(A) Slope map; (B) Friability map; (C) Erodibility map.

(A) Slope map; (B) Friability map; (C) Erodibility map.

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Degradation presents a significant challenge, particularly exacerbated by current climate change. Our study focuses on the Lower Ziz watershed, located in southeastern Morocco, which is characterized by a semi-desert climate and is at high risk of land degradation due to water and wind erosion. Natural factors such as precipitation intensity and fr...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... slope map database was analyzed to calculate the relative areas of each segment. As shown in Figure 3(A), the results indicate that 87.91% (1941 km²) and 11.87% (262 km²) of the area fall within classes 2 and 3, representing moderate and steep slopes, respectively. Areas with zero to low slopes account for only 0.23% (5 km²) of the total area. ...
Context 2
... on substrate vulnerability to erosion, materials delineated on the lithofacies map were categorized into five friability classes, representing their resistance to erosion (Table 1). Fig. 3(B) indicates that the majority of the basin comprises sediments, loose non-cohesive soil, and detrital material (class e), along with rocks and soils exhibiting little resistance or significant alteration (class d), accounting for over 63% and 10.94% respectively. These are primarily situated in the central and downstream regions of the ...
Context 3
... erodibility map results from overlaying the slope map and the lithofacies map (Fig. 3C). The polygons generated by this overlay are categorized according to the matrix depicted in Table 2, which aims to prioritize terrain based on erodibility levels (Table 1). Spatially, the distribution of erodibility classes reveals that the most significant areas belong to classes 1 and 2, representing low and moderate erodibility ...
Context 4
... distribution of erodibility classes, as illustrated in Fig. 3(C), indicates that in regions where slopes are steep and/or terrain strength is low, erodibility tends to be extreme. This trend is evident in the upstream section of the watershed, where despite varying lithofacies resistance, the presence of medium to steep slopes exacerbates erodibility. Conversely, in the central and downstream ...
Context 5
... culmination of the predictive approach is depicted in Figure 5(A), which overlays previous map outputs ( Figures 3C and 4C). The results show that the most prevalent erosion class is average erosion, covering 1263.57 ...