Table 4 - uploaded by Alice Deignan
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1 Lakoff's categorisation of dead metaphor 

1 Lakoff's categorisation of dead metaphor 


... Keeping this in mind, perceiving and even constructing metaphors as ways of understanding the world around us is inevitable (taylor, 2022), as they have been a cornerstone of cognitive linguistics ever since the advent of Lakoff and Johnson's Metaphors We Live By (1980). With consideration to conceptual metaphor theory (henceforth cmt), metaphors have lives of their own (Deignan, 2008)-another metaphor, if one may say so! in that sense, it is possible to draw a distinction between innovative so-called living metaphors on the one hand and conventionalized and dead ones on the other (abdel-raheem, 2021;Deignan, 1998;Lakoff & Johnson, 1980). nevertheless, such distinction is never crystal clear but rather fuzzy, since even the most conventionalized and common metaphors are seldom neutral (cheded et al., 2022;Potts & semino, 2019). ...
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Deeply rooted in human cognition, metaphors have always intrigued researchers to examine what motivates them across different cultures. This paper attempts to investigate how HEART metaphors are generated and used in Arabic and English within economic discourses in light of conceptual metaphor theory. Drawing evidence from economic discourse exclusively, the study at hand targets instances of figurative language outside the realm of creative writing and literature. Utilizing discourse analysis as its primary method, it combines theoretical veins from cognitive linguistics and cognitive translation hypothesis with digitalized techniques using SketchEngine, a corpus processing software package, to highlight patterns of universality and cultural situatedness. A sample of 562 metaphorical contexts (252 from Arabic and 310 from English) were selected and analyzed discursively. Results indicated the prominence of three major target domains, CENTRAL POSITION, AFFECTION, and VITALITY, which were quite universal and similar in both languages. Another three subordinate target domains were identified: UNITY/SOLIDARITY, COGNITIVE ABILITY, and DEPTH/ESSENCE revealing more linguistic and cultural variations than the major ones. Both major and subordinate target domains proved to have similar mapping conditions in terms of their cognitive translation load. Nevertheless, while the major target domains were quite straightforward in such mapping, some subordinate ones were realized differently on a lexical level. These findings are further discussed in terms of their wider ideological and cultural contexts as well as the constructionist take on discourse. Some translation implications are presented accordingly.
... The SPECIFIC IS GENERIC metaphor enables the extrapolation of stereotypical animal properties (Silaški 2011) onto individuals or groups through the metonymy ANIMAL FOR ITS BEHAVIOR (Deignan 1997). When animal metaphors depict events or mental states, they rely on the EMOTIONS ARE PHYSICAL ENTITIES metaphor, conceptualizing emotions as animate entities with behavioral attributes, bridging connections to the LIVING BEINGS domain (Barcelona 2003). ...
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This study explores nominal metaphorical expressions utilizing CATS as the source domain and HUMANS as the target domain within the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). The findings illustrate that the metaphorical mappings between the CAT source domain and the HUMANS target domain are grounded in traits such as greed, sexual behavior, resilience, timidity, and composure. Contrary to prior claims, many of these metaphors demonstrate gender neutrality, except for “tom cat.” The gender association was shown to be attributed by the target domain rather than the CAT domain. The research challenges previous notions of negative connotations linked to CAT metaphors, emphasizing the need for a broader understanding encompassing various aspects of CAT metaphors.
... A interface entre a LC e os Estudos da Metáfora é o ponto central em Deignan (1997). Seu trabalho precursor, fundamentado em uma abordagem baseada em corpus, expandiu os horizontes da pesquisa em metáfora, demonstrando como padrões colocacionais, sintáticos e semânticos auxiliam na constituição de mapeamentos conceituais. ...
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O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar e discutir a contribuição teórico-metodológica da Linguística de Corpus para a análise de fraseologismos metafóricos traduzidos da língua portuguesa para a língua inglesa por estudantes universitários brasileiros. O artigo discorre, primeiramente, sobre as sinergias entre os estudos da metáfora, corpus e tradução, que têm possibilitado novos olhares para os estudos linguísticos. Posteriormente, é detalhada a proposta metodológica aqui sugerida, que é fundamentada na coocorrência estatística de unidades lexicais e em seus respectivos contextos. A análise diferencia sequências lexicais de fraseologismos e usos metafóricos de não-metafóricos. Dessa forma, é possível identificar se as traduções propostas pelos universitários que participaram da pesquisa são ou não convencionais em língua inglesa. A título de exemplificação, o artigo apresenta e discute a análise de fraseologismos metafóricos que têm como metáforas conceituais subjacentes o corpo é um contêiner, meios são caminhos para um propósito, desistir é abandonar o barco e terrorismo é fenômeno da natureza. Os resultados apontam para a viabilidade da estratégia metodológica aqui proposta e apresentam suas inúmeras vantagens analíticas.
... Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazuju da su glagoli i glagolske konstrukcije "bolje" za izricanje metafora od imenica. Alice Deignan (1998;2005; pokazuje da će kod imenica i glagola istog korijena glagol imati više metaforičkih značenja. Sličan zaključak za "gramatiku metafora" donosi već i Christine Brooke-Rose 1958. ...
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U ovom se radu izlaže „treći put“ u često suprotnim shvaćanjima metafora kao konceptualne odnosno diskursne pojave. Metafora se sagledava kao sposobnost metaforizacije koja je zajednička i globalna, ali koja na presudan način ovisi o lokalnim faktorima. Ističu se jezični čimbenici koji utječu na metafore: eksplicitnost odnosno implicitnost, različita metaforičnost različitih gramatičkih oblika i leksičke značajke izraza koji se odnose na izvornu domenu. Na diskursnoj razini govori se o grozdovima metafora i ulozi metafora u stvaranju emocionalnog stila. Navedeni se elementi smještaju među suvremene teorije metafore, posebice trodimenzionalnu teoriju metafore Gerarda Steena i Kövecsesev kontekstualni model metafore. Na kraju se izvlače metodološke posljedice opisanog „trećeg puta“ za istraživanje metafora.
... Sin embargo, comprendemos que la primera priva al lector común de la posibilidad de participar no sólo del juego de palabras, sino también de lo que verdaderamente expresaba el texto, lo cual hace más profunda, en este caso, la brecha entre los clásicos grecolatinos y la actualidad. (Kövecses 2002(Kövecses , 2008Lakoff 1987) y de adjetivos en inglés (Deignan 1997(Deignan , 2005 y en inglés e italiano (Lorenzetti 2009). Allí se asume que el dominio TEMPERATURA funciona como una escala gradual de frío a calor. ...
... Enhanced metaphoric awareness via activities that help participants to establish the associations between the metaphorical expression and its more concrete senses can lead to higher retention rate of vocabulary (Boers, 2000a(Boers, , 2000b(Boers, , 2001Guo, 2007). Discussing and comparing metaphors in the first and target language are also effective in improving learners' metaphor comprehension and production (Deignan et al., 1997). In Csábi's study (2004), learners who were exposed to metaphor-awareness instruction outperformed their peers in comprehension and retention of the polysemous verbs hold and keep. ...
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The research aims to investigate the metaphor used in Foreign Language Lecturers’ Talk. The subjects of this research were Lecturers at English Education Study Program of FKIP UKI Toraja. The results of the research revealed that the metaphor used in Foreign Language Lecturers’ Talk are: a)That's where the name of the price of ink, b) going to the bamboo trees every Sunday, c) Why are you looking for disease?”, d) “I asked to delete it, replaced the previous study, if you're exactly similar with it means you have cheated, beautiful playing, you have to play beautifully, e) Then creating a definition not like this model, set good example, there are several definitions of writing they are, then if your model like that, this is a direct fire!, f) "Why there are researchers do not have a name, sightings”, g) Ok, this fish is you, so if you are on the water how are you feeling?
... Following the initial definition of conceptual metaphor as a way of understand- ing one domain in terms of another (Lakoff and Johnson 1980), there have been many studies applying and refining the work on conceptual metaphor within the same vein (Lakoff 1993;Lakoff and Turner 1989;Kövecses 2010a), or looking into ways to expand it (e.g. Gibbs 1994;Fauconnier and Turner 2003;Deignan 2005;Steen 2007;Tendahl 2009). Originally, conceptual metaphor was seen as a global mechanism; a way of generalizing across a variety of linguistic (and non-linguistic) instances of use. ...
... Hence, grammar seems to be a perfect candidate for a unifying factor in metaphor theory. It has been shown that the linguistic expressions of conceptual metaphors are connected to grammar in a variety of ways (Stanojevi 1999;Deignan 2005;Deignan 2006;Sullivan 2007;Stanojevi 2013). For example, metaphorical senses of polysemous words have a different grammatical form (word classes, inflections etc.) from non-metaphorical senses (Deignan 2006). ...
... Hence, grammar seems to be a perfect candidate for a unifying factor in metaphor theory. It has been shown that the linguistic expressions of conceptual metaphors are connected to grammar in a variety of ways (Stanojevi 1999;Deignan 2005;Deignan 2006;Sullivan 2007;Stanojevi 2013). For example, metaphorical senses of polysemous words have a different grammatical form (word classes, inflections etc.) from non-metaphorical senses (Deignan 2006). ...
Recent discourse-based and corpus based studies on conceptual metaphors show that the way in which a conceptual metaphor is expressed may have an impact on the metaphor in question. In other words, metaphor is not only a conceptual but also a linguistic phenomenon. This paper explores the interface between conceptual and linguistic information on the example of the concept of ANGER. More specifically, we look into four common English anger-related nouns (anger, wrath, fury and rage), and the (potential) metaphoricity of five grammatical constructions in which they appear: premodification by adjective (e.g. deep anger), predicative qualification (e.g. anger was palpable), noun-of-anger-related noun construction (outburst of anger, eruption of rage), the anger-related noun as the first participant of a predicate (e.g. anger flared, rage subsided), and the anger-related noun as the second participant of a predicate (e.g. vent anger, express rage). Each of the five constructions has a widely different percentage of potentially metaphorical expressions. We show that these differences are a result of a number of local factors: the conceptual characteristics of each grammatical construction (modeled using cognitive grammar), the conceptual make-up and the folk model of the ANGER, the salience of the terms used for the concept, the conceptual characteristics arising from other morphosemantically related terms, their history, and ecological factors. Despite the comprehensive nature of such an approach, it does not overlook the locality of metaphor (as argued in the discourse-based approaches). Moreover, grammar is a natural way of unifying conceptual and discourse-based approaches to metaphor, because looking at grammatical issues does not threaten the primary focus either approach: grammar is conceptual as well as usage-based.
... A metaforikus nyelvi kifejezések korpuszalapú vizsgálata egyre elterjedtebb módszer a kognitív szemantikában (vö. Baldauf 1997, Deignan 1998, Goschler 2008, Stefanowitsch 2006a, Stefanowitsch 2006b. A szabadon hozzáférhető elektronikus szövegkorpuszok ugyanis a nyelvészeti kutatás olyan adatforrásai, amelyek segítségével statisztikailag reprezentatív eredményekhez juthatunk. ...
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A jelen tanulmány a metaforikus nyelvi kifejezések korpusz-alapú vizsgálatának komplex problematikájával foglalkozik, és megoldási javaslatokat kíván nyújtani ennek bizonyos részproblémáira. A tölcsérmódszer egy német nyelvű tudományos ismeretterjesztő szövegek-ből álló korpuszon kidolgozott és tesztelt eljárás, mely a metaforák kü-lönböző típusú, korpuszalapú elemzéseinek egyes vonásait ötvözi. Célja, hogy átfogó képet adjon egy bizonyos terület metaforikájáról egy konkrét korpuszban úgy, hogy az adatfeldolgozás egyes lépéseiben megpróbálja a lehető legnagyobb mértékben kiküszöbölni az intuíció és az introspekció szerepét. Segítségével megállapítható, hogy a vizsgált tudományos ismeretterjesztő korpuszban elsősorban technikai, ipari és információ-technológiai metaforák játszanak kiemelt szerepet a sejtbiológiai ismeretek közvetítésében, a gyakorisági adatokból pedig egyértelmű hangsúlyeltolódás olvasható ki a számítógépes metaforika irányába. Tudománymódszertani szempontból a tölcsérmódszer alkalmazása során arra a következtetésre juthatunk, hogy az eljárás, melynek végeredményben számolnia kell az intuíció kiküszöbölhetetlenségével az adatok megítélésénél, egy köztes álláspontot foglal el a manuális intuitív vagy automatizált korpuszalapú módszertani vitában, ugyanakkor korpuszokra alkalmazható félig automatizált hibrid módszerként jellemezhető.
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Objectives: This study aims to examine the conceptualization of animal metaphors in political speeches delivered by Abdullah II, the King of Jordan, and President Trump. Additionally, the research investigates the translatability of metaphors between English and Arabic in political speeches. Methods: The study analyzes metaphors using the conceptual theory of metaphor. Translated metaphors are examined based on the triangulation of translation procedures suggested by Schäffner (2004) and Deignan et al. (1997). Results: The study reveals that metaphors play a significant role in shaping political discourse and serve as influential devices used by politicians to persuade their audience and communicate complex political ideas, particularly in relation to topics such as terrorism. Regarding the translatability of metaphors, the study finds that the similarities outweigh the differences, primarily in terms of the correspondence in the number of conceptual domains. Conclusions: It is widely acknowledged that metaphors are prevalent in politics and have been established as major linguistic devices. Therefore, many political figures extensively employ metaphors. The research recommends exploring other types of metaphors in different genres.
У статті йдеться про явище політичної коректності в масмедійному дискурсі. Зазначено, що політкоректність – явище, спостережуване в суспільній та політичній сферах. До основних її стратегій можна віднести запобігання виразів, які сприймаються як образливі для людей з обмеженими фізичними або розумовими можливостями, з вадами або нестандартною зовнішністю і які можна трактувати як упереджене ставлення до національностей, гендеру, сексуальних меншин, віку, як ущемлення людей різних соціальних статусів, дискримінацію вірувань, тварин, природи, оточення. Політична коректність має не мовний, а дискурсивний характер, тож релевантним є аналізувати її в розрізі дискурсу. Показано, що масмедійний дискурс має інформаційно-психологічний вплив на свідомість населення. За допомогою інформації, поширюваної через медіа, можна сформувати необхідну позицію, думку щодо певної події. Досліджено експресивні засоби та стилістичні прийоми, що трапляються в медіадискурсі для вираження політичної коректності, зокрема ті, що ґрунтуються на метафоричному та метонімічному переносах: метафори, перифрази, евфемізми. Особливу увагу приділено евфемізмам, які відповідають правилам соціального етикету й слугують у мові політиків та засобів масової інформації засобом маніпуляції. Правильний підбір слів є вирішальним для іміджу, презентації партії, збереження підтримки виборців та впливу на їхні думки. Установлено, що повторення «ввічливо» маркованих одиниць сприяє несвідомому запам’ятовуванню інформації та впливає на рішення й дії мас. Доведено, що головне завдання вживання політкоректних засобів у масмедійному дискурсі полягає в уникненні негативних конотацій, прямих, категоричних оцінок та для завуалювання інформації. У дослідженні залучено загальнонаукові методи, методи лінгвістичного спостереження й опису.