Table 1 - uploaded by Ana M Pérez-Granados
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Aluminium concentrations in some plant foods 

Aluminium concentrations in some plant foods 

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Ultratrace elements are currently being studied to determine their nutritional significance and impact on health, taking into account their possible toxic effects. Some elements are essential to one or more specific biological functions in humans while other are nonessential. Nevertheless, the latter may produce desirable pharmacological effects or...

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... in herbs and spices, however, are higher. Aluminium concentrations in some plant foods are shown in Table 1. ...


... There is no evidence that lead is necessary for human nutrition. However, it has been shown that rats require trace levels of lead (29 mg/ g diet) to maintain development, reproduction, and hematopoietis [78]. Lead oxides and salts can be found in paint, drinking water, food, and tainted alcohol, among other environmental sources, which can expose people to them. ...
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AD is the main contributor to dementia and one of the largest healthcare concerns of the twenty-first century.The principal components of plaques and tangles, respectively, amyloid-β (Aβ) and tau, have made molecular pathogenetic processes accessible, little is known about the disease’s etiology and there are no proven treat-ments. Minerals known as trace elements or trace metals in very small amounts were found in living tissues.Although some metallic ions, such as iron and copper, are involved in oxidation–reduction processes in energymetabolism, trace elements often function as enzyme system catalysts. The major pathological markers of AD areAβ plaques (40–42) & NF-tangles are associated with this disease. By examining various clinical & preclinicalstudies have proven that Al causes memory impairment as well as oxidative stress that results in mitochondrialdysfunction via the nucleus and mitochondria dysfunction (complex-I, II, IV), which leads to a mechanistic understanding of aging and the etiology of neurodegenerative illnesses. Multi-targeted pharmaceutical evidence-based therapy may need to be combined with non-pharmacological approaches and/or lifestyle modifications tostop the pandemic of neurological disease in the elderly. Other markers like aging, illnesses, and apoptosis have a greater focus in the field of research on NDs in the future.
... Moreover, non-essential but beneficial elements can also be interesting targets of agronomic biofortification. One of these is silicon (Si), due to its beneficial effects on human health [3] and its role in biotic and abiotic stress tolerance and plant physiology [4,5]. According to essentiality criteria for mineral elements [6], Si has not been accepted as an essential element for plants, with few exceptions, such as horsetail [7,8]. ...
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Agronomic biofortification of crops is a promising approach for the accumulation of Si in plant organs and can be achieved through the application of Si-containing fertilizers in the nutrient solution (NS) using a soilless technique. In the present research, a local variety of Cucumis melo L. called Carosello and two tomato hybrids, ‘Alfa 200’ (TA) and ‘Versus’ (TV), were cultivated in a floating system with three levels of Si (0, 50, and 100 mg·L−1) in the NS with the aim to study the Si translocation/accumulation in leaves, stems, and roots of these genotypes. In general, by adding Si to the NS, Si accumulation in plants increased. Regarding Si translocation, it was found that Carosello exhibited a better translocation capacity than tomato hybrids, and Si movement from roots to shoots was very much dependent on tomato genotypes. With the highest Si content in the NS, TA had a similar Si concentration in leaves and stems, while TV showed a greater Si concentration in leaves. In conclusion, Carosello landrace is confirmed as a good Si accumulator, while the tomato is confirmed as a species with low Si accumulation capacity. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of Si biofortification in tomatoes is very much dependent on the genotype.
... Arsenik metabolizmada reaktif oksijen türleri (ROS) üretimini hızlandırarak oksidatif strese yol açmakta, DNA hasarına neden olmakta ve çeşitli kanser süreçlerinde rol almaktadır. 20 Arsenik (µg/dL) 0,025 ± 0,004 0,020 ± 0,003 0,012 ± 0,002 p a = 0,000, p b = 0,000 ...
... 9 Ca, P ve As'nin metabolik fonksiyonlarda ve fizyopatolojik süreçlerde hayati bir rol oynadığı iyi bilinmektedir. 14,17,20 Eser/toksik elementler ve minerallerin seviyeleri organizmada özellikle bir takım fizyolojik ve patolojik koşullara bağlı olarak değişiklik gösterebilmektedir. ET'daki moleküler, hematolojik, enzimatik ve onkolojik yolaklarla ilişkili fizyopatolojik mekanizmalardaki temel etkileri tam olarak tanımlanmamıştır. ...
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Amaç: Esansiyel trombositoz, trombositlerde ciddi artış ve fonksiyon bozukluğuna sebep olan kök hücre kökenli nadir bir hastalıktır. Trombositlerin fonksiyonlarındaki bozulma ve artan aktiviteleri sonucunda, yapılarında bulunan granüllerden özgün moleküller salgılanmaktadır. Esansiyel trombositozda görülen hiperkalsemi, sayıca artan ve aktiviteleri artan trombositlerden kalsiyum salgılanmasına bağlıdır. Ayrıca, esansiyel trombositoz hastalarında artan serum fosfor düzeyi pıhtılaşma sırasında hücre içinden hücre dışına salınmasıyla ilişkili olabilir. Toksik bir element olan arsenik, trombositlerin yapısal değişikliklerine bağlı olarak ateroskleroza yol açan lipit peroksidasyonunu ve oksidatif stresi tetiklemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı serum kalsiyum, fosfor ve arsenik düzeylerindeki değişimlerin esansiyel trombositozun patogenez ve prognozuna etkilerini araştırmaktır. Yöntem: Çalışma grupları esansiyel trombositoz tanısı alan hastalar (Grup-1,n:40), demir eksikliği anemisine bağlı reaktif trombositoz hastaları (Grup-2,n:40) ve sağlıklı kontroller (Grup-3 n:40) olarak oluşturuldu. Serum kalsiyum, fosfor ve arsenik düzeyleri indüktif eşleşmiş plazma atomik emisyon spektrofotometresi kullanılarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Grup-1’de serum kalsiyum düzeyleri Grup-2 ve Grup-3’e göre anlamlı derecede yüksek olarak belirlendi (sırasıyla; p=0,001, p=0,006). Grup-1 ve Grup-2’nin serum arsenik düzeyleri Grup-3’ten yüksekti (p=0,000), ayrıca Grup-2’nin serum arsenik düzeyleri Grup-3’e göre daha yüksekti (p=0,000). Sonuç: Bu çalışma, değişen yapı ve fonksiyonlarıyla trombositlerin aktivitelerindeki artışı ortaya çıkardı. Esansiyel trombositoz grubunda serum kalsiyum düzeylerinin yüksek olması, aktif trombositlerden hücre dışına salgılanan kalsiyuma bağlı olabileceği düşüncesindeyiz. Benzer şekilde, trombositoz gruplarında serum arsenik düzeyinindeki artış ise, trombosit membranındaki lipit peroksidasyona bağlı olarak oksidatif strese maruz kaldığının göstergesi olabilir.
... Although Al is the third most common element in the earth's crust, it is poorly absorbed in the animal body and there is no clear role described for this element [54,55]. Due to long-lasting acidification of the environment due to excess N deposition mainly from agriculture, industry and traffic, pH values dropped significantly below 3.5 [22], which is Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. ...
... Thurston et al. [59] and Pérez-Granados and Vaquero [55] described that Al will be mainly accumulated in bone when renal function is compromised. However, although the digestive organs tended to be important target tissues for some individuals (Fig. 1a-h; Tables 2 and 3), we found no particular tissue that contained most of the Al for the individuals we measured. ...
... It has a role in connective tissue and healing from injuries [e.g. 54,55,177,178]. Since Si is easily excreted, Si toxicity is unlikely to occur [179]. Si deficiency may lead to delays in growth, bone deformations and abnormal skeletal Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. ...
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The ionome—an important expression of the physiological state of organisms—is poorly known for mammals. The focus on particular tissues—such as liver, kidney, and bones—in biomonitoring of environmental pollution and potential deficiencies is based on widely held assumptions rather than solid knowledge of full mammalian ionomes. We examined the full ionome of Red deer (Cervus elaphus) and Wild boar (Sus scrofa), two commonly used mammals for biomonitoring, in a Dutch protected nature reserve (Veluwezoom). We used four individuals per species. We dissected 13 tissues and organs from each individuals (eight in total) of each species and measured 22 elemental concentrations in each. We assessed, for each element, how concentrations varied across tissues within and between individuals. Based on existing literature, we put our findings in the context of their function in the mammalian body. We found that the ionome was highly variable between as well as within the two species. For most elements, tissues containing the highest and lowest concentration differed between individuals. No single tissue accurately represented the accumulation of toxic elements or potential deficiencies in the bodies. Our assessment of the element’s biological roles revealed a serious lack of reference values. Our findings imply that analyses of commonly used tissues in biomonitoring do not necessarily capture bioaccumulation of toxins or potential deficiencies. We recommend establishing a centralized database of mammalian ionomes to derive reference values in future. To our knowledge, our study is one of the most complete assessments of mammalian ionomes to date.
... A large body of evidence suggests that excessive sodium intake contributes to agerelated increase in blood pressure and may contribute essentially to hypertension [7][8][9]. Studies in humans in references [10][11][12][13] and [14] have found possible associations between aluminium ingestion and diseases of the nervous system; aluminium has been shown to have the potential to be toxicant to the central nervous, skeletal, and hematopoietic systems. According to the Minnesota Department of Health [15], children and adults who drink water with high levels of manganese for a long time may have problems with memory, attention, and motor skills; infants may develop learning and behaviour problems if they drink water containing too much manganese. ...
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The study sought to assess the suitability of groundwater for domestic and drinking purposes in the Effutu Municipality of Ghana. The paper employed laboratory protocols to analyse the water quality parameters’ concentrations for groundwater samples collected from wells. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyse the data and the concentrations of parameters compared with the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) permissible limits. Principal component analysis using the varimax rotation was employed to explore the main parameters which express groundwater quality in the municipality. Water quality index employing the weighted arithmetic method was also used to score groundwater suitability for domestic and drinking purposes. The study found that the main parameters determining groundwater quality in the Effutu Municipality are conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), salinity, hardness, chloride, calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Except for conductivity, manganese, TDS, total hardness, and calcium, the average concentrations for all studied water quality parameters were within limits proposed by WHO. The study further revealed that 48.15%, 44.44%, and 7.41% of the groundwater had excellent, good, and poor water quality indices, respectively. The investigation so advances that the groundwater resources of the Effutu Municipality are suitable for domestic purposes. Despite this, we recommend that abstracted groundwater should be treated by prioritizing the water quality parameters.
... Because of anthropogenic activities, the arable lands are acidic, and this causes the mobilization of aluminium from sediments, entering this way into terrestrial and aquatic food chains. Despite its abundance and high availability in the environment, it seems that it does not own biological functions in the organisms [31]. It has been demonstrated that it has a high affinity for hair, and there are several investigations about its levels in mammalian fur. ...
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The return to pasture use as an alternative to intensive livestock farming implies some risks with the lack or the excessive presence of potentially toxic elements; in this regard, wild animals have been used as bioindicators for decades. Thus, the purpose of this study is quantifying Cu, Cr, Mn, Zn, Se, As, Cd, Ni, Pb, Al, Fe, and Mg in fur from roe deer and understanding if it is a valid bioindicator tool. Hair was collected from 39 hunted roe deer and divided by age (<36 months old/≥36 months old), sex (male/female), and area of origin (urbanized/rural area). The mean concentrations of Fe, Mg, Mn, Al, Cr, and Pb were higher (p < 0.05) in the urbanized group; the mean levels of Mg and Cr were higher (p < 0.05) in older animals; and Cu, Fe, Mg, Cd, and Cr showed a higher accumulation in females. Our findings showed an age-related variation of elements, with higher concentrations in adult animals and females. In conclusion, our findings prove that hair is a valid matrix for this type of survey, and wild animals are good bioindicators for monitoring the presence of trace elements in pastures.
... Li is also an essential trace element for human life. Low-concentration Li is suitable for preventive treatment and can effectively prevent bipolar disorder [31,32]. Among the trace elements in the body, Li and Cu have high solid solubility in a Zn matrix [33]. ...
... The total content of Zn in the body and the serum is 2-4 g and 12-16 mM, respectively, and 29% in bones. The daily intake of Zn for adults to meet metabolism needs is 12-16 mg [31,70]. Zn deficiency can delay the gene expression of the transcription factor Runx-2, reduce the synthesis and activity of osteoblast extracellular matrix proteins such as type I collagen and alkaline phosphatase, reduce calcium deposition, and thereby inhibit the differentiation of osteoblasts and the synthesis and mineralization of the extracellular matrix of osteoblasts [71,72]. ...
... Li is also an essential trace element for life. The recommended daily intake of Li is about 650-3100 μg and the content in the body is 21-763 ppb for a 70 kg adult [31,32]. Li ion is most distributed in the cerebellum, followed by the brain and kidneys [32,44,82]. ...
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Zinc (Zn) and its alloys have promising potential application in biodegradable bone implants, attributable to their moderate degradation rate and biological safety in the human body. Nevertheless, the insufficient mechanical properties of pure Zn are challenging in meeting the mechanical property requirements for bone-implant materials. Here, we report the effects of alloying and hot rolling on the microstructure, mechanical properties, corrosion and degradation behavior, friction and wear performance, cytocompatibility, and antibacterial ability of Zn–2Cu–xLi (x = 0, 0.4, and 0.8 wt%) alloys. Our results indicate that the hot-rolled (HR) Zn–2Cu–0.4Li alloy exhibited the best comprehensive set of mechanical properties with yield strength of 280.8 MPa, ultimate tensile strength of 394.6 MPa, and elongation of 62.2%. The corrosion rate of HR Zn–2Cu–xLi samples in Hanks’ solution increased with the increasing addition of Li and the HR Zn–2Cu–0.4Li alloy showed an appropriate corrosion performance with Icorr of 33.8 μA/cm², Vcorr of 488 μm/a, and a degradation rate of 33 μm/a, making it suitable for bone-implant applications. The Zn–2Cu–xLi samples exhibited increased wear resistance with increasing Li addition. The diluted extracts of HR Zn–2Cu–xLi at 12.5% concentration exhibited non-cytotoxicity and the HR Zn–2Cu–0.4Li alloy showed the highest cell viability toward MG-63 cells. Further, the HR Zn–2Cu–0.4Li showed effective antibacterial ability toward S. aureus. Overall, the HR Zn–2Cu–0.4Li alloy can be considered a promising biodegradable metallic biomaterial for bone-implant applications.
... The positively charged lithium ions attract the negatively charged clotting factors and platelets. In this manner, the process of coagulation is completed [129,130]. ...
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This review focuses on the therapeutic effects of ions when released in physiological environments. Recent studies have shown that metallic ions like Ag+, Sr2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Ca2+, P+5, etc., have shown promising results in drug delivery systems and regenerative medicine. These metallic ions can be loaded in nanoparticles, mesoporous bioactive glass nanoparticles (MBGNs), hydroxyapatite (HA), calcium phosphates, polymeric coatings, and salt solutions. The metallic ions can exhibit different functions in the physiological environment such as antibacterial, antiviral, anticancer, bioactive, biocompatible, and angiogenic effects. Furthermore, the metals/metalloid ions can be loaded into scaffolds to improve osteoblast proliferation, differentiation, bone development, fibroblast growth, and improved wound healing efficacy. Moreover, different ions possess different therapeutic limits. Therefore, further mechanisms need to be developed for the highly controlled and sustained release of these ions. This review paper summarizes the recent progress in the use of metallic/metalloid ions in regenerative medicine and encourages further study of ions as a solution to cure diseases.
... The oxide film formed on Ti is very similar in both patients as would be expected for a passive film formed during exposure at similar potentials as the case for both P4 and P5. Interestingly, P5 shows surface contamination by Si, which is an element reported to appear in blood plasma [29] and synovial fluid [30]. ...
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In this study, we report results of the interaction of titanium (Ti) with human synovial fluids. A wide palette of electrochemical techniques was used, including open circuit potential, potentiodynamic methods, and electrochemical impedance. After the electrochemical testing, selected surfaces were analyzed using Auger Electron Spectroscopy to provide laterally resolved information on surface chemistry. For comparison purposes, similar tests were conducted in a series of simulated body fluids. This study shows that compared to the tested simulated body fluids, synovial liquids show a large patient variability up to one order of magnitude for some crucial electrochemical parameters such as corrosion current density. The electrochemical behavior of Ti exposed to human synovial fluids seems to be controlled by the interaction with organic molecules rather than with reactive oxygen species.
... Silicon is essential for general health (Pérez-Granados and Vaquero, 2002). Data collected from human, animal, and in vitro studies show that Si increases bone mineralization and collagen synthesis, as it also modulates the immune system and inflammatory response (Riccardi et al., 2021). ...
Anemia, a multifactorial condition with an intricate etiology, impacts on worldwide health. In bioarchaeology, cribra orbitalia (CO) and cribra cranii (CC) have been associated with anemia. However, studies point to a complex origin for these lesions allied with pathogenic loads and poor living conditions. Bone elemental composition might help to identify homeostatic ruptures due to anemia and/or cribra. This study hypothesizes that possible homeostatic ruptures due to anemia and CC can cause measurable alterations in bone elemental concentration, particularly in elements such as Ca, P, Fe, Cu and Pb. Twelve elements were measured by non-invasive pXRF, in 45 crania (27 females, 18 males) from the Coimbra Identified Osteological Collections. Individuals were grouped according to cause of death (COD) −19 anemia vs. 26 control - and CO and CC were recorded as present/absent. None of the individuals had CO and 14 expressed CC (4 in the anemic and 10 in the control group). Data from previous studies, and the Ca/P ratio suggest a low diagenetic impact on the sample; however, alteration of bone bioapatite has been identified as the process underlying the first principal component. Individuals with anemia as COD had lower Si content (Cp3), but this element might be under the detection limits. Principal component analysis identified that individuals with CC presented higher levels of Fe and lower of S (Cp2). These elements are in close affinity in the soil, but they are not correlated in this investigation. Hence, their concentrations may be associated with socioeconomic conditions of the Coimbra population in the 19th/20th century. Females presented higher concentration of P and Ca. This might be due to a retention of these elements in young women with demanding physiological roles, yet a diagenetic effect cannot be excluded. Older individuals presented lower concentrations of P, Ca, and Cl and higher of Pb. These differences may be associated with the normal aging process and with the fact that fragile skeletons are more prone to post-mortem alterations. Portable XRF proved to be a useful tool for the study of documented individuals and bone elemental composition may contribute to the etiological discussion of anemia and CC, as well as the taphonomic process.