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A. Usual behavior of Jabiru mycteria in Pantanal area (landed and resting on the road banks or roadsides). E, F. A road-killed adult individual of J. mycteria on the BR-262 (at twilight). B, C. Two living individuals of Rhea americana crossing BR-262 lanes in the URU landscape zone as usual. D. A road-killed individual of Ramphastos toco on the roadside. Photographs: W Fischer.

A. Usual behavior of Jabiru mycteria in Pantanal area (landed and resting on the road banks or roadsides). E, F. A road-killed adult individual of J. mycteria on the BR-262 (at twilight). B, C. Two living individuals of Rhea americana crossing BR-262 lanes in the URU landscape zone as usual. D. A road-killed individual of Ramphastos toco on the roadside. Photographs: W Fischer.

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We monitored reptile and bird roadkills in Cerrado–Pantanal landscapes along the Campo Grande to Corumbá highway BR-262. We describe species distribution in different landscape zones, including the first geographic record for Hydrodynastes bicinctus Herrmann, 1804 in the Pantanal basin. The roadkill occurrence of Spizaetus melanoleucus (Vieillot, 1...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... Greater Rhea is the largest flightless bird species in Brazil (Fig. 11), and is easily recognized by its size (TL ca 1.5 m), long neck and legs, no tail, and brown-gray plumage. The males have a black breast and ...
Context 2
... Jabiru measured 127 cm long and the broad, black beak, with slightly upturned, sharply pointed at the end and was 32 cm long; the tarsus measured 31 cm long, and the wing chord (Wc) = 64 cm. The plumage was mostly white, the head and upper neck were black and feather- less, and there was a featherless red stretchable pouch at the base of the neck (Fig. 11). ...
Context 3
... road-killed Toco Toucan individuals were easily recognized by their size (WC = ca 23 cm), shape, and color pattern (Fig. 11). The bill was very large and reddish orange with a black spot at the tip of the maxilla. There was bright orange orbital skin with a narrow blue ring around the eyes. The plumage was mostly glossy black, but the throat and upper breast and upper tail coverts were white. The crissum and under-tail coverts were ...
Context 4
... seems to be fatal around highways (Fig. 12). Once on the roads, this species typically runs (up to 25 km/h) to escape from a vehicle before starting to fly (Redford and Peters 1986). Similarly, Rhea americana, Nothura maculosa, Cryp- turellus parvirostris, Rhynchotus rufescens, and Penelope superciliaris are also vulnerable to road traffic (Fig. 11). In the Pantanal zone, aquatic birds such as Aramus guarauna, Aramides cajaneus, Jabiru mycteria, Jacana jacana, and Chloroceryle americana, face increased risks when feeding on artificial ponds along roadsides (Cook and Blumstein ...


... Para las aves, aumenta la probabilidad de atropellamiento en bosques fragmentados y pastizales (Medrano-Vizcaíno y Espinosa, 2021), así mismo, las aves de mayor tamaño registran mayor mortalidad por esta causa (Medrano-Vizcaíno et al., 2022), de manera que la dimensión del animal influye en la probabilidad de ser atropellado. Por su parte, los reptiles y anfibios suelen ser atropellados por que usan las carreteras para termorregular (Fischer et al., 2018). Los hábitos alimenticios son otro factor importante, puesto que podemos observar que especies de carroñeros facultativos y obligados son atraídos a la carretera por otros organismos atropellados (Rød-Eriksen et al., 2020). ...
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Los impactos de las carreteras en los ecosistemas mexicanos son variados. Uno de ellos, es la mortalidad de fauna silvestre por atropellamientos. En el presente trabajo, se informa acerca del atropellamiento de fauna en Sonora, con énfasis en Erethizon dorsatum, especie clasificada con categoría de riesgo dentro de la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Realizar trabajos de este tipo nos ayuda a conocer qué especies son afectadas por las carreteras, y cuáles son las medidas obligatorias que se deben de establecer para mitigar y compensar la fragmentación que estas generan.
... Segundo Hamilton et al. (1996) o Pantanal é caracterizado por um ciclo anual de inundação que varia de intensidade no decorrer dos anos, havendo alternância de anos muito chuvosos ou anos relativamente secos, que não impedem que todos os anos, boa parte dos ambientes terrestres transformam-se em ambientes aquáticos. Entre os vários processos ecossistêmicos oriundos das flutuações anuais do nível d'água que ocorrem no Pantanal, à influência sobre a composição florística é bastante importante e proporciona a formação de um mosaico vegetacional caracterizado por uma elevada heterogeneidade ambiental ao longo dos cursos d'água dessa região (RODRIGUES & SHEPHERD, 2001;NUNES-DA-CUNHA et al., 2007;MACHADO, et al., 2012;FISCHER et al., 2018;MARTINS et al., 2020). ...
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O conhecimento sobre ecologia trófica e particionamento de recursos alimentares por aves da região do Pantanal é pouco explorado nos estudos científicos. Desta forma o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as relações tróficas por meio de análises sobre partição de recursos alimentares, entre espécies de aves insetívoras de um gradiente longitudinal de mata ripária, na porção norte do Pantanal de Mato Grosso. Os espécimes de aves insetívoras foram capturados com rede de neblina que formaram uma malha de 81m de extensão ao longo de cada ponto. Para análise do conteúdo alimentar os estômagos foram retirados por meio de uma incisão ventral de modo que as presas identificadas foram quantificadas conforme a presença de restos de estruturas não digeríveis e classificadas a nível taxinômico de ordem com auxílio de microscópio estereoscópico e posterirormente acondicionadas em frascos ergométricos contendo álcool 70%. Na análise de dados para o aspecto da dieta foi determinado à importância de cada categoria de presa para posterior ordenamento por meio da Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA) e avaliação da sobreposição das espécies de aves em função dos itens alimentares. Dentre as 14 espécies de aves insetívoras estudadas ocorreram 91 combinações entre os pares de espécies e 33 apresentaram sobreposição acima de 0,90. Os itens alimentares mais consumidos pelas aves estudadas foram insetos pertecentes a ordem Coleoptera, Hyminoptera-Formicidae, Himenoptera, Diptera, Ixodida e Hymenoptera não Formicidae, respectivemante. Os resultados encontrados fornecem uma importante contribuição para o conhecimento da dieta de aves insetívoras que habitam a planície pantaneira.
... Roadways destroy habitat, provide access for further destruction, and persistently elevate animal mortality in their vicinity Fischer et al. 2018). Climate change can reduce habitat quality by impacting temperature, precipitation and humidity, which may place a species outside its range of physiological tolerance (McLaughlin et al. 2002;Thuiller et al. 2005;Enright et al. 2015;Urban 2015) or may alter its competitive ability. ...
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Many species may face multiple distinct and persistent drivers of extinction risk, yet theoretical and empirical studies tend to focus on the single largest driver. This means that existing approaches potentially underestimate and mischaracterize future risks to biodiversity. We synthesized existing knowledge on how multiple drivers of extinction can interact to influence a species’ overall extinction probability in a probabilistic model of extinction risk that incorporated the impacts of multiple drivers of extinction risk, their interactions, and their accumulative effects through time. We then used this model framework to explore how different threats, interactions between them, and time trends may affect a species’ overall extinction probability. Multiple small threats together had potential to pose a large cumulative extinction risk; for example, 10 individual threats posed a 1% extinction risk each and cumulatively posed a 9.7% total extinction risk. Interactions among drivers resulted in escalated risk in some cases, and persistent threats with a small (1%) extinction risk each decade ultimately posed large extinction risk over 100 (9.6% total extinction risk) to 200 years (18.2% total extinction risk). By estimating long‐term extinction risk posed by several different factors and their interactions, this approach provides a framework to identify drivers of extinction risk that could be proactively targeted to help prevent species currently of least concern from becoming threatened with extinction.
... O atropelamento de animais em rodovias nesta região é frequente (Omena Junior et al., 2012;J. Sousa et al., 2015;Fischer et al., 2018), especialmente em decorrência do alto tráfego de veículos em estradas que cortam áreas de altas diversidade e abundância de espécies (EMBRAPA, 2010;Ascensão et al., 2017). ...
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O atropelamento de fauna silvestre em estradas é responsável pela perda direta de milhões de indivíduos anualmente no Brasil, sendo importante acessar, compreender e mitigar seus impactos. Apresentamos um diagnóstico sobre o atropelamento de mamíferos na bacia hidrográfica do alto Paraguai (BAP), com o objetivo de acessar o atual estado de conhecimento, identificar lacunas e propor medidas de conservação e mitigação. Os dados foram coletados através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura científica, posteriormente caracterizados de acordo com tipo de estudo, localidade na BAP, riqueza e status de conservação de espécies e taxas de atropelamento. Identificamos 15 estudos que realizaram monitoramentos sistemáticos de atropelamento, a maioria em estradas do Mato Grosso do Sul. Entre eles, 93% dos monitoramentos foram realizados por carro, com uma duração média de 14 meses. Compilamos 5.241 indivíduos atropelados, distribuídos em dez ordens e 47 espécies, sendo a ordem Carnivora a mais representativa. Doze espécies apresentaram o status de ameaçada de extinção em nível nacional; destas, o tamanduá-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) possui as maiores médias de taxas de atropelamento. Nosso diagnóstico se mostrou importante para identificar espécies vulneráveis aos efeitos dos atropelamentos, nortear novas pesquisas e auxiliar nas estratégias em políticas públicas e mitigação de impactos.
... O levantamento de dados baseado em taxas de atropelamento pode ser a maneira mais viável e simples para obtenção de informações sobre o efeito da estrada na fauna (Bager;Fontoura, 2012). Esses estudos também possibilitam tanto a identificação de novos registros como a melhoria do conhecimento sobre espécies ameaçadas por atropelamentos (Fischer et al. 2014 Essas três espécies de mamíferos são frequentemente registradas em atropelamentos, como demonstram outros autores Brum et al., 2018;Valadão;Castro, 2018 Entretanto, outros trabalhos registraram esse mesmo resultado, sem diferença significativa entre seca e chuva (ver Souza;Anacleto, 2012;Miranda et al., 2017). ...
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RESUMO As rodovias são uma das principais atividades humanas na perda da biodiversidade animal, mas atualmente poucos estudos foram desenvolvidos com animais atropelados em rodovias do estado de Goiás, no centro do Cerrado. Assim, este trabalho inventariou mensalmente animais silvestres atropelados, entre janeiro e dezembro de 2017, e analisou a distribuição temporal dos atropelamentos na rodovia que liga os municípios goianos de Iporá e Arenópolis. Um total de 153 animais atropelados foram registrados, sendo a maioria mamíferos (107), devido provavelmente ao maior porte e visualização de suas carcaças. Não houveram diferenças significativas entre a estação seca e chuvosa, apesar de que a maioria das ocorrências tenha sido registrada no verão chuvoso. Myrmecophaga tridactyla, Tamandua tetradactyla e Cerdocyon thous foram as espécies mais registradas. Recomendamos mais estudos similares nas rodovias goianas, e a instalação de placas sinalizando o tráfego de animais selvagens no trecho estudado, a fim de evitar acidentes. Palavras-chave: Cerrado, Fauna, teste "t"
... These two manuscripts contributed much of the evidence used to develop the EBHP for H. gigas. Additionally, several articles focused on distribution [27,[32][33][34][35][36]. ...
... Most studies indicated amphibians [26,27,33], fish [25][26][27]33] and reptiles [26,27,33] make up the bulk of H. gigas diet in the wild, and birds [26,27,33] and mammals [26,33] are taken sparingly. All ecological work noted H. gigas strong affinity to aquatic and wetland habitats [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33]. ...
... Most studies indicated amphibians [26,27,33], fish [25][26][27]33] and reptiles [26,27,33] make up the bulk of H. gigas diet in the wild, and birds [26,27,33] and mammals [26,33] are taken sparingly. All ecological work noted H. gigas strong affinity to aquatic and wetland habitats [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33]. ...
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Herpetocultural practices are based on norms driven by economy of space and time for keepers, with little scientific inference backing their practice. In recent years, a subset of herpetoculturalists have promoted evidence-based husbandry that relies on science and experimental design to generate husbandry practice. A theoretical framework and protocol are proposed herein that enables any individual who has access to the internet the ability to use various outlets of natural history information (scientific literature databases, social media sources, and weather websites) and previously published husbandry reports as evidence to drive the creation of novel herpetocultural practice. A case study is provided which compares readily available information on the care of Hydrodynastes gigas (false water cobra), such as online care sheets for the species, with the proposed evidence based herpetocultural protocol founded on natural history information and published care and captive breeding reports. Results were assessed for protocol efficacy and determined that the natural history informed evidence-based approach increased animal welfare and generated new information specific to the natural history of H. gigas.
... Road kills are an additional consequence of an increased transportation infrastructure. The main paved road inside the wetland is the BR-262, from which nearly 200 km cross the southern Pantanal, where accidents involving wildlife is a daily issue (Ascensão, Desbiez, Medici, & Bager, 2017;Catella, Tomas, & Mourão, 2010;Fischer, Godoi, & Paranhos Filho, 2018a). The Instituto de Conservac¸ão de Animais Silvestres has found more than 500 medium to large mammals belonging to 18 species, including vulnerable ones such as the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla, n ¼ 124), killed by vehicles along a stretch of 350 km BR-262 between 2013 and 2014 (Ascensão et al., 2017). ...
... The Instituto de Conservac¸ão de Animais Silvestres has found more than 500 medium to large mammals belonging to 18 species, including vulnerable ones such as the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla, n ¼ 124), killed by vehicles along a stretch of 350 km BR-262 between 2013 and 2014 (Ascensão et al., 2017). Moreover, more than 320 reptiles and 350 birds were killed by vehicles along 210 km of this road during 4 years of monitoring (Fischer et al., 2018a). These studies are examples of the needed information to support mitigation strategies in the existing and on the planned transportation infrastructure in the region. ...
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Building bridges between environmental and political agendas is essential nowadays in face of the increasing human pressure on natural environments, including wetlands. Wetlands provide critical ecosystem services for humanity and can generate a considerable direct or indirect income to the local communities. To meet many of the sustainable development goals, we need to move our trajectory from the current environmental destructive development to a wiser wetland use. The current article contain a proposed agenda for the Pantanal aiming the improvement of public policy for conservation in the Pantanal, one of the largest, most diverse, and continuous inland wetland in the world. We suggest and discuss a list of 11 essential interfaces between science, policy, and development in region linked to the proposed agenda. We believe that a functional science network can booster the collaborative capability to generate creative ideas and solutions to address the big challenges faced by the Pantanal wetland
... Accordingly, obtaining data based on roadkill rates may be the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way (Bager and Fontoura 2012) to further improve the effectiveness of mitigation measures, if accompanied by local assessments (Coelho et al. 2008). In addition, it is worth mentioning that studies of this nature may be useful not only for the identification of new records in localities of a specific region but may also improve the existing knowledge of potential roadkill species that are not recorded in the literature (Fischer et al. 2014). ...
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Understand the spatial distribution of wildlife roadkill is necessary to design mitigation measures minimizing damage to the fauna and the human population. Thus, we aimed to analyze the spatial distribution of wildlife roadkill in the Brazilian savanna (“Cerrado”) to test whether roadkill hotspots match between the studied animal groups. We collected data of wildlife roadkill over a year in the southwest region of the state of Goiás, Brazil. To understand the distribution of roadkill on highways and to identify the aggregation hotspots, we used the modified two-dimensional Ripley K test and the two-dimensional hotspot identification analysis. We detected that birds and mammals have different aggregation points. These points may vary when the two groups are analyzed together or when species with greater abundance are removed from the analyses. Hence, we concluded that using generalist approaches including several species, are not enough, and can lead to erroneous conclusions. Therefore, it is necessary that the analyses be done in groups.
... As corujas são vítimas frequentes de atropelamentos (Novelli et al. 1988, Carvalho et al. 2014, Corrêa et al. 2017) ao cruzarem rodovias (Bencke & Bencke 1999, Arnold et al. 2019) ou ao tentarem se alimentar de carcaças de outros animais atropelados (Erritzoe et al. 2003, Fischer et al. 2018. A análise de conteúdos estomacais de aves atropeladas pode fornecer importantes informações sobre a composição de sua alimentação (Ramos et al. 2011 (Triplehorn & Johnson 2011, Vieira et al. 2015. ...
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Nós analisamos as presas consumidas por quatro espécies de corujas que ocorrem no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. As amostras foram obtidas a partir da coleta de uma egagrópila de A. clamator (N = 1) e 12 carcaças de Strigiformes atropelados ( Tyto furcata: N = 5; Megascops sp.: N = 4; Bubo virginianus : N = 2; Asio clamator : N = 1) encontrados em rodovias do estado entre 2001 e 2019. Nós contabilizamos 40 itens alimentares representados por seis classes animais: Arachnida, Chilopoda, Insecta, Amphibia, Aves e Mammalia. Entre os itens ingeridos por T. furcata estavam a rã-manteiga ( Leptodactylus latrans ) e o rato-doméstico ( Mus musculus ) . Megascops sp. predou principalmente artrópodes e uma pomba-de-bando ( Zenaida auriculata ) . Os indivíduos de A. clamator predaram um roedor e Coleoptera, enquanto B. virginianus predou apenas roedores. A análise das presas consumidas por Strigiformes ampliou o conhecimento sobre a dieta do grupo no sul do Brasil. CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE OWLS DIET (AVES: STRIGIFORMES) IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL . We analyzed the prey consumed by four species of owls that occur in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Samples were obtained from a pellet by Asio clamator (N = 1) and 12 Strigiformes road killed carcasses ( Tyto furcata: N = 5; Megascops sp.: N = 4; Bubo virginianus : N = 2; Asio clamator : N = 1) found on highways of the state between 2001 and 2019. We counted 40 food items represented by six animal classes: Arachnida, Chilopoda, Insecta, Amphibia, Aves and Mammalia. Tyto furcata fed mainly on the butter frog ( Leptodactylus latrans ) and the house mouse ( Mus musculus ). Megascops sp. preyed mainly arthropods and an eared dove ( Zenaida auriculata ). The A. clamator preyed a rodent and Coleoptera, while both B. virginianus preyed only rodents. The analysis of prey consumed by Strigiformes increased knowledge about the group diet in southern Brazil.
... Sousa and Miranda (2010) suggested that the large home range and mobility of C. thous may increase road crossings and the probability of collisions. In fact, several studies have found that C. thous is one of the most frequent roadkill mammal species in the Cerrado and Pantanal of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul (Fischer et al. 2003(Fischer et al. , 2018Melo and Santos-Filho 2007;Carvalho et al. 2014). As generalist omnivorous feeders (Bueno and Motta-Junior 2004), opportunistic scavenging of roadkill may also put the species at greater risk than other mammals (Melo and Santos-Filho 2007;Carvalho et al. 2014). ...
Abstract Context. Examining land cover’s influences on roadkills at single predetermined scales is more common than evaluating multiple scales, but examining land cover at the appropriate scale may be necessary for efficient design of mitigation measures, and that appropriate scale may be difficult to discern a priori. In addition, the taxonomic rank at which data is analysed may influence results and subsequent conclusions concerning mitigation. Aims. The objective of the present study was to assess the influence of variation in spatial scales of land cover explanatory variables and taxonomic rank of response variables in models of wildlife–vehicle collisions (WVCs). Research questions include: (1) do the scales of land cover measurement that produce the highest quality models differ among species; (2) do the factors that influence roadkill events differ within species at different scales of measurement and among species overall; and (3) does the taxonomic rank at which data is analysed influence the selection of explanatory variables? Methods. Four frequentWVCspecies representing diverse taxonomic classes, i.e. two mammals (Cerdocyon thous and Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris), one reptile (Caiman yacare) and one bird (Caracara plancus), were examined. WVCs were buffered, land cover classes from classified satellite imagery at three buffer radii were extracted, and logistic regression model selection was used. Key results. The scale of land cover variables selected for the highest quality models (and the selected variables themselves) may vary among wild fauna. The same explanatory variables and formulae are not always included in the candidate models in all compared scales for a given species. Explanatory variables may differ among taxonomically similar species, e.g. mammals, and pooling species at higher taxonomic ranks can result in models that do not correspond with species-level models of all pooled species. Conclusions. The most accurate analyses of WVCs will likely be found when species are analysed individually and multiple scales of predictor variable collection are evaluated. Implications. Mitigating the effects of roadways on wildlife population declines for both common and rare species is resource intensive. Resources spent optimising models for spatially targeting management actions may reduce the amount of resources used and increase the effectiveness of these actions.