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More than thirty-five facial allograft transplantations (FAT) have been reported worldwide since the pioneering case performed in France in the year 2005. FAT has received tremendous interest by the medical field and the general public while gaining strong support from multiple disciplines as a solution for reconstructing complex facial defects not amenable/responsive to conventional methods. FAT has expanded the frontiers of reconstructive microsurgery, immunology and transplantation, and established its place in the cross section of multiple disciplines. The procedure introduces complex scientific, ethical and societal issues. Patients and physicians are called to deal with a variety of - sometimes everlasting - challenges, such as immunosuppression management and psychosocial hurdles. This review reflects on the surgical and scientific advancements in FAT and milestones reached in the last 12 years. It aims to encourage active discussion regarding the current practices and techniques used in FAT, and suggest future directions that may allow transitioning into the next phase of FAT, which we describe as safe, reliable, and accessible standard operation for selected patients.
Face transplantationcurrent status and future
Sotirios Tasigiorgos
, Branislav Kollar
, Nicco Krezdorn
, Ericka M. Bueno
, Stefan G. Tullius
Bohdan Pomahac
1 Division of Plastic Surgery,
Department of Surgery, Brigham
and Women’s Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
2 Department of Plastic, Aesthetic,
Hand and Reconstructive Surgery,
Hannover Medical School,
Hannover, Germany
3 Division of Transplant Surgery,
Department of Surgery, Brigham
and Women’s Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Bohdan Pomahac MD, Division of
Plastic Surgery, Department of
Surgery, Brigham and Women’s
Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 75
Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115,
Tel.: (617) 732-7796;
fax: (617) 732-6387;
More than thirty-five facial allograft transplantations (FAT) have been
reported worldwide since the pioneering case performed in France in the
year 2005. FAT has received tremendous interest by the medical field and
the general public while gaining strong support from multiple disciplines
as a solution for reconstructing complex facial defects not amenable/re-
sponsive to conventional methods. FAT has expanded the frontiers of
reconstructive microsurgery, immunology and transplantation, and estab-
lished its place in the cross section of multiple disciplines. The procedure
introduces complex scientific, ethical, and societal issues. Patients and
physicians are called to deal with a variety ofsometimes everlasting
challenges, such as immunosuppression management and psychosocial
hurdles. This review reflects on the surgical and scientific advancements in
FAT and milestones reached in the last 12 years. It aims to encourage
active discussion regarding the current practices and techniques used in
FAT and suggest future directions that may allow transitioning into the
next phase of FAT, which we describe as safe, reliable, and accessible stan-
dard operation for selected patients.
Transplant International 2018;
Key words
face transplantation, future of face transplantation, vascularized composite allotransplantion
Received: 7 November 2017; Revision requested: 21 December 2017; Accepted: 2 February 2018
Devastating facial injuries distort the anatomy of the
face, leading to severe functional and esthetic impair-
ments. Most patients presenting for face transplant con-
sultations are missing major components of the face
such as nose, mandible, maxilla, ears, lips, and/or parts
of the oral cavity. Motor function of the face requires
an intricate interplay of these unique three-dimensional
anatomical structures [1]. Thus, defects impair not only
appearance, but also functions such as mastication,
speech, vision, and breathing [25]. Furthermore, the
face provides information about the identity, age,
gender, and ethnicity of an individual and thus affects
social interactions, integration, and perception of body
image. Impairment in these social functions impacts
quality of life that can result in discrimination and
depressive symptoms [2,69].
Conventional reconstructive techniques for treatment
of extensive facial defects include skin grafts, local/re-
gional flaps, or free tissue transfer. These approaches
yield mostly suboptimal esthetic and functional results
as they cannot replace the anatomically refined structure
of tissues, function of missing muscles, and concerted
interplay of sensation, proprioception, and movement.
Recent advancements in microsurgery, transplantation,
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and immunology enabled the transition of Face Allo-
graft Transplantation (FAT) into clinical reality. The
first clinical case of FAT was performed in 2005 in
France [10]. Thus far, thirty-five procedures have been
reported worldwide [11,12]. To the best of our knowl-
edge, five FAT recipients have died (three deaths were
not reported [11]) resulting into a 86% patient survival
rate [13]. Many publications list all FAT procedures
conducted to date; analysis of each case is out of the
scope of this review [4,11,12,14]. Overall, the literature
on FAT suggests a “smooth” progression from the first
partial to the most extensive FAT which included scalp,
ears and ear canals, elements of bone and oral tissues
[15]. FAT is a quality of life improving rather than a
life-saving intervention; therefore, risks and benefits
must be weighed carefully in light of post-transplant
complications brought on by lifelong immunosuppres-
sion including infections, malignancies, metabolic
imbalances, and wound healing challenges.
As detailed reporting in the field has been somewhat
scarce and of limited scope, we review outline principles
of FAT and portray future directions in the field.
Patient selection/inclusionexclusion criteria
Selection of individuals eligible for FAT is a crucial
determinant for success. At this time, there is no general
consensus on inclusionexclusion criteria. The American
Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American
Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM) recom-
mend FAT only in patients with severe facial disfigure-
ment, only after conventional autologous reconstruction
techniques have been exhausted with unsatisfactory
results [16]. We define “severe facial disfigurement” as
loss of more than 25% of the total face and/or includ-
ing central facial units [17]. Ballistic trauma and burn
victims make up 2/3 of the current FAT recipients
worldwide [12]. Other indications include gunshot
wounds, neurofibromatosis 1, animal attacks, and can-
cer defect. The potential pool of FAT recipients is
expected to continue expanding with increased publica-
tion of favorable outcomes, and advancements in
immunosuppression [18].
Face allograft transplantation should be considered the
first reconstructive option for severely disfigured patients
that fulfill indication criteria as approved by ASRT [19],
and not as a last resort after conventional reconstruction
has yielded suboptimal results. In the early stages post-
trauma, patients should have acute wounds closed using
the simplest options and then get engaged in discussions
regarding facial allotransplantation versus conventional
reconstruction. The simplest wound closure option may
be a skin graft, local flap(s), but even free tissue trans-
fer. Management of facial allograft loss remains chal-
lenging. It is our opinion that in such cases, the
recipient should be considered for another FAT. Should
the patient or the treating team disagree on re-listing
the patient for transplant, conventional reconstruction
has to take place, stressing the importance of maintain-
ing salvage options, and preserving functional tissues
Brigham and Women’s Hospital team in Boston first
reported a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria for
FAT [17]. Siemionow and colleagues developed an
assessment tool to identify optimal FAT candidates
called “The Cleveland Clinic FACES Score,” which may
help predict outcomes and prognosis of the procedure
by measuring comorbidities, psychosocial status, medi-
cation adherence, etc. [21]. Psychosocial history and
previous immunological status are particularly impor-
tant [22]. Recent outcome studies report that the post-
transplantation period of FAT recipients with pre-exist-
ing mental disorders was challenged by suboptimal
adherence, difficulties in social reintegration and higher
incidence of rejection episodes, albeit overall enhance-
ment of quality of life [23].
There have been many discussions on whether burn
survivors with high Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)
sensitization should be considered for FAT. The initial
management of severe burns often involves potentially
sensitizing events including allogenic blood products
transfusion and cadaveric skin grafts [24,25]. Positive
T-cell CDC crossmatches are usually considered a con-
traindication for solid organ transplantation [26,27].
Some, but not all have excluded sensitized patients with
a positive crossmatch for FAT because of increased risk
for rejection and high immunosuppression requirements
[2831]. Chandraker et al. [32] reported antibody-
mediated rejection (ABMR) in a highly sensitized FAT
recipient with a calculated panel reactive antibody of
98%. ABMR was successfully treated with a combina-
tion of plasmapheresis, eculizumab, bortezomib, and
alemtuzumab [33]. We recently reported the immuno-
logical characteristics of this patient up to 4 years fol-
lowing transplantation; the patient was controlled by an
all-encompassing immunosuppressive regimen that also
included B-cell-targeted therapies and after the ABMR
episode had three episodes of T-cell-mediated AR [33].
The patient has not presented with any clinical or
pathologic signs indicative of chronic vascular rejection
and has a functioning graft. Notably, none of the
numerous reports of acute rejection in FAT recipients
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has been shown to correlate with HLA mismatch [34].
Nonetheless, Chandraker’s single case report of manage-
able ABMR rejection does not constitute sufficient evi-
dence to reduce the current cautionary approach in
sensitized FAT recipients.
Face allograft transplantation candidates are often
partially or completely linked to the original trauma.
Inclusion of blind patients in FAT protocols remains
open to debate. There is no comparative study on FAT
outcomes in recipients with normal vision versus blind
recipients. Blindness introduces additional challenges to
the postoperative period related to physical therapy,
graft surveillance, and personal appreciation of the over-
all result [35].
Finally, emergency FAT remains widely discussed and
motivated by the surgical challenges introduced by
patients with extensive conventional reconstruction his-
tories that introduce scarring, fibrosis and others. While
emergency FAT introduces concerns about access to the
donor pool, organ donation issues, and adequate
presurgical planning [36], one team has successfully
performed such a procedure [10].
Operative details and challenges
Face allograft transplantation relies on recent advances
in reconstructive microsurgery techniques [1]. Many
studies describe the surgical stages of FAT in detail
including graft procurement, preservation, and trans-
plantation [1,34,37]. This review is limited to a brief
overview of some of the most important surgical
steps. FAT can be considered as a complex functional
(osteo)myocutaneous-free tissue transfer. Extensive sur-
gical planning involving multiple disciplines is crucial.
Radiologic assessment of the recipient with computer
tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) helps to determine the amount of missing tis-
sues allowing a patient-specific design of the allograft.
Our team prefers a more conservative approach that
preserves recipient’s tissues and functional units in
order to maintain salvage options in cases of graft
Computer tomography/magnetic resonance imaging
angiography is essential for planning vascular anasto-
moses [38]. Branches of the external carotid artery can
support the entire splanchnocranium [39]; however,
fullface transplants can also be sufficiently supported by
the facial artery [40]. Furthermore, a single unilateral
facial artery can perfuse allografts comprising the lower
two-thirds of the face while maintaining bilateral venous
outflow [4143]. Nonetheless, to maximize graft
survival, we recommend a bilateral arterial and venous
anastomosis whenever possible.
Nerve repair is central to the functional outcomes of
FAT. Motor and sensory function is a critical part for
the success of the procedure. Coaptations of the facial
nerve, at either the level of the facial nerve trunk or
more distally have been reported [28,44]. Our team pre-
fers distal coaptations as they enable targeted muscle
regeneration with decreased risks of synkinesia.
Craniofacial alignment, dental occlusion, and orthog-
nathic planning also play important roles determining
facial width, position, and function in FAT [45].
The optimal extent of FAT remains controversial,
and there is no general accepted categorization of FAT
per size and composition. Different groups use different
definitions for “partial,” “near-total,” “total,” “com-
plex,” “soft-tissue only,” “scalp-including” FAT. We
favor the conservation of vascular territories within the
head and neck and original size of the facial defects in
order to facilitate back-up solutions in case of allograft
failure that would not result into disfigurement worse
than the pretransplant state [1].
Face allograft transplantation is an extensive surgery,
and the time that the allograft spends in ischemic con-
ditions must be as short as possible, ideally within less
than 4 h. Indeed, brief ischemic times may prevent
harmful immune activation and inferior functional out-
comes, although direct evidence linking ischemia/reper-
fusion injury (IRI) and alloimmunity are missing. In
hand transplantation, some have suggested poorer graft
function because of prolonged ischemia [46,47]. How-
ever, we have not identified a relationship between facial
allografts’ prolonged ischemia, and frequency of acute
rejection episodes [48]. Extracorporeal preservation of
the facial allografts shows promise toward mitigation of
IRI, enhancement of functional outcomes FAT, and
expansion of facial donor pools, based on kidney trans-
plantation experience [49]. Early promising research
results on novel preservation methods relevant for Vas-
cularized Composite Allotransplantation (VCA) have
been reported [50,51].
Functional outcomes
Defining success and measuring outcomes are critical
for progress in the field. Facial functional outcomes are
difficult to quantify uniformly, because of the complex-
ity of facial functions, wide range of extent of injuries
across FAT recipients, and variations in protocols
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Next phase of face transplantation
among providers of FAT. However, there is consensus
that motor recovery is detectable 68 months after
transplant [4]. Various techniques used in general
Speech and Swallow therapy may improve motor recov-
ery, and functional motoric outcomes. These include
facial muscle reeducation, speech therapy, chewing, and
swallowing therapy, starting virtually immediately fol-
lowing the transplantation [52]. To date, motor recov-
ery outcomes of FAT have been characterized as
somewhat below the original expectations and as aver-
age for sensory recovery outcomes [12,5256].
We believe that restoration of breathing, eating, tast-
ing, smelling, speaking, facial expressions, and sensation
largely determines the success or failure of FAT. In our
center, all seven FAT recipients showed improved func-
tionality when compared to pretransplantation impair-
ment [52]. We observed 100% improvement in the
abilities to smell and eat, and in facial sensation. All
gastrostomies were removed, and ten patients were
decannulated after FAT. There was overall 93%, 76%,
and 71% improvement in breathing, facial expressions,
and intelligible speech, respectively [52]. Similar results
are reported by other institutions. Functional outcomes
of FAT are reported in only approximately 50% of all
FAT cases worldwide. Strikingly, 25% of outcome data
are by groups not directly involved in the patients’
treatment [52], raising concern about accuracy of data.
Sensation in the allograft returns as early as 3 months
postoperatively [40,57], with satisfactory results around
812 months [28,40,57,58]. Tests such as Semmes-
Weinstein, 2-point discrimination, and temperature dif-
ferentiation are used to evaluate sensory function of the
facial allograft [59]. Importantly, the immunosuppres-
sant tacrolimus, often used after FAT, has been linked
to accelerating axonal regeneration [6064].
Different surgical techniques have been reported to
enhance sensory recovery; these include all direct end-
to-end neurorraphies of trigeminal nerve branches
[10,58], simple placement of bilateral donor mental
nerves near the mental foramen without neurorrhaphy
[57], and strikingly, even no nerve repair at all [28,65].
Our team suggests primary end-to-end neurorraphies
with nerve grafting or nerve transfer if necessary.
Psychosocial implications/quality of life
Despite encouraging motor and sensory function after
FAT, quality of life outcomes varies widely across
patients. This may be because of the implications of the
surgery on the patients’ psychological status. Most
recipients accept their transplanted faces shortly after
the surgery without any issues related to facial identity
[10,28,57,58,6668]. This is not unexpected, as the
return of human appearance following transplant is
vastly better than prior major deformity [1]. Perhaps
another consideration is that one does not observe its
own face on a regular basis during the day. The identifi-
cation with one’s face is therefore mediated by gradual
improvement of its function over time. Reports on
quality of life-related challenges after FAT may include
drug or alcohol abuse, behavioral changes, social disin-
tegration issues, family issues, depression, and even sui-
cidal attempts [23,53,6971]. Quantitative scales
(validated in separate individual psychological diseases)
[23,28,35,52,7276] or qualitative methods (descriptive,
provider- or self-reported) have been introduced to
measure postoperative quality of life in FAT recipients
[10,57,58,6567,7781]. When assessing post-FAT qual-
ity of life, pre-existing mental disorders and risk factors
should be carefully considered. Eventful pre-FAT psy-
chological history can portend long-term follow-up risks
such as poor medication adherence, quality of life
issues, and increased incidence of rejection episodes.
Lastly, although return to work appears to be an ulti-
mate goal secondary to improvements in quality of life
after FAT, its fulfillment realistically depends on the
severity of the initial injury, other comorbidities, and
social factors. Although most FAT recipients have rein-
tegrated into their family and social environments, there
are few available data on return to work.
Immunological aspects
Immunosuppressive regimens have been largely adapted
from solid organ transplantation with good results thus
far. In most cases, immunosuppression induction treat-
ment for VCA typically includes anti-thymocyte globu-
lin (ATG), a potent T-cell depleting agent [82]. In
addition, several other drugs including humanized IL-2
receptor antibody [67,83], alemtuzumab [15], and
rituximab [84] have been reported for induction in FAT
recipients. Following transplantation, maintenance
immunosuppression usually consists of triple therapy
with tacrolimus (TAC), mycophenolic acid (MMF), and
prednisone taper [5,82,85]. Among VCA teams, TAC
target blood levels in FAT patients varied anywhere
between 3 ng/ml [74] and 24 ng/ml [67] and MMF was
administered from 0.18 g twice daily [74] to 3 g daily
[10]. Attempts to withdraw MMF [86] or prednisone
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[87] were also reported. In some patients, calcineurin
inhibitors-related complications have led to conversion
of TAC to sirolimus [58,88]. Additionally, one FAT
recipient was also converted to belatacept; however,
after an episode of belatacept-resistant AR, low dose
TAC (target level 45 ng/ml) needed to be reintroduced
to the immunosuppression regimen [89].
Many innovative avenues of research have been
attempted to overcome the serious complications of
immunosuppression, and thus enable widespread prac-
tice of FAT. Approaches that include minimization/pro-
gressive weaning of immunosuppression lack long-term
follow-up reports [40]. Other immunosuppression min-
imizing or tolerance approaches include microchimer-
ism induction through simultaneous bone marrow
transplantation [90,91], development of anti T-cell anti-
bodies, or stem cell therapies [90,9295]. Currently,
recipients of FAT will need lifelong immunosuppres-
sion; however, all efforts should be made to minimize
dosages safely while monitoring adverse side effects.
Immune tolerance may not be possible to achieve in a
near future for FAT recipients, because of tissue
immunogenicity, and in particular its skin component
[1]. At the same time, excessive immunosuppression
reducing protocols introduces a high risk of allograft
damage and/or loss [88,96].
Face allograft transplantation is not exempt to the com-
plications inherent to any surgical procedure, including
blood loss, wound healing challenges, graft misalign-
ment, bone nonunion, eyelid asymmetry and ptosis,
ectropion, and functional issues such as obstruction of
nasal passages and salivary glands, and necrosis of the
hard palate [5,10,52,57,67,86,97,98].
Infectious complications are not uncommon after
FAT, although tailored antibiotic prophylaxis is stan-
dard peri- and postoperative practice. In solid organ
transplantation, opportunistic cytomegalovirus (CMV)
infection plays a significant role in development of allo-
graft dysfunction and patients’ mortality and morbidity
[99]. The impact of CMV infection in FAT recipients is
not well-understood, because of the relatively small
number of FAT performed to date. More than a third
of FAT recipients presented with active CMV infections
during the postoperative follow-up. All CMV infection
episodes occurred in donor seropositive/recipient
seronegative combinations did not correlate with acute
rejection and were successfully treated with antiviral
therapy [100]. In rare cases when CMV infections did
not respond to conventional therapies, extracorporeal
photopheresis and vaccines had been sucessful [23].
More recently, multidrug-resistant CMV infections in
spite of 6 months of valganciclovir prophylaxis have
been reported after FAT and led to a rare complication
involving GuillainBarr
e syndrome [101]. Complete
recovery of the neuropathy was achieved after adminis-
tration of intravenous immunoglobulin.
Metabolic complications after FAT are mainly attrib-
uted to immunosuppression, and entail diabetes melli-
tus, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia. Lantieri
et al. [23] showed that diabetes mellitus, hypercholes-
terolemia, and hypertension occurred in one, four, and
three of seven patients, respectively. At our center, one
patient had been borderline diabetic prior to transplan-
tation, developed diabetes mellitus 8 months postopera-
tively and is currently successfully managed with insulin
therapy and lifestyle modifications [74]. Another team
reported earlier onset of hyperglycemia on postoperative
day 3 and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 3 months
after FAT [67]. Cumulative world experience in FAT
suggest that metabolic complications are common and
patients should be closely monitored, and whenever
appropriate, treated for diabetes mellitus, hyperc-
holesterinemia, or hypertension.
Chronic deterioration of recipients’ kidney function
has been reported and appears to present a growing
issue with FAT recipients approaching 10 years after
transplant. Lantieri et al. [23] reported on four of seven
FAT recipients that presented with reduced eGFR. FAT
providers have started minimizing immunosuppression,
or substituting calcineurin inhibitors with alternative
medications to prevent chronic kidney disease
There are numerous reports on secondary revisions
after FAT for esthetic and functional improvements
[55,102]. Bone and dental realignment, soft-tissue resus-
pension and contouring, full-thickness skin grafting, fat
injection and dermabrasion are examples [15,103105],
as are Le Fort I rotation, Le Fort III advancement, coro-
nal eyebrow lift, submental lipectomy, bilateral ble-
pharoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, removal of excess
glandular tissue, and chin augmentation [57,106108].
The benefits of these secondary interventions must out-
weigh the risks in this population of immunocompro-
mised patients.
Malignancies after FAT have been reported with
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)- and HIV-related lymphoma,
cervical dysplasia, and lung cancer [5,13,23,71,96,109].
Αpatient has developed primary asymptomatic EBV
infection, followed by EBV+B-cell lymphoma, which
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Next phase of face transplantation
could be successfully treated with rituximab and
chemotherapy [88]. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath
tumors can potentially occur and introduce the ques-
tion of inclusion of neurofibromatosis 1 patients in FAT
protocols [110].
Acute rejection (AR) is frequent in FAT. Early
studies predicted a 10% risk of AR within the first
year after FAT and 3050% by the second to fifth
year [111]. More recent assessments showed that the
majority of patients (approximately 80%) have at least
one episode of AR within the first year, with skin
biopsies ranging from BANFF grade 1 to BANFF
grade 3. The vast majority of rejections have been
steroid-sensitive with a few exceptions requiring anti-
lymphocytic agents including thymoglobulin or cam-
path [4,112]. We also reported one case of acute
ABMR [32]. Treatment protocols for acute rejection
in FAT are established. Management of rejection with
BANFF grades 12 is usually treated with a bolus
steroid treatment, increasing TAC trough levels and
sometimes introducing topical steroid or TAC treat-
ment alone. ABMR may require the addition of
plasmapheresis, eculizumab, bortezomib in addition to
lymphocytic antibodies and/or other regimen changes
[10,66,67,80,86]. Our management of grade 1 rejec-
tions has evolved from aggressive treatment to com-
plete resolution of the rejection episode to a more
conservative approach suggesting patients to avoid sun
exposure, mechanical trauma, etc. Some groups specu-
late that aggressive treatment of grade I rejection in
the early stages of FAT may help prevent progression
to chronic rejection. Chronic rejection (CR) is a well-
established complication in solid organ transplantation
and has also been reported for FAT. The incidence of
CR in FAT was initially predicted as 3050% within
the first 5 years however, the condition appears to
occur less frequent with only two reported pathology-
proven CR [88,92,109]. The first case was a T-cell-
mediated CR after programmed reduction of the
immunosuppression therapy because of complications
(i.e. EBV-induced lymphoma and hepatic EBV-asso-
ciated post-transplant smooth muscle tumor) [88].
The other patient developed chronic vascular rejection
(described by Morelon et al. [109] as chronic anti-
body-mediated rejection) with partial loss of the face
allograft. There are certain allograft changes that may
be relevant to potential development of CR, and in
our experience include fibrotic changes, telangiectasias,
and skin thinning. Lantieri et al. [23] comment on a
progressive lymphedematous aspect of the skin as a
possible manifestation of CR. On histological
examination, CR may entail vascular changes associ-
ated with vasculopathy in general and neointimal
hyperplasia [91].
Mortalities have also been reported. A FAT recipient
in China died 3 years after the procedure because of
medication nonadherence and lack of access to medical
care. Perioperative deaths were recorded in Paris, France
after face and bilateral upper extremity transplantation,
and in Turkey. Other deaths were attributed to a recur-
rence of malignancy in HIV+patient (Spain). Most
recently, the very first face transplant patient succumbed
to lung cancer.
Despite successes in optimizing technical, surgical, and
follow-up protocols, FAT is unique in that it requires a
rigorous outpatient medical schedule and numerous
hospitalizations [56]. There are two cases of FAT allo-
graft loss as a result of noncompliance and thus compli-
ance is an imperative assessment of the transplant
evaluation. There are some well-understood pretrans-
plant risk factors that can predict future nonadherence
in solid organ transplantation, including previous his-
tory of nonadherence, inadequate social support, and
educational level that urge for further psychosocial eval-
uation [113]. FAT providers should stress the impor-
tance of adherence and the benefits of compliance,
rather than focusing on the harmful consequences of
nonadherence, always keeping in mind that positive
psychological outcomes will ultimately lead to adher-
ence [114].
Ethical dilemmas
Face allograft transplantation is an intervention inter-
twined with ethical dilemmas, and controversies. Over-
or under-informing FAT candidates prior to face trans-
plantation have both been linked to anxiety and poor
outcomes [115]. It remains open to debate whether
facially disfigured patients are truly in a position to give
informed consent, especially for such a complex proce-
dure and while being in a vulnerable state because of
the disfigurement [116118].
With regard to the VCA practice in children, the lit-
erature is fairly divided [119]. The youngest FAT and
hand transplant recipients reported were, respec-
tively, 19 and 8 years old [53]. Solid arguments against
FAT in children include the lifelong risks of immuno-
suppression and the disputed informed consent
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Face allograft transplantation is a complex and
resource-demanding process requiring full investment of
a multidisciplinary team in the pre- and postoperative
periods [1]. FAT may be more costly than conventional
reconstruction or than solid organ transplants, with its
most expensive components being surgery and nursing
followed by anesthesia and immunosuppression
[122,123]. In Europe and the USA, it is still considered
an experimental procedure and thus not unanimously
covered by medical insurance. The majority of VCA
programs are currently funded by research grants (most
commonly from the U.S. Department of Defense) and
through institutional support challenging cost benefit
analyses of FAT over conventional reconstructive proce-
Future directions
Facial allograft procurement processes have been opti-
mized in collaboration with solid organ transplant
teams [22]. Limited allograft ischemia time continues to
dictate the maximum travel time for allograft recovery
and reduces geographical pool of donors. Currently
used allograft flush with University of Wisconsin (UW)
solution, or ILG-1 [10,66,67] combined with cold stor-
age does not extent the cold ischemia time beyond 4
6 h. Extracorporeal tissue preservation research may
provide innovative solutions to this problem. Transla-
tional research in this area has currently been per-
formed only for extremity preservation and storage for
following replantation and/or transplantation. Extracor-
poreal perfusion devices have been used to preserve
swine limbs for 1224 h after amputation with superior
outcomes in terms of muscle damage, ischemia reperfu-
sion injury, and animal survival following replantation
when compared to the current standard of care, which
is 4-h storage in ice [51,124,125]. Similar technology
has more recently demonstrated feasibility as a promis-
ing modality in extremity preservation through near-
normothermic ex situ perfusion for 24 h in a human
limb model [50].
Future innovations in noninvasive monitoring, diag-
nosis, and prediction of acute rejection and overall graft
health assessment in FAT are expected [126]. Although
the skin in FAT can be easily monitored and biopsied,
there are reports of allograft injury in the absence of
visible signs of rejection on the skin [127]. This raises
the concern that deeper components of the allograft,
such as the vascular endothelium may undergo subclini-
cal rejection. We must therefore develop methods of
investigating the entire allograft rather than the skin
only when investigating immune rejection [128,129].
Diagnosis of acute rejection in FAT can be challenging
with the current available methods [130,131]. It is
therefore imperative to implement quick, noninvasive,
predictive methods for diagnosis of rejection in FAT
recipients in order to avoid over- or under-immuno-
suppression and subsequent negative implications. Non-
invasive markers for assessment of the transplanted
allografts are investigated as alternatives to biopsies in
the field of solid organ transplantation. These markers
include gene-expression profiling [132,133] and pro-
teomic analysis [134,135] as biomarkers for allograft
vasculopathy, identification of donor derived cell-free
DNA in the recipient’s circulation as a marker for pre-
diction of AR [136140] and B-cell repertoire sequenc-
ing [141] analyzed from samples acquired mainly
through blood draws. Urine samples and breath tests
have also showed feasibility as modalities in noninvasive
diagnosis of rejection [142,143]. Further studies evaluat-
ing these diagnostic markers in VCA still need to be
performed to assess the accuracy of these methods in
diagnosing AR.
Many authors find interpretation of rejection by
BANFF classification inadequate for FAT. It is impor-
tant to note that this classification is derived from hand
transplant patient experience and does not address
rejection of oral mucosa [144]. Additional concerns
include biopsy site selection bias, and inadequate sam-
pling size.
Noninvasive monitoring for CR and specifically for
chronic graft vasculopathy could constitute another
major challenge that necessitates improvement. It is
known from reported studies on hand transplantation
that intimal hyperplasia is associated with CR [127].
Assessing the individual-specific donor facial to recipi-
ent sentinel flap artery (e.g. radial artery) intima ratio
through ultrasound biomicroscopy monitoring (a high-
resolution ultrasound technique measuring the arterial
wall of smaller arteries) has proven feasibility and
reproducibility as a method and could potentially serve
as a sensitive measure to detect early changes during
chronic rejection [126].
Nerve regeneration is a vital component of functional
success of FAT and contributes to the motor and sen-
sory return of the recovery phase. However, nerve
regeneration and thus clinical outcomes differ between
centers because of the different pretransplant defects
among patients and the multiple coaptation methods
(e.g. direct nerve repair, nerve graft) tailored to each
patient [11]. There is a great interest in novel transla-
tional research strategies to enhance nerve regeneration
Transplant International 2018; 7
ª2018 Steunstichting ESOT
Next phase of face transplantation
and thus improve the functional outcomes of FAT but
also for VCA in general. The usage of TAC has been
demonstrated to accelerate nerve regeneration, decrease
muscle denervation time, and improve Schwann cell
migration, proving its neuroprotective and neurotrophic
effects [145,146]. A study from Labroo et al. [147]
showed that systematic administration of FK506 for
2 months following anastomosis of transected facial
nerve resulted in an increase in axonal diameter, myelin
thickness, and number of myelinated axons. It has also
been shown that the use of glial cell-derived neu-
rotrophic factor following facial nerve injury in a rat
model led to increased survival of injured axons and
improved functional outcomes [148]. Subcutaneous
administration of growth hormone [149], and chon-
droitinase [150152] have also been reported to acceler-
ate axonal regeneration and enhance muscle re-
innervation in peripheral nerve rat models following
crush injuries, raising the question if these approaches
could be applied to facial nerve models. Finally, stem
cell-induced nerve regeneration is of increased research
interest. Cooney et al. [153] showed that local and sys-
tematic administration of bone marrow derived mes-
enchymal stem cells improved nerve regeneration in a
hindlimb transplantation rat model, by increasing the
number of nerve fibers distal to the repair site.
Outcomes reporting after FAT have not been univer-
sal to date. Sosin et al. [11] observed a marked discrep-
ancy between the number of FAT performed versus the
ones reported worldwide. Documentation and reporting
in the International Registry on Hand and Composite
Tissue Transplantation is voluntary, and therefore,
information and follow-up data are incomplete. We
firmly believe that consistent reporting would empower
the entire VCA research community by enriching the
knowledge available to all. Delayed, partial, and varying
disclosure creates a selection bias where groups report
only on positive results [11,53]. We encourage all face
transplant teams to publish their results in order to
avoid speculation and unjustified criticism. Ultimately,
this would help to enhance scientific knowledge, safety,
and availability of FAT.
This publication is meant to promote “analysis and
not paralysis” to aid further advancement of the field of
FAT. As with other developing fields in early stages,
FAT will continue to run into many challenges [129].
Expertise should be maintained in dedicated centers,
collection, and critical analysis of outcomes must con-
tinue, supported by research grants [53].
Facial allograft transplantation improves quality of life
of our most disabled patients. Providers must work
together, and agree on outcomes measures that should
be strictly adhered to, and reported. Standardization of
care and outcomes analysis among different centers will
continue to advance our field forward.
The authors have declared no funding.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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12 Transplant International 2018;
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Tasigiorgos et al.
... The first near-total face transplant was performed in Cleveland by a group led by Maria Siemionow in 2008 [117], followed by full-face transplantations in 2010 in Spain and France and 2011 by Bohdan Pomahac in Boston [118]. The significant limiting aspect of this type of surgery is the life-long immunesuppressive medication [119]. ...
Scar treatment has always depended on the current state of science and knowledge and reflected society’s view of the world. In ancient times, it was honorable to have scars like a warrior, demonstrating the fights survived and the opponents defeated. If the wounds were too heavy to survive, people died as heroes. The remaining problem was disabling or disfiguring scars. These scars were considered a punishment that should not be interfered with by beliefs in god(s); therefore, the treatment of scars was often considered dishonorable and outrageous, such that the range of methods was limited to conservative and spiritualistic ones. Surgery has been an outlawed business for centuries. It took the age of enlightenment to create the preconditions and toolboxes for advanced treatment. The history of scar treatment reflects the development of modern medicine. It requires the prerequisites of high-level knowledge of human anatomy at the macro- and microscopic level as well as knowledge of physio- and pathophysiology, the functions of vessels, and nourishment processes of skin and muscles. In addition, the improvement of adequate analgesic and anesthetic methods at the local and systemic level was required as well as the development of mechanical tools used for advanced surgery. With all the tools for flaps, plasties, skin and tissue transplants artificial dermal and epidermal substitutes, it should not be forgotten that the reconstruction of scars is a long endeavor that will never reconstitute the state of unhurt skin; rather, it will only ameliorate the consequences of a trauma. The demand for function before aesthetics has changed to function and aesthetics; the level of success is often determined by patient satisfaction.
... The negative reaction to the cytomegalovirus immunological test was a preponderant factor for management since it influences the degree of allograft dysfunction and patient morbidity and mortality. The mechanism is still unclear, but all patients who developed such an infection were successfully treated with antiretroviral therapy 10 . ...
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Introduction: Face transplantation has gained recognition, changing the clinicalsurgical scenario for restoring complex facial defects, as it attributes functional and aesthetic recovery to patients who have suffered serious accidents. At the time of writing this article, in official publications, 43 patients had already undergone facial transplantation worldwide. Face transplantation has numerous pieces of evidence that can irrefutably provide improvements to the patient. For this, preoperative care for the patient must be carefully established so that there is good surgical performance. Case Report: Male patient, 46 years old, reports that, at the age of 6, he had burns due to exposure to gasoline, with 72% of his body surface burned, showing sequelae of burns and surgical reconstructions on the face, with redundant and ptotic skin flap on the left cheek, absence of upper and lower lip and exposure of lower teeth. Conclusion: It is important to publicize this innovative procedure in different medical specialties and preoperative care through a thorough investigation, which attributes better surgical effectiveness, allowing the rescue of their facial identity, once stigmatized.
... Morever, various experimental investigations have achieved substantive clinical attention worldwide [4]. Therefore, the development and advancement of this transplantation technology may ease the burden of social welfare, improve the quality of life, and enhance the reintegration of most disabled patients into their family and social environments [5]. Am J Transl Res 2023;15(3):1569-1589 Clinically, VCAs have the potential for becoming standard/routine treatment options for patients with large tissue defects who require life quality enhancement and functional reconstruction. ...
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Objective: Vascularized composite allografts (VCAs) refer to the transplantation of multiple types of tissues during plastic and reconstructive surgery. Several publications have emerged in the field of VCA. However, there are no bibliometric studies on this topic. The aim was to multidimensionally analyze the knowledge base and hotspots in this subject. Methods: We retrieved all publications related to VCA from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC), published from 2002 to 2021. Next, scientometric analysis of different items was performed using various bibliometrics software to explore knowledge base, research hotspots, and advancement trends in this field. Results: We included a total of 3,190 English articles from 2002 to 2021. The number of publications increased steadily annually. The United States produced the highest number of publications, followed by China. Most publications were from Harvard University, followed by Johns Hopkins University. The most authoritative academic journal was Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Transplantation occupied the first rank of co-cited journal list. Maria Z Siemionow may have the highest influence in the VCA field with the highest number of citations (n = 88) and co-cited references (n = 1252). Clinical studies on different allografts, immunosuppression, and tissue engineering were both the knowledge base and recent topics in VCA research. Conclusions: The first bibliometric study comprehensively summarized the trends and development of VCA research with steady growth over the past two decades. Currently, the most active topics are the clinical application of multiple allografts, immunosuppression strategies/therapies, and translation of tissue engineering to clinical practice.
... A careful long-term monitoring is imperative to better understand the evolution of this type of transplantation [12]. On the other hand, face re-transplantation might be the next challenge. ...
The first successful facial allotransplantation was performed in Amiens (France) in 2005 and became possible thanks to the collaboration of the Amiens and Lyon teams. Up to now three patients have been transplanted. The recipients were disfigured by a dog bite, a pyrotechnic explosion, and following the removal of a high-flow bleeding arterio-venous malformation of the face, respectively. The first recipient received an allograft including nose, chin, part of the cheeks, and lips; the second one an edentulous mandible, upper and lower lips, cheeks, and chin; the third recipient maxilla, mandible, cheeks, lips, chin, and tongue. The immunosuppressive treatment included induction therapy (antithymocyte globulins) and maintenance therapy (tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and prednisone). The esthetic results were excellent, particularly in the third recipient. Functional results were impressive in all patients, although their ability was different depending on the different lost units of the face and the possibility to perform the nervous anastomoses. The recipients were able to eat, drink, swallow, and chew. Phonation was recovered in all patients, although the speech was not very intelligible in the third recipient. The patients were satisfied of their “new face.” The recipients developed in the first posttransplant year few episodes of acute rejection, which were easily reversed by steroid boluses. In the long-term follow-up, chronic rejection occurred in two patients and the facial graft had to be partially removed 10 years after the transplantation in one of them. The long-term follow-up in our patients showed a high incidence of complications, such as uterine carcinoma, small-cell lung carcinoma, posttransplant monoclonal B-cell lymphoma, and later on hepatic EBV-associated posttransplant smooth muscle tumor, requiring liver transplantation. Two patients died 11 and 9 years after the transplantation, respectively. A careful long-term monitoring is necessary so as to better understand the evolution of this type of transplantation.
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Whole-eye transplantation emerges as a frontier in ophthalmology, promising a transformative approach to irreversible blindness. Despite advancements, formidable challenges persist. Preservation of donor eye viability post-enucleation necessitates meticulous surgical techniques to optimize retinal integrity and ganglion cell survival. Overcoming the inhibitory milieu of the central nervous system for successful optic nerve regeneration remains elusive, prompting the exploration of neurotrophic support and immunomodulatory interventions. Immunological tolerance, paramount for graft acceptance, confronts the distinctive immunogenicity of ocular tissues, driving research into targeted immunosuppression strategies. Ethical and legal considerations underscore the necessity for stringent standards and ethical frameworks. Interdisciplinary collaboration and ongoing research endeavors are imperative to navigate these complexities. Biomaterials, stem cell therapies, and precision immunomodulation represent promising avenues in this pursuit. Ultimately, the aim of this review is to critically assess the current landscape of whole-eye transplantation, elucidating the challenges and advancements while delineating future directions for research and clinical practice. Through concerted efforts, whole-eye transplantation stands to revolutionize ophthalmic care, offering hope for restored vision and enhanced quality of life for those afflicted with blindness.
Background: Hand transplantation (HT) has emerged as an intervention of last resort for those who endured amputation or irreparable loss of upper extremity function. However, because of the considerable effort required for allograft management and the risks of lifelong immunosuppression, patient eligibility is critical to treatment success. Thus, the objective of this article is to investigate the reported eligibility criteria of HT centers globally. Methods: A systematic review of the HT literature was conducted according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses guidelines, using PubMed, Cochrane, Ovid/Medline, and Scopus. Program Web sites and entries were included where available. Results: A total of 354 articles were reviewed, 101 of which met inclusion criteria. Furthermore, 10 patient-facing Web sites and 11 clinical trials were included. The most reported criteria related to the capacity to manage the allograft posttransplantation, including access to follow-up, insurance coverage, psychological stability, and history of medical compliance. Other factors related to the impact of immunosuppression, such as active pregnancy and patient immune status, were less emphasized. Conclusions: Because of the novelty of the field, eligibility criteria continue to evolve. While there is consensus on certain eligibility factors, other criteria diverge between programs, and very few factors were considered absolute contraindications. As the popularity of the field continues to grow, we encourage the development of consensus evidence-based eligibility criteria.
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Background Since the first face transplant procedure was performed in 2005, hundreds of publications have been published on the topic. In this bibliometric analysis we identify the key influential studies, based on citation power, in the field of face transplantation and summarize their content and characteristics. Methods The Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science database was searched for the topic “face transplantation.” We applied no limitations on publication date, language, or article length. The top 100 publications accruing the most citations were identified and information on title, year, journal, first and corresponding author, institution, country of corresponding author, methodology, and topic focus were extracted. Results Of the top 100, most papers were published in 2011 (n = 11), with the publication years ranging between 2002 and 2019. Eight themes were identified, including ethics and psychology and post-operative outcomes. The most common theme was post-operative outcomes. Most publications had a clinical focus (n = 67), with only 11 being basic science. The country with the highest number of publications was the USA (n = 68), pooling a total of 3509 citations. The department with the highest number of publications was the Department of Plastic Surgery of Cleveland Clinic (n = 22). Conclusion This analysis outlines the most influential publications in the field of face transplantation, providing a novel perspective on the field. These 100 publications reflect the progression of the field and outline significant advances in face transplantation. The analysis summarizes the trends occurring in the field and can help guide future academic research. Level of evidence: Not ratable.
Introduction: There is a need to define what is success after face transplantation (FT). We have previously created a four-component criteria tool to define indications for FT. In this study, we used the same criteria to evaluate the overall outcome of our first two patients after FT. Patients and methods: Preoperative analysis of our two bimaxillary FT patients was compared to the results at four and six years post-transplantation. The facial deficiency impact was divided into four categories: (1) anatomical regions, (2) facial functions (mimic muscles, sensation, oral functions, speech, breathing, periorbital functions), (3) esthetics, and (4) impact on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Immunological status and complications were also evaluated. Results: For both patients, near-normal anatomical restoration of almost all the facial regions (except the periorbital and intraoral regions) was achieved. The majority of the facial function parameters improved in both patients (patient 2 to a near-normal level). The esthetic score improved from severely disfigured to impaired (patient 1) and to near to normal (patient 2). Quality of life was severely lowered prior to FT and improved after FT but was still affected. Neither patient has experienced acute rejection episodes during follow-up. Conclusions: We conclude that our patients have benefitted from FT, and we have succeeded. Time will reveal whether we have achieved long-term success.
Laryngeal transplant is an emerging reconstructive option for end-stage laryngotracheal dysfunction after traditional methods have failed. While laryngeal allotransplantation carries ethical dilemmas and imparts immunosuppression risks including de novo or recurrent malignancies, it is an attractive option because other existing methods fail to comparably replicate laryngeal functions. Traditionally, immunosuppression and malignancy risk were major hurdles to widespread adoption of laryngeal transplantation outside of idealized patients, such as those with preexisting immunosuppression indications and/or benign laryngotracheal disease. However, advances in immunosuppression, ethical shifts surrounding nonvital organ transplantation, and limitation of post-malignancy laryngeal transplantation to oncologically cured patients have made laryngeal transplantation more accessible, including the first successful postmalignancy laryngeal transplantation in 2015. Currently, postlaryngeal transplant glottic airway restoration and tracheostomy decannulation are limited principally by outcomes of currently available recurrent laryngeal nerve reinnervation techniques. Selective posterior cricoarytenoid reinnervation and laryngeal pacemakers may help restore spontaneous arytenoid abduction and thereby aid in decannulating future laryngeal transplants.
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Rejection affects greater than 80% of face transplants, yet no diagnostic criteria for antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) following face transplantation have been established. Given that different treatment strategies are required to address AMR and T cell-mediated rejection (TCMR), there is a critical need to delineate the features that can differentiate these two alloimmune responses. Here, we report the longitudinal immunological examination of what we believe to be the first and only highly sensitized recipient of a crossmatch-positive face transplant up to 4 years following transplantation. We conducted gene expression profiling on allograft biopsies collected during suspected AMR and TCMR episodes as well as during 5 nonrejection time points. Our data suggest that there are distinctive molecular features in AMR, characterized by overexpression of endothelial-associated genes, including ICAM1, VCAM1, and SELE. Although our findings are limited to a single patient, these findings highlight the potential importance of developing and implementing molecular markers to differentiate AMR from TCMR to guide clinical management. Furthermore, our case illustrates that molecular assessment of allograft biopsies offers the potential for new insights into the mechanisms underlying rejection. Finally, our medium-term outcomes demonstrate that face transplantation in a highly sensitized patient with a positive preoperative crossmatch is feasible and manageable.
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At the 10th year anniversary of the first face transplantation, 37 patients worldwide, were the recipients of faces coming from human donors. Five patients died due to complications, noncompliance with immunosuppressive medications and development of cancer. Despite the initial debates and ethical concerns, face transplantation became a clinical reality with satisfactory functional outcomes. The areas of controversy still include the impact of life-long immunosuppression on otherwise healthy patients as well as the selection process of face transplant candidates. Other concerns include financial support for this new generation of transplants as well as social re-integration and patients return to work after face transplantation. Based on over 20 years of research experience in the field of vascularized composite allotransplantation (VCA), and clinical experience as a leading surgeon of the US first face transplantation, this review will summarize the well—known facts as well as unexpected outcomes and challenges of face transplantation. Graphical Abstract Open image in new window
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Background: The human face is a one-of-a-kind structure with unique morphology, complexity, and function, in which different subunits are not even similar to other parts of the body. Therefore, extended complex deficits of the face are usually difficult to reconstruct, and autologous tissue restoration is generally not able to give a satisfactory aesthetic and functional outcome. The main goal of face allotransplantation is to restore symmetry, contour, and appearance as well as function of the face, especially control of orbicularis oculi and oris muscle physiology. We present the case of a total face transplant in an advanced neurofibromatosis type 1 patient – the second face transplant in Poland. Case Report: The recipient was a 28-year-old female with neurofibromatosis type I limited to the head region. During 24 years she underwent more than 35 surgical procedures, but for the last 3 years a significant decrease of her functionality and appearance was observed, including serious problems with speech, eating, and vision. In December 2013 she was qualified for a face transplant procedure. When the donor was found, she was matched on several clinical and biochemical characteristics including negative T and B cell cross-matching. Similarly, the transplantation procedure was done using two connected operating rooms; in the first, the donor’s face was harvested, and in the second, the recipient’s face was prepared – the tumor mass was resected and vascular and nervous structures were prepared. Due to the extension and complexity of the potential defect, more than 75% of head soft tissues were harvested including both auriculae, left and right eyelids, and scalp down to the occipital lower line. Conclusions: Our case showed that neurofibromatosis is a real indication for a face transplantation procedure. Also, the results of rehabilitation, quality of life, motor and sensory recovery, and physiological status were comparable, showing that face transplantation based on careful selection of recipients and procedure planning is a real alternative, allowing achievement of excellent results that are far away from the outcomes of conventional reconstructions.
Background: The aim of this report is to present our long-term experiences with a series of 5 face-transplanted patients in terms of surgical aspects and postoperative outcomes, and to describe possible salvage strategies in case of difficulties. Methods: Five patients, 4 receiving full-face transplantation and 1 undergoing partial transplantation at our institution were included. The patients were aged between 19 and 54 years. Two had extensive burn scars to the face, and 3 had suffered gunshot injuries. The post-transplant induction immunosuppressive regimen included ATG combined with tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and prednisone, while maintenance was provided by the last 3. We focused on patient summaries including their etiologies, preoperative preparations, surgical techniques, immunosuppressive regimen, postoperative courses, revisional surgeries, together with challenges including acute rejection episodes, and immunosuppressive drug complications. Results: No re-surgery due to vascular compromise was required in any case. One of the 5 patients was eventually lost due to complicated infectious and metabolic events at the end of post-transplantation month 11. The other 4 patients were still alive, with a mean follow-up time of 53 months and had satisfactory functional transplants and cosmetic appearance. Conclusions: Face transplantation still involves challenges and many issues including compliance and psychological maturity of patients, the risk of opportunistic infections and malignancies still need to be resolved for it to be accepted as a safe procedure. Surgical rescue procedures considering ideal timing should be kept in mind strictly as one of the most important issues in case of unexpected events.
Background: Facial allotransplantation provides a unique opportunity to restore facial form and function in severely disfigured patients. Using a single unilateral facial artery for vascularization can significantly reduce surgical duration and thus facilitate the practice of face transplantation. Methods: A 33-year-old man with a history of high-energy ballistic trauma received a facial allograft comprising the lower two-thirds of the face, including maxilla and mandible. Vascular anastomoses involved one unilateral facial artery and two veins. Vascularization patterns, airway volume, and facial functions were assessed before and 1 year after transplantation. In addition, immunosuppressive therapy and rejection episodes were recorded. Results: One year after transplantation, the facial allograft is well perfused and gradually improving in function. Unilateral facial artery anastomosis remains patent and collateralization with the contralateral side is taking place through collaterals of the submental arteries. Bony perfusion of the maxilla and mandible is provided periosteally. Bilateral venous outflow is evident. Airway volume is significantly increased compared with before transplantation, and gastrostomy and tracheostomy tubes have been securely removed. The recipient has gained the abilities to smell, speak, feel, and grimace 1 year after transplantation. Steroids were successfully weaned after 9 months, leaving the patient on dual immunosuppressive therapy with tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil. Two rejection episodes occurred, of which one was treated by steroid pulse and the other by adjusting the maintenance therapy. Conclusions: In this patient, a facial allograft comprising the lower two-thirds of the face including the maxilla and mandible is sufficiently perfused by one unilateral facial artery. Bilateral venous outflow, however, seems to be necessary. Facial allotransplantation can significantly and securely improve facial form and function. Clinical question/level of evidence: Therapeutic, V.
BACKGROUND One of the major challenges in traumatic amputation is the need to keep ischemia time brief (4 to 6 hours) to avoid ischemic damage and enable successful replantation. The current inability to meet this challenge often leads to traumatic limb loss, which has a considerable detrimental impact on the quality of life of patients. METHODS The authors' team built a portable extracorporeal membrane oxygenator device for the perfusion of amputated extremities with oxygenated acellular solution under controlled parameters. The authors amputated forelimbs of Yorkshire pigs, perfused them ex vivo with acellular Perfadex solution for 12 hours at 10°C in their device, and subsequently replanted them into the host animal. The authors used limbs stored on ice slurry for 4 hours before replantation as their control group. RESULTS Clinical observation and histopathologic evaluation both demonstrated that there was less morbidity and less tissue damage to the cells during preservation and after replantation in the perfusion group compared with the standard of care. Significant differences in blood markers of muscle damage and tissue cytokine levels underscored these findings. CONCLUSIONS The authors demonstrated the feasibility and superiority of ex vivo hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion for preservation of amputated limbs over conventional static cold storage and herewith a substantial extension of the allowable ischemia time for replantation after traumatic amputation. This approach could also be applied to the field of transplantation, expanding the potential pool of viable donor vascularized composite allografts.
Ten years after the first face transplantation we report the partial loss of this graft. After two episodes of acute rejection (AR) occurred and completely reversed in the first post-transplantation year, ninety months post-transplantation the patient developed de novo class II-donor specific antibodies, without clinical signs of AR. Some months later she developed several skin rejection episodes treated with steroid pulses. Despite rapid clinical improvement, some months later the sentinel skin graft underwent necrosis. Microscopic examination showed intimal thickening, thrombosis of the pedicle vessel and C4d deposits on the endothelium of some dermal vessels of the facial graft. Flow magnetic resonance imaging of the facial graft showed a decrease of the distal right facial artery flow. Three steroid pulses of 500 mg each, followed by Intravenous Immunoglobulins (2g/kg), 5 sessions of plasmapheresis and Bortezomib 1.3 mg/m(2) , were administered. Despite rescue therapy with Eculizumab, necrosis of the lips and the perioral area occurred, which led to surgical removal of the lower lip, labial commissures and part of the right cheek in May 2015. In January 2016 the patient underwent conventional facial reconstruction because during the re-transplantation evaluation a small-cell lung carcinoma was discovered causing the patient's death in April 2016. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Background Vascularized composite allografts, particularly hand and forearm, have limited ischemic tolerance after procurement. In bilateral hand transplantations, this demands a 2 team approach and expedited transfer of the allograft, limiting the recovery to a small geographic area. Ex situ perfusion may be an alternative allograft preservation method to extend allograft survival time. This is a short report of 5 human limbs maintained for 24 hours with ex situ perfusion. Methods Upper limbs were procured from brain-dead organ donors. Following recovery, the brachial artery was cannulated and flushed with 10 000 U of heparin. The limb was then attached to a custom-made, near-normothermic (30-33 ° C) ex situ perfusion system composed of a pump, reservoir, and oxygenator. Perfusate was plasma-based with a hemoglobin concentration of 4 to 6 g/dL. Results Average warm ischemia time was 76 minutes. Perfusion was maintained at an average systolic pressure of 93 ± 2 mm Hg, flow 310 ± 20 mL/min, and vascular resistance 153 ± 16 mm Hg/L per minute. Average oxygen consumption was 1.1 ± 0.2 mL/kg per minute. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation continually displayed contraction until the end of perfusion, and histology showed no myocyte injury. Conclusions Human limb allografts appeared viable after 24 hours of near-normothermic ex situ perfusion. Although these results are early and need validation with transplantation, this technology has promise for extending allograft storage times.
Background: Face transplantation has emerged as a viable option for certain patients in the treatment of devastating facial injuries. However, as with autologous free tissue transfer, the need for secondary revisions in face transplantation also exists. The authors' group has quantified the number of revision operations in their cohort and has assessed the rationale, safety, and outcomes of posttransplantation revisions. Methods: A retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data of the authors' seven face transplants was performed from April of 2009 to July of 2015. The patients' medical records, preoperative facial defects, and all operative reports (index and secondary revisions) were critically reviewed. Results: The average number of revision procedures was 2.6 per patient (range, zero to five procedures). The median time interval from face transplantation to revision surgery was 5 months (range, 1 to 10 months). Most interventions consisted of debulking of the allograft, superficial musculoaponeurotic system plication and suspension, and local tissue rearrangement. There were no major infections, allograft skin flap loss, or necrosis. One patient suffered a postoperative complication after autologous fat grafting in the form of acute rejection that resolved with pulse steroids. Conclusions: Secondary revisions after face transplantation are necessary components of care, as they are after most conventional free tissue transfers. Secondary revisions after face transplantation at the authors' institution have addressed both aesthetic and functional reconstructive needs, and these procedures have proven to be safe in the context of maintenance immunosuppression. Patient and procedure selection along with timing are essential to ensure patient safety, optimal function, and aesthetic outcomes. Clinical question/level of evidence: Therapeutic, V.