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A hypothetical value function in prospect theory  

A hypothetical value function in prospect theory  

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Conference Paper
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Economic incentives are a powerful way of shaping con- sumer behavior towards more commercially efficient and en- vironmentally sustainable patterns. In this paper, we explore the idea of combining pervasive computing techniques with electronic payment systems to create activity-based micro- incentives. Users who consume additional resources by e.g...

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Context 1
... to prospect theory, an individual's value function for any kind of gains and losses takes the shape of an asym- metric S, as illustrated in Figure 2. Variable U does not rep- resent actual gains or losses in money, but the utility that a consumer perceives. ...

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... Recently, this fexible approach is being increasingly deployed in mobile-phone based user studies (e.g., awarding $1 for answering survey questions [12], participatory sensing [62]). Yamabe et al.'s study [70] also presented the efectiveness of activity-based microfnancial incentive mechanisms to discreetly steer user behaviors toward desired patterns. Such results from past studies highlight a room for future research, suggesting micro-fnancial incentives as an important design feature that helps to create sustainable habit formation [62]. ...
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... Offering economic incentives is a powerful way to alter human behavior. Similarly, activity-based micro-pricing [2] aims to influence human behavior by offering a small amount of economic incentives. However, it has been difficult to realize this idea because of two reasons. ...
... Activity-based micro-pricing was first introduced by Yamabe et al. [2]. It aims to alter human behavior by combining persuasive applications and electronic payment. ...
... It aims to alter human behavior by combining persuasive applications and electronic payment. Pervasive persuasive applications, in turn, are applications that aim to "alter user behavior through the means of a feedback loop between sensor tracked user behavior and system output" [2]. Free resources such as public toilets or plastic bags are often overused, in a phenomenon called the tragedy of commons [11]. ...
In this paper, we propose a new local economic infrastructure—“community cash”—based on blockchain and activity-based micro-pricing technologies. Blockchain technology, introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto in Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System [1] in 2009, has had a serious impact on the virtual economy. It has realized peer-to-peer digital data transfer without the trust of third parties. On the other hand, activity-based micro-pricing alters user behavior through economic incentives. By combining these technologies, we develop a blockchain that runs on a new consensus algorithm, proof-of-contribution. This consensus algorithm alters the behaviors of the members in a community by distributing rewards for generating blocks as monetary incentives. We first introduce the system of “community cash,” and then discuss future works that can be implemented in the proposed infrastructure as well as remaining problems to be solved.
... A micropayment system is an e-commerce transaction involving a very small sum of money in exchange for something made available online, such as an application download, a service or Web-based content. For example, one typical example of micropayment systems named UbiPay (Yamabe et al., 2009) is a ubiquitous payment scheme that drives transaction cost toward zero by offering a range of user modes and applying a minimum fee based on the situation. Their goal is to make paying as easy as breathing. ...
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Purpose This paper aims to solve a mining work centralization problem using a gamification-based approach. Design/methodology/approach The authors have developed a simple blockchain application that incorporates a gamification concept into the mining work. Then, they asked some participants in an experiment to use the application for a week and gathered some insights from the responses on questionnaires. Findings The results show that the gamification-based approach distributed mining work among many participants by increasing their motivation to participate mining work. Originality/value The gamification-based approach solves a mining work centralization problem and opens a new direction for future blockchain technologies.
... Behavioral economics explore why people sometimes make irrational decisions and why and how their behavior does not follow the predictions of economic models [35]. People are more sensitive to a decrease in the value of money than to its increase, a fact that is adopted to evolve future micro-payment strategies [87]. Additionally, information that can be used for people's decision making is asymmetric or ambiguous [1,84], and because of their laziness, people usually do not take desirable action [49]. ...
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... We can apply the blockchain technology to new financial services. We focus on using the blockchain technology in an activity-based micro-pricing (ABMP) system [13] as a new use of microcurrency. ABMP is a pervasive technology that attempts to alter people's behavior through automatic micropayments. ...
... Using ABMP provides an effective way to change human behavior. In [13], the authors describe an ABMP prototype they developed and an experiment they conducted to demonstrate its feasibility. The experiment implemented an Internet cafe scenario and the ABMP prototype system was deployed in a private room. ...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we propose a digital cash system named Blockchain-LI. This is an activity-based micro-pricing system implemented on cryptocurrency technologies. Activity-based micro-pricing is a pervasive technology to influence people's behavior through economic incentives. Implementing activity-based micro-pricing based on cryptocurrency technologies enables us to solve potential technical issues of traditional implementation. The Blockchain-LI architecture adopts a hierarchical currency network containing two types of currencies. The public coin is widely prevalent and has high integrity. The private coins are low integrity digital currencies that connect to the public coin. This approach enables us to solve cryptocurrency problems including scalability and block size. However, to use Blockchain-LI as a social infrastructure system, unresolved problems remain. This paper proposes sustainability, conversion protocols, and security issues as topics for future study.
... The visual merchandising is to drive, attract and motivate the shopper to purchase a particular product. In the work of Yamabe et al. [8], the authors have analysed the behaviour of customers influencing them through economic incentives, tuning the different mechanisms of incentive and how this modify their behaviour [9], [10]. Another work [11] monitors shopping time at physical stores, studying the relation between shopping time and buying. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper proposes a tracking system based on Ultra-wideband technology. The system provides the use of several Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) antennas properly positioned inside a predetermined area and powered battery tags free to move inside the area. This system finds wide application in retail field. In fact, through the analysis of the collected tracking data, it allows to derive several information on the shoppers behaviour inside the store. Behaviours that concern flows of walking, most visited areas inside the space dedicated to the shopping and average travel times.
... Although various novel location-based services are emerging, for example, counting people in a tour group and taking roll calls for class attendance in universities, the application potentials of the location information obtained from WLAN for location-based business applications still have a lot of room for further exploration especially when they are combined with NFC and other location-based technologies. According to behavioral studies in pervasive promotion systems [1,6,7], the information for the movements of customers within a store could be very useful for marketing and for planning promotion strategies in retail stores. In this paper, by exploring the advanced techniques in pervasive computing and localization using both WLAN and NFC, we formulate a pervasive promotion model for the development of a personalized promotion system for sales promotion in retail chain stores. ...
... As demonstrated in [6], economic incentive is a very effective way for shaping consumer behavior. Yamabe et al. [6] studied various incentive mechanisms and how they alter the consumer behavior. ...
... As demonstrated in [6], economic incentive is a very effective way for shaping consumer behavior. Yamabe et al. [6] studied various incentive mechanisms and how they alter the consumer behavior. They proposed four micropricing models to alter the behavior of consumers. ...
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In this paper, we propose a novel pervasive business model for sales promotion in retail chain stores utilizing WLAN localization and near field communication (NFC) technologies. The objectives of the model are to increase the customers’ flow of the stores and their incentives in purchasing. In the proposed model, the NFC technology is used as the first mean to motivate customers to come to the stores. Then, with the use of WLAN, the movements of the customers, who are carrying smartphones, within the stores are captured and maintained in the movement database. By interpreting the movements of customers as indicators of their interests to the displayed items, personalized promotion strategies can be formulated to increase their incentives for purchasing future items. Various issues in the application of the adopted localization scheme for locating customers in a store are discussed. To facilitate the item management and space utilization in displaying the items, we propose an enhanced R-tree for indexing the data items maintained in the movement database. Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the adopted localization scheme in supporting the proposed model.
... One solution is to use real money, but these transactions are complex. An activitybased billing system makes a real money payment easier, but this approach is not realized in the real world [20]. In our current approach, each participant receives some amount of virtual money from the money they paid as an environmental tax [11]. ...
Conference Paper
This paper proposes a new way to gamify the micro-crowdfunding service. Micro-crowdfunding is a crowdsourcing service to achieve a sustainable society based on a crowdfunding concept and an aging money concept. In this type of service, each activity to achieve a sustainable society is called a mission, and performing a mission is encouraged through social and economic incentives. A new approach described in this paper enhances the original strategies by using a game concept. The approach consists of two techniques. The first technique adopts several concepts from dramaturgy. The technique coordinates multiple missions and encourages people to complete them by providing a fictional goal that most people want to achieve. The second technique incorporates persuasive ambient mirrors that reflect people's current situation with visual and fictional expressions. The technique emotionally increases people's incentives by using operant conditioning. We also conduct a user study to validate the approach proposed in this paper.
... The approach is radically different from traditional crowdfunding systems, such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, RocketHub, Fundable, and Crowdfunder, because a crowdfunding concept is used to encourage a community to act to solve critical social problems. In the infrastructure, we also need to consider how the payment transaction is light-weighted to lower the threshold to accept ubiquitous payment [27]. ...
Conference Paper
We are now living in smart cities, where information technologies enhance our everyday life. For example, our energy management and traffic management have become smarter, making our daily lives more convenient and efficient. However, from a citizen's point of view, a person's happiness needs to be more important than achieving efficient and convenient smart city infrastructures. This is, in particular, an essential issue for achieving human-centered smart city design. In this paper, we present our methodology to gamify smart city services. Our methodology consists of three tools, one model and two infrastructures. The tools contain the value-based design framework, the personality-based analysis framework, and the reality-based analysis framework. The model is named the GamiMedia model, and the infrastructures include the Virtual Form infrastructure and the Digital-Physical Hybrid Role-Playing infrastructure. The methodology to gamify smart city services is extracted from our long experiences with building applications services and middleware infrastructures for ubiquitous computing environments.