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Accountability Circle  

Accountability Circle  

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Conference Paper
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Public policies can be defined as; actions, which governments select to do or not to do, or a series of actions that are developed and implemented by the governments or public organizations. According to Easton (1965); stages of public policy process are agenda setting, policy formulation, implementation, budgeting and evaluation. In public impleme...


... Amaratunga et al., (2016) suggested a potential social accountability framework to be considered for inclusion in a national disaster management plan that identified several innovative principles and components of accountability includingbroadly defined and long-term process, delineation of accountable authorities and responsibilities/mandates, stakeholder participation, partnership and collaboration, penalties and incentives, regulatory bodies, external actors, broad participation and public involvement, and monitoring process. Bayrakçı et al., (2012) also identified important features of a wellsustained and exemplary policy accountability framework which include clear delineation of roles and responsibilities of actors and institutions, definition of distinct and unambiguous performance expectations from the actors and parties involved; pragmatic and periodic monitoring, review and correction strategy and mechanism for disclosure of information on achievements and letdowns through reporting and information sharing. ...
... The components include-clear delineation of roles, responsibilities and mandates, inter-organizational partnership and collaboration, stakeholder and public participation, monitoring strategy to overview implementation and penalty and incentive mechanism. Author"s Compilation Roles and responsibilities of the actors and parties acting within a common accountability framework must be clearly delineated, agreed upon and comprehended correctly by the stakeholders (Bayrakçı et al., 2012). It is important to identify the authorities and institutions that are to be held accountable along with their mandated roles and responsibilities since clear understanding of the legal and moral obligations of the executive bodies helps develop performance indicators and reduce overlapping of responsibilities and confusions. ...
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This research aims to critically analyze the manifestation of accountability issues in disaster related major policies of Bangladesh as well as its field level implications. For that purpose, five major policies related to the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) of Bangladesh have been meticulously selected and analyzed. Critical analysis of the policy contents with regard to a model accountability framework has been principally adopted to derive the insights. Key Informant Interview (KII) with experts in the relevant fields has been considered for empirical data collection on accountability practices. The findings reveal existence of well-articulated accountability principles implanted into the policy dictates alongside weak institutional arrangements and governance mechanism to implement them at the empirical level. However, the remarkable progress of Bangladesh in disaster risk management against the partially dysfunctional accountability framework seemingly takes place by reaping benefits from indigenous knowledge and community based adaptive practices. The policy makers need to better understand the institutional mechanisms as well as the community level practices for DRR and finally mainstream them in the policy making process. The findings will potentially serve as a standard assessment of the current status of disaster risk governance in Bangladesh. The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 11(1), 2022: 69-80
... For example, Bayrakci et al. (2012) conducted a comparative study in Germany to examine accountability in public policies. They concluded that public administrators and politicians should behave responsibly while implementing policies and provide information to the community regarding the implemented policies. ...
... Regarding accountability, 93% of the respondents viewed it as an essential quality for leaders implementing education infrastructure policy goals in the Bekker & Van Heyningen's (2011) findings, which found that successful implementation of public policies relies on leadership accountability and commitment. It also complements the perspectives of Bayrakci et al. (2012) and Martin & Frahm (2010), who argued that accountable leadership significantly enhances policy implementation performance. The findings further reveal that 87% of the respondents considered vision an essential quality for leaders implementing policy on education infrastructure in the framework of the ETP of 2014, while 13% held a different opinion. ...
... Many African countries have been found wanting on these (Olajide et al. 2020). The public policymaking process is shrouded in official secrecy while governmental actors are largely unaccountable for their actions, choices, and decisions, which affect the people (Ndah 2010;Bayrakçı et al. 2012;Mondlane et al. 2016). The pervasive lack of accountability and transparency affects environmental governance, demonstrating African countries' half-hearted approach to environmental diplomacy. ...
The African Group of Negotiators are an important bloc of states in international climate change regimes. This is due to the strategic linkage of African development and its issues to these regimes. This resonates given that Africa needs to shore up its development profile in the emerging global order dictated by forces of globalization. This chapter, however, notes that climate bandwagoning is a two-way street. It is not just only desirable to link development imperatives to environmental diplomacy, African countries also have important lessons and offerings that must be inculcated and tailored to their reality. To do climate bandwagoning in a one-way fashion only amounts to a fallacy of climate bandwagoning, which offers little or nothing to the continent in terms of development. Africa must embrace full environmental governance offerings in important areas such as financing, participation, accountability, and the political will to see environmental diplomacy in the right perspective.
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ABSTRACT The interactions between state, bureaucracy, civil society and citizens determine the quality of political systems. Sometimes the state, sometimes the continuity of the administrative apparatus functioning according to a certain set of rules and sometimes singular or plural citizens, forms the focus of the system being applied. Among those four main elements, bureaucracy reflects the will of the state, while civil society reflects that of the citizens. Therefore, it seems possible to reduce the whole of those relations to the level of state-citizen relationships. However, regardless of the level of interactions studied, not only the power of the state but also the satisfaction of its citizens will depend on the establishment and operation of an efficient system. In this context, the way the state is perceived by the citizens and that of the citizens by the state, reflects both on the administration’s implementationson the social order, and on the belief of the citizens in the system. The starting point of this work is forming an opinion about that perception through efficient state principles. In the study,firstly the concepts of state, bureaucracy and citizen were examined; and then the state-citizen relations in various countries, including Turkey were dealt through a historical perspective. In this context, the events and the phenomena examined were evaluated in terms of cause and effect relations in order to make contemporary inferences. The third part of the study wasreservedfor the explanation of effective state principles that form the basis of the questionnaires used in field study in the last section. In the last part of the study, the data, which was obtained through two separate questions forms prepared in the thought of the findings of the field study being compatible with the universe of Turkey,was analysed. One of the forms was applied to a sample group of 2003 participants and the second form was applied to 515 public employees. The obtained data were analysed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) and the findings were evaluated in the light of the literature. It is hoped to provide information to decision-makers and practitioners in the field of public policy, and to contribute to the creation of a survey compatible with the sample of Turkey. Keywords: State, Bureaucracy, Citizen, State-Citizen Relationships, The Case of Turkey. ÖZET Devlet, bürokrasi, sivil toplum ve vatandaşlar arasındaki etkileşimler, siyasal sistemlerin niteliğini belirlemektedir. Kimi zaman devlet, kimi zaman belirli bir kurallar bütününe göre işleyen idari aygıtın devamlılığı, kimi zaman da tekil ya da çoğul vatandaşlar, uygulanan sistemin odağına oturtulmaktadır. Bu dört temel unsurdan bürokrasi daha çok devletin, sivil toplum ise vatandaşların iradesini yansıtmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu ilişkiler bütününü devlet-vatandaş ilişkileri düzeyine indirgemek de mümkün görünmektedir. Ne var ki incelenen etkileşimler hangi düzeyde olursa olsunhem devletin gücü hem de vatandaşların memnuniyeti etkin bir sistemin kurulup işletilmesine bağlı olacaktır. Bu bağlamda, devletin vatandaşlar tarafından, vatandaşların da devlet tarafından algılanış biçimi, hem idarenin toplumsal düzene dair uygulamalarına hem de vatandaşların sisteme olan inancına yansımaktadır. Bu çalışmanın çıkış noktasını da etkin devlet ilkeleri üzerinden söz konusu bu algılara ilişkin fikir edinilmesi oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada öncelikle devlet, bürokrasi ve vatandaş kavramları incelenmiş ardından başta Türkiye olmak üzere çeşitli ülkelerdeki devlet-vatandaş ilişkileri tarihsel bir açısıyla ele alınmıştır. Bu kapsamda incelenen olay ve olgular, genel olarak günümüze ilişkin çıkarımlarda bulunmak üzere neden-sonuç ilişkileri bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın üçüncü bölümü ise, son bölümde bulgularına yer verilen alan çalışmasında kullanılan soru formlarının temelini oluşturan etkin devlet ilkelerinin açıklanmasına ayrılmıştır. Çalışmanın son bölümünde,yürütülen alan çalışması bulgularının Türkiye evreni ile uyumlu olması düşüncesiyle hazırlanan iki ayrı soru formundan elde edilen veriler analiz edilmiştir. Formlardan biri 2003 katılımcıdan oluşan bir örneklem grubuna, ikinci form ise 515 kamu çalışanına uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS (Sosyal Bilimler İstatistik Paket Programı) vasıtasıyla analiz edilmiş, bulgular literatür ışığında değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın kamu politikaları konusunda karar verici ve uygulayıcılara bilgi sağlaması, Türkiye örneğine uygun bir anket oluşturulmasına katkı sağlaması umulmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Devlet, Bürokrasi, Vatandaş, Devlet-Vatandaş İlişkileri, Türkiye Örneği