Fig 1 - uploaded by Sven Behnke
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1-dimensional generic feature. 

1-dimensional generic feature. 

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Conference Paper
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In this paper, we apply Reinforcement Learning (RL) to a real-world task. While complex problems have been solved by RL in simulated worlds, the costs of obtaining enough training examples often prohibits the use of plain RL in real-world scenarios. We propose three approaches to reduce training expenses for real-world RL. Firstly, we replace the r...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... into uniform intervals with the borders a 0 , . . . , a e , where e is the total number of intervals on this dimension (the resolution). In one dimension each receptive field covers two adjacent intervals with its peak exactly on their border. For each pair of intervals there is one feature plus two extra features at the border of the domain. Fig. 1 shows the generated features for a resolution of e = 4. For each input value there are two active features with a total activation of 1. Each feature contributes to the approximation according to its activation. This can be interpreted as the feature's responsibility for a certain input. The systematic overlapping within a generic ...
Context 2
... whole state space is covered completely by a group of features. We call this group a generic feature. The dimensions are partitioned into uniform intervals with the borders a 0 , . . . , a e , where e is the total number of intervals on this dimension (the resolution). In one dimension each receptive field covers two adjacent intervals with its peak exactly on their border. For each pair of intervals there is one feature plus two extra features at the border of the domain. Fig. 1 shows the generated features for a resolution of e = 4. For each input value there are two active features with a total activation of 1. Each feature contributes to the approximation according to its activation. This can be interpreted as the feature’s responsibility for a certain input. The systematic overlapping within a generic feature corresponds to a smooth shift of responsibility between two adjacent features. The resulting approximation is a linear interpolation of the adjacent weights. Imitation is an important mechanism for the transfer of knowledge and skills between similar agents. An imitating agent can observe the behavior of an experienced agent and thus draw conclusions about the consequences of certain actions. In this paper, the imitating agent has full access to experiences of a teacher. These experiences are provided as sequences of states and actions in the learning agent’s representation along with the corresponding rewards. Our imitation approach relies on the evaluation of these sequences according to own criteria. One possibility to do so, is the application of the Q -learning algorithm with the stored sequence of actions. The imitation effect can be increased by processing the sequences in temporally inversed order. This is possible because the whole sequence of transitions and rewards is known in advance. One advantage of storing and evaluating such sequences is the fact that the same algorithm can be applied to processing own experiences. This can be seen as a form of episodic memory, which allows to ”revive” own experiences when their utility is easier to access. If, e.g., the agent chooses a very good action by chance, but does not see immediately that it was a good action or why it was good, then it can be helpful to revive that experience later in the learning process when increased knowledge allows for a better assessment of this observation. The evaluation of observations in temporally inversed order is related to another technique for faster information propagation in temporal-difference methods. Eligibility traces [10, 12] use the last local error to update the value not only for the current state but for the recently visited states as well. So there is no individual local error used to update the previous states of the stored sequence. In contrast to that, we calculate a new local error for each transition in the stored sequence. Thus, we treat each step of the sequence as if it was the actual observation. Convergence proofs for table-based Q -learning (e.g. [13]) require to visit all states and to choose all actions infinitely often, but they do not make any assumptions about the ordering of these observations. Thus, the guarantees on convergence remain unchanged under the appropriate conditions. The proposed concepts of function approximation, imitation, and memory are evaluated for a humanoid toy robot called RoboSapien, which has been augmented with a camera and a Pocket PC as to allow for autonomous behavior as proposed in [14]. The task of the agent is to dribble the ball from different positions into the empty goal. Note that dribbling is achieved by walking against the ball. There is no explicit movement to kick the ball. The exact task setup is taken from the scoring test defined in [14]. In this test, the robot stands on the most distant point of the center circle, facing the empty goal. The ball is placed at ten different positions on the other half of the center circle in the robot’s field of view. One advantage of the adoption of this existing scoring test is the possibility to compare the performance to an existing hard coded behavior. According to the given task, suitable state variables have to be chosen that contain all relevant information for learning a good policy. Obviously, the positions of the ball and the goal are necessary to perform the task. While the ball position can be expressed by two variables (e.g. angle and distance), this is not sufficient for the goal position. Since the goal has a significant width, an additional variable is required (e.g. left post angle and right post angle instead of one angle). These five variables define the unam- biguous position of all relevant objects and their orientation to each other. There are many possibilities to represent this information. The previous paragraph implicitly assumes an egocentric representation of the information, i.e. the relative positions of the ball and the goal from the agent’s point of view. Another possibility is the transformation to an allocentric representation, i.e. the absolute positions of ball and robot on the field (including the robot’s orientation). Fur- ther possibilities are e.g. egocentric Cartesian coordinates ( x and y ) instead of polar coordinates (angle and distance). In this work, we use a combination of these representations and additional variables like the square roots of the distances to the ball and to the goal. In total we use 27 variables to represent the state space. This redundant representation allows the simultaneous consideration of different aspects of the situation. Each single representation is well-suited for the detection of some properties and similarities of situations whereas others can hardly be distinguished. The combination of several representations allows to benefit from the advantages of each representation. The additional state variables do not cause significant additional costs of computation since they just provide another perspective on the same data. As our function approximation method relies on many partitionings of the state space anyway, there is no difference (concerning the number of features) in using two partitionings of the same representation and using one parti- tioning of two different representations. The action space of our robot consists of four possible actions: walk forward , walk backward , turn right , and turn left , that are executed for 3.2s each and separated by a short break of 0.4s. This pause is required to ensure that the actions’ effects do not depend on previous actions but only on the current state. As explained above, we use Q -learning with linear gradient descent to learn the policy. The function approximator consists of multiple generic features (see Section 4) that consider only a small subset of the available state variables each. First, a minimal representation is chosen from the redundant state representation, i.e. five independent variables that unambiguously describe the positions of all relevant objects and their orientation to each other. Then a generic feature is created for all possible combinations of two and of three dimensions out of these five. This is done for several minimal representations resulting in a total number of 140 generic features, that only consider the state space. These features are important to estimate the value of the current situation. However, they do not distinguish between the different possible next actions. Hence, another 140 features are added that additionally consider the action space. To reduce the complexity of the search space, we exploit symmetry. This technique is widely used in search or optimization problems [15, 16]. Here, we use mirroring along the horizontal axis of the field. The value of turning left is equivalent to the value of turning right in the mirrored situation. Thus, it is sufficient to learn the value of turning right. Similarly, for walking forward or backward it is sufficient to learn the value for only one half of the state space. We evaluate the performance of the proposed concepts as follows. The task is described as an episodic RL task. Each action introduces an immediate reward of -1 per time step. The slight punishment of each action is sometimes called the costs of the actions. Each episode has three possible outcomes with the ...

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... distributions for actions that are possible in a state so that an agent acts according to its policy. The value of a policy is defined as a linear function of the features of the environment and the learning agent has an estimate of the expert's feature expectations. Their algorithm is proven to attain performance close to that of the expert agent. Latzke et al. (Latzke et al., 2006) utilized Q-learning which uses the experience of an expert agent as training data. The imitating agent has full access to the experience of the expert and these experiences are provided as sequences of states and actions along with their rewards. Price and Boutilier (Price and Boutilier, 2003) devised implicit imitation to accelerate r ...
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... Input from a teacher need not be limited to initial instruction. The instructor may provide additional demonstrations in later learning stages (Latzke et al., 2007;Ross et al., 2011a) and which can also be used as differential feedback (Argall et al., 2008). This combination of imitation learning with reinforcement learning is sometimes termed apprenticeship learning (Abbeel and Ng, 2004) to emphasize the need for learning both from a teacher and by practice. ...
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... Their algorithm is proved to attain performance close to that of the expert agent. Latzke et al. [13] utilized Q-learning which uses the experience of an expert as training data. The imitating agent has full access to the experience of the expert and these experiences are provided as sequences of states and actions along with their rewards. ...
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Imitation, in which an individual observes and copies another's actions, is a powerful means of learning. This paper presents a way of using imitation to enhance the learning capability of individual agents. The agents employ Q-learning and we show that agents with imitation enhanced Q-learning learn faster than those with Q-learning alone.
... For example, an imitation framework based on concept learning is presented by Mobahi et al. (2007). Moreover, the application of imitative learning for soccer playing robots are discussed in Behenke and Bennewitz (2005) and Latzke et al. (2006). ...
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Intelligent control for unidentified systems with unstable equilibriums is not always a proper control strategy, which results in inferior performance in many cases. Because of the existing trial and error manner of the procedure in former duration of learning, this exploration for finding the appropriate control signals can lead to instability. However, the recent proposed emotional controllers are capable of learning swiftly; the use of these controllers is not an efficient solution for the mentioned instability problems. Therefore, a solution is needed to evade the instability in the preliminary phase of learning. The purpose of this paper is to propose a novel approach for controlling unstable systems or systems with unstable equilibrium by model free controllers. An existing controller (model-based controller) with limited performance is used as a mentor for the emotional learning controller in the first step. This learning phase prepares the controller to control the plant as well as mentor, while it prevents any instability. When the emotional controller can imitate the behavior of model based one properly, the employed controller is gently switched from model based one to an emotional controller using a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). Also, the emotional stress is softly switched from the mentor-imitator output difference to the combination of the objectives. In this paper, the emotional stresses are generated once by using a nonlinear combination of objectives and once by employing different stresses to a FIS modulating the stresses, and makes a subset of these objectives salient regarding the contemporary situation. The proposed model free controller is employed to control an inverted pendulum system and an oscillator with unstable equilibrium. It is noticeable that the proposed controller is a model free one, and does not use any knowledge about the plant. The experimental results on two benchmarks show the superiority of proposed imitative and emotional controller with fuzzy stress generation mechanism in comparison with model based originally supplied controllers and emotional controller with nonlinear stress generation unit – in control of pendulum system – in all operating conditions. There are two test beds for evaluating the proposed model free controller performance which are discussed in this paper: a laboratorial inverted pendulum system, which is a well-known system with unstable equilibrium, and Chua’s circuit, which is an oscillator with two stable and one unstable equilibrium point. The results show that the proposed controller with the mentioned strategy can control the systems with satisfactory performance. In this paper, a novel approach for controlling unstable systems or systems with unstable equilibrium by model free controllers is proposed. This approach is based on imitative learning in preliminary phase of learning and soft switching to an interactive emotional learning. Moreover, FISs are used to model the linguistic knowledge of the ascendancy and situated importance of the objectives. These FISs are used to attentionally modulate the stress signals for the emotional controller. The results of proposed strategy on two benchmarks reveal the efficacy of this strategy of model free control.