An Ecological Model of Health.

An Ecological Model of Health.

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Contemporary ecological models of health prominently feature the natural environment as fundamental to the ecosystem services that support human life, health, and well-being. The natural environment encompasses and permeates all other spheres of influence on health. Reviews of the natural environment and health literature have tended, at times inte...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... ecological models of health have evolved to prominently feature the natural environment as fundamental to the ecosystem services that support human life and health [1]. In these models, the biosphere, landscape, and natural environment are the foundation of health and well-being (e.g., Figure 1) [2,3]. Despite this, the natural environment receives relatively little attention in health research and promotion [4]. ...
Context 2
... purpose of this paper is to present a more complete survey (limited by what can be included in one paper) of the array of empirically-supported human health co-benefits of GI. The conceptual framework guiding this review is rooted in the succession of Figures 1-3: The natural environment is fundamental to health ( Figure 1); green infrastructure is a landscape conservation strategy that produces the structure of the natural environment necessary for ecosystem functioning ( Figure 2); the ecosystem services supported by GI mediate the relationship between GI and health ( Figure 3). ...

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... Kentsel sistem ve süreçler bağlamında ele alınan yeşil altyapı, suç oranları ve şiddet, fiziksel aktivite ve halk sağlığı gibi sosyal savunmasızlık yönlerini etkilemekte, aynı zamanda sosyal sermaye oluşturma ve uyum sağlama önündeki engelleri de teteikleyebilmektedir. (Dannenberg et al. 2003;Coutts et al. 2015;Zuniga-Teran et al. 2020a). Kentsel toplumların dirençliliği, kentsel mekânsal planlama ve tüm hazırlık, planlama, tasarım ve yönetim süreçlerinde sosyal çeşitlilik, uyum sağlama ve bütünleşme gibi konuları ele alarak bu kırılganlıkların üstesinden gelmeye bağlı bir yapıyı da ortaya koymaktadır. ...
... These include green infrastructure (GI), ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA), low-impact development (LID), water-sensitive urban design (WSUD), and best management practices [17]. These solutions have significant potential in urban se ings as they can offer a wide range of ecosystem services [18][19][20]. NBSs can be employed independently or in conjunction with conventional infrastructure, facilitating urban resilience to climate change and enhancing resource management. Designing an NBS in the present context involves allocating space for natural elements and devising technical measures that are harmonized with the established surroundings, thereby establishing a new man-made green system capable of being integrated with our urban environment [21]. ...
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Currently, urban areas are confronting considerable challenges stemming from climate change. These challenges possess the potential to have profound implications for the well-being of residents, their means of making a living, and their own assets. Consequently, it is imperative to identify effective solutions that mitigate these effects on the urban environment. Nature-based solutions (NBSs), involving the utilization of natural resources and ecosystem services to alleviate the effects of climate change, have the potential of enhancing our capacity to develop cities that are more resistant to these challenges. To this end, this paper aims to extract some bibliographic data from available research articles on NBSs and climate resilience sought from the common search engines of Scopus, Web of Science, and Lens Base, and then the RStudio version 2022.12.00+353, VoSviewer version 1.6.20, and Biblioshiny-Bibliometrics version 2017 software tools were adopted to collate and analyze the literature data through science mapping analysis. In doing so, it was advocated that these two topics have not been extensively studied in their relationship to each other and that there is a large extent of existing knowledge gaps, the filling of which can foster the development of these ideas and thus help develop our cities in combating against climate change. Exploring the effectiveness of NBSs in boosting climate resilience is a critical research gap. More empirical studies are envisaged to assess the scalability and transferability of those effective NBSs in various regions or countries. Another research gap exists in comprehending the long-term effects on ecosystem services and community welfare. Research on socioeconomic advantages, trade-offs, and unintended outcomes is essential for making well-informed decisions when applying various NBSs worldwide.
... Outra característica observada foi o tempo de realização de atividade física inferior ao tempo médio encontrado na literatura (LIU et al., 2017). É importante ressaltar que nem todos os usuários praticam alguma atividade física nos parques, pois uma grande parte busca acesso ao lazer, sendo esse objetivo uma das principais potencialidades dos parques no fortalecimento de vínculos e de sociabilidade (GÓMEZ et al, 2015;COUTTS;HAHN, 2015;JENNINGS;BAMKOLE, 2019). ...
... Outra característica observada foi o tempo de realização de atividade física inferior ao tempo médio encontrado na literatura (LIU et al., 2017). É importante ressaltar que nem todos os usuários praticam alguma atividade física nos parques, pois uma grande parte busca acesso ao lazer, sendo esse objetivo uma das principais potencialidades dos parques no fortalecimento de vínculos e de sociabilidade (GÓMEZ et al, 2015;COUTTS;HAHN, 2015;JENNINGS;BAMKOLE, 2019). ...
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... Well-designed urban green spaces (UGSs) enhance a city's ecological vitality and provide many ecosystem services that contribute to public health, thereby fortifying urban resilience against public health emergencies. The undeniable symbiotic relationship between humans and the natural environment [5] is fortified by green spaces, ensuring ecological preservation while championing health benefits [6]. The importance of green spaces extends to human well-being [7], particularly concerning psychological dimensions [8,9]. ...
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... Access to the amount of water, and overloaded city drainage during flooding season is a major problem, green infrastructure design could be a viable solution to the problem. Incorporating green infrastructure, such as rain gardens, bioswales, or permeable pavement, can help reduce stormwater runoff and alleviate flood risks in urban areas (Coutts & Hahn 2015). However, implementing these strategies is not without challenges. ...
... Our results indicate that the quality of green spaces is an important factor in the provision of ecosystem services. For example, larger and more diverse green spaces tend to provide greater benefits in terms of air and water quality, as well as habitat for wildlife (Coutts and Hahn, 2015;Salmond et al., 2016;Tzoulas et al., 2007). Similarly, green spaces that are easily accessible to the public tend to have greater human wellbeing benefits, as they can be used for recreation and relaxation (Pröbstl-Haider, 2015;Venter et al., 2020). ...
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Green areas provide numerous ecosystem services (ES) that are essential for human well-being, such as climate regulation, air quality regulation, disease regulation, and recreational opportunities. In this study, we assessed the ecosystem services provided by green areas and their implications for human health in Brazil. Considering emerging problems in Brazil, such as population growth, the health crisis, and the increase in deforestation, ES mapping is essential to understand barriers and diagnose strategies for promoting the health and well-being of the Brazilian population. Using remote sensing data and geographic information systems, we evaluated the Green Areas Ecosystem Services (GAES), composed of i) the provision of green areas; ii) regulation of air quality; iii) climate regulation; iv) diseases regulation (cardiorespiratory); and v) cultural services, including recreation, sports, and ecotourism. Our findings suggest that green areas in Brazil provide a considerable amount of ecosystem services that are relevant to human health. Over 70 % of Brazil exhibited GAES values exceeding 0.5 (relative scale ranging from 0 to 1). This indicates that a significant portion of the Brazilian population has access to green spaces that provide important services, such as air and water purification, climate regulation, and disease regulation. The mean GAES value for the entire country was 0.78, with notable regional variations. The highest GAES was found in regions dominated by the Amazon Forest (GAES = 0.81), while the smallest offers of GAES are in the northeast (GAES = 0.40) and south (GAES = 0.41) regions of the country The type of vegetation was an important factor in the regulation of climate and air quality. However, factors such as population density and urbanization interfere with the regulation of diseases. Considering the 10 states with the highest and lowest per capita income and population density, the state of Rio Grande do Sul, located in the South region, had the highest mean GAES value; while the state of Acre, in the North region, had the lowest. Our findings suggest that interventions to improve green area provision and quality may be most effective in the northeast and South regions of Brazil. This is indicative of the observed lower GAES provision in these regions, primarily attributed to elevated urbanization levels leading to the conversion of green areas into urban zones. Overall, our study highlights the importance of green areas for human well-being and provides valuable information for policy-makers to prioritize interventions to improve GAES provision across Brazil.
... The concept of ecosystem services (ES) has gained increasing recognition as a framework for assessing the quality of natural areas, including urban green spaces, and their contribution to human wellbeing across different domains (Coutts & Hahn, 2015;Zabelskyte & Matijosaitiene, 2020). The ES framework enables the modelling, representation, and mapping of "the benefits people obtain from ecosystems" (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). ...
... Urban Heat Islands werden in dicht bebauten Bezirken von durch den Klimawandel verursachten längeren Hitzewellen verstärkt, zudem ist von häufigeren Extremwetterereignissen wie Starkregen auszugehen. Belastende Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit, das Wohlbefinden und die Arbeitsleistung der dort ansässigen Bewohner:innen sind absehbar (vgl.Hunter et al. 2019; Baumüller 2018;Jennings, Larson, Yun 2016; WHO 2016;Coutts, Hahn 2015;Tzoulas et al. 2007). Unter Europas Hauptstädten wird Wien in Zukunft besonders stark mit Hitzewellen zu kämpfen haben(Smid et al. 2019; Copernicus Climate Change Service 2023). ...
... Urban heat mitigation strategies aim to cool the built environment and reduce heat-related morbidity and mortality, which are increasing globally 1 , especially in developing countries 2 . Green infrastructure (GI) is the most commonly used strategy to cool cities with demonstrated co-benefits related to air quality, water, food, physical activity, mental health, and social capital [3][4][5][6] . However, current urban expansion tends to deplete green spaces rather than sustain them, and GI loss may be exacerbated in rapidly urbanizing developing countries 5 . ...
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Researchers and city practitioners are paramount stakeholders in creating urban resilience but have diverse and potentially competing views. To understand varying stakeholder perspectives, we conducted a systematic literature content analysis on green infrastructure (GI) and reflective pavement (RP). The analysis shows a United States (US)-based science-practice disconnect in written communication, potentially hindering holistic decision-making. We identified 191 GI and 93 RP impacts, categorized into co-benefits, trade-offs, disservices, or neutral. Impacts were further classified as environmental, social, or economic. The analysis demonstrates that US city practitioners emphasize social and economic co-benefits that may not be fully represented in the scientific discourse. Scientists communicate a broader range of impacts, including trade-offs and disservices, highlighting a nuanced understanding of the potential consequences. Identifying contrasting perspectives and integrating knowledge from various agents is critical in urban climate governance. Our findings facilitate bridging the science-policy disconnect in the US heat mitigation literature.
... -Impact on water -The historical branches reconnection ensures hydraulic continuity between the main watercourse and its floodplain, i.e. the water renewal (Coutts and Hahn, 2015). This favours improvement of physical-chemical and biological water indices, having a positive impact on both long and short term. ...
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