Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the Skills Tree of League of Legends also has a hierarchic organization, in the sense that the most powerful attribute is located at the bottom of the Skills Tree. The player needs to unlock each attribute, according to the options provided by the game design; as we can see, in the case of the first icon of the second column (Figure 1), 5 of 5 points are used (5/5). ...
Context 2
... Kress and van Leeuwen (2006;2010) argue, the analysis of the composition of multimodal texts considers the pictures rather as an "integrated" mode of texts than an "illustration" of the verbal text, not "[…] treating the verbal text as prior and more important, nor treat[ing] visual and verbal text as entirely discrete elements." (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006, p. 177). In this article, we aim to understanding the Skills Tree in terms of meaning of textual production, regarding at the same time the structuring of these visual-verbal texts, the digital devices used by the subjects of the course, and the discursive positions assumed by each one, considering the possibility of engaging (or not) in the activities and recognizing points of "strength" and "weakness". ...
Context 3
... the case of the Skills Tree, when the player hovers the mouse over a skill -for example, the above-mentioned first skill of the second column (Figure 1), whose strength is represented by the image of a "foot in movement" -the game offers a description of this skill (in this case, an increase of the avatar's movement speed in the game). Therefore, inside the game, this "strength" elected by the player is represented not only by means of a noise of fast movement, but also as small bundles of light which appear at the foot of the avatar. ...
Context 4
... Figure 1, the information value is polarized: it means that the arrangement of elements can be understood as given and new (left-right displacement) and ideal and real (top-bottom displacement). All abilities are available to the player on the page, but he/she can only choose them as long as they sum up 30 points. ...
Context 5
... while choosing, what is "elected" by him/her is highlighted, turning these chosen abilities into "new" information. In Figure 1, the right part of the image is reinforced by the two framelines which separate the columns, turning the viewer's orientation, in the sense that what he/she sees are now important elements to discuss in comparison to another Skills Tree. In terms of the ideal and real (topbottom) displacement of elements, in the context of League of Legends, however, we see that the most important "strengths" are located at the lower part, as more salient strengths. ...
Context 6
... and van Leeuwen (2006) already noted that "in other contexts, the opposition between top and bottom takes on somewhat different values." (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006, p. 186). In the context of this Skills Tree, the salience of top-bottom orientation corresponds to real-ideal, in the sense that what could be an essence of information is located at the bottom of the page. ...
Context 7
... visual-verbal textual production shown in Figure 2 is a sample of the data set. Following this figure (Figure 2.1), a translation of the verbal text from Portuguese to English is presented. The bottom-top orientation was observed in nine (09) textual productions (04 from A1-a and 05 from A1-b). ...
Context 8
... Figure 3, another Skills Tree, produced by the same subject, as a second version of the gamified activity, is shown. Following this figure (Figure 3.1), a translation of the verbal text from Portuguese to English is presented. Differently from the first version (A1-a), this Skills Tree (A1-b) has more images to represent each chosen ability. ...
Context 9
... the Skills Tree of League of Legends also has a hierarchic organization, in the sense that the most powerful attribute is located at the bottom of the Skills Tree. The player needs to unlock each attribute, according to the options provided by the game design; as we can see, in the case of the first icon of the second column (Figure 1), 5 of 5 points are used (5/5). ...
Context 10
... Kress and van Leeuwen (2006;2010) argue, the analysis of the composition of multimodal texts considers the pictures rather as an "integrated" mode of texts than an "illustration" of the verbal text, not "[…] treating the verbal text as prior and more important, nor treat[ing] visual and verbal text as entirely discrete elements." (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006, p. 177). In this article, we aim to understanding the Skills Tree in terms of meaning of textual production, regarding at the same time the structuring of these visual-verbal texts, the digital devices used by the subjects of the course, and the discursive positions assumed by each one, considering the possibility of engaging (or not) in the activities and recognizing points of "strength" and "weakness". ...
Context 11
... the case of the Skills Tree, when the player hovers the mouse over a skill -for example, the above-mentioned first skill of the second column (Figure 1), whose strength is represented by the image of a "foot in movement" -the game offers a description of this skill (in this case, an increase of the avatar's movement speed in the game). Therefore, inside the game, this "strength" elected by the player is represented not only by means of a noise of fast movement, but also as small bundles of light which appear at the foot of the avatar. ...
Context 12
... Figure 1, the information value is polarized: it means that the arrangement of elements can be understood as given and new (left-right displacement) and ideal and real (top-bottom displacement). All abilities are available to the player on the page, but he/she can only choose them as long as they sum up 30 points. ...
Context 13
... while choosing, what is "elected" by him/her is highlighted, turning these chosen abilities into "new" information. In Figure 1, the right part of the image is reinforced by the two framelines which separate the columns, turning the viewer's orientation, in the sense that what he/she sees are now important elements to discuss in comparison to another Skills Tree. In terms of the ideal and real (topbottom) displacement of elements, in the context of League of Legends, however, we see that the most important "strengths" are located at the lower part, as more salient strengths. ...
Context 14
... and van Leeuwen (2006) already noted that "in other contexts, the opposition between top and bottom takes on somewhat different values." (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006, p. 186). In the context of this Skills Tree, the salience of top-bottom orientation corresponds to real-ideal, in the sense that what could be an essence of information is located at the bottom of the page. ...
Context 15
... visual-verbal textual production shown in Figure 2 is a sample of the data set. Following this figure (Figure 2.1), a translation of the verbal text from Portuguese to English is presented. The bottom-top orientation was observed in nine (09) textual productions (04 from A1-a and 05 from A1-b). ...
Context 16
... Figure 3, another Skills Tree, produced by the same subject, as a second version of the gamified activity, is shown. Following this figure (Figure 3.1), a translation of the verbal text from Portuguese to English is presented. Differently from the first version (A1-a), this Skills Tree (A1-b) has more images to represent each chosen ability. ...


Considerando-se um contexto marcado por intensa participação das pessoas na internet e por crescente interesse de estudo em metodologias inovadoras e ativas para engajamento de ensino em contexto digital – caso da gamificação –, o objetivo deste artigo é mostrar como o engajamento, pela gamificação em contexto de Ensino Superior, pode ser ressignificado no trabalho com duas atividades gamificadas. Com base em pressupostos teórico-metodológicos dos estudos de letramentos (New Literacy Studies) e da análise do discurso francesa, analisamos as produções textuais quanto ao significado composicional e como este é atrelado a diferentes posicionamentos discursivos assumidos pelos participantes. O corpus é composto de 34 produções textuais multimodais resultantes de um curso de extensão intitulado “Linguagem e Gamificação”. Os resultados indicam a relevância de observar-se o engajamento acadêmico do ponto de vista de uma dimensão sócio-histórica constitutiva na/da linguagem.
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RESUMO: o presente artigo objetivou verificar a aceitação da aplicação de atividade gamificada no ambiente escolar quando essa aplicação não obedece a configuração Professor x Estudantes, e sim Professor x Professores. A pesquisa foi idealizada ao verificar que pouca formação para lidar com as Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDIC) dentro da escola era um empecilho para realização de algumas atividades. A proposta foi aplicada numa escola estadual da rede pública de ensino com um total de quinze profissionais docentes, dividido por cores e em três grupos. Os resultados apontam para o pouco conhecimento, por parte dos professores, sobre o conceito emergente de gamificação e o seu forte potencial didático e pedagógico para o trabalho dentro das salas de aulas e da tecnologia QR Code-código de reposta rápida-, com forte manifestação da vontade de entender, participar e interagir com a proposta. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Gamificação; QR Code; Formação de professores; Dispositivo móvel ABSTRACT: this article aimed to verify the application of gamified activity in the school environment when this application does not obey the Teacher vs. Students layout, but Teacher vs. Teachers. This research was proposed after verifying that the poor training to deal with the digital information and communication technologies (DICT) into the school was set as an obstacle to accomplishment of some activities. An approach was applied in a public school with fifteen teaching professionals, divided into three groups. The results pointed out to the little knowledge, concerned to the teachers about the emerging concept of gamification and its strong didactic and pedagogical potential for work inside classrooms and QR Code technology-quick response code-, with strong desire of understanding, participating and interacting with the applied approach. 1. Introdução As novas tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação (TDIC), sobretudo a televisão e o computador, movimentaram a educação e provocaram novas mediações entre a abordagem do professor, a compreensão do aluno e o conteúdo veiculado (KENSKI, 2012).