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Blue print scale Self Regulated Learning Indicators Item Definition Total 

Blue print scale Self Regulated Learning Indicators Item Definition Total 

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Flipping the classroom (FTC) is a didactical approach aimed at letting students come to class prepared and apply the learning material actively during class. As FTC places a higher demand on students' self-regulated learning (SRL) skills, our goal in the current study was to research the effects of SRL support in a flipped classroom on students' SR...
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The research setting for much of the investigation of the mixing e-lectures blended with Problem Based Learning is in English Department of Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama of Kebumen (UMNU). The research focus is on expending technology e-lectures to maintenance the student of English Department blended Problem Based Learning (PBL), which the participants...
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Students in distance education are expected to self-regulate their learning process. In this paper, we present a semester planning tool that enables learners to plan, monitor, and reflect on learning tasks over a semester. In this way, Zimmerman's model of self-regulated learning (SRL) could be mapped to an application that can be used in the estab...


... Moodle adalah aplikasi dengan berbagai fitur yang mendukung Learning Management System (LMS) dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembelajaran saat ini (Maghfiroh et al, 2017). Penerapan PBL apabila dipadukan dengan e-learning Moodle akan mampu mengajak siswa untuk memantau, mengatur dan mengontrol kognisi, motivasi, dan perilaku yang diorientasikan atau diarahkan pada tujuan belajar (Maghfiroh, Subchan, & Iqbal, 2016). ...
... Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Maghfiroh et al (2017) dengan judul "Problem Based Learning Trough Moodle for Increasing Self Regulated Learning Students (Goal Setting and Planning)". Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning berbantuan MOODLE dapat meningkatkan SRL (Self Regulated Learning) siswa khususnya goal setting dan planning siswa kelas X SAINS 2 SMA Negeri 3 Jember. ...
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Komunikasi matematis merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang penting untuk dimiliki oleh siswa. Namun faktanya berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara dengan guru mata pelajaran matematika di SMP Negeri 3 Kayangan didapatkan informasi kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa masih tergolong rendah bahwa siswa merasa kesulitan pada materi statistika dan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan konten e-learning berbasis moodle yang terintegrasi dengan model pembelajaran PBL untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa pada materi statistika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimen (kuantitatif) dengan menggunakan bentuk desain Pre-test-post-test nonequivalent comparison-group design. Siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Kayangan menjadi populasi dalam penelitian ini. Sedangkan sampel yang akan dipilih terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu 20 siswa kelas VIII-1 sebagai kelas kontrol dan 20 siswa kelas VIII-2 sebagai kelas eksperimen. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa soal pretest dan posttest yang mengukur kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang terdiri dari 3 butir soal Pretest dan 3 butir soal posttest. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis diperoleh signifikansi (2- tailed) kurang dari signifikansi t (0,010< 0,05), ini berarti H0 ditolak. Sehingga penggunaan e-learning berbasis problem based learning lebih efektif daripada kelas dengan pembelajaran dengan modul guru. Hasil uji efektivitas juga menunjukkan hal sama bahwa peningkatan rata-rata kelas kontrol x = 18,8 sedangkan peningkatan rata-rata untuk kelas eksperimen adalah y = 30,4. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa y > x sehingga penggunaan e- learning Moodle berbasis PBL efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis peserta didik pada materi statistika. The Effectiveness of Using Moodle-Assisted e-Learning Content Integrated with PBL Learning Models in Improving Mathematical Communication Skills Abstract Mathematical communication is an important ability for students to have. However, in fact, based on the results of observations and interviews with mathematics teachers at SMP Negeri 3 Kayangan, it was found that students' mathematical communication skills were still relatively low, that students found it difficult in statistics material and. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using moodle-based e-learning content that is integrated with the PBL learning model to improve students' mathematical communication skills in statistics material. This research is a study using an experimental research design (quantitative) using a pre-test-post-test nonequivalent comparison-group design. Grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 3 Kayangan became the population in this study. While the sample to be selected consisted of two classes, namely 20 students in class VIII-1 as the control class and 20 students in class VIII-2 as the experimental class. The instruments used in this study were pretest and posttest questions that measured students' mathematical communication skills consisting of 3 pretest questions and 3 posttest questions. Based on the results of the hypothesis testing, it was found that the significance of (2-tailed) was less than the significance of t (0.010 <0.05), this means that H0 was rejected. So that the use of problem-based learning-based e-learning is more effective than classes with teacher module learning. The results of the effectiveness test also showed the same thing that the average increase in the control class was x = 18.8 while the average increase for the experimental class was y = 30.4. Thus it can be concluded that y > x so that the use of PBL-based Moodle e-learning is effective in improving students' mathematical communication skills in statistics material.
... Keberhasilan belajar diukur sejauh mana peserta didik telah melakukan proses belajar, bukan sejauh mana peserta didik telah menguasai materi pelajaran. Dengan cara ini, guru tidak lagi hanya sebagai sumber belajar, melainkan mengarahkan dan berkontribusi memberdayakan peserta didik untuk meregulasi dirinya (selfregulation) agar memiliki keinginan dan kemampuan belajar untuk mencapai hasil belajar yang diinginkan (Maghfiroh et al., 2017). ...
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Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang implementasi model PBL berbasis STEM dengan media virtual reality terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis dan self regulation peserta didik pada materi sistem koloid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan self-regulation terhadap implementasi model PBL berbasis STEM dengan media virtual reality. Metode yang digunakan adalah pre-experiment dengan one group pretest-posttest design. Sampel penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas XI MIPA 1 MAN 2 Kota Banjarmasin. Variabel bebas adalah model PBL berbasis STEM, dan variabel terikat yaitu kemampuan berpikir kritis dan self-regulation. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes dan non-tes. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) peningkatan hasil pretest ke posttest kemampuan berpikir kritis dengan N-gain sebesar 0,71 dalam kategori tinggi, (2) peningkatan hasil pretest ke posttest self-regulation dengan N-gain sebesar 0,43 dalam kategori sedang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi model PBL berbasis STEM dengan media virtual reality dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan self-regulation peserta didik.
... This develops self-efficacy in students, overcomes problems in implementing the strategies designed to achieve the goals, and re-enforces performance. These results are supported by the previous study of Maghfiroh, Subchan, and Iqbat (2017), which states that problem-based learning encourages collaboration, communication, teamwork, concentration, and decision-making skills, which are applied when handling complex situations. It also enables them to set the goals through their subject, analyze related factors, undertake planning consisting of steps to achieve the goals, act upon the plan and t evaluate their performance. ...
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Students’ self-regulated learning has become an essential element of student’s success in the education sector and therefore, needs the attention of policymakers and scholars alike. Thus, the current study investigates into the role of different learning styles such as just-in-time learning, case-based learning, inquiry learning, project-based learning and problem-based learning on students’ self-regulated learning in the context of public sector universities in Indonesia. Questionnaires are used by researchers to gather the data from respondents. The purposive sampling technique is used to select the student respondents who are using math journaling. Researchers also execute the PLS-SEM for the purpose of analysis and tests the validity, reliability and relationships among variables. The results indicate that all learning styles such as just-in-time learning, case-based learning, inquiry learning, project-based learning and problem-based learning have a positive nexus with students’ self-regulated learning in public sector universities in Indonesia. This study provides valuable insights to policymakers regarding formulating new policies about student self-regulated learning. Keywords: Just-in-time learning, inquiry learning, project-based learning, problem-based learning, students’ self-regulated learning
... The character of students in the form of independent learning is something that must be pursued in classroom learning (Sumarmo, 2010). Based on research conducted by Maghfiroh et al., (2016) proved that the SRL (Self Regulated Learning) of high school students in Jember is low (Maghfiroh, Subchan, & Iqbat, 2017). According to Zimmerman et al., (1989) students who have done Self Reguated Learning can make students as masters who are experts in their studies so that they are able to realize the desired learning outcomes (Zimmerman, 1989). ...
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This research aimed at improving critical thinking and SRL (Self Regulated Learning) ability based on STEM-CP (Science, Technology, Engineering Dan Mathematic- Contextual Problem) by using module. This research employed a research and development (R&D) method, which was used as actual proof in improving a learning media of STEM-CP based modul. There were 12 schools, including state or private schools, and 12 biology teachers as need analysis involved in this study. A needs assessment was conducted by using a questionnaire generated in Google form. The result of the needs assessment showed that teachers 70% of stated so far the learning process has not run optimally, the media that has been used so far have not maximized the learning process of 66,6%, and 83.3% of teachers stated that learning had used modules, but 16.6% stated that the learning process had not used modules. The fact is that in learning the teacher has used the module but it has not maximized the learning process. The STEM-CP module is expected to be able to improve students' critical thinking skills and SRL (Self Regulated Learning).
... The character of students in the form of independent learning is something that must be pursued in classroom learning (Sumarmo, 2010). Based on research conducted by Maghfiroh et al., (2016) proved that the SRL (Self Regulated Learning) of high school students in Jember is low (Maghfiroh, Subchan, & Iqbat, 2017). According to Zimmerman et al., (1989) students who have done Self Reguated Learning can make students as masters who are experts in their studies so that they are able to realize the desired learning outcomes (Zimmerman, 1989). ...
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This research aimed at improving critical thinking and SRL (Self Regulated Learning) ability based on STEM-CP (Science, Technology, Engineering Dan Mathematic- Contextual Problem) by using module. This research employed a research and development (R&D) method, which was used as actual proof in improving a learning media of STEM-CP based modul. There were 12 schools, including state or private schools, and 12 biology teachers as need analysis involved in this study. A needs assessment was conducted by using a questionnaire generated in Google form. The result of the needs assessment showed that teachers 70% of stated so far the learning process has not run optimally, the media that has been used so far have not maximized the learning process of 66,6%, and 83.3% of teachers stated that learning had used modules, but 16.6% stated that the learning process had not used modules. The fact is that in learning the teacher has used the module but it has not maximized the learning process. The STEM-CP module is expected to be able to improve students' critical thinking skills and SRL (Self Regulated Learning).
... Researches show that the skills of independent learners with SRL do not develop spontaneously. A suitable environment where such skills can be nurtured and integrated with student-centred teaching practices is needed (Kramarski, 2018;Maghfiroh et al., 2017). The majority of studies about learning environments supporting SRL have involved students and pre-service teachers, whereas only a few of them were conducted with a focus on in-service teachers. ...
... time management) and learning conditions (i.e., group discussion). These skills are not spontaneous-they need to be taught and supported in student-centred environments (Kramarski, 2018;Maghfiroh et al., 2017). In the current study, we used authentic simulated environments. ...
One of the required 21st-century skills necessary to cope with challenging tasks in teaching is nurturing active independent learners who can perform self-regulated learning (SRL). To support teachers in attaining and transferring their newly acquired knowledge and practices to real-time teaching in the classroom, an effective professional development programme should include authentic environments that enhance autonomous learners. We introduce a theoretical-practical model that integrates simulations with professional actors (SIM) with SRL principles (SIM-SRL). The current study aims to examine the contributions of the integrated SIM-SRL model, to leverage training with a unique simulative environment supported by metacognitive SRL questions and to nurture student-centred practices. In a quasi-experimental study, we examined the environmental effects on 113 primary school teachers by comparing three groups: SIM-SRL, SIM only, and a control exposed to a meaningful learning programme. Video-recorded lessons and self-reflections after the lesson revealed four student-centred teaching practices that support SRL: knowledge construction, meta-cognitive questions, think-time and collaboration. Results indicated that teachers in the SIM-SRL group had significantly higher performance scores, followed by the SIM group, which in turn outper-formed the control group. Implications for professional development programmes are discussed. ARTICLE HISTORY
... As a result, the scope and interdisciplinary nature of SRL intervention programmes is extensive. However, investigations covering Moodle are less common and, when they appear, most often use self-reported data (Núñez et al., 2011;Ting & Chao, 2013) and less frequently interviews (Maghfiroh, Subchan, & Iqbat, 2017) or computer-based concept mapping (Liu, 2013). Therefore, the usage of the online learning could not be sufficiently examined within the study. ...
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The aim of this study is to identify whether the combination of self-reported data that measure self-regulated learning (SRL) and computer-Assisted data that capture student engagement with an online learning environment could be used to predict student academic achievement. Personally engaged study strategies focused on deep-level learning, the process of taking control, and the evaluation of students' own learning characterize SRL. Diverse theories on how students benefit from SRL underline its positive impact on student academic outcomes. Similarly, there is no doubt that the future trend in education leans towards the integration of technolog y into teaching in order to exploit its full potential. To benefit from both approaches, a combination of self-reported data and detailed online learning events obtained from an online learning environment were investigated in relation to their ability to predict student academic achievement. A case study of 54 university students enrolled in a blended-learning course showed that of the tested SRL variables and observed learning activities, student interaction with auxiliary materials that were part of the course helped to predict academic outcomes. Despite the relatively low ability of the model to explain why some students were able to become successful learners, the presented results highlight the importance of analysing online learning events in computer-Assisted teaching and learning. © 2018 Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts. All rights reserved.