Blockchain-based traceability system architecture.

Blockchain-based traceability system architecture.

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Traditional traceability system has problems of centralized management, opaque information, untrustworthy data, and easy generation of information islands. To solve the above problems, this paper designs a traceability system based on blockchain technology for storage and query of product information in supply chain of agricultural products. Levera...

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Context 1
... blockchain-based fruit and vegetable agricultural products traceability system uses the data storage scheme to manage the growth information, processing information, logistics information and sales information of fruits and vegetables agricultural products, so as to monitor the whole process of agricultural products production, processing, transportation and sales. The structure of agricultural products blockchain traceability system was mainly divided into storage layer, service layer, interface layer and application layer, as shown in Figure 1. Among them, the storage layer includes MySQL, the local database of the system, and the CouchDB database that comes with the blockchain system. ...

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... For instance, Babu et al. [8] used MongoDB to store electronic healthrecords (EHRs) while its hash value with some patient information will be stored in the blockchain. Yang et al. [9] proposed a solution to save data of the products into two parts, the first part called public data which will be saved in relation database where the private part of the data will be stored in the blockchain. ...
... Another approaches in off-chain that use IPFS for instance, in [9] the authors use IPFS to save the data generated by IoTs in smart city applications then linked the data with Ethereum blockchain. Additional study by Mani et al. [10] uses a similar approach for saving data in IPFS which is connected to a Hyperledger blockchain that used as index in the form of key-value to reach the date in IPFS. ...
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    ... constructed a traceability blockchain architecture for the supply chain of agricultural products and a trusted computing model for IoT nodes based on blockchain. Yang et al. (2021) designed a traceability system for product information storage and query of agricultural product supply chain based on blockchain technology. They improved the transparency and credibility of traceability information by using the characteristics of blockchain technology, such as decentralization, tampering, and traceability. ...
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    ... For instance, Babu et al. [7] used MongoDB to store electronic healthrecords (EHRs) while its hash value with some patient information will be stored in the blockchain. Yang et al. [8] proposed a solution to save data of the products into two parts, the first part called public data which will be saved in relation database where the private part of the data will be stored in the blockchain. ...
    ... Another approaches in off-chain that use Interplanetary File System (IPFS) for instance, in [8] the authors use IPFS to save the data generated by IoTs in smart city applications then linked the data with Ethereum blockchain. Additional study by V. Mani et al. [9] uses a similar approach for saving data in IPFS which is connected to a Hyperledger blockchain that used as index in the form of key-value to reach the date in IPFS. ...
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    The growing popularity of the most current wave of decentralized systems, powered by blockchain technology, which act as data vaults and preserve data, ensures that, once stored, it stays preserved, considered to be one of the most promising safe and immutable storage methods. The authors of this research suggest an on-chain storage framework that stores files inside blockchain transactions using file transforming, chunking, and encoding techniques. This study investigates the performance of on-chain file storage using a simulated network blockchain environment. Test files of varying sizes were deployed. Performance metrics, including consumed time in chunking, encoding, and distributing chunks among block transactions, were measured and analyzed. An analysis of the collected data was conducted to assess the framework's performance. The result showed that selecting the appropriate chunk size significantly influences the overall performance of the system. We also explored the implications of our findings and offered suggestions for improving performance within the framework.
    ... However, traditional traceability systems often use a single central database [6] and traceability data are easily tampered with, allowing for criminals to forge information and conceal violations [7]. Traditional traceability systems have numerous shortcomings, such as slow information flow and insufficient transparency [8], making it difficult for consumers and regulatory agencies to obtain real-time and accurate information, which hinders the use of the system. ...
    ... Blockchain, through its distributed ledger technology, ensures the transparent sharing of information in the network and enhances the credibility and stability of agricultural product traceability systems. Studies [7][8][9][10][11][28][29][30][41][42][43][44] have been performed where a blockchain is applied to product traceability. Ibtisam et al. [41] proposed a fully decentralized traceability model based on blockchain, which provides product source verification, product transportation monitoring, and transaction documentation to ensure system in- tegrity and transparency. ...
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    With the development of agricultural information technology, the Internet of Things and blockchain have become important in the traceability of agricultural products. Sensors collect real-time data in agricultural production and a blockchain provides a secure and transparent storage medium for these data, which improves the transparency and credibility of agricultural product traceability. However, existing agricultural product traceability solutions are limited by the immutability of the blockchain, making it difficult to delete erroneous data and modify the scope of data sharing. This damages the credibility of traceability data and is not conducive to the exchange and sharing of information among enterprises. In this article, we propose an agricultural product traceability data management scheme based on a redactable blockchain. This scheme allows agricultural enterprises to encrypt data to protect privacy. In order to facilitate the maintenance and sharing of data, we introduce a chameleon hash function to provide data modification capabilities. Enterprises can fix erroneous data and update the access permissions of the data. To improve the efficiency of block editing, our scheme adopts a distributed block editing method. This method supports threshold editing operations, avoiding single-point-of-failure issues. We save records of data modifications on the blockchain and establish accountability mechanisms to identify malicious entities. Finally, in this paper we provide a security analysis of our proposed solution and verify its effectiveness through experiments. Compared with the existing scheme, the block generating speed is improved by 42% and the block editing speed is improved by 29.3% at 125 nodes.