Figure 1 - uploaded by Luciano Floridi
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AI Knowledge Map (AIKM). Source: Corea (2019), reproduced with permission courtesy of F. Corea.

AI Knowledge Map (AIKM). Source: Corea (2019), reproduced with permission courtesy of F. Corea.

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... argument stems not from the belief that all healthcare needs will soon be taken care of by "robot doctors" (Chin-Yee & Upshur, 2019). Instead, the argument rests on the classic counterfactual definition of AI as an umbrella term for a range of techniques (summarised in Figure 1 below) that can be used to make machines complete tasks in a way that would be considered intelligent were they to be completed by a human. For example1, as mapped by (Harerimana, Jang, Kim, & Park, 2018), decision tree techniques can be used to diagnose breast cancer tumours (Kuo, Chang, Chen, & Lee, 2001); Support Vector Machine techniques can be used to classify genes ( Brown et al., 2000) and diagnose Diabetes Mellitus (Barakat, Bradley, & Barakat, 2010); ensemble learning methods can predict outcomes for cancer patients (Kourou, Exarchos, Exarchos, Karamouzis, & Fotiadis, 2015); and neural networks can be used to recognise human movement (Jiang & Yin, 2015). ...
Context 2
... example1, as mapped by (Harerimana, Jang, Kim, & Park, 2018), decision tree techniques can be used to diagnose breast cancer tumours (Kuo, Chang, Chen, & Lee, 2001); Support Vector Machine techniques can be used to classify genes ( Brown et al., 2000) and diagnose Diabetes Mellitus (Barakat, Bradley, & Barakat, 2010); ensemble learning methods can predict outcomes for cancer patients (Kourou, Exarchos, Exarchos, Karamouzis, & Fotiadis, 2015); and neural networks can be used to recognise human movement (Jiang & Yin, 2015). From this perspective, AI represents a growing resource of interactive, autonomous, and often self-learning (in the machine learning sense, see Figure 1) agency, that can be used on demand , presenting the opportunity for potentially transformative cooperation between machines and doctors (Bartoletti, 2019). 1 For a full overview of all supervised and unsupervised Machine Learning techniques and their applications in healthcare, see Harerimana, Jang, Kim, & Park, 2018 and for a detailed look at the number of papers related to AI techniques and their clinical applications see ( Tran et al., 2019) This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at: ...
Context 3
... Coupling: patients and their data are so strictly and interchangeably linked that the patients are their genetic profiles, latest blood results, personal information, allergies etc. (Floridi, 2017a). What the legislation calls 'data subjects" become "data patients"; ...

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... More recently, however, these debates about trust have been playing out in the context of medical AI [22,35,50,58]. Many interesting ethical issues are at stake in the deployment of automated technologies in such a domain as care [60,61]. Several factors make the medical field the paradigmatic setting for instances of trust: it is where we are the most vulnerable and where we trust others with the most essential aspects of our lives such as our bodies. ...
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In this paper, I argue that the only kind of trust that should be allocated to AI technologies, if any at all, is epistemic trust. Epistemic trust is defined by Wilholt (Br J Philos Sci 64:233–253, 2013) as the kind of trust that is allocated strictly in virtue of the capacities of the receiver as a provider of information or as a conveyer of knowledge. If, as Alvarado (2022, argues, AI is first and foremost designed and deployed as an epistemic technology—a technology that is designed, developed and deployed to particularly and especially expand our capacities as knowers—then it follows that we trust AI, when we trust it, exclusively in its capacities as a provider of information and epistemic enhancer. Trusting it otherwise may betray conceptual confusion. As I will show, it follows that trust in AI cannot be modeled after any general kind of interpersonal trust, it cannot be modeled after trust in other technologies such as pharmaceuticals, and it cannot be modeled after the kind of trust we allocate to medical practitioners in their capacities as providers of care. It also follows that, even after it is established that epistemic trust is the only legitimate kind of trust to allocate to epistemic technologies, whether or not AI can, in fact, be trusted remains an open question.
... Despite its promises and benefits, the increasing relevance and adoption of AI in LTC and other domains of society has encouraged debate over the societal and ethical implications of introducing and scaling AI (Good, 1966;Morley et al., 2019;Rubeis, 2020;Russell et al., 2015;Tsamados et al., 2021;Zuboff, 2015). It is recognized that the use of AI can lead to more effective, efficient, and sometimes more transparent decisions than those made by human beings. ...
... Second, this paper does not argue for the exclusion (or inclusion) of AI systems from the diagnostic processes: this is a subject of a separate inquiry. 40 The goal here is only to contribute to the discussion of their proper use and responsible employment. Various pattern recognition techniques may be invaluable for certain parts of this process, when they are used with full comprehension of their role, possibilities and limitations. ...
... For an overview of ethical questions about AI in healthcare see, e.g., Trocin et al.[56], Burr et al.[11], Morley et al.[40], Stahl and Coeckelbergh[50].3 On the difference between moral and non-moral responsibility see, e.g., Tigard[54] and[4]. ...
... On the impotence of contesting AI diagnosis in patient-centric paradigm see Ploug and Holm[42].40 For example, Tigard[54] presents arguments against deployment of such high-risk systems in health care. ...
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Responsible professional use of AI implies the readiness to respond to and address—in ethically appropriate manner—harm that may be associated with such use. This presupposes the ownership of mistakes. In this paper, I ask if a mistake in AI-enhanced decision making—such as AI-aided medical diagnosis—can be attributed to the AI system itself, and answer this question negatively. I will explore two options. If AI systems are merely tools, then we are never justified to attribute mistakes to them, because their failing does not meet rational constraints on being mistaken. If, for the sake of the argument, we assume that AI systems are not (mere) tools, then we are faced with certain challenges. The first is the burden to explain what this more-than-a-tool role of an AI system is, and to establish justificatory reasons for the AI system to be considered as such. The second is to prove that medical diagnosis can be reduced to the calculations by AI system without any significant loss to the purpose and quality of the diagnosis as a procedure. I will conclude that the problem of the ownership of mistakes in hybrid decision making necessitates new forms of epistemic responsibilities.
... With advances in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), systems learn and adapt by themselves. This means that retrospectively, it can be difficult for people to understand how scores and goals were classified (Morley et al., 2019). Equally, it makes it difficult to evaluate the implications of automated decisions. ...
... This suggests that people have set views of what they consider the self to be, causing conflict when these views don't match up with current representations of the self. AI may offer a solution through personalised recommendations, but relying on quantitative data patterns, even if specific to a person may lack meaning as these recommendations are shaped by design decisions, goals and norms that privilege some selves over others (Morley et al., 2019). These many versions of the self show a disparity between what the self is and what people or society expect the self to be. ...
... There is a problem with not knowing this purpose in self-tracking as the purpose changes how the self is represented in a system. This will only get worse with the introduction of AI as people tend to over trust data, even if it is not accurate (Morley et al., 2019). People will blame their interpretation of data or not reaching the goal as a personal fault and rather than the system's fault for misrepresenting the self. ...