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Getting to the root of the matter: landscape implications of plant-fungal interactions for tree migration in Alaska


Abstract and Figures

Context Forecasting the expansion of forest into Alaska tundra is critical to predicting regional ecosystem services, including climate feedbacks such as carbon storage. Controls over seedling establishment govern forest development and migration potential. Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF), obligate symbionts of all Alaskan tree species, are particularly important to seedling establishment, yet their significance to landscape vegetation change is largely unknown. Objective We used ALFRESCO, a landscape model of wildfire and vegetation dynamics, to explore whether EMF inoculum potential influences patterns of tundra afforestation and associated flammability. Methods Using two downscaled CMIP3 general circulation models (ECHAM5 and CCCMA) and a mid-range emissions scenario (A1B) at a 1 km2 resolution, we compared simulated tundra afforestation rates and flammability from four parameterizations of EMF effects on seedling establishment and growth from 2000 to 2100. Results Modeling predicted an 8.8–18.2 % increase in forest cover from 2000 to 2100. Simulations that explicitly represented landscape variability in EMF inoculum potential showed a reduced percent change afforestation of up to a 2.8 % due to low inoculum potential limiting seedling growth. This reduction limited fuel availability and thus, cumulative area burned. Regardless of inclusion of EMF effects in simulations, landscape flammability was lower for simulations driven by the wetter and cooler CCCMA model than the warmer and drier ECHAM5 model, while tundra afforestation was greater. Conclusions Results suggest abiotic factors are the primary driver of tree migration. Simulations including EMF effects, a biotic factor, yielded more conservative estimates of land cover change across Alaska that better-matched empirical estimates from the previous century.
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Getting to the root of the matter: landscape implications
of plant-fungal interactions for tree migration in Alaska
Rebecca E. Hewitt .Alec P. Bennett .Amy L. Breen .
Teresa N. Hollingsworth .D. Lee Taylor .
F. Stuart Chapin III .T. Scott Rupp
Received: 8 May 2015 / Accepted: 29 October 2015
!Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015
Context Forecasting the expansion of forest into
Alaska tundra is critical to predicting regional ecosys-
tem services, including climate feedbacks such as
carbon storage. Controls over seedling establishment
govern forest development and migration potential.
Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF), obligate symbionts of
all Alaskan tree species, are particularly important to
seedling establishment, yet their significance to land-
scape vegetation change is largely unknown.
Objective We used ALFRESCO, a landscape model
of wildfire and vegetation dynamics, to explore
whether EMF inoculum potential influences patterns
of tundra afforestation and associated flammability.
Methods Using two downscaled CMIP3 general
circulation models (ECHAM5 and CCCMA) and a
mid-range emissions scenario (A1B) at a 1 km
resolution, we compared simulated tundra afforesta-
tion rates and flammability from four parameteriza-
tions of EMF effects on seedling establishment and
growth from 2000 to 2100.
Results Modeling predicted an 8.8–18.2 % increase
in forest cover from 2000 to 2100. Simulations that
explicitly represented landscape variability in EMF
inoculum potential showed a reduced percent change
afforestation of up to a 2.8 % due to low inoculum
potential limiting seedling growth. This reduction
limited fuel availability and thus, cumulative area
burned. Regardless of inclusion of EMF effects in
simulations, landscape flammability was lower for
simulations driven by the wetter and cooler CCCMA
model than the warmer and drier ECHAM5 model,
while tundra afforestation was greater.
Conclusions Results suggest abiotic factors are the
primary driver of tree migration. Simulations includ-
ing EMF effects, a biotic factor, yielded more
conservative estimates of land cover change across
Alaska that better-matched empirical estimates from
the previous century.
Keywords Alaska !ALFRESCO !Climate change !
Ectomycorrhizal fungi !Treeline !Wildfire
R. E. Hewitt (&)!A. P. Bennett !A. L. Breen !
T. S. Rupp
International Arctic Research Center, Scenarios Network
for Alaska & Arctic Planning, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, P.O. Box 757245, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA
T. N. Hollingsworth
US Forest Service PNW Research Station, University of
Alaska Fairbanks, P.O. Box 756780, Fairbanks,
AK 99775, USA
D. L. Taylor
Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, 167
Castetter Hall, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA
F. S. Chapin III
Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, P.O. Box 756000, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA
Landscape Ecol
DOI 10.1007/s10980-015-0306-1
Soil microbes are critical to plant establishment,
survival, and growth (Horton and van der Heijden
2008; van der Heijden and Horton 2009; Bever et al.
2010), but rarely has the link between plant-fungal
interactions and landscape vegetation change been
explored. This is likely due to issues of scale, where
microbial composition can vary on the micro-scale
(Taylor et al. 2010) and vegetation composition can
vary on the landscape or regional scale (Turner 1989).
For example, controls over seedling establishment at
and beyond current treeline govern both stand devel-
opment at the range limit of the boreal forest and the
potential for migration (Hobbie and Chapin 1998;
Harsch and Bader 2011). However, the importance of
biotic factors, such as the effect of mycobionts on tree
seedling establishment, in understanding treeline
dynamics has been largely overlooked. Regional
changes in the cover of boreal forest and tundra
vegetation can influence the climate system through
changes in albedo and carbon storage (McGuire et al.
2001; Chapin et al. 2005; Euskirchen et al. 2009a).
Therefore, understanding the ecological factors that
influence the position of arctic treeline, the boundary
between the boreal forest and tundra, has strong
implications for accurately forecasting changes in
these ecosystem services.
Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) are obligate sym-
bionts of all boreal tree species in Alaska. These
mycobionts are physiologically important to plant
performance because they are the conduits of soil
resources for host plants, especially during the
vulnerable seedling establishment stage (Horton and
van der Heijden 2008; Smith and Read 2008). Fungal
inoculum is generally not considered limited in soils
(but see Peay et al. 2010a). However, at Alaskan
treeline low availability of boreal tree compatible
fungal inoculum could limit seedling establishment
(Hewitt 2014). The transition from boreal forest to
tundra across the ecotone corresponds with a shift
from dominance of EMF host plants, such as aspen
(Populus tremuloides), spruce (Picea sp.), and birch
(Betula neoalaskana) trees, to ERM (ericoid mycor-
rhizal) host plants, such as blueberry and cranberry
(Vaccinium species) dwarf shrubs, and non-mycor-
rhizal or AM (arbuscular mycorrhizal) graminoid host
plants, with varying densities of EMF dwarf shrubs,
such as willow and birch (Read 1991; Gardes and
Dahlberg 1996). EMF composition and abundance has
been related to successful seedling establishment both
within and beyond the current range limit of host
plants in other ecosystems (Perry et al. 1982,1989;
Horton et al. 1999; Nara 2006; Nunez et al. 2009).
Across biomes, EMF richness and colonization of
seedlings declines with increased distance from forest
edge for both native and invasive tree species across
fine spatial scales (\1000 m) (Dickie and Reich 2005;
Nunez et al. 2009; Peay et al. 2010b,2012). These
isolation-effects on fungal communities persist
through stand development (Peay et al. 2010b), which
in turn could influence growth of early life-stages of
boreal trees that establish beyond current treeline.
However, as far as we know, a scaling exercise linking
biogeographic patterns of mycobionts to root tips,
seedling performance, and forecasts of landscape
vegetation transitions has not been accomplished until
this study.
Projected changes in treeline position are primarily
based on the assumption that high latitudinal and
altitudinal forests will respond positively to increases
in growing season and air temperatures (Harsch et al.
2009). Changes in fire regime in the boreal forest and
tundra biomes are also directly related to a warming
climate (Hu et al. 2010; Kelly et al. 2013) and may be a
greater driver of species migrations than temperature
per se (Dale et al. 2001). In Alaska and western Yukon
Territory, fire regime is tightly coupled with tree
seedling recruitment, forest species composition, and
the northward migration of lodgepole pine (Johnstone
and Chapin 2003,2006; Johnstone et al. 2010). This
has led to the hypothesis that fire will likely facilitate
afforestation of tundra by killing extant plant com-
petitors and opening up novel, high-quality microsites
for establishment (Landhausser and Wein 1993). In
contrast, mycobiont communities are often altered
post-fire when host plants are killed or there is severe
combustion of the upper soil horizons where they are
abundant (Dahlberg 2002; Cairney and Bastias 2007;
Hewitt et al. 2013; Hewitt 2014). These effects of fire
severity on fungal composition can in turn reduce
seedling performance (Hewitt 2014).
To explore the impacts of EMF on tree migration in
the tundra zone of Alaska we used a landscape model
of vegetation dynamics and fire activity. We per-
formed model simulation experiments using the
landscape model ALaska FRame-based EcoSystem
COde (ALFRESCO) (Rupp et al. 2000,2001) to
Landscape Ecol
quantify the effects of variability in EMF inoculum
potential on state transitions from tundra to forest with
climate warming and fire activity. Model simulation
results contribute to understanding how mycorrhizal
interactions and variability in landscape inoculum
potential may influence vegetation transitions and the
scope of potential changes in landscape vegetation
patterns, landscape flammability, and associated
ecosystem services with climate warming at high
Model overview
ALFRESCO is a frame-based spatially explicit state–
and-transition model (Starfield et al. 1993) that
simulates vegetation succession and fire occurrence
across Alaska at a 1 km
resolution and annual time
step. The model was originally developed to simulate
vegetation state transitions with changes in climate
(temperature and precipitation) and fire disturbance
(Rupp et al. 2000). The model assumes that vegetation
responds primarily to transient changes in climate and
fire regime (Starfield and Chapin 1996; Fig. 1).
Previous renditions of the model quantified spruce
migration in response to changes in climate and fire
(Breen et al. 2013; Rupp et al. 2001). Here we
developed a mycorrhizal-effects submodel that mod-
ifies seedling establishment and growth in relation to
transient changes in climate and fire activity to assess
the landscape implications of plant-fungal interactions
on tree migration.
ALFRESCO simulates wildfire as a stochastic
process. It uses a cellular automaton approach for
ignition of a 1 km
cell in the model and spread to the
surrounding cells. Ignition and spread are determined
by the comparison of a randomly generated number
and the flammability coefficient of a cell. Flammabil-
ity is determined by vegetation classification of a cell,
age of a cell, and climate parameters. Climate-effects
on flammability are a function of weighted monthly
mean temperatures and precipitation for the fire season
derived from a regression model, for the months of
March-September (Rupp et al. 2015).
ALFRESCO simulates vegetation succession and
state transitions as deterministic processes. State
transitions between vegetation classes are based on
rules for each vegetation type. The initial land cover
dataset used for ALFRESCO simulations is a modified
version from the North American Land Change
Monitoring System from 2005, with aggregated veg-
etation classes. For earlier versions of ALFRESCO,
successional dynamics were parameterized for five
major subarctic, arctic, and boreal ecosystem types:
upland tundra, black spruce forest, white spruce forest,
deciduous forest, and grassland-steppe. The most
recent version of the model instituted successional
dynamics for distinct shrub and graminoid tundra
vegetation classes and refined the migration dynamics
by which the graminoid and shrub tundra vegetation
classes transition to white spruce forest (Breen et al.
2013). Successional dynamics for shrub and grami-
noid tundra are probabilistic and influenced by fire
history and climate (Breen et al. 2013; Rupp et al.
2015). Burn severity is also a factor in the model,
influencing colonization and survival of white spruce
in tundra vegetation classes. There are five classes of
fire severity in the model: unburned (class 0), low burn
severity (class 1), moderate burn severity (class 2),
high crown severity with low surface severity (class
3), and high crown severity with high surface severity
(class 4). Low, moderate, and high crown severity with
low surface severity result in self-replacing succes-
sional trajectories for graminoid and shrub tundra;
whereas, high crown severity and surface severity fires
in shrub tundra can result in the transition from shrub
to graminoid tundra (Breen et al. 2013; Rupp et al.
2015). The likelihood of a high crown and surface
severity fire occurring decreases from spruce forest to
tundra vegetation classes and is discussed further in
Breen et al. (2013). Wetland tundra does not burn and
is a static vegetation class.
Successional dynamics for the transition from shrub
or graminoid tundra to white spruce forest are influ-
enced by fire history and climate (Breen et al. 2013;
Rupp et al. 2015). As an overview, a transition to white
spruce forest by a 1 km
tundra cell occurs from
succession or colonization and infilling (Fig. 2). Col-
onization of tundra by spruce is a two-step process
consisting of seed dispersal and seedling establish-
ment. These processes are influenced by climate and
fire history, which affect seedling establishment and
growth conditions. Within a given time step, if a fire
occurs in a tundra cell trees established in that cell
survive based on fire burn severity: 100 % survival
(class 1), 50 % survival (classes 2 and 3) and 0 %
Landscape Ecol
survival (class 4). The next step in the model is to check
whether there is a white spruce forest seed source
within an adjacent cell resulting in a 1 km
hood (Rupp et al. 2015). If a spruce seed source is
present, the model then checks whether conditions are
favorable for germination and establishment that are
modeled as a single process. Germination and estab-
lishment, however, cannot occur independently of seed
dispersal so we do not account for a seed bank in the
model. We assume white spruce seed viability at its
latitudinal and altitudinal limits is limited to the year of
dispersal. Climate is suitable for establishment and
growth (the next step) when the Summer Warmth
Index, the sum of mean monthly temperatures[0"C, is
[31 "C, and the ten-year moving-average of July
temperature is [10 "C. If conditions continue to be
favorable for growth, then basal area (BA) increases in
the cell with time. The basal area growth function
follows a normal distribution between 10 and 20 "C,
centered on 15 "C, for July mean temperature with a
maximum accrual of 2 mm per year. Mean July
temperatures \10 and [20 "C result in no growth
accrual, as these July isotherms bound the northern and
southern limits of the boreal forest in North America
(Larsen 1980). When the basal area of a cell reaches the
reproductive threshold [BA =10 meters
/hectare (m
ha)], it may act as a seed source for nearby cells. When
spruce trees become abundant in the cell and reach a
basal area threshold (BA =20 m
/ha), the cell tran-
sitions to the white spruce vegetation class. In addition
to climate, fire severity influences the basal area
accumulation in a cell. If a moderate or severe fire does
occur, then the spruce basal area of the tundra cell is
reduced by 50 % (class 2, 3) or 100 % (class 4) for the
shrub or graminoid tundra vegetation classes. In this
paper we present our findings from tree migration
simulations that incorporate modifications to the
tundra-to-spruce state transition to include the effects
of mycorrhizal fungi on establishment and growth
(Fig. 2) and fire-effects on EMF inoculum potential
and plant-fungal interactions detailed below (Fig. 3).
This is the first time that mycorrhizal effects (Fig. 3)
have been incorporated into ALFRESCO simulations
of tundra afforestation (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1 Conceptual diagram of the processes affecting state
transitions in ALFRESCO 2.0. Arrows indicate causal relation-
ships (Breen et al. 2013; Gray et al. 2013; Rupp et al. 2015). We
focus on the effects of EMF inoculum potential on successful
colonization of tundra by white spruce seedlings as indicated by
red arrows
Landscape Ecol
Mycorrhizal submodel parameterization
Previous field and greenhouse studies in Alaska have
shown that fire alters fungal composition (Hewitt et al.
2013; Hewitt 2014), and post-fire fungal composition
influences seedling performance for boreal tree
species expected to migrate into tundra with a
warming climate (Hewitt 2014). Studies from other
biomes show that limited availability of EMF, i.e.
lower EMF inoculum potential, reduced seedling
establishment, growth, and performance beyond the
forest edge (Perry et al. 1982,1987,1989; Dickie and
Reich 2005; Nunez et al. 2009). Collectively, this
suggests that seedling establishment, growth, and
migration potential may be limited at and beyond
treeline where pre-fire EMF inoculum potentials may
be low. In addition, increased wildfire occurrence and
severity may exacerbate these limiting effects of plant-
fungal interactions on tundra afforestation. We and
others have also observed that boreal seedlings can
share compatible fungi with EMF tundra shrubs
(Reithmeier and Kernaghan 2013; Hewitt 2014).
These findings together suggest that seedling estab-
lishment and growth, the most critical step in forest
migration, at and beyond current treeline may be
constrained by reduced EMF availability due to
variability in EMF host-plant densities across different
vegetation classes or wildfire effects.
To investigate the regional implications of land-
scape variability in EMF to land cover change we
developed four model parameterizations that represent
variation in EMF landscape inoculum potential and its
effects on seedling establishment phase and/or early
growth (see Table 1for description of model param-
eterization naming structure). For one of the model
parameterizations seedling establishment and growth
were not constrained by EMF (unconstrained inocu-
lum, UI). In the UI parameterization every forest and
tundra cell in the model was considered to have an
optimum inoculum potential and seedling establish-
ment and growth was unaffected by EMF. In contrast
to the UI parameterization, three EMF parameteriza-
tions represented variability in inoculum potential
across the model domain by deriving EMF inoculum
Fig. 2 Conceptual diagram of the processes affecting state
transitions from tundra to spruce in ALFRESCO 2.0. Arrows
indicate the progression from one step in the transition process
to the next step. The pathway to the right represents infilling of a
1 km
cell as long as there are spruce trees in the cell and
conditions are favorable. This is indicated by the different
hexagonal polygon. Figure modified from work by the
ALFRESCO 2.0 Team (Breen et al. 2013; Gray et al. 2013) to
emphasize (in red) the focus of this modeling effort, mycor-
rhizal effects on tree migration. Red indicates EMF (ectomy-
corrhizal fungi) inoculum potential modifiers to seedling
establishment and growth
Landscape Ecol
potentials from the pre-fire vegetation class of each
cell (e.g. highest EMF availability in forest, lowest in
graminoid tundra) and the fire history of each cell
(Fig. 3; Table 2). For these three EMF parameteriza-
tions, successional dynamics were constrained when
EMF availability, inoculum potential, was limited
Fig. 3 Conceptual diagram of the influence of mycorrhizal
fungi on tree seedling establishment and growth. Red indicates
EMF (ectomycorrhizal fungi) inoculum potential modifiers to
seedling establishment and growth. The arrows show the
progression from addressing ecological factors for one life
history stage to the next. Fire-severity classes are as follows:
0=unburned, 1 =low burn severity, 2 =moderate burn
severity, 3 =high crown severity with low surface severity
(LSS), and 4 =high crown severity with high surface severity
(HSS). Tundra classes are based on a highly modified output
originating from the North American Land Change Monitoring
System. We assigned inoculum potential scores to the tundra
classes based on shrub densities reported by Viereck et al.
Table 1 Parameterizations of seedling establishment and growth with variation in the importance of limited EMF inoculum
potential on seedling performance
Name Description
UI Unconstrained inoculum potential EMF inoculum potential does not vary across the landscape and is not
correlated with seedling establishment and growth
CI-E Constrained inoculum potential—
EMF inoculum potential varies across the landscape and the inoculum
potential is correlated with successful seedling establishment
CI-E ?STG Constrained inoculum potential—
establishment and short-term seedling
EMF inoculum potential varies across the landscape and the inoculum
potential is correlated with successful seedling establishment and
short-term growth of seedlings. We define short term growth as the
accrual of seedling biomass in a 1 km
cell up until the cell has
reached a basal area of 1 m
Constrained inoculum potential—
establishment and long-term seedling
EMF inoculum potential varies across the landscape and the inoculum
potential is correlated with successful seedling establishment and
long-term growth of seedlings. We define long-term growth of
seedlings as the accrual of seedling biomass in a 1 km
cell up until
the cell has reached a basal area of 5 m
Landscape Ecol
(Tables 1,2; Fig. 3). To elaborate, the shrub and
graminoid vegetation classifications in ALFRESCO
correspond to vegetation communities that differ in
their densities of plant functional types (tall and dwarf
shrubs, graminoids, and forbs) (Table 2). For exam-
ple, shrub tundra has a dominant shrub canopy with
less abundant forbs and graminoids, whereas grami-
noid tundra has dominant graminoids and lower
densities of shrubs and forbs. EMF inoculum poten-
tials for each vegetation class were derived from EMF
shrub densities described in the Viereck et al. (1992)
vegetation classification (see descriptions under II. C.
2 for shrub and graminoid tundra communities). To
illustrate, Viereck et al. (1992) described shrub tundra
as having up to 75 % cover by EMF shrubs (mainly
willows and dwarf birch). Because our previous
empirical work showed that EMF shrubs in Alaska
tundra host EMF compatible with boreal trees (Hewitt
2014) our EMF inoculum potential for shrub tundra
vegetation class is 75 % of the inoculum value for
white spruce forest vegetation class, which we
considered to have full inoculum potential. The
percent cover of shrub taxa capable of supporting
EMF compatible with boreal tree seedlings is reduced
threefold in graminoid tundra compared to shrub
tundra (Fig. 3; Table 2). As such, the white spruce
forest and tundra classes in simulations of treeline
dynamics are viewed as having a gradient of host plant
densities that support EMF compatible with boreal
tree seedlings (white spruce [shrub tun-
dra [graminoid tundra inoculum potential). The
assignment of these inoculum potentials includes
several assumptions about the mycobionts: (1) the
majority of EMF spores do not disperse far from intact
forest (Peay et al. 2010b,2012), and as such we
consider inoculum potential within a 1 km
cell as
independent of vegetation class and fire history of
neighboring cells, (2) EMF are generalists and EMF
taxa are compatible across multiple boreal tree and
tundra shrub taxa (Bent et al. 2011; Reithmeier and
Kernaghan 2013; Hewitt 2014), and (3) EMF promote
seedling performance (Hoeksema et al. 2010). These
broad assumptions are supported by our local findings
from empirical field and greenhouse studies after fire
in Alaska tundra: (1) post-fire tundra soils were not
strong sources of EMF inoculum beyond current
treeline (Hewitt 2014), (2) some EMF taxa can survive
fire on resprouting tundra shrub vegetation (Hewitt
et al. 2013) and colonize establishing boreal tree
seedlings (Hewitt 2014), and (3) post-fire mycobionts
are correlated with seedling nutrient status and
biomass (Hewitt 2014).
We parameterized the effects of fire severity on
EMF inoculum potential as part of the fire history
modifier to seedling establishment. Of the five burn
classes described above, we expect high severity fires,
classes three and four, to have a strong effect on
inoculum potential. Fire-severity effects on myco-
bionts are related to the degree to which host plants are
killed and the amount of soil combusted (Dahlberg
2002). The high severity fire classes with both low and
high surface severity reduce inoculum potential
through combustion of soil and killing or reduction
of EMF host plant densities. This is in contrast to
moderate and low severity fires, which we did not
parameterize to have reduced post-fire EMF inoculum
potentials. Despite a modest reduction in host plant
cover with moderate severity fires (e.g. reduced basal
area of spruce trees), there is low surface combustion
and no effect on tundra successional dynamics (Breen
Table 2 Derived inoculum scores from vegetation classifications
vegetation class
Dominant plant functional types EMF inoculum
Trees absent or sparse; dominant non-mycorrhizal or AM graminoids; lower densities of EMF
and ERM shrubs, up to 25 %; moss mat
Shrub tundra Trees absent or sparse; dominant tall and dwarf shrubs, up to 75 % (both EMF and ERM
hosts); lower densities of non-mycorrhizal or AM graminoids; sparse herbs
White spruce
White spruce overstory; EMF and ERM shrub understory; feather moss mat 1.00
Inoculum potentials reflect dominance of cover by EMF hosts that support EMF compatible with boreal tree seedlings
AM arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, EMF ectomycorrhizal fungi, ERM ericoid mycorrhizal fungi
Landscape Ecol
et al. 2013; Rupp et al. 2015) and thus we extrapolated
that reduction of inoculum potential is minimal. Low-
severity fires do not reduce spruce basal area or result
in tundra vegetation transitions and do not have
surface soil burning (Breen et al. 2013; Rupp et al.
2015). From our previous observations we assume that
low or no surface combustion and high potential of
resprouting host plants (e.g. after low and moderate
severity burning) (Hollingsworth et al. 2013) after fire
will maintain pre-fire inoculum potentials (Hewitt
et al. 2013; Hewitt 2014).
Three of four EMF parameterizations represent
seedling performance constrained by variability in
EMF across the model domain. These three EMF
parameterizations differ by whether EMF inoculum
potential affects seedling establishment and/or seed-
ling growth (Table 1). We limited mycorrhizal effects
to seedling stages. In the simulations seedling growth
is represented by basal area accrual. We used basal
area as a proxy for time and stand development based
on site-index curves for white spruce in interior Alaska
[i.e. 1 km
cell with BA =1m
/ha has small, very
young seedlings and 1\BA \5m
/ha has small,
young seedlings (Yarie and Cleve 1983)]. The three
different EMF parameterizations represent different
consequences for seedling performance when EMF
inoculum potential is reduced: (1) constraint on
seedling establishment (CI-E), (2) constraint on
seedling establishment and short-term growth (CI-
E?STG) for tundra cells with up to an accrued
spruce basal area of 1 m
/ha, and (3) constraint on
seedling establishment and long-term seedling growth
(CI-E ?LTG) for tundra cells with up to a basal area
of 5 m
/ha. The quantitative constraints of the EMF
parameterizations and establishment and growth are
based on the pre-fire inoculum potentials derived from
vegetation classes (white spruce =1.0; shrub tun-
dra =0.75; graminoid tundra =0.25 inoculum
potential) and fire-severity effects on inoculum poten-
tial (high crown severity with high surface severity
(class 4) =0.2; high crown severity with low surface
severity (class 3) =0.5; unburned (class 0), low burn
severity (class 1), moderate burn severity (class
2) =1.0 inoculum potential) described above
(Fig. 3). The seedling age and size at which EMF
inoculum potential most acutely affects seedling
performance is ambiguous in the empirical literature.
For example, the literature shows that EMF limitation
can hinder seedling establishment (Perry et al. 1982,
1989; Nunez et al. 2009), but if a seedling does
establish and has grown beyond sapling phase then it is
most likely that growth is not hindered at all by EMF
(Collier and Bidartondo 2009). As such a comparison
of the outputs of simulations for forest migration with
these four EMF parameterizations can serve as a
sensitivity analysis of EMF effects on forest migra-
tion. The comparison of these simulations represents
the full range of possible EMF-effects on stand
development from earliest effects (CI-E) to the latest
effects (CI-E ?LTG) based on what is known from
the empirical literature.
Climate and study domain
Simulations of forest migration and landscape
flammability across Alaska were driven by two
downscaled CMIP3 General Circulation Models
(ECHAM5 and CCCMA) that represent the best
performing models for the Alaska region (Rupp
et al. 2015) and a mid-range emissions scenario
(A1B) at a 1 km
resolution (Rupp et al. 2015).
Climate forcing from downscaled ECHAM5 outputs
represents a warm and dry scenario and the
CCCMA represents a scenario with climate condi-
tions warmer than the present but cooler and wetter
than ECHAM5.
In Alaska, the latitudinal treeline is the limit of
white spruce in the southern foothills of the Brooks
Range and Western Alaska. The latitudinal forest-
tundra ecotone is gradual, with spruce stand density
decreasing over a broad area, and in some localities
abrupt where physiographic features limit white
spruce growth (Viereck 1979). Our modeling exper-
iments focused on spruce expansion in the tundra
zone of Alaska (Fig. 4). The tundra zone in the
model includes arctic and subarctic lowland and
arctic-alpine tundra from the Brooks Range, North
Slope, and western regions of Alaska. The treeline
dynamics include two tundra classes (shrub and
graminoid) and one forest type (white spruce). We
compared land cover estimates from the beginning
of the century to those in 2100 (2000–2100). Our
general approach was to compare the outputs from
model simulations where three different EMF
parameterizations have been implemented (CI-E,
CI-E ?STG, CI-E ?LTG) to those that did not
include EMF-effects on seedling establishment and
stand development (UI) for both GCMs.
Landscape Ecol
For vegetation transitions from tundra to spruce forest
model calibration was completed by comparing model
simulation results (1900–2005) to empirical studies
that estimated changes in vegetation cover. Model
simulation results obtained during the calibration
phase were a good fit for the historic period (Rupp
et al. 2015). Our target transitions were an increase in
white spruce forest cover of 5 % (Chapin et al. 2005;
Hinzman et al. 2005) and 30 % loss in graminoid
tundra due to shrub encroachment (Sturm et al. 2001;
Tape et al. 2006; Macias Fauria and Johnson 2008) in
the last century. These empirical observations were
our calibration transition targets for the historical
phase for all model parameterizations (the uncon-
strained parameterization and three EMF parameter-
izations) because our simulations should reflect forest
encroachment that has been observed in the field
where we assume a suite of abiotic and biotic factors,
including mycorrhizal fungi, influence successful
seedling establishment and growth.
Fire module calibration was accomplished using
historical fire activity records across the simulation
domain (Rupp et al. 2015). Simulations were evalu-
ated over the 1950–2009 time period, and parameters
were adjusted to approximate historical fire sizes,
frequency, and number of fires based on historical
observations. For metrics of landscape flammability,
model simulation results reasonably matched
observed (1950–2010) wildfire activity—both cumu-
lative area burned and the cumulative distribution of
individual fire size (Gustine et al. 2014).
EMF effects on vegetation transitions
In the tundra zone of Alaska forest cover increased
over the simulation period for all parameterizations
(Figs. 5,6) by 8.8–18.2 % depending on model
parameterization (Table 1) and driving climate model
(Figs. 5,6). During the time frame from 2000 to 2100,
Fig. 4 Map of the model domain used in ALFRESCO simulations. We focus our analysis on forest expansion in the tundra zone, which
includes arctic and subarctic lowland and alpine tundra
Landscape Ecol
the simulations run with the constrained inoculum
establishment (CI-E) parameterization closely
matched those run with the unconstrained (UI)
parameterization and resulted in the greatest area of
forest that transitioned to forest from tundra compared
to the other parameterizations (Figs. 5,6). For exam-
ple the median percent change in forest cover from
2000 to 2100 for the CCCMA simulations was
18.25 % for the CI-E parameterization and 18.23 %
for UI parameterization. As the duration of the EMF
constraint increased (CI-E ?LTG [CI-E ?STG [
CI-E), afforestation rate declined (Fig. 5). Overall, the
largest reduction in forest expansion occurred when
simulations included effects of variability in inoculum
potential on establishment and long-term growth of
seedlings (CI-E ?LTG). This suggests that additive
mycorrhizal effects on establishment and growth
constrain forest expansion more than mycorrhizal
effects on establishment alone.
Irrespective of the model parameterization (uncon-
strained or EMF constrained), there was greater forest
expansion in the tundra domain for simulations driven
by the more moderate warming scenario, CCCMA,
than the ECHAM5 GCM. The CCCMA simulations
resulted in 6.7 % greater forest expansion by 2100
than the ECHAM5 simulations averaged across all
model parameterizations (Fig. 5). Simulations driven
by CCCMA had on average 6940 km
more forest
cover than ECHAM5 simulations by 2100 (Fig. 6).
The majority of forest expansion occurred in the
western Brooks Range (Fig. 7). Although there are
differences in the extent of tundra conversion among
simulations, the geographic domains where spruce
expansion occurred remain the same (Fig. 7). For
example, maps comparing UI and CI-E ?LTG sim-
ulations for both the CCCMA and ECHAM5 models
show greatest afforestation in northwestern Alaska
and a reduction in afforestation in these areas when
EMF effects are employed in simulations. Overall,
assessment of geographic patterns of afforestation
suggest that simulations that incorporate variability in
% change in forest cover
% change in forest cover
Fig. 5 Percent change in forest cover (km
±SD) for four
inoculum parameterizations across the tundra zone of the state
of Alaska from 2000 to 2100 averaged across 100 model
replicates: aCCCMA, bECHAM5
Simulation Year
Forest (km2) Forest (km2)
Simulation Year
Fig. 6 Forest cover (km
) across the tundra zone of the state of
Alaska for simulations driven by four inoculum parameteriza-
tions: aCCCMA and bECHAM5 GCMs. Forest cover at each
time step is the average of 100 model replicate runs
Landscape Ecol
inoculum potential appear to influence the magnitude
of expansion within geographic localities instead of
altering which regions become forested compared
with simulations that do not incorporate EMF effects
Maps differentiating spruce dispersal and establish-
ment (i.e., areas of spruce expansion that have not
transitioned to mature forest) from forest expansion [i.e.,
a tundra cell that has transitioned to a mature spruce
stand where the 1 km
cell has a basal area consistent
with a mature stand (BA [20 m
/ha)] illustrate that
EMF constraints on establishment and growth have
greater impact on afforestation than dispersal limitation
and EMF constraints on establishment alone (Fig. 7).
However, the magnitude of forest expansion differed
more based on forcing climate model than on inoculum
parameterization. Thus, the spatial extent of spruce
establishment and forest expansion (Fig. 7) mirror the
temporal trends in forest migration (Fig. 6) indicating
that climate and the associated re regime is the primary
factor influencing the conversion of tundra to forest, and
secondarily limitation in EMF inoculum potential
constrains afforestation in simulations across the tundra
zone of the state.
Fig. 7 Comparison of the spatial patterns of landscape-level
forest expansion in the tundra zone of Alaska driven by four
inoculum parameterizations: aUI-CCCMA, bCI-E ?LTG-
CCMA, cUI-ECHAM5, and dCI-E ?LTG-ECHAM5. Effects
of variability in inoculum potential on establishment and long-
term growth of seedlings (CI-E ?LTG) had the largest
influence on forest expansion rates for simulations forced with
both climate models. Spruce establishment (orange pixels)
indicates where spruce has dispersed, but the tundra has not
transitioned to forest. Forest expansion (purple pixels) indicates
where spruce seed has dispersed during model simulations and
reached stand maturity. Expansion patterns displayed using the
best replicate simulation for the tundra zone (Breen et al. 2013)
Landscape Ecol
Indirect effects of EMF on landscape flammability
In parallel with our investigations of vegetation
transitions, we analyzed the indirect effects of myc-
orrhizal interactions on landscape flammability.
Because EMF parameterizations influence afforesta-
tion and thus fuel loads, these biotic interactions
indirectly affect landscape flammability. For each of
the GCMs there is fairly moderate variance in the
projected cumulative area burned for each of the four
model parameterizations (Fig. 8). Constraining EMF
parameterizations (CI-E, CI-E ?STG, and CI-
E?LTG) resulted in lower fire activity relative to
unconstrained parameterizations (UI) regardless of
driving GCM by 2100. The parameterizations with the
largest negative effect on afforestation (CI-E ?LTG)
had the most reduced landscape flammability. More
specifically, the simulations with unconstrained (UI)
parameterizations resulted in 11,974 km
and 18,045 km
(ECHAM5) more kilometers burned
than the CI-E ?LTG parameterization for the respec-
tive GCM. However, the cumulative area burned for
each of the eight simulations was more affected by the
abiotic factors, climate and fire, than the indirect effect
of variability in EMF on fuels (Fig. 8). For example,
cumulative area burned in the tundra was lower by an
average of 42,437 km
for simulations using CCCMA
than the warmer and drier ECHAM5 model, which is 2
or 3.5 times greater than the difference between UI and
CI-E ?LTG parameterizations driven by CCCMA
(11,974 km
) or ECHAM5 (18,045 km
), respectively
(Fig. 8).
We also observed that after high fire years there are
apparent negative feedbacks between lowered fuel
loads and subsequent periods of time with lower fire
activity. Due to the negative influence of limited EMF
on forest expansion, these negative feedbacks between
fire activity and fuels seem to be amplified in
simulations that are parameterized with constraints
on seedling establishment and growth due to low
EMF. As an example, notably high fire activity was
predicted in the 2001–2050 time period for simula-
tions forced with the ECHAM5 GCM. After the
highest peak in fire activity around 2035, variation in
cumulative area burned among model parameteriza-
tions is more apparent. This may reflect additive fire-
effects on plant-fungal interactions and forest expan-
sion, where fire reduces both seedling basal area and
EMF inoculum potential.
The main objective of these modeling experiments
was to evaluate the landscape implications of our
understanding of how plant-mycorrhizal interactions
influence tundra-to-forest vegetation transitions. Here,
we found that, in the tundra zone of Alaska, abiotic
drivers, climate and associated fire activity primarily
influenced the magnitude of conversion to forest from
previously treeless areas. Yet, landscape patterns of
spruce expansion and forest development were con-
strained when we parameterized the model to limit
opportunities for positive EMF effects on tree estab-
lishment and growth in tundra. Mycorrhizal influence
on spruce migration consequently influenced the
magnitude of feedbacks between vegetation and fire
activity, providing insight into controls over vegeta-
tion response to disturbance and directional climate
Variability in forest expansion in relation to the
model parameterization employed suggests that addi-
tive EMF-effects on establishment and biomass
accrual of seedlings and saplings, and not seedling
establishment alone, will most greatly influence
conversion of treeless tundra to forest on a land-
scape-scale. Historically, carbon limitation due to cold
temperatures has been proposed as the main control
Cumulative area burned (km2)
Simulation year
Fig. 8 Mean cumulative area (km
) burned across the tundra
zone of the state of Alaska for simulations driven by four
inoculum parameterizations and ECHAM5 and CCCMA
GCMs. Cumulative area burned is the sum of the are burned
within a given year and all previous years starting from 1950
averaged across 100 model replicates
Landscape Ecol
over treeline seedling growth and treeline position
(Korner and Paulsen 2004; Hoch and Korner 2012).
More recently, nutrient limitation was put forth as a
key factor influencing treeline seedling (Sullivan and
Sveinbjornsson 2010) and stand development
(McNown and Sullivan 2013). Our simulations indi-
cate that stand development is sensitive to both
temperature and nutrient limitations and our findings
support a hierarchy of factors influencing treeline
change. For example, we observed the increased forest
cover over the next century for all simulations
indicating sensitivity to temperature, and the change
in forest cover was greater between driving GCMs
than among EMF parameterizations. Yet, within a
given climate scenario, forest expansion was con-
strained by a secondary factor, mycorrhizal effects-
likely associated with the influence of mycobionts on
both nutrient accrual and growth (Smith and Read
In a global synthesis, Harsch et al. (2009) inferred
that disturbance legacies, such as those from fire,
would likely not affect the probability of treeline
advance. Instead, the positive influence of climate on
afforestation would override any negative influence of
disturbance on initial recruitment. This hierarchy of
controls on treeline advance (climate followed by
disturbance legacies followed by biotic factors) is in
agreement with our model simulations, where climate
ultimately controls afforestation across the landscape,
but EMF factors influence the rate and/or magnitude of
reaching the climax state of the successional trajec-
tory, in this case spruce forest. Our findings are
consistent with several studies showing the impor-
tance of biotic factors such as seedbed quality and
herbivory (Cairns and Moen 2004; Munier et al. 2010)
as secondary filters and climate as the primary filter
affecting seedling establishment and growth beyond
The magnitude of abiotic (such as climate and fire)
versus biotic (in our case EMF inoculum potential)
effects on afforestation might deviate from our model
outputs with the inclusion of EMF dispersal in
estimates of inoculum potential. Our best conceptual-
ization of estimated inoculum potential within a 1 km
cell in the model was based on pre-fire vegetation class
and fire history in that cell i.e. post-fire fungal survival
at the site (1 km
cell) excluding dispersal from
adjacent cells. This formulation does not fully capture
the biology of the plant-EMF symbiosis. However, we
represent a parsimonious conceptual model of EMF
inoculum potential reflective of rationale based on
several field experiments showing both local network-
ing of seedlings into intact hyphal networks (Horton
and van der Heijden 2008) and dispersal limitation at
distances less than 1 km (Peay et al. 2010b,2012)
influencing seedling performance. This representation
of inoculum potential at a coarse 1 km
excludes the potential positive ‘rescue effects’ of
long-distance dispersal of spores on seedling growth
and the known negative effects of fungal limitation
that may constrain seedling growth at scales far below
1 km
Thus, we suggest that our outputs likely result
in an underestimate of EMF effects on afforestation
despite the exclusion of dispersal in estimates of
inoculum potential.
Few studies outside of paleontological research
document the magnitude of forest vegetation shifts for
comparison to our estimates of vegetation transitions
from the model simulations. Paleontological studies
suggests that spruce-dominated latitudinal treeline is
currently at its farthest, northern Holocene-extent in
Alaska (Bigelow et al. 2003). Present-day den-
drochronological and satellite-based investigations
show increases in forest productivity at the forest-
tundra margin under favorable climate conditions
(Beck et al. 2011) coupled with observations of young
tree cohorts growing beyond the current forest limit
(Lloyd and Fastie 2003). Despite the retardation of
spruce migration due to effects of mycorrhizal limi-
tation on establishment and growth in our study,
simulations of afforestation were greater than
observed forest migration and tundra fire activity from
empirical studies within the 21st century. Chapin et al.
(2005) reported 2.3 % increase in forest cover over a
fifty-year time frame. From our study this is most
similar to the CI-E ?LTG-ECHAM5 simulations
with a conversion of 8.8 % tundra to spruce over a one
hundred year time frame. In strong juxtaposition to
this magnitude of tundra conversion, the CCCMA
simulations with the UI and the CI-E parameterization
were close to four-fold higher (*18 % tundra con-
version) and the ECHAM5 UI simulations over two-
fold higher (*11 % tundra conversion) than these
empirical estimates. Thus, the inclusion of some
restricting parameter on seedling establishment and
growth, whether EMF or otherwise, improved the
match between historic and projected estimates of
tundra conversion. Perhaps most importantly, future
Landscape Ecol
rates of treeline expansion may not reflect what has
been observed in empirical studies to date. With this in
mind the sensitivity analysis we conducted comparing
afforestation for all four model parameterizations for
each GCM yields a bracketed range of the extent of
forest migration that may occur in the next 100 years.
These high projections of state transitions are likely a
reasonable estimate given that currently the majority
of the model domain is within B2"C threshold of
summer temperatures that would likely promote forest
expansion and projections of future climate are on
average[2"C degrees C by 2100 (Scenarios Network
for Arctic and Alaska Planning 2015).
One of the main biophysical feedbacks discussed in
relation to treeline shifts and vegetation transitions in
the Arctic is the contribution to atmospheric heating.
Based on the estimates of changes in atmospheric
heating due to changes in forest cover reported in
Chapin et al. (2005), we calculated changes in
atmospheric heating for the changes in forest cover
that we found (Table 3). The most conservative
tundra-forest conversion was 0.9 % per decade, from
the CI-E ?LTG-ECHAM5 simulations. This resulted
in a *0.2 W m
/decade increase in atmospheric
heating. In contrast, the largest conversion from the
CCCMA simulation UI or CI-E parameterizations
(resulting in *1.8 % conversion per decade) would
result in a *0.4 W m
/decade increase in atmo-
spheric heating. While the contribution of vegetation
transitions to atmospheric heating are smaller than that
found for a reduced snow season due to climate
warming (*3.3 W m
/decade; (Chapin et al. 2005;
Euskirchen et al. 2009a,2009b), it is still important to
consider these tundra-forest conversions to come to a
more complete quantification of the full suite of
feedbacks to atmospheric heating.
The implications of vegetation transitions on long-
term atmospheric heating for a given climate scenario
is contingent on whether the influence of mycorrhizal
fungi retards the magnitude of transitions or prevents
afforestation. Our simulations are limited to a century-
long time frame ending in 2100. However, other
ALFRESCO simulations suggested substantial forest
expansion after 4000 years with a 2000 year time lag
when climate was ?9"C (Rupp et al. 2001). A
comparison of long-term simulations out to year 2300
that utilized climate scenarios with variation in
radiative forcing (decreased, constant, or increased
forcing), suggested that for long-term, directional
change to occur in response to climate warming (e.g.
sea ice decline), simulations required increased forc-
ing over the simulation period. In contrast, simulations
with decreased or constant forcing resulted in stasis or
recovery of a given ecological or physical state (Hezel
et al. 2014). For scenarios with increased forcing over
longer simulation time periods, it seems likely that our
mycorrhizal simulations represent a time lag in
seedling and sapling growth, with the climax spruce
state being reached over time. EMF inoculum would
likely increase across the tundra as vegetation types
with higher inoculum potential (forest and shrub
tundra) respond positively to climate and become
more dominant over the simulation time period (see
Breen et al. 2013). In contrast, climate scenarios with
constant or decreased radiative forcing from climate
might yield simulations with vegetation outputs that
would converge and the influence of mycorrhizal
fungi on vegetation processes would become more
pronounced. Given that warming is projected to
continue at high latitudes, the most likely extrapola-
tion from our simulations is that the forest will
continue to expand into tundra regions of Alaska,
Table 3 Calculated atmospheric heating (Watts m
) for changes in forest cover from simulated tree migration based on estimates
of atmospheric heating reported in Chapin et al. (2005)
Parameterization % Afforestation Model: field W (m
UI 18.04 11.21 3.92 2.44 0.43 0.27
CI-E 18.18 11.33 3.95 2.46 0.43 0.27
CI-E ?STG 17.26 10.67 3.75 2.32 0.41 0.26
CI-E ?LTG 15.23 8.77 3.31 1.91 0.36 0.21
Model: field is a ratio of the percent change in forest cover from our model outputs compared to the field estimates reported in Chapin
et al. (2005) and used to calculate atmospheric heating
Landscape Ecol
influencing feedbacks between the biosphere and the
climate system.
Acknowledgments The Scenarios Network for Alaska and
Arctic Planning, the Alaska Climate Science Center, and the
Joint Fire Science Graduate Research Innovation Award
supported this research. We thank Shalane Frost for creating
Figs. 4and 7. The project described in this publication was
supported by Cooperative Agreement Number G10AC00588
from the United States Geological Survey. Its contents are solely
the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent
the official views of the USGS.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no
conflict of interest.
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... For example, fungal assemblages may shift to include buffering species that shield or break down pollutants in the landscape, thus allowing the host to persist (Deram et al. 2011;Varela et al. 2015Varela et al. , 2017Srivastava et al. 2017). Conversely, LUC may be responsible for the breakdown of beneficial symbiotic relationships (Crockatt 2012; Hewitt et al. 2016;Panayotov et al. 2017;Boeraeve et al. 2019). Characterising plant-associated fungal assemblages and their response to LUC is crucial, as fungi can strongly influence ecosystem structure and functioning by serving as decomposers, plant mutualists and pathogens (Orgiazzi et al. 2012;Stone et al. 2018). ...
... Characterising plant-associated fungal assemblages and their response to LUC is crucial, as fungi can strongly influence ecosystem structure and functioning by serving as decomposers, plant mutualists and pathogens (Orgiazzi et al. 2012;Stone et al. 2018). In addition, they are particularly sensitive to changes in their substrates, to the extent that they have been used as bioindicators of ecosystem resilience/vulnerability to LUC (Jumpponen and Jones 2010;Orgiazzi et al. 2012;Hewitt et al. 2016;Wu et al. 2021). Saproxylic and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are especially effective as indicators of general forest health (Siitonen et al. 2005;Abrego and Salcedo 2014;Gáfriková et al. 2020). ...
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Context Land use change can significantly affect plant-fungal interactions. Objectives We assessed how fungal endophytes within African wild olive (Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata) twigs are influenced by different levels of land use change and differences in surrounding vegetation types. Methods Twigs were sampled in the Western Cape Province (South Africa) and their fungal endophyte assemblages were characterised using culture-independent DNA metabarcoding. We assessed the effects of land use change (natural, semi-natural and planted (completely transformed)) and differences in surrounding vegetation types (grasses/low-growing plants versus shrubs/trees versus other olives) using fungal endophyte alpha and beta diversity measures. Co-occurrence networks were constructed to assess assemblage connectivity under different scenarios and to identify OTUs of potential ecological significance. Results OTU richness, but not abundance, was significantly influenced by both land use change and differences in the surrounding vegetation types. Planted African olives and those surrounded by heterospecific trees harboured the highest OTU richness. Only levels of land use change significantly influenced fungal endophyte assemblage composition. Specifically, fungal assemblages from natural habitats were distinct from those in planted and semi-natural habitats, which were similar to each other. Co-occurrence network analyses revealed that cohesive and species-rich networks could only be maintained within the natural habitats.
... Spread in both cellular automata and vector approaches is influenced by vegetation succession, which can be simulated using (1) a state-and-transition model of userdefined community types and pathways, (2) a cohort model of species and age, or (3) an individual plant model that simulates each tree or plant on the landscape. State-andtransition models, like ALFRESCO, have been widely used in boreal forests to characterize changes in vegetation type (Johnstone et al., 2011;Rupp et al., 2000a), treeline expansion (Hewitt et al., 2016), and vegetation-climate feedbacks (Euskirchen et al., 2016) in response to climate change. Cohort models, e.g., LANDIS-II, have seldom been used in boreal forests; an exception is their application to characterizing the importance of timber harvesting in driving long-term succession in Siberia (Gustafson et al., 2011). ...
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Natural disturbances such as wildfires, insect outbreaks, and windthrow are important processes shaping the structure and functioning of boreal forests. Disturbances are expected to intensify in the future, and this change will have profound consequences on the supply of ecosystem services to society. Consequently, models are needed to project future disturbance trajectories and quantify disturbance impacts on boreal forests. Here, we summarize key concepts of modeling natural disturbances in boreal forests. We focus specifically on disturbances from wildfire, wind and snow, and herbivores and discuss the different approaches used to capture their dynamics in models.
... The boreal forest treeline, the ecotone with tundra, marks a biogeographic boundary from dominance by ectomycorrhizal fungi to ericoid mycorrhizal fungi (Read, 1991). The mycorrhizal boundary colocated with the northern treeline has been hypothesized to influence firefacilitated biome shifts of boreal forest into tundra and associated trajectories of landscape flammability (Hewitt, Bennett, et al., 2016); yet these interactions have not been fully explored. ...
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Root‐associated fungi play a critical role in plant ecophysiology, growth and subsequent responses to disturbances, so they are thought to be particularly instrumental in shaping vegetation dynamics after fire in the boreal forest. Despite increasing data on the distribution of fungal taxonomic diversity through space and time in boreal ecosystems, there are knowledge gaps with respect to linking these patterns to ecosystem function and process. Here we explore what is currently known about postfire root‐associated fungi in the boreal forest. We focus on wildfire impacts on mycorrhizal fungi and the relationships between plant–fungal interactions and forest recovery in an effort to explore whether postfire mycorrhizal dynamics underlie plant–soil feedbacks that may influence fire‐facilitated vegetation shifts. We characterize the mechanisms by which wildfire influences root‐associated fungal community assembly. We identify scenarios of postfire plant–fungal interactions that represent putative positive and negative plant–soil feedbacks that may impact successional trajectories. We highlight the need for empirical field observations and experiments to inform our ability to translate patterns of postfire root‐associated fungal diversity to ecological function and application in models. We suggest that understanding postfire interactions between root‐associated fungi and plants is critical to predict fire effects on vegetation patterns, ecosystem function, future landscape flammability and feedbacks to climate. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... Much of the boreal forests across Alaska are underlain by discontinuous permafrost that is not immune to the pressures of climate change. Permafrost thaw is associated with direct and indirect changes in plant communities due to significant shifts in soil hydrology which in turn affect nutrient availability and carbon dynamics (Schuur et al., 2007;Yang et al., 2013;Inglese et al., 2017;Sewell et al., 2020), yet only few studies have explored the biotic mechanism contributing to changes in plant community with thaw (Hewitt et al., 2016;Schütte et al., 2019;Seitz et al., 2021). Permafrost thaw leads to rapid changes in microbial community composition and function, including shifts in several metabolites and genes involving nitrogen and carbon cycling in response to permafrost thaw, and during a thaw event, community function within permafrost quickly converges to that of the active layer (Mackelprang et al., 2011;Coolen and Orsi, 2015;Monteux et al., 2018;Johnston et al., 2019;Messan et al., 2020;Saidi-Mehrabad et al., 2020). ...
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Permafrost, an important source of soil disturbance, is particularly vulnerable to climate change in Alaska where 85% of the land is underlained with discontinuous permafrost. Boreal forests, home to plants integral to subsistence diets of many Alaska Native communities, are not immune to the effects of climate change. Soil disturbance events, such as permafrost thaw, wildfires, and land use change can influence abiotic conditions, which can then affect active layer soil microbial communities. In a previous study, we found negative effects on boreal plants inoculated with microbes impacted by soil disturbance compared to plants inoculated with microbes from undisturbed soils. Here, we identify key shifts in microbial communities altered by soil disturbance using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and make connections between microbial community changes and previously observed plant growth. Additionally, we identify further community shifts in potential functional mechanisms using long read metagenomics. Across a soil disturbance gradient, microbial communities differ significantly based on the level of soil disturbance. Consistent with the earlier study, the family Acidobacteriaceae, which consists of known plant growth promoters, was abundant in undisturbed soil, but practically absent in most disturbed soil. In contrast, Comamonadaceae, a family with known agricultural pathogens, was overrepresented in most disturbed soil communities compared to undisturbed. Within our metagenomic data, we found that soil disturbance level is associated with differences in microbial community function, including mechanisms potentially involved in plant pathogenicity. These results indicate that a decrease in plant growth can be linked to changes in the microbial community and functional composition driven by soil disturbance and climate change. Together, these results build a genomic understanding of how shifting soil microbiomes may affect plant productivity and ecosystem health as the Arctic warms.
... On the one hand side, the current dominance of vegetation-free rock and gravel with scattered grass above the tree line provide habitat to be colonised by both species with climate warming, because competition with existing vegetation is weak and thick humus layers are absent. On the other hand side, the lack of fine-grained mineral soil on steep slopes and of soil microbes that support tree seedling growth (Hewitt et al., 2016) may hinder the establishment of seedlings and the upslope migration of spruce (Henne et al., 2011). However, alpine grasslands stretch to high altitudes even at the backend of the valley (Fig. 5) which indicates some soil development, and larch forests can develop during primary succession within a century even on glacier foreland (Burga et al., 2010). ...
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Alpine summer grazing areas (high-altitude pastures) represent hotspots of biodiversity and high cultural heritage values. Low density forests (Alpine Larix decidua and/or Pinus cembra forests) and species-rich open land (Alpine and boreal heaths, siliceous Alpine and boreal grasslands) are protected according to the Flora-Fauna-Habitat-directive of the European Union. These habitats are threatened by the accelerated mountain climate warming and the expected upslope shift of vegetation zones. With climate change, tree growth accelerates and montane species spread to higher altitudes. The fate of low density larch forests, alpine heathlands and grasslands is unclear. We used the process-based wooded pasture model WoodPaM to simulate large-scale and long-term dynamics of the forest and tree line under several land-use scenarios and climate change. The simulation results for the central Alpine summer grazing area Furggtal (Canton Valais, Switzerland) showed a plausible projection of the upslope migration of vegetation zones due to climate warming in the very long-term. For the upcoming centuries however, the existing vegetation zonation was disrupted by the intermixing of tree species during the migration process. This unexpected result emerged from the process-based modelling of tree species specific dispersal and establishment in interaction with livestock grazing. This effect was most pronounced in simulations of grazing abandonment and current low intensity grazing of free ranging livestock, which failed to buffer climate change effects. The establishment of paddocks and thereby intensified grazing on the current pastures on the valley floor promised the conservation of valuable open habitats. We conclude that the ongoing rapid upslope shift of climate zones in mountain regions might not be followed by a similar shift of vegetation zones. Widespread colonisation processes might lead to a period dominated by very dynamic vegetation communities that might not zone along climatic gradients as it was in the past of comparable stable climate. Climate change may therefore impact more like disturbance on alpine ecosystems rather than to drive continuous range shifts. During this disruptive transformation, adapted grazing management in summer pastures can help to maintain continuity for valuable habitats but would require subsidies to establish infrastructure and to increase livestock numbers.
... Third, the deposition of windblown silt during periods of glaciation and development of organic matter such as peat can raise the soil surface, incorporating plant matter into syngenetic permafrost (Bauer & Vitt, 2011;Strauss et al., 2017). This deep distribution of organic matter has implications for the vulnerability of permafrost carbon and nitrogen to surficial changes in temperature, biogeochemical conditions, and disturbance (Harden et al., 2012;Hewitt et al., 2015;Koven, Lawrence, & Riley, 2015a). ...
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Permafrost ecosystems have accumulated vast pools of organic carbon, together amounting to three times more carbon than the atmosphere and five times more than all living things. The high elevations and high latitudes where permafrost occurs are experiencing some of the most extreme climate change on Earth. Consequently, the ecological reaction of the permafrost zone could influence the trajectory of the climate system for thousands of years to come. As permafrost regions warm, more carbon and nitrogen will be exposed to decomposition, combustion, and hydrological export, increasing greenhouse gas production and release. At the same time, plants may take advantage of the extended growing season and nutrient release to take up more atmospheric carbon dioxide. In this chapter, I lay out recent advances in understanding of permafrost climate feedbacks, focusing primarily on the production, uptake, and release of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. I attempt to answer why permafrost regions contain so much organic matter, how sensitive this organic matter is to climatic perturbations, and how important are permafrost feedbacks compared to anthropogenic greenhouse gas production. Current estimates of the permafrost climate feedback vary in magnitude and sign, representing an important unknown risk for local communities and ecosystems. However, compared to direct human emissions, potential greenhouse gas uptake or release from the permafrost zone is quite small. This emphasizes the importance of continued permafrost research and the imperative for rapid decarbonization of the global economy.
... Ectomycorrhizal fungi interactions with the dominant plant species in forests are better understood and described than those of other soil organisms (Horton and Bruns, 2001;Soudzilovskaia et al., 2019), which makes them particularly promising for use in restoration of specific associated plant species. Moreover, their functional role in ecosystems and their interactions with other plant and soil organisms in forests are becoming clearer (Lilleskov et al., 2002;Phillips et al., 2013;Hewitt et al., 2015;Steidinger et al., 2019), which is particularly important for managers aiming to restore ecosystem functionality (Heneghan et al., 2008). EMF are involved in post fire regeneration, plants' tolerance and absorption of inorganic contaminants, and recovery after plant invasions (Colinas et al., 1994;Baar et al., 1999;Martínez et al., 2012;Sousa et al., 2014;Dickie et al., 2016;Kalucka and Jagodzinski, 2016). ...
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Temperate and boreal forests are increasingly suffering from anthropic degradation. Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) are symbionts with most temperate and boreal forest trees, providing their hosts with soil nutrients and water in exchange for plant carbon. This group of fungi is involved in woody plants' survival and growth and helps plants tolerate harsh environmental conditions. Here, we describe the current understanding of how EMF can benefit temperate and boreal forest restoration projects. We review current evidence on promising restoration plans that actively use EMF in sites contaminated with heavy metals, affected by soil erosion, and degraded due to clearcut logging and wildfire. We discuss the potential role of this group of fungi for restoring sites invaded by non-native plant species. Additionally, we explore limitations, knowledge gaps, and possible undesired outcomes of the use of EMF in forest restoration, and we suggest how to further incorporate this fungal group into forest management. We conclude that considering EMF-host interactions could improve the chances of success of future restoration programs in boreal and temperate forests.
... For future predictions in a context of climate change, our results highlight the dependency of balsam fir toward biotic interactions, involving mycorrhizal fungi, but also interactions with trees. These interactions are essential for species migration [63,64], and taking them into account could definitely improve our models of tree distribution as illustrated by several recent studies, notably on the boreal forest [65,66]. The case of balsam fir is not isolated, and for example Acer saccharum establishment in boreal forest also depends on soil characteristics and is limited by the access to mycorrhizal fungi [67]. ...
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Research highlights: To understand differences in the establishment of balsam fir regeneration observed in the boreal forest, we examined how soil layer and microorganisms explained differences in growth and mycorrhization in three different stand types. Our experiment revealed positive and negative effects on growth of seedlings, and highlights the importance of biotic interactions in balsam fir establishment. Background and Objectives: In a context of climate change, understanding tree migration can be examined through changes in tree regeneration. At the ecotone between mixed and conifer boreal forest, regeneration of balsam fir northward is of particular interest because it thrives better under aspen-dominated stands as compared to adjacent spruce-dominated stands. As the understorey differs between these stands, with more Ericaceae under spruce and different ectomycorrhizal fungal communities in organic and mineral horizons, we hypothesized that biotic factors could explain differences in balsam fir establishment. Materials and Methods: Using a growth chamber experiment, we tested if differences in soil layers and modification of soil fungal communities would affect germination, mycorrhization, and growth of balsam fir seedlings in three different stand vegetation. We compared 12 treatments and followed 120 seedlings over three growth seasons. Results: We found similar survival in soils from aspen- and spruce-dominated stands, and a greater biomass on organic layers. In addition to this, a greater mycorrhization rate was found in aspen soils but improved germination in spruce soils. The presence of Ericaceae in spruce soils was associated with lower mycorrhization but did not affect other traits. Sterilization and therefore microorganisms affected mainly the number of ectomycorrhizae and the investment in root biomass. Finally, mycorrhization and biomass were correlated, but independent from N nutrition measured in needles. Conclusions: Our results highlighted the positive effects of organic soil layers and of mycorrhization on biomass, and showed that mycorrhization was increased under aspen as compared to other stand types. Our experiment also revealed positive effects of spruce soil on fir germination and showed that fir was able to grow and survive in all conditions. Our study suggests that fir establishment is affected by belowground multi-species interactions, and therefore highlights that biotic interactions shall be taken into account to understand and predict future tree migrations in the boreal forest.
... Contrary to expectations, experimental warming has even proved detrimental for some species [6,7]. Consequently, some have suggested that plant access to belowground resources [6], potentially via root-associated fungi (RAF), may be an important driver of vegetation transitions as the climate warms [8]. ...
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We tested whether post-fire seedling establishment of common boreal tree and expanding shrub species at treeline and in Arctic tundra is facilitated by co-migration of boreal forest mycorrhizal fungi. Wildfires are anticipated to facilitate biome shifts at the forest-tundra ecotone by improving seedbed conditions for recruiting boreal species; at the same time fire alters the composition and availability of mycorrhizal fungi critical to seedling performance. To determine the role of root-associated fungi (RAF) in post-fire seedling recruitment and future biome shifts, we outplanted four dominant boreal tree and shrub species inoculated with one of three treatments at treeline and in tundra: burned boreal forest, unburned boreal forest, or a control treatment of sterilized inoculum. We compared survivorship, growth, and physiological performance of the seedlings in relation to mycorrhizal inoculum treatment and among host species, characterized the RAF communities based on ITS-rDNA sequencing of individual root tips sampled from surviving seedlings, and tested for correlations between RAF composition and the inoculation treatments, host species, and duration of the experiment. We explored correlations between RAF composition and seedling metrics. Both live and sterile autoclaved inoculation treatments had similar effects on seedling survivorship and growth for all species. RAF composition did not vary by treatment, suggesting that most colonization was due to local fungi. However, seedling traits and growth were correlated with RAF species composition, colonization, and the relative abundance of specific RAF taxa. Picea sp. performance in particular showed strong co-variation with RAF metrics. Our results suggest that mycorrhizal co-migration is not a primary limiting factor to boreal seedling recruitment because the experimental provision of inoculum did not affect seedling recruitment; yet, RAF did influence seedling performance, particularly resident RAF at treeline and in tundra, suggesting that mycorrhizal fungi are important to vegetation processes at the treeline-tundra ecotone.
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Climate change is creating widespread ecosystem disturbance across the permafrost zone, including a rapid increase in the extent and severity of tundra wildfire. The expansion of this previously rare disturbance has unknown consequences for lateral nutrient flux from terrestrial to aquatic environments. Lateral loss of nutrients could reduce carbon uptake and slow recovery of already nutrient-limited tundra ecosystems. To investigate the effects of tundra wildfire on lateral nutrient export, we analyzed water chemistry in and around the 10-year-old Anaktuvuk River fire scar in northern Alaska. We collected water samples from 21 burned and 21 unburned watersheds during snowmelt, at peak growing season, and after plant senescence in 2017 and 2018. After a decade of ecosystem recovery, aboveground biomass had recovered in burned watersheds, but overall carbon and nitrogen remained ~20% lower, and the active layer remained ~10% deeper. Despite lower organic matter stocks, dissolved organic nutrients were substantially elevated in burned watersheds, with higher flow-weighted concentrations of organic carbon (25% higher), organic nitrogen (59% higher), organic phosphorus (65% higher), and organic sulfur (47% higher). Geochemical proxies indicated greater interaction with mineral soils in watersheds with surface subsidence, but optical analysis and isotopes suggested that recent plant growth, not mineral soil, was the main source of organic nutrients in burned watersheds. Burned and unburned watersheds had similar δ 15 N-NO 3-, indicating that exported nitrogen was of pre-burn origin (i.e. not recently fixed). Lateral nitrogen flux from burned watersheds was 2-to 10-fold higher than rates of background nitrogen fixation and atmospheric deposition estimated in this area. These findings indicate that wildfire in Arctic tundra can destabilize nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur previously stored in permafrost via plant uptake and leaching. This plant-mediated nutrient loss could exacerbate terrestrial nutrient limitation after disturbance or serve as an important nutrient release mechanism during succession.
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Almost all global climate models and Earth system models that participated in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) show strong declines in Arctic sea ice extent and volume under the highest forcing scenario of the representative concentration pathways (RCPs) through 2100, including a transition from perennial to seasonal ice cover. Extended RCP simulations through 2300 were completed for a~subset of models, and here we examine the time evolution of Arctic sea ice in these simulations. In RCP2.6, the summer Arctic sea ice extent increases compared to its minimum following the peak radiative forcing in 2044 in all nine models. RCP4.5 demonstrates continued summer Arctic sea ice decline after the forcing stabilizes due to continued warming on longer timescales. Based on the analysis of these two scenarios, we suggest that Arctic summer sea ice extent could begin to recover if and when radiative forcing from greenhouse gas concentrations were to decrease. In RCP8.5 the Arctic Ocean reaches annually ice-free conditions in seven of nine models. The ensemble of simulations completed under the extended RCPs provide insight into the global temperature increase at which sea ice disappears in the Arctic and the reversibility of declines in seasonal sea ice extent.
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By any measure, climate change promises to bring major impacts to parks and preserves in the Alaska region. We know with great certainty that temperatures will continue to increase in coming decades, and warming will undoubtedly be accompanied by some combination of altered precipitation regimes, changes in seasonal weather patterns, and shifting extremes (IPCC 2007). However, one of the greatest challenges for park managers and planners is in connecting these climate drivers to the actual resources they must manage and protect. At the end of the day, climate projections suggesting ranges of temperature increase or upper and lower bounds on variables like seasonal precipitation have limited practical value for shaping policy and guiding investment. In-and-of themselves climate projections offer little actionable information. Climate projections only take on meaning in the context of park adaptation management and planning when they can be linked to impacts on the resources, services, and amenities these lands provide. Fortunately, we have a growing set of tools to help us address the challenge of linking changes in climate to the physical, ecological, and cultural systems that make up our parks and preserves. We can, for example, rely more and more on observed links between park resources, climate variability, and climate change gleaned from field observations. Efforts such as the US National Park Service’s (NPS) Inventory and Monitoring program are particularly valuable in this sense ( Likewise the NPS’ use of Scenario Planning (Weeks et al. 2011) is helping park managers and stakeholders envision the potential range of future climate change impacts, while also providing a platform for exploring adaptation and mitigation options. Here we describe another approach centered on the use of modeling to connect climate-change drivers to tangible on-the-ground impacts in parks. At the most basic level, the Integrated Ecosystem Model (IEM) for Alaska and Northwestern Canada ingests climate scenarios (historical or projected future) and, in turn, uses tightly interconnected simulations of key physical and ecological processes to produce estimates of future landscape response. The IEM is focused on producing spatially-explicit (e.g., map-based) outputs that can serve as stand-alone decision support tools. This effort is also designed to produce information that can be integrated into many of the tools used by resource managers and planners. Such process-based simulations are of vital importance because they offer us the ability to explore novel climate-ecosystem-resource interactions and potential events that may be outside the bounds of available observations.
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A major challenge in predicting Earth's future climate state is to understand feedbacks that alter greenhouse-gas forcing. Here we synthesize field data from arctic Alaska, showing that terrestrial changes in summer albedo contribute substantially to recent high-latitude warming trends. Pronounced terrestrial summer warming in arctic Alaska correlates with a lengthening of the snow-free season that has increased atmospheric heating locally by about 3 watts per square meter per decade (similar in magnitude to the regional heating expected over multiple decades from a doubling of atmospheric CO 2). The continuation of current trends in shrub and tree expansion could further amplify this atmospheric heating by two to seven times. The Arctic provides a test bed to understand and evaluate the consequences of threshold changes in regional system dynamics. Over the past several decades, the Arctic has warmed strongly in winter (1). However, many Arctic thresholds relate to abrupt physical and ecological changes that occur near the freezing point of water. Paleoclimate evidence, which is mostly indicative of summer conditions, shows that the Arctic in summer is now warmer than at any time in at least the past 400 years (2). This warming should have a large impact on the rates of water-dependent processes. We assembled a wide range of independent data sets (surface temperature records, satellite-based estimates of cloud cover and energy exchange, ground-based measurements of albedo and energy exchange, and field observations of changes in snow cover and vegetation) to estimate recent and potential future changes in atmospheric heating in arctic Alaska. We argue that recent changes in the length of the snow-free season have triggered a set of interlinked feed-backs that will amplify future rates of summer warming.
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Climate-induced changes in the tundra fire regime are expected to alter shrub abundance and distribution across the Arctic. However, little is known about how fire may indirectly impact shrub performance by altering mycorrhizal symbionts. We used molecular tools, including ARISA and fungal ITS sequencing, to characterize the mycorrhizal communities on resprouting Betula nana shrubs across a fire-severity gradient after the largest tundra fire recorded in the Alaskan Arctic (July-October 2007). Fire effects on the components of fungal composition were dependant on the scale of taxonomic resolution. Variation in fungal community composition was correlated with fire severity. Fungal richness and relative abundance of dominant taxa declined with increased fire severity. Yet, in contrast to temperate and boreal regions with frequent wildfires, mycorrhizal fungi on resprouting shrubs in tundra were not strongly differentiated into fire-specialists and fire-sensitive fungi. Instead, dominant fungi, including taxa characteristic of late successional stages, were present regardless of fire severity. It is likely that the resprouting life history strategy of tundra shrubs confers resilience of dominant mycorrhizal fungi to fire disturbance by maintaining an inoculum source on the landscape after fire. Based on these results, we suggest that resprouting shrubs may facilitate post-fire vegetation regeneration and potentially the expansion of trees and shrubs under predicted scenarios of increased warming and fire disturbance in Arctic tundra.
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By linking the ecological concept of a system state with the AI construct of a frame, one obtains a new paradigm for constructing models of ecosystem dynamics. The key aspect of this paradigm is that it partitions the temporal dynamics of the system; only one simple model is operational at any time. When the assumptions underlying that model are violated, a demon invokes rules for switching to a new frame and, hence, new model. A model to investigate interactions among rainfall, elephants Loxodonta africana, and fire in a Brachystegia woodland in Zimbabwe illustrates this approach. -from Authors
Introduction Seedling establishment is one of the key processes that determines the structure and diversity of natural communities. There are many factors that contribute to seedling establishment as explored in Pickett et al. (1987) and this volume. To date, little attention has been paid to the effects of mycorrhizal fungi on seedling establishment. However, there are several compelling reasons to consider these symbiotic fungi. First, the vast majority of all land plant species form symbiotic associations with mycorrhizal fungi and seedlings of most species become colonized by these soil fungi immediately after germination and root formation (Newman, 1988; Read & Birch, 1988; Wang & Qiu, 2006). Second, seedlings usually receive mineral nutrients from mycorrhizal fungi and often show enhanced growth when colonized. In addition, several studies report that mycorrhizal fungi can protect seedlings against drought and the harmful effects of pathogenic soil fungi and heavy metals. Third, many mycorrhizal fungi are not host specific and can colonize a wide range of plant species (Molina et al., 1992; Smith & Read, 1997; Opik et al., 2006). Due to this lack of specificity, seedlings can quickly become integrated into hyphal networks that are usually already present and maintained by the surrounding vegetation. Hence, in this way, seedlings have immediate access to a cheap nutrient absorption machine in which they do not need to invest resources (Newman, 1988).
The roots of most plants are colonized by symbiotic fungi to form mycorrhiza, which play a critical role in the capture of nutrients from the soil and therefore in plant nutrition. Mycorrhizal Symbiosis is recognized as the definitive work in this area. Since the last edition was published there have been major advances in the field, particularly in the area of molecular biology, and the new edition has been fully revised and updated to incorporate these exciting new developments. . Over 50% new material . Includes expanded color plate section . Covers all aspects of mycorrhiza . Presents new taxonomy . Discusses the impact of proteomics and genomics on research in this area.
One of the greatest challenges in global-change research is to predict the future distribution of vegetation. Most models of vegetation change predict either the response of a patch of present vegetation to climatic change or the future equilibrium distribution of vegetation based on the present relationship between climate and vegetation. Here we present a model that is, to our knowledge, the first model of ecosystem change in response to transient changes in climate, disturbance regime, and recruitment over the next 50-500 yr. The frame-based model uses quantitative and qualitative variables to develop scenarios of vegetation change from arctic tundra to boreal forest in response to global changes in climate (as predicted by general circulation models [GCMs]), fire, and land use. Seed availability, tree growth rate, and probability of fire were the model parameters that most strongly influenced the balance between tundra and boreal forest in transitional climates. The rate of climatic warming strongly affected the time lag between the onset of climate change and the simulated ecosystem response but had relatively little effect on the rate or pattern of ecosystem change. The model calculated that, with a gradual ramped change of 3 degrees C in the next century (corresponding to average rate of warming predicted by GCMs), any change from tundra to forest would take 150 yr, consistent with pollen records. The model suggested that tundra would first be invaded by conifer forests, but that the proportion of broad-leaved deciduous forest would increase, reflecting increased fire frequency, as climatic warming continued. The change in fire frequency was determined more strongly by climatically driven changes in vegetation than by direct climatic effects on fire probability. The pattern of climatic warming was more important than the rate of warming or change in precipitation in determining the rate of conversion from tundra to forest. Increased climatic variability promoted ecosystem change, particularly when oscillations were long relative to the time required for tree maturation. Management policies related to logging and moose-predator control affected vegetation as much or more than did changes in climate and must be included in future scenarios of global changes in ecosystem distribution. We suggest that frame-based models provide a critical link between patch and equilibrium models in predicting ecosystem change in response to transient changes in climate over the coming decades to centuries.