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Effects of Ambient Particles and Carbon Monoxide on Supraventricular Arrhythmias in a Rat Model of Myocardial Infarction


Abstract and Figures

The association between short-term increases in particulate air pollution and increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is well documented. Recent studies suggest an association between particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 microm (PM2.5) and supraventricular arrhythmias (SVA), but the results have been inconsistent. We evaluated this hypothesis in a rat model of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Diazepam-sedated Sprague-Dawley rats with AMI were exposed (1 h) to either filtered air (n = 16), concentrated ambient fine particles (CAPS; mean = 645.7 microg/m3; n = 23), carbon monoxide (CO; 35 ppm; n = 19), or CAPs and CO (n = 24). Each exposure was immediately preceded and followed by a 1-h exposure to filtered air (baseline and postexposure periods, respectively). Surface electrocardiograms were recorded and the frequency of supraventricular premature beats was quantified. Among rats in the CAPS group, the probability of observing any SVA decreased from baseline to the exposure and postexposure periods. This pattern was significantly different than that observed for the filtered air group during the exposure period (p = .048) only. In the subset of rats with one or more SVA during the baseline period, the change in SVA rate from baseline to exposure period was significantly lower in the CAPS (p = .04) and CO (p = .007) groups only, as compared to the filtered air group. No significant effects were observed in the group simultaneously exposed to CAPS and CO. Thus, the results of this study do not support the hypothesis that exposure to ambient air pollution increases the risk or frequency of supraventricular arrhythmias.
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Inhalation Toxicology, 18:1077–1082, 2006
Informa Healthcare
ISSN: 0895-8378 print / 1091-7691 online
DOI: 10.1080/08958370600945473
Effects of Ambient Particles and Carbon Monoxide
on Supraventricular Arrhythmias in a Rat Model
of Myocardial Infarction
Gregory A. Wellenius
Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, and Cardiovascular
Epidemiology Research Unit, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Brent A. Coull
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Joao R. F. Batalha, Edgar A. Diaz, Joy Lawrence, and John J. Godleski
Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
The association between short-term increases in particulate air pollution and increased car-
diovascular morbidity and mortality is well documented. Recent studies suggest an association
between particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter <2.5 µm (PM
) and supraventricu-
lar arrhythmias (SVA), but the results have been inconsistent. We evaluated this hypothesis
in a rat model of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Diazepam-sedated Sprague-Dawley rats
with AMI were exposed (1 h) to either filtered air (n = 16), concentrated ambient fine parti-
cles (CAPS; mean = 645.7 µg/m
; n = 23), carbon monoxide (CO; 35 ppm; n = 19), or CAPs
and CO (n = 24). Each exposure was immediately preceded and followed by a 1-h exposure to
filtered air (baseline and postexposure periods, respectively). Surface electrocardiograms were
recorded and the frequency of supraventricular premature beats was quantified. Among rats in
the CAPS group, the probability of observing any SVA decreased from baseline to the exposure
and postexposure periods. This patterm was significantly different than that observed for the
filtered air group during the exposure period (p = .048) only. In the subset of rats with one or
more SVA during the baseline period, the change in SVA rate from baseline to exposure period
was significantly lower in the CAPS (p = .04) and CO (p = .007) groups only, as compared to
the filtered air group. No significant effects were observed in the group simultaneously exposed
to CAPS and CO. Thus, the results of this study do not support the hypothesis that exposure to
ambient air pollution increases the risk or frequency of supraventricular arrhythmias.
The association between short-term increases in particulate
air pollution and increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortal-
ity is well documented. Putative biologic mechanisms include
Received 13 June 2006; accepted 19 July 2006.
The authors are grateful to Dr. Murray Mittleman for critically re-
viewing the article. This study was supported by grants R827353 from
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and T32-HL007118 from
the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The project described was sup-
ported by grant F32-ES013804 from the National Institute of Envi-
ronmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), NIH. Its contents are solely the
responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official
views of the NIEHS, NIH.
Address correspondence to Gregory A. Wellenius, ScD, Cardio-
vascular Epidemiology Research Unit, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, 330 Brookline Avenue, Deaconess 301, Boston, MA 02215,
USA. E-mail:
changes in autonomic nervous system function, hemodynam-
ics, hemostatic factors, and a systemic inflammatory response
(Brook et al., 2004).
Several recent epidemiologic studies have reported an as-
sociation between particulate matter with aerodynamic diame-
ter <2.5 µm (PM
) and ventricular arrhythmias (Peters et al.,
2000; Rich et al., 2005; Riediker et al., 2004). A similar associa-
tion has been observed in a controlled exposure study in humans
(Gong et al., 2004) and in animals exposed to residual oil fly ash,
a component of PM
(Campen et al., 2000; Watkinson et al.,
1998; Wellenius et al., 2002).
Although not generally considered life-threatening,
supraventricular arrhythmias reduce cardiac output and can
initiate ventricular arrhythmias (Podrid, 2006). Relatively few
epidemiologic studies have evaluated the link between PM
and supraventricular arrhythmias. While there is some evidence
from these studies in favor of such a link (Brauer et al., 2001;
Gong et al., 2004; Riediker et al., 2004), the results have
been inconsistent (Devlin et al., 2003; Gong et al., 2003; Rich
et al., 2006). To our knowledge, only one previous animal
toxicological study has specifically addressed this question and
that study found no effect (Nadziejko et al., 2004).
A complicating factor in many epidemiological studies is
that PM
exists in outdoor air as a complex mixture that in-
cludes gaseous pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO). CO
is a ubiquitous gaseous pollutant produced by incomplete com-
bustion of carbonaceous fuels and substances. Typical sources
of CO include vehicle exhaust, industrial processes, home heat-
ing systems, and cigarette smoke. Numerous studies have found
an association between short-term increases in ambient CO lev-
els and increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
(Burnett et al., 1997; Hoek et al., 2001; Morris et al., 1995).
In the United States, daily mean ambient levels of CO range
from 0.5 to 2 ppm (Samet et al., 2000). Acute CO poisoning,
which occurs at much higher CO levels, has historically been
associated with the development of cardiac arrhythmias, includ-
ing conduction disorders, atrial and ventricular fibrillation, and
atrial and ventricular premature beats (Marius-Nunez, 1990).
Using a rat model of myocardial infarction, we previously
showed that exposure to CO was associated with a 60.4% re-
duction (95% confidence interval [CI]: 80.7, 18.8; p = .012)
in the frequency of ventricular arrhythmias, while exposure to
concentrated ambient fine particles (CAPS) was associated with
a 64.2% increase (95% CI: 17.7, 227.6%; p = .16) in the fre-
quency of ventricular arrhythmias (Wellenius et al., 2004). The
purpose of the current analysis was to assess whether exposure to
CAPS and/or CO alters the risk of supraventricular arrhythmias
in this animal model.
Adult, male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 250 g (Charles
River Laboratories, Inc., Wilmington, MA) were maintained
and studied in accordance with the National Institutes of Health
guidelines for the care and use of animals in research. Animals
were housed (12-h light/dark cycle) in plastic cages with pine
chip bedding (Northeastern Products Corp., Warrensburg, NY)
and received food (LabDiet, PMI Nutrition International, Inc.,
Brentwood, MO) and water ad libitum. All protocols were ap-
proved by the Harvard Medical Area Standing Committee on
Surgical Protocol
Left-ventricular MI was induced by thermocoagulation as
previously described (Wellenius et al., 2002). Briefly, under in-
halation anesthesia, a left thoracotomy was performed via the
third or fourth intercostal space to gain access to the left ven-
tricular wall of the heart. Myocardial infarction was induced by
briefly and repeatedly applying the tip (0.5 inch fine electrode)
of a portable thermocautery unit (2200
C, Aaron Medical Indus-
tries, Inc., St. Petersburg, FL) to one or more visible branches of
the left coronary artery. Visible discoloration of the affected re-
gion indicated that blood flow had been successfully interrupted.
Each animal was allowed to recover for a minimum of 12 h.
Experimental Design
To investigate the cardiac effects of air pollution, 85 rats were
randomized to one of four groups: (1) filtered air (n = 17), (2)
CAPS only (n = 23), (3) CO only (n = 21), or (4) both CAPS
and CO (CAPS + CO; n = 24). Data from one rat in the filtered
air group and two rats in the CO-only group were lost due to
technical problems. The CO target dose was 35 ppm, equal to
the current 1-h U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standard.
All exposures were1hinduration (exposure period), and were
immediately preceded and followed by1hofexposure to filtered
air (preexposure and postexposure periods, respectively).
Exposure Technology and Characterization
For all experiments, animals were placed in one of four
sealed Plexiglas chambers for exposure, as previously described
(Wellenius et al., 2004). Briefly, within each exposure chamber,
rats were sedated (diazepam, ip, 12 mg/kg) and placed in indi-
vidual holders facing the air inlet. The flow rate for each chamber
was maintained at 15 L/min (LPM). CO exposures were gen-
erated by the addition of a small constant flow (approximately
230 cm
/min) of high concentration CO from a certified cylin-
der (2510 ppm, Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc., Montgomeryville, PA)
upstream of the two CO exposure chambers (CO only and CO +
CAPS chambers). CO in both chambers was measured contin-
uously using two Langan monitors adapted for active sampling
(Chang et al., 2001).
Ambient fine particles were concentrated using the Harvard
ambient particle concentrator (HAPC), the characteristics of
which have been described in detail previously (Godleski et al.,
2000; Lawrence et al., 2004; Savage et al., 2003). Briefly, the
HAPC concentrates ambient fine particulate matter with an aero-
dynamic diameter 2.5 µm (PM
)to30× ambient levels
without altering its size distribution or chemical composition.
Particles with diameters >2.5 µm are removed upstream of the
HAPC, while ultrafine particles (<0.1 µm) and ambient gases
are neither enriched nor excluded. CAPS mass concentration
was determined gravimetrically from 1-h integrated samples and
particle number concentration was measured continuously (5-
min averages) using a condensation particle counter (CPC model
3022A; TSI, Inc., Shoreview, MN).
Electrocardiographic Data Acquisition and Analysis
The day of an experiment, electrodes for obtaining electrocar-
diograms (ECG) were implanted subcutaneously in a standard
Lead II configuration (right arm, left leg, and right leg) under
light inhalation anesthesia, as previously described (Wellenius
et al., 2002). ECG signals were bandpass filtered, amplified,
digitized (500 Hz/animal), and stored using a customized PC-
based data acquisition system (Mathworks, Inc., Natick, MA)
with a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (National Instruments
Corp., Austin, TX). In order to obtain stable ECG recordings
in unrestrained animals, rats were lightly sedated with a single
dose of diazepam (ip, 12 mg/kg) 15–20 min before the begin-
ning of the experiment. ECG recordings from diazepam-sedated
animals were of high quality and measures of heart rate were
consistent from minute to minute.
Offline, ECG signals were viewed and analyzed using cus-
tomized software scripts in Matlab (Mathworks, Inc.). Arrhyth-
mia grade and frequency were manually determined by an in-
vestigator blinded to the exposure status of each rat. The number
of each type of arrhythmia observed in the hour before exposure
(baseline value), during the exposure hour (exposure value),
and in the hour following exposure (postexposure value) was
recorded for each animal. ECG data were unusable for 10 of
246 (4.1%) possible observation periods. Results from the anal-
ysis of supraventricular ectopic beats (SVEB; including prema-
ture atrial complexes and premature junctional complexes) are
presented here; results from the analysis of heart rate and ven-
tricular arrhythmias have been previously published (Wellenius
et al., 2004).
Statistical Analysis
First, we tested the hypothesis that exposure to CAPS and
CO increases the risk of observing one or more SVEB (Hypoth-
esis 1). We used repeated-measures logistic regression (Diggle
et al., 2002) to model the odds of a given rat having one or more
SVEB during a given time period. This model, fitted using gener-
alized estimating equations (GEE), included indicator variables
for time (exposure and postexposure periods), group (CAPS,
CO, and CAPS + CO), and two-way interactions between these
variables. An exchangeable covariance structure was assumed
and inferences were based on empirical (robust) standard er-
rors. To explore the dose-response relationship we also consid-
ered models where CAPS mass concentration or CAPS number
concentrations were treated as linear continuous variables.
Second, we tested the hypothesis that among rats with one or
more SVEB during the pre-exposure period, exposure to CAPS
or CO increases SVEB frequency either during or following
exposure (Hypothesis 2). We used repeated-measures Poisson
regression fit by GEE to model the SVEB frequency in each
period. This model included indicator variables for time and
group, as well as 2-way interactions between these variables.
We allowed for Poisson overdispersion in the data, assumed
an exchangeable covariance structure, and based inferences on
empirical (robust) standard errors.
The above approach is analogous to methods developed for
zero-inflated count data (Agresti & Min, 2005) which are ap-
propriate when there are many more subjects with no arrhyth-
mias than would be expected under a Poisson model (Lambert,
1992). Statistical analyses were performed using PROC GEN-
MOD in SAS version 9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Statisti-
cal significance for all models was based on a two-sided α =
CAPS mass concentration over the 13 exposure days ranged
from 78.0 to 2202.5 µg/m
(mean: 645.7; standard deviation
(SD): 760.3). Particle number concentration ranged from 13,900
to 93,500 particles/cm
(mean: 38,500; SD: 23,300). The mean
CO concentrations in the CO and CAPS+CO groups were 37.9
and 38.0 ppm, respectively.
Hypothesis 1: Exposure to CAPS and CO Increases
the Risk of Observing One or More SVEB
In a first analysis we used repeated-measures logistic regres-
sion to determine whether exposure to CAPS or CO increased
the probability of observing any SVEB. Figure 1A shows the
mean probability of observing any SVEB during each time pe-
riod for each group. Differences among the groups during the
preexposure period were not statistically significant.
Among rats in the filtered air group, the probability of ob-
serving any SVEB increased over time, but this effect was not
statistically significant. Among rats in the CAPS group, the prob-
ability of observing any SVEB decreased from baseline to the
exposure and postexposure periods (Figure 1A). Compared to
the filtered air group, this difference was statistically signifi-
cant during the exposure period ( p = .048), but not during the
postexposure period ( p = .10). The change in probability of
observing any SVEB was not significantly different in the CO
or CAPS + CO groups during either the exposure or postexpo-
sure periods, as compared to the filtered air group. We found no
association between the probability of observing any SVEB and
either CAPS mass concentration or CAPS number concentration
in any time period.
Hypothesis 2: Among Rats With SVEB at Baseline,
Exposure to CAPS or CO Increases the Number of SVEB
Observed Either During or Following Exposure
In the subset of rats with one or more SVEB at baseline
(n = 30), we used repeated-measures Poisson regression to
determine whether exposure to CAPS or CO altered SVEB fre-
quency. Figure 1B shows the mean number of SVEB/hour during
each time period for each group. During the preexposure period,
SVEB frequency was significantly greater in the CO group as
compared to the filtered air group ( p = .03). No other baseline
differences reached statistical significance.
Among rats in the filtered air group, the SVEB frequency
increased over time. This difference was statistically signifi-
cant during both the exposure ( p = .003) and postexposure
( p = .03) periods. Compared to the filtered air group, the
change from the preexposure to exposure period in SVEB fre-
quency was significantly lower in the CAPS ( p = .04) and
CO (p = .007) groups and marginally lower in the CAPS +
CO group ( p = .06). The change in SVEB frequency from
FIG. 1. (A) Predicted mean probability (95% confidence inter-
vals) of observing one or more SVEB by time period and treat-
ment group. (B) Predicted mean number of SVEB per hour by
time period and treatment group. Asterisk indicates statistically
significant ( p <.05) change from baseline; double asterisk, sta-
tistically significant ( p <.05) change from baseline compared
to change from baseline in filtered air group.
the preexposure to the postexposure period was not signifi-
cantly different in any group as compared to the filtered air
group. We found no association between SVEB frequency and
CAPS mass concentration in any time period. However, we
found that a 1000 particles/cm
increase in CAPS number con-
centration was associated with a 3.3% decrease in SVEB fre-
quency during the exposure period (95% confidence interval:
5.3, 1.2%; p = .0024).
Watkinson et al. (1998) first noted the development of pre-
mature atrial beats in rats following intratracheal instillation
of residual oil fly ash. To our knowledge, only one previous
toxicological study has evaluated the effects of ambient par-
ticulate matter on the risk of SVEB (Nadziejko et al., 2004).
In that study, the authors exposed aged Fischer 344 rats to
filtered air, CAPS, ultrafine carbon particles, or sulfur diox-
ide for 4 h and found no effect of any exposure on the fre-
quency of premature supraventricular beats. Similarly, in the
current study, we found no evidence in support of the hypothe-
sis that exposure to either CAPS or CO increases the risk of
SVEB. On the contrary, we found that CAPS exposure was
associated with a lower risk of SVEB and that both CAPS
and CO exposure were associated with a lower rate of SVEB
in the subset of animals with supraventricular arrhythmias at
Epidemiological studies suggest that short-term elevations in
ambient particle levels may increase the risk of supraventricu-
lar arrhythmias, but the results have been inconsistent. Riediker
et al. (2004) followed 10 healthy North Carolina Highway Pa-
trol troopers and found a positive association between PM
the number of SVEB. Brauer et al. (2001) followed 16 elderly
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
and reported a similar association. On the other hand, Rich
et al. (2006) followed patients with implanted cardioverter
defibrillators (ICDs) and found no significant association be-
tween PM
and the risk of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Con-
trolled exposure studies in humans have also yielded mixed re-
sults. Two studies in healthy volunteers did not find a statistically
significant association between CAPS and SVEB (Devlin et al.,
2003; Gong et al., 2003). However, a third study found a statisti-
cally significant positive association between CAPS and SVEB
in healthy volunteers, but a statistically significant negative as-
sociation in subjects with COPD (Gong et al., 2004).
Short-term inhalation exposure to low levels of CO corre-
sponding to 2–4% carboxyhemoglobin levels (COHb) have been
found to exacerbate myocardial ischemia in patients with docu-
mented coronary artery disease (Allred et al., 1989, 1991; Klein-
man et al., 1989). Although still controversial, several studies
suggest that there is little or no effect of CO on the incidence of
ventricular arrhythmias (Dahms et al., 1993; Kizakevich et al.,
2000). Furthermore, even exposure to CO resulting in COHb
values as high as 20% does not appear to affect ventricular elec-
trical properties in dogs (Foster, 1981; Verrier et al., 1990). We
are not aware of any reports on the effect of CO on atrial elec-
trical properties. One previous study in 16 healthy men noted
no apparent difference in the frequency of premature atrial beats
with COHb concentrations up to 19%, but very few premature
beats were observed (Kizakevich et al., 2000). The results from
the current study suggest that 1 h of exposure to 35 ppm CO
does not increase the risk or frequency of supraventricular ar-
rhythmias in rats. Although we did not measure COHb in the
current study, based on existing literature we estimate that rats
in the CO and CAPS + CO groups may have achieved COHb
as high as 5% (Brunssen et al., 2003).
SVEB frequency may be strongly influenced by changes in
heart rate. In the FA group, SVEB frequency increased from the
preexposure to postexposure periods and heart rate increased
over time in a parallel fashion (data not shown). However, we
have previously shown in these same animals that the pattern
of change in heart rate over time is not significantly affected
by exposure to either CAPS or CO (Wellenius et al., 2004).
Therefore, it is unlikely that the results of the current study are
due to exposure-related changes in heart rate.
This study has several important limitations. First, less than
half of the rats in our study exhibited any SVEB. Aside from
posing a methodological challenge in the analysis, this also im-
pacted on statistical power and hence the precision of our es-
timates. Second, supraventricular arrhythmias are a heteroge-
neous group that includes atrial premature beats, junctional pre-
mature beats, supraventricular tachycardias, atrial fibrillation,
and atrial flutter, only some of which were observed and quan-
tified in the current study. Moreover, isolated supraventricular
premature beats are prevalent even in the absence of cardiovas-
cular disease and are not generally clinically important. Third,
the exposure and postexposure periods were each limited to 1
h. Therefore, it is unknown whether longer exposures would
elicit a different physiologic response. Moreover, it is possible
that physiologic responses to CAPS and CO lagged exposure by
more than 1 h. Fourth, since only mature, male, Sprague-Dawley
rats were studied, it is unknown if the effects of CAPS and CO
vary by gender, age, or species.
Rats were pharmacologically sedated during all experiments.
This approach allowed us to carry out these experiments under
conditions of minimal stress for the animals, thereby minimizing
stress-induced arrhythmias unrelated to the exposures of inter-
est. Diazepam, a benzodiazepine, was chosen as the sedative be-
cause it provides adequate sedation with only minor cardiovas-
cular effects (Rall, 1990). Although diazepam may be vagolytic
in humans and large animals, the expected effect is limited at
the doses employed in this study (reviewed by Wellenius et al.,
In summary, we found no evidence to support the hypothesis
that short-term exposure to ambient air particles or CO increases
the risk or frequency of supraventricular arrhythmias. Given the
paucity of published studies and inconsistent results, further ex-
periments in large-animal models or humans are needed to more
firmly establish the effects of ambient air pollution on supraven-
tricular arrhythmias.
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... Introduction Globally, air pollution (of which particulate matter [PM] is a significant component) contributes to pulmonary and vascular disease yielding a devastating 7 million annual deaths. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] Lung injury due to inhalational exposure is a major health concern not only for 1 st responders and military personnel but also for large swaths of the population. [10,11] PM is a significant component of ambient air pollution and prominent in WTC-PM exposure. ...
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Biomarkers predict World Trade Center-Lung Injury (WTC-LI); however, there remains unaddressed multicollinearity in our serum cytokines, chemokines, and high-throughput platform datasets used to phenotype WTC-disease. To address this concern, we used automated, machine-learning, high-dimensional data pruning, and validated identified biomarkers. The parent cohort consisted of male, never-smoking firefighters with WTC-LI (FEV1, %Pred< lower limit of normal (LLN); n = 100) and controls (n = 127) and had their biomarkers assessed. Cases and controls (n = 15/group) underwent untargeted metabolomics, then feature selection performed on metabolites, cytokines, chemokines, and clinical data. Cytokines, chemokines, and clinical biomarkers were validated in the non-overlapping parent-cohort via binary logistic regression with 5-fold cross validation. Random forests of metabolites (n = 580), clinical biomarkers (n = 5), and previously assayed cytokines, chemokines (n = 106) identified that the top 5% of biomarkers important to class separation included pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF), macrophage derived chemokine (MDC), systolic blood pressure, macrophage inflammatory protein-4 (MIP-4), growth-regulated oncogene protein (GRO), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), apolipoprotein-AII (Apo-AII), cell membrane metabolites (sphingolipids, phospholipids), and branched-chain amino acids. Validated models via confounder-adjusted (age on 9/11, BMI, exposure, and pre-9/11 FEV1, %Pred) binary logistic regression had AUCROC [0.90(0.84-0.96)]. Decreased PEDF and MIP-4, and increased Apo-AII were associated with increased odds of WTC-LI. Increased GRO, MCP-1, and simultaneously decreased MDC were associated with decreased odds of WTC-LI. In conclusion, automated data pruning identified novel WTC-LI biomarkers; performance was validated in an independent cohort. One biomarker-PEDF, an antiangiogenic agent-is a novel, predictive biomarker of particulate-matter-related lung disease. Other biomarkers-GRO, MCP-1, MDC, MIP-4-reveal immune cell involvement in WTC-LI pathogenesis. Findings of our automated biomarker identification warrant further investigation into these potential pharmacotherapy targets.
... 259 In HPAEC negative control, a dynamic mitochondrial network was observed, showing the 260 typical fiber-like structure (Fig. 8.A). In control treated with CCCP (5 µM), mitochondria 261 presented fragmentation and appeared as disconnected fragments (Fig. 8.C) since CCCP is 262 known to impair the mitochondria network by inducing fission event. FW2 NPs-treated cells 263 (7.5 µg/cm ) showed mitochondria fragmentation (Fig. 8.B) similar to cells treated with 264 CCCP, suggesting a mitochondria network alteration such as fission. ...
L’exposition humaine aux particules atmosphérique (PM) est une préoccupation majeure de santé publique. La pollution particulaire est constituée de particules grossières (PM10 diamètre < 10 μm), de particules fines (PM2.5 diamètre < 2.5 μm) et de particules ultrafines (PUF ou PM0.1 diamètre < 100 nm). L’excès de mortalité constaté par les études épidémiologiques est principalement associé aux pathologies respiratoires et cardiovasculaires. Après inhalation, les particules les plus fines (PM2.5 et PUF) pénètrent profondément dans les voies respiratoires jusqu’aux alvéoles pulmonaires. Des études ont montré qu’elles peuvent franchir la barrière alvéolo-capillaire pour se retrouver dans la circulation systémique et y exercer leurs effets délétères sur les organes cibles tel que le système cardiovasculaire. La circulation pulmonaire constitue donc une cible privilégiée des particules inhalées, particulièrement les cellules endothéliales qui tapissent la lumière des vaisseaux. L’hypertension pulmonaire (HTP) est une pathologie de la circulation pulmonaire caractérisée par un remodelage des vaisseaux pulmonaires, une hyperréactivité et une inflammation. Des études récentes ont montré le rôle prépondérant du calcium et du stress oxydant dans la physiopathologie de cette maladie. Cependant, peu d’études mécanistiques visent à expliquer les effets des PM sur les cellules cibles vasculaires pulmonaires. Dans ce contexte, ce travail vise à mieux caractériser les effets cellulaires et moléculaires des particules sur les cellules endothéliales d’artères pulmonaires humaines (HPAEC). L’impact des PM2.5 et des nanoparticules (NPs) noires de carbone (FW2) sur les cellules endothéliales d’artères pulmonaires humaines entraine des dérégulations de l’homéostasie cellulaire. En effet, nos résultats montrent une augmentation significative du stress oxydant et, notamment, de la production d’anion superoxyde cytoplasmique et mitochondrial, des perturbations de la signalisation calcique, des dommages mitochondriaux, ainsi qu’un déséquilibre de la sécrétion de facteurs vasoactifs tels que le monoxyde d’azote (NO). Nous avons, également, étudié sur ces cellules cibles vasculaires pulmonaires humaines, dans des conditions physiologique et pathologique mimant l’HTP, les effets des particules sur la signalisation calcique ainsi que le rôle du stress oxydant dans les effets observés. Nous avons, dans un premier temps, développé et validé un modèle in vitro qui mime la dynamique vasculaire observée dans l’HTP. Dans une deuxième étape, nous avons observé les effets des NPs FW2, dans les deux conditions expérimentales. Nos résultats montrent, dans les cellules placées en conditions pathologiques, une augmentation significative de la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ERO) ainsi qu’une augmentation significative de la réponse pro-inflammatoire caractérisée par la sécrétion d’interleukines telles que l’IL-6 par rapport aux cellules placées en condition physiologique. De plus, la signalisation calcique semble également altérée dans les conditions pathologiques.
... Cardiopulmonary disease caused by ambient particulate matter exposure accounts for 7 million deaths globally each year [1][2][3]. Epidemiologic associations have been documented between increased ambient particulate matter (PM), lung disease, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. The aim of this review article is to provide an up-to-date overview of the epidemiological and biological mechanism of PM-induced systemic inflammation in MetSyn, obstructive lung disease, and CVD. ...
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Particulate matter (PM) exposure and metabolic syndrome (MetSyn) are both significant global health burdens. PM exposure has been implicated in the pathogenesis of MetSyn and cardiopulmonary diseases. Individuals with pre-existing MetSyn may be more susceptible to the detrimental effects of PM exposure. Our aim was to provide a narrative review of MetSyn/PM-induced systemic inflammation in cardiopulmonary disease, with a focus on prior studies of the World Trade Center (WTC)-exposed Fire Department of New York (FDNY). We included studies (1) published within the last 16-years; (2) described the epidemiology of MetSyn, obstructive airway disease (OAD), and vascular disease in PM-exposed individuals; (3) detailed the known mechanisms of PM-induced inflammation, MetSyn and cardiopulmonary disease; and (4) focused on the effects of PM exposure in WTC-exposed FDNY firefighters. Several investigations support that inhalation of PM elicits pulmonary and systemic inflammation resulting in MetSyn and cardiopulmonary disease. Furthermore, individuals with these preexisting conditions are more sensitive to PM exposure-related inflammation, which can exacerbate their conditions and increase their risk for hospitalization and chronic disease. Mechanistic research is required to elucidate biologically plausible therapeutic targets of MetSyn- and PM-induced cardiopulmonary disease.
... In a controlled human exposure study, there was no significant impact on HRV parameters when exposed to diesel exhaust for 3 h (186). Similar results were found when PM inhalation by rats did not change the risk of supraventricular arrhythmias (258). Therefore, PM has been shown to elicit significant effects on HRV that cannot be discounted, but further study is needed with varying timeframes, PM concentrations, and comorbidities. ...
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in developed regions and a worldwide health concern. Multiple external causes of CVD are well known, including obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, age, and sedentary behavior. Air pollution has been linked with the development of CVD for decades, though the mechanistic characterization remains unknown. In this comprehensive review, we detail the background and epidemiology of the effects of air pollution and other environmental modulators on the heart, including both short- and long-term consequences. Then, we provide the experimental data and current hypotheses of how pollution is able to cause the CVD, and how exposure to pollutants is exacerbated in sensitive states. Published 2017. Compr Physiol 7:1479-1495, 2017.
... Another major finding of this study is the proarrhythmogenic effect of chronic CO exposure in a healthy population. This result provides experimental support to previous reports that CO is associated with life-threatening VA in populations with cardiopathies (30,31). The arrhythmic events may have an electrical origin or a Ca 21 origin (32). ...
Although it is widely recognized that environmental factors such as smoking, diet, exercise, and socioeconomic status affect the risk of cardiovascular disease, recent work showing the effects of other environmental factors provides a more complete assessment of the situation. This view has emerged from three developments. Firstly, there has been a sudden explosion in the prevalence of diabetes and obesity which indicates a strong environmental component. Secondly, there is an accumulation of evidence suggesting that most cases of these diseases could be prevented by healthy lifestyle choices. Finally, studies have shown that exposure to environmental pollutants has a significant effect on heart disease risk. This book is the first to provide a comprehensive account of the effects of pollutants on heart disease and to integrate this area of research within the overall theme of environmental cardiology. The introductory chapter outlines the effects of different aspects of the environment on heart disease and provides a context for the discussion that follows. Subsequent chapters give an overview of the effects of particulate matter and discuss the epidemiological studies supporting the link. The book then goes on to cover the effects of pollution on different aspects of cardiovascular disease (hypertension, stroke, heart failure, ischemic heart disease and atherogenesis). Because of a close association between diabetes and heart disease, a discussion of the effects of particulate matter on diabetes is also included. Later chapters discuss the effects of individual pollutants such as vehicular emissions, metals and aldehydes. A review on manufactured nanoparticles is incorporated because these particles represent an important new threat to cardiovascular health. The understanding that emerges from this monograph suggests that we must be more alert to the effects of the environment and develop strategies that target, not only the diseased individual, but also the unhealthy, disease-causing environment. It is essential reading for cardiologists, epidemiologists, urban planners and pollution control specialists.
Background: The current single-pollutant approach to regulating ambient air pollutants is effective at protecting public health, but efficiencies may be gained by addressing issues in a multipollutant context since multiple pollutants often have common sources and individuals are exposed to more than one pollutant at a time. Objective: We performed a cross-disciplinary review of the effects of multipollutant exposures on cardiovascular effects. Methods: A broad literature search for references including at least two criteria air pollutants (particulate matter [PM], ozone [O3], oxides of nitrogen, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide) was conducted. References were culled based on scientific discipline then searched for terms related to cardiovascular disease. Most multipollutant epidemiologic and experimental (i.e., controlled human exposure, animal toxicology) studies examined PM and O3 together. Discussion: Epidemiologic and experimental studies provide some evidence for O3 concentration modifying the effect of PM, although PM did not modify O3 risk estimates. Experimental studies of combined exposure to PM and O3 provided evidence for additivity, synergism, and/or antagonism depending on the specific health endpoint. Evidence for other pollutant pairs was more limited. Conclusions: Overall, the evidence for multipollutant effects was often heterogeneous, and the limited number of studies inhibited making a conclusion about the nature of the relationship between pollutant combinations and cardiovascular disease.
The quality of the atmosphere is considered to be the key factor in an environment monitoring network, a pollutant atmosphere always being associated with short, medium and long- time effects. On the short and medium scale, it may have effects on human health, on ecosystems and can produce economical damages. On long-term, the substances emitted in the atmosphere are the cause of actual environmental burdens as: world warming, acid rains, ozone layer depletion and so on. Among these substances, carbonmonoxide represents one of the most important atmospheric pollutants. Carbon monoxide is of particular interest and importance as many deaths and hospital admissions can be directly attributed to accidental domestic CO poisoning. It is especially dangerous since due to its properties (odourless, tasteless and colourless gas), carbon monoxide continues to kill tens and even thousands people per year, via accidental inhalations. Therefore, the main objective of this investigation is to analyse the levels of atmospheric carbon monoxide concentration in the city centre of Bucharest(the monitoring stations were placed in 'Cercul Militar' and 'Mihai Bravu' zones) and compared them with CO concentration from outside of the city: in north of Bucharest (the Balotesti county) and south-east of Bucharest (the Magurele county). All the concentrations were evaluated in relation to the maximum concentration level in accordance to the legislation requirements on environmental air quality. By monitoring the CO concentration during three-year period (March 2004-March 2007), it has been observedthat in both city center zones, the accepted long time exposure level (2 mg/m 3) or even short time exposure level (6 mg/m 3, at half an hour) were exceeding the maximum concentration level, regulated by the Rumanian Standard (STAS 12574/87).
Epidemiologic evidence has demonstrated that air pollution may impair cardiovascular health, leading to potentially life-threatening arrhythmias. Efforts have been made, with the use of epidemiologic data and controlled exposures in diverse animal and human populations, to verify the relationship between air pollution and arrhythmias. The purpose of this review is to examine and contrast the epidemiologic and toxicologic evidence to date that relates airborne pollutants with cardiac arrhythmia. We have explored the potential biological mechanisms driving this association. Using the PubMed database, we conducted a literature search that included the terms "air pollution" and "arrhythmia" and eventually divergent synonyms such as "particulate matter," "bradycardia," and "atrial fibrillation." We reviewed epidemiologic studies and controlled human and animal exposures independently to determine whether observational conclusions were corroborated by toxicologic results. Numerous pollutants have demonstrated some arrhythmic capacity among healthy and health-compromised populations. However, some exposure studies have shown no significant correlation of air pollutants with arrhythmia, which suggests some uncertainty about the arrhythmogenic potential of air pollution and the mechanisms involved in arrhythmogenesis. While data from an increasing number of controlled exposures with human volunteers suggest a potential mechanistic link between air pollution and altered cardiac electrophysiology, definite conclusions regarding air pollution and arrhythmia are elusive as the direct arrhythmic effects of air pollutants are not entirely consistent across all studies.
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Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression is a model for count data with excess zeros. It assumes that with probability p the only possible observation is 0, and with probability 1 – p, a Poisson(λ) random variable is observed. For example, when manufacturing equipment is properly aligned, defects may be nearly impossible. But when it is misaligned, defects may occur according to a Poisson(λ) distribution. Both the probability p of the perfect, zero defect state and the mean number of defects λ in the imperfect state may depend on covariates. Sometimes p and λ are unrelated; other times p is a simple function of λ such as p = l/(1 + λ) for an unknown constant T. In either case, ZIP regression models are easy to fit. The maximum likelihood estimates (MLE's) are approximately normal in large samples, and confidence intervals can be constructed by inverting likelihood ratio tests or using the approximate normality of the MLE's. Simulations suggest that the confidence intervals based on likelihood ratio tests are better, however. Finally, ZIP regression models are not only easy to interpret, but they can also lead to more refined data analyses. For example, in an experiment concerning soldering defects on printed wiring boards, two sets of conditions gave about the same mean number of defects, but the perfect state was more likely under one set of conditions and the mean number of defects in the imperfect state was smaller under the other set of conditions; that is, ZIP regression can show not only which conditions give lower mean number of defects but also why the means are lower.
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Air pollution episodes have been associated with increased cardiovascular hospital admissions and mortality in time-series studies. We tested the hypothesis that patients with implanted cardioverter defibrillators experience potentially life-threatening arrhythmias after such air pollution episodes. We compared defibrillator discharge interventions among 100 patients with such devices in eastern Massachusetts, according to variations in concentrations of particulate matter, black carbon, and gaseous air pollutants that were measured daily for the years 1995 through 1997. A 26-ppb increase in nitrogen dioxide was associated with increased defibrillator interventions 2 days later (odds ratio = 1.8; 95% confidence interval = 1.1-2.9). Patients with ten or more interventions experienced increased arrhythmias in association with nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, black carbon, and fine particle mass. These results suggest that elevated levels air pollutants are associated with potentially life-threatening arrhythmia leading to therapeutic interventions by an implanted cardioverter defibrillator.
Epidemiological studies have reported a positive association of short-term increases in ambient particulate matter (PM) with daily mortality and hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease. Although patients with cardiopulmonary disease appear to be most at risk, particulate-related cardiac effects following myocardial infarction (MI) have not been examined. To improve understanding of mechanisms, we developed and tested a model for investigating the effects of inhaled PM on arrhythmias and heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of autonomic nervous system activity, in rats with acute MI. Left-ventricular MI was induced in 31 Sprague-Dawley rats by thermocoagulation of the left coronary artery; 32 additional rats served as sham-operated controls. Diazepam-sedated rats were exposed (1 h) to residual oil fly ash (ROFA), carbon black, or room air at 12-18 h after surgery. Each exposure was immediately preceded and followed by a 1-h exposure to room air (baseline and recovery periods, respectively). Lead-II electrocardiograms were recorded. In the MI group, 41% of rats exhibited one or more premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) during the baseline period. Exposure to ROFA, but not to carbon black or room air, increased arrhythmia frequency in animals with preexisting PVCs. Furthermore, MI rats exposed to ROFA, but not to carbon black or room air, decreased HRV. There was no difference in arrhythmia frequency or HRV among sham-operated animals. These results underscore the usefulness of this model for elucidating the physiologic mechanisms of pollution-induced cardiovascular arrhythmias and contribute to defining the specific constituents of ambient particles responsible for arrhythmias.
Recent epidemiological studies have reported a positive association between levels of ambient particulate matter (PM) and daily morbidity and mortality due to respiratory or cardiovascular causes; however, toxicological evidence supporting these findings is limited. The present study compared cardiac and thermoregulatory responses to intratracheal instillations of residual oil fly ash (ROFA) in normal and cardiopulmonary-compromised male Sprague-Dawley rats. Animals (n = 64) were implanted with radiotelemetry transmitters capable of continuously monitoring heart rate, core body temperature, and electrocardiographic waveforms. Comparisons of ROFA toxicity were conducted between (1) healthy rats and rats with cardiopulmonary stress or disease, including (2) rats exposed to an ambient temperature of 10° C, (3) rats preexposed to ozone to induce pulmonary inflammation, and (4) rats pretreated with monocrotaline (MCT) to induce pulmonary hypertension and vasculitis. Animals from each regimen were instilled with 1 of 4 doses of ROFA (0, 0.25, 1.0, 2.5 mg), and telemetry data were acquired for 96 h following ROFA instillation. Doserelated hypothermia and bradycardia were observed in healthy animals following exposure to ROFA; the magnitude and duration of these responses were potentiated in all compromised models. Delayed hypothermic and bradycardic responses occurred in healthy animals receiving 2.5 mg ROFA up to 48 h following instillation. These delayed responses were exacerbated in the MCT- and 10° C-exposure models, but attenuated in the O3-preexposed group. Additional observed effects of ROFA included induction of cardiac arrhythmias
For count responses, the situation of excess zeros (relative to what standard models allow) often occurs in biomedical and sociological applications. Modeling repeated measures of zero-inflated count data presents special challenges. This is because in addition to the problem of extra zeros, the correlation between measurements upon the same subject at different occasions needs to be taken into account. This article discusses random effect models for repeated measurements on this type of response variable. A useful model is the hurdle model with random effects, which separately handles the zero observations and the positive counts. In maximum likelihood model fitting, we consider both a normal distribution and a nonparametric approach for the random effects. A special case of the hurdle model can be used to test for zero inflation. Random effects can also be introduced in a zero-inflated Poisson or negative binomial model, but such a model may encounter fitting problems if there is zero deflation at any settings of the explanatory variables. A simple alternative approach adapts the cumulative logit model with random effects, which has a single set of parameters for describing effects. We illustrate the proposed methods with examples. ¸ 2005 Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd
Recent epidemiological studies have reported a positive association between exposure to ambient concentrations of particulate matter (PM) and the incidence of cardiopulmonary-related morbidity and mortality. The present study examined the effects of fugitive residual oil fly ash (ROFA) PM on cardiac arrhythmia induction in healthy and cardiopulmonary-compromised rodents. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were implanted with radiotelemetry transmitters capable of monitoring the electrocardiogram and were subjected to one of two treatment regimens. Rats in the first treatment regimen (n = 16) served as normal control animals whereas rats in the second treatment regimen (n = 16) were injected with monocrotaline (MCT, 60 mg/kg, ip) to induce pulmonary vascular inflammation and hypertension and served as a model of cardiopulmonary disease. Rats within each treatment regimen were equally divided into four dose groups (0.0, 0.25, 1.0, 2.5 mg ROFA), instilled intratracheally, and monitored for 96 h. In the animals in the first treatment regimen, ROFA instillation caused dose-related increases in the incidence and duration of serious arrhythmic events that appeared to be associated with impaired atrioventricular conduction and myocardial hypoxia. There were no lethalities in the normal animals following ROFA instillation. The frequency and severity of arrhythmias were greatly exacerbated in the MCT-treated animals in the second treatment regimen and were accompanied by one, three, and two deaths in the low-, medium-, and high-dose groups, respectively. The results of the present study demonstrate substantial cardiac effects in normal and compromised rats after exposure to ROFA PM and implicate both conductive and hypoxemic arrhythmogenic mechanisms in the observed cardiac-related lethalities. These results support previous epidemiological studies that suggest a link between preexisting cardiopulmonary disease and potentiation of adverse health effects following exposure to anthropogenic particulates.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether low doses of carbon monoxide (CO) exacerbate myocardial ischemia during a progressive exercise test. The effect of CO exposure was evaluated using the objective measure of time to development of electrocardiographic changes indicative of ischemia and the subjective measure of time to onset of angina. Sixty-three male subjects (41-75 years) with well-documented coronary artery disease, who had exertional angina pectoris and ischemic ST-segment changes in their electrocardiograms, were studied. Results from three randomized, double-blind test visits (room air, low and high CO) were compared. The effect of CO exposure was determined from the percent difference in the end points obtained on exercise tests performed before and after a 1-hr exposure to room air or CO. The exposures resulted in postexercise carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels of 0.6% +/- 0.3%, 2.0% +/- 0.1%, and 3.9% +/- 0.1%. The results obtained on the 2%-COHb day and 3.9%-COHb day were compared to those on the room air day. There were 5.1% (p = 0.01) and 12.1% (p less than or equal to 0.0001) decreases in the time to development of ischemic ST-segment changes after exposures producing 2.0 and 3.9% COHb, respectively, compared to the control day. In addition, there were 4.2% (p = 0.027) and 7.1% (p = 0.002) decreases in time to the onset of angina after exposures producing 2.0 and 3.9% COHb, respectively, compared to the control day. A significant dose-response relationship was found for the individual differences in the time to ST end point and angina for the pre- versus postexposure exercise tests at the three carboxyhemoglobin levels. These findings demonstrate that low doses of CO produce significant effects on cardiac function during exercise in subjects with coronary artery disease.
The objective of this project was to determine the effects of acute carbon monoxide exposure on cardiac electrical stability. To obtain a comprehensive assessment, diverse biological models were employed. These involved cardiac electrical testing in the normal and ischemic heart in anesthetized and conscious dogs. The experimental plan was designed both to examine the direct effects of carbon monoxide exposure on the myocardium and to evaluate possible indirect influences through alterations in platelet aggregability or changes in central nervous system activity in the conscious animal. Our results indicate that exposure to relatively high levels of carbon monoxide, leading to carboxyhemoglobin concentrations of up to 20 percent, is without significant effect on ventricular electrical stability. This appears to be the case in the acutely ischemic heart as well as in the normal heart. It is important to note that the total exposure period was in the range of 90 to 124 minutes. The possibility that longer periods of exposure or exacerbation from nicotine in cigarette smoke could have a deleterious effect cannot be excluded. We also examined whether or not alterations in platelet aggregability due to carbon monoxide exposure could be a predisposing factor for cardiac arrhythmias. A model involving partial coronary artery stenosis was used to simulate the conditions under which platelet plugs could lead to myocardial ischemia and life-threatening arrhythmias. We found no changes either in the cycle frequency of coronary blood flow oscillations or in platelet aggregability during carbon monoxide exposure. Thus, carbon monoxide exposure does not appear to alter platelet aggregability or its effect on coronary blood flow during stenosis. In the final series of experiments, we examined the effects of carbon monoxide exposure in the conscious state. The rationale was to take into consideration possible adverse consequences mediated by the central nervous system. We found no adverse effects on cardiac excitable properties in response to either a 2-hour or 24-hour-exposure paradigm. This appears to argue against major deleterious influences of carbon monoxide exposure as a result of direct myocardial actions or indirect actions mediated through effects on central nervous system activity.
This report describes a 46-year-old white man who suffered an acute myocardial infarction after carbon monoxide exposure. The electrocardiogram and serum enzymes showed myocardial infarction. The coronary angiogram performed one week after admission failed to reveal evidence of coronary obstructive lesions. The case presented is of interest because the clinical presentation suggestive of myocardial infarction was absent, the patient was found unconscious and his medical profile was negative for coronary heart disease risk factors. It is assumed that COHb causes myocardial infarction by severe generalized tissue hypoxia and a direct toxic effect on the myocardial mitochondria. Contributing factors that might also decrease myocardial oxygenation are an inadequate myocardial perfusion and an increased thrombotic tendency. (Chest 1990; 97:491–94)