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Evaluation of the nutritive value of ensiled and fresh Golden Apple snails (Pomacea spp) for growing pigs

Evaluation of the nutritive value of ensiled and fresh Golden
Apple snails (Pomacea spp) for growing pigs
Lampheuy Kaensombath
Faculty of Agriculture, National University of Laos, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Table of contents
2. Objectives.................................................................................................3
3. General discussion ...................................................................................4
3.1. Feed resources for pigs production in Laos .................................4
3.2. Potential of Golden Apple Snail as a protein resource for
monogastric animal production in Laos and other tropical countries.4
3.2.1. Nutrient content of Golden Apple Snail (GAS).............4
3.3. Ensiling fresh Golden Apple Snail flesh......................................5
3.3.1. Principle of ensiling...................................................... 5
3.3.2. Additives........................................................................5
3.3.3. Ensiled Golden Apple Snail ..........................................6
3.4. Effect of different ratios of Golden Apple Snail to an additive
mixture of rice bran and molasses on nutrients of the silage.............. 6
3.5. Effect of including flesh fresh and ensiled golden apple snail in
diets on nutrient digestibility in growing pigs.....................................6
3.6. Effect of including fresh and ensiled Golden Apple Snail in the
diet on the performance of growing pigs ............................................7
3.7. Economic efficiency of including fresh and ensiled Golden
Apple Snail in diets for growing pigs .................................................7
4. Conclusions..............................................................................................7
5. References................................................................................................8
Back to contents Lampheuy
ADG Average daily weight gain
CP Crude protein
DM Dry matter
EGAS Ensiled Golden Apple Snail
FGAS Fresh Golden Apple Snail
FCR Feed conversion ratio
GAS Golden Apple Snail
N Nitrogen
NDF Neutral Detergent Fibre
NIAH National Institute of Animal Husbandry
1. Introduction
Village pig and poultry production is usually referred to the as the traditional, backyard or
smallholder system. Sources of feed are mainly crop by-products, such as rice bran, broken rice or
banana stem. Monogastric animals serve as family savings for short-term needs, such as school fees,
books or clothing for children. Animal products provide part of the dietary protein for the rural
families (Chantalakhana et al. 2002).
In Laos, the majority of pig producers are smallholders, most of whom are located in the rural
areas. Depending on the area and scale of production, pigs are important to them as a major source of
family income, as a sideline for raising funds for particular purposes, as a savings bank, as a source of
protein for the family, and for cultural reasons. ND732.
Golden Apple Snails (GAS) (Pomacea spp) were first introduced from Thailand into Sikhotabong
District of Vientiane Municipality in 1991 and spread to three villages, namely Viengsavanh, Nahai
and Phosi. The first damage to lowland rice fields was reported in 1992. A few years later (1994), they
were brought from Vietnam to the Northern Provinces of the country, mainly as a source of food.
Since then GAS have spread to 10 of 17 provinces of the country, mainly by way of connecting
waterways, such as irrigation canals and rivers, as well as by people. GAS does most damage to young
rice seedlings (seedbeds up to 20 days after transplanting), and consequently fields infested with GAS
have to be replanted several times in order to replace the missing seedlings.
Presently, GAS is considered a major pest in the rice ecosystems of Laos. However, in Laos
damage by GAS is prevented by collecting them in the fields, which has become inefficient in several
areas, and due to labor constraints farmers turn to unspecific chemicals for help (e.g. Niclosamide or
Baylucide, and Copper sulfate). These chemical products however pollute water and are a serious
threat to other aquatic organisms as well as to the health of the people working in the paddy fields.
Moreover, the Lao Government has developed several different control techniques focused on
integrated apple snail management (e.g. preventing the entrance of the snails to the rice fields, hand
picking, transplanting old seedlings, reduction of water levels in the rice fields and using a variety of
local experiences (Douangbupha et al, 1998).
Utilization of GAS by rice farmers in Laos is mainly for food (85%), animal feed (14%) and liquid
bio-fertilizer or compost (only 1%).
Pomacea canaliculata includes 62.0 % (DM basis) crude protein in the flesh of the snail
(excluding shell), and 14.9 % dry matter (UAF laboratory, 2004) and it also has high contents of
minerals and vitamins (Rice Technology Bulletin, 2001). That GAS is a good source of minerals is
indicated by the contents of calcium (35% in the shell) and phosphorus (1.2%) and it is also a good
source of energy (13.94 MJ kg-1). Uncooked fresh GAS meal in pig diets can be used at levels of up to
15% (Catalma et al., 1991).
By-products of the sugar cane industry in the form of molasses have been used widely as a cereal
substitute in livestock feeds (Preston, 1995). This product has been shown to be promising for
fattening pigs (Bui Hong Van and Le Thi Men, 1994) and has been used to make silage from high
protein by-products such as shrimp waste (Ngoan et al, 2000a).
2. Objectives
To determine the optimum proportion of a mixture of molasses and rice bran to GAS for
ensiling the snails.
To compare ensiled and non-ensiled golden apple snail in terms of digestibility and growth
performance of pigs.
3. General discussion
3.1. Feed resources for pigs production in Laos
Pig diets in Laos are usually based on rice bran, maize, cassava, alcohol production waste, edible
grasses or weeds and waste food. Commercial pig feeds are generally only used in urban and peri-
urban areas of Vientiane City. Commercial pig feed is expensive by local standards and is therefore
only used in the larger production systems. Improved feeds, such as cassava, maize and rice bran, are
used by some farmers but availability depends on production, and processing time is a problem
(Vongthilath and Blacksell, 1999; Phonekhampheng et al, 2003).
Recently, several studies have been carried out on improving diets for fattening pigs by using
locally available feed resources as protein supplements. For example: A study on the potential use of
Stylosanthes guianensis CIAT 184 as a protein source for indigenous pigs in the upland farming
systems in Laos by Keoboualapheth and Mikled (2003). Also Koutsavang and Ogle (2005) evaluated
Stylosanthes and dried cassava leaves as protein sources for growing pigs, and an experiment was
carried out on the effect of roughage level on the growth performance of crossbred pigs
(Douangphasy et al, 2003).
Making silage and using locally available, low-cost feed resources for pig production in Laos is
therefore important. The abundant fishery products and Golden Apple Snails (GAS) (Pomacea spp)
can contribute large amounts of protein to pig production in Laos. The life cycle of GAS is around 60
days and it has a reproductive life of 60 days – 3 years. A female lays about 1000-1200 eggs in a
month (Sebastian, 2001), which implies a very rapid increase in numbers.
Farmers who live near rice fields collect GAS from the fields, then break open the shell and feed
the flesh to their finishing pig directly. However, farmers prefer not to feed GAS to young pigs due to
the presence of bits of the shell, which would damage the mouth and stomach.
3.2. Potential of Golden Apple Snail as a protein resource for monogastric animal production in Laos
and other tropical countries
GAS is available year round, and in May during the dry season the number of males, at 87% of the
total, is higher than females. When the rains start, the number of males decreases and is lowest (33 %)
in August. During the rainy season (July-September) the number of female snails is high because this
is the reproductive period (Banpavichit et al, 1994).
The Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata) is a high-protein non-conventional feed resource
that is abundant in farmlands in SE Asia (FAO, 1997) Today Golden Apple Snails are found in ten
provinces of Laos, and cause serious damage to rice seedlings and aquatics plants in the rice
ecosystem. Farmers tried to control them by using pesticides, but this will cause more environmental
pollution in the future. Therefore, the Lao government has encouraged farmers to control the snail by
natural methods and encouraged the use of the snail as a fertilizer and feed for livestock
(Douangbupha et al, 1998). Most farmers in Laos use the GAS for duck production, because they are
able to crush the shell with their bills.
3.2.1. Nutrient content of Golden Apple Snail (GAS)
The GAS components of shell and flesh are 319 g/kg and 360 g/kg (fresh basis), respectively. The
chemical composition of fresh Golden Apple Snail (FGAS), includes dry matter, 181 g/kg (DM), 149
/kg DM ash, and the crude protein (CP) content of 621 g/kg DM is similar to fish meal, that in Laos
contains 450-650 g/kg DM of CP (Gold Coin Feed factory, 2000). The CP content of FGAS in the
Philippines (319 g/kg DM, with some shells) (FAO, 1997) is lower than the CP content of fish meal
and FGAS in Laos. Growing pigs require essential amino acids for their muscle tissue development,
especially lysine and methionine, which are the most limiting amino acids in diets for growing pigs
and that can be supplied by feedstuffs from animal tissue such as fish meal. However, in Laos, fish
meal has to be imported from Thailand and is very expensive. FGAS is a good alternative protein
resource in terms of both quantity and quality for fattening pigs, because of the high crude protein in
the flesh of GAS, and the good balance of amino acids for growing pigs, as shown in Table 1. The
content of the two main limiting amino acids, lysine and methionine, is meet to the requirement for
growing pigs (Table 2).
Table 1. Amino acid content of fresh Golden Apple
Snail flesh (% of DM)
Amino acid % of DM
Histidine 5.08
Threonine 9.00
Arginine 13.82
Valine 9.23
Methionine 3.48
Phenylalanine 7.10
Isoleucine 8.19
Leucine 15.20
Lysine 4.18
Table 2. Requirement for crude protein (CP), lysine and methionine
+ cystine (% of diet DM) for growing F1 pigs (NIAH, 1995)
Live weight of pigs
15-30 kg 30-50 kg >50 kg
CP 16.0 14.5 12.0
Lysine 0.90 0.70 0.60
Methionine + Cystine 0.45 0.35 0.30
3.3. Ensiling fresh Golden Apple Snail flesh
3.3.1. Principle of ensiling
Currently, GAS is not really considered to be a human food resource as it is not well liked. It has
rapidly spread and become pest in the rice fields of Laos, and other Asian countries. So ways of the
snail are being investigated, but a problem is the seasonal availability. Another constraint has been the
investment cost in small-scale production. However, ensilage is a simple and low cost option, which
can preserve feeds that are seasonally abundant for later feeding during periods of feed shortage. Also
ensiling can also render some previously unpalatable products useful to livestock by changing the
chemical nature of the feed (Chedly and Lee, 1998). The term fermentation is a process to describe the
breakdown of carbohydrate materials under anaerobic conditions (Potter, 1978). Ensiling is the process
of controlled fermentation of raw materials of high moisture content by the activities of
microorganisms in anaerobic conditions, which encourages the growth of lactic acid bacteria, or by
using chemical additives (McDonald et al., 2002).
3.3.2. Additives
Silage additives can be classified into two main types (McDonald et al., 1995): fermentation
stimulants, such as sugar-rich materials, inoculants and enzymes, which encourage the development of
lactic acid bacteria, and fermentation inhibitors, such as acids and formalin, which partially inhibit
microbial growth.
The silage additive is important for supporting microbial growth during the fermentation period.
Molasses is a good, cheap additive with a high water- soluble carbohydrate content of about 700 g/kg
dry matter (DM) (MacDonald, et al., 2002). The main function of a silage additive is to increase the
nutritional value or improve the fermentation (Ohio State University Extension, 2001)
Raw materials low in lactic acid bacteria content generally benefit from suitable inoculants
(Martin et al., 1995). Protein-rich feeds with low energy contents, such as fish waste, poultry litter and
also FGAS should not be ensiled alone. However, this type of feed can be successfully ensiled when
mixed with one or several energy-rich products, such as rice bran and molasses (Chedly et al., 1998).
3.3.3. Ensiled Golden Apple Snail
Making silage of FGAS is a way of processing the product, which is a low cost investment and is
also a simple method for small-scale production. Because of the chemical composition of the flesh of
Golden Apple Snail (FGAS), which has a low DM and high CP content, it is not easy to make silage
that will be preserved for several months. Therefore it requires additives for supporting microorganism
growth during the fermentation process. Carbohydrate or energy rich sources such as rice bran and
molasses are high in water-soluble carbohydrates which encourage microbial activity during
fermentation. In Paper 1 two different ratios of an additive mixture of rice bran and molasses to FGAS
were shown to be suitable for fermentation. Good FGAS silage can be critically evaluated according to
fermentation characteristics such as pH, NH3 content, smell, color and also changes in chemical
composition during ensiling.
3.4. Effect of different ratios of Golden Apple Snail to an additive mixture of rice bran and molasses
on nutrients of the silage
The chemical composition data of FGAS show it to have a high moisture and protein content,
which means it is difficult to make silage from. It also has a low energy content and therefore should
be mixed with easily fermentable, energy-rich products, such as molasses or a mixture of molasses and
rice bran (Chedly et al, 1998).
Three different proportions of an additive mixture of rice bran and molasses (9:1) to fresh snails
were tested: 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 on a fresh basis, and designated MRS1, MRS2 and MRS3, respectively.
In Paper 1, initially the MRS1 silage had a brown color that was somewhat darker for MRS2 and
MRS3. After 7 days the color for all treatments changed to a yellow-brown and each had a good smell.
The color did not change further, but treatments MRS2 and MRS3 had a dark surface. Dry matter
(DM) and organic matter (OM) contents decreased with ensiling time in all treatments. Crude protein
(CP) remained constant in MRS1, and increased with ensiling time in MRS2 and MRS3. The
concentration of ammonia-N increased with time of ensiling on all treatments. pH values fell to below
5.0 in the first 7 days of ensiling on all treatments and then remained constant, except for treatment
MRS3, in which pH increased to 5.34 at 14 days and then remained constant up to 168 days. DM and
CP contents were different among treatments at all sampling times during ensiling, due to the different
ratios of FGAS to the additive mixture. pH values were not different among treatments at 0 and 7 days,
but thereafter were higher in MRS3 than in the other two silages
3.5. Effect of including flesh fresh and ensiled golden apple snail in diets on nutrient digestibility in
growing pigs
The digestibility of a food is closely related to its chemical composition, the composition of other
foods consumed with it and also the preparation of food influences nutrient digestibility (McDonald et
al, 2002). In Paper II, it is shown that when fresh (FGAS) and ensiled Golden Apple Snail (EGAS)
replaced 30% DM of a basal diet the DM and OM digestibility in the basal diet was higher than in the
FGAS and EGAS diets. The molasses in the silage additive mixture would have been highly digested
(McDonald et al., 2002), but this would have been cancelled out by the low digestibility of the rice
bran, which in Laos usually contains a high proportion of hulls. However, crude protein digestibility
had the same value among diets and was similar to results reported by Phiny et al. (2003) for fresh
water fish mixed with rice bran (65 % fresh fish and 30 % rice bran) and different ratios of sugar palm
syrup. However, the apparent digestibility of CP of ensiled shrimp by-product was reported to be 750
g/kg DM, which was lower than in EGAS, probably due to the high chitin content of shrimp by-
product (Ngoan et al., 2000b).
The apparent DM digestibility of EGAS was slightly higher than that of FGAS, probably because
of the presence of highly digestible molasses in the additive mixture. Apparent CP digestibility was
high and there was no difference between the ensiled and fresh GAS. Other authors have also found
that the N digestibility in fish silage is high (FAO, 2005; Green et al., 1982; Taylor, 1976) and that
processing (drying) did not affect nutrient digestibility (FAO, 2005).
3.6. Effect of including fresh and ensiled Golden Apple Snail in the diet on the performance of growing
The protein content and quality of fresh Golden Apple Snail (FGAS) are two important factors that
require attention when GAS is used as protein source for growing fattening pigs under farm
conditions. GAS is an ideal protein source for livestock because of the high content of the essential
amino acids that animals require for their growth, especially lysine and methionine (McDonald et al,
2002). It can also be fed to pigs in either fresh or ensiled form without any negative effect on growth
performance in growing pigs (Paper III). In Paper III, it was shown that GAS can replace 100 % of the
fish meal in either fresh or ensiled form in diets of growing pigs, resulting in lower daily feed intake
and efficiency of feed conversion, but similar daily weight gain when compared to the control fish
meal diet. Similar results were reported by Lien et al. (1994) in a trial in which pigs were fed a silage
of shrimp heads, animal blood and molasses as replacement for fish meal in a cereal-based diet at
levels of up to 5 % of diet DM. Ngoan et al (2000c) also found that when ensiled shrimp by-product
replaced 50 % of the fish meal in pig diets this did not affect performance, except for lower feed
conversion ratios. However, in our study the back fat thickness was lower when both FGAS and
EGAS replaced fish meal.
3.7. Economic efficiency of including fresh and ensiled Golden Apple Snail in diets for growing pigs
The protein quality of FGAS is similar to other animal protein sources, especially fish meal, which
is expensive, and is imported from Thailand. Ensiling the flesh of the Golden Apple Snail is a simple
and low cost process, and gives lower feed costs compared to FGAS because the GAS were purchased
from local farmers, and included labor costs for removing shells and chopping. Labors costs were
estimated to be about 27 % of the total diet cost. In the lowland rice production system of Laos, the
GAS is considered to be a pest and has no economic value. Collecting and processing GAS for feeding
to pigs gave higher economic benefits from pig production, would also result in higher rice yields and
reduced costs for pesticides.
4. Conclusions
Fresh Golden Apple Snail (FGAS) can be preserved by ensiling with an additive mixture of rice
bran and molasses. The silage with a ratio of 1:2 (additive mixture of rice bran and molasses
[9:1] to FGAS) resulted in a good quality product that could be stored for at least 6 months.
Fresh and ensiled GAS had similar nutrient digestibility values for fattening pigs
The use of fresh and ensiled GAS in F1 fattening pig diets, as complete replacement for fish
meal, can be recommended under small-farm conditions. Although feed intake decreased, daily
gain and feed conversion efficiency and economical efficiency increased.
Using GAS in diets for pigs also has the advantage of removing the pest from the rice fields,
which reduces the need for pesticides and increases rice yields.
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email, ACIAR proceedings No 94 ISBN 1 86320 286 2
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... Managers have developed approaches based on the high protein content and nutritive value of GAS to re-utilize it in order to slow its invasion and increase its economic value. For example, using GAS as feed in ponds could provide good 18:2n-6, 18:3n-3, and 20:5n-3 essential fatty acids for tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) (Bombeo-Tuburan, Fukumoto, & Rodriguez, 1995;Kaensombath, 2005). Fresh GAS contains 181 g kg −1 of dry matter (DM), 62.1% of which is crude protein (CP), and 75.28% of which is amino acid (Kaensombath, 2005). ...
... For example, using GAS as feed in ponds could provide good 18:2n-6, 18:3n-3, and 20:5n-3 essential fatty acids for tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) (Bombeo-Tuburan, Fukumoto, & Rodriguez, 1995;Kaensombath, 2005). Fresh GAS contains 181 g kg −1 of dry matter (DM), 62.1% of which is crude protein (CP), and 75.28% of which is amino acid (Kaensombath, 2005). Therefore, GAS has been used as a cheaper substitute for fish meal in feed for farm animals such as pigs, fish, and poultry (Bombeo-Tuburan, Fukumoto, & Rodriguez, 1995;Heuzé, Tran, Joshi, Cowie, & Sebastian, 2017;Kaensombath, 2005;Suh, 2015). ...
... Fresh GAS contains 181 g kg −1 of dry matter (DM), 62.1% of which is crude protein (CP), and 75.28% of which is amino acid (Kaensombath, 2005). Therefore, GAS has been used as a cheaper substitute for fish meal in feed for farm animals such as pigs, fish, and poultry (Bombeo-Tuburan, Fukumoto, & Rodriguez, 1995;Heuzé, Tran, Joshi, Cowie, & Sebastian, 2017;Kaensombath, 2005;Suh, 2015). With the development of extraction and synthesis technology, fish has been used as excellent raw material for phospholipid (PL) extraction, especially phosphatidylcholine (PC), which is involved in cell transport, metabolism, growth, function, or gene expression (Canty & Zeisel, 1994). ...
Lipids such as phosphatidylcholine (PC), 3-sn phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), sphingomyelin (SM) and L-α-lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) are the major components of biological membranes and play important roles in physiological functions. Here, PC, PE, SM, and LPC were extracted from golden apple snails (GAS, Pomacea canaliculata) and GAS flesh (GASF) using an ethanol/hexane sequential scheme and quantified simultaneously using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS) to evaluate whether the GAS could be the source of the four lipids. Our results suggest that ethanol extracts contained the most crude lipids, and the yield of dry (evaporated) lipids were 3.45 g per 100 g fresh GASF and 1.82 g per 100 g of fresh GAS. Quantification of the lipids using UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS suggested that GAS contained PE, PC, SM and LPC, with SM being the most abundant lipid (after purification: 1.71 and 1.42 mg g−1 dry weight from 100 g of GASF and GAS, respectively). The method we used is cost-effective, and the recovery rates of ethanol and hexane ranged from 80−91% and 87−91% respectively. Overall, GAS and GASF are potential raw materials for lipids such as SM and PC extraction using the ethanol/hexane method. Comparatively, lipids extraction from the GAS is more effective and timesaving. Our finding would provide a way to utilize GAS and potentially control its invasion.
... canaliculata) their chemical contents include 62% crude protein (on a dry matter [DM] basis, for the flesh, excluding shell) and 14% DM, as well as being a good mineral source, as indicated on a DM basis by their calcium (35% in the shell), phosphorus (1.2%) and energy (13.94 MJ kg -1 ) contents (Kaensombath, 2005). Despite having a high protein content as a feed item, freshwater snails cannot substitute for fish meals due to their low protein digestion and unbalanced amino acids (Jintasataporn et al., 2004 ;Ghosh et al., 2017). ...
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Article Info Importance of the work: Metabolizable energy of feed is the remaining energy from feed after losing in urine and feces. As such, it is a useful parameter for improving feed performance. However, duckspecific information regarding the metabolizable energy and protein digestibility of freshwater snails is still limited. Objectives: To evaluate in Alabio duck the soluble protein and protein digestibility, nitrogen retention, and metabolizable energy of freshwater snail flesh incubated with bromelain enzyme in difference incubation and concentration. Materials and Methods: Freshwater snail flesh was incubated with bromelain enzyme (1%, 2%, 3%, or 4%) for varying durations (1, 2, 3, or 4 hours). The treated flesh was then fed to Alabio ducks using a factorial design in a completely randomized design with five replications (one duck/replication) Results: The highest values for soluble protein (6.58 ± 1.87%), protein digestibility (87.79±0.06%), nitrogen retention (90.35±0.01%), apparent metabolizable energy (3,492.86±9.48 kcal/kg) and N-corrected metabolizable energy (3,491.03±9.47) were obtained in snail flesh incubated with 3% bromelain enzyme for 3 hr. Main finding: Bromelain enzyme at 3% concentration with 3-hour incubation demonstrated superior outcomes, including increased soluble protein, protein digestibility, nitrogen retention, apparent metabolizable energy, and N-corrected metabolizable energy. This enzyme mixture holds promise for application in poultry feed formulations. 388 S. Dharmawati et al. / Agr. Nat. Resour. 57 (2023) 387-396
... As practiced traditionally in many countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, use of GAS for human consumption (Dela Cruz et al. 2003) or for crushing and feeding to ducks (Sinives 2005) or pigs (Kaensombath 2005) is a way to reduce the threat. Use of plants as attractants, making deep drains in the edges of rice fields, and draining the field water level so as to attract the snails to the drains make the collection of snails easier and control more possible. ...
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Golden apple snail (GAS) history, taxonomy, control efforts, and country by country status in 2006, including South and Southeast Asia and Hawai'i.
... Making golden snail shell, processing shell into flour is the same as golden snail meat flour i.e. do not feed the snail for two days, then separate it from the meat [6], [7]. Next the golden snail shell is cleaned of dirt and dried. ...
This study aimed to measure the optimal concentration of the enzyme papain that can be used in the snail goldfish fermentation to improve the performance of Channa Striata. This research conducted in May to September 2019 In Freshwater Fish Seed Center (BBI) Limbung, Gowa Regency. The feed used is pellet feed made from the gold snail, which segmented with the papain enzyme papaya. This study uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of four treatments and three replications, namely: A 1.5%, B 2.25%, C.3% and D. Control (0%). The data obtained were processed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Duncan. The results showed the feeding of golden snails fermented by the enzyme papain with different concentrations provided (P <0.05) the level of protein digestibility, fiber digestibility, protein retention, feed efficiency, albumin reserves, and calcium growth. However, no significant effect (P> 0.05) on fat retention and Channa Striata fish seed survival. Protein digestibility, fiber digestibility, protein retention, feed use efficiency, albumin content, and balance growth. The highest value at the time of preparation B (2.25%) with the respective values (87.66%), (91.24%), (58.07%) (79.05%), (9.77%), (94gr) while the level of protein digestibility, fiber digestibility, protein retention, feed efficiency, albumin content, and concentration growth. The lowest obtained in treatment D (0%), were (60.09%), (81.72%), (32.56%), (54%), (7.88%) and (89.11gr). Water quality in the maintenance media during the study was 26- 290C, pH 7-8, Oxygen 4-6mg / l and ammonia 0.013-0.11 mg / l. © 2020, International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology.
... Fresh GAS (FGAS) is a great alternative protein resource in terms of both quantity and quality for fattening pigs due to high crude protein in the flesh of GAS, and the good balance of amino acids for growth of pigs. It can also replace 100% of the fish meal to pigs in either fresh or ensiled form without any negative effect (Lampheuy 2006). Bombeo-Tuburan et al. 1995 reported that GAS can also be used as a feed component in the tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) culture. ...
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... As practiced traditionally in many countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, use of GAS for human consumption (Dela Cruz et al. 2003) or for crushing and feeding to ducks (Sinives 2005) or pigs (Kaensombath 2005) is a way to reduce the threat. Use of plants as attractants, making deep drains in the edges of rice fields, and draining the field water level so as to attract the snails to the drains make the collection of snails easier and control more possible. ...
... As practiced traditionally in many countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, use of GAS for human consumption (Dela Cruz et al. 2003) or for crushing and feeding to ducks (Sinives 2005) or pigs (Kaensombath 2005) is a way to reduce the threat. Use of plants as attractants, making deep drains in the edges of rice fields, and draining the field water level so as to attract the snails to the drains make the collection of snails easier and control more possible. ...
... Ensiling can also render some previously unpalatable products useful to livestock by changing the chemical nature of the feed ( Chedly and Lee, 1998). Ensilage is a simple and low cost option, which can preserve feeds that are seasonally abundant for later feeding during periods of feed shortage (Kaensombath, 2005). Ensiling material with less than 30% DM may create an environment that is totally anaerobic (suited to clostridia bacteria) rather than micro-aerophilic (suited to lactic acid bacteria). ...
... As practiced traditionally in many countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, use of GAS for human consumption (Dela Cruz et al. 2003) or for crushing and feeding to ducks (Sinives 2005) or pigs (Kaensombath 2005) is a way to reduce the threat. Use of plants as attractants, making deep drains in the edges of rice fields, and draining the field water level so as to attract the snails to the drains make the collection of snails easier and control more possible. ...
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The golden apple snail (GAS), Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck) is a large freshwater snail native to tropical and substropical South America that later spread to Taiwan, Japan, Southeast People's Republic of China, and the Philippines. Many potential benefits of GAS have been recognized, including its use as a food source; use in the aquarium trade, for biological control of weeds; as a protein source for fish, ducks, pigs, and crocodiles; and as liquid biofertilizer. In its native environment GAS has not become a major threat to the ecosystem, but it has become an invader in new ecosystems due to its physiological adaptability and ability to move along distance within a water system. Pomacea is now a major pest in rice and taro crops. In Thailand it seriously damages Ipomoea aquatica, a popular vegetable. Heavy economic losses as well as high costs of control have been reported in some Asian countries. Furthermore, Pomacea has threatene d some native aquatic plants in these countries. It acts as a vector for Angiostronghlus cantonensis (ratlong worm), which causes fatal eosinophilic meningo encephalitis in humans. Eradication of GAS has become a umbersome and costly task. Studies have shown that GAS can be controlled by integrating chemical, mechanical, and biological measures at different stages of cultivation. Biological methods would be more effective for GAS control, as it is a source of food for many birds, in particular water birds like ducks, open b ills (Anastomus oscitans), the common scope owl (Otos sunica) and greater coucal (Centropus sinensis), and prey birds such as kites and egrets in rice fields. The fish species common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Piaractus brachypomus effectively predate on GAS. Botanical antisnail preparations such as dried tobacco leaves and neem extracts have been reported to control GAS populations. Many approaches have been tried. Sustainable management of GAS needs exte n ded studies on ecological and biological behavior patterns, which are the main knowledge gaps required to minimize the spread of GAS. Integration of such information and control measures identified so far along with suitable legislation and policies have become a need at present to prevent introduction and to manage the GAS population at non threatening levels, but implementation has been limited due to lack of resources.
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Background: Natural bioactive compounds are unaided or in amalgamation with conventional chemotherapeutic agents, perhaps be used as prospective therapies to fight cancer. In this study to determine the bioactive compounds, antioxidant, and anticancer activities of Pila virens methonolic extracts on A-549 human lung cancer cell lines. Methods: The Pila virens extracts (aqueous, ethanol and methonal in various concentration) antioxidant activities using 2,2diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), scavenging assay and ferrous ions activity in different. In vitro anticancer activity on A-549 human lung cancer cell lines was evaluated by (3-(4,5dimethyl thiazole-2yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) MTT assay. Results: Pila virens aqueous, ethanol and methanolic tissue extracts exhibited significant total antioxidant activity TAA, DPPH, Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, total reducing power, chelating ability on ferrous ions activity which predicted as 9.4±0.34 to 66.69±0.62 µg/ml, 11.73 ± 0.81 to 75.61±0.49 µg/ml, 5.03 ±0.38 to 62.07±0.77 µg/ml and 14.16±0.71 to 60.63±0.48 µg/ml respectively. Methanol and ethanol extracts exhibited higher as compare to aqueous extract. Antioxidant capacities were shown highest in methanol and ethanol extracts based on the test performed. These results concluded that, the tissue extract of Pila virens has novel antioxidant potential and it has to further characterize to improve the pharmacological active natural products. These results indicate that P.virens could be a source of valuable bioactive materials. Keywords: Antioxidant activity, Bioactive compounds, In vitro, Lung cancer cell, Secondary metabolites
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A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing fish meal (FM) with ensiled shrimp by-product (ESB) in a cassava root meal and rice bran-based diet on the performance and carcass characteristics of growing pigs. Thirty six crossbred (Large White x Mong Cai) pigs, with an average initial BW of 19.4 kg, were randomly allocated to one of three different dietary treatments in which the crude protein of the FM was replaced with 0, 50 or 100% ESB. The animals were fed restrictedly and at the end of the experiment at a BW of about 90 kg, 6 representative animals in each treatment group were slaughtered for carcass quality evaluation. Animal growth performance and daily feed intake were significantly reduced (p<0.05) by the inclusion of shrimp by-products in the diets, whereas feed conversion ratios and carcass measurements were not significantly affected (p>0.05). Daily weight gains of the pigs fed the 100% FM diet and 50% ESB diet were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of pigs fed the 100% ESB diet. In conclusion, from an economical as well as performance point of view, ESB can replace 50% of the crude protein of FM in cassava root meal and rice bran-based diets for growing pigs with a low genetic growth potential. (Asian-Aust.
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An experiment was performed to evaluate different methods for preserving shrimp by-products and to determine their chemical composition. In the first experiment three ratios of shrimp by-product (SBP) to molasses (6:1, 4:1 and 3:1, wet weight), and to cassava root meal (3:1, 2:1 and 1:1, wet weight of shrimp by-product and air-dry weight of cassava root meal) were investigated. The pH of the SBP ensiled with molasses at a ratio of 3:1, and with cassava root meal at a ratio of 1:1, decreased during the first week to below 4.5 and remained low up to day 56 of ensiling, whereas the pH of the mixtures with higher ratios of SBP remained above 7.0, and the material deteriorated rapidly. The dry matter decreased initially in all treatments but then increased slightly from day 28 in the treatment where shrimp by-product was ensiled with cassava root meal at a ratio of 1:1. The crude protein (CP) and ammonia-N (NH3-N) contents of the preserved shrimp by-product material ensiled with molasses at a ratio of 3:1 increased significantly one week after ensiling. The CP content then remained constant, while the NH3-N concentration continued to increase up to 56 days after ensiling. When SBP was ensiled with cassava root meal at a ratio of 1:1 the CP content of the silage increased significantly up to 21 days after ensiling and then decreased back to the original level after 56 days, whereas NH3-N increased markedly up to 14 days and then remained fairly constant up to 56 days. However, the NH3-N content was significantly higher when SBP was ensiled with cassava root meal than with molasses. A balance experiment was carried out, arranged as a double Latin-square and including 6 F1 (Large White x Mong Cai) castrates fed randomly one of three diets based on cassava root meal, rice bran, and fish meal (FM) or shrimp by-product ensiled with molasses (SBEMO) or with cassava root meal (SBECA) as the main protein source. Apparent organic matter and CP digestibilities were significantly (p<0.001) higher for the fish meal diet than for the two shrimp by-product diets, although CP digestibility in SBEMO and SBECA was similar (p>0.05). N-retention was significantly higher for the fish meal diet than for the SBEMO diet, which in turn was significantly higher than for the SBECA diet (p<0.01). It can be concluded that shrimp by-product can be preserved by ensiling with molasses at a ratio of 3:1 or with cassava root meal at a ratio of 1:1. Nutrient digestibility and N-retention of diets based on these shrimp by-product silages were lower than for similar diets based on fish meal, probably due to their high chitin content and inferior amino acid balance.
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Thesis (doctoral)--Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2000. Includes bibliographical references.
An experiment was carried out with two objectives: (a) To determine the optimum amount of Stylo 184 as replacement for rice bran in diets for indigenous pigs, (b) To study the effects of Stylo 184 on intake and growth performance of indigenous pigs. Sixteen indigenous pigs of 12±1.63 kg and 3 months of age from the upland area were used in the experiment. The experimental design was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 replications. The dietary treatments were: T1: 50% maize + 50% rice bran + 0% Stylo 184; T2: 50% maize + 40% rice bran + 10% Stylo 184 fed separately; T3: 50% maize + 30% rice bran + 20% Stylo 184 fed separately, T4: 50% maize + 20% rice bran + 30% Stylo 184 fed separately. The results revealed that total DM intakes were 942g, 1224g, 1221g and 1309g for T1, T2, T3 and T4 treatments, respectively, while DM intakes of Stylo 184 in total DM intake were 49.2g (4.1% of diet), 76.5g (6.3% of diet) and 82.7g (6.4% of diet) for T2, T3 and T4 treatments, respectively. The average daily gains (ADG) were 154g, 221g, 245g and 320g for T1, T2, T3 and T4 treatments, respectively. ADG was significantly higher (p<0.01) for the T4 treatment than for the other treatments. FCR were 6.25, 5.50, 5.00 and 4.00 kg feed/kg gain for the T1, T2, T3 and T4 treatments, respectively. Based on the results of this research it was concluded that indigenous pigs with live weight 10-40 kg can consume Stylo 184 as unconventional feed at up to 6.4% of the diet DM without any negative effects on health and growth performance and with a higher profit for the farmers.
Deoiled herring silage contained an average of 17.6% dry matter (DM) and per 100 g DM: 1.86 MJ GE, 12.1 g N, 5.5 g available lysine and 3.7 g oil. The apparent digestibility coefficients for growing pigs of gross energy (GE) and nitrogen (N) for a diet containing 25% herring silage DM and 75% barley meal DM were 0.83 and 0.91, and the efficiency of retention for digested N was 0.42. The digestible energy (DE) value for the deoiled herring silage was 17.9 MJ DE/kg DM and the digestible nitrogen (DN) value was 119 g DN/kg DM.
Golden apple snails, Pomacea canaliculata, were collected at two localities having different ecological environments. In both canal and pond, P. canaliculata males were found more than females during the dry season (summer and winter). In the canal, the male snails were highest in number (86.67%) in May. When rain started, they began decreasing and were lowest at 33.33% in August. Of 575 snails collected, 30.6% were infected by one or more of the three groups of amphistome, distome and echinostome metacercariae. There were two high peaks of infection in April and October, as 60.7% and 68.4%, respectively, during which there were more males than females. The average number of parasites per snail which was highest at 54 was found in the medium-sized males (25 out of 35 males) in October. The number of parasites per snail was significantly correlated with the collected males (p < 0.01), but such relationship was not occurred with the females. Of the females, only the large-sized individuals were infected. In the pond, the female snails were present in much greater numbers than the males during the reproductive time (June-September). The females were highest (94.23%) in August. Only 24 (4.0%) of 605 snails were infected; most of the infected snails were large.
Preserving shrimp heads and animal blood with molasses and feeding them as a supplement for pigs. Proceeding of National Seminar-Workshop "Sustainable Livestock Production on Local Feed Resources
  • L Lien
  • R Sansoucy
  • N Thien
Lien, L., Sansoucy, R., Thien, N. 1994. Preserving shrimp heads and animal blood with molasses and feeding them as a supplement for pigs. Proceeding of National Seminar-Workshop "Sustainable Livestock Production on Local Feed Resources", Eds TR Preston, Brian Ogle, Le Viet Ly and Luu Trong Hieu) Ho Chi Minh City, November 22-27, 1993. pp 50-52.
Food fermentations. Food Science. 3 rd Edition, THE AVI PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC., United States of America
  • Norman N Potter
Potter, Norman N. 1978. Food fermentations. Food Science. 3 rd Edition, THE AVI PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC., United States of America, pp. 354-373.
Aquaculture Feed and Fertilizer Resource Atlas of the Philippines Animal feed resources information system
  • Fao Philip
  • Cruz Fao
FAO. 1997. Aquaculture Feed and Fertilizer Resource Atlas of the Philippines. Philip S, Cruz. FAO, Rome. FAO. 2005. Animal feed resources information system. FAO, Rome. Gold Coin Feed Factory. 2000. List of nutritive values of feed stuffs. Gold Coin Feed factory of Laos, Vientiane City, Laos.