Astata lugens Taschenberg, 1870 ♀ [BRASIL: Goiás, PN Chapada dos Veadeiros, -14.160958° -47.791376°, 1.086 m, v.2009, Silvestre R. et al. col., MuBio-UFGD Hym-00165-S] A labial palpus, scale bar: 200 µm B ocellar region, scale bar: 200 µm C propodeal enclosure, scale bar: 500 µm D pygidial plate, scale bar: 500 µm E thorax and abdomen in lateral view, scale bar: 1 mm.

Astata lugens Taschenberg, 1870 ♀ [BRASIL: Goiás, PN Chapada dos Veadeiros, -14.160958° -47.791376°, 1.086 m, v.2009, Silvestre R. et al. col., MuBio-UFGD Hym-00165-S] A labial palpus, scale bar: 200 µm B ocellar region, scale bar: 200 µm C propodeal enclosure, scale bar: 500 µm D pygidial plate, scale bar: 500 µm E thorax and abdomen in lateral view, scale bar: 1 mm.

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Astatid wasps are referred to in literature as specialized predators of hemipterans. We present an unusual prey record for the genus Astata in a Cerrado area (Savannah), at Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, Goiás State, Brazil. We collected one specimen of Astata lugens Taschenberg carrying an immature cricket (Gryllidae) as prey.

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