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Fake news recognition has become a prominent research topic in natural language processing. Researchers reported significant successes when applying methods based on various stylometric and lexical features and machine learning, with accuracy reaching 90%. This article is focused on answering the question: are the fake news detection models univers...
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We present an open-source toolkit for neural machine translation (NMT). The new toolkit is mainly based on vaulted Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) along with many other improvements detailed below, in order to create a self-contained, simple to use, consistent and comprehensive framework for Machine Translation tasks of various domains. It is to...
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Initially, the so-called "Japanese myths" were a textual product of the Kojiki (712) and the Nihon shoki (720). In the course of the centuries, these myths were altered, rewritten, supplemented, and later eventually exploited to serve Japanese nationalism. As a result, even today in using the word "Japanese myths" many people think of the Kojiki as...
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!e present work addresses a group of university students of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) on how they use pragmatic markers in their oral productions. !e initial hypothesis was that there would be di"erences both in usage and form in comparison to native speakers. In order to verify our claim, we set o" to investigate two corpora: a learner o...
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Neste artigo, visamos refletir sobre aspectos teóricos e práticos acerca da Pedagogia do Léxico e da Tradução a partir de corpora, tecendo comentários do que pode ser realizado em pesquisas que contribuem para seu desenvolvimento.