FIGS 2 - uploaded by Cony Decock
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, 3. Phylloporia afrospathulata. Basidiomata MUCL 53816 (type). 2. General view. 3. Pileus. Bar 5 3.5 mm.  

, 3. Phylloporia afrospathulata. Basidiomata MUCL 53816 (type). 2. General view. 3. Pileus. Bar 5 3.5 mm.  

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Four species are added to Phylloporia. Three species, originating from the western edge of the Guineo-Congolian rainforest in Gabon (central Africa), are described as new. Phylloporia afrospathulata sp. nov. forms seasonal, stipitate, solitary basidiomata emerging from soil, more likely connected to buried roots, and has broadly ellipsoid basidiosp...


... Fuscoporia torulosa is considered a serious pathogen that causes white pocket rot on broad-leaved hardwood trees and conifers (Motta et al., 1996;Wagner and Fischer, 2001;Tomšovský and Jankovsky, 2007;Campanile et al., 2008;Tzean et al., 2016). Similarly, Phylloporia species are also reported as serious forest pathogens possessing host specificity (Esquivel and Carranza-Morse, 1996;Wagner and Ryvarden, 2002;Dai, 2010;Rajchenberg and Robledo, 2013;Yombiyeni et al., 2015;Zhou, 2016;Chen et al., 2017). ...
... Entre estas especies y P. pectinata las diferencias radican principalmente en la presencia de cistidiolos en P. fulva y de poros y basidiósporas más pequeñas en P. pulla (de 11-12 poros por mm y basidiósporas de 2.8-3.3 × 2.3-2.8 μm) (Yombiyeni et al., 2015;Wu et al., 2022). Annual and pileate basidiomata, pores 1-2 per mm, homogeneous context, monomitic hyphal system; setae, cystidia and cystidioles absent; hyaline to yellowish basidiospores, 4.5-5.8(-6.29) ...
... Este atributo tradicionalmente ha sido asociado a especies de Phylloporia como P. spathulata y P. verae-crucis. Sin embargo, recientes revisiones del género (Yombiyeni et al., 2015;Ferreira-Lopes et al., 2016;Wu et al., 2019Wu et al., , 2022Chamorro-Martínez et al., 2022) indican una mayor proporción de especies estipitadas a las conocidas anteriormente. Asimismo, el rango de variabilidad de otros caracteres para los taxones estipitados es muy estrecho, pero cercano entre ellos. ...
... La combinación de estos elementos (número de poros por mm y dimensiones de las basidiósporas) representa en ocasiones combinaciones suficientes y necesarias para la delimitación entre muchas de las especies del género y de políporos en general; sobre todo cuando otros caracteres son idénticos o presentan una amplia similitud. En este sentido Yombiyeni et al. (2015) y Wu et al. (2019) indican que la combinación de estos atributos constituye la clave para la delimitación entre especies del género Phylloporia como P. fulva, P. pectinata, P. pseudopectinata Yuan Y. Chen Figura 9: Representación del ordenamiento según el escalado multidimensional no métrico de las variables micromorfológicas para las especies P. pectinata (Klotzsch) Ryvarden y P. subpectinata (Murrill) Basidioma anual, central o lateralmente estipitado, dimidiado a espatulado, proyectado 1-5 cm, 1-6 cm de ancho, hasta 5 mm de grosor; píleo de pardo (6D8) a pardo claro (6D5), de azonado a parcialmente zonado, cubierto por un comprimido tomento, hasta 2 mm de grosor; margen entero, redondeado; superficie de los poros de anaranjado parduzco (6C6) a pardo (6D8), ligeramente decurrente en el estípite, con margen estéril; poros redondos a elipsoides, 84-125 × 60-90 µm, 7-9 por mm; disepimentos delgados, 38-87 µm de grosor; tubos concoloros con la superficie de los poros, 2 mm de largo; estípite simple, pardo claro (6D5), 1-4 cm de largo, 1-10 mm de diámetro, más grueso hacia la base; contexto dúplex, hasta 2 mm de grosor, par- do amarillento (5C7), separado del tomento por una línea negra en la sección longitudinal; sistema hifal monomítico, hifas generativas con septos simples, de amarillas a pardo claras, 3.76-5.1 µm de diámetro; setas, cistidios y cistidiolos ausentes; basidios no observados; basidiósporas elipsoides, (3.7-)4-4.46 × (2.34-)2.5-3.3(-3.4) µm, L=4.23, A=2.9, L/A=1.46, de hialinas a amarillentas, frecuentemente con regiones colapsadas, lisas, acianófilas, sin reacción al reactivo de Melzer. ...
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Antecedentes y Objetivos: El género Phylloporia es morfológicamente diverso; incluye especies que se desarrollan en áreas restringidas, que son predominantemente tropicales y que poseen o no especificidad por sustratos. Para Cuba se reportan cinco especies; sin embargo, debido a la heterogeneidad de ecosistemas de la Isla y la diversidad del género, se estima que el número de taxones sea superior al registrado. Por ello, el presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo la revisión taxonómica del género Phylloporia en Cuba, a partir del análisis morfológico de ejemplares de herbarios cubanos. Métodos: Se revisaron especímenes depositados en las colecciones micológicas de los herbarios HAJB, del Jardín Botánico Nacional, y HAC, del Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática de Cuba. Los ejemplares fueron estudiados, descritos y determinados macroscópica y microscópicamente con apoyo de literatura especializada. Resultados clave: Se determinaron ocho especies del género Phylloporia para Cuba: P. chrysites, P. fruticum, P. pectinata y P. spathulata (previamente registradas); P. verae-crucis (como nuevo registro para el país); P. subpectinata (se propone como nueva combinación); P. pinarensis y P. rodriguezii (como dos especies nuevas para la ciencia). Para estos taxones se ofrecen descripciones de sus estructuras macroscópicas y microscópicas. Además, se presenta un mapa de distribución de las especies tratadas y una clave dicotómica para la identificación de los miembros del género en territorio nacional, en la que se incluye a P. crystallina, que es un taxón no encontrado en este estudio. Conclusiones: Se amplía el área de distribución geográfica de las especies conocidas del género en Cuba y se incorporan nuevos taxones a la micobiota del país. No obstante, resulta necesario incrementar los muestreos en áreas donde existen vacíos de información o estén poco exploradas, así como en sitios con alto endemismo en plantas. También se precisa implementar análisis moleculares con el objetivo de evaluar las relaciones filogenéticas entre las especies tratadas y otras del género y la familia.
... Microscopically by a monomitic to rarely dimitic hyphal system, absence of setal elements and small (< 6 µm long), subglobose to cylindrical, yellow, thick-walled, non-dextrinoid and frequently collapsed basidiospores. Nutritional strategies of Phylloporia species are not yet fully understood, it is known they cause white rot on different parts of living angiosperms, but relationships and effects on their host physiology have been rarely studied (Esquivel & Carranza, 1996;Yombiyeni et al., 2015). However, Phylloporia species have been cited as phytopathogens with high host-specialization describe their macroscopic and microscopic characteristics, DNA extraction was performed and the 28S rDNA (LSU) was amplified by PCR. ...
... Palabas clave -Filogenia; Hymenochaetales; especies nuevas; taxonomía. . Zhou & Dai, 2012;Decock et al., 2015), although several species can be found to be saprophytic in dead aerial wood (Douanla-Meli et al., 2007), or terrestrial, connected to living/dead wood (Wagner & Ryvarden, 2002;Ipulet & Ryvarden, 2005;Yombiyeni et al., 2015). Additionally, Yombiyeni et al. (2015) refer to the association between habit and the plant organ with the basidiomata in Phylloporia as the «morpho-ecologycal type», and stipitate basidiomata emerging from soil or associated to root had been named «P. ...
... Zhou & Dai, 2012;Decock et al., 2015), although several species can be found to be saprophytic in dead aerial wood (Douanla-Meli et al., 2007), or terrestrial, connected to living/dead wood (Wagner & Ryvarden, 2002;Ipulet & Ryvarden, 2005;Yombiyeni et al., 2015). Additionally, Yombiyeni et al. (2015) refer to the association between habit and the plant organ with the basidiomata in Phylloporia as the «morpho-ecologycal type», and stipitate basidiomata emerging from soil or associated to root had been named «P. spathulata» or «stipitate on root» morpho-ecological type (Ferreira-Lopes et al., 2016). ...
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Phylloporia species are characterized by having annual to perennial, with resupinate, pileate-sessile to pileate-stipitate basidiomata, and duplex context. They have monomitic to dimitic hyphal system, basidiospores are globose to cylindrical, thick-walled, yellowish to pale brown in KOH. The genus includes 72 species described worldwide, and only eight taxa have been recorded in Mexico, five of which have been molecularly characterized. The objective of this study is to describe and illustrate two new stipitate species of Phylloporia from the Chamela Biology Station located in the municipality of La Huerta in the state of Jalisco, Mexico: P. rajchenbergii and P. ryvardenii. For this, the specimens were reviewed in detail in order to describe their macroscopic and microscopic characteristics, DNA extraction was performed and the 28S rDNA (LSU) was amplified by PCR. Phylogenetic analyzes were performed using Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood methods. It is corroborated that Phylloporia rajchenbergii and P. ryvardenii differ from the species described in the genus due to the color of the pileus, the size of the pores, the type of context (homogeneous in P. ryvardenii) and the size of the basidiospores; in addition, both species form different clades in the phylogenetic analyzes carried out.
... The recognition of P. beninensis brings the number of described Phylloporia species to 62 worldwide. Among these 62 species, nine were described from tropical Africa 9,12,17,18,23 . Phylloporia are more diverse in tropical Africa in comparison with Europe, where only P. ribis (Schumach.) ...
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Species of the wood-decay genus Phylloporia (Hymenochaetaceae, Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) are widely distributed in the tropics. Phylloporia species are, however, morphologically and ecologically diverse, which makes morphology-based species identification challenging. In this study, we re-examined species of Phylloporia reported from Benin (West Africa). Using an integrative approach combining morphology, ecology, and phylogenetic analyses, we describe Phylloporia beninensis sp. nov. and report Phylloporia littoralis for the first time outside of its type locality. Phylloporia beninensis sp. nov. is characterized by its annual and imbricate basidiomata, duplex context with a black zone separating the upper context from the lower one, dimitic hyphal system, presence of cystidioles, basidia of 9–12 × 4–5 μm, and subglobose to ellipsoid basidiospores measuring 3–4.6 × 2.1–3.6 μm. Detailed descriptions with illustrations for the new species are provided. With the addition of the new species, 15 Phylloporia species are now known to occur in tropical Africa. Our discovery of a new Phylloporia species in Benin should stimulate further mycological investigations in tropical African ecosystems to discover other new polypore species. To facilitate further taxonomy studies on tropical African Phylloporia taxa, a key to the known tropical African species is provided.
... (Huelsenbeck & Ronquist 2001), and maximum likelihood as implemented in RAxML 7.0.4 (Stamatakis 2006)] are described in Yombiyeni et al. (2015). Bayesian analyses were implemented with two independent runs, each with four simultaneous independent chains for 1,000,000 generations, starting from random trees, and keeping one tree every 1000th generations. ...
Poria eichelbaumii, a long-forgotten name, is transferred to Haploporus based on studies of the type specimen, comparison with new collections, and evidences from both morphology and phylogeny. The species is redescribed and illustrated. Haploporus grandisporus is described as new, on the basis of concordant morphological and phylogenetic species concepts. These two species form two very closely related clades within the Haploporus lineage in [28S-ITS]-based phylogenetic inferences. Haploporus eichelbaumii and H. grandisporus are distinguished by the size of their basidiospores (11.5-14.5 × 5.0-6.0 μm, average = 12.7 × 5.8 μm, vs 14-17.5 × 6.0-7.3 μm, average 15.4 × 6.6 μm), the size of their pores (2.5-3.5 / mm, vs 1.5-2.5 / mm), and, likely, divergent autecologies. Although both species occur in montane ecosystems of the eastern African rift, the data so far available suggest they occupy different habitats. Haploporus eichelbaumii has wider distribution, spanning over both branches of the eastern rift, at elevation~1500-2500 masl, in various vegetation types, mostly on small-sized dead branches or twigs, and dead bamboo culms. It is known so far from Kenya, Tanzania, and Malawi to the East, and western Burundi, western Uganda, and Eastern Congo (DRC) in the Albertine mountain ranges. Haploporus grandisporus is known, hitherto, only from the Eastern slopes of Mount Elgon in Kenya, at the timberline, 2900-3200 masl, mostly on dead heather branches (Erica arborea, Ericaceae) in heather thickets. Haploporus nanosporus is currently the third known Haploporus species from tropical Africa, known from the western edge of the Guineo-Congolian rain forest in Gabon and Cameroon. This species is also redescribed and illustrated.
... Entre ellos se desatacan los orientados hacia la evaluación de la patogenicidad de especies parásitas (Esquivel y Carranza 1996); así como de los efectos secundarios del consumo por animales de productos derivados algunas especies del género (Lu et al. 2014). Además, se ha tratado la especificidad de algunas especies por determinados sustratos (Yombiyeni et al. 2015); y evaluado el estado de conservación de otras (Mena et al. 2012, Jerusalem et al. 2019 (Ryvarden y Gilbertson 1993). ...
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The genus Phylloporia is morphologically diverse, including species that growth in restricted areas, with or without substrate specificity, and predominantly tropical. In Cuba, four species were previously reported, however, by the heterogeneity of ecosystems on the island and the diversity of the genus, it is estimated that the number of species is higher than that recorded. Besides, there are no precedents of studies in the genus that describe habitat parameters determining the some restricted distribution areas of these species. These are key issues in studies of biogeography, ecology, evolution and conservation of the genus. For this reason, in the present work I developed a taxonomic review of the genus Phylloporia in Cuba, based on the morphological analysis of specimens in Cuban herbaria, and characterize the habitat and climate in places where the species are present by using remote sensing data and geographic information systems. For this, 79 specimens from Cuban mycological collections were studied and after identified, I add the records of species of the genus reported for the country in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility from foreign herbaria and of which there are no duplicates in national institutions. For each species, aspects related to its distribution, used substrate and the relationship between the season of the year and the percentage of fruiting were analyzed. Species presence records were referenced and compiled in ArcGis 10.2.2, with remote sensing products that included six bioclimatic, four geographic, three vegetation and one conservation variables. From each record every variable value was extracted, traditional descriptive statistics were calculated and comparisons between species were made. The previously recorded species of the genus were confirmed, and a new one was reported for Cuba. Two others were proposed as new species for science and a new combination too, adding a total of eight species of the genus for the country. A dichotomous identification key was designed for the species of the genus in Cuban areas. It was noted that most of the species fructify in a higher proportion during the dry season. With the exception of P. spathulata, P. sp.1, P. sp.2 and P. veracrucis, the other species of the genus were founded throughout the national territory, although their occupation areas were not extensive. The statistical description showed hat the values of the analyzed environmental variables differ among species, although the ranges tend to overlap, suggesting that they all may present very similar characteristics in their habitats. Additionally, the highest number of occurrence records of species of the genus appears out of Protected Areas. Also the highest percentages of records were located in regions of both humid and dry forests.
... Analysis of the nuc ITS rDNA sequences is widely employed in distinguishing species of Basidiomycota; nevertheless, to analyze nuc 28S rDNA to distinguish Phylloporia species was first adopted by Wagner and Ryvarden (2002), subsequently followed by most mycologists (Zhou and Dai 2012;Decock et al. 2013Decock et al. , 2015Gafforov et al. 2014;Liu et al. 2015;Yombiyeni et al. 2015;Ferreira-Lopes et al. 2016;Qin et al. 2018;Rajchenberg et al. 2019;Wu et al. 2019;Jerusalem et al. 2019). The 28S-based analysis in the present study (Fig. 1) was shown as useful in separating most Phylloporia species. ...
Four new species of Phylloporia (Hymenochaetales) are presented based on collections made from subtropical-tropical southeastern Taiwan. They are P. alyxiae, P. mori, P. murrayae, and P. rubiacearum. These four species respectively grow on plant genera Alyxia, Morus, Murraya, and family Rubiaceae. Their status of new species in Phylloporia is supported by a combined survey based on morphological features, host species, geographic distribution, and phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences inferred from a dataset of nuc 28S rDNA. ITS sequence analysis is effective in distinguishing P. alyxiae and P. murrayae, respectively, from the most closely related species. Descriptions, basidiocarp photos, and microscopic illustrations are provided for these new species. So far, 61 species are known in the genus Phylloporia worldwide.
... Phylloporia (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetaceae), originally described with a single species, P. parasitica Murrill (Murrill 1904), has received much attention in the last 20 years. Numerous species have been described since then and the genus nowadays contains about sixty described species (e.g., Ipulet & Ryvarden 2005;Cui et al. 2010;Valenzuela et al. 2011;Zhou & Dai 2012;Decock et al. 2013Decock et al. , 2015Zhou 2013Zhou , 2015Zhou , 2016Gafforov et al. 2014;Liu et al. 2015;Yombiyeni & Decock 2017;Yombiyeni et al. 2015;Ferreira Lopes et al. 2016;Chen et al. 2017;Ren & Wu 2017;Bittencourt et al. 2018;Quin et al. 2018;Wu et al. 2019;Rajchenberg et al. 2019). Yombiyeni & Decock (2017) summarized the current knowledge of the genus in tropical Africa: thirteen named and five still unnamed species are listed for this area (Ryvarden & Johansen 1980;Hjortstam et al. 1993;Núñez & Daniëls 1999;Ryvarden 2000;Wagner & Ryvarden 2002;Ipulet & Ryvarden 2005;Roberts & Ryvarden 2006;Decock et al. 2015;Yombiyeni et al. 2015). ...
... Numerous species have been described since then and the genus nowadays contains about sixty described species (e.g., Ipulet & Ryvarden 2005;Cui et al. 2010;Valenzuela et al. 2011;Zhou & Dai 2012;Decock et al. 2013Decock et al. , 2015Zhou 2013Zhou , 2015Zhou , 2016Gafforov et al. 2014;Liu et al. 2015;Yombiyeni & Decock 2017;Yombiyeni et al. 2015;Ferreira Lopes et al. 2016;Chen et al. 2017;Ren & Wu 2017;Bittencourt et al. 2018;Quin et al. 2018;Wu et al. 2019;Rajchenberg et al. 2019). Yombiyeni & Decock (2017) summarized the current knowledge of the genus in tropical Africa: thirteen named and five still unnamed species are listed for this area (Ryvarden & Johansen 1980;Hjortstam et al. 1993;Núñez & Daniëls 1999;Ryvarden 2000;Wagner & Ryvarden 2002;Ipulet & Ryvarden 2005;Roberts & Ryvarden 2006;Decock et al. 2015;Yombiyeni et al. 2015). ...
... (Stamatakis 2006) and Maximum Parsimony as implemented in PAUP* ver. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2003)] are described in Decock et al. (2015) and Yombiyeni et al. (2015) and not repeated in details here. For the Maximum Parsimony, the heuristic search was restricted to keep 20 trees at each search with a predefined tree length ≥ 2550, in order to limit the final number of trees. ...
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Background and aims – The aim of this study is the continuation of an ongoing survey of Hymenochaetaceae (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales) from the lower Guinean sub-region in Central Africa. In this frame, a new species of Phylloporia is described from Gabon, based on morphological, ecological and phylogenetic data. Methods – The species is described using morphological methods, and ecological data. DNA-based phylogenetic analysis are also used to search for affinities.Key results – A new species of Phylloporia, P. rinoreae, is described based on specimens collected on living twigs of a shrubby Rinorea species (Violaceae), occurring in the Guineo-Congolian rain forest. Phylogenetic inferences using DNA sequence data from partial nuc 28S (region including the D1/D2/D3 domains) resolved this species as a distinct clade within the Phylloporia lineage. An identification key to the species reported from the Guineo-Congolian phytochorion is provided.Conclusion – Phylloporia rinoreae is the seventh species of the genus described from and so far only known from Gabon in the Lower Guinean phytogeographical sub-region.
... The particular feature of Phylloporia is that likely it does not decay the wood itself but rather feeds on the sap whereas most other taxa in Hymenochaetaceae are wooddecaying species. Nonetheless, the potential pathogenicity of Phylloporia species and their impact on the plant fitness need to be further studied (Ryvarden and Johansen 1980;Decock et al. 2015;Yombiyeni et al. 2015). Phylloporia is widely distributed mostly in the tropical areas, but several species are also found in the temperate zone (Ryvarden and Johansen 1980;Ryvarden 1986-1987;Ryvarden and Gilbertson 1994;Núñez and Ryvarden 2001;Dai 2010Dai , 2012. ...
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Phylloporia is shown to be monophyletic according to molecular sequence data. Morphologically, Phylloporia is characterized by annual or perennial basidiomata, a monomitic to dimitic hyphal system, generally presenting a duplex context, absence of setae, and abundant tiny, thick-walled and colored basidiospores. In this study, specimens from China and Brazil a priori identified to Phylloporia species were revised. Phylogenetic analysis based on the nuc 28S rDNA showed that they nested within the Phylloporia clade, in which they formed eight new terminal lineages. According to this result and additional morphological and ecological data (host relationships), these eight lineages are described as eight new species: Phylloporia atlantica, P. cystidiolophora, P. montana, P. perangusta, P. rattanicola, P. solicola, P. splendida, and P. subpulla. Detailed descriptions with illustrations are provided for these new species, and their relationships with similar or allied species are discussed. An identification key for all accepted 56 species with a synoptic description is provided, and two keys to neotropical and Asian Phylloporia species are also provided.
... Several new species of Phylloporia were proposed in the last decade (Cui et al. 2010, Valenzuela et al. 2011, Zhou & Dai 2012, Decock et al. 2013, Zhou 2013, Gafforov et al. 2014, Ferreira-Lopes et al. 2016, Zhou 2016, Ren & Wu 2017, Yombiyeni & Decock 2017, Zhou 2017, totaling currently about 45 species. Many of these species are known to occur in a restricted region and/or are specific to a host, as P. afrospathulata Yombiyeni & Decock (Yombiyeni et al. 2015: 1000, P. elegans Ferreira-Lopes, Robledo & Drechsler-Santos (Ferreira-Lopes et al. 2016: 140-142), P. flabelliforma Decock & Yombiyeni (Decock et al. 2015: 459-460), P. gabonensis Decock & Yombiyeni (Decock et al. 2015: 460-463), P. lespedezae G.J. Ren & F. Wu (2017: 244-246), P. nouraguensis Decock & Castillo 2013(Decock et al. 2013) P. rzedowskii R. Valenzuela & Decock (Valenzuela et al. 2011: 344-346) and P. ulloai R. Valenzuela, Raymundo, Cifuentes & Decock (Valenzuela et al. 2011: 346-347). Also, many of these species were discovered during polypore surveys within large protected areas and/or well conserved ecosystems, while small and urban protected areas and forest remnants are poorly investigated. ...
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During fungal surveys in a small urban Protected Area in Southern Brazil a species of Phylloporia was found with its minute basidiomata emerging from living stems of Doliocarpus schottianus. It is characterized by pileate and strikingly small basidiomata, context with a black line separating an upper tomentum, 3–7(–8) pores per mm, a monomitic hyphal system and ellipsoid basidiospores. In phylogenetic analysis based on partial nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA sequences, these specimens are resolved as a new clade within Phylloporia. The species is therefore described as P. minuta sp. nov. Ecological data (host and distribution) and the importance of small and urban protected areas are discussed