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Application and Examples of AI in Legal Sector.

Application and Examples of AI in Legal Sector.

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Artificial intelligence is programmed on computers to depict human intelligence. It has created a huge hype and has evolved to revolutionize almost every profession including legal sector. New lawful simulated AI programming software like Ross intelligence and Catalyst along with Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing give viable fight go...

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... Despite the promising advancements that AI technologies offer in legal settings, their integration presents significant challenges. Key concerns include the transparency of AI algorithms, accountability for AI-assisted decisions, and the ethical implications of deploying such technology in susceptible areas [11]. This study tackles these difficulties by comprehensively analyzing AI's technological and ethical aspects in the legal field. ...
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This integrative literature review (ILR) examines the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on legal systems, focusing on technologies such as natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and AI-driven decision support systems. The research problem addresses the need to understand how AI enhances efficiency, precision, and data handling in legal operations, transforming tasks like document analysis and decision-making procedures. The ILR aims to comprehensively understand AI integration in legal systems, considering its advantages and difficulties. It is guided by a conceptual framework based on AI, legal analytics, and decision support systems to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. Using a systematic methodology, the review integrates and examines existing research, evaluating AI's tangible benefits and ethical implications. The findings indicate that while AI can revolutionize legal systems, the study underscores the importance of continuous oversight, frequent evaluations, and developing AI models with the ability to identify and correct biases. Future research should prioritize longitudinal studies to assess AI's enduring effects, address ethical considerations, and encompass various legal and geographical contexts. Encouraging cross-disciplinary cooperation and utilizing diverse research methodologies is crucial to ensure that AI improves legal services while maintaining the integrity and impartiality of judicial procedures, and it makes the audience feel included and part of the AI revolution in legal systems.
... The impact generated by technologies in the legal field is not new, as the increasing use of the internet, the use of e-mails and the storage of online legal databases have already been going on for quite some time (Chandra et al., 2020). According to Wischmeyer & Rademacher (2020) the omnipresence of so-called digitalisation in many spheres of human life is common; where artificial intelligence (AI), as part of intelligent information technology systems, has transcended in its role and impact on society. ...
... Such an effect of AI can be found in "bots" or robots that function as communication platforms, automated vehicle assistance, medical diagnosis and therapy, web search engines, expert traffic control systems and not so recently in automated judicial or administrative decision-making and many more. AI has been geared towards changing the legitimate vocation in different ways since, among its many applications, it allows law firms to better manage their activities, which not so long ago were carried out by people, enabling better time and work management, aspects that are valuable in the business sector (Chandra et al., 2020;Dhyani et al., 2019;Armour & Sako, 2020). ...
... The answer is Valenzuela-Fernández, L. A., Ocaña-Fernández, Y. J., Sánchez, M. A. F., Apaza, Y. C. L., Zubieta-Romero, E., Uribe-Hernández, Y. C. (2023). Law and Artificial Intelligence: Possibilities and Regulations on the Road to the Consummation of the Digital Verdict 4 provided by Chandra et al. (2020) that it has been the coronavirus pandemic that has accelerated the transition of law into the virtual workplace in order to maintain the familiar social distancing. AI is currently being developed through machine learning techniques (Huq, 2021;Yu 2020). ...
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Aim: The continuous growing influence of technologies based on artificial intelligence will continue to have an increasingly strong impact on various fields of society, which is evident in the generation of a great expectation in continuous evolution that revolutionises many activities, including those of the legal sector. Methodology: That is why this paper aims to shed light on those aspects of artificial intelligence in the legal field that are not very clear and on some of the most relevant implications that, despite not being well known, will have a considerable impact on society at various levels, such as the role of bots in law firms, algorithms to assist in the treatment of cases and dilemmas such as whether non-professional users can trust the decision(s) that such tools would recommend, among others. Results: It also examines the ethical criteria linked to the application and its development. Conclusion: It concludes with a critical exposition from an academic perspective, without neglecting the aspect of public access to artificial intelligence and how to bring together a process of globalisation of the regulatory framework of these technologies. Originality/Value: this study highlities technologies based on artificial intelligence.
... It has capacity to transform legal system by predicting the outcomes of court decisions based on past judgements (Kauffman & Soares, 2020). With Artificial Intelligence, possibility of efficiency in judicial system with high level of predictability and accuracy of case outcome exist (Mccarthy, 2020). It will also improve the quality of decisions and reduce time taken during trials and proceedings. ...
... Due to frequency of pattern of certain cases, a relatively large proportion of routine cases have a predictable outcome. In those cases, the court rulings are relevant for input data into AI-based application and future predictions judgment of other cases (Mccarthy, 2020;Reiling, 2020). Users of such AI software can easily predict the chances of wining a particular case even before filling it and make right decision. ...
... The judges will also have more informed decisions from such analysis. A close case of this research in UK by European Court of Human Rights detects human right infringement base on choices and language usage (Mccarthy, 2020). The success rate accomplished by the software is close to 80%. ...
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Technology is an essential component of the civilization of twenty-first-century society and one of the key forces influencing public sector organizations. Public infrastructures like transportation systems and important service delivery are managed using technology and powerful computing software. Artificial intelligence (AI) on the other hand helps to add intelligence to computing devices and applications through learning, reasoning, and perceiving things from data. However, the level of adoption or application of these technologies in the Nigerian judiciary seems to be low as seen during the covid-19 outbreak. The closed down of courts led to an increase in the backlog of cases due to the suspension of court proceedings. Even the option of filling cases using technology like WhatsApp could not function effectively. AI can This paper identifies some areas technology and AI can improve the performance of Nigeria’s judiciary and increase the speed of justice dispensation.
... The software is programmed using vector graphs for mathematical operations. Known as machine learning, these algorithms allow computers to educate themselves through data and experiences (Chandra, et al., 2020). ...
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In recent years, the legal system has used artificial intelligence technology extensively. Artificial intelligence for judicial purposes is more efficient, knowledgeable, and impartial than human judges. It has its limitations, largely based on big data, algorithms, and computing power rather than organic intelligence. Judiciary artificial intelligence cannot completely replace human judges because of differences in conceptual framework, application scenario, and ability and potential. Unambiguously stating that judicial artificial intelligence is never a replacement for human judges is crucial. The study aims to investigate the legal issues and the various ways that AI impacts the legal system. The research methodology is qualitative, inductive and descriptive.
... Delivery of justice with the help of artificial intelligence is a current research interest [6]. Machine learning with natural language processing (NLP) can classify the types of sexual harassment experiences [7]. ...
... The result of standardized data can be seen in Fig.2. The calculation of the score based on the ROC curve uses equation (6). The score of naïve Bayes is 0.954935 and the score of KNN is 0.923682. ...
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Delivery of justice with the help of artificial intelligence is a current research interest. Machine learning with natural language processing (NLP) can classify the types of sexual harassment experiences into quid pro quo (QPQ) and hostile work environments (HWE). However, imbalanced data are often present in classes of sexual harassment classification on specific datasets. Data imbalance can cause a decrease in the classifier's performance because it usually tends to choose the majority class. This study proposes the implementation and performance evaluation of the synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE) to improve the QPQ and HWE harassment classifications in the sexual harassment experience dataset. The term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) method applies document weighting in the classification process. Then, we compare naïve Bayes with K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) in classifying sexual harassment experiences. The comparison shows that the performance of the naïve Bayes classifier is superior to the KNN classifier in classifying QPQ and HWE, with AUC values of 0.95 versus 0.92, respectively. The evaluation results show that by applying the SMOTE method to the naïve Bayes classifier, the precision of the minority class can increase from 74% to 90%.
... (Nawaz et al., 2020). As per the ERG (Eastern Research Group) report, the success rate is roughly 2.01% only, while it requires approximately 10-15 long years to generate a novel molecular unit (Chandra et al., 2020). The entire concept behind drug redesigning re-employs the older drugs to treat a first-time ever-contemplated therapeutic manifestation. ...
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The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to a major oppression of worldwide healthcare infrastructure. In current times, artificial intelligence (AI) and network medicine provide groundbreaking implementation of information science in defining diseases, therapeutics, medicines, and in associating targets with the minimum fallacy. In this big data era, artificial intelligence (AI) has immensely reduced the time and investment of novel targeted drug discovery. As there is continual unfolding of the results of the possible drug combinations, exploitation of artificial intelligence is of utmost necessity so as to hone combination therapy plan. Drug repositioning or repurposing is a methodology by means of which subsisting drugs are being manipulated to handle challenging and emerging diseases, including COVID-19. In this chapter, the authors present the regulations on how to use AI to expedite drug repurposing or repositioning, for which AI propositions are not only intimidating but are also inevitable.
... Ong et al. 2020). • Infection testing: AI methods are used in G. Chandra et al. (2020) to research the association between swab tests and reported infections with attention to the degree of sickness. In G. Giordano et al. (2020), it is proposed that mobile device social relationships may be used to monitor disease spread. ...
... The impact of COVID-19 on e-commerce will promote the further progress of new policies for online purchases and supply [40]. It is promoting all kinds of small businesses, the partnership in ecommerce activities by small producers, manufactures, retailers and consumers have also been increased. ...
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The present paper explains how E-commerce is effected during COVID pandemic especially on FMCG product. E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the activity of buying or selling of products on online services or over the Internet. E-Commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management system, and automated data collection systems. E-commerce is in turn driven by the technological advances of the semiconductor industry, and is the largest sector of the electronics industry. There are three areas of e-commerce: online retailing, e-markets, and online auctions. E-commerce is supported the business. Objective of the study: To study the importance of e-commerce in FMCG products, To study the hike of e-commerce in FMCG products in post COVID pandemic. Sample: Randomly selected 50 housewives who can use e-commerce in FMCG products. Result: E-Commerce boost the FMCG Sector at Post COVID-19. The impact of COVID-19 has increased the demand for household items and grocery items. As COVID-19 continues to create havoc with markets, industries and small businesses being shut, people in lockdown were abstained from buying non-essential items. Disruption of home deliveries meant that no one could buy any essential or non-essential items online.
... The New Education policy expands age group 6-14 18 years of The NEP introduces hitherto uncovered age groups of 3-6 m .The new system will have 12 years of schooling with three of With an emphasis on Early Childhood Care and 10+2 structure of school curriculum is to be replaced by a 5+3+4 curricular 8,[8][9][10][11][11][12][13][14] The10+2 structure of school curricula is to be replaced by 5+3+3+4 curricular structure 14, and 14-18 years respectively .To implement the changes at through restricting of the curriculum, and the contents needs to be done as per National Curriculum Framework) and content rubrics needs to be revised to modify the school, class 1 ...
... This is the new normal, which we need to accept, as soon as possible. This pandemic has left a huge impact not only socially, economically but also psychologically [1]. There is an uncertainty in the air, nobody knows what future holds in for us. ...
... the current global pandemic COVID-19 has brought transformation in all spheres of life and have totally reshaped the way we used to work earlier. [1] "COVID-19: An Opportunity to Study using Technology" ...
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Virus and the diseases they cause ,often have different names .Virues are named based on their genetic structure to facilitate the development of diagnosis test ,vaccines and medicines. WHO announced "covid -19"as the name of this new disease on 11 Feb 2020.Several countries across the world resorte4d lock downs to "flatten the curve"of the infection . This study is conducted to examine the various areas that are affected by this pandemic . In response to this global outbreak,we summarize the psychological and social effects of pandemic Covid -19.