Android distribution version and release date

Android distribution version and release date

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It has recently been discovered that large companies and nations “observe” their customers and citizens, disregarding any remaining moral and technological lines, being able to listen to telephone conversations and monitoring communications, through powerful monitoring and surveillance programs. Elsewhere on the planet, nations in turmoil or wrappe...

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... Due to system diversity, standards, architecture, methodologies, operating system versions, system hardware, and system requirements, technical problems arise that make it difficult to implement security precautions and norms and difficult to respond to unforeseen issues with risk mitigation circuits and draft director of computer plans. (Coelho, 2021). It is a societal issue that nontechnical users of these technologies are unable to identify needs or safety concerns. ...
Modern computer systems have an operating system, which serves as an interface between the device and the user and has the dual objectives of making the device easier to operate and making optimal use of device resources. The operating system offers some level of computer security like user authentication, file permission, firewall, encryption etc., but occasionally, problems develop due to societal or technical challenges like: vulnerable to malicious programs and viruses, which can cause the system to become sluggish or malicious actors be able to have an access to confidential user data, which compromise computer security. This comparative study provides insight into each of these operating systems and their relative strengths and weaknesses. The paper begins by discussing the concepts of memory management and security in general and then examines the specifics of each OS's memory management and security features. A case study of three popular applications is presented to illustrate how memory management and security features can be used in practice. The results of the comparison show that while each operating system has its own advantages and disadvantages, Windows is generally the most powerful and secure of the three, while iOS and Android offer more flexibility and ease of use.
... Besides that, there's also a long road to go on to upgrade all IoT devices to WPA3. And this applies not only to final users, but also to cybersecurity workers and manufacturers as well, because in nowadays not all devices are ready for WPA3 [13], [14]. ...
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Everyone wants to be connected to the internet at every second of their lives. Due to the ease and speed of access, Wi-Fi networks are the main internet connection point of users. The amount and coverage of Wi-Fi networks multiplies each passing day, as all the countries are now trying to give free Wi-Fi at public places. If we search for available networks anywhere with our phone, there will be very few places where there are not at least one or two networks available. In this paper we will do a systematic review of papers and literature indexed in Google Scholar; Research Gate or IEEE and on reliable webpages like Cisco, that analyze the risk to which Wi-Fi networks are exposed and why these networks are insecure. We will specially investigate the most used wireless security protocols like WEP; WPA; WPA2 or WPA3.
... Once again one challenge takes to another, and we already know that for a cryptographic system to be secure that is tied to its computational complexity which may impact performance or on the hand-tied with the hardware that in which it's implemented that could come at an extra cost. At this point, there's a need to make the fine balancing act between cost and benefits [17]. ...
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Cryptography is used broadly in the digital age, making our communications secure, ensuring our data is safe, and enabling secure transactions on which we rely daily. Our reality is connected, we send an email without thinking about all the underlying protocols, we buy online, and we check the weather on our fridge. Utilizations are countless and so is our exposure. Cryptographic systems keep us safe, a shield for our privacy and our fundamental rights. However, we have arrived at the dawn of a new age, the quantum computing era. Seen for a long as a theoretical emanation of quantum mechanics it gives the first baby steps in the real world, making the world as we know it less safe and more dangerous. Post-quantum cryptography is the paladin that is coming to the rescue but will it be up to the challenge of keeping our world safe.
... Android is a open source OS, that was developed in the form of a "software stack". This stack is based on the Linux kernel and is followed by a library layer, an android runtime layer, an application framework layer and finally an application layer [16]. ...
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Nowadays everyone has one or even more than one smartphone or tablet. The existing applications with the most diverse purposes allow us to perform a series of tasks such as using home banking or checking the email, using only our smartphone/tablet. Android OS being one of the most used in this type of equipment becomes an appealing target for viruses, malware and others. At a time when technology is evolving faster and faster, both in terms of hardware and software, Artificial Intelligence has more and more weight in technological evolution, being used in the most diverse purposes. This review aims to demonstrate how Machine Learning can assist in identifying vulnerabilities in Android OS.
... This article methodology focused on a systematic review of previous research and documentation [22], [23], [24], [25]. Following the PRISMA flowchart, the research method was outlined: ...
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This paper focuses on the study of steganoprahy as an anti-forensic method. The purpose of steganography techniques is to hide information from individuals unrelated to its content. Through a systematic review, the objectives of this article are: (I) explore and investigate the importance of steganography in computer forensics; (II) understand and analyze the methodology used to hide information in a file and (III) understand and analyze the methodology used to extract the information. The results summarize the previous research on this topics and we conclude the article with a warning to develpop more studies regarding this thematic as well as and make the security forces aware of this type of digital evidence and, in the same way that the methodology is being developed, the stegananalysis must also seek, at least, to reach the same technological level
... Technology is constantly evolving, and with it, cybercriminals are becoming more adept at developing new and advanced methods of attack. As a web developer, it is imperative to have a comprehensive understanding of current web threats in order to prevent or quickly respond to them [21], [26]. While some threats are commonplace, others can be new and complicated. ...
... Improperly configured encryption can allow attackers to intercept and decrypt communications, while cryptographic side-channel attacks exploit vulnerabilities in cryptographic implementations to obtain sensitive information [26], [28]. ...
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With the increasing digitization of the world, web development has become an essential part of businesses and organizations worldwide. However, with the rapid development of technology, cyber threats and attacks have become a major concern for web developers. This article looks at some of the most common cybersecurity threats that web developers should be aware of, and the importance of taking preventative measures to secure web applications. By understanding these cyber threats and taking proactive steps to protect against them, web developers can ensure the security of their users data and maintain the integrity of their web applications.
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Strong cybersecurity measures have never been more important than they are in the contemporary digital age when our reliance on networked information systems is growing at an ever-increasing rate. Individuals, corporations, and governments all face daunting difficulties as a result of the dynamic and ever-changing nature of cyber threats. At this point in time, cybersecurity is not only a technical requirement; rather, it is an essential component in the process of protecting trust, privacy, and the integrity of the digital sphere.
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The growing use of mobile devices has caused many developers to focus more on design and user experience, but with this neglected security issues, whether due to lack of knowledge in this field or lack of delivery time, thus exposing thousands of users to information leaks among other malicious actions. In this sense, this work aims to expose the main vulnerabilities that impact the security of a mobile application, going through analyzes in mobile applications, with the intention of alerting developers about the flaws that are usually present in the applications due to bad coding practices and to reflect on how to make your apps more secure.
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As one of the prime targets for cybercriminals, financial institutions have been at the forefront of the cybersecurity efforts for years, aiming to protect the vast amount of sensitive information from their clients, both personal and corporate. However, variables such as the increasing number of user-operated devices, and the rapid adoption of digital platforms by a new wave of customers – especially during the Covid-19 pandemic – have raised the threat level to an unprecedented scale. In these ever-changing times, both financial institutions and digital providers must learn how to expect the unexpected. Relying on the words of Nuno Mateus Coelho (speaker at the last ebankIT Summit), “Cybersecurity must be perceived as a way of living”, not as an emergency tool, only used when facing a threat or during an ongoing attack. To face the ever-growing Cybersecurity threats, financial institutions must stay one step ahead of the game. Nowadays, there are a growing number of challenges to overcome: cyberwar, cryptojacking, anti-democratic cyber-attacks, cyberespionage, major data breaches, and so on. The list is potentially endless and the only solution possible is to stay vigilant and innovative as the threat landscape is changing very quickly. Link for KeyNote:
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Keynote about state of the art regarding cyber insecurity in e-commerce.