Figs 38-39 - uploaded by Gabriel Moreno
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-Trichia botrytis (J.F. Gmel.) Pers., AH 33160: 38. Detail of dehiscence of sporotheca. 39. Stalked sporocarps. Bar = 1 mm 

-Trichia botrytis (J.F. Gmel.) Pers., AH 33160: 38. Detail of dehiscence of sporotheca. 39. Stalked sporocarps. Bar = 1 mm 

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A total of 327 collections of Myxomycetes were collected in the Cabañeros National Park (Ciudad Real, España), comprising 57 taxa (55 species and 2 varieties) of 21 different genera. Of chorological interest are: Badhamia capsulifera, Cribraria rufa, C. violacea, Diderma asteroides, D. effusum, Didymium laxifilum, Hemitrichia karstenii, Reticularia...


... rufa, were found on living bark and were classified in to a separate group. Both species form sporangia visible to the unaided eye and have been noted in the field on different substrate types, mainly on dead wood (Castillo et al., 2009;Takahashi & Hada, 2012). ...
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Herein, the results of studies conducted in the Łagiewnicki Forest in the city of Łódź (central Poland) in 2010–2012 are presented. These were the first long-term observations into myxomycetes in the Łagiewnicki Forest and in central Poland. Investigations were conducted using the route method for the entire forest complex (2010–2012). Additionally, twelve logs were selected in the “Las Łagiewnicki” forest reserve for detailed observations in 2011–2012; these logs belonged to four tree species: Betula pendula Roth, Carpinus betulus L., Quercus sp., and Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. In total, 1,561 specimens were collected and were classified into 96 taxa (91 species and five varieties). Three species ( Diderma saundersii , Oligonema flavidum , and Didymium eximium ) are new to the biota of Poland, while five ( Arcyria stipata , Hemitrichia calyculata , Oligonema schweinitzii , Physarum flavicomum , and Physarum robustum ) are included on the red list of rare myxomycetes in Poland. Stemonitopsis amoena is also classified as a rare species; to date, this species has been reported in one locality in Poland. The scale by Stephenson et al. was used to determine the frequency of occurrence of individual taxa; 55 taxa were classified as rare, nine as sporadic, 26 as common, and six as abundant taxa. Three ecological groups of slime molds were identified based on the type of substrate they colonized: lignicolous (54 taxa), foliicolous (seven taxa), and corticolous (two taxa). No preference for the substrate was noticed in a group of 33 taxa that occurred on different substrate types. The phenology of myxomycete occurrence was also analyzed; 49 taxa occurred throughout the entire vegetative season, while only single records of species that were found in specific months were noted. The biota collected in the “Las Łagiewnicki” forest reserve and that in a Łagiewnicki Forest segment outside it (of the same size and the same occurrence of plant communities as in the reserve) in 2011–2012 were also compared.
... The species has been previously recorded on Pinus, Quercus and Nothofagus (Keller and Braun 1977;Lado and Moreno 1980;Castillo et al. 2009;Wrigley de Basanta et al. 2010;Lado et al. 2014;Yatsiuk et al. 2017). ...
... The species has been recorded on Betula, Stereum, Pinus, Fagus, Quercus, Acer, Yucca, Larix, Abies, Acacia, Jumellia and Fraxinus (Lado and Moreno 1980;Ing 1982;Portela and Lado 1989;Ing and Ivancevic 2000;Oran and Ergül 2004;Stojanowska and Panek 2004;Oltra 2006;Castillo et al. 2009;Estrada-Torres et al. 2009;Ergül and Akgül 2011;Lawrynowicz et al. 2011;Lado et al. 2014;Thomas 2016). Figure 2C Aggregated sporocarps, 0.9-1.5 mm tall; thin, cylindrical stipes, with broader base, reaching half or more of the total height, shiny black, forming a columella that reaches almost the top of the sporotheca; subglobose or ovoid sporotheca; peridium fugacious; lax capillitium with large loops, reddish brown, with many free and short tips; globose spores, 7-11 µm in diameter; finely verrucose. ...
... The species has been recorded on Quercus, Pinus, Yucca, Echynocactus, Opuntia, Ferocactus, Neobuxbaumia, Acacia, Prosopis, Nothofagus, Atriplex, Ephedra, Schinus, Larrea, Montea and Chuquiraga (Wrigley de Basanta 2004;Demirel et al. 2006;Castillo et al. 2009;Estrada-Torres et al. 2009;Wrigley de Basanta, 2010;Lado et al. 2011;Yatsiuk et al. 2017). ...
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Most of the species of myxomycetes from Mexico are well documented, but their patchy geographical and temporal distribution responds to the individual efforts carried out in different areas of the territory over time. As such, even for well-studied areas, new projects can substantially increase biodiversity-based information. The present study constitutes an update of the myxomycete catalog of the state of Veracruz, carried out from an intensive study in a section of Abies religiosa at the Cofre de Perote National Park. The methodology consisted in field collections, complemented with a laboratory isolation process using diverse substrates from different locations. The study was carried out in two years (2018-2019) and in two seasons (dry and rainy). A total of 30 taxa were identified, out of which, 21 species were not previously known for the state of Veracruz, increasing the number of myxomycetes known in such state to 168 species, making it one of the most diverse states in Mexico, with approximately 45% of the known species in the country.
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The genus Perichaena now includes 38 morphospecies and characterized by yellow spore mass, fairly dense per-idium, and the absence of spiral bands on the capillitium tubes ornamented with spines or warts. In some cases, capillitium may be reduced or absent, which tends to obscure the taxonomic boundaries of Perichaena, causing it to approach the genus Licea. During the last 50 years, many new widespread species were described in literature , however, some of them have not been included in fundamental monographs or identification keys. In this paper we summarize data on the genus Perichaena, including its nomenclature history, and propose illustrated identification keys to the species of this genus. The short morphological descriptions and illustrations of 13 species recorded in Russia are presented.