3D models of selected samples from Allende (A-RF-1) and Tamdakht (T-S-t3a-2).

3D models of selected samples from Allende (A-RF-1) and Tamdakht (T-S-t3a-2).

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In this study, we set out to explore the relationship between fracture roughness and sample strength. We analyze 45 fragments of Aba Panu, Allende, and Tamdakht, three meteorites that have been strength-tested to disruption, to determine whether their shape or texture is correlated with measured compressive strength. A primary goal is to understand...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... "No. Facets" column lists the number of facets in the constructed 3D models shown in Figure 2, and the σ column lists measured strength values of the samples' source cubes, where applicable. The final columns list global values for the angularity index AI g and the rms slope θ rms , plotted in Figure 7. ...
Context 2
... final 3D models were coarsened slightly (see Section 3.2.1) to provide consistent baselines for the application of our metrics. Two selected 3D models are shown in Figure 2. ...
Context 3
... models capture slightly more of the angularity, but it would take an extremely high degree model to fully capture the samples' angularity and separate similarly shaped samples. The models describe the more cuboid samples (e.g., A-RF-1, Figure 2(a)) somewhat more accurately but still fail to precisely capture sample edges. The data suggest that the angularity metric AI g , as defined and applied by Su et al. (2020), is insufficient to describe these highly angular samples and is better suited to relatively round or equidimensional particles. ...