Fig 1 - uploaded by George Papanicolaou
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1. A pulse propagates toward a time reversal array of size a. The propagation distance L is large compared to a. The ambient medium has a randomly varying index of refraction with a typical correlation length that is small compared to a. The signal is time reversed at the array and sent back into the medium. The back propagated signal refocuses with spot size λL/ae, where ae is the effective aperture of the array (Section 3.3). 

1. A pulse propagates toward a time reversal array of size a. The propagation distance L is large compared to a. The ambient medium has a randomly varying index of refraction with a typical correlation length that is small compared to a. The signal is time reversed at the array and sent back into the medium. The back propagated signal refocuses with spot size λL/ae, where ae is the effective aperture of the array (Section 3.3). 

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When a signal is emitted from a source, recorded by an array of transducers, time reversed and re-emitted into the medium, it will refocus approximately on the source location. We analyze the refocusing resolution in a high frequency, remote sensing regime, and show that, because of multiple scattering, in an inhomogeneous or random medium it can i...

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... To quantify statistical stability, variance calculations are required, which are based on high-order moment analysis. (2) Motivated by statistical stability analysis and time-reversal experiments for waves in random media [21,49], new methods for communication and imaging have been introduced that are based on wavefield correlations. The understanding and analysis of these methods again require high-order moments calculations. ...
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... It moreover turns out that refocusing is enhanced when the medium is randomly scattering, and that the time-reversed refocused wave is statistically stable, in the sense that its shape depends on the statistical properties of the random medium, but not on its particular realization. The phenomenon of focusing enhancement has been analyzed quantitatively [3,9,24,26]. Statistical stability of time-reversal refocusing for broadband pulses is usually qualitatively proved by invoking the fact that the time-reversed refocused wave is the superposition of many independent frequency components, which gives the selfaveraging property in the time domain [3,26]. ...
... The phenomenon of focusing enhancement has been analyzed quantitatively [3,9,24,26]. Statistical stability of time-reversal refocusing for broadband pulses is usually qualitatively proved by invoking the fact that the time-reversed refocused wave is the superposition of many independent frequency components, which gives the selfaveraging property in the time domain [3,26]. However, so far, there has not been a fully satisfactory analysis of the statistical stability phenomenon, because it involves the evaluation of a fourth-order moment of the Green's function of the random wave equation. ...
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... We will show that, despite the spatial correlations induced by the periodicities of the system, it is possible to reproduce the original experiment of Derode et al. (2003), yet, with precise control of the scattering medium. Previous studies (Blomgren et al., 2002;Derode et al., 2000Derode et al., , 2001bPapanicolaou et al., 2004) have proved that TR focusing is a statistically stable phenomenon, i.e., it does not depend on a particular realization of the heterogeneous medium. However, when the medium changes in between the forward and backward stages of the TR, the focusing is destroyed for changes that are larger than the average wavelength (Vigo et al., 2004). ...
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... In each iteration step, we use the boundary source f n and its response Λf n to compute the boundary source f n+1 for the next iteration step. The iteration algorithm in this paper was inspired by time reversal methods, see [2,3,9,8,16,17,22,35,36,37]. We note that when the traditional time-reversal algorithms are used in imaging, one typically needs to assume that the medium contains some point-like scatterers. ...
We study the wave equation on a bounded domain of $\mathbb R^m$ and on a compact Riemannian manifold $M$ with boundary. We assume that the coefficients of the wave equation are unknown but that we are given the hyperbolic Neumann-to-Dirichlet map $\Lambda$ that corresponds to the physical measurements on the boundary. Using the knowledge of $\Lambda$ we construct a sequence of Neumann boundary values so that at a time $T$ the corresponding waves converge to zero while the time derivative of the waves converge to a delta distribution. Such waves are called an artificial point source. The convergence of the wave takes place in the function spaces naturally related to the energy of the wave. We apply the results for inverse problems and demonstrate the focusing of the waves numerically in the 1-dimensional case.
... Qualitatively, the mechanisms responsible for the good properties of the CCF are similar to the ones that ensure efficient pulse refocusing during time-reversal experiments. Time-reversal refocusing properties are well understood mathematically not only for three-dimensional waves in randomly layered media [70] but also, for instance, for paraxial waves [10,22,108] or classical waves with weak fluctuations and in the high frequency limit [11]. ...
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... However, this approach only works for the near-field source. The time reversal method [20][21][22][23][24] inverses the measured signal in time and reinject it back into the same medium. This approach is able to refocus the source and return a super-resolution result in a medium with multiple reflections, scattering and refractions [23]. ...
... The CINT imaging function is given by the superposition of crosscorrelations backpropagated in the reference medium. Its mathematical expression resembles that of the time reversal function analyzed in [36,37], and its statistical stability and resolution are studied in [29,27]. Unlike in time reversal, where super-resolution of focusing occurs, the stability of CINT comes at the expense of resolution, which is determined by two characteristic scales in the random medium: the decoherence frequency and length. ...
... + k 2 e x (x)e y (x)(1 + 4πη 0 (x) + 4πη (1) 2k) 2 e x (x)e y (x)(1 + 4πη 0 (x) + 4πη (1) (x)), (D.35)where e x (x) and e y (x) are defined by .36) Here V PMLx and V PML y each contain two PML layers that we surround V with in x and y directions respectively. ...
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We consider the problem of optical imaging of small nonlinear scatterers in random media. We propose an extension of coherent interferometric imaging (CINT) that applies to scatterers that emit second-harmonic light. We compare this method to a nonlinear version of migration imaging and find that the images obtained by CINT are more robust to statistical fluctuations. This finding is supported by a resolution analysis that is carried out in the setting of geometrical optics in random media. It is also consistent with numerical simulations for which the assumptions of the geometrical optics model do not hold.
... To this end, a variant of the classical beamforming is employed to estimate the sound source, in which the closed form of Green's function is replaced by a numerical version. Another source localization method in the time domain that is frequently used in both acoustic and elastic media is time reversal [14][15][16][17][18][19]. It is based on the symmetric nature of the wave equation with respect to the time variable in non-dissipative media. ...
... The Itô-Schrödinger model can be derived rigorously from the Helmholtz equation by a separation of scales technique in the high-frequency regime [8,9,10]. It is physically relevant and it models many situations, for instance laser beam propagation [1,21], time reversal in random media [2,18], or underwater acoustics [22]. The Itô-Schrödinger model allows for the use of Itô's stochastic calculus, which in turn enables the closure of the hierarchy of moment equations [6,14]. ...
When waves propagate through a complex or heterogeneous medium the wave field is corrupted by the heterogeneities. Such corruption limits the performance of imaging or communication schemes. One may then ask the question: is there an optimal way of encoding a signal so as to counteract the corruption by the medium? In the ideal situation the answer is given by time reversal: for a given target or focusing point, in a first step let the target emit a signal and then record the signal transmitted to the source antenna, time reverse this and use it as the source trace at the source antenna in a second step. This source will give a sharply focused wave at the target location if the source aperture is large enough. Here we address this scheme in the more practical situation with a limited aperture, time-harmonic signal, and finite-sized elements in the source array. Central questions are then the focusing resolution and signal-to-noise ratio at the target, their dependence on the physical parameters, and the capacity to focus selectively in the neighborhood of the target point and therefore to transmit images. Sharp results are presented for these questions.
... The Itô-Schrödinger model can be derived rigorously from (1) by a separation of scales technique in the high-frequency regime (see [1] in the case of a randomly layered medium and [21][22][23] in the case of a three-dimensional random medium). It models many situations, for instance, laser beam propagation [42], time reversal in random media [4,35], underwater acoustics [43], or migration problems in geophysics [7]. The Itô-Schrödinger model allows for the use of Itô's stochastic calculus, which in turn enables the closure of the hierarchy of moment equations [17,27]. ...
... In the context of design of imaging techniques this insight is important to make proper balance in between noise and resolution in the image. We remark that in certain regimes one may be able to prove statistical stability, that is, that the signal-to-noise ratio goes to infinity in the scaling limit [35,36]. The results we present here are more general in the sense that we can actually describe a finite signal-to-noise ratio and how the parameters of the problem determine this. ...
... The second-order moments play an important role, as they give the mean intensity profile and the correlation radius of the transmitted beam [14,23] can be used to analyze time reversal experiments [4,35] and wave imaging problems [9,10], and we will need them to compute the scintillation index of the transmitted beam and the variance of the Wigner transform. We describe them in detail in this section. ...
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In this paper we consider the Ito-Schrodinger model for wave propagation in random media in the paraxial regime. We solve the equation for the fourth-order moment of the field in the regime where the correlation length of the medium is smaller than the initial beam width. As applications we derive the covariance function of the intensity of the transmitted beam and the variance of the smoothed Wigner transform of the transmitted field. The first application is used to explicitly quantify the scintillation of the transmitted beam and the second application to quantify the statistical stability of the Wigner transform.