Fig 1 - uploaded by Alexei Tereshin
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(1) Evolution of world energy consumption over the last 30 years [22, 23] and some recent energy forecasts with the indii cation of the publication year: (2) Institute of Atomic Energy (IAE), 1984 [1, 16]; (3) International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), 1981 [24]; (4) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 1984 [26]; (5) Institute for Energy Anall ysis at Oak Ridge, 1985 [17]; (6) World Energy Conference (WEC), 1984 [25]; and (7) Moscow Power Engineering Instii tute, 1990 [19].

(1) Evolution of world energy consumption over the last 30 years [22, 23] and some recent energy forecasts with the indii cation of the publication year: (2) Institute of Atomic Energy (IAE), 1984 [1, 16]; (3) International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), 1981 [24]; (4) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 1984 [26]; (5) Institute for Energy Anall ysis at Oak Ridge, 1985 [17]; (6) World Energy Conference (WEC), 1984 [25]; and (7) Moscow Power Engineering Instii tute, 1990 [19].

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Abstract—It has been established that the historical approach to world energy forecasting can yield useful results at time horizons with a depth of several decades. The genetic forecast supposes reaching a plateau of global energy consumption at the level of 30 billion tons of coal equivalent and an increase in the carbon dioxide concentration almo...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... ENERGY STATISTICS DATA Figure 1 shows a comparison of the genetic forecast elaborated in 1990 [19][20][21] for the world energy devell opment with data on energy consumption for the last 25 years [22,23]. One can see that during the whole period, the deviation of historical data from forecast was within 3-4% and reached a maximum of 6% in 2012. ...
Context 2
... decrease of energy conn sumption annual growth rates at the turn of the mill lennium-down to 1.9% for 1990-2014 as compared to 3.7% for the years 1950-1990. This fact was a total surprise for most analysts, who expected in their day a more than double increase in energy consumption during the last quarter of the century. This is demonn strated in Fig. 1, showing several forecasts carried out in the 1980s by some outstanding research institutions ...
Context 3
... is quite evident that they all considerably overess timated the world primary energy demand as early as from the 1990s, and this divergence continues to increase in time reaching by now 30-40% (see Fig. 1). Moreover, forecasts of the 1980s containe a series of principle mistakes, ...

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It has been established that the historical approach to forecasting world energy can yield useful results at time horizons with a depth of several decades. The genetic forecast supposes the stabilization of global energy consumption at the level of 30 billion tons of coal equivalent and an increase in the carbon dioxide concentration almost to 500...


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... Climate change simulations are often performed for the latter, most dangerous climate change scenario (RCP8.5) in order to get an estimate for the worst-case scenario. At the same time, the real changes observed in the climate system for almost two decades now have been closer not even to the moderate but to the optimistic option ( Fig. 1) [24]. ...
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... The Rot, NAOI and AMO trends were developed by means of Singular Spectrum Analysis technique [10] . Anthropogenic radiative forcing is calculated according to IPCC guidelines [1] based on scenarios of greenhouse gases and sulphur oxides emissions presented elsewhere [11] . Table 1 -Main climatic factors and indices vs variables reflecting their impact climatic factors variables atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and tropospheric aerosols total radiative forcing of greenhouse gases and tropospheric sulfate aerosol [1] volcanic activity (the concentrations of stratospheric aerosols) radiative forcing calculated from atmospheric optical depth (F AOD ) [7] solar activity maximum for each cycle Wolf numbers W max [12] Earth's rotation velocity annual mean deviations of angular velocity of Earth rotation (Rot) [13] changes of atmospheric circulation indices of winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAOI) [14] and annual Atlantic Multidecadal Oscilation (AMO) [15] Mechanisms of external factors influence on climate are recorded using developed in MPEI globally averaged EBM based on [6] , which allows to calculate temperature responses Anthr, Solar and Volc to perturbations of radiation balance (total anthropogenic as well as solar and volcanic forcings). ...
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... The carbon dioxide concentration was calculated by a modified box-diffusion carbon cycle model [49] with implementation of an original forecast for the world energy development and carbon emission [51]. A global temperature response to the change of CO 2 concentration along with other principal climatic driving factors was estimated using a non-stationary energy balance model based on the classical approach of [50]. ...
Assessment of the climate-related impacts on energy systems usually implies regression approaches. That restricts generalization of the published results for the regions which are not covered with detailed research yet. The climate change impacts on the Russian power industry were for the first time quantified in a systematic way. A robust physically-based simulation approach was used to simulate a response of the steam and gas turbines performance to the climate warming. It was shown that an increase of the air temperature deteriorates performance of thermal and nuclear power plants across the whole Russia. The power drop of the steam turbines is about 0.2–0.3 and 0.4–0.6 percent per 1∘C for thermal and nuclear power plants respectively. That means additional consumption of 3–4 million tce yearly to 2030–2050. However, an integral effect of the climate change on the Russian energy systems remains clearly positive due to the annual fuel savings of about 100 million tce resulting from reduction of the space heating demand. Main negative impacts of the climate change on the Russian power system will be linked to the changes of the operational regimes. Particularly, design and control strategies of the combined-cycle plants should necessarily account for the future changes of the climate conditions.
... The structure of the global energy consumption over the period up to 2100 providing a predetermined pattern of changes in its carbon intensity is shown in Fig. 3. In order to assess the global energy demand, we used an updated version of the genetic forecast of the energy development, which had shown good agreement with the actual data for the last quarter of the century [6]. The amounts of oil and gas fuel consumption were calculated taking into account the largescale use of their unconventional resources (shale gas and oil and coal-bed methane) [7,8]. ...
... Figures 4 and 5 show the evolution of carbon dioxide emissions and concentrations and of the global mean temperature in the case of consistent and sustained implementation of the Paris Agreement. In our calculations, we use the models for the global carbon cycle and climate elaborated at the Global Energy Problems Laboratory at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute [11], which have been successfully confirmed by the observations over the last 25 years [6]. It can be expected that CO 2 emissions, which have steadily increased during the two and a half centuries of industrial history due to fossil fuel burning and cement production, will reach their maximum of 10-11 GtC/yr as soon as in the 2030s (see Fig. 4), and then will begin to decline gradually at an increasing rate. ...
... As has been shown in [6], the approach to the global anthropogenic changes in the climate and atmosphere developed by the authors yields sufficiently stable results. Despite the application of different scenarios of energy demand and supply and adjustments made to the simulation models, the uncertainty in the estimates of changes in the global average temperature has not exceeded 0.1°C over 25 years since it was first published. ...
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Investigations have been carried out into the basic implications of the decisions taken in December 2015 at the Paris conference of the countries–participants of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change for the world energy and for the atmosphere and climate. Based on the studied historical record of specific CO2 emissions in the energy production by different countries, it is shown that the implementation of the Paris Agreement will require an unprecedented effort to modernize the global energy sector; in particular, rapid elimination of coal from the global energy mix and a substantially increased share therein of carbon-free energy sources (hydro and nuclear power and alternative renewable energy sources (renewables)) to one third by the middle of this century. We have developed a scenario for the global energy demand mix corresponding to the guidelines of the Paris Agreement and its more conservative variant extending the trend of the last 15 years. It has been established that, under any of the development scenarios, the global mean temperature is to exceed the level of 1.5°C as soon as within a few decades. Using model simulations of the changes in the atmosphere and climate, we show that even the full implementation of the Paris Agreements will not prevent the increase in average global temperature by 2°C as compared to the preindustrial levels. The world community faces a difficult choice between the implementation of more stringent measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which we believe to be almost unreal, and adaptation to utterly new climatic conditions, which will last for centuries to come.