuh ideal manusia. Kata kunci: Matlab, Pengolahan Citra, Indeks Masa Tubuh, Body Suface Area
... Loss of life expectancy and remaining life expectancy measures provide complementary messages to standard relative survival estimates expressed in terms of cumulative probability of cancer-specific death (Baade et al. 2015). The Norton-Simon hypothesis showed that mathematical oncology could be clinically superior (Michor and Beal 2015) as demonstrated in the treatments of human and dog cancers (Saganuwan and Ndakotsu 2015;Saganuwan 2017, Saganuwan 2018. ...
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Cancer is a serious life-threatening disease with increased morbidity and mortality in dogs. A number of cancers are diagnosed after metastasis has taken place when therapeutic intervention would have been useless. In view of this, mammary gland tumors and adenocarcinoma of the lungs were calculated using some established and revised formulas. The reported fundamental parameters were calculated using macroscopy. But the mathematical oncological analysis revealed that tumor doubling time (82.1–123.1 days) of adenocarcinoma of the lung was lower than that of complex mammary adenoma (101.3–151.9 days), complex carcinoma of the lung (215.5–323.2 days), and benign mammary gland tumor (810–1215 days), respectively, suggesting that adenocarcinoma of the lung proliferates faster than the remaining cancers. Cancer cells per year for adenocarcinoma (1.21 × 10⁸), benign mammary gland tumor (1.35 × 10⁹), complex mammary adenoma (1.4–3.3 × 10⁸), and complex carcinoma of the lung (3.4 × 10⁸) with benign mammary gland tumor metastasized and others were about to metastasize. Therefore, the formulas can be used in estimation of some oncological parameters such as tumor volume, tumor weight, and tumor doubling time. All the investigated tumors can be managed chemotherapeutically if detected early enough. However, adenocarcinoma of the lung may be proven very difficult to treat because of low tumor doubling, doubling time followed by complex mammary adenoma, and complex carcinoma of the lung. Hence, oncological parameters could serve as indices of successful therapeutic interventions.
... The formulas used for calculation of extrapolated doses are as follows [13,72,73]. whereas H = height, W = weight and K = constant. ...
... The exponent 0.67 is needed since anticancer has to be released through the surface of the tumor [15] but 0.528 correlates very well with both human and dogs [16]. However, various body surface area formulas have various exponents which can grossly affect the results [17]. 9: I (Inhibitor) = 2 3 / dp q Resistance factor should be responsible for the effect of drug resistance of tumor cells on the dynamical growth for the tumor. ...
... Estimations of biochemical, physiological, and anatomical parameters were always determined practically. But in recent times, a number of formulas related to allometry were developed and proven relevant to clinical practice (Saganuwan and Ndakotsu 2015;Saganuwan and Onyeyili 2016;Saganuwan 2017;Reagan-Shaw et al. 2007;USEPA 1986). Dose adjustment for high-risk patient is done using allometry (Hendrayana et al. 2017) Estimation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), a diagnostic parameter for evaluating renal function in animals is relevant in laboratory and clinical practice (Von Hendy Willson and Pressler 2011). ...
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A preponderance of drugs and xenobiotics are toxic to kidneys. Renal impairment can be assessed using creatinine clearance. However, because of the principle of reduction, refinement, and replacement (3R), new formulas have been derived from the human creatinine clearance formulas \( \left({C}_r{C}_l=\frac{K\times \left(140- age\right)\times W}{S_{cr}\times 72}\right)\ and\ \left({C}_r{C}_l=\frac{D\times \frac{nBS}{n}}{BS}\right) \). The newly developed formulas are \( \left({C}_r{C}_l=\frac{K\times \left(140- age\right)\times W}{D\times {S}_{cr}\times 72}\right)\ and\left({C}_r{C}_l=\frac{Ucr}{Pcr} \times 144\right) \) whereas K is constant (male = 1; female = 0.85), W (Weight), Scr (serum creatinine) and D (depuration) = \( \frac{\mathrm{Ucr}}{\mathrm{Pcr}} \), respectively. Also, Ucr (urine creatinine) and Pcr (plasma creatinine) must be considered for proper correlation of the estimated parameters. Body surface (BS) = BW0.528 × H0.528 × 0.14, whereas BW (body weight), H (height), K (0.14 for dog and human), and the exponent (0.528) have correlated very well for estimation of the parameters in dog and human. The units of creatinine clearance (CrCl = mL/min), serum creatinine (mg/dL), and plasma creatinine (mg/dL) must be considered integral parts of the formula. Time factor (60 × 24 = 1440 min) should be applied for parameters measured per minute. The findings revealed that creatinine clearance is physiologically, pharmacologically, and toxicologically related to body weight, body surface, age, clearance, and volume of urine creatinine, plasma creatinine, serum creatinine, urine volume, and height of mammals.
... Secara umum, persamaan dari BSA diinisialisasi berdasarkan luas suatu area seperti persamaan Surface area = Constant x Weight (Slone, 1993). Kemudian berkembang menjadi BSA dengan beberapa formula seperti pada Tabel 1. (Kouno, Katsumata, Mukai, Ando, & Watanabe, 2003), (Saganuwan, 2015), (Redlarski, Palkowski, & Krawczuk, 2016), (Sharkey et al., 2001), (Haycock, Schwartz, & Wisotsky, 1978 Perhitungan TB pada studi ini ditunjukkan pada Persamaan (1): ...
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ABSTRAK Pengukuran tinggi dan berat badan manusia sekarang ini masih bersifat manual sehingga kurang efisien jika dilakukan untuk kebutuhan dengan jumlah objek yang banyak. Sebagai solusi, pada penelitian ini telah dirancang suatu sistem untuk mengukur Tinggi Badan (TB) dan Berat Badan (BB) manusia berbasis Morphological Image Processing (MIP). Proses dimulai dengan citra masukan berupa citra digital full body yang dapat diambil dengan smartphone kemudian dilanjutkan dengan operasi MIP terdiri dari proses dilasi, filling dan labeling. Hasil dari MIP adalah jumlah piksel tinggi objek yang dikonversi menjadi TB (cm). Sedangkan perhitungan BB (kg) diperoleh dari luas permukaan tubuh objek berbasis BSA dengan memodelkan ke bentuk tabung elips. Dari hasil pengujian, diperoleh performansi sistem maksimum yaitu Approximate Value 98.42% untuk TB dan 94.4% untuk BB. Nilai tersebut diperoleh dengan parameter nilai jarak pengambilan 306 cm dan strel (structure element) pada MIP adalah 2. Kata kunci: tinggi badan, berat badan, BSA, morphological image processing ABSTRACT Measurement of human height and weight are still performed manual today so it have not efficiency if conducted to many objects. As a solution, this research has designed a system for measuring the human body height and weight based on morphological image processing (MIP). The process was started with an input image of a full body digital image that retrieved with a smartphone followed by a MIP operation consisting of dilation, filling, and labeling. The result of MIP is the number of high pixels of objects converted to height in cm. While weight calculation has been obtained from surface area of body object based on BSA by modelling it to ellipse tube. The system performance is obtained at maximum Approximate Value of 98.42% for height and 94.4% for weight. That value was obtained with 306 cm distance and 2 stucture element size of MIP. Keywords: height, weight, BSA, morphological image processing
... Although dose calculation according to BSA did not show to reduce interindividual variability in pharmacokinetic parameters for most anticancer drugs and individual dosing techniques are currently being investigated, so it becomes necessary to depend on the BSA-based determination of dose of these drugs. [20] Moreover, with the information of BSA, we can know whether the adverse event is an ADR or it is due to some medication error, for example, overdosing. None of the above three online ADR reporting systems have included "BSA" in patient's details. ...
AIM Different forms and online tools are available in different countries for spontaneous reporting, one of the most widely used methods of pharmacovigilance. Capturing sufficient information and adequate compatibility of online systems with respective reporting form is highly desirable for appropriate reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). This study was aimed to compare three major online reporting systems (US, UK, and WHO) of the world and also to check their compatibility with the respective ADR reporting form. MATERIALS AND METHODS A total of 89 data elements to provide relevant information were found out from above three online reporting systems. All three online systems were compared regarding magnitude of information captured by each of them and scoring was done by providing a score of “1” to each element. Compatibility of ADR reporting forms of India (Red form), US (Form 3500), and UK (Yellow card form) was assessed by comparing the information gathered by them with that can be entered into their respective online reporting systems, namely, “VigiFlow,” “US online reporting,” and “Yellow card online reporting.” Each unmatching item was given a score of “−1”. RESULTS VigiFlow scored “74” points, whereas online reporting systems of the US and UK scored “56” and “49,” respectively, regarding magnitude of the information gathered by them. Compatibility score was found to be “0,” “−9,” and “−26” in case of ADR reporting systems of US, UK, and India, respectively. CONCLUSION Our study reveals that “VigiFlow” is capable of capturing the maximum amount of information but “Form 3500” and “Online reporting system of US” are maximally compatible to each other among ADR reporting systems of all three countries.
... Because of high risk of toxicity caused by use of the formula, there is need to compare some human BSA formulas with dog BSA formula with a view to deriving a human-dog equivalent BSA formula. Cancer being exacerbated by the modern life style as revealed by study [9] requires a radical therapeutic approach that put into consideration, the use of BSA that would give less toxic and moderate effective doses of anticancer agents [10]. In view of this, new body surface area formula and doses of twenty-eight anticancer drugs were calculated for 334 breeds of greyhound, toy, companion, terrier, hunting and working dogs. ...
... The new formula was derived from DuBois [5], Haycock et al. [12], Boyd [14] and Fujimoto [16] formulas using average of their body weight and height exponents. Takashira, [15], Wang et al. [6] and Saganuwan and Ndakotsu [10] formulas were not used because they have same values of exponents with DuBois formula. Gehan and George [13] formula was not used because it has same body weight and body height exponent with Haycock et al. [12] formula. ...
... Banerjee (1955) [16] = × = × 0 NA NA BSA overestimated if: short, obese [26]. BSA underestimated if: infant, tall, thin, low body size [14,24,32]. Less accurate simplification of the Gehan equation. ...
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Reliable methods for measuring the thoracic aorta are critical for determining treatment strategies in aneurysmal disease. Z-scores are a pragmatic alternative to raw diameter sizes commonly used in adult medicine. They are particularly valuable in the pediatric population, who undergo rapid changes in physical development. The advantage of the Z-score is its inclusion of body surface area (BSA) in determining whether an aorta is within normal size limits. Therefore, Z-scores allow us to determine whether true pathology exists, which can be challenging in growing children. In addition, Z-scores allow for thoughtful interpretation of aortic size in different genders, ethnicities, and geographical regions. Despite the advantages of using Z-scores, there are limitations. These include intra- and inter-observer bias, measurement error, and variations between alternative Z-score nomograms and BSA equations. Furthermore, it is unclear how Z-scores change in the normal population over time, which is essential when interpreting serial values. Guidelines for measuring aortic parameters have been developed by the American Society of Echocardiography Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease Council, which may reduce measurement bias when calculating Z-scores for the aortic root. In addition, web-based Z-score calculators have been developed to aid in efficient Z-score calculations. Despite these advances, clinicians must be mindful of the limitations of Z-scores, especially when used to demonstrate beneficial treatment effect. This review looks to unravel the mystery of the Z-score, with a focus on the thoracic aorta. Here, we will discuss how Z-scores are calculated and the limitations of their use.
Elderly people are vulnerable to cold environments, due to aging's impact on the density of nerve fibers. Nevertheless, automatic controls of HVAC systems do not consider the user's real-time thermal sensation and most of algorithms were tested in manikins using climatic chambers or simulated by CFD. Indeed, a standardization of a non-invasive technique as infrared thermography (IRT) for human body responses was not detected in the literature review. This paper proposes a method to determine the indoor thermal comfort of elderly people by IRT. The campaigns took place in a nursing home of the Mediterranean Climate during Winter. A total of 15 old adults were monitored to measure the skin temperature of four face points (nose, forehead, cheekbone and chin) and clothing temperature. A thermal sensation questionnaire and indoor conditions were also collected. The results demonstrated that the IRT model could estimate the thermal exchange from three body-segments (head, back-pelvis, thorax-limbs) to the surroundings by user's features and environmental parameters. The thermal neutrality was achieved when all facial points reached a skin temperature of 35 °C, the clothing temperature was equal to 31 °C, and the operative temperature and relative humidity were 23.5 °C and 54% respectively. Statistically, 31.70% of the variance of PMV could be attributed to increases of facial skin temperature, while changes in user's features could have minor influence (from 0.88 to 6.40%). As regards the main contributions of heat losses, they were given by respiration (11–21%), convection (20–32%) and radiation (35–39%). Finally, an innovative HVAC control strategy was posed.