Fig 1 - uploaded by Daniel S. Adler
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Armenia obsidian sources (black circles) included in this study, archaeological sites referenced in the text (black squares), and source complexes (dashed lines) as conceptualized in the tests. Localities with different names but identical compositions are represented by a single dot (e.g., Djraber, Gyumush, Fontan, etc. localities of Gutansar). No attempt is made here to precisely represent the full primary and secondary distribution of the obsidians. For this study, Syunik complex specimens did not include sources only recently surveyed by our team, such as Mijnek Satanakar, Pokr Satanakar, and Merkasar. Although not conceptualized as such for this study, Gutansar and Hatis can be considered the Hrazdan-Kotayk group, while Khorapor is part of the Vardenis group. Apnagyugh-8 is unof fi cially known as Kmlo-2. Digital elevation data from SRTM3 (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission dataset version 3), and base map shared and modi fi ed under Creative Commons terms from Wikimedia Commons. 

Armenia obsidian sources (black circles) included in this study, archaeological sites referenced in the text (black squares), and source complexes (dashed lines) as conceptualized in the tests. Localities with different names but identical compositions are represented by a single dot (e.g., Djraber, Gyumush, Fontan, etc. localities of Gutansar). No attempt is made here to precisely represent the full primary and secondary distribution of the obsidians. For this study, Syunik complex specimens did not include sources only recently surveyed by our team, such as Mijnek Satanakar, Pokr Satanakar, and Merkasar. Although not conceptualized as such for this study, Gutansar and Hatis can be considered the Hrazdan-Kotayk group, while Khorapor is part of the Vardenis group. Apnagyugh-8 is unof fi cially known as Kmlo-2. Digital elevation data from SRTM3 (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission dataset version 3), and base map shared and modi fi ed under Creative Commons terms from Wikimedia Commons. 

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Armenia has one of the most obsidian-rich natural and cultural landscapes in the world, and the lithic assemblages of numerous Palaeolithic sites are predominantly, if not entirely, composed of obsidian. Recent excavations at the Middle Palaeolithic cave of Lusakert 1 recovered, on average, 470 obsidian artifacts daily. After sourcing more than 170...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... smaller than Belgium or the state of Maryland, Armenia has more than a dozen obsidian-bearing volcanic centers, resulting in one of the most obsidian-rich natural and cultural landscapes in the world. At numerous Palaeolithic sites, obsidian comprises the majority, if not the entirety, of the lithic assemblage. This is the case at two sites recently excavated by the Hrazdan Gorge Palaeolithic Project (Adler et al., 2012): Nor Geghi 1, an open- air Lower Palaeolithic site, and Lusakert 1, a Middle Palaeolithic cave site ( Fig. 1). Their lithic assemblages are more than 99% obsidian. At Lusakert 1, in particular, after four excavation seasons (2008 e 2011), 13,970 obsidian artifacts have been recovered (excluding 5970 fragments smaller than 25 mm) from 11.9 m 3 of sediment. That is, 1174 obsidian artifacts were recovered per cubic meter. On average, 470 obsidian artifacts were excavated daily with spatial data recorded by two Leica total stations. In 2011, the project began a new program of obsidian studies, including artifact sourcing as well as source surveys and characterization. During the 2012 season, we analyzed over 1700 artifacts in our fi eld house using portable X-ray fl uorescence (pXRF). We established that the Nor Geghi 1 and Lusakert 1 assemblages were both approximately 93% obsidian from Gutansar (sometimes spelled as Gutanasar), the nearest volcanic center with abundant obsidian resources. The remainder came from numerous sources throughout Armenia, including Hatis, Pokr and Mets Arteni, Pokr Sevkar, Geghasar, and the Tsakhkunyats sources. Publications on these fi ndings, included detailed source and spatial data, are currently in preparation. The focus of this paper is a methodological development that arose out of our work, speci fi cally a desire to have obsidian source information available on-site. The methods we document here will be deployed in future seasons, becoming a routine component of our excavation toolkit and constituting a key strategy in our approach to site surveys and assessments. As hundreds of artifacts were sourced in our fi eld house during the 2012 season and the results compared to the spatial data, it became clear to us (for reasons discussed in Section 2) that an artifact ’ s geological origin would be useful information to have on- site during an excavation or survey. Our tests of visual classi fi cation yielded little success. Gutansar obsidian is highly variable in appearance, and as Table 1 shows, any “ exotic ” artifacts from other sources were overlooked and grouped into types with Gutansar artifacts. Thus, we began our efforts to develop methods for shifting pXRF from our fi eld house into the fi eld itself. As discussed in Section 2.4, pXRF-based obsidian sourcing has hitherto been largely conducted in laboratories, museums, and fi eld houses. Although our colleagues are using dust- and waterproof instruments with 10- h batteries, obsidian sourcing remains embedded in post- excavation studies and is rarely, if ever, done in the fi eld. A critical factor in the uptake of obsidian sourcing in the fi eld is the time needed for each measurement. In recent pXRF-based obsidian studies (Table 2), analyses took 2 e 6 min. The most common duration is 5 min, corresponding to 12 artifacts per hour. Our excavations at Lusakert 1 yielded, on average, 70 e 80 artifacts per hour. Although this suggests a need for 45-s measurements, we aimed for 10 s so that these analyses could become syncopated with the excavation activities. Additionally, we deemed it was insuf fi cient simply to conduct a measurement in that time. After 10 s, we wanted the instrument ’ s built-in LCD to display an artifact ’ s source so excavators and surveyors could instantly know the result. Reducing measurements from a mode of 300 s to just 10 s and having the instrument ’ s onboard software automatically do the data analysis is bound to raise challenging assumptions about the validity and reliability of our approach. We show that the technological capability to source obsidian artifacts rapidly on-site exists, but the methods to do so effectively were previously undeveloped. Our tests with Armenian geological specimens and Palaeolithic artifacts demonstrate the high ef fi cacy of the two methods we report here. Obsidian artifact sourcing conducted rapidly on-site can trans- form the ways in which our discipline approaches subjects involving raw-material procurement, transport, and use as well as the organization of space and the identi fi cation of activity areas. In this paper, “ pXRF ” refers to the ruggedized instruments about the size and shape of a cordless drill. In contrast, some researchers (e.g., Craig et al., 2007; Liritzis and Zacharias, 2011; Speakman and Shackley, 2013) consider “ pXRF ” to include benchtop instruments that could be transported from an analytical laboratory to a similar context in a museum or fi eld house. Such instruments have been used to good effect for sourcing obsidian artifacts (e.g., Cecil et al., 2007; Speakman et al., 2007; Liritzis, 2008). These systems, though, require a computer and electrical outlet, and they would not fare well outdoors. We focus on handheld analyzers designed for use in the fi eld (e.g., geological exploration) and industrial settings (e.g., scrapyards, manufacturing). Obsidian sourcing at an archaeological site may yield insights that inform the excavation strategies. Consider, for instance, that most of the obsidian at our two sites originated ...
Context 2
... software features: (1) “ pass/fail ” mode for testing consumer products and (2) “ pseudo-elements, ” commonly used to automatically calculate percent oxide or element ratios. This method follows Hughes ’ approach to classi fi cation, and it remedies the key weakness of our fi rst method: a lack of quantitative elemental data. pXRF is often used to test consumer products for compliance with regulatory limits. For example, the software can be used with pass/fail criteria for the European Union ’ s Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS). RoHS prohibits, for example, Pb above 1000 ppm. A Pb concentration over 1300 ppm results in the measurement highlighted in red to mark a “ fail. ” If Pb is below 700 ppm, the result is a green “ pass. ” A yellow “ inconclusive ” results if the level falls in the intermediate range. Thresholds may be set for any element; however, the algorithms are rather simple. The software assumes “ pass ” is below a low threshold and “ fail ” is above a high one. There is no way to de fi ne an intermediate range as “ pass. ” Another issue is illustrated by Fig. 5. Suppose one wishes to distinguish two obsidians based on Elements A and B. Neither source can be de fi ned by ranges of Elements A and B due to overlaps. There is, though, an axis on which the two populations are perfectly differentiated: line c - d. This axis combines Elements A and B in a discriminant function (line e-f ). With more elements, discriminant analysis (DA) derives the best discriminating axes in higher dimensions. These functions can also classify new observations (i.e., analyzed artifacts). The general form of a discriminant function is: where D 1⁄4 discriminant function; c 1⁄4 discriminant coef fi cients; X 1⁄4 original variables (e.g., elements); i 1⁄4 number of variables; A 1⁄4 constant. Such an equation is compatible with the software ’ s “ pseudo- elements. ” For example, a geologist may be more interested in the ratio of CuO to NiO in a rock outcrop than the absolute Cu and Ni contents. The software can report a pseudo-element de fi ned as (Cu  1.252)/(Ni  1.273), and the calculations are done automatically and displayed onscreen. If that geologist is interested in identifying rocks above a particular ratio, pass/fail thresholds could be de fi ned (and quantitative data for Cu and Ni would still be acquired to calculate the pseudo-element). Consequently, we derived discriminant functions, entered them as pseudo-elements, and calculated thresholds for six Armenian obsidian source complexes. It must be emphasized that, to calculate the pseudo-elements, fully quantitative elemental data (i.e., data corrected for matrix effects, calibrated, and converted into element concentrations) are acquired simultaneously. Five elements were selected for DA: Zr, Sr, Rb, Nb, and Fe. For two reasons, these are among the elements most frequently used for obsidian sourcing (e.g., Seelenfreund et al., 2002; Silliman, 2005; Negash and Shackley, 2006; Carter and Shackley, 2007; De Francesco et al., 2008; Phillips and Speakman, 2009; Shackley, 2009). First, their concentrations vary little within obsidian fl ows but can vary as much as three orders of magnitude among vol- canoes (Rapp and Hill, 2006:225). Second, due to X-ray physics, elements in “ mid-Z ” portion of the periodic table are measured especially well with XRF (e.g., Giaque et al., 1993). Shackley (2008) notes these elements are “ some of the most sensitive ” for sourcing (203). Therefore, this method follows a Hughesian approach: using the best-measured, most-discriminating elements. These elements are also measured using the “ main ” X-ray fi lter and, therefore, can be simultaneously quanti fi ed. Other elements, including Ba and Ti, have proven useful in prior obsidian sourcing studies. However, Ba must be measured using Niton ’ s “ high ” fi lter, which would increase the measurement duration. Similarly, Ti can be detected using the main fi lter; however, precise quanti fi cation at its concentrations in obsidian requires the “ low ” fi lter. As noted in Section 4.1, measurement uncertainty is inversely proportional to the square root of the measurement time. Fig. 6 shows the results of our tests regarding this relationship for Zr, Sr, Rb, Nb, and Fe. For all fi ve elements, uncertainties are below 10% (at the 2 s -level) after 10 s. In fact, for Sr and Rb, the uncertainty is 6% after 10 s, and for Zr and Fe, it is 4%. Consider that NAA has uncertainties of 2 e 5% for elements such as Rb and 5 e 10% for Sr and Zr (Glascock et al., 2007: 346). After 10 s, these elements have uncertainties comparable to NAA data, and there is little point in longer measurements. With a limit of 15 pseudo-elements, de fi ning populations using two to three discriminant functions restricted us to fi ve to seven groups. Using the XLSTAT Pro statistical package, we derived three discriminant functions based on more than 1800 analyses from six obsidian source complexes (Fig. 1): Arteni ( n 1⁄4 356), Geghasar ( n 1⁄4 58), Gutansar ( n 1⁄4 886), Hatis ( n 1⁄4 330), Syunik ( n 1⁄4 81), and Tsakhkunyats ( n 1⁄4 78). Therefore, as a trade-off for fully quantitative elemental data, the distinction between, for example, Pokr and Mets Arteni obsidians would not be evident in the fi eld with this con fi guration, but subsequent data analyses could discern them. If distinguishing Pokr and Mets Arteni was important, newly derived functions could do so. We derived three discriminant functions using Nb, Zr, Sr, Rb, and Fe, and since pseudo-elements are assumed to yield positive numbers, the functions ’ constants were increased so that all results are positive. The fi nal equations ...
Context 3
... during an eight-hour shift. These algorithms can also be used with other materials and custom libraries. In the Niton software, this is called Spectral Fingerprint mode. First one uses the Teach Fingerprint routine to record spectra from reference materials and create a custom library. Each measurement takes 60 s. Then one measures a specimen using Match Fingerprint , and the built-in screen shows the closest matching reference in realtime. To identify a matching reference material, the algorithms use a Pearson ’ s chi-squared ( c 2 ) test as a means to determine goodness of fi t between the spectrum from a specimen and those in the library (Hejzlar and Pesce, 2009). This statistic is one of the most common metrics for “ best fi ts ” in spectrometry. Speci fi cally, the Niton software uses measured X-ray intensities from 24 pre-set elements to calculate the mean squared distance (MSD) between measurements from a specimen and each reference material within the library. If the spectra from a specimen and a reference material perfectly match, the MSD is zero. As differences increase, the MSD increases as well. As soon as one starts measuring a specimen, the LCD displays the name of the one or two best matches from the library and the MSD for each. Thus, calculated and displayed in realtime, is a statistical metric of the matches between a specimen and the reference population. One weakness of this method is the pre-set list of 24 elements: Sb, Sn, Pd, Ag, Al, Mo, Nb, Zr, Bi, Re, Pb, Se, W, Ta, Zn, Hf, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, Cr, V, and Ti. These elements allow identi fi cation of over 400 metal alloys, but many are not particularly useful for obsidian. Nb and Zr are very useful for obsidian sourcing. Ta and Hf, for example, can be useful for obsidian but occur at concentrations that require the sensitivity of NAA. Sr and Rb, however, are missing, and elements such as W and Ni are unlikely to yield much discriminating power. At present, elements cannot be added or removed to the Spectral Fingerprint mode (but this may change in the future). Nevertheless, we felt that this method was worth exploring due to the multitude of elements used to derive the fi ngerprints, following Harbottle ’ s approach. Another drawback is that X-ray intensities are not converted into element concentrations. Measurements are reported in cps/ m A (i.e., X-ray counts per second per microAmp of X-ray tube current) rather than parts per million (ppm) or weight percent. This simpli fi es the algorithms for realtime calculations against potentially hundreds of reference materials. Because the Spectral Fingerprint mode is comparative, only measured X-ray intensities are recorded, and no matrix or overlap corrections are made to the measurements. Nevertheless, this method is quantitative because all X-ray intensities for the references and specimens are recorded, statistically matched, and available as a spreadsheet for docu- mentation or further statistical testing. Measuring and reporting X- ray intensities was once standard (e.g., Ambrose et al., 1981; Brown, 1983; Godfrey-Smith and Haywood, 1984; Shackley, 1988), and most of the foundational obsidian studies are based on intensities (e.g., Jack and Heizer, 1968; Jack and Carmichael, 1969). Today, however, reporting X-ray intensities is commonly considered insuf fi cient (e.g., Shackley, 2005), but while uncommon, it is not unheard of (e.g., Astruc et al., 2007). We concur that, if possible, geochemical measurements of artifacts and specimens should be fully quantitative and generally compatible with data collected by archaeometric laboratories. As noted in Section 4.2, all artifacts and geological specimens were previously analyzed using fully calibrated pXRF. For our specialized applications, however, we are willing to consider a method based on X-ray intensities rather than elemental data, and as noted in Section 3.2, there already are distinct technique-based communities of practice in obsidian sourcing. Thus, while we are interested in the long-term utility of our raw data, our primary goal is pro- ducing correct source identi fi cations useful to our team during excavations and surveys. Lastly, metal identi fi cation commonly involves fl at surfaces and, for alloys like stainless steel, minimal surface alteration. It was unknown at the outset of this study how the curvature and weathering of artifacts would affect our results. Using ceramics, pXRF tests by Forster et al. (2011) demonstrate that elements are not equally affected by surface effects. Light elements, like Si, Ca, and Ti, are strongly affected by convex, concave, and grooved surfaces, whereas heavy elements like Rb, Sr, and Zr are largely im- mune. The same trend was reported for surface coatings. Therefore, if suitable elements dominate the fi ngerprint in Spectral Fingerprint mode, the results could be largely unaffected by surface irregularities. The instrument was “ taught ” twelve obsidian spectra for this test (Fig. 1): Pokr Arteni, Mets Arteni, Gutansar, Hatis, Geghasar, Syunik-1 (Pokr and Mets Sevkar), Syunik-2 (Mets Satanakar and Bazenk), Tsakhkunyats-1 (Arkayasar/Kamakar), Tsakhkunyats-2 (Ttvakar), and Tsakhkunyats-3 (Damlik). Each type was represented by one polished specimen characterized by NAA, XRF, and EMPA. Although the software has the capability to store hundreds of fi ngerprints, we used one specimen per obsidian type for two reasons. The fi rst was speed. Obsidian sources are, with few ex- ceptions, geochemically homogeneous (e.g., Glascock et al., 1998: 18, Hughes, 1998: 107, Shackley, 2008: 198), and with one specimen each, we taught the software all twelve obsidians in less than 20 min. We could pick up a new instrument and use this method in minutes. Second, the software reports only the two best matches, so using two or more specimens would mean not knowing the second-best match. When the fi ngerprints are plotted (Fig. 3), our data suggest that most elements provide a degree of discrimination. This might be due partly to the uncorrected nature of these data (i.e., they are unadjusted for interferences from other elements). This is sometimes due to an element already in the fi ngerprint. For example, Co appears to vary considerably, but the measurements likely re fl ect interferences from Fe X-rays. In contrast, the Bi data likely include interferences from Ba, an element useful in obsidian sourcing. Thus, fi ngerprints include subtle contributions from elements beyond the pre-set list, and such interferences become fortuitous (e.g., Ba is not included in the pre-set list of elements, but it nevertheless contributes to the overall fi ngerprint due to its uncorrected contributions to the Bi X-ray intensity measurements). First, 485 geological specimens were analyzed once for 10 s. Of these specimens, 459 corresponded to the twelve Armenian obsidians for which the software had fi ngerprints in its reference library, and 26 came from Georgia and Turkey. All specimens were analyzed on unprepared surfaces, which varied from smooth fl ake scars to weathered exteriors. This test used a cardboard stand, designed to be lightweight and duplicated anywhere in the world. Second, the 154 artifacts were measured for 10 s, and the instrument was used as it would be in the fi eld. Operation was entirely handheld without a laptop, electricity, or test stand. Analyses were started by the trigger and ended automatically after 10 s. Positioning was aided by the instrument ’ s internal camera. The artifact surface selected for analysis was simply the one considered least likely to puncture a fi lm over the measurement window. Analyses were conducted outdoors in conditions that varied from direct sunlight to light rain. Fig. 4 demonstrates what the pXRF displays. For Gutansar and Hatis, the match was suf fi ciently de fi nitive that only the best fi t and its c 2 value were displayed. For the Pokr Arteni specimen, the correct source is marginally better than the B-ranked Mets Arteni. For a Syunik-Sevkar specimen, Syunik-Satanakar is a close second- best fi t. The Tsakhkunyats-2 specimen is correctly identi fi ed, and Tsakhkunyats-3 is ranked as the next-best match. Table 3 summarizes the A- and B-rank matches and their c 2 values for the 459 Armenian geological specimens, and Supplementary Table S1 gives specimen-by-specimen results. Only seven were misidenti fi ed. Five specimens from Mets Arteni were matched to Pokr Arteni, just 3 km away (with Mets Arteni as close B-rank matches). A Syunik-Sevkar specimen was matched to Syunik-Satanakar, and vice versa. For both, the c 2 values were virtually identical. To establish how the software would handle obsidians not in the library, we analyzed 26 specimens from Georgia and Turkey. Table 4 summarizes the A- and B-rank matches and their c 2 values for these specimens, and Supplementary Table S2 gives specimen-by- specimen results. The Nemrut Da ǧ specimen yielded c 2 values so high that the screen displayed “ No Match, ” and the Bingöl B specimens had c 2 values above 1, indicating poor matches. The other nine Turkey specimens had c 2 values between 0.43 and 0.92, and their A- and B-rank matches are anomalous compared to Table 3. For example, the Sar ı kam ı s ̧ specimen had an A-rank match of Syunik-Sevkar, but the B-rank was Pokr Arteni, not Syunik- Satanakar. Hence, A- and B-rank matches that make little geochemical sense can suggest a mismatch. Georgian specimens were matched to Tsakhkunyats-3 and Hatis, not Chikiani, and their c 2 values may be too small to be recognized as erroneous. Therefore, we propose including a Chikiani fi ngerprint in future work. Table 5 summarizes the A- and B-rank matches and their c 2 values for the 154 artifacts, and Supplementary Table S3 lists artifact-by-artifact results. Generally the artifacts have higher c 2 values than the geological specimens. This is likely due to a com- bination of artifacts ’ uneven, weathered surfaces ...
Context 4
... as they dig. Our methods offer a new way to make fi eld observations because, as demonstrated by our tests of visual classi fi cation, volcanic source is one tangible aspect of the material culture not apparent while excavating. As a routine component of fi eld practice, on-site obsidian sourcing may yield insights when such information would be immediately relevant to excavators and their interpretations. We are also interested in insights from obsidian sourcing during surveys. Surveys are the principal means not only to search for and choose sites for excavation but also to reconstruct the distribution and organization of groups across the landscape. Obsidian sourcing during a survey may offer insights into settlement type, resource management, and other spatiotemporal patterns that inform how we approach surveys and document sites. Consider Kuhn ’ s (1995) provisioning strategies for mobile foragers. Resource planning must account for the frequency and predictability of moves, variety and abundance of foraging opportunities, and availability of replacement raw materials. Kuhn describes two approaches to maintain tool supplies: individual provisioning and place provisioning. Individual provisioning is a strategy in which there is uncertainty about mobility, resource availability, and opportunities for reprovisioning with raw materials, while place provisioning is a strategy with lower mobility and greater predictability in resource availability and distribution. Thus, raw-material transport and management strategies differ based on mobility and landscape knowledge, and strategies on a particular landscape may vary diachronically due to climatic shifts. Therefore, the ability to rapidly identify local and non-local obsidians during surveys has great interpretive potential. At sites just a short distance from an obsidian source, artifacts from only that source may indicate a strategy primarily in fl uenced by place- provisioning. In contrast, sites with artifacts from diverse sources could re fl ect a predominance of individual provisioning. In reality, both provisioning strategies were almost always at work. For example, foragers may have used individual provisioning while traveling from the Syunik region to Gutansar, but while residing near Gutansar, they shifted to primarily place provisioning. It is not a simple either-or proposition, and the palimpsest issue remains. Thus, large assemblages sourced by pXRF and with detailed spatial and stratigraphic data are key to unveiling signi fi cant patterns. Additionally, recognizing the spatial distributions of obsidians at a site could inform test pit locations or reveal different activity areas. Contrasting artifacts from the surface and levels of a test pit or trench add a temporal dimension, and correlating source data with artifact typology may uncover otherwise hidden diachronic changes in mobility between periods. At numerous open-air Palaeolithic sites in Armenia, little more is preserved than, in some instances, millions of obsidian artifacts. With a small team equipped with several pXRF instruments to cover a large area, working at such sites has become practical using the methods we report here, and the resulting datasets would be suf fi ciently nuanced to make meaningful behavioral interpretations. Thus far pXRF-based obsidian studies have been primarily focused on sourcing artifacts at museums, universities, and archive facilities (i.e., collections previously beyond the reach of analytical techniques). Most studies have been conducted in museum labs and similar contexts (e.g., the Smithsonian ’ s Museum Conservation Institute in Phillips and Speakman, 2009; Craig et al., 2010; Field Museum of Natural History ’ s Elemental Analysis Facility in Golitko et al., 2010, 2012; Millhauser et al., 2011). For Craig et al. (2007), “ in situ analysis ” refers to measurements taken “ where the artifacts are stored. ” Despite increasing use of pXRF, obsidian sourcing remains embedded in post-excavation studies. When artifacts are sourced, they have been detached, often distantly, in time and space from their archaeological contexts. For example, Forster and Grave (2012) analyzed 26 Near Eastern artifacts, excavated during the 1930s, at an Australian museum. This division has been the domi- nant paradigm since the 1960s, and obsidian sourcing has been highly productive over the last fi ve decades. Nevertheless, use of pXRF analyzers in laboratories clearly does not take full advantage of their capacities. Our aim is to shift obsidian sourcing from the realm of “ white coats ” in the controlled laboratory environment to “ muddy boots ” in the fi eld. Before reporting the development and testing of our methods for rapid obsidian sourcing, we brie fl y discuss obsidian studies in Armenia and two different approaches to classi fi cation in obsidian sourcing, revealing two technique-based communities of practice. Given the abundance of obsidian sources in Armenia (Fig. 1), it is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss them in detail. Badalyan et al. (2004) synthesize Armenian sourcing studies prior to 2000, including that of Blackman et al. (1998) and research never fully published. Until recently, most source characterization was done with fi ssion-track dating and neutron activation analysis (NAA; e.g., Oddone et al., 2000; Badalian et al., 2001; Chataigner et al., 2003; Kasper et al., 2004; Cherry et al., 2010; Meliksetian et al., 2010, 2013). Rarely XRF has been used (e.g., Keller et al., 1996 used both NAA and XRF). Chataigner and Gratuze (2013a) recently studied Armenian obsidians with laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), characterizing most source complexes based on four to eight specimens each. Geologically focused studies include Keller et al. (1996) and Karapetian et al. (2001). Relatively little archaeological data have been published regarding obsidian sourcing in Armenia, especially for the Palaeolithic. Most research has focused on the Neolithic to Bronze Age (e.g., Chataigner et al., 2003; Badalyan et al., 2004; Kasper et al., 2004; Chataigner and Barge, 2007; Cherry et al., 2010; Chataigner and Gratuze, 2013b). We are aware of obsidian sourcing at only one Palaeolithic site, Upper Palaeolithic Kalavan-1. Chataigner and Gratuze (2013b) have analyzed 18 artifacts and assigned them to Hatis (10), Gegham (4), Gutansar (3), and Satanakar in the Syunik complex (1). They also analyzed 20 artifacts from Mesolithic/proto- Neolithic Apnagyugh-8 (referred to by its unof fi cial name Kmlo-2) and attributed them to Gutansar (10), Tsakhkunyats (4), Arteni (3), Hatis (1), Gegham (1), and a source in the Kars province of north- eastern Turkey (1). Thus, hundreds of millennia of obsidian use by modern humans and other hominins has hitherto been largely unstudied in Armenia. There are two schools of thought regarding classi fi cation in obsidian sourcing, and our two methods re fl ect these distinct approaches. Neither approach is fundamentally correct, and in instances where both approaches successfully discern sources, there is no clear reason to choose one or the other (unless there is a bene fi t in time or cost). The fi rst approach is summarized concisely by Harbottle (1982): “ the more elements, the better ” (18). He sees sourcing as a form of taxonomy, applies taxonomic theory in his approach, and argues that classi fi cations based on numerous traits are superior to those based on just a few. Harbottle cites the foundational book Numerical Taxonomy by Sneath and Sokal (1973), whose fi rst taxonomic principle is: “ the greater the content of information in the taxa of a classi fi cation and the more characters on which it is based, the better a given classi fi cation will be ” (5). Thus, Harbottle claims that one tends to “ get the best classi fi cations out of the most information ” (39). Similarly, Glascock (1992) maintains “ it is advisable to use the information on all elements... to use the maximum amount of information ” (17), citing Sneath and Sokal (1973). Consequently, Glascock and colleagues often use 20 or more elements in their source attributions (e.g., Ericson and Glascock, 2004; Glascock et al., 2007). The second approach involves critical selection of elements. Hughes (1984) holds it “ is not necessarily the case... that the in- clusion of larger numbers of variables... results in a ‘ better ’ classi- fi cation ” (3). He contends poorly measured, redundant, or uninstructive elements should be excluded. Citing Hughes (1984), Shackley (1988) holds “ improperly chosen ” elements can “ covertly skew the classi fi cation analysis ” and maintains “ the best course is to choose elements for analysis carefully ” (763). Hence, Shackley (1995) proposes “ a rule of thumb... is to use the fewest variables necessary ” (546), and he frequently relies on four key elements (e.g., Ba, Rb, Sr, Zr in Shackley, 2009; Fe, Mn, Zn, Zr in Negash and Shackley, 2006). These approaches re fl ect different technique-linked communities of practice. Harbottle and Glascock are nuclear chemists who principally use NAA, while Hughes and Shackley have archaeological backgrounds and use XRF. What constitutes “ standard practice ” differs between the NAA and XRF communities. These differences are based on the strengths (and weaknesses) of each technique. NAA typically measures more than 20 trace elements in obsidian; however, early XRF instruments involved manually tuning a spec- trometer to each element, so measuring fewer elements was desirable. By extension, methodological variations in pXRF use should be acceptable if those differences facilitate its strengths (e.g., fi eld use). Our 10-s measurements take advantage of elements measured simultaneously with one X-ray fi lter, the development of faster detectors, and the relationship between measurement uncertainty and time. The tests we report here involved more than 500 geological ...

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The work was undertaken as part of a broad response to the large-scale poisoning of Gyps vultures in south Asia. It shows that birds from the Caucasus travel to Iran, and that Iran may be important in conservation efforts. We fitted four Eurasian Griffon Vultures, Gyps fulvus with satellite-received transmitters (PTTs) in Georgia and Armenia in 200...


... However, the equipment used in the past was very expensive and large, and required highly specialized operators. Nowadays, thanks to portable spectroscopes, the XRF technique is used for the analysis of soils [37], minerals and other geological samples [38,39], in archaeology for the chemical characterization of excavations [40,41], and for the analysis of food: fruits, vegetables, grains or dairy products [42,43]. The method is also used for the rapid determination of heavy metal concentrations in contaminated water, which may in the future significantly support wastewater neutralization processes in industry [32]. ...
... 16 Karapetyan 1983Karapetian et al. 2001;Fourloubey et al. 2003: 7;Gasparyan 2010: 163f.;Karapetyan et al. 2010, Frahm et al. 2014Trifonov et al. 2016: 179-182. In general, the Paleolithic sites of Shirak are geomorphologically associated with the Ashotsk Plateau to the north, the Shirak Depression and northwestern slopes of Mt. ...
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Shirak Province in the Republic of Armenia is very rich in Paleolithic sites. Since the first discovery of Paleolithic artifacts in the 1930s, chance finds and field investigations by numerous scholars and archaeological expeditions have brought to light several new localities and findspots, among which the open-air site complex at Aghvorik is currently the most prominent. The Paleolithic sites of Shirak are geomorphologically associated with the Ashotsk Plateau in the north, the Shirak Depression and northwestern slopes of Mt. Aragats in the south, and the Akhuryan River gorge in the west. These areas contain several sources of high-quality lithic raw materials, including dacite, obsidian, and flint. The geomorphic and topographic locations of Paleolithic sites relate to phases of Plio-Pleistocene volcanism, glaciations in high elevation uplands, and the lacustrine and alluvial dynamics that formed the paleorelief and paleoenvironment. Lithic artifact assemblages generally present techno-typological characteristics consistent with early and late phases of the Acheulian, as observed at Lower Paleolithic sites in the Armenian Highlands and Southern Caucasus. While currently fewer in number than Lower Paleolithic finds, Middle Paleolithic artifacts obtained from sites in Shirak tend to be better preserved and made mainly of obsidian, while some dacite artifacts have also been documented. Shirak is also rich in paleontological, or zooarchaeological sites that have yielded a range of Pleistocene macro- and micro-faunal remains. While the Paleolithic archaeological, biostratigraphic, and geological records of Shirak have not yet been subject to systematic documentation and synthesis, the area holds great potential for future research to enlarge and complement the database of Pleistocene human occupation and environment in the broader region.
... Which particular outcrops were exploited can reveal information on territoriality or lack thereof, while the distance and directionality between an artifact's discard provenience and its origin outcrop can shed light on past mobility patterns or trade networks (e.g. Boulanger et al. 2005Boulanger et al. , 2006Boulanger et al. , 2012Boulanger et al. , 2015Burke 1997;Ditchfield and Ward 2019;Eren et al. 2021;Evans et al. 2010;Frahm 2012Frahm , 2014Frahm , 2020Frahm et al. 2014Frahm et al. , 2016Frahm et al. , 2019Frahm et al. , 2020Hamilton et al. 2009Hamilton et al. , 2013Hoard et al. 1993;Hofman et al. 1991;Huckell et al. 2011;Luedke 1993;McCoy et al. 2010;Parish 2018;Parish and Finn 2016;Quigg et al. 2011;Shackley 2007;Speer 2014aSpeer , 2014bSpeer , 2016Speer , 2019Speer and Jennings 2019;White 2014;Wyckoff 2005). ...
Linking the stone raw material of a lithic artifact to its original outcrop is an important endeavor that facilitates archaeologists’ understanding of prehistoric mobility, trade, economics, and land use. Based on macroscopic identification, archaeologists’ presume that prehistoric Holocene occupants of the Welling site, Ohio, made use of the locally available Upper Mercer chert for the majority of their projectile points. Here we apply visible derivative spectroscopy (VDS) to quantitatively assess this claim by examining 55 projectile points from the site. VDS identified 85% while macroscopic analysis found 73% of the projectile points examined derived from the Upper Mercer Chert. These proportions are not statistically different given the sample size. While the VDS analysis supported the hypothesis that Welling’s Holocene projectile points were predominately produced from Upper Mercer chert, discrepancies between the results of macroscopic versus VDS chert identification point to future avenues of research including an expansion of VDS analyzed hand-samples and comparison of VDS to other sourcing methods. Nevertheless, we propose that VDS has much promise and should be researched further so that archaeologists’ can add another tool to their lithic artifact raw material sourcing toolbox.
... The proportion of the assemblages that have been analysed is rarely representative of the whole industry-a parameter that can only be assessed when the total number of artefacts is indicated. Although the analysis of complete assemblages is still not a general practice, a shift towards exhaustive characterization studies has begun (e.g., Frahm et al. 2014;Nishiaki et al. 2019b). ...
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Recent archaeological research has highlighted the potential role of mobile pastoral groups in the diffusion of raw materials and technological innovations between the Southern Caucasus and North‐western Iran from the Neolithic onwards. Two successive projects, PAST‐OBS and SCOPE, were designed to explore this hypothesis through the study of obsidian consumption patterns from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age, using a flexible analytical strategy that considerably extends the scale of obsidian studies in these regions. By focusing on the exploitation of obsidian at multiple levels—local, regional, and interregional—we hope to unravel the complexity of the obsidian networks under study. The aim of this paper is to present (i) a reassessment of the work so far carried out by previous obsidian studies, with a view to homogenising and to clarifying the nomenclature in use, and (ii) an introduction to the PAST‐OBS and SCOPE projects in order to initiate a discussion of our preliminary results.
... As chronologically controlled data increase for the MP occupational sequence in Armenia, it is becoming clear that lithic technology was relatively uniform for the majority of MIS 3. At all the aforementioned MP sites, available lithic artifact data indicate the predominance of unidirectional-convergent and unidirectional Levallois core reduction techniques, with high frequencies of Levallois points and blades. Likewise, obsidian is the dominant toolstone in the region, and artifact sourcing studies show consistent long-term exploitation of the major obsidian sources, and the embeddedness of toolstone procurement in MP hunter-gatherer subsistence and mobility practices (e.g., Frahm et al. 2014Frahm et al. , 2016. However, as in Georgia, MP open-air sites in many ecogeographic areas in Armenia remain understudied, though survey work has demonstrated their abundance (e.g., Gasparyan 2010;Gasparyan et al. 2014;Colonge et al. 2013;Egeland et al. 2014). ...
... Most of this research has tended to focus on macroscopic sourcing of flint artifacts in Europe (e.g., Geneste 1985;Roebroeks et al. 1988;Féblot-Augustins 1993. In Armenia, effective obsidian sourcing methods using pXRF have rapidly developed for investigating hunter-gatherer toolstone provisioning, with research aimed specifically at MP sites and artifact assemblages (Frahm 2014;Frahm et al. 2014Frahm et al. , 2016. ...
... While these sites and their chronology are still under study, core reduction techniques at all of them are similar to those observed in the Barozh 12 material, with the dominance of unidirectional-convergent and unidirectional Levallois blank production and high frequencies of Levallois blanks and points. Importantly, results of the current study, published data, and ongoing research using pXRF to document obsidian procurement at all these sites indicate exploitation of the same major obsidian sources ( Fig. 17; e.g., Ghukasyan et al. 2011;Frahm et al. 2014Frahm et al. , 2016Egeland et al. 2016). ...
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Barozh 12 is a late Middle Paleolithic open-air locality in western Armenia dating from 60,000 to 31,000 years ago. Stratified deposits with high densities of obsidian artifacts permit the analysis of diachronic trends in manufacture, reduction, discard, and toolstone provisioning as related to technological organization in the context of hunter-gatherer mobility and land use. Throughout much of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, the occupants of Barozh 12 employed consistent unidirectional-convergent and unidirectional Levallois and "para-Levallois" core reduction techniques. Site occupation intensity varied over time, with changing emphasis on local core reduction and tool discard. Obsidian artifact sourcing indicates predominantly local toolstone exploitation, while blanks bearing retouch were intermittently transported to Barozh 12 over distances up to ~190 linear km. As a repeatedly visited, persistent place in regional settlement systems, this site records a range of mobility strategies and differential use of diverse eco-geographic zones. This study - a detailed analysis of late Middle Paleolithic technological organization at an open-air site in the Armenian highlands - broadens the regional record of Late Pleistocene hominin technological behaviors and settlement dynamics during a crucial period of human evolution.
... The complicated nature of provenancing flint via geochemistry is perhaps best understood in comparison to sourcing studies focused on another widely used tool stone, obsidian. Geochemical sourcing of obsidian is a well-established method and has a long and successful history, studies have used a range of profiling techniques, for example spectrographic (Cann and Renfrew 2014); XRF (Craig et al. 2007;Eerkens et al. 2008;Negash et al. 2011;Negash et al. 2006;Perreault et al. 2016;Taliaferro et al. 2010); pXRF (Craig et al. 2007(Craig et al. 2007Forster and Grave 2012;Frahm 2016Frahm , 2014Frahm , 2012aFrahm , 2013bFrahm et al. 2014a;Frahm et al. 2014b;Frahm et al. 2017;Panich 2016), EPMA (Blegen 2017;Frahm 2012b); LA-ICP-MS (Eerkens et al. 2008;Taliaferro et al. 2010;Yi and Jwa 2016); and INAA (Glascock and Neff 2003a;Perreault et al. 2016). Freund (2013) presents a review of obsidian provenancing studies and how the data generated is used to comment on movement of material. ...
Conference Paper
Flint is a raw material that has been used by humans for millennia and lithic artefacts are ubiquitous throughout the hominin record. Their significance is not limited to form and function but how and where raw material was collected from. Reconstructing these pathways in the landscape brings a human perspective to the deep past, shedding light not just on the areas moved through but also economic and organisational choices. This thesis is concerned with understanding how Neanderthal populations made stone procurement decisions in the La Manche region, specifically the Normano-Breton Gulf, which is located between Brittany and Normandy. This area was occupied repeatedly by Neanderthals during the Middle Pleistocene but is now mostly submerged due to Holocene sea levels. The archaeological material studied is from La Cotte de St. Brelade a site where preserved deposits provide a record of hominin behaviour from 238-40 thousand years (kya). This site was chosen due to its central location within the research context and the potential provided by the lithic record, which amounts to more than c. 95,000 stone artefacts. This thesis employs a lithic sourcing framework to propose changes in the raw material acquired by Neanderthals and concludes that differences in climate and environment affected the presence and absence of certain types of flint through time. It achieves this by the study of c.500 lithic artefacts from three archaeological layers, Layer E, A and 5, using a combination of macroscopic, technological and geochemical analysis. The results indicate the presence of a specific geochemical and macroscopic flint type dominant in Layer E, a temperate occupation, which becomes less frequent as sea level falls during cooler Layer A and 5. There is also evidence of flint with a different visual and elemental profile that is more common in Layer 5. This implies that Neanderthals at the site used several types of flint, and access was likely affected by the changing environments of the Continental Shelf. The overall conclusions are important for understanding more about hominin behaviour in the La Manche area, although they are limited as modern geological survey was impossible and artefacts could not be compared directly to sources. In this way the study is unusual as it adopts an artefact-centric methodology where patterns in the data collected are used to infer flint types. Due to this artefact-centric nature a large lithic assemblage was analysed, this required the use of non-destructive portable x-ray fluorescence (pXRF), which has clear advantages as it does not damage lithics and is portable. The geochemical data generated successfully permitted the identification of trends in flint use, however employing pXRF to analyse flint is still in development. Therefore steps were taken to optimise the analytical process, for example a bespoke calibration was used to improve the accuracy of the results. Concerns were also encountered regarding flint as it’s geochemistry is not well understood and a geological case study was performed in order to establish data for 40 elements using ICP-MS, an accurate and precise technique. This process revealed that the Upper Cretaceous flint outcrops sampled did possess unique chemical signatures and provided an important comparison with the pXRF data. Overall this thesis combines archaeological and scientific data to provide new information about how Neanderthals were procuring raw material in this challenging context whilst also considering the technical and theoretical questions raised when provenancing flint.
... Scan times and settings appropriate to both the pXRF unit and target material should be used. Archaeological applications of pXRF colloquially cite scan times as short as 10s per filter to be appropriate (e.g., Frahm et al. 2014). However, short scan times have significant error and inaccuracy, whereas excessively long scan times do not further improve accuracy (Kilbride et al. 2006;Hall et al. 2014;Parsons Inc. 2016;Schneider et al. 2016). ...
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Portable X‐ray fluorescence (pXRF) is now widely used for detecting the elemental composition of a material. Elemental analysis can enhance archaeological interpretations, such as mapping, preservation analysis, and identifying anthropogenic activities. However, validated and reproducible protocols for analysing archaeological soil are still required. The elemental concentrations detected with three sets of preparation methods was compared: in‐situ (no preparation), in‐field (analysing through plastic bags) and ex‐situ analysis (lab‐based preparation). Influential factors were also investigated: calibration parameter, moisture, homogeneity, sieve size, and soil type. In‐field analysis attempted to improve reliability without off‐site processing, but instead substantially reduced elemental concentrations and skewed the proportional distributions. Ex‐situ analysis significantly increased elemental concentrations and reduced variation. Proportional distribution was different between the three methods, but unchanged following homogenising and sieving. These comparisons demonstrated that ex‐situ analysis maximises detection and ensures consistent samples.
... For several decades, the investigation of Caucasian obsidian, both from primary sources and archaeological sites, was hampered by the nature of East-West geopolitics (e.g., Cann and Renfrew, 1964: 112;Renfrew et al., 1966) and a general lack of interest in this kind of geoarchaeological research within the Soviet/Russian scientific community (with a few exceptions, such as Nasedkin and Formozov, 1965). Since the 2000s, the situation has changed, and obsidian studies have significantly expanded in this region (e.g., Le Bourdonnec et al., 2012;Frahm, 2014;Frahm et al., 2014Frahm et al., , 2017aBiagi and Gratuze, 2016). ...
For more than a half-century, obsidian provenancing has underpinned many archaeological investigations of peoples of the past. The pace of obsidian studies in this regard has gathered significantly since around 2007, and we review the literature to gain a sense of where this momentum has come from, and what it heralds. In part, there is a data revolution underway, arising thanks to the capabilities for rapid survey and analysis enabled by field-portable analytical equipment. Obsidian studies are also gaining a stronger foothold in regions of the world where the approach was previously under-exploited. Our survey spans progress made in obsidian studies in the Mediterranean, Central Europe, the Near East, the Caucasus, Northeast Asia and Tibet, the Eurasian Arctic and Alaska, Southeast Asia, the Americas, Oceania, and Africa and Arabia. We also consider methodological issues related to compatibility of differing geochemical analytical techniques, and the state of the art in obsidian geochemical classification. The proliferation of new observations brings opportunities in terms of development of regional and global databases, as well as challenges of calibration and validation of analyses made by different scientists and laboratories employing diverse instrumentation. Obsidian provenancing demonstrates the astonishing ranges of our ancestors’ interactions and networks, sometimes exceeding 1000 km and involving maritime transport.
... Moreover, in recent years, the development of portable XRF spectrometers [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10], is more and more often allowing to analyze objects in their natural sites (restoration sites, museums, archeological excavations) as well as artifacts which cannot be moved for legal reasons or difficult to transport due to their dimensions. It is worthy to note that the analyses carried out with portable equipments should be validated on suitably chosen objects, comparing the analytical results with those obtained through instruments of qualified (certified) laboratories [11,12]. ...
... In the last few years, in addition to the cumbersome and expensive laboratory instruments, which normally involve complex calibrations, the use of economic instrumentation, easily transportable, able to give good results in extremely short times, is becoming increasingly widespread. This the reason why the archeometric use of ED X-ray spectrometers [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10], that is portable X-ray Fluorescence (pXRF) [10], Field-portable X-ray Fluorescence (FpXRF) and Hand Held portable X-ray Fluorescence (HHpXRF) [7], and especially the apparatus equipped with the new SDDs, has offered new potential for very rapid and cheap characterization of archeomaterials. ...
... In addition to traditional optical microscopic identification of mineral inclusions, the acquisition of ED X-ray maps of ceramic thin sections allows to evaluate the quantity of quartz, feldspars and calcite in the artifacts; the technique, in combination with algorithms for detecting regions of interest and their segmentation, provides also the size distribution of the minerals [31]. Recent research on two Late Acacus (Mesolithic) potsherds (8,200 BP) demonstrated that the acquisition of ED X-ray maps on ceramic thin sections improves the accuracy of modal optical microscope analysis [34]. ...
The techniques of chemical investigation by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) are widespread since the 50s of the last century. Depending on the accuracy of the desired data and on the artifact characteristics, they can be used as partially destructive or as absolutely non-destructive and non-invasive techniques. The archeomaterials that can be analyzed are the most disparate: minerals, rocks, metals, building materials, pigments, and so on; practically almost everything that is solid, liquid or gelatinous can be analyzed by XRF. The theoretical physical principles and the main components of X-ray spectrometers, in energy dispersion (ED) and wavelength dispersion (WD), are described, also comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each analytical technique. In the last decades, the diffusion of the ED silicon drift detectors, together with the development of very accurate and high specialized software for quantitative analysis, has given a new impulse to the diffusion of the portable spectrometers offering new possibilities for in situ and very rapid archeomaterial characterizations. Case studies related to different artworks, like ceramics, necklaces, coins, obsidians and other lithic artifacts will also be presented: they show the important contribution that X-ray spectrometer technique gives to solve problems related to the characterization, restoration and to the source identification of the raw materials.
... It was reinvestigated by the authors in 2016e2017 during which the previous 1986 test pit was expanded leading to the recovery of 200 obsidian artefacts, and including 11 bifaces of various sizes, 1 core on a biface, and 1 large cutting tool recovered (Adler et al., unpublished data), all of which were provenanced by portable x-ray fluorescence to Hatis (c.f. Frahm et al., 2014a). Nevertheless, Nor Geghi 1 is arguably the most significant Palaeolithic site in the Hrazdan valley given its documentation of the local technological transition between the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic c. 400e325 ka (Adler et al., 2014). ...
... A feature of all Palaeolithic sites identified in the Hrazdan valley, is that artefacts assemblages are produced almost entirely on obsidian, which geochemical data suggest was overwhelmingly sourced (>90% in each case) from the flows W and S of Gutansar and Hatis (Adler et al., 2012(Adler et al., , 2014Frahm et al., 2014a, 2014b. Furthermore, as discussed in Section 6.1, the K-Ar chronology for the main phase of obsidian extrusion is c. 480 ka, thereby suggesting that the presence of late Lower and Middle Palaeolithic sites is no coincidence. ...