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Workload assessment for mental arithmetic tasks using the task-evoked pupillary response

Taylor & Francis


Pupillometry is a promising method for assessing mental workload and could be helpful in the optimization of systems that involve human–computer interaction. The present study focuses on replicating the studies by Ahern (1978) and Klingner (2010), which found that for three levels of difficulty of mental multiplications, the more difficult multiplications yielded larger dilations of the pupil. Using a remote eye tracker, our research expands upon these two previous studies by statistically testing for each 1.5 s interval of the calculation period (1) the mean absolute pupil diameter (MPD), (2) the mean pupil diameter change (MPDC) with respect to the pupil diameter during the pre-stimulus accommodation period, and (3) the mean pupil diameter change rate (MPDCR). An additional novelty of our research is that we compared the pupil diameter measures with a self-report measure of workload, the NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX), and with the mean blink rate (MBR). The results showed that the findings of Ahern and Klingner were replicated, and that the MPD and MPDC discriminated just as well between the lowest and highest difficulty levels as did the NASA-TLX. The MBR, on the other hand, did not differentiate between the difficulty levels. Moderate to strong correlations were found between the MPDC and the proportion of incorrect responses, indicating that the MPDC was higher for participants with a poorer performance. For practical applications, validity could be improved by combining pupillometry with other physiological techniques.
Submitted 21 May 2015
Accepted 22 July 2015
Published 12 August 2015
Corresponding author
Joost de Winter,
Academic editor
Helen Petrie
Additional Information and
Declarations can be found on
page 17
DOI 10.7717/peerj-cs.16
2015 Marquart and de Winter
Distributed under
Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
Workload assessment for mental
arithmetic tasks using the task-evoked
pupillary response
Gerhard Marquart and Joost de Winter
Department of BioMechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials
Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Pupillometry is a promising method for assessing mental workload and could
be helpful in the optimization of systems that involve human–computer
interaction. The present study focuses on replicating the studies by Ahern
(1978) and Klingner (2010), which found that for three levels of diculty
of mental multiplications, the more dicult multiplications yielded larger
dilations of the pupil. Using a remote eye tracker, our research expands upon
these two previous studies by statistically testing for each 1.5 s interval of the
calculation period (1) the mean absolute pupil diameter (MPD), (2) the mean
pupil diameter change (MPDC) with respect to the pupil diameter during the
pre-stimulus accommodation period, and (3) the mean pupil diameter change rate
(MPDCR). An additional novelty of our research is that we compared the pupil
diameter measures with a self-report measure of workload, the NASA Task Load
Index (NASA-TLX), and with the mean blink rate (MBR). The results showed that
the findings of Ahern and Klingner were replicated, and that the MPD and MPDC
discriminated just as well between the lowest and highest diculty levels as did
the NASA-TLX. The MBR, on the other hand, did not dierentiate between the
diculty levels. Moderate to strong correlations were found between the MPDC
and the proportion of incorrect responses, indicating that the MPDC was higher for
participants with a poorer performance. For practical applications, validity could be
improved by combining pupillometry with other physiological techniques.
Subjects Human–Computer Interaction
Keywords Pupillometry, Human factors, Pupil diameter, Cognitive load
Mental workload is an important psychological construct that is challenging to assess on
a continuous basis. A commonly used definition of mental workload is the one proposed
by Hart & Staveland (1988). These authors defined workload as “the cost incurred by a
human operator to achieve a particular level of performance.” (p. 140). A valid and reliable
assessment method of workload could be helpful in the optimization of systems that
involve human–computer interaction, such as vehicles, computers, and simulators. One
promising method for measuring workload is pupillometry, which is the measurement of
the pupil diameter (e.g., Goldinger & Papesh, 2012;Granholm & Steinhauer, 2004;Klingner,
Kumar & Hanrahan, 2008;Laeng, Sirois & Gredeb¨
ack, 2012;Marshall, 2007;Palinko et al.,
2010;Schwalm, Keinath & Zimmer, 2008).
How to cite this article Marquart and de Winter (2015), Workload assessment for mental arithmetic tasks using the task-evoked
pupillary response. PeerJ Comput. Sci. 1:e16;DOI 10.7717/peerj-cs.16
Two antagonistic muscles regulate the pupil size: the sphincter and the dilator muscle.
Activation of these muscles results in the contraction and dilation of the pupil, respectively.
During a mentally demanding task, the pupils have been found to dilate up to 0.5 mm,
which is small compared to the maximum dilation of about 6 mm caused by changes in
lighting conditions (e.g., Beatty & Lucero-Wagoner, 2000). The involuntary reaction of
the pupil to changes in task conditions is also called the task-evoked pupillary response
(TEPR; Beatty, 1982). In the past, TEPRs were obtained at 1–2 Hz by motion picture
photography (Hess & Polt, 1964). This required researchers to measure the pupil diameter
manually frame by frame (Janisse, 1977). Nowadays, remote non-obtrusive eye trackers are
increasingly being used to automatically measure TEPRs, as these devices are getting more
and more accurate.
Over the years, researchers have encountered a few challenges in pupillometry. Reflexes
of the pupil to changes in luminance, for example, may undermine the validity of TEPRs.
One way to improve validity is to strictly control the luminance of the experimental
stimuli, but this limits the usability of pupillometry. Marshall (2000) reported she found
a way to filter out the pupil light reflex using wavelet transform techniques. She patented
this method and dubbed it the “index of cognitive activity”. The influence of gaze direction
on the measured pupil size is another issue. Where Pomplun & Sunkara (2003) reported a
systematic dependence of pupil size on gaze direction, Klingner, Kumar & Hanrahan (2008)
argued that the ellipse-fitting method for the estimation of the pupil size is not aected by
perspective distortion.
In the last few decades many researchers have investigated the pupillary response for
dierent types of tasks. Typically, the dilation was found to be higher for more challenging
tasks (Ahern, 1978;Kahneman & Beatty, 1966), including mental arithmetic tasks (Boersma
et al., 1970;Bradshaw, 1968;Hess & Polt, 1964;Schaefer et al., 1968). Not only task demands
have been found to influence the pupil diameter, but also factors like anxiety, stress, and
fatigue. Tryon (1975) and Janisse (1977) extensively reviewed known sources of variation in
pupil size. Back then, Janisse (1977) commented on the underexplored area of whether
pupillary dilations reliably reflect individual dierences in intelligence. Ahern (1978)
discovered that persons scoring higher on intelligence tests showed smaller pupillary
dilations on tasks of fixed diculty. In a more recent study, Van der Meer et al. (2010) found
greater pupil dilations for individuals with high intelligence than with low intelligence
during the execution of geometric analogy tasks. Thus, the results are not consistent and
demand further investigation.
The present study focuses on replicating the pupil diameter study by Ahern (1978)
for mental multiplications of varying levels of diculty. Ahern (1978) found that the
more dicult multiplications yielded a greater mean pupil diameter. In her research,
Ahern (1978) used a so-called television pupillometer (Whittaker 1050S) that was able to
measure the pupil diameter in real-time. Specifically, the device processed images obtained
from an infrared video camera, identified the pupil diameter using a pattern-recognition
algorithm, and computed the diameter of the image of the pupil (Beatty & Wilson, 1977).
Participants used a chin-rest and infrared eye illuminator, and the camera was positioned
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approximately 15 cm from the participant’s left eye. Our study is also intended as a
follow-up study of Klingner (2010).Klingner (2010) recently replicated Ahern’s (1978)
results with a remote eye tracker (Tobii 1750) having a similar working principle as the eye
tracker used by Ahern (1978). In Klingner (2010), the participants sat approximately 60 cm
from the screen and infrared cameras, and they did not use a chin-rest or head-mounted
equipment. In his analyses, Klingner (2010) used the average of the two eyes’ pupil
diameters. With a large number of participants (30 in our study, 39 in Ahern, 1978,
and 12 in Klingner, 2010) and trials (1,350, 1,248, and 632, respectively), and a higher
measurement frequency (120 Hz, 20 Hz, and 50 Hz, respectively), the present study aimed
to obtain the TEPRs for three levels of diculty of mental multiplications.
We report the mean pupil diameter change (MPDC) with respect to the baseline pupil
diameter right before the presentation of the multiplicand, as was also done by Ahern
(1978) and Klingner (2010). In addition, we report the absolute mean pupil diameter
(MPD). Laeng, Sirois & Gredeb¨
ack (2012) explained that pupil diameter responses exhibit
both a phasic component (i.e., ‘rapid’ responses to task-relevant events) as well as a tonic
component (i.e., ‘slow’ changes in the baseline pupil diameter). The MPDC allowed us
to assess the TEPR, while the MPD allowed us to determine whether the baseline itself
diered as a function of the diculty of the multiplications. Furthermore, in our study,
the mean pupil diameter change rate (MPDCR), a measure introduced by Palinko et al.
(2010), was examined. The MPDCR is the discrete-time equivalent to the first derivative of
the pupil diameter and may be useful for assessing moment-to-moment changes in mental
workload. While Ahern (1978) and Klingner (2010) statistically compared the maximum
dilation and mean dilation between the diculty levels of the mental multiplications,
we applied a more fine-grained approach where the MPDC, MPD, and MPDCR were
subjected to a statistical test for each 1.5 s time interval in the calculation period. Another
way in which our research diers from the works of Ahern (1978) and Klingner (2010) is
that we included two additional measures of mental workload. First, we compared the
eect sizes of the pupil diameter measures with those obtained with a classic subjective
measurement method of workload, the NASA-TLX. Second, we assessed the mean blink
rate (MBR). The relation between mental workload and blink rate has been unclear
(Kramer, 1990;Recarte et al., 2008;Marquart, Cabrall & De Winter, 2015), and our aim
was to clarify this relationship.
The numbers in our study were presented visually in order to gain temporal consistency,
as was also done by Klingner (2010; cf. Ahern, 1978, in which the numbers were presented
aurally). Furthermore, as in Klingner (2010), the pupil diameter was recorded with an
automatic remote eye tracker (SmartEye DR120).
Ethics statement
The research was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) of the Delft
University of Technology (TU Delft ‘Workload Assessment for Mental Arithmetic Tasks
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Figure 1 Experimental equipment: monitor with built-in eye tracker (SmartEye DR120), chin-rest,
and keyboard.
using the Task-Evoked Pupillary Response: January 29, 2015). All participants provided
written informed consent.
Thirty participants (2 women and 28 men), aged between 19 and 38 years (M=23, SD =
4.1 years) were recruited to volunteer in this experiment (25 BSc/MSc students and 5
persons with an MSc degree). Individuals wearing glasses or lenses were excluded from
participation. All participants read and signed an informed consent form, explaining the
purpose and procedures of the experiment and received e5 compensation for their time.
The SmartEye DR120 remote eye tracker, with a sampling rate of 120 Hz, was used to
record the participant’s pupil diameter, eyelid opening, and gaze direction while sitting
behind a desktop computer (see Fig. 1). The pupil diameter was the average of the left and
right pupil diameter, as provided by the SmartEye 6.0 software. The software estimates
the pupil diameter as the major axis of an ellipse that is fit to the edge of the pupil. In
order to obtain more accurate measurements, a chin-rest was used. The eye tracker was
equipped with a 24-inch screen, which was positioned approximately 65 cm in front
of the sitting participant and which was used to display task-relevant information. The
outcome of a task had to be entered using the numeric keypad of a keyboard (cf. Ahern,
1978 in which participants used a keyboard, and Klingner, 2010 in which participants used
a touchscreen).
The experiment took place in a room where there was oce lighting delivered by
standard fluorescent lamps and where daylight could not enter. Our approach to room
illumination was similar to that used by Klingner (2010). We acknowledge that a stricter
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Figure 2 Task display during accommodation, pause, and calculation period.
control of lighting is possible. For example, Janisse (1977) reported that he ensured
constant illumination of his experimental lab by feeding all electric current used in the
room through a constant voltage transformer. No such strict control of illumination was
applied in our research nor did we measure the degree of ambient lighting. However,
because the experimental conditions were counterbalanced, we reasoned that there could
be no systematic eect of ambient lighting on our results. Furthermore, we used a screen
background with variable brightness, designed to minimize the pupillary light reflex in
case a participant looked away from the center of the screen (Fig. 2;Marquart, 2015). The
corresponding image file is available in Supplemental Information.
The participants were requested to perform 50 trials of mental arithmetic tasks (multipli-
cations of two numbers), five of which were used as a short training. The remaining 45
trials were presented in three sessions of dierent levels of diculty (easy, medium, and
hard; see Table S1). Level 1 contained the 15 easiest multiplications (outcomes ranging
between 80 and 108), Level 2 contained 15 multiplications of intermediate diculty
(outcomes between 126 and 192), and Level 3 contained the 15 hardest multiplications
(outcomes between 221 and 324).
The sequence of the three sessions was counterbalanced across the participants.
Each trial was initiated by the participant by pressing the enter key and started with
a 4 s accommodation period, followed by a 1 s visual presentation of two numbers
(multiplicand and multiplier) between 6 and 18, with a 1.5 s pause in between (Table 1).
The participants were asked to multiply the two numbers and type their answer on the
numeric keypad 10 s after the multiplier disappeared. Thus, the total duration of one trial
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Table 1 Timeline of an individual trial.
Period Start time (s) End time (s) Symbol
Accommodation 0.0 4.0 XX
Baseline 3.6 4.0 XX
Multiplicand 4.0 5.0 08
Pause 5.0 6.5 XX
Multiplier 6.5 7.5 16
Calculation 7.5 17.5 XX
Response 17.5 When pressing enter key N/A
was 17.5 s (4 +1+1.5+1+10). When the numbers were not presented, a double “X” was
shown to avoid pupillary reflexes caused by changes in brightness or contrast.
After each of the three sessions, participants were asked to fill out a NASA-TLX
questionnaire to assess their subjective workload on six facets: mental demand, physical
demand, temporal demand, performance, eort, and frustration (Hart & Staveland, 1988).
All questions were answered on a scale from 0% (very low) to 100% (very high). For the
performance question, 0% meant perfect and 100% was failure. The participants’ overall
subjective workload was obtained by averaging the scores across the six items. The total
duration of the experiment was approximately 30 min.
Instructions to participants
Before the experiment started, the participants were informed that they had to do 50 mul-
tiplications, five of which would be used as a short training. They were also told that the re-
maining 45 trials were presented in three sessions of varying diculty (easy, medium, and
hard). The participants were requested to position themselves in front of the monitor with
their chin leaning on the chin-rest. They were instructed to stay still, keep their gaze fixed,
focus (not stare) at the center of the screen throughout a trial. In addition, participants
were asked to blink as little as possible, obviously without causing irritation, and to start
each trial with ‘a clear mind’ (i.e., not thinking about the previous trial). If the participants
could not complete the multiplication, they were instructed to enter zero as their answer.
Data processing
The data were processed in two steps. In the first step, the missing values in the pupil
diameter data (lost during recording) were removed and the signals were repaired with
linear interpolation (see Fig. 3A, for an illustration). On average, 1.2% of the data were lost,
so this processing step did not substantially influence the results. In the second step, blinks
and poor-quality data were removed. During a blink, the eyelid opening rapidly diminishes
and then increases in a few tenths of a second until it is fully open again. It is impossible to
track the pupil diameter while blinking. The pupil diameter quality signal (provided by the
SmartEye software) was used to filter out the poor quality data. This signal ranges from 0
to 1, with values close to 1 indicating a good quality (SmartEye, 2013). All data points with
a pupil diameter quality below 0.75 were removed. Trials containing less than 70% of the
data were excluded from the analysis. Of the initial 1,350 trials from 30 participants, 1,125
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Figure 3 Illustration of data processing. (A) Pupil diameter (PD) before and after linear interpolation
for missing values. (B) Pupil diameter before and after linear interpolation for poor-quality data.
trials passed these criteria (394 for Level 1, 384 for Level 2, & 347 for Level 3; the entire
level 2 session of one participant [15 trials] was discarded). The gaps in the 1,125 trials were
filled using linear interpolation (Fig. 3B).
The last 0.4 s of the accommodation period was defined as the pupillary baseline, as
was done by Klingner (2010). The mean pupil diameter of the baseline period (3.6–4.0 s)
of each trial was subtracted from each trial to accommodate for any possible shifts or
drifts. The mean pupil diameter change (MPDC) for each participant was then obtained
by averaging all trials per level of diculty. Similarly, the mean pupil diameter (MPD) for
each participant was obtained but then without subtracting the mean pupil diameter of
the baseline period. The MPDCR was calculated for each participant as the average velocity
(mm/s) or change in MPD between two points in time. In order to compare the three
diculty levels, the MPD and MPDC were analyzed at eight fixed points in time from the
multiplier and calculation periods (i.e., P1 =6.5 s, P2 =7.5 s, P3 =9.0 s, P4 =10.5 s, P5
=12.0 s, P6 =13.5 s, P7 =15.0 s, P8 =16.5 s). The MPDCR was assessed across the seven
interim periods.
In addition to these analyses, the mean blink rate (MBR) for two dierent periods
in time was calculated. That is, a distinction was made between low mental demands
(i.e., from the beginning of the accommodation period until the presentation of the
multiplier; i.e., from 0 to 6.5 s) and high mental demands (i.e., from the presentation
of the multiplier until the end of the calculation period; i.e., from 6.5 to 17.5 s). A blink
was defined as the moment that the eye opening dropped below 75% of the mean eyelid
opening of that trial (see Fig. S1).
Statistical analyses
The pupil diameter measures (MPD, MPDC, and MPDCR), the blink rates (MBR), and
the results of the NASA-TLX were analyzed with paired t-tests between the three levels
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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Time (s)
MPD (mm)
4.3 Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Figure 4 Mean pupil diameter (MPD) during the mental multiplication task for the three levels of
diculty. The grey bars represent the periods where the multiplicand and multiplier were shown on the
screen. The numbers were masked by an “XX” during the remainder of the trial.
(i.e., Level 2 vs. 1, Level 3 vs. 1, and Level 3 vs. 2). Additionally, Pearson’s rcorrelation
coecients were obtained between the MPDC, the NASA-TLX, and the percentage of
incorrect responses. For all analyses, a Bonferroni correction was applied. Accordingly, we
set the significance level to 0.05/3 (0.0167).
Cohen’s dzeect size (see Eq. (1)) was calculated to determine at which points in time
the dierences in MPDC between the three levels of diculty were largest. In Eq. (1),M
and SD are the mean and standard deviation of the vector of data points, respectively,
ris the Pearson correlation coecient between the two vectors of data points, tis the
t-statistic of a paired t-test, and Nis the sample size (i.e., the number of pairs, which was
either 29 or 30).
Mean pupil diameter (MPD)
The MPD during the mental multiplication task is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that
at all points in time, the MPD was higher for the higher levels of diculty. The pattern
of the MPD was similar for all levels during the first ten seconds. Figure also shows the
results for the period 6.5–17.5 s, split into seven periods with eight points. The means
and standard deviations of the MPD for the eight points in time and the three levels of
diculty are shown in Table 2, together with the eect sizes (dz) and the p-values of the
pairwise comparisons. The results confirm that the MPD was significantly higher for the
more dicult levels at all points in time.
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Table 2 Mean pupil diameter (MPD), mean pupil diameter change (MPDC), mean pupil diameter change rate (MPDCR), NASA-TLX, and mean
blink rate (MBR), per level of diculty of the multiplications. The means (M) and standard deviations (SD) are shown per level of diculty of the
multiplications. P1–P8 refers to the eight points in time, while (1)–(7) refers to the seven periods. Statistically significant dierences are indicated in
boldface. N=30 for the NASA-TLX for all three levels.
M(SD)p-value (dz)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2 vs. 1
(df =28)
Level 3 vs. 1
(df =29)
Level 3 vs. 2
(df =28)
MPD (mm)
P1 3.748 (0.456) 3.804 (0.467) 3.873 (0.490) 0.334 (0.18) 0.001 (0.71) 0.026 (0.44)
P2 3.796 (0.480) 3.865 (0.486) 3.949 (0.516) 0.119 (0.30) <0.001 (0.84) 0.009 (0.53)
P3 3.904 (0.470) 3.979 (0.481) 4.051 (0.531) 0.107 (0.31) <0.001 (0.79) 0.036 (0.41)
P4 3.891 (0.456) 4.003 (0.478) 4.113 (0.522) 0.037 (0.41) <0.001 (1.04) 0.007 (0.54)
P5 3.827 (0.429) 3.948 (0.488) 4.136 (0.521) 0.017 (0.47) <0.001 (1.47) <0.001 (0.84)
P6 3.752 (0.451) 3.894 (0.490) 4.122 (0.518) 0.017 (0.47) <0.001 (1.57) <0.001 (0.88)
P7 3.709 (0.427) 3.815 (0.474) 4.130 (0.500) 0.051 (0.38) <0.001 (1.73) <0.001 (1.26)
P8 3.676 (0.436) 3.781 (0.460) 4.108 (0.493) 0.064 (0.36) <0.001 (1.94) <0.001 (1.21)
MPDC (mm)
P1 0.118 (0.087) 0.114 (0.115) 0.093 (0.085) 0.837 (0.04) 0.158 (0.26) 0.424 (0.15)
P2 0.069 (0.094) 0.052 (0.118) 0.017 (0.120) 0.310 (0.19) 0.016 (0.47) 0.218 (0.23)
P3 0.038 (0.148) 0.061 (0.148) 0.084 (0.152) 0.297 (0.20) 0.107 (0.30) 0.452 (0.14)
P4 0.026 (0.179) 0.086 (0.149) 0.147 (0.171) 0.039 (0.40) 0.001 (0.65) 0.093 (0.32)
P5 0.038 (0.204) 0.031 (0.164) 0.169 (0.205) 0.013 (0.49) <0.001 (1.13) <0.001 (0.74)
P6 0.113 (0.196) 0.024 (0.193) 0.155 (0.228) 0.012 (0.50) <0.001 (1.50) <0.001 (0.86)
P7 0.156 (0.186) 0.102 (0.207) 0.164 (0.226) 0.044 (0.39) <0.001 (1.94) <0.001 (1.35)
P8 0.190 (0.179) 0.136 (0.208) 0.143 (0.248) 0.115 (0.30) <0.001 (1.95) <0.001 (1.20)
MPDCR (mm/s)
(1) 0.048 (0.087) 0.062 (0.079) 0.076 (0.112) 0.210 (0.24) 0.068 (0.35) 0.463 (0.14)
(2) 0.072 (0.080) 0.076 (0.069) 0.067 (0.081) 0.696 (0.07) 0.765 (0.06) 0.698 (0.07)
(3) 0.008 (0.078) 0.016 (0.070) 0.042 (0.055) 0.094 (0.32) 0.002 (0.61) 0.088 (0.33)
(4) 0.043 (0.052) 0.037 (0.057) 0.015 (0.052) 0.606 (0.10) <0.001 (0.99) <0.001 (0.74)
(5) 0.050 (0.060) 0.036 (0.059) 0.009 (0.067) 0.514 (0.12) 0.021 (0.45) 0.052 (0.38)
(6) 0.029 (0.051) 0.053 (0.053) 0.006 (0.060) 0.098 (0.32) 0.015 (0.47) <0.001 (0.78)
(7) 0.022 (0.052) 0.022 (0.062) 0.014 (0.051) 0.827 (0.04) 0.514 (0.12) 0.372 (0.17)
Total 21 (13) 31 (13) 49 (14) <0.001 (0.86) <0.001 (1.91) <0.001 (1.48)
Mental 34 (21) 47 (17) 70 (17) 0.002 (0.63) <0.001 (1.39) <0.001 (1.51)
Physical 16 (17) 19 (19) 20 (20) 0.045 (0.38) 0.118 (0.29) 0.707 (0.07)
Temporal 19 (15) 29 (18) 53 (23) 0.004 (0.56) <0.001 (1.41) <0.001 (1.26)
Performance 10 (12) 21 (17) 40 (23) 0.002 (0.62) <0.001 (1.45) <0.001 (0.91)
Eort 28 (19) 43 (17) 64 (22) <0.001 (0.75) <0.001 (1.35) <0.001 (1.15)
Frustration 18 (17) 27 (24) 45 (29) 0.005 (0.56) <0.001 (1.21) <0.001 (0.85)
MBR (blinks/s)
(0.0–6.5 s) 0.262 (0.165) 0.258 (0.168) 0.303 (0.216) 0.748 (0.06) 0.203 (0.24) 0.265 (0.21)
(6.5–17.5 s) 0.218 (0.187) 0.212 (0.175) 0.265 (0.210) 0.861 (0.03) 0.078 (0.33) 0.023 (0.44)
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Figure 5 Mean pupil diameter change (MPDC) during the mental multiplication task, for the three
levels of diculty. The grey bars represent the periods where the multiplicand and multiplier were shown
on the screen. The numbers were masked by an “XX” during the remainder of the trial.
Mean pupil diameter change (MPDC)
Figure 5 shows the MPDC as a function of the level of diculty. As mentioned above,
this measure takes into account the shift of the baseline by subtracting the mean of the
baseline period of each trial. The dierence between the three pupillary responses during
the calculation period can now be seen more clearly as compared to the MPD. Again, the
multiplier and calculation periods were split into seven periods by eight points. The results
of the analysis of the MPDC at the eight points in time and the three levels of diculty are
shown in Table 2. A significant dierence occurred at Points 4–8. The eect size estimate
Cohen’s dzwas also calculated for the MPDC between pairs of diculty levels for each
point in time (see Fig. 6). It can be seen that large eect sizes arose after approximately 11 s
since the start of the trial, especially between Levels 1 and 3.
Mean pupil diameter change rate (MPDCR)
Figure 7 shows the MPDCR as a function of the diculty level for the seven periods.
A positive value indicates overall pupil dilation during that period and a negative value
means overall contraction of the pupil diameter. In the first two periods, the diameter
increased with approximately equal velocity for the three levels. During the other periods,
the velocities decreased and became negative. Significant dierences were found between
the three conditions (see also Table 2).
Self-reported workload (NASA-TLX)
The results of the NASA-TLX questionnaire are shown in Fig. 8. For almost all items,
the TLX score was significantly higher for the more dicult multiplications (see also
Table 2). Only the subjective physical workload did not dier significantly between the
levels of diculty.
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Figure 6 Cohen’s dzfor the mean pupil diameter change (MPDC) between pairs of levels of di-
culty. The grey bars represent the periods where the multiplicand and multiplier were shown on the
screen. The numbers were masked by an “XX” during the remainder of the trial.
Figure 7 Mean pupil diameter change rate (MPDCR), for the three levels of diculty and for seven
periods in time during the presentation of the multiplier and the calculation period. The asterisks
indicate statistically significant dierences between the levels of diculty.
Pupil diameter of correct versus incorrect responses
The percentages of correct responses for Levels 1, 2, and 3 were respectively 94.7%,
92.9%, and 66.4% when selecting all 450 trials per level. When considering only those
trials which passed the data filtering (see section ‘Data processing’), the percentages of
correct responses for Levels 1, 2, and 3 were respectively 94.2% (371 of 394 trials), 93.8%
(360 of 384 trials), and 69.2% (240 of 347 trials). Figure 9 shows the MPD for Level 3
separated into correct and incorrect responses. Too few incorrect answers were given for
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Figure 8 Results of the NASA-TLX questionnaire, for the three levels of diculty. The asterisks indicate
statistically significant dierences between the levels of diculty.
Figure 9 Mean pupil diameter (MPD) during the mental multiplication task for the third level of
diculty. A distinction is made between correct and incorrect responses. The grey bars represent the
periods where the multiplicand and multiplier were shown on the screen. The numbers were masked by
an “XX” during the remainder of the trial.
the other two levels and the results for these levels are therefore not reported. There were no
significant dierences between the MPD for correct and incorrect responses (Table S2).
Blink rate
Table 2 shows that the MBR of Level 3 was higher, but not significantly so, than the MBR
of Levels 1 and 2. However, for each level of diculty, the MBR was higher during periods
with low mental demands (0–6.5 s) than during higher mental demands (6.5–17.5 s).
Figure 10 illustrates the cumulative number of blinks as a function of time. It can be seen
Marquart and de Winter (2015), PeerJ Comput. Sci., DOI 10.7717/peerj-cs.16 12/20
Figure 10 Mean cumulative number of blinks during the mental multiplication task for the three
levels of diculty.
that participants were likely to blink at distinct moments in time, namely right after the
start of the trial (0.5 s), right after the presentation of the multiplicand (4.5 s), and after
the presentation of the multiplier (8.0 s).
Correlations between MPDC, NASA-TLX, and proportion of
incorrect responses
The results of the correlation analyses between the MPDC, NASA-TLX, and proportion of
incorrect responses are shown in Table 3. For the MPDC and NASA-TLX, the table shows
overall positive correlations, for the eight points in time and for the three dierent levels of
diculty. Between the MPDC and the percentage of incorrect responses, three statistically
significant positive correlation coecients were observed at Points 1 and 2. Furthermore,
Table 3 shows that people who experienced higher subjective workload (i.e., a higher
NASA-TLX score) generally gave more incorrect responses.
Pupil diameter results
The results showed that the MPD was higher for the higher levels of diculty at all eight
points of the calculation period, with Points 7 and 8 exhibiting the largest dierences.
The MPD findings demonstrate that the baseline of the pupil diameter can shift during
mental activity. If the pupil had been given more time to recover from the previous trial by
increasing the length of the accommodation period, the dierence of the MPD between the
three levels of diculty in the first period would probably have been smaller.
A remarkable finding is the behavior of the MPD during the first 2.5 s of the
accommodation period. Where a clear decline from the start or a horizontal line might
be expected, the MPD starts to decline only after about 2.5 s. This unexpected finding
may have been caused by the fact that participants looked away from the center of the
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Table 3 Pearson’s correlations (r) between the mean pupil diameter change (MPDC), percentage of
incorrect responses, and the overall NASA-TLX scores, for the three levels of diculty. Statistically
significant correlations are indicated in boldface.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Mean of levels
r(p-value) r(p-value) r(p-value) r(p-value)
MPDC vs. overall NASA-TLX
P1 0.02 (0.899) 0.20 (0.310) 0.20 (0.283) 0.33 (0.072)
P2 0.22 (0.239) 0.29 (0.130) 0.09 (0.644) 0.17 (0.376)
P3 0.15 (0.523) 0.04 (0.818) 0.01 (0.978) 0.01 (0.965)
P4 0.09 (0.435) 0.07 (0.733) 0.04 (0.833) 0.17 (0.365)
P5 0.11 (0.641) 0.11 (0.554) 0.02 (0.925) 0.09 (0.654)
P6 0.05 (0.550) 0.20 (0.307) 0.01 (0.952) 0.09 (0.637)
P7 0.05 (0.813) 0.20 (0.290) 0.17 (0.363) 0.14 (0.469)
P8 0.00 (0.998) 0.26 (0.176) 0.16 (0.385) 0.18 (0.349)
MPDC vs. % incorrect responses
P1 0.34 (0.063) 0.44 (0.017) 0.35 (0.061) 0.64 (<0.001)
P2 0.17 (0.371) 0.51 (0.005) 0.30 (0.110) 0.59 (0.001)
P3 0.03 (0.882) 0.26 (0.180) 0.11 (0.567) 0.22 (0.244)
P4 0.23 (0.219) 0.25 (0.183) 0.16 (0.385) 0.36 (0.051)
P5 0.16 (0.397) 0.16 (0.409) 0.06 (0.749) 0.25 (0.179)
P6 0.03 (0.882) 0.21 (0.285) 0.04 (0.847) 0.16 (0.396)
P7 0.00 (0.995) 0.32 (0.090) 0.14 (0.459) 0.28 (0.137)
P8 0.04 (0.838) 0.25 (0.193) 0.14 (0.454) 0.24 (0.197)
Overall NASA-TLX vs. % incorrect responses
0.57 (0.001) 0.35 (0.056) 0.53 (0.002) 0.58 (<0.001)
screen when their outcome to the multiplication had to be entered. Although the responses
were not given during the accommodation period, the fluctuation could be an aftereect
because the trials came in relatively quick succession. During the presentation of the
multiplicand and the pause (4–6.5 s) the MPD decreased further, at a slower pace however,
which seems to indicate memory load (cf. Kahneman & Beatty, 1966). A small increase of
the pupil diameter after the presentation of the first number was observed by Ahern (1978)
and Klingner (2010).
The MPDC has the advantage compared to MPD that it corrects for fluctuations in
the baseline pupil diameter, and hence compensates for any structural temporal trends
that might exist. The use of MPDC is appropriate as compared to other types of measures
such as percent dilation, because as pointed out by Beatty & Lucero-Wagoner (2000), “the
extent of the pupillary dilation evoked by cognitive processing is independent of baseline
pupillary diameter over a wide range of baseline values.” (p. 148). What is notable in the
MPDC results (Fig. 5) is that the pupillary behavior between the three diculty levels was
highly similar during the first few seconds after the presentation of the multiplier (6.5–9 s).
This might be due to the strategy that the participants used. One can imagine that the
first step in each multiplication, regardless of its diculty, is similar. For example, the
Marquart and de Winter (2015), PeerJ Comput. Sci., DOI 10.7717/peerj-cs.16 14/20
first step for many people of the Level 1 multiplication 7 ×14 would probably be 7 ×10.
This is comparable to the first step of the Level 3 multiplication 14 ×18, which would
then be 14 ×10. These observations are in line with the TEPRs obtained by Ahern (1978),
who found a similar response between the three levels of diculty at the beginning of the
calculation. The MPDC during the other periods was found to dier significantly between
the three levels, particularly when Levels 1 and 2 were compared toLevel 3.
The results of the MPDCR illustrate that the eect sizes are smaller when compared
to the results of the MPDC measure. Presumably, the MPDCR is less sensitive to changes
in mental workload because it represents second-to-second changes in pupil diameter
rather than the actual pupil diameter itself (either absolutely as in the MPD, or relative to a
baseline as in the MPDC). As with any first-order derivative of a signal, the MPDCR might
be more sensitive to noise and unsystematic moment-to-moment fluctuations in pupil
diameter. Nonetheless, the MPDCR does provide a clear indication of when the muscles of
the pupil respond, and hence when the mental workload increases or decreases.
An interesting question related to Fig. 9 showing the trials with the correct versus
incorrect responses is: Were the participants really trying to complete the task or did
they give up on the task because it was too dicult? If the latter were the case, one would
expect an early decline of the MPD. But the opposite is true, instead. A small increase of the
MPD was measured, suggesting that the participants were trying hard to complete the task
until the time was up.
Self-reported workload (NASA-TLX)
According to the results of the NASA-TLX questionnaire, the classification of the
arithmetic tasks was done properly, since a statistically significant dierence was found
in the subjective mental workload across all three levels. The large contrast between the
subjective mental and physical workload underlines that the task was predominantly
mentally rather than physically demanding. Not to be overlooked are the roles of the
subjective temporal demand and frustration. Looking at the increase of the MPD of the
incorrect responses after 12 s for Level 3 (Fig. 9), it is plausible that, although the results
were not statistically significant, this increase was caused by the time pressure of the task or
the anxiety or frustration of not having solved the multiplication yet, instead of increased
task demands.
Blink rate
The relation between mental workload and blink rate has been unclear in the literature
(e.g., Kramer, 1990;Marquart, Cabrall & De Winter, 2015;Recarte et al., 2008). The results
in the present study show that the MBR was slightly higher for Level 3 than for Levels 1
and 2. Contrastingly, the MBR was higher during the low mental demand period (0–6.5 s)
than during the high demand period (6.5–17.5). The temporal analysis (Fig. 10) indicated
that people blinked particularly at those moments when the visual demand was reduced,
such as right after the start of the task and right after the presentation of the multiplier.
In summary, consistent with prior research, the relationship between mental workload
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and blink rate is complex, and it appears that blink rate is governed not only by mental
demands, but also by visual demands (see also Marquart, Cabrall & De Winter, 2015).
Correlations between MPDC, NASA-TLX, and proportion of
incorrect responses
Moderate to strong correlations were found between the MPDC and the proportion of
incorrect responses. A similar but weaker eect was obtained between the MPDC and
the NASA-TLX. Thus, the MPDC was higher for participants who gave more incorrect
responses and who reported a higher workload in the NASA-TLX. Negative correlations
between the pupil diameter and the proportion of correct responses were also found
by Ahern (1978),Payne, Parry & Harasymiw (1968) and Recarte et al. (2008). These
findings could be useful for determining the feasibility of using the pupil diameter in
human-machine applications such as adaptive automation, which is “an approach to
automation design where tasks are dynamically allocated between the human operator and
computer systems” (Byrne & Parasuraman, 1996, p. 249).
Conclusions and recommendations
It is concluded that the results of Ahern (1978) and Klingner (2010) have been accurately
replicated with the SmartEye DR120 remote eye tracker. The Cohen dzeect size between
the MPDC of Level 1 and Level 3 was 1.95 at maximum (at Point 8), which was about the
same (dz=1.91) as for the NASA-TLX overall score. This finding demonstrates that pupil
diameter measurements can be just as valid as the NASA-TLX. In our research, an attempt
was made to provide more insight into the individual dierences of TEPRs by means of a
correlation analysis. Results showed a few moderate to strong correlations at the beginning
of the calculation period between the MPDC and the NASA-TLX, on the one hand, and the
percentage of incorrect responses, on the other.
Thus, it seems possible to assess workload by tracking the pupil diameter. However,
the validity of pupil diameter measurements may need improvement before it could
be implemented in practice. Future research could focus on improving signal analysis
techniques that filter out eects other than mental workload, such as the light reflex. It is
challenging to enhance the applicability of pupillometry towards tasks that require fixation
on dierent types of targets. Janisse (1977) previously concluded that research that uses
pictorial stimuli should “be interpreted with caution, and perhaps be discounted.” (p. 77).
One possible way to use the pupil diameter in visually complex tasks might be to correct
in real time for the amount of light that enters the eye. Janisse proposed such approach
as early as 1977: “The simultaneous monitoring of pupil size and eye movements (points
of focus) as subjects view pictorial stimuli might allow one to mathematically ‘correct’
pupil size as a function of the brightness of the point on which the subject’s gaze is falling
at a given time.” (p. 169). Because modern remote eye trackers measure gaze direction
and pupil diameter simultaneously, such approach becomes within practical reach, as
also discussed by Klingner (2010). For further reading into approaches of pupillometry in
complex visual environments, see Palinko & Kun (2011; a driving simulator), and Klingner
(2010; visual search and map reading).
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Additionally, validity could be improved by combining pupillometry with other
physiological measures (e.g., Haapalainen et al., 2010;Just, Carpenter & Miyake, 2003;
Kahneman et al., 1969;Satterthwaite et al., 2007;Van der Molen et al., 1989). For example,
Haapalainen et al. (2010) used an electrocardiogram (ECG)-enabled armband, a remote
eye tracker, and a wireless electroencephalogram (EEG) headset, to collect various
physiological signals simultaneously. The authors concluded that the heat flux and heart
rate variability in combination provided a classification accuracy of over 80% between
conditions of low and high mental workload. In this study, the pupil diameter did not
perform strongly as a classifier (57%), presumably due to data loss of the eye tracker. A
primary advantage of pupillometry in such multivariate applications is that the pupil
diameter reacts rapidly to changes in task conditions (cf. Fig. 5), while measures such as
heat flux, galvanic skin response, or heart rate have considerably longer time constants.
The authors received no funding for this work.
Competing Interests
The authors declare there are no competing interests.
Author Contributions
Gerhard Marquart conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experi-
ments, analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper,
prepared figures and/or tables, performed the computation work, reviewed drafts of the
Joost de Winter conceived and designed the experiments, analyzed the data, contributed
reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper, prepared figures and/or tables,
performed the computation work, reviewed drafts of the paper.
The following information was supplied relating to ethical approvals (i.e., approving body
and any reference numbers):
The research was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) of the
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). (‘Workload Assessment for Mental Arithmetic
Tasks using the Task-Evoked Pupillary Response: January 29, 2015).
Data Availability
The following information was supplied regarding the deposition of related data:
The Experimenter software and analysis scripts are available as Supplemental Files but
as the raw data files are quite large, they are currently hosted at:
assets/uuid:c34edcab-2734-4cd9-b060-67371eb3bab0/Supplementary Material Gerhard
Marquart and de Winter (2015), PeerJ Comput. Sci., DOI 10.7717/peerj-cs.16 17/20
Supplemental Information
Supplemental information for this article can be found online at
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... Pupil diameter is a commonly used measure of mental workload. The pupils have been shown to dilate when retaining items in working memory and to constrict when such items are released (Kahneman and Beatty, 1966;Marquart and De Winter, 2015), and when being exposed to visual (Bradley et al., 2008) and auditory (Partala and Surakka, 2003) stimuli of stressful or arousing nature. However, so far, little is known about the utility of pupil diameter in dynamic tasks like shopping (for exceptions, see Ladeira et al., 2020;Medathati et al., 2020). ...
... A limitation of our study is that the participants' actions in the virtual environment were not recorded, and therefore could not be linked to momentary heart rate or pupil diameter. The pupil diameter is known to rapidly adapt to changing workload, as shown in the literature on the task-evoked pupillary response (Ahern, 1978;Klingner, 2010;Marquart and De Winter, 2015). Future research could exploit physiological measures by examining how workload varies during tasks, such as during the visual search task of finding products on the shelf versus the motor task of placing them in the cart. ...
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Introduction. Immersive virtual reality applications in areas such as gaming, training, and neurorehabilitation are growing in popularity. While most applications aim for maximal realism, simplifying the virtual environment might bring several advantages, such as a reduction in users' workload, potentially promoting learning and neurorehabilitation outcomes. However, the best way to achieve this is still unclear. Objective. This study explored the impact of reducing visual, auditory, and cognitive demands on users' workload during a daily living activity in immersive virtual reality. Methods. Twenty-four participants used a head-mounted display for a virtual shopping task, i.e., picking ten listed products on a shelf, under different conditions: visual demands (moving characters), auditory demands (background noise), cognitive demands (simultaneous arithmetic task), and a combination of all three. Workload measures included heart rate, pupil diameter, task time, and self-reported mental demand and effort. Results. Compared to the combined condition, removing the cognitively demanding secondary task induced the largest workload reduction, followed by auditory and then visual demands. Biosignal differences were more prominent within individual participants rather than between them. Conclusions. In virtual shopping tasks, simplifying the environment-by prioritizing the reduction of cognitive demands over visual or auditory distractions-can substantially reduce workload.
... Bläsing and Bornewasser also used pupil size adopting its correlation with cognitive load (Marquart & De Winter, 2015). They conducted the experiment in the brightness-controlled environment and the results demonstrated the effect of task complexity and the different systems. ...
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Background Cognitive load during AR use has been measured conventionally by performance tests and subjective rating. With the growing interest in physiological measurement using non‐invasive biometric sensors, unbiased real‐time detection of cognitive load in AR is expected. However, a range of sensors and parameters are used in various subject fields, and reported results are fragmented. Objectives The aim of this review is to analyse systematically how physiological methods have been used to measure cognitive load and what the implications are for the future research on AR‐based tools. Methods This paper took the systematic review approach. Through screening with 10 exclusion criteria, 23 studies, that contain 3 key elements: AR‐based intervention, cognitive state examination and physiological methods, were identified, analysed and synthesised. Results Physiological methods in their current form require reference to provide meaningful interpretations and suggestions. Therefore, they are often combined with conventional methods. Many studies investigate the effect of wearable devices in comparison with non‐AR stimuli, which has been controversial, but detection of different causes of cognitive load are on the horizon. Eye‐tracking is the method most used and most consistent in the use of its parameters. Conclusions A multi‐method approach combining two or more evaluation instruments is essential for the validation of users' cognitive state. In addition to the AR stimuli in question, having another independent variable such as task difficulty in experiment design is useful. Statistical approaches with more data input could help establish a reliable scale. The future research should attempt to dissociate cognitive load caused by different effects such as device, instruction, and other AR techniques as well as intrinsic and extraneous aspects, in a better experimental setup with multiple parameters.
... In addition to the above measures, we analyzed pupil diameter as an index of mental workload. The use of pupil diameter as a measure of mental workload has been established in studies since the 1960s (Hess & Polt, 1964;Kahneman & Beatty, 1966) and has been confirmed in numerous more recent studies (e.g., Klingner et al., 2011;Marquart & De Winter, 2015). Pupil diameter is also gaining popularity in transportation research (Radhakrishnan et al., 2023). ...
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Automated vehicles need to prioritize pedestrian safety. One way to achieve this is through external human-machine interfaces (eHMIs) that send visual signals to pedestrians. To date, limited research has systematically investigated text-based eHMIs and light-based eHMIs with regard to eye movements and attention allocation. The present study addressed this gap by using a gaze-contingent paradigm to test the hypothesis that eHMIs requiring foveal attention, such as text-based eHMIs, result in longer response times compared to eHMIs that can be understood from peripheral vision, such as flashing lights. In this study, 23 participants viewed non-interactive animated video clips depicting a traffic situation of automated vehicles with no eHMI, a flashing-light eHMI, or a textual eHMI, while eye movements were recorded using an eye tracker. Participants were instructed to press the spacebar whenever they deemed it safe to cross the road. The results showed that response times were faster when the eHMI was present, with no significant difference between the two eHMI types. An analysis of gaze dispersion further suggested that the Flash eHMI captured attention relatively briefly, while the Text eHMI held attention somewhat longer, followed by no eHMI where participants focused on the approaching vehicle the longest. The gaze-contingent window caused a reduction in the number of saccades and a slowing of response times. In conclusion, the negative effect of the gaze-contingent window on response times and saccades highlights the importance of considering peripheral vision in the design of eHMIs for pedestrian safety.
... Bei steigender neuronaler Erregung und gesteigerter Wachsamkeit dehnt sich die Pupille aus, was eine relativ schnelle Reaktion ist. Durch Veränderungen in der Pupillengröße können in weniger als einer Sekunde Veränderungen in der Beanspruchung erfassbar gemacht werden (Marquart & de Winter, 2015). Weitere Parameter, die sich aus der Blickbewegung ergeben, sind sehr situativ. ...
In der heutigen Zeit verändert sich die Arbeit des Menschen aufgrund von Digitalisierung und Automatisierung immer mehr in die Richtung von Kontroll- und Überwachungsaufgaben. In solchen Situationen kann Über- oder Unterbeanspruchung entstehen. Diese unmittelbaren Auswirkungen aufgrund von externen Einflüssen können mit einer Vielzahl an Instrumenten erhoben werden. Mittels einer Simulationsstudie im Bahnkontext und einer Studie mit acht Teilexperimenten im Universitätskontext sollte überprüft werden, ob der neu entwickelte Fragebogen, der DLR-WAT, sich ebenfalls zur Erfassung von Beanspruchung eignet. Die Objektivität wurde positiv bewertet, Cronbachs Alpha für die Reliabilität ergab gute bis exzellente Werte (α= .8-.9). Für die Bestimmung der Validität wurden Korrelationen zwischen den DLR-WAT-Skalen und Skalen des bewährten Instrumentes, dem NASA-TLX berechnet. Die Korrelationen der Gesamtskalen belaufen sich auf r = .67-.81. Hinsichtlich von Zusammenhängen mit Leistungsmaßen korrelierten höhere Bewertungen der Beanspruchung meist mit schnelleren zeitlichen Reaktionen, jedoch mit schlechterer sonstiger Leistung. Zur Überprüfung der Sensitivität wurden t-Test bei abhängigen Stichproben gerechnet. In vier von fünf Situationen hat der DLR-WAT empfindlich auf Veränderung der Belastung reagiert. Zur Überprüfung der Spezifität wurden für die zweite Studie deskriptiv Mittelwertdifferenzen analysiert, wobei in drei von vier Fällen der DLR-WAT die schwerpunktartig induzierte Belastung erkannte. Aufgrund der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse kann der DLR-WAT geprüft, als Instrument zur Erfassung von Beanspruchung, eingesetzt werden. Der DLR-WAT sollte in praktischen Anwendungen untersucht werden, um die Annäherung an ein optimales Beanspruchungsniveau zu testen.
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The pupil diameter has been shown to provide insight to a person's experienced cognitive strain. Pupillary light responses, however, make this measure unreliable in uncontrolled settings. Two derived indicators—Index of Cognitive Activity (ICA) and Index of Pupillary Activity (IPA)—aim to ‘eliminate’ lighting influences, changing based only on the perceived cognitive strain. The IPA potentially offers a valuable alternative to the ICA through its fully transparent calculation, which lifts the restrictions to proprietary software and supported eye trackers. The measures are examined and compared based on two experimental studies; (i) as indicators of cognitive strain during mental arithmetic tasks and (ii) under different conditions of computer screen luminance. Results indicate that neither indicator differentiates between the increasing levels of cognitive strain. Differences in screen luminance are reflected in both indicators, although differently between the conditions. Both results contradict the claims of the indicators and further investigations are thus required.
Working memory tasks, such as n-back and arithmetic tasks, are frequently used in studying mental workload. The present study investigated and compared the sensitivity of several physiological measures at three levels of difficulty of n-back and arithmetic tasks. The results showed significant differences in fixation duration and pupil diameter among three task difficulty levels for both n-back and arithmetic tasks. Pupil diameters increase with increasing mental workload, whereas fixation duration decreases. Blink duration and heart rate (HR) were significantly increased as task difficulty increased in the n-back task, while root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD) and standard deviation of R-R intervals (SDNN) were significantly decreased in the arithmetic task. On the other hand, blink rate and Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) were not sensitive enough to assess the differences in task difficulty for both tasks. All significant physiological measures yielded significant differences between low and high task difficulty except for SDNN.Practitioner summary: This study aimed to assess the sensitivity levels of several physiological measures of mental workload in n-back and arithmetic tasks. It showed that pupil diameter was the most sensitive in both tasks. This study also found that most physiological indices are sensitive to an extreme change in task difficulty levels.
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Automated vehicles need to prioritize pedestrian safety. One way to achieve this is through external human-machine interfaces (eHMIs) that send visual signals to pedestrians. eHMIs can be either text-based or light-based. However, there has been limited research on the effects of these types of eHMI on human information processing and attention allocation. This study aimed to fill this gap by using a gaze-contingent approach, which blurs the view outside a circular aperture, to test the hypothesis that text-based eHMIs, which require focused or foveal attention, result in longer response times compared to light-based eHMIs, which can be understood using peripheral vision. In this study, 23 participants watched animated video clips of traffic situations involving automated vehicles with either no eHMI, a flashing-light eHMI, or a text-based eHMI. Their eye movements were tracked, and they were asked to press the spacebar when they felt it was safe to cross the road. The results showed faster response times when an eHMI was present, with no significant difference between the two types of eHMIs. Further analysis suggested that the flashing-light eHMI captured attention briefly, while the text-based eHMI held attention for a longer period. When no eHMI was present, participants focused on the approaching vehicle for the longest time. The gaze-contingent window resulted in fewer eye movements and slower response times. In conclusion, the study showed that the gaze-contingent window negatively affected response times and eye movements, emphasizing the importance of considering peripheral vision when designing eHMIs for pedestrian safety.
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Understanding the physiological correlates of cognitive overload has implications for gauging the limits of human cognition, developing novel methods to define cognitive overload, and mitigating the negative outcomes associated with overload. Most previous psychophysiological studies manipulated verbal working memory load in a narrow range (an average load of 5 items). It is unclear, however, how the nervous system responds to a working memory load exceeding typical capacity limits. The objective of the current study was to characterize the central and autonomic nervous system changes associated with memory overload, by means of combined recording of electroencephalogram (EEG) and pupillometry. Eighty-six participants were presented with a digit span task involving the serial auditory presentation of items. Each trial consisted of sequences of either 5, 9, or 13 digits, each separated by 2 s. Both theta activity and pupil size, after the initial rise, expressed a pattern of a short plateau and a decrease with reaching the state of memory overload, indicating that pupil size and theta possibly have similar neural mechanisms. Based on the described above triphasic pattern of pupil size temporal dynamics, we concluded that cognitive overload causes physiological systems to reset, and release effort. Although memory capacity limits were exceeded and effort was released (as indicated by pupil dilation), alpha continued to decrease with increasing memory load. These results suggest that associating alpha with the focus of attention and distractor suppression is not warranted.
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The assessment of mental workload could be helpful to road safety especially if developments of vehicle automation will increasingly place drivers into roles of supervisory control. With the rapidly decreasing size and increasing resolution of cameras as well as exponential computational power gains, remote eye measurements are growing in popularity as non-obtrusive and non-distracting tools for assessing driver workload. This review summarizes literature on the relation between eye measurement parameters and drivers’ mental workload. Various eye activity measures including blinks, fixations, and saccades have previously researched and confirmed as useful estimates of a driver's mental workload. Additionally, recent studies in pupillometry have shown promise for real-time prediction and assessment of driver mental workload after effects of illumination are accounted for. Specifically, workload increases were found to be indicated by increases in blink latency, PERCLOS, fixation duration, pupil dilation, and ICA; by decreases in blink duration and gaze variability; and with mixed results regarding blink rate. Given such a range of measures available, we recommend using multiple assessment methods to increase validity and robustness in driver assessment.
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In this contribution a method of pupillometry is discussed to identify high mental demands on the driver in a simulated driving task. A new method allows to identify the effect of mental demand by measuring changes in size of the driver's pupil and to display the actual demand through an index called "Index of Cognitive Activity" (ICA, Marshall et al., 2004). A study will be discussed where a simulated driving task was used in combination with the method of pupillometry. This study shows that the ICA increases in situations with a higher mental demand on the driver when performing lane change manoeuvres or an additional secondary task. Hence the index of cognitive activity seems to be a suitable method for continuously measuring mental demands while driving.
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The measurement of pupil diameter in psychology (in short, "pupillometry") has just celebrated 50 years. The method established itself after the appearance of three seminal studies (Hess & Polt, 1960, 1964; Kahneman & Beatty, 1966). Since then, the method has continued to play a significant role within the field, and pupillary responses have been successfully used to provide an estimate of the "intensity" of mental activity and of changes in mental states, particularly changes in the allocation of attention and the consolidation of perception. Remarkably, pupillary responses provide a continuous measure regardless of whether the participant is aware of such changes. More recently, research in neuroscience has revealed a tight correlation between the activity of the locus coeruleus (i.e., the "hub" of the noradrenergic system) and pupillary dilation. As we discuss in this short review, these neurophysiological findings provide new important insights to the meaning of pupillary responses for mental activity. Finally, given that pupillary responses can be easily measured in a noninvasive manner, occur from birth, and can occur in the absence of voluntary, conscious processes, they constitute a very promising tool for the study of preverbal (e.g., infants) or nonverbal participants (e.g., animals, neurological patients). © Association for Psychological Science 2012.
A physiological measure of processing load or "mental effort" required to perform a cognitive task should accurately reflect within-task, between-task, and betweenindividual variations in processing demands. This article reviews all available experimental data and concludes that the task-evoked pupillary response fulfills these criteria. Alternative explanations are considered and rejected. Some implications for neurophysiological and cognitive theories of processing resources are discussed.
With a new electronic technique, pupil size of 40 Ss was measured continuously during a series of intellectual tasks. Time estimation or counting elicited no pupillary changes, but pupil diameter reliably increased (approximately 30%) during number memory, multiplication, and word definition. Dilation was greater for novel or more difficult tasks. If S continued to work a problem after answering, dilation persisted, but silent counting by S terminated task perseveration and dilation. Thinking about pleasant or unpleasant experiences elicited inconsistent dilation, constriction, or no change.
This article is a selective theory-driven review that synthesizes recent neuroscience findings concerning mental workload during complex cognition from the perspective of a functional resource theory called 3CAPS, focusing on the concept of capacity utilization . Capacity utilization refers to the proportion of resources that is being consumed in a given time interval in a given cognitive system. This definition integrates the dynamic effects of (a) the computational demand imposed by a task, and (b) the resource supply in an individual that is available to meet that demand. The analysis reveals that the functional relations between capacity utilization and measures of neural activity are similar across three different cognitive systems (language comprehension, visuospatial processing and executive processing). The measures of neural activity include functional neuroimaging, pupillary dilation and event-related potentials. The construct of capacity utilization provides a mapping between a functional architecture of cognition and aspects of its neural implementation.