Figure 2 - uploaded by Marcos Pérez-López
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-An ECG tracing (lead II) obtained from a poisoned dog (case 3) after treatment with lidocaine bolus at 2 mg/kg/IV. Please note that there is a sinus rhythm. Paper speed = 25 mm/s; 10 mm/mV.  

-An ECG tracing (lead II) obtained from a poisoned dog (case 3) after treatment with lidocaine bolus at 2 mg/kg/IV. Please note that there is a sinus rhythm. Paper speed = 25 mm/s; 10 mm/mV.  

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Resumo: Os sapos usam a secreção de veneno como um meca-nismo de defesa contra predadores como aves de rapina e répteis. Embora os animais domesticados também estão em risco de ser envenenados com veneno de sapo, o número de relatórios a dis-cutir a toxicidade do veneno de sapo em cães é limitado. Neste relatório, os sintomas, as estratégias de tra...

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The use of aposematic defense mechanisms by venomous predators is often overlooked. In this article, we make an exhaustive literature review to make known in an accessible language, the key aspects and theoretical concepts that lead to the evolution of aposematism, its diversity in snakes through several examples is also presented. In ecological te...


... Although there are many different species, only large-sized toads can produce sufficient poison to cause toxicosis in animals; smaller toad species are dangerous if multiple individuals are ingested [2]. The European toad or common toad, Bufo bufo, is widely distributed throughout Europe, and is also found in north Africa and north-west Asia [118]. Toad poison is a complex mixture, containing different biogenic amines and steroid derivatives. ...
... Information about toad venom poisoning in domestic animals in Europe is scarce, with only a few case reports available in the literature. Hernández-Rebollo et al. [118] reported three cases of toad poisoning in southwest Spain. All of the animals presented gastrointestinal, neurological, and cardiac signs with variable severity. ...
... All of the animals presented gastrointestinal, neurological, and cardiac signs with variable severity. The signs observed were apathy, stupor, ventricular arrythmias, and neurological signs, such as ataxia, muscle rigidity, and walking in circles [118]. Scheer et al. [122] reported a fatal case of common toad poisoning in a fox terrier puppy in the Czech Republic, and in poisonings in small dogs in France [4,123]. ...
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Zootoxins are produced by venomous and poisonous species and are an important cause of poisoning in companion animals and livestock in Europe. Little information about the incidence of zootoxin poisoning is available in Europe, with only a few case reports and review papers being published. This review presents the most important zootoxins produced by European venomous and poisonous animal species responsible for poisoning episodes in companion animals and livestock. The main zootoxin-producing animal species, components of the toxins/venoms and their clinical effects are presented. The most common zootoxicoses involve terrestrial zootoxins excreted by the common toad, the fire salamander, the pine processionary caterpillar, and vipers. The lack of a centralized reporting/poison control system in Europe makes the evaluation of the epidemiology of zootoxin-induced poisonings extremely difficult. Even if there are many anecdotal reports in the veterinary community about the exposure of domestic animals to terrestrial and marine zootoxins, the number of published papers regarding these toxicoses is low. Climate change and its consequences regarding species distribution and human-mediated transportation are responsible for the emerging nature of some intoxications in which zootoxins are involved. Although new venomous or poisonous animal species have emerged in regions where they were previously unreported, zootoxins produced by native species remain the main concern in Europe. The diversity of poisonous and venomous animal species and the emerging nature of certain poisonings warrant the continuous update to such knowledge by veterinary professionals and animal owners. This review offers an overview about zootoxin-related poisonings in domestic animals in Europe and also provides important information from a health perspective.
... La creencia principal fue que las heridas en la piel son causadas por la orina o las secreciones de las glándulas parótidas de los sapos (Rhinella spp.). Aunque la información del efecto de las bufotoxinas sobre la salud humana es escasa [51,52], existen variados reportes de intoxicación en perros [53][54][55][56] y vertebrados silvestres [57][58][59]. Este es un problema especialmente extendido en países donde estas especies han sido introducida, algunas veces causando la muerte de los animales involucrados en estos encuentros [54,56]. ...
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Antecedentes: El estudio de las relaciones hombre-naturaleza ha permitido entender la dinámica de vida de las comunidades y la biodiversidad con la que cohabitan. Aunque en la última década los estudios etnobiológicos han ido en aumento, se sabe poco acerca de la relación del hombre con la herpetofauna en Sudamérica y en Colombia. En este trabajo analizamos el conocimiento, percepción e interacción de una comunidad localizada en la Reserva Forestal Cerro Quininí (RFPCQ) en Cundinamarca (Colombia), respecto a la herpetofauna que habita el área. Métodos: Realizamos encuestas semiestructuradas compuestas por 30 preguntas categorizadas en tres grupos: (1) conocimiento académico, (2) uso y creencias culturales e (3) interacciones, relacionadas con la herpetofauna presente en la región. Los datos obtenidos para los grupos de preguntas 1 y 2 se presentan como un resumen cualitativo. Para el tercer grupo de preguntas, asignamos a las respuestas un valor de hostilidad de acuerdo con la posible reacción de cada individuo entrevistado en un hipotético encuentro con la herpetofauna y construimos gráficos de tendencia con el fin de visualizar las reacciones positivas o negativas, de acuerdo con el lugar de procedencia (urbano/rural) y el género (masculino/femenino). Resultados: La comunidad reconoce la presencia de anfibios y reptiles que cohabitan en su territorio, así como sus hábitats potenciales. Además, el rol de la herpetofauna en las tradiciones mágico-religiosas fue reconocido por algunos habitantes de la región, siendo mayormente asociado con la fé y la cura de enfermedades crónicas. En general, la percepción acerca de los anfibios y reptiles varió de acuerdo con el origen y el género de los entrevistados, que tienden a tener una percepción más positiva de los reptiles en comparación con los anfibios en la mayoría de los casos. Conclusiones: Aunque se evidenció una falta de conocimiento general de parte de los habitantes de la RFPCQ sobre los aspectos biológicos y ecológicos de la herpetofauna, la población reconoce la información básica sobre los hábitats de estos animales dentro del área de la Reserva. Existe una amplia variedad de usos de anfibios y reptiles en la medicina tradicional. Deben hacerse mayores esfuerzos en la transmisión y diseminación del conocimiento acerca de las funciones ecológicas de la herpetofauna.
... The main belief was that skin wounds are caused by urine or secretions of the parotid glands of the toads (Rhinella spp.). Although information on the effect of bufotoxins on human health is scarce [51,52], there are extensive records of intoxication in dogs [53][54][55][56] and wild vertebrates [57][58][59]. This is a problem especially widespread in countries in which this species has been introduced, sometimes causing the death of the animals involved [54,56]. ...
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Background: The study of human-nature relationship has made possible to understand the life dynamics of the communities and the biodiversity with which they cohabit. Although there has been a rise of ethnobiological studies over the last decade, little is known about human interaction with herpetofauna in South America and Colombia. In this work, we analyzed the knowledge, perception, and interaction of a local community located in the forest reserve of Quininí (RFPCQ) in Cundinamarca (Colombia), concerning to the herpetofauna that inhabits the area. Methods: We performed semi-structured surveys containing 30 questions categorized into three groups: academic knowledge (1), use and cultural beliefs (2), and interactions (3) related to the herpetofauna that occurs in the region. The obtained data in question groups 1 and 2 are presented as a qualitative summary. For the question group 3, we assigned the answers to a hostility value according to the possible reaction of each individual interviewed in a hypothetical encounter with the herpetofauna and built tendency charts in order to see the positive or negative reactions due to the birthplace (urban/rural) and gender (male/female). Results: The community recognized the presence of amphibians and reptiles that cohabit their space, as well as their potential habitats. Besides, the role of herpetofauna was recognized in the magical/religious traditions for some inhabitants of the region, mainly associated with the fate and cure of chronic diseases. In general, the perception of amphibians and reptiles varied according to the origin and gender of the people, which tend to have a more positive perception of reptiles than compared to amphibians in most cases.