Figs 13 19 - uploaded by Gabriel Moreno
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— 13 and 14: Comatricha nigra (Pers.) Schroet. (AH 24298). SEM of a spore and detail of ornamentation. — 15 and 16: Craterium obovatum Peck var. dictyosporum (Rostaf.) G. Moreno & Illana (AH 22426). SEM of a spore and detail of ornamentation. — 17–19: Cribraria intricata Schrad. (AH 20032). 17 and 18: Nodes of peridial net. 19: SEM of a spore ornamentation.  

— 13 and 14: Comatricha nigra (Pers.) Schroet. (AH 24298). SEM of a spore and detail of ornamentation. — 15 and 16: Craterium obovatum Peck var. dictyosporum (Rostaf.) G. Moreno & Illana (AH 22426). SEM of a spore and detail of ornamentation. — 17–19: Cribraria intricata Schrad. (AH 20032). 17 and 18: Nodes of peridial net. 19: SEM of a spore ornamentation.  

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We present a list of 35 taxa collected in the Peninsula of Baja California. Fourteen of them are new records for Mexico: Comatricha ellae, Craterium obovatum var. dictyosporum, Diderma subincarnatum, Didymium bahiense, D. dubium, D. laxifilum, D. sturgisii, D. trachysporum, Echinostelium colliculosum, Physarum auriscalpium, P. lateritium, P. lividu...

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Three new species of Hapigia Guenée, 1854, from Brazil and Ecuador, are described: H. postpallida Becker sp. nov., H. violacea Becker, sp. nov. and H. violetta Becker, sp. nov.


... y M.A. Curtis, pero ésta presenta esporas más grandes (8-12 μm). Se conoce de Baja California (Moreno et al., 2001), Veracruz (Lado et al., 2003), Morelos (Moreno et al., 2004), Chihuahua (Lizárraga et al., 2005) y Puebla (Estrada-Torres et al., 2009). Por su parte, D. squamulosum presenta fructificaciones que van desde sésiles a plasmodiocárpicas y otras con un estípite robusto, blanco y estriado longitudinalmente. ...
... El material colimense se recolectó gregario sobre la hojarasca. Esta es una especie cosmopolita, foliícola, fimícola, lignícola y suculentícola (Illana et al., 2000), conocida de Baja California (Moreno et al., 2001), Veracruz (Lado et al., 2003), Morelos (Moreno et al., 2004), Chihuahua (Lizárraga et al., 2005) y Puebla (Estrada-Torres et al., 2009). Podría confundirse con D. comatum (Lister) Nann.-Bremek que también es sésil, pero presenta esporas reticuladas más pequeñas (10-13 μm) Härkönen y Koponen (1978). . ...
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La diversidad fúngica de Colima, México ha sido escasamente estudiada con solo 80 especies de hongos macroscópicos no liquenizados y 2 especies de mixomicetos reportadas. La mayoría de los registros corresponden al siglo pasado y se han enfocado en las zonas templadas del estado. Se presenta un estudio de la diversidad de hongos macroscópicos y mixomicetos en Colima, México, con registros nuevos. Se llevaron a cabo muestreos en 8 localidades de 6 municipios, incluyendo zonas urbanas. Se adicionan 38 registros nuevos, de los cuales 5 pertenecen a Ascomycota, 21 a Basidiomycota y 12 a mixomicetos. Los géneros mejor representados en los muestreos fueron Geastrum (5 especies) y Didymium (3 especies). Geastrum chamelense e Itajahya galericulata corresponden al segundo y tercer registro nacional, respectivamente. Se aumenta a 106 el número de registros de especies de hongos y a 14 el de mixomicetos, dando un total de 120 taxones. Se sugiere realizar muestreos más extensos en zonas no exploradas, con énfasis en los grupos de hongos menos estudiados, tales como ascomicetos y basidiomicetos como hongos ramarioides, gasteroides y gelatinosos, así como cultivos en cámara húmeda para mixomicetos.
... Other collections were carried out in different localities, (Lizárraga et al. 2008a, b). In Baja California, a 1,300 km long peninsula known worldwide for its rich biodiversity and levels of endemism, L. flavofuscum has records in the two states and was found for the first time in the vicinity of the San Telmo stream, a few kilometers from San Quintin (Illana et al. 2000;Moreno et al. 2001); and in 1993, aethalia were found in the Serra of São Pedro Mártir, on decaying wood of Salix lasiolepis Benth., with exsiccate deposited in the BCMEX herbarium (Lado 2018). ...
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In the second decade of the 20th century, Lycogala flavofuscum aethalia were collected in Brazil by Rev. Johannes Rick. Despite being easily observed in the field because of the size of the aethalia, the species was only found again in 2019, on a live trunk of Sebastiania commersoniana (branquilho, Euphorbiaceae) in the municipality of São Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The description and illustration of recently collected material, and data on exsiccates collected by Rick from Brazil, deposited at Herbarium BPI, are presented herein. Information on substrates, microhabitats, and geographic distribution of the species in the Neotropics is provided based on bibliographical sources and herbarium catalogs. Considering the large time interval between records and the restricted area of occurrence in the country, its inclusion as near threatened in the Brazilian Red List is recommended.
... It has been collected in more than 50% of the localities sampled, and it was also the commonest species of the arid lands of the coastal desert of Peru Notes.-This is the second record of this species from Peru and enlarges its distribution, since previously it was reported from the north, in the arid lands of Piura . In the Neotropics it is also known from Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico and Panama (Illana & al. 2000;Moreno & al. 2001Moreno & al. , 2007Moreno & al. , 2015Lizárraga & al. 2015b;Lado & al. 2017;Rojas & al. 2017). Only one collection of several minute sporocarps, with a columella reaching about ½ of the sporotheca, dividing to form the main branches of capillitium, and with the dark capillitium branching and anastomosing ( fig. ...
... In addition, in Cribraria violacea the colour of the sporotheca is violet ( fig. 4h) and the peridial net forms flat plates with many free ends, the spores by SEM, according to the illustration provided by Moreno & al. (2001), are baculate with small crests instead of spiny. Cribraria tecta is differentiated by the apical peridial plate that remains as a parachute (van Hooff 2009) and the spores by SEM are ornamented with dispersed spines with a broad base. ...
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The results obtained from a second survey for Myxomycetes in the arid areas of Peru are reported. A total of 37 localities from the cactus belt (‘cardonal’), between 1500 and 3000 m a.s.l., were sampled over six years. This survey is based on 601 identifiable collections of myxomycetes, developed in the field under natural conditions or those that were recovered from moist chamber cultures. In total, 84 taxa representing 19 genera were recorded. One new species, Cribraria spinispora Lado & D.Wrigley sp. nov., is described, three species new to South America and 22 additional new species for Peru are reported as well. Endemic plants, expecially cacti, had a particular relevance as myxomycete substrates. The predominance of the order Physarales T.Macbr. in arid areas is reinforced. Comments are included on some collections, as well as SEM micrographs of several species. A statistical evaluation of the diversity of myxomycetes in the cardonal area and a comparison of this area with the dry coastal desert of Peru and other Neotropical xeric environments are also included. Results show that the arid areas are rich in myxomycetes, and that each area has a unique assemblage. The differences appear to be related to the host plants.
... Morphological characters that vary among species-type of nodes, surface spore ornamentation, calyculus margin, and nature of the peridial net-are among those most frequently used in taxonomic descriptions. In the literature, most species descriptions are based on LM observations; to date only 18 Cribraria species have been described with SEM details (Hatano 1985, Keller et al. 1988, Lado et al. 1999, Estrada-Torres et al. 2001, Moreno et al. 2001, Hatano 2002, Liu & Chang 2007, Hooff 2009). Hatano (1985), in a study of myxomycetes from Japan, provided SEM details for ten species in the Cribrariaceae (Cribraria argillacea, C. aurantiaca, C. cancellata, C. cribrarioides, C. intricata, C. languescens, C. microcarpa, C. minutissima, C. rufa, and C. tenella), although the spores were collapsed in C. minutissima and C. rufa; Keller et al. (1988), who discussed the systematics of C. minutissima and C. confusa, included SEM photographs with detailed spore morphology and noted that the spores tended to collapse along preformed lines over the surface. ...
... Lado et al. (1999) described C. zonatispora as having 'unique' spores, while Estrada-Torres et al. (2001) described unique spore ornamentation for their new species, C. fragilis, from México. In their contribution to the myxomycetes of Baja California (México), Moreno et al. (2001) described the spore ornamentation as observed under SEM for C. intricata, C. purpurea, and C. violacea. Hatano (2002) studied and described the surface ornamentation of the sporangium, calyculus, peridial surface net and spore ornamentation for five species from the Korean Peninsula (C. ...
... Comments: Cribraria purpurea was described using SEM by Moreno et al. (2001). However, our examination revealed a different spore ornamentation composed of crests fused to form a sub-reticulate pattern, not observed in the image provided by Moreno et al. (2001, Fig . ...
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Cribraria spp. were examined by SEM to determine detailed morphological features of the spore, nodes, and calyculus and to identify and describe the characters and character states for each microstructure examined. The character states defined include six for spore ornamentation (warted, crested, spiny, subreticulate, banded-reticulate, grooved-reticulate), three for node types (rounded, enlarged, irregular), and four for the upper calyculus margin (ribbed, irregular, toothed, entire). Our SEM studies show that interpretations of spore ornamentation character states based solely on LM may be incorrect and that SEM observations are crucial for discovering new characters and interpreting taxonomic morphological features.
... Spores 7-8 µm diam., globose to subglobose, yellowish-hyaline in transmitted light, ornamented with warts and groups of prominent warts. Remarks-A thorough SEM study of Licea kleistobolus material from Baja California (Mexico) was carried out by Moreno et al. (2001). Fr., Syst. ...
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Twenty-seven collections of myxomycetes represented by field collections obtained in two nature reserves from southern Crimea were studied. Among 25 species identified, Diderma effusum, D. montanum, Didymium difforme, and Perichaena pedata represent new records for Crimea, and Physarum hongkongense is recorded from the Ukraine for the first time. LM and SEM microphotographs are provided for rare or uncommon species recorded in the study area to illustrate their micromorphology. Mycotaxon, Ltd.
... CHINA, Liaoning Province: Laotudingzi National Nature Reserve, on bark of a dead log, 13 September 2009, Li Ming 2015111805 (HMJAU10524). Comments:—Comatricha ellae has been recorded in Europe (Härkönen 1978), including Madrid, Spain (Pando & Lado 1987), as well as Mexico (Moreno et al. 2001) and Tanzania (Ukkola 1998). The Sichuan and Liaoning specimens have larger spores (9–11 μm in diam.) ...
A new species of Stemonitidaceae, Comatricha clavicolumella, collected in Jigong Mountain Scenic Area, Henan Province, China, is described. C. clavicolumella has a columella that usually ends in a clavate expansion at the apex of the sporocysts, and has smaller spores than usual for the genus (about 5-5.5 μm in diam.). Two newly recorded species from China, C. ellae and C. reticulospora, are also described. We present a scanning electron micrograph study of the species.
... Geographical distributions for Q. agrifolia, Q. chrysolepis, Q. emoryi and Q. hypoleucoides were integrated from the primary literature (Moreno et al., 2001) and the biodiversity databases: Herbario Nacional MEXU (2015), Global Biodiversity Information Facility (2015), World Biodiversity Network (2015); and Southwest Environmental Information Network (2015). Host records were imported into excel (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, Washington) and then verified with the distributional range recorded by Valencia (2004). ...
The goldspotted oak borer Agrilus auroguttatus Schaeffer is an invasive pest of three Quercus species in southern California, U.S.A. As a native and potentially indigenous exotic species, its distribution and potential damage is largely unknown in Mexico. We used the maximum entropy algorithm to determine the bioclimatic variables that may explain the distribution of A. auroguttatus , as well as its interaction with the distribution of known hosts in Mexico. Our model calculated high suitability for A. auroguttatus in the biogeographical provinces of California, the northern and southern areas of Sierra Madre Occidental and the northwestern area of the Mexican Plateau; moderate suitability was projected in the Baja California, Sonora and Sierra Madre Occidental provinces. Potential distribution of A. auroguttatus was overlapping with native ranges of Quercus agrifolia , Quercus emoryi Torrey and Quercus hypoleucoides A. Camus. Precipitation of the coldest quarter (23.6%), isothermality (23.5%), precipitation seasonality (17.3%) and mean temperature of the coldest quarter (11.2%) contributed most to explaining its distribution in Mexico. The geographical interaction (i.e. the likelihood that the habitat would be suitable for coexistence) of A. auroguttatus with its hosts in Mexico was projected in the California province (46 382.60 km ² , probably as an exotic species) and the northwestern areas of Mexican Plateau and Sierra Madre Occidental provinces (74 013.45 km ² , probably as native). Determining the areas of environmental suitability for A. auroguttatus and its host distribution can focus ground surveys, contribute to management efforts and assist in the development of risk assessments for Mexico.
... Characterized by the acuminate sporothecal apex, sinuous capillitium, and spores light violaceous under LM and 8-9 µm diam., warted. Observations -Didymium dubium exhibits great morphological variation in the sporocarps but can be recognized by spores 12-14 µm diam., with small bacula that form a characteristic reticle easily visible under SEM (Moreno et al. 2001). It was frequently collected in the studied area; thus, only samples of different localities and habitats are cited. ...
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Collections of myxomycetes gathered in field and cultivated in moist chamber cultures from samples collected in 10 localities in the central plains of the Chihuahuan desert were studied. Of the 37 species identified, eight (Badhamia spinispora, B. verrucospora, Comatricha ellae, Didymium tehuacanense, Echinostelium paucifilum, Lycogala exiguum, Physarum apiculosporum, and P. spectabile) represent new records for Chihuahua. Badhamia verrucospora, Echinostelium paucifilum, and Physarum apiculosporum are recorded for the first time from Mexico.
... Comments-Cribraria confusa has been recorded only from Chihuahua on decomposing wood of Pinus sp. by Lizárraga et al. (2003), who presented LM and SEM micrographs. Comments- Moreno et al. (2001) published an SEM study of the spore ornamentation on material from Baja California. ...
... Comments-This species is characterized by its dirty white to whitish grey flattened to subglobose fructifications (occasionally with small superficial orifices) and sporocarp interiors with erect pillars or internally traversing trabeculae. Moreno et al. (2001) published an SEM study of the capillitium, pillars, and spores. ...
... Didymium sturgisii has been recorded from Baja California ( Comments-Previously cited from Sonora by Lizárraga et al. (2007Lizárraga et al. ( , 2008a. Comments- Moreno et al. (2001) published a SEM study of the sporocarp and spores. Previously cited from Sonora by Esqueda et al. (2013), E. arboreum has been widely reported from Mexico ). ...
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Myxomycetes from 10 localities in the central plains of the Sonoran desert were studied using the moist chamber culture technique. Thirty-three species have been identified, of which five (Comatricha mirabilis, Cribraria confusa, Didymium eremophilum, Perichaena luteola, and P. stipitata) represent new records for Sonora, and Comatricha mirabilis is cited for the first time from Mexico. Light and scanning electron microphotographs illustrate the most diagnostic characters of these species, which are rare or scarcely mentioned in the literature.
... Amer The distinct characters of this species are the strongly umbilicate and stalked sporangia, and dark warted spores with warts often clustered on the surface. Our specimens with characters agree well in general with those of Didymium minus except that the surface of capillitial threads of ours is not smooth, a characteristic not found in the references (Martin and Alexopoulos, 1969;Nannenga-Bremekamp, 1991;Moreno et al., 2001). ...
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Species of Diachea and Didymium reported from Taiwan are critically revised. Two newly recorded species, Didymium floccoides and Didymium leptotrichum, are described and illustrated in this paper. Keys to the Diachea and Didymium species of Taiwan are also provided.