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[The influence of musical rhythms on the perception of subjective states of adult patients on dialysis]



Being submitted to dialysis four hours a day, three times a week can mean experiencing boredom, besides discomfort. Patients often report that the time seems to take longer to go by. The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of two different musical rhythms in the states of mind and perception of adult patients undergoing dialysis, since the literature on this subject is scarce. The study was performed at a private hospital with 43 patients, who participated in two sessions of musical improvisation with a keyboard. The subjective states and perception were evaluated before and after the intervention. Over 80% of the patients felt that time went by faster after the interventions in both rhythms. However, the pace was a decisive factor in the kind of emotional experience that the patients had.
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... 20 O gênero de música meditativa vem sendo associado em estudos de análises de parâmetros fisiológicos a um efeito de relaxamento, principalmente visualizado em ritmos lentos e em pausas. 7 Outro estudo verificou redução dos níveis de catecolaminas e cortisol após a escuta de músicas meditativas. Nesse mesmo trabalho, foram observadas mudanças na função ventricular diastólica esquerda e elevação nos níveis de peptídeo natriurético atrial após indivíduos ouvirem a valsa "Rosas do Sul", de Strauss. ...
... Trabalhos indicam que a escuta de músicas com ritmos diferentes não interfere na percepção do tempo, sendo que músicas tanto de ritmo ternário de valsa quanto binário de marcha podem estar associadas à sensação de redução na duração do tempo. 7 A utilização da música permitiu que o foco de atenção do paciente fosse desviado, passando a diminuir sua expectativa pelo término da sessão. ...
... Como exemplo, podemos citar pesquisas qualitativas por análise de conteúdo as quais mostraram que a apresentação de músicas não populares durante a hemodiálise induziram a sensações emocionais positivas na maioria dos pacientes. 7 Em recente publicação, Hou e colaboradores, em estudo clínico prospectivo randomizado, demonstraram que ouvir música durante a hemodiálise é uma terapia complementar efetiva para aliviar a frequência e a severidade de reações adversas, estando relacionada ao aumento em cinco anos da sobrevivência por eventos cardiovasculares se comparado ao grupo controle. 31 Kim e colaboradores publicaram, em 2015, revisão sistemática e metanálise sobre o efeito ansiolítico da escuta de música em pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise através de reprodução de CDs. ...
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ABSTRACT Music, as a complementary resource along with clinical therapy, has been implemented in accordance with the National Humanization Policy of Public Health System ('HumanizaSUS'), instituted by the Brazilian Federal Government since 2003. Articles published in international journals indicate beneficial changes in the neuro-hormonal aspect after listening to music in healthy people analyzed, and it can bring new perspectives in the management of chronic patients who participate in artistic activities. This study aimed to evaluate changes in emotional aspects of patients submitted to hemodialysis after five musical sessions. The study methodology was qualitative. The tool was the content analysis, after interviews with ten patients, who were directed for the application of the modified PCQ-12 post-test. The musical intervention had a positive effect on the aspects of relaxation, on the life history memories, as a spiritual force to face difficulties, as a form of recreation, as changes in the perception of time, as resilience and hope. We conclude that music brought changes in the emotional sphere of patients, indicating that it is beneficial as a complementary therapy.
... La musica ha assunto per la prima volta un ruolo terapeutico nel ridurre l'ansia e il dolore (5) e nel migliorare l'umore (6) e la qualità della vita (7) sia in pazienti che soffrivano di patologie croniche che in pazienti in stadio avanzato (8). Nell'assistenza infermieristica in emodialisi, la musica è utilizzata per migliorare lo stato emotivo del paziente (9), per ridurre le oscillazioni dei valori pressori (10), per ridurre l'ansia e migliorare la depressione (11), per migliorare il benessere (12), per ridurre la tensione psicofisica (13) e per garantire la durata della terapia dialitica (14). A oggi, non esistono RCT che abbiano studiato gli effetti della musica live con il sassofono sui parametri fisiologici, sul dolore, sull'umore e sul grado di prurito nei pazienti sottoposti a emodialisi. ...
... Contudo, são essenciais os estudos como ensaios clínicos para analisar a efetividade do uso da música em doenças renais crônicas, pois, essas comprovam quanti e qualitativamente a sua eficácia e contribuições para os indivíduos. 46 Em outra pesquisa 27 identificouse a musicoterapia dentre as mais frequentes práticas complementares utilizadas nos serviços de saúde, além de apontar seus benefícios no controle da ansiedade, depressão e dor, influenciando diretamente na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos. A saúde é uma área que se caracteriza por uma enorme complexidade de fatores determinantes, sendo assim são necessárias ações conjuntas, integradas e uma busca constante de melhorias. ...
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Objetivo: analisar e sintetizar informações quanto a utilização da música como estratégia de cuidado pelos profissionais que trabalham nos serviços de saúde. Métodos: trata-se de uma Revisão Integrativa de Literatura, nas bases de dados: PubMed, Scientific Electronic Library Online e Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, que buscou responder à pergunta: nos serviços de saúde, a música tem sido utilizada como estratégia de cuidado pelos profissionais? Foram analisados 34 trabalhos e emergiram quatro categorias. Resultado: a musicoterapia mostrou ser benéfica para a diminuição da dor, da ansiedade, de sintomas comportamentais em pacientes psiquiátricos e no aumento do aleitamento materno. Conclusões: os principais setores da saúde que utilizaram a música como terapia foram as obstétricas, cirúrgicas e as psiquiátricas, com o intuito de acolher o paciente de uma forma humanizada e prover uma melhor qualidade de vida dentro das circunstâncias.
... This is consistent with the findings of the study where one of the mental needs that scored highly was the need to be attended to by an accommodating medical staff, as well as patients desiring prompt responsiveness from the medical staff in case of dialysis equipment alarms. A Portuguese study showed that over 80% of the dialysis patients felt that time went by faster after the interventions in two different musical rhythms (Caminha, da Silva, & Leao, 2009). It corresponds with one of the mental needs that ranked highly in the study involved patients watching television and reading books to divert their attention and pass the time during the treatment. ...
Aim: To explore the association between the sociodemographic factors and the needs of patients undergoing haemodialysis in Taiwan. Background: Concomitant discomfort, including physical and mental aspects, affects the patients' quality of life and their willingness to undergo haemodialysis. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a well-known tool to assess different levels of human needs. Method: We conducted a small-scale cross-sectional observational study using a structured needs assessment questionnaire on 159 patients from the Taipei Veterans General Hospital haemodialysis unit. Results: The overall mean scores of physical, mental, spiritual, other needs and needs in relation to medical staff care were 4.0 ± 0.8, 3.2 ± 0.8, 2.7 ± 1.0, 3.1 ± 0.9 and 4.1 ± 0.7, respectively. The results showed that the patients' highest need was in relation to medical staff care, followed by physical needs. Further analysis showed that patients who are still employed during the treatment process have higher mental, spiritual and other needs. Patient who is financially supported by their family has higher physical needs. Patients taken care of by paid caregivers have lower spiritual needs and other needs. This is also the same with patients who are religious as opposed to those who are nonreligious. Patients who have attained tertiary education have higher other needs compared with patients who have only achieved up to primary or secondary education. Conclusion: The study is the first in Taiwan to identify and quantify the needs of patients undergoing haemodialysis. When the needs of the patients are identified in relation to their sociodemographic factors, the medical staff can give the appropriate treatment in order to meet the needs and improve the patients' well-being. Relevance to clinical practice: Healthcare providers should not only focus on the patients' physiological needs, but should determine and address their other needs in various aspects in order to improve the quality and efficacy of the dialysis care process.
... It was concluded that patients in a coma state had significant changes in vital signs and facial expression when compared with the control group, suggesting a certain perceptiveness to sounds around them, principally with familiar sounds (11) . The music also gave the perception that time passed faster in 80% of adult patients undergoing hemodialysis, and an acceptance of the necessity of these patients to receive this care (12) . We know that music affects humans in the physical, spiritual and emotional dimensions. ...
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The objective of this study was to review the scientific literature with a view to identifying the publications about the Gregorian chant in the area of health. It is a bibliographical narrative review study with a quantitative approach. The data was collected in the period January - April 2011, without time or language limits. In total there were 149 articles of which 128 were analyzed in full, as 21 articles were not located. In this analysis, no article met the inclusion criteria, that is, the Gregorian chant was not cited as music for intervention in healthcare. Considering that the Gregorian chant is an innovative issue in healthcare, it is necessary to undertake a review of the descriptors and carry out research to refine its potential.
... Em uma reflexão teórica sobre a importância das intervenções não farmacológicas direcionadas a procedimentos de enfermagem para pacientes com câncer, discute-se e enfatiza-se a musicoterapia como recurso relevante na área de enfermagem (18) . Assim, torna-se necessária a inserção de programas de educação permanente em serviço de saúde com treinamento para o uso de terapias complementares, a fim de aumentar o interesse e a sensibilidade das equipes de profissionais que trabalham nessa área (19)(20) , especialmente em setores de oncologia. ...
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Objetivou-se aplicar as experiências musicais para avaliação dos efeitos terapêuticos em náuseas e vômitos associados à quimioterapia antineoplásica e identificar alterações nos parâmetros vitais dos pacientes que participaram da experiência. Estudo descritivo, transversal, nível II, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado com treze pacientes de um ambulatório de quimioterapia de um hospital particular no município de São Paulo. Foram utilizados dois instrumentos, sendo um deles proposto pela MASCC (Multinational Association on Supportive Care in Cancer). A maior parte da amostra foi composta por pacientes do sexo feminino, com idade entre 40 a 60 anos, casadas e com câncer de mama. Reduziu-se a frequência cardíaca em 77% da amostra; a náusea diminuiu em 100% dos pacientes após a primeira experiência musical, e em 85% após a segunda. Concluiuse ter havido houve redução estatisticamente significativa dos sintomas de náusea e vômito após as experiências musicais.
... Em uma reflexão teórica sobre a importância das intervenções não farmacológicas direcionadas a procedimentos de enfermagem para pacientes com câncer, discute-se e enfatiza-se a musicoterapia como recurso relevante na área de enfermagem (18) . Assim, torna-se necessária a inserção de programas de educação permanente em serviço de saúde com treinamento para o uso de terapias complementares, a fim de aumentar o interesse e a sensibilidade das equipes de profissionais que trabalham nessa área (19)(20) , especialmente em setores de oncologia. ...
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The study aimed to evaluate the therapeutic effects of musical experiments in nausea and vomiting associated with antineoplastic chemotherapy, and to identify changes in vital parameters of the patients who participated in the experience. This is a descriptive, transversal study, level II, which used a quantitative approach, conducted with thirteen patients from an outpatient chemotherapy unit, of a private hospital in São Paulo City. Two instruments were used, one of them proposed by MASCC (Multinational Association on Supportive Care in Cancer). The participants were predominantly females, aged 40 to 60 years, married and with breast cancer. Heart rate has decreased in 77% of the sample, and the reduction of nausea occurred in 100% of patients after the first musical experience, and in 85% after the second one. Patients reported disbelief in music in relieving nausea and vomiting before the sessions, and relief of nausea after them. It was concluded that there was a statistically significant reduction of the symptoms nausea and vomiting after the musical experiences.
Hemodialysis treatment is long-lasting, exhausting, and has many side effects. Patients need to be taught how to cope with stress, fear, anxiety that may arise during the hemodialysis session. Psychological and educational support is oriented at increasing patients’ tolerance to the hemodialysis session and correcting patients’ psychological state during the hemodialysis session. It can be provided with the help of audiotherapy (listening to special combinations of music, nature sounds, and further discussion of their psychological state with the specialist). The objective of the study is to evaluate the therapeutic effect of audiotherapy on anxiety and the attitude to dialysis sessions (as a part of adherence) in hemodialysis patients in comparison with the patients who receive standard care. A total of 90 patients took part in the research (the experimental group consisted of 43; the control group consisted of 47 patients). Patients from the experimental group received 20-min audiotherapy-influence during each hemodialysis session. They were also taught how to use the results of audiotherapy listening (not only listen to it passively but also study to realize the feeling that arose and how to consolidate the results obtained). After audiotherapy that lasted for 3 months a statistically significant decrease in state anxiety in the experimental group was found. No statistically significant differences were found in trait anxiety when comparing experimental and control groups. The analysis of the interview results showed that the patients had a positive experience during the playlists listening.
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Objetivo: Avaliar o nível de estresse de pacientes que estavam recebendo tratamento antineoplásico, quais os estressores referentes a essa situação e examinar a relação do mesmo com variáveis sociodemográficas e da doença oncológica. Método: Estudo descritivo, exploratório, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado em um ambulatório de onco-hematologia de um hospital privado, de grande porte, localizado no município de São Paulo. Utilizou-se um formulário que continha informação sociodemográfica e instrumento para a avaliação do estresse (Inventário de Sintomas de Estresse de Lipp). Resultados: a maior parte dos participantes do sexo feminino (56,0%), com idade entre 41 a 50 anos (34,0%), apresentava câncer gastrointestinal (31,0%), 78,0% dos pacientes apresentaram estresse, sendo a náusea e a alopecia os efeitos colaterais mais citado pelos entrevistados, ambos com 16,0%, tornando-se os maiores estressores no tratamento. Conclusão: Uma proporção importante de pacientes sofria de estresse. Destarte, torna-se essencial o acompanhamento da enfermagem a esses pacientes que conduza a enfrentar melhor a neoplasia.
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OBJECTIVE: To investigate, both objectively and subjectively, the effect of music on children in a pediatric cardiac intensive care unit following heart surgery, in conjunction with standard care. METHODS: Randomized clinical trial with placebo, assessing 84 children, aged 1 day to 16 years, during the first 24 hours of the postoperative period, given a 30 minute music therapy session with classical music and observed at the start and end of the session, recording heart rate, blood pressure, mean blood pressure, respiratory rate, temperature and oxygen saturation, plus a facial pain score. Statistical significance was set at 5%. RESULTS: Five of the initial 84 patients (5.9%) refused to participate. The most common type of heart disease was acyanotic congenital with left-right shunt (41% of cases: 44.4% of controls). Statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups after the intervention in the subjective facial pain scale and the objective parameters heart rate and respiratory rate (p
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O artigo refaz o percurso de Engelmann, lidando em 1962 com perceptos chamados de afetivos até a proposição mais recente de escalões de percepto. O estudo aprofundado dos perceptos afetivos indicavam estados conscientes internos, porém não localizados. Engelmann denominou-os estados subjetivos. Mas deparou que havia ao mesmo tempo outros perceptos internos, esses localizados. A solução era dois escalões: um superior - estados subjetivos - e outro inferior - perceptos internos. Mais tarde Engelmann encontrou estados objetivos, estados conscientes não localizados e externos, representados principalmente por locuções meteorológicas. Finalmente, reestudando um número enorme de experimentos de percepção humana, verificou que havia cinco escalões de percepto, organizados prioritariamente na seqüência seguinte levando em conta o tamanho das partes: estados total, bipartido, supramodal, modal e fragmentário. Os indivíduos são capazes de estar momentaneamente apenas num desses escalões, nunca mais de um. Não se sabe, por enquanto, se é possível representar por intermédio de escalões outras partes da consciência além dos perceptos.
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Um número crescente de pacientes vêm sendo submetidos a procedimentos dialíticos em todo o mundo. Cerca de 70% deles apresentam cefaléia. A despeito disso, a cefaléia não é sintoma bem estudado nesse grupo de pacientes. Os objetivos desse estudo são: avaliar possíveis fatores desencadeantes da cefaléia relacionada à hemodiálise e avaliar o tratamento analgésico utilizado nessa situação. Foram estudados prospectivamente 50 pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica seguidos em três serviços de hemodiálise da cidade de Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, entre janeiro de 1998 e dezembro de 1999. Todos apresentavam cefaléia estritamente relacionada às sessões de hemodiálise. Cefaléia ocorreu principalmente na segunda metade das sessões de hemodiálise (86%). Hipertensão arterial (38%), hipotensão arterial (12%) e alterações no peso corporal durante as sessões de hemodiálise (6%) foram os fatores desencadeantes mais frequentemente identificados. Em 28% dos casos não se identificou qualquer fator. Dipirona foi o analgésico mais utilisado (56%). A despeito de ser tão comum é surpreendentemente escassa a literatura disponível a respeito da associação entre cefaléias e insuficiência renal crônica. Esses pacientes, além de suportarem o fardo de conviver com um procedimento doloroso e monótono, porém necessário para mantê-los vivos, têm ainda que conviver com o impacto adicional das cefaléias na maioria das sessões. A identificação dos possíveis fatores desencadeantes e do tratamento disponível pode contribuir para o nosso conhecimento sobre essa associação, com consequente redução do impacto das cefaléias em portadores de insuficiência renal crônica.
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To investigate, both objectively and subjectively, the effect of music on children in a pediatric cardiac intensive care unit following heart surgery, in conjunction with standard care. Randomized clinical trial with placebo, assessing 84 children, aged 1 day to 16 years, during the first 24 hours of the postoperative period, given a 30 minute music therapy session with classical music and observed at the start and end of the session, recording heart rate, blood pressure, mean blood pressure, respiratory rate, temperature and oxygen saturation, plus a facial pain score. Statistical significance was set at 5%. Five of the initial 84 patients (5.9%) refused to participate. The most common type of heart disease was acyanotic congenital with left-right shunt (41% of cases: 44.4% of controls). Statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups after the intervention in the subjective facial pain scale and the objective parameters heart rate and respiratory rate (p < 0.001, p = 0.04 and p = 0.02, respectively). A beneficial effect from music was observed with children during the postoperative period of heart surgery, by means of certain vital signs (heart rate and respiratory rate) and in reduced pain (facial pain scale). Nevertheless, there are gaps to be filled in this area, and studies in greater depth are needed.
The present article has appraised the musical emotions in children aged 5 and 6 as well as in 7, 8 and 9 year old students. It has used five schematic faces representative of emotions (happy, angry, fear, sad and scare) as a non-verbal judging instrument of fourteen segments of differently styled popular music. The sampling was formed of 82 participants. Each child had to choose the face correspondent to the emotion felt while listening to each music. The results show that the factors which presented significant influence in the choice of music were the child’s age and the style of music. Children of all age ranges correctly recognized the five emotions in the music segments played and the rate of correctly identifying such emotions increased proportionally with the age. The judging standard of the children about emotional states in relation to popular music was similar to other studies performed classical music.
Varied positive, neutral, and negative expectancy conditions to determine their effects on time perception using 60 undergraduates. Ss were led to believe that their participation would result in a pleasant, unpleasant, or a subjective neutral experience. Intervals of 60 and 240 sec were estimated under each expectancy condition. Results indicate that the positive expectancy group overestimated the actual interval (time passed relatively slowly), whereas the neutral and negative expectancy groups underestimated the actual interval. (4 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
inferring time's passage / discuss three models of duration judgment, including one based on the experience of change / models will be compared in terms of their ability to predict the results of experiments which have investigated the effects of interval content on duration judgment duration judgment based on storage-size / based on processing time / based on change number of events, event organization, and event discreteness / complexity of stimulus information / amount of information processing / relationship between perceived time and distance (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of music therapy on anxiety and depression in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The study was designed using a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The subjects consisted of 36 patients (Experimental group: 18, Control group: 18) who received hemodialysis in three hospitals located in Seoul. The measures were a Music Preference Questionnaire (MPQ), anxiety measurement, and depression measurement. Data was collected from December 26, 2004 to April 2, 2005 through questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed by the SPSS 10.0 program. The first hypothesis that patients undergoing hemodialysis who received music therapy would have less anxiety than patients undergoing hemodialysis who did not receive music therapy was supported (F=8.05, p=.008). The second hypothesis that patient undergoing hemodialysis who received music therapy would have less depression than patients undergoing hemodialysis who did not receive music therapy was supported (F=11.86, p=.002). The results of this study suggest that music therapy may be applied as a method of nursing intervention contributing to the improvement of quality of life by reducing their anxiety and depression of patients undergoing hemodialysis.
Hemodialysis patients usually have a sense of hopelessness. This can affect their physical, mental and spiritual health, and can even be life- threatening. This article discusses a nursing experience involving a dialysis patient who also suffered from cancer had and a sense of hopelessness due to the distress caused by the two severe illnesses. The author assessed the patient by means of Roy's theory during the nursing period (5/7/2005-6/18/2005). Data were collected through physical assessments, interviews, observation of interaction with family members and a medical history review. The patient had characteristics of hopelessness, such as pessimism, moodiness, frequent sighing, frowning, eye-closing and negative thinking. The author applied a safe, easy, and non-invasive complementary therapy program including music therapy, aromatherapy and massage with essential oil to improve the patient's physical and mental states. Through these approaches, the patient learned to release stress, and to express his feelings, so that he could adapt to his current life, changed as it was by the illnesses, and face the impact of those illnesses with a positive attitude. The author would like to share this case report to provide nursing professionals with a source of reference for healthcare quality improvement.
Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva
  • R Jourdain
  • Música
  • Cérebro E Êxtase
Jourdain R. Música, cérebro e êxtase. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva ; 1998.