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A model formative assessment strategy 

A model formative assessment strategy 

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This paper describes a series of experiential educational exercises developed to better engage and more effectively educate master degree students in the necessary foundation skills that comprise a true scholar. It was developed from the atmosphere of viewing the initial disengagement of my students while at the same time recalling, as a student, m...


... Students learning is greater involving a sharing of curiosity and increase in curiosity. The benefits seem to be more which keeps the students engaged and involved in class [19]. Creative self-efficacy (CSE) and Creative Personal Identity (CPI) were analyzed against the curiosity inventory and there was a strong correlation between them. ...
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Purpose: Curiosity is the basis of learning anything new. Children possess heightened curiosity than adults. Several studies have explored the relationship between curiosity and motivation. This trait is also found to enhance learning in children. Does this trait have similar significance in visually impaired children as sighted children? This study aims to understand the difference between the two groups with the standardized Curiosity and Explorative Inventory (CEI-II.). Most of the learning is by observing and seeing. In the absence of this in visual impairment, the ability to become curious becomes limited. Embracing new ideas and learning them can provide insight to their open-mindedness. The explorative nature of curiosity renders in personal growth and personality development. This study opens up areas like motivation, personal growth, and approach to learning new things to be explored as potential areas for future researchers. Design/Methodology/Approach: This comparative study would be based on an equal number of participants of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th standard groups of children who are sighted and visually impaired. Findings/Result: This study aims to determine the difference and relationship between curiosity levels of sighted and visually impaired school students. Originality/Value: Curiosity trait among visually impaired children compared to those of sighted children in an Indian context is being explored in this study. Paper Type: Comparative analysis based paper.
... It is simply the frame of mind in which one wants to learn more about something. Curiosity can be viewed as a source of internal motivation that encompasses the foundation of education (Binson, 2009). The motivational fuel for learning at each step of the educational process is driven mainly by curiosity. ...
... The motivational fuel for learning at each step of the educational process is driven mainly by curiosity. Curiosity motivates students to learn more and more about their world, and as a result, a deeper understanding of the interactions and the relationship between the various elements is achieved (Loewenstein, 1994;Binson, 2009). ...
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This paper describes a pilot study that explores students learning how to program via a multi-disciplinary approach. The study participants were eleven 6th grade students who learned programming fundamentals via music activities in a Scratch 3.0 environment. These activities included the programming of familiar melodies and the development of suitable animations or computer games. For that matter, a study unit termed MelodyCode was developed in the spirit of the STEAM education approach and the spiral learning method and included exploration tasks based on individual learning. Via the programming of familiar melodies, they became acquainted with programming concepts such as functions, variables, repetition and control commands, parallel processes, and more. Competitions that win awards were held from time to time, which prompted students to invest efforts in their projects to reach first place and gain the teacher and classmates' appreciation. The study was conducted in the form of action research. The data analysis yielded references to the effect of MelodyCode on common stereotypes students hold regarding programming (masculine profession, necessitates good mathematics knowledge), cognitive aspects (cognitive load, linking music concrete use to abstract programming concepts), and affective aspects (joyful and relaxing class atmosphere, motivation, curiosity, self-efficacy).
... Curiosity is the innate drive and intrinsic motivation for learning and acquiring new information [3]. Refecting on moments in which curiosity strikes and exploring them can be a pragmatic medium to learn things and to fnd even real-life applications for previously acquired knowledge. ...
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We often get questions about the processes and things that we observe in our surroundings, but there exists no practical support for exploring these questions. Exploring curiosity can lead to learning new science concepts. We propose using a post-event recall and reflection approach to support curiosity-inspired learning in everyday life. This approach involves capturing contextual cues during the curiosity moment with wearables that can capture these contextual cues in daily life and later using them for recall and focused reflection. Firstly, we conducted a preliminary study to explore different cues and their effectiveness in recalling these curiosity moments. Further, we conducted a virtual study to evaluate the amount of exploration through post-event recall and refection and compared it with insitu recall and reflection. Results show a significant increase in questions and reflections made with the post-event recall and reflection approach, providing evidence for better learning outcomes from everyday curiosity.
... Rasa ingin tahu merupakan suatu hal yang sangat mendasar dalam proses pembelajaran sains (Raida & Jamaludin, 2020). Rasa ingin tahu menjadi pondasi dasar pada tiga tingkatan berpikir siswa (Binson, 2009), Dalam proses belajar, rasa ingin tahu siswa dieksplorasi pengalamannya dengan meningkatkan kemampuan baca, kemampuan mendengar, berpikir, dan berkomunikasi dengan baik. Rasa ingin tahu yang ada di dalam siswa mendorong sikap input read dan listen well yaitu dimana siswa akan mencari tahu sesuatu dengan cara membaca atau mendngar informasi penting agar rasa ingin tahunya terpecahkan. ...
... (Irdalisa, Paidi & Djukri, 2020) menyatakan pemahaman siswa terhadap bacaan yang dibacanya meningkatkan rasa ingin tahu, sehingga hal ini menunjukkan suatu hal yang positif. Binson (2009), menyatakan bahwa dasar untuk berpikir siswa dengan melakukan kegiatan input read dan listen well. proses berpikir siswa/process think well akan semakin baik saat informasi yang dimasukkan akurat. ...
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The purpose of this research is that students' curiosity can be increased by using guided inquiry models assisted by ICT. In learning science, one of the things that must be improved is curiosity. Curiosity is a person's desire for information and knowledge, as well as the sensation of new experiences to be able to motivate behavior in finding out the true truth. The curiosity measured in this study, such as the desire of students to explore for new information, the desire to find a new concept or theory by applying the knowledge they have, and someone's desire to find out if there is a conflict between what is believe inversely proportional with what is reality. This study used a one group pretest posttest design and used a quantitative approach. The sample in this study was 63 fifth semester students of biology education at the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka Jakarta, Indonesia. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data analysis using descriptive quantitative. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the application of the ICT-assisted guided inquiry model is more effective in increasing student curiosity. The application of technology-based inquiry is important in improving student Curiosity to make science learning more meaningful, effective, and efficient.
... Indikator terakhir adalah bertanya, pada indikator ini semua anak berpotensi bertanya dengan rata -rata 96,2 %, anak sealalu ingin tahu akan cara menjawab soal dan berkeinginan untuk mendapatkan reward yang ada di permainan, hal ini membangkitkan semangat anak untuk terus menyelesaikan persoalan yang ada di games pembelajaran, sejalan dengan ciri dari curiosity yaitu anak sering bertanya akan sesuatu hal yang dianggapnya menarik dan menantang (Binson, 2009;Kemendiknas, 2010;Kurniawan, 2013). Dari perhitungan hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa games pembelajaran berbasis android yang telah dikembangkan oleh peneliti memiliki efek potensial untuk mendukung curiosity anak dalam pembelajaran matematika awal. ...
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Abstrak Pendesainan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan games pembelajaran berasis android untuk mendukung curiosity anak usia dini dalam mengenalkan matematika awal yang layak dan praktis serta memiliki efek potensial untuk mendukung curiosity anak dalam mengenalkan matematika awal. Penelitian ini menggunakan development research yang terdiri dari perencanaan, tahap pengembangan, dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini melibatkan validator sebagai ahli media serta ahli materi lainnya. Subjek penelitian adalah anak usia dini sebanyak 18 anak usia dini di TK Dharma Wanita Kota Pagaralam. Pada artikel ini akan menceritakan tentang tahapan evaluasi pendesainan games pembelajran berbasis android. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa games pembelajaran berbasis android yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid, layak digunakan dan praktis oleh para ahli yang diuji dari aspek media, aspek materi dan praktisi. Serta memiliki efek potensial untuk mendukung curiosity anak dalam mengenal matematika awal. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dalam pembelajaran bagi anak usia dini dengan menggunakan mini games untuk mendukung rasa ingin tahu anak dalam pembelajaran matematika serta menambah referensi pembelajaran bagi guru usia dini dalam menggunakan teknologi pada proses pembelajaran. Kata kunci: Anak usia dini; android; curiosity; games pembelajaran; matematika awal. Abstract The aim of this design was to produce learning games based android for supporting early childhood’s curiosity in introducing initial mathematic which were proper, practical, and had a potential effect to support early childood’s curiosity for introducing initial mathematic. This research used development research with planning, developing, and evaluating stage. This research involved validator as media expert and other material experts. The subject of this research were 18 early childhood children in TK Dharma Wanita Pagar Alam. This article would explain about the evaluation stages of android based learning games. The result of this study showed that android based learning games developed by the researcher were valid, proper to be used, and practical by experts which were tested from media aspect, material aspect, and practicioners. Moreover, it had a potential effect to support children’s curiosity in recognizing mathematics. Keywords: Android; curiosity; early childhood; early mathemathics; learning games.
... It is simply the frame of mind in which you want to learn more about something. It also provides a source of internal motivation that comprises the foundation of education (Binson, 2009). It is widely accepted that curiosity that provides the motivational fuel for learning at each step of the educational process. ...
... It is widely accepted that curiosity that provides the motivational fuel for learning at each step of the educational process. Curiosity motivates students to learn more and more about their world and as a result, a deeper understanding of the interactions and the relationship between the various elements is achieved (Loewenstein, 1994;Binson, 2009). ...
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This article describes a unique ongoing experience of learning programming via engagement in music programming of known melodies. Seventh and eighth graders participated in 10 lessons of weekly activity. Via the programming of melodies, using the Scratch 2.0 environment, they became acquainted with basic concepts of programming such as methods, variables, repetition and control commands, parallel processes, and more. The study was conducted in the form of an action research. The study units were designed in the spirit of the spiral learning method, in which the learning concepts are revisited several times while their level of complexity rises. From the data analyzed so far, four categories emerged: enjoyment, interest, gaining programming knowledge, and experiencing feelings of success. The students were enthusiastic during the learning lessons, and they were curious to learn and use advanced concepts. The music programming provided them with practical meaning for the learned programming structures and concepts.
... It is merely the frame of mind in which an individual's desire to learn more about something. Curiosity fosters a deeper understanding of the interactions and the relationship between the various elements [26]. The presence of a second EHR monitor enhanced patients' curiosity. ...
Background Patients and physicians engaging together in the electronic health record (EHR) during clinical visits may provide opportunities to both improve patient understanding and reduce medical errors. Objective To assess the potential impact of a patient EHR display intervention on patient quality and safety. We hypothesized that if patients had a dedicated display with an explicit invitation to follow clinicians in the EHR that this would identify several opportunities to engage patients in their care quality and safety. Material and methods Physician-patient outpatient encounters (24 patients and 8 physicians) were videotaped. Encounters took place in a hospital-based general internal medicine outpatient clinic where physicians and patients had their respective EHR monitors. Following the visits, each patient and physician was interviewed for 30 min to understand their perception of the mirrored-screen setting. Results The following 7 themes were identified (a) curiosity, (b) opportunity to ask questions, (c) error identification, (d) control over medications, (e) awareness, (f) shared understanding & decision-making, (g) data privacy. These themes collectively comprised a conceptual model for how patient engagement in electronic health record use, through a dedicated second screen or an explicitly shared screen, relates to safety and quality opportunities. Therefore, the double EHR screen provides an explicit invitation for patients to join the process to influence safety. Conclusion Desired outcomes include real-time error identification and better-shared understanding and decision-making, leading to better downstream follow-through with care plans.
... Oleh sebab itu, perkembangan rasa ingin tahu seharusnya menjadi tujuan utama dalam pembelajaran. Semakin tinggi rasa ingin tahu seseorang terhadap sesuatu, maka akan semakin dekat mereka dengan lingkungan belajar termasuk kelompok belajar mereka (Binson, 2009). ...
... Beberapa diantaranya mengkaji nilai karakter setelah penerapan pembelajaran berbasis Islam (Anggreni, 2019). Selanjutnya penelitian yang mengkaji tentang rasa ingin tahu (curiosity) telah banyak dilakukan oleh peneliti di berbagai penjuru dunia (Binson, 2009;Ford, 2018;Novita & Putra, 2016;Santoso, 2011;Whitesides, 2018;Yantoro, 2017;Zetriuslita et al., 2017;Zetriuslita & Jarnawi, 2018 Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi rasa ingin tahu dan pedoman wawancara. Lembar observasi dimodifikasi dari instrumen yang dikembangkan oleh Kurniawan (2013), khususnya untuk indikator yang keempat, sehingga indikator rasa ingin tahu yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu (1) selalu banyak bertanya (2) menunjukkan keterampilan menyimak, berbicara, membaca dan menulis, (3) tidak menerima sesuatu pembelajaran sebagai sesuatu yang membosankan, dan (4) menunjukkan rasa senang dalam pembelajaran. ...
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Islamic values are the basis of reference in efforts to improve students' character and attitudes. The low value of students’ character is a scourge of today's problems. This study aims to determine the development of students' curiosity through the integration of Islamic values in mathematics learning. This research is a qualitative exploratory. Data were collected by using interviews and observations. The instruments used were observation sheets and interview guidelines to determine the development of curiosity. The subjects were three students at the Mathematics Education Department, FTIK IAIN Langsa. The results showed that two subjects have developed four indicators of curiosity: namely always asking questions, not accepting something learning as boring, showing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and showing pleasure in learning. Meanwhile, there is one subject but there is one subject that does not develop curiosity on indicators showing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The results of study support theories stating that the integration of learning mathematics and Islamic values has a positive impact on students’ character. Therefore, this research can be considered for the Faculty of Education to further develop learning that integrating science and Islamic values in curriculum development as an effort to develop student character.
... 5 Furthermore, curiosity is important in the classroom, especially for students to understand something. 7,10 Previous study mentioned that students in Indonesia show low motivation as well as creating ideas in the class. 11 Therefore, we need a tool to understanding and measure curious in research purpose, 12 so reliable data can be used to enhance learning in Indonesian students. ...
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Background Curiosity is a personality characteristic, which fits with wellbeing and positive functioning. The objective of this study was to assess the construct validity of the Curiosity and Exploration Inventory II (CEI-II) in Indonesia. Design and methods The study included 256 undergraduate students who lived in Indonesia, mean age 19.8 years old. The CEI-II measures stretching and embracing using 11 items. The English version of CEI-II was translated into Bahasa. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were addressed to examine internal consistency reliability and the test-retest reliability. To evaluate construct validity, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to assess factor structure and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to evaluate the structural model fit of the CEI-II Indonesia version. Results The study showed Cronbach's alpha for the internal consistency of the overall CEI-II Indonesia version was 0.77. The ICC for the test-retest reliability ranged between 0.753-0.829. EFA showed adequate with the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin value of 0.86 and the Bartlett's test of sphericity was statistically significant. CFA tested the second-order model with two-order factors and showed a model fit. Conclusions The CEI-II Indonesia version indicated acceptable construct validity to evaluate curiosity in Indonesia.
... Therefore, the development of curiosity should be the goal of learning. Because when learners have curiosity high on something, the closer they [3]. One learning that can develop critical thinking skills and students' curiosity is Problem Based Learning and Cognitive Conflict Strategy (PBLCCS) [4]. ...
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The purposive of this research was to describe and analyse correlation of student’s response in applying Problem based learning and cognitive conflict strategy (PBLCCS) to improve critical thinking (CT) and curiosity attitude (CA). This research design was quantitative and qualitative research. The population was consisted of undergraduate students of mathematics education study program and samples were chosen purposive sampling. The instruments used in this research were observation, quationaire and interview sheets. The findings showed that : (1) response of students in increasing critical thinking (CT) and curiosity attitude (CA) in teaching and learning process through problem based learning model and cognitive conflict strategy based on academic level was positive and very good category and they helped student to solve problems given and there were correlation among them based on academic level. (2) There were correlation between of students’ response in applying Problem based learning and cognitive conflict strategy (PBLCCS) to improve critical thinking (CT) and curiosity attitude (CA) based on academic level. They were known through observations, questionaire and interviews results.