Figure 1 - uploaded by Pedro Castelo Ferreira
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2 + 1-dimensional system of thickness δ ⊥ , with boundaries Σ1 and Σ2, embedded in a 3 + 1-dimensional system.

2 + 1-dimensional system of thickness δ ⊥ , with boundaries Σ1 and Σ2, embedded in a 3 + 1-dimensional system.

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It is considered a dimensional reduction of Ue(1)×Ug(1) (3+1)-dimensional electromagnetism with a gauge field (photon) and a pseudo-vector gauge field (pseudo-photon) to (2+1) dimensions. In the absence of boundary effects, the quantum structure is maintained, while when boundary effects are considered, as have been previously studied, a cross Cher...

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... this section we address a possible dimensional reduction scheme for action (3). We consider a planar system of a certain thickness δ ⊥ with two boundaries Σ1 and Σ2 as represented in figure 1. Let us take in consideration the regularity of the each of the gauge fields, such that the constants rA = 0, 1 and ...

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... We note that these quantities are evaluated in a 2-dimensional spatial hyper-plane, hence M has units of mass over length and S z of mass such that when embedded into a 3-dimensional spatial manifold it is further required to integrated over the thickness of the 2-dimensional embedding along the orthogonal direction (z) to retrieve the standard 3-dimensional quantities with units of mass and angular momentum, respectively. It is relevant to stress that, as discussed in [50], from a 3 + 1-dimensional perspective these computations are valid and consistent only for systems with constant fields along the direction orthogonal to the planar system as it is the case of systems with cylindrical symmetry (for further discussions on embedded 2 + 1-dimensional systems see for example [14] and [63]). ...
... We resume the main configuration types discussed in table 2. As a final remark we note that the magnetic string-like configuration corresponding to solution III for the range of the parameter p ∈] − ∞, −1[ describing a ghost gauge sector suggests that, for extended gauge theories containing a ghost gauge sector coupled to magnetic charge [60,61], similar magnetically charged solutions may be computed in 3 + 1-dimensions [62] and 2 + 1-dimensions [63]. ...
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We show that in the presence of external fields for which either $\dot{\vb{B}}^{\mathrm{ext}}\neq 0$ or $\nabla\times\vb{E}^{\mathrm{ext}}\neq 0$ it is not possible to derive the classical Maxwell equations from an action with only one gauge field. We suggest that one possible solution is to consider a second physical pseudo-vector gauge field $C$. The action for this theory is originally motivated by the inclusion of magnetic monopoles. These particles play no role in this work and our argument is only based in, that the violation of the Bianchi identities, cannot be accounted at the action level with only the standard gauge field. We give a particular example for a periodic rotating external magnetic field. Our construction holds that at classical level both the vector and pseudo-vector gauge fields $A$ and $C$ are regular. We compare pseudo-photon with paraphoton (graviphoton) theories concluding that, besides the mechanisms of gauge symmetry breaking already studied, the Bianchi identities violation are a crucial difference between both theories. We also show that, due to Dirac's quantization condition, at quantum field theory level the effects due to pseudo-photons and photons can be distinguished by the respective contributions to the magnetic moment of fermions and vacuum polarization. These effects may be relevant in astrophysical environments, namely close and inside neutron stars and magnetars. [Erratum: The construction in this work must, at most, be considered as a conceptual system or toy model. Are discussed systems where the results may have relevance.]
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In this article it is studied, at variational level, a mathematical setup given by the Landau-Ginzburg Chern-Simons model for anyons in 2+1-dimensions within the framework of dimensional reduced Ue(1)xUg(1) extended electromagnetism with both vector gauge fields (photons) and pseudo-vector gauge fields (pseudo-photons) such that both magnetic and electric vortexes coexist in the planar system. This model exhibits explicit planar P and T discrete symmetries being the Hall conductivity consistently a tensor and the Dirac quantization on the electric and magnetic coupling constants is equivalent to the quantization of magnetic flux. It is also discussed a thickening to 4-dimensions of the model with explicit 4-dimensional P violation which allows either for electric and magnetic charge separation, either for the Meissner effect. Although mathematically consistent, the electromagnetic field content for this model does not coincide with the standard Hall effect being present an extra orthogonal electric and longitudinal magnetic fields.