Figure 1 - uploaded by Paul Groves
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Antcom 3G1215RL-P-XS-1 dual-polarization antenna, mounting and amplifiers. 

Antcom 3G1215RL-P-XS-1 dual-polarization antenna, mounting and amplifiers. 

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Conference Paper
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BIOGRAPHY Paul Groves is a Lecturer (academic faculty member) in GNSS, Navigation and Location Technology at University College London (UCL). He was a navigation systems researcher at QinetiQ from 1997 to 2009. He is interested in all aspects of navigation and positioning, including multi-sensor integrated navigation and robust GNSS under challengi...

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... satellite-reflector-antenna geometry in about one sidereal day [6] [7]. In multipath environmental modelling, a ray-tracing algorithm uses the known satellite-reflector-antenna geometry and physical properties of reflectors to determine the phase multipath errors [8]. Site-dependent techniques are highly effective at mitigating multipath, but are generally only suited to static receivers. A similar approach has been applied to mitigating multipath reflections off satellite bodies for attitude determination [9] [10]. Antenna-based multipath mitigation techniques include special antenna designs such as choke-ring antennas, Trimble’s Zephyr antennas and the multipath-limiting antenna for ground-based augmentation system reference stations [11]; these reduce the gain of signals reflected off the ground. Antenna array techniques, based on the geometric correlation of multipath errors at closely-spaced antennas, can be used for more general multipath mitigation [12] [13]. However, they perform best under simple multipath environments and are not suited to most kinematic applications because antenna arrays are usually bulky. A number of receiver-based techniques have been developed that mitigate code multipath errors by increasing the resolution of the code discriminator on the basis that the higher-frequency components of a GNSS signal are less impacted by moderate-delay multipath interference. The simplest approach is to use a narrow early-late correlator spacing [14], while a more sophisticated method is the Multipath Mitigation Window (MMW) [15]. Most of these techniques can effectively mitigate multipath where the path delay of the reflected component is more than 7.5 m, while the Vision Correlator will operate at path delays down to 5 m [16]. However, these two techniques operate at the expense of signal-to-noise ratio performance [17]. Moreover, they are not designed to mitigate the effects of multipath on carrier-phase measurements. The final class of multipath mitigation technique operate by processing the code and carrier measurements output by the receiver. One approach is to use stochastic models to weight measurements within the position solution according to their multipath vulnerability [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]. These models are based on the correlation between the carrier power-to-noise density, C / N 0 , and the multipath errors. For example, variations of the phase multipath error and resultant C / N 0 over time are orthogonal [22]. The use of adaptive filters with spectrum analysis has been investigated for estimating phase multipath from C / N 0 measurements. However, these techniques require sinusoidal multipath patterns to build up over time so are therefore only applicable for static and very low dynamic applications. A simple and effective method of reducing the effects of code multipath errors is smoothing the pseudo-range measurements with carrier-phase. This is most effective where the time constant of the smoothing algorithm significantly exceeds the correlation time of the pseudo- range multipath errors. The final processor-based multipath mitigation technique is application of integrity monitoring techniques to identify multipath contaminated code and carrier measurements through their inconsistency with the uncontaminated measurements; this should work better with multiple constellation receivers. Multipath mitigation using dual-polarization antennas spans three categories: antenna-based, receiver-based and measurement-processing techniques. The use of dual RHCP and LHCP antennas for studying multipath was first proposed in [25] and results presented using a pair of helical antennas. Multipath mitigation using a dual- polarization antenna was demonstrated by simulation in [26]. In [4], multipath mitigation using arrays of dual- polarization antenna arrays was assessed by simulation. In [27], it was validated, using another multipath detection method, that the LHCP component of an Antcom dual- polarization antenna receives greater reflected signal power than the RHCP component. A series of tests were conducted to assess the ability of a dual-polarization antenna system to detect multipath interference. The focus was on comparing the carrier power to noise density, C / N 0 , measured from the LHCP and RHCP antenna outputs and assessing how this varied with elevation angle and multipath environment. Carrier power to noise density is a measure of the signal to noise ratio within the receiver’s correlators [1]. Following initial tests to determine the correct equipment configuration, experiments were conducted to characterise the behaviour of the system in a low-multipath environment (LME). Tests were then performed in a moderate multipath environment (MME) and the C / N 0 , measurements compared with those obtained in the LME. The hardware comprised an Antcom 3G1215RL-P-XS-1 dual-polarization L1/L2 GPS antenna, attached to a standard tribrach mount with dual amplifiers, as shown in Figure 1, together with a pair of Leica System SR530 geodetic GPS receivers, shown in Figure 2. One receiver was connected to each polarization output of the antenna via an amplifier powered from the receiver. Data was logged to memory cards independently with GPS itself used for time synchronisation between receivers. The Leica receivers would only log measurement data to the memory cards where sufficient signals were being received to generate a position solution. In the default high accuracy mode, it was typically only possible to track 1 or 2 satellites using the LHCP antenna output. However, switching the receivers to the higher sensitivity “MaxTrak” mode enabled 4 or more satellites to be tracked for most of the time in open and sparse urban environments. It was also found that performance could be improved by temporarily connecting the “LHCP” receiver to the RHCP antenna output to aid downloading of the ephemeris ...


For radio-based time-of-arrival (TOA) positioning systems applied in harsh environments, obstacles in the surroundings and on the vehicle itself will block the signals from the anchors, reduce the number of available TOA measurements and thus degrade the localization performance. Conventional multi-antenna positioning technique requires a good initialization to avoid local minima, and suffers from location ambiguity due to insufficient number of TOA measurements and/or poor geometry of anchors at a single epoch. In this paper, taking advantage of the multi-epoch and multi-antenna (MEMA) TOA measurements bridged by inter-epoch constraints to utilize more information and improve the geometry of visible anchors, we propose a new positioning method, namely MEMA-TOA method. A new initialization method based on semidefinite programming (SDP), namely MEMA-SDP, is first designed to address the initialization problem of the MEMA-TOA method. Then, an iterative refinement step is developed to obtain the optimal positioning result based on the MEMA-SDP initialization. We derive the Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB) to analyze the accuracy of the new MEMA-TOA method theoretically, and show its superior positioning performance over the conventional single-epoch and multi-antenna (SEMA) localization method. Simulation results in harsh environments demonstrate that i) the new MEMA-SDP provides an initial estimation that is close to the real location, and empirically guarantees the global optimality of the final refined positioning solution, and ii) compared with the conventional SEMA method, the new MEMA-TOA method has higher positioning accuracy without location ambiguity, consistent with the theoretical analysis.
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Advances in the miniaturization, computational capabilities, and cost reduction of semiconductor technology have made global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) the favorite choice for positioning. Currently, positioning is a key factor for many essential tasks in our modern society and will become even more important with the advent of new concepts such as the Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities and autonomous driving. The extensive use of GNSSs in a wide range of applications has caused their migration from the professional segment to the mass-market segment in terms of both technology and performance. This presents new and more stringent requirements in terms of accuracy, robustness, ubiquity, and continuity for the original “open sky” GNSS design. GNSS technology has experienced an unprecedented evolution in the last decade, and it is expected to exponentially evolve in the next decade. This evolution is considered in this paper with the aim of providing a unified reference for current GNSS receiver technologies and solutions and its expected evolution in the next decade. We consider receiver concepts, antennae, RF front ends, digital signal processing, and positioning algorithms. The impacts on the different GNSS market segments and applications are also analyzed.
Conference Paper
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The widespread use of global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) in professional applications has posed very stringent requirements in terms of adoption and absolute performance. Unfortunately, current GNSS performance is not enough to fulfill the requirements of professional applications like farming, critical timing infrastructures or autonomous driving. In order to boost the adoption of these applications , the European GNSS agency (GSA) launched the FANTASTIC project aimed at enhance robustness and accuracy of GNSS in harsh environments. We will focus in this paper on the part related with the development of a weighting and exclusion function with a dual circularly polarized antenna. The idea is to reduce the effects of multipath by weighting and/or excluding those measurements affected by multipath. The capabilities of a dual polarized antenna to sense multipath will be exploited to define an exclusion threshold and to provide the weights. Real-world experiments will be shown assessing the improvements of applying the developed technique in the positioning solution.