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Achievements for each item on the indicator

Achievements for each item on the indicator

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Reflective thinking is the ability of a person to select the knowledge he has to solve the problem at hand, starting from analyzing the problem, evaluating, to concluding. This study aims to describe the reflective thinking skills of students of class VIII C SMP N 1 Pundong in solving mathematical problems in the subject matter of relations and fun...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... on data from the reflective thinking ability test obtained, it can be presented in detail for the achievement of indicators for each item. Achievement indicators for each item are shown in Table 2. Based on Table 2, shows that in general the results of the reflective thinking skills of students of class VIII C SMP Negeri 1 Pundong on the third indicator of reflective thinking draw analogies from the two similar cases, the lowest among the other indexes with an average of 24.04%. ...
Context 2
... on data from the reflective thinking ability test obtained, it can be presented in detail for the achievement of indicators for each item. Achievement indicators for each item are shown in Table 2. Based on Table 2, shows that in general the results of the reflective thinking skills of students of class VIII C SMP Negeri 1 Pundong on the third indicator of reflective thinking draw analogies from the two similar cases, the lowest among the other indexes with an average of 24.04%. In the fourth indicator of reflective thinking, evaluating based on mathematical concepts, students get low results with an average of 38.46%. ...
Context 3
... categorization of reflective thinking skills is shown in Table 3. Based on Table 2, it can be concluded that students tend to experience the most significant difficulties in question number 3 with reflective thinking indicators drawing analogies from two similar cases. Students also have difficulty with problems number 4, and 5 with reflective thinking indicators evaluating based on mathematical concepts and indicators of reflective thinking making conclusions about a problem using mathematical concepts. ...

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... A scale for assessing reflective thinking in reflection activities was previously developed by Basol and Evin Gencel (2013). Furthermore, the analysis of the reflective thinking abilities of junior high school students based on their initial mathematical abilities was examined (Salido & Dasari, 2019;Noer, 2020) and analyzed reflective thinking abilities in the context of two-variable linear equations systems, relations, and function problems (Hidayat et al., 2021), as well as in the context of fractions based on gender (Rasyid et al., 2018). Dwiyanti et al. (2022) explore their research and show that the reflective thinking process of students varies depending on their different cognitive styles. ...
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In educational settings, reflective thinking is often overlooked, with an excessive emphasis on final answers, resulting in students needing more ability to evaluate and reconstruct their problem-solving processes. The ability for reflective thinking is required by students in solving problems, including numerical problems. This study uses a qualitative approach to focus on field-independent students' numerical problem-solving processes. The data collection technique begins by administering the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT), a valid and reliable numeracy problem instrument, and conducting in-depth interviews. Two students with similar initial mathematical abilities and field-independent cognitive styles were selected as research subjects. Findings reveal that these students face challenges such as lengthy problem descriptions and a lack of confidence but gradually develop strategies, emphasizing repeated problem analysis, concept interconnections, and error awareness. Researcher-provided scaffolding facilitates critical reflection, enabling the construction of new ideas. These results have practical implications for teachers, suggesting the need to design lessons that cater to diverse cognitive styles, providing more complex problems to field-independent students to enhance their problem-solving skills.
... Previous research on reflective thinking has been conducted extensively (Sumardi dan Tyas, 2022;Hidayat et al., 2021;Ratnaningsih dan Hidayat, 2020;Widyasari et al., 2020). Most of these studies describe thinking abilities, while this research emphasizes the thinking process. ...
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Reflective thinking is considered one of the thinking skills that support the process of solving mathematical problems. Difficulties are always encountered in the problem-solving process therefore individual intelligence is required to persevere in facing challenges. The intelligence to persevere in facing challenges is referred to as the adversity quotient. The adversity quotient is divided into three categories: climber, camper, and quitter. This study is qualitative descriptive research aimed at describing the process of reflective thinking in students' problem-solving abilities from the perspective of adversity quotient. The research was conducted at a public junior high school in Wonogiri, with eighth-grade students as the subjects. Eighth-grade students are in the middle position, a stable level of adaptation. This matter because eighth-grade is still in the adjustment stage, a transition period on the environment and learning process. The respondents in this study consisted of three students, one climber, one camper, and one quitter. The respondents were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The data validity used was time triangulation. The results of the study concluded that the climber student demonstrated good reflective activity in each stage of Polya's problem-solving method, from understanding the problem, devising a solution plan, and implementing problem-solving, to reviewing the obtained results. The camper student showed some level of reflective activity, even though it was not optimal at the stages of devising a solution plan, implementing problem-solving, and reviewing. On the other hand, the quitter student did not exhibit reflective thinking activity in any of the stages of Polya's problem-solving method.
... Definition of reflective thinking process according to (Akpur, 2020) namely efforts to rationalize problems, build relationships between ideas, experiences, knowledge, perceptions, past understandings, reasoning and choose the right strategy to solve problems. This is in line with (Hidayat et al., 2021) which states that reflective thinking is an effort to connect old knowledge in order to determine the right strategy for solving problems. Reflective is an active or continuous thought process about what has been learned so that the impact, if someone is accustomed to thinking reflectively, the memory of a knowledge will last a long time and increase learning potential (Farahian et al., 2021). ...
p style="text-align: justify;">The purpose of this qualitative research is to analyze the reflective thinking process of prospective elementary teacher in numeracy problems in terms of their mathematical disposition. The subjects in this study were 26 prospective elementary school teachers who had attended elementary mathematics lectures. The focus in this research is the process of mathematical reflective thinking in solving story problems of a two-variable linear equation system in terms of the level of mathematical disposition. The research instrument consisted of a disposition questionnaire, a reflective thinking ability test and the researcher himself as the main instrument. Good mathematical reflective thinking skills are supported by disposition, by constantly monitoring one's own performance, reflecting on one's own performance, reasoning on one's own performance, considering the overall situation, the habit of analyzing the relationship between variables, being flexible in various alternative solutions to mathematical problems and trying to solve mathematical problems. From the results of this study, lecturers can develop learning media, scaffolding, or teaching materials that accommodate different dispositional abilities of prospective teachers that can be used to improve the reflective thinking process.</p
... Berpikir reflektif mempunyai peranan penting dalam menghadapi dan memecahkan masalah (Hidayat et al., 2021;Kholid et al., 2021), membantu siswa membuat skema penghubung antar materi pembelajaran (Kitchener et al., 1993) yang digunakan untuk pemahaman baru (van der Schaaf et al., 2013), mengajarkan siswa untuk mendesain penyelesaian terbaik berdasarkan pengalaman (Mohammad & Jado, 2015). Dengan demikian, berpikir reflektif perlu difasilitasi dalam proses pembelajaran. ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran berupa lembar kerja siswa untuk mengkonstruk kemampuan berpikir reflektif dengan menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) seting Group Investigation (GI) sehingga tersusun tahapan belajar antara lain: 1) menganalisis permasalahan yang mendorong siswa mengingat dan mencari hubungan antara pengetahuan yang telah dimiliki dengan permasalahan yang dihadapi; 2) membuat hipotesis dan berpikir tentang solusi pemecahan masalah; 3) menyelidiki; 4) melakukan percobaan penyelesaian masalah; 5) evaluasi dan refleksi. Penyusunan perangkat pengembangan menggunakan model Plomp dengan tahapan: 1) studi pendahuluan mencakup analisis kebutuhan dan situasi; 2) tahap perancangan dan pengembangan prototype; 3) tahap penilaian mencakup validasi ahli dan uji coba produk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lembar kerja siswa yang dikembangkan dinyatakan layak dan mampu untuk memfasilitasi kemampuan berpikir reflektif. Hasil penilaian siswa menunjukkan rata-rata skor 58,69 di kelas VII.G dan 59,44 di kelas VII.BL 2. Kemudian hasil tes kemampuan berpikir reflektif menunjukkan 86% siswa mampu berpikir reflektif dengan baik. Selain itu, LKS yang disusun menerapkan metode pembelajaran IBL setting GI ini dapat membantu siswa meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir reflektif.
... Gurol (2011); (Suharna, 2012); Suharna (2012), (Hidayat, 2021), berpikir reflektif merupakan suatu proses kegiatan terarah dan tepat, dimana siswa menyadari untuk, menganalisis, mengevaluasi, memotivasi, mendapatkan makna yang mendalam, dan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang tepat. Berpikir reflektif sangat penting dalam proses pemecahan masalah matematika, karena siswa bukan hanya menyelesai-kan masalah saja, tetapi juga perlu mengetahui proses berpikir mereka, misalnya dengan menanyakan apa yang sudah dikerjakan, apa yang belum dan apa yang memerlukan perbaikan sehing-ga melatih siswa untuk tidak gegabah dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah dan selalu penuh dengan pertimbangan yang matang ( (King, 2004); Taggart & Wilson (2005); (Choy & Oo, 2012); (Odiba & Baba, 2013)) . ...
Abstrak Berpikir reflektif yang terdiri dari tahapan reacting, elaborating/comparing, dan contemplating merupakan salah satu faktor yang memegang peranan penting dalam aktivitas siswa memecahkan masalah matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir reflektif siswa SMP dalam menyelesaikan masalah aritmetika sosial berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif ini melibatkan siswa kelas IXF di satu SMP Negeri di Banyuwangi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode tes dan wawancara. Tes tertulis berisi materi aritmetika sosial diberikan kepada 31 siswa kelas IXF. Kemudian berdasarkan hasil tahapan contemplating, maka dipilih 4 siswa terdiri dari 2 siswa laki-laki dan 2 siswa perempuan untuk dilakukan wawancara. Triangulasi metode digunakan untuk memperoleh data yang valid, yaitu membandingkan antara hasil tes tertulis dengan wawancara. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa persamaan dan perbedaan antara siswa laki-laki dengan siswa perempuan dalam berpikir reflektif saat memecahkan masalah aritmetika sosial. Secara keseluruhan, siswa perempuan memiliki kemampuan berpikir reflektif lebih baik daripada siswa laki-laki. Kata kunci: Aritmetika sosial; berpikir reflektif; jenis kelamin; memecahkan masalah matematika. Abstract Reflective thinking which consists of the stages of reacting, elaborating/comparing, and contemplating is one of the factors that play an important role in students' activities in solving mathematical problems. This study aims to describe the reflective thinking ability of junior high school students in solving social arithmetic problems based on gender. This study uses a qualitative descriptive study on students of class IXF at a SMP Negeri at Banyuwangi. Data collection using test and interview methods. A written test containing material on social arithmetic was given to 31 students of class IXF. Then based on the results of the contemplating stage, 4 students were selected consisting of 2 male students and 2 female students to participate in the interview. Triangulation method is used to obtain valid data, namely comparing the results of written tests with interviews. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that there were some similarities and differences between male students and female students in reflective thinking when solving social arithmetic problems. Overall, female students have better reflective thinking skills than male students.
... Gurol (2011); (Suharna, 2012); Suharna (2012), (Hidayat, 2021), berpikir reflektif merupakan suatu proses kegiatan terarah dan tepat, dimana siswa menyadari untuk, menganalisis, mengevaluasi, memotivasi, mendapatkan makna yang mendalam, dan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang tepat. Berpikir reflektif sangat penting dalam proses pemecahan masalah matematika, karena siswa bukan hanya menyelesai-kan masalah saja, tetapi juga perlu mengetahui proses berpikir mereka, misalnya dengan menanyakan apa yang sudah dikerjakan, apa yang belum dan apa yang memerlukan perbaikan sehing-ga melatih siswa untuk tidak gegabah dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah dan selalu penuh dengan pertimbangan yang matang ( (King, 2004); Taggart & Wilson (2005); (Choy & Oo, 2012); (Odiba & Baba, 2013)) . ...
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Abstrak Berpikir reflektif yang terdiri dari tahapan reacting, elaborating/comparing, dan contemplating merupakan salah satu faktor yang memegang peranan penting dalam aktivitas siswa memecahkan masalah matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir reflektif siswa SMP dalam menyelesaikan masalah aritmetika sosial berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif ini melibatkan siswa kelas IXF di satu SMP Negeri di Banyuwangi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode tes dan wawancara. Tes tertulis berisi materi aritmetika sosial diberikan kepada 31 siswa kelas IXF. Kemudian berdasarkan hasil tahapan contemplating, maka dipilih 4 siswa terdiri dari 2 siswa laki-laki dan 2 siswa perempuan untuk dilakukan wawancara. Triangulasi metode digunakan untuk memperoleh data yang valid, yaitu membandingkan antara hasil tes tertulis dengan wawancara. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa persamaan dan perbedaan antara siswa laki-laki dengan siswa perempuan dalam berfikir reflektif saat memecahkan masalah aritmetika sosial. Pada fase reacting, siswa laki-laki dan siswa perempuan sama baiknya dalam menuliskan apa yang diketahui dan apa yang ditanyakan dalam soal menggunakan kata-kata dari soal atau menggunakan bahasa sendiri. Pada tahap elaborating/comparing, siswa perempuan menunjukkan kemampuan lebih baik dari siswa laki-laki dalam menghubungkan apa yang diketahui dengan apa yang ditanya, menyebutkan kecukupan informasi untuk menjawab soal, menghubungkan masalah yang ditanyakan dengan masalah yang pernah diterima sebelumnya, menyusun rencana penyelesaian masalah berdasarkan pengalaman yang telah dimiliki serta menyelesaikan permasalahan menggunakan strategi yang telah disusun. Pada tahap contemplating, siswa laki-laki lebih baik pencapaiannya daripada siswa perempuan dalam menemukan kesalahan pada penetapan jawaban, menjelaskan letak kesalahan, memperbaiki kesalahan, dan membuat kesimpulan dengan benar. Secara keseluruhan, siswa perempuan memiliki kemampuan berfikir reflektif lebih baik daripada siswa laki-laki. Berdasarkan hasil ini, maka disarankan kepada guru matematika hendaknya selalu melatih siswa mengembangkan kemampuan berfikir reflektif dalam aktivitas memecahkan masalah matematika di sekolah. Selanjutnya siswa dilatih untuk mempresentasikan bagaimana melakukan semua tahapan berfikir reflektif tersebut, sehingga semua siswa, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan memiliki kemampuan berfikir reflektif sangat baik untuk memecahkan masalah matematika. Kata kunci: Aritmetika Sosial; Berpikir Reflektif; Jenis Kelamin; Memecahkan Masalah Matematika. Abstract Reflective thinking which consists of the stages of reacting, elaborating/comparing, and contemplating is one of the factors that play an important role in students' activities in solving mathematical problems. This study aims to describe the reflective thinking ability of junior high school students in solving social arithmetic problems based on gender. This study uses a qualitative descriptive study on students of class IXF at a SMP Negeri at Banyuwangi. Data collection using test and interview methods. A written test containing material on social arithmetic was given to 31 students of class IXF. Then based on the results of the contemplating stage, 4 students were selected consisting of 2 male students and 2 female students to participate in the interview. Triangulation method is used to obtain valid data, namely comparing the results of written tests with interviews. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that there were some similarities and differences between male students and female students in reflective thinking when solving social arithmetic problems. In the reacting phase, male students and female students were equally good at writing down what was known and what was asked in the question using words from the questions or using their own language. At the elaborating/comparing stage, female students showed better abilities than male students in connecting what was known to what was asked, mentioning the adequacy of information to answer questions, connecting the problems asked to problems that had been received before, compiling a problem-solving plan based on experience and solve problems using the strategies that have been prepared. At the contemplating stage, male students had better achievements than female students in finding errors in determining answers, explaining where errors were, correcting errors, and making correct conclusions. Overall, female students have better reflective thinking skills than male students. Based on these results, it is suggested that mathematics teachers should always train students to develop reflective thinking skills in mathematical problem solving activities at school. Furthermore, students are trained to present how to do all the stages of reflective thinking, so that all students, both male and female, have excellent reflective thinking skills to solve mathematical problems. Keywords: Gender; Reflective Thinking; Social Arithmetic; Solving Math Problems.