Figure 5 - uploaded by John-Robert Scholz
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1.3: Across-axis cross-section from northwest to the southeast perpendicular to rift valley (from 27.47 @BULLET S, 65.73 @BULLET E to 27.80 @BULLET S, 65.82 @BULLET E). OBS positions are represented by red triangles, thick dashed black line marks the reference niveau of earthquake depths and is at 5.461 km below sea level (station RUM41). Earthquake depths with errors ≤6 km are coloured dark-green (90), locations with fixed depths are shown in grey (3). Solid grey line at 7 km brl marks the Moho depth according to the velocity model. The background colours illustrate the layers of the local velicty model (Tab. 3.5.1). There is no clear evidence for a pronounced detachment fault.  

1.3: Across-axis cross-section from northwest to the southeast perpendicular to rift valley (from 27.47 @BULLET S, 65.73 @BULLET E to 27.80 @BULLET S, 65.82 @BULLET E). OBS positions are represented by red triangles, thick dashed black line marks the reference niveau of earthquake depths and is at 5.461 km below sea level (station RUM41). Earthquake depths with errors ≤6 km are coloured dark-green (90), locations with fixed depths are shown in grey (3). Solid grey line at 7 km brl marks the Moho depth according to the velocity model. The background colours illustrate the layers of the local velicty model (Tab. 3.5.1). There is no clear evidence for a pronounced detachment fault.  

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