Figure 4 - uploaded by Jakob Ohme
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2 Average political news exposure over time across generations Notes. Estimates are based on the mean exposure to political information in news media within each generation in each panel survey wave. Exposure to political information is estimated by linking the panel survey data to the content analysis (see Chapter 3 for methodological details).

2 Average political news exposure over time across generations Notes. Estimates are based on the mean exposure to political information in news media within each generation in each panel survey wave. Exposure to political information is estimated by linking the panel survey data to the content analysis (see Chapter 3 for methodological details).

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This book investigates news use patterns among fve diferent generations in a time where digital media create a multi-choice media environment. The book introduces the EPIG model (Engagement-ParticipationInformation-Generation) to study how diferent generational cohorts’ exposure to political information is related to their political engagement and...


... Globally, citizens increasingly use digital platforms to access news, according to the Reuters Institute Digital News Report (Newman et al., 2020(Newman et al., , 2023. Various studies examine access to news, finding that young citizens tend to seek or engage with news less frequently (Andersen et al., 2021;Eddy, 2022;Karlsen et al., 2020). Young citizens are especially reliant on digital platforms for news (Eddy, 2022). ...
... Young adults use their understanding of algorithms to opt into receiving civic and political information. Young adults' inclusion on Instagram sharply contrasts discourses about youth's news avoidance or avoidance of traditional news (e.g., Andersen et al., 2021;Eddy, 2022;Toff & Kalogeropoulos, 2020). While we provide support for young adults' digital inclusion in civic and political uses of Instagram, we also document older adults' relative lack of inclusion. ...
... Most importantly, our findings offer new insights into the literature about generational differences in news consumption (Andersen et al., 2021;Boulianne & Shehata, 2022;Karlsen et al., 2020;Toff & Kalogeropoulos, 2020). Other scholarship focuses on traditional media, finding that young adults are consuming lower amounts of news and political information. ...
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Social media platforms are a critical source of civic and political information. We examine the use of Instagram to acquire news as well as civic and political information using nationally representative survey data gathered in 2019 in the US, the UK, France, and Canada ( n = 2,440). We investigate active curation practices (following news organizations, political candidates or parties, and nonprofit organizations or charities) and passive curation practices (liking friends’ political posts and those from parties or politicians and nonprofits or charities). Young adults (18 to 24 years) are far more likely to curate their Instagram feed than older adults in all four countries. We consider two possible explanations for this behavior: political interest and an understanding of how algorithms work. Young adults have more (self-assessed) knowledge of algorithms in all four countries. Algorithmic knowledge relates to curation practices, but there are some cross-national differences. Algorithmic knowledge is theoretically relevant for passive curation practices and the UK sample provides support for the stronger role of algorithmic knowledge in passive than active curation. In all four countries, political interest positively relates to active and passive curation practices. These findings challenge depictions of young adults as news avoiders; instead, they demonstrate that algorithmic knowledge can help curate the flow of information from news organizations as well as civic and political groups on Instagram. While algorithmic knowledge enables youth’s digital inclusion, for older adults, the lack of knowledge may contribute to digital exclusion as they do not know how to curate their information flows.
... As redes sociais, em comparação com os media tradicionais como os jornais, rádio e televisão, proporcionam uma transmissão de conteúdo político de forma direta, diversificada e relevante (Andersen et al., 2020). Isto é principalmente significativo no caso dos jovens, uma vez que se encontram fortemente presentes nas redes sociais. ...
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As redes sociais desempenham um papel central na vida dos jovens. Estas plataformas são espaços de socializa-ção, comunicação, entretenimento e ainda o local eleito pelos jovens para o seu consumo noticioso. Estas permi-tem igualmente novas formas de mobilização e participa-ção política, o que gera novas dinâmicas, oportunidades e desafios. Por um lado, facilitam o acesso à informação, possibilitam um canal direto de comunicação entre elei-tos e eleitores e fornecem um espaço em que todos os cidadãos podem expressar e partilhar ideias livremente. No seu reverso os algoritmos, câmaras de eco e bolhas de filtro incentivam à polarização política e potencializam a intolerância. O presente artigo, recorrendo ao método de scoping re-view, faz o levantamento e expõe os estudos existentes publicados nos últimos anos sobre esta problemática, tal como apresenta uma discussão crítica e propostas de futu-ras investigações que tenham em vista compreender este fenómeno à luz do contexto social e político português.
... Hal ini dapat dilihat dari pilihan bahasa yang informal yang menjadikannya tampak akrab dengan pendukung mereka. Pada dasarnya, berkomunikasi langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui media sosial, tidak diragukan lagi merupakan bentuk dari kehadiran politik di tengah-tengah generasi milenial dan gen Z yang dikenal antipati terhadap dunia politik (Andersen et al., 2021). Menggunakan bahasa yang diterima sebuah kelompok tersebut akan membuat percakapan lebih mudah dan memungkinkan diri untuk mengikuti perkembangan zaman dalam riding wave atas isu-isu kekinian sehingga nama partai tetap dibicarakan khalayak ramai. ...
Perkembangan media sosial berbasis internet membuat peran media sosial saat ini semakin meningkat secara signifikan, terutama di bidang politik. Bahkan, elektabilitas suatu partai dapat dipengaruhi oleh impresi publik yang dibentuk oleh media sosial. Dari fenomena tersebut, penulis secara khusus tertarik untuk mengkaji program dan strategi media sosial twitter dan facebook dari partai Gerindra. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana penggunaan media sosial oleh partai Gerindra mempengaruhi citra dan dukungan publik terhadap partai tersebut. Penelitian ini sendiri menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan studi analisis wacana yang mengadaptasi logika media sosial dari Van Dijk-Poell yakni programabilitas, popularitas, konektivitas, dan datafikasi ke dalam komunikasi politik yang dilakukan Gerindra melalui media sosialnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Gerindra dengan baik telah mengimplementasikan logika media sosial dalam strategi pemasaran politiknya. Partai ini juga berhasil menciptakan ikatan yang kuat serta menarik perhatian publik, khususnya generasi muda, yang kemudian menjadi manifestasi dalam pemilu 2024 mendatang. Strategi ini menghasilkan tren positif bagi partai, hasil beberapa survei pada tahun 2021 menunjukkan bahwa kaum milenial dan Generasi Z lebih cenderung memilih Prabowo (Ketua Umum Gerindra) sebagai presiden. Seiring dengan dominasi media sosial, konsep logika media sosial menjadi suatu hal yang tidak dapat ditinggalkan bagi para aktor politik. Terakhir, dengan kemajuan teknologi, diperkirakan persaingan partai politik digital di media sosial akan semakin ketat pada tahun 2024.
... Politics is boring and we can not give information in boring ways, especially recently many of the youth have the ability to choose their future leader and as new voters we can not deny they do not have enough knowledge about politics, therefore they will choose social media for gathering new information. Many political involvements have been transformed, they do not use traditional ways anymore, they change their medium which is in digital (Andersen et al., 2021). Politicians utilize their social media to share their achievement and not their scandal therefore for balance as the citizens we should have given more information about the politicians especially during election or the campaign. ...
... Politicians utilize their social media to share their achievement and not their scandal therefore for balance as the citizens we should have given more information about the politicians especially during election or the campaign. People should pay more attention to political issues and democratic countries upheld the notion of freedom as a basic value for every citizen actively participating in controlling the decisions for public interest (Andersen et al., 2021;Paskarina, 2020). ...
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Starting from the colonial era, post - colonial, old order, new order, reformation and until this contemporary political situation in Indonesia, the youth voices always contributed to shaping national identity and changed the political landscape in Indonesia. Therefore, the power youth movement has become a legacy in Indonesia as agents of change. The world is changing and forcing us to have new strategies to convince and influence people, for instance #GejayanMemanggil movement utilized social media and they successfully took people's attention. Through this hashtag that was created by the student activists in their social media, they share their concern towards the government to carry out people together against government immoral acts. This article employs qualitative methods and believes social media as digital activism have a big potential to influence people to participate in activism.
... First, in a longitudinal perspective, we observe inter-generational trends in the use of online media during election times by addressing the question whether younger generations of Finns have been more likely to turn to online sources during elections than older generations. Second, recognising that not all types of citizens may be equally likely to use online media to become politically informed and involved (see Andersen et al., 2021;Keating & Melis, 2017), we investigate intragenerational differences. Specifically, for each identified generation, we study the impact of resource-and motivation-based factors that drive Finnish citizens to use online media in election times. ...
... Keating and Melis (2017, 80), thus, argue that the current generation of youth is the first to truly reflect the mobilising potential of the Internet and social media. This is echoed in a recent major study by Andersen et al. (2021) dealing with generational differences regarding exposure to political information in legacy news media and social media and the effects of such exposure on political involvement. Departing from a cohort perspective, Andersen et al. (2021) point out that different generations not only have experienced different societal changes and political events in their formative stages of life; they have also been socialised into different patterns of media use during those stages: ...
... This is echoed in a recent major study by Andersen et al. (2021) dealing with generational differences regarding exposure to political information in legacy news media and social media and the effects of such exposure on political involvement. Departing from a cohort perspective, Andersen et al. (2021) point out that different generations not only have experienced different societal changes and political events in their formative stages of life; they have also been socialised into different patterns of media use during those stages: ...
... This is because different topics might have been discussed in the news at different time points and might have impacted individuals' perception of pro-/counter-attitudinal news. Relatedly, Sample 2 was recruited shortly before and after the midterms in the United States, which might have impacted news exposure (Andersen et al., 2020). However, participants were asked for their news consumption during the past 6 months to prevent short-term outliers like those potentially caused by the midterms. ...
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This work investigated the prevalence of filter bubble or echo chamber-related phenomena, psychological factors rendering individuals resilient or vulnerable to them, and their associations to political views focusing on extremity and polarization. For this, a cross-cultural replication of a study by Sindermann et al. (2021) was conducted. As an extension, multiple political views variables were assessed to examine whether the application of different conceptualizations of political views explains heterogeneous findings across previous studies. Two samples were recruited: 390 (n = 135 males) US college students and a quota sample of 489 (n = 243 males) US adults. Participants completed personality scales and measures on political news consumption homogeneity versus heterogeneity and political views. Consistent with previous research, results revealed few individuals consume political news absolutely homogeneously. Openness was negatively related to the degree of political news consumption homogeneity, and the relationship between political news consumption homogeneity and political views yielded inconsistent, often statistically nonsignificant, results. These findings challenge the prevailing notion of filter bubbles and echo chambers as widespread phenomena and indicate that relationships between political news consumption homogeneity and political views are not necessarily deleterious with respect to extremization and polarization. As such, the results suggest that these phenomena might not be as significant for the general population as previously thought. Nonetheless, certain individuals might still find themselves in filter bubbles or echo chambers and suffer from accompanying consequences. In this regard, the present work replicates findings underscoring that individuals with lower Openness exhibit greater political news consumption homogeneity.
... In relation to the societal implications, our study raises several concerns. First, as selective news avoidance predominately seems to be a "trait," characterizing a consistent group of news avoiders, our findings underline the democratic consequences of this audience behavior, as these people will be less likely to engage in politics (Andersen et al., 2021). Given that an increasing number of people avoid news (Gorski & Thomas, 2022), this audience behavior is likely to result in increasing knowledge and participation gaps polarizing the electorate (see Damstra et al., 2023;Van Aelst et al., 2017). ...
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Can news avoidance be considered a stable personal "trait," adhering to a specific group of consistent news avoiders, or is it rather a volatile "state" reflecting temporal variations in audience practices? Based on a five-wave panel survey collected in Sweden during the coronavirus pandemic, we show that selective avoidance of news about the pandemic varies both between persons, representing consistency, and within persons, representing temporality. Drawing on the information utility model, we additionally show that both dimensions are related to audience preferences, specifically news interest, news media trust, and societal concerns. These results illustrate that the practice of selective news avoidance is not restricted to a specific group of people with limited news use but also represents a more fluid audience behavior of adjusting news consumption patterns in response to individual and contextual changes. However, as the correlates of the two dimensions are similar, the results stress the polarizing potential of news avoidance in democracy.
... Existe una preocupación creciente sobre cómo la participación cívica va cayendo con el paso de las generaciones y sobre cómo la juventud está cada vez menos involucrada con su comunidad y con cuestiones cívicas (Andersen et al., 2021). Sin embargo, a pesar de la vasta literatura sobre compromiso cívico, la discusión en torno a su definición y conceptualización es muy compleja, ya que muchas veces se utiliza de manera poco precisa y depende de la visión de los autores sobre cómo las personas deben involucrarse en los asuntos públicos (Phan y Kloos, 2023). ...
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Este artículo tiene por objetivos comprender cómo surgen las manifestaciones de compromiso cívico en jóvenes de contextos vulnerables y cómo los procesos educomunicativos podrían ser útiles para entender la forma en que conectan con el compromiso cívico. Los resultados se desprenden del caso de estudio de un proyecto Horizon 2020 que se desarrolló de enero a junio de 2022 con jóvenes de entre 16 y 18 años de una asociación educativa del barrio del Raval en Barcelona. Se realizaron 32 talleres en los que se aplicó la metodología audiovisual participativa y el trabajo etnográfico basado en la observación participante y no participante. Los resultados identificaron que el proceso educomunicativo permitió a las personas jóvenes desarrollar una mirada colectiva y una identidad social que favoreció despertar su interés, manifestar opiniones y reaccionar ante las problemáticas de su entorno. Así, se concluye que estos procesos pueden contribuir a garantizar el derecho de las personas jóvenes a participar en la vida cívica y política con una mirada diversa que preste atención a sus propias motivaciones y formas de manifestarse.
... So zeigen Untersuchungen, dass die Mitglieder der Generation Z auf ihre Work-Life-Balance besonders großen Wert legen und hohe Erwartungen an ihr Arbeitsumfeld haben (Barhate & Dirani, 2022). Hinsichtlich des politischen Engagements und Interesses liegen bislang unterschiedliche Befunde zur Generation Z vor; nach aktuellstem Stand dürften zwar kleine Gruppen innerhalb dieser Generation politisch sehr aktiv sein, das Gros zeichnet sich jedoch im Vergleich zu früheren Generationen durch eine geringere politische Partizipation aus (Andersen et al., 2021). Vor dem Hintergrund dieses Forschungsstands überprüfen wir die folgenden Hypothesen: H5: Die Generationen Y und Z stehen der Zuwanderung nach Österreich positiver gegenüber als ältere Generationen. ...
... Teile der jüngsten Generation Z (geb. ab 2001) dürften nach den Erkenntnissen von Jugendstudien (Hurrelmann & Albrecht, 2021;Andersen et al., 2021) wieder stärker für Protestbewegungen zu gewinnen sein, wie auch die aktuellen Bewegungen im Umweltbereich (z.B. Fridays for Future, Letzte Generation) belegen. ...
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This edited volume offers researchers, educators and students of the social sciences insights into the long-term consequences of the historic COVID-19 crisis. It contains contributions based on the longitudinal study ‘Values in Crisis 2020–2022’, in whose surveys more than 2000 respondents took part, by over 20 authors located at Austrian universities and research institutions. The book illuminates various topics such as value orientations, future expectations and the well-being of Austrians during the pandemic. Empirical insights give an overview of social inequalities during the crisis, changes in the assessment of relevant spheres of life, conspiracy mentality and many other pressing issues in contemporary Austrian society.
... Young people tend to gravitate to less organizationally oriented and more "nonhierarchical" activism (Reedy et al., 2016;Taft, 2010). Activism with lower thresholds that is not directly connected to established institutions appears to align with youth lifestyle (Andersen et al., 2021). The presence of youth online may signal their singular perspectives as digital natives; online, they can position themselves as not merely "miniature adults" but rather distinct actors with their own intersectional identities (Rohlinger & Earl, 2017). ...
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After the murder of George Floyd, dozens of social media accounts arose describing the lived experience of being Black at various educational institutions. One subset of accounts emerged on Instagram from students and teachers at no-excuses Charter Management Organizations (CMOs). Accounts such as @blackatuncommon and @survivors_of_successacademy created a fascinating form of digital protest in which students expressed anger and frustration with their charter school experience. Using discourse analysis and content analysis, this chapter analyzes the primary content patterns of such protests. We argue that the social media posts provide a rarely heard first-hand account of the experience of being a student in a CMO, an experience filled with surveillance, cultural isolation, racism, and humiliation. More than an accounting of experience, the posts also provide perceptive critiques of the no excuses CMO model.