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Inventory, folk classification and pharmacological properties of plant species used as chewing stick in Benin Republic

  • Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme
  • University of Abomey Calavi Faculty of Agronomic Sciences

Abstract and Figures

Chewing sticks are secondary forest products used by people of all ages, genders and professions in Benin but less investigated according to species concerned, their importance according to local communities and their pharmacological properties. For that purpose, an ethnobotanical survey was conducted among 105 local informants of 8 districts in southern and central Benin. The informants were requested to list the species used as chewing sticks and to rank them by priority. To assess pharmacological importance, phytochemical screening was done on four species listed as priority according to local perceptions. The most important plant families of chewing sticks harvested are Euphorbiaceae, Combretaceae, Anacardiaceae, Rubiaceae and Rutaceae. We recorded 35 species of chewing sticks which were grouped into three categories. Six major groups of chemical compounds were tested in four species listed as priority: alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, steroids, terpenoids and heteroside cardiotonics. Chemical groups found in selected plants have in general positive actions on dental care, but some such as heterosides cardiotonics found in Pseudospondias microcarpa (in traces) are not recommended because of the risks of cardiotoxicity known for these chemical compounds.
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Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 3(5), pp. 382-389, May, 2009
Available online at
ISSN 1996-0875© 2009 Academic Journals
Full Length Research Paper
Inventory, folk classification and pharmacological
properties of plant species used as chewing stick in
Benin Republic
Hugues Adeloui Akpona1,4*, Jean Didier Tewogbadé Akpona1, Simon Kodjoli Awokou2,
Achille Yemoa3 and Léonce Ogougbé Sourou Nounagnon Dossa4
1Laboratoire d’Ecologie Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Benin.
2Centre d’Etudes, de Recherches et de Formations Forestières (CERF), Direction Générale des Forêts et des
Ressources Naturelles. 01 BP : 1563, Cotonou, Bénin.
3Laboratoire de Pharmacognosie et des huiles essentielles FSS- FAST/ UAC, Bénin
4Direction Générale des Forêts et des Ressources Naturelles (DGFRN), Ministère de l’Environnement et de la
Protection de la Nature (MEPN), Benin.
Accepted 25 April, 2009
Chewing sticks are secondary forest products used by people of all ages, genders and professions in
Benin but less investigated according to species concerned, their importance according to local
communities and their pharmacological properties. For that purpose, an ethnobotanical survey was
conducted among 105 local informants of 8 districts in southern and central Benin. The informants
were requested to list the species used as chewing sticks and to rank them by priority. To assess
pharmacological importance, phytochemical screening was done on four species listed as priority
according to local perceptions. The most important plant families of chewing sticks harvested are
Euphorbiaceae, Combretaceae, Anacardiaceae, Rubiaceae and Rutaceae. We recorded 35 species of
chewing sticks which were grouped into three categories. Six major groups of chemical compounds
were tested in four species listed as priority: alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, steroids,
terpenoids and heteroside cardiotonics. Chemical groups found in selected plants have in general
positive actions on dental care, but some such as heterosides cardiotonics found in Pseudospondias
microcarpa (in traces) are not recommended because of the risks of cardiotoxicity known for these
chemical compounds.
Key words: Chewing sticks, chemical compounds, Pseudospondias microcarpa, cardiotoxicity.
Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) play an important
role in the livelihood of rural and urban people around the
globe (Griffiths et al., 2003; Emanuel et al., 2005; Gaoue
and Ticktin, 2007). For example, many NTFP’s with
medicinal value are harvested for local healthcare needs
as well as for sale in national and international industries
(Stewart, 2003; Hamilton, 2004). However, the growing
demand for NTFPs used for both subsistence and comm-
ercial trade (Hamilton, 2004; Botha et al., 2004) has, in
*Corresponding author. E-mail: Tél.:
00229 97 57 14 58. Fax:00229 21 30 30 84.
has, in many cases, led to unsustainable management of
forest resources (Peres et al., 2003; Botha et al., 2004).
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) mandates
that contracting parties, preserve and maintain know-
ledge, innovations and practices of indigenous peoples
and local communities for the conservation and sus-
tainable use of biological diversity. This requires a better
understanding of natural resources available and already
integrated into the cultural norms of rural people.
Chewing sticks are secondary forest products used by
people of all ages, genders and professions throughout
Africa. In Benin, it is a cultural practice transferred bet-
ween generations and an inexpensive option for oral
hygiene (Akpona, 2007). It is also a key resource
Akpona et al. 383
Table 1. Information on Sex, Age, Zone and Profession of the Respondents.
Criteria Category Number of respondents
Men 63
Sex Women 42
Old persons ( 40 years old) 70
Age Young persons (< 40 years old)
Rural 66
Zone Urban 39
Wholesalers Retailers Total
Traders 16 44 60
Traditional healers 7
Others 38
Total 105
because it provides substantial income and provides
sanitary, medicinal and pharmaceutical benefits for com-
munities. Presently many species that are used for this
purpose are highly threatened in Benin. According to
Djossou (1985), the functional justification of vegetable
toothbrush is related to its four roles: cleaning of dental
surfaces (mechanical action), gingival massage (active-
tion of blood circulation), oral asepsis (phytotherapy) and
stimulation of parodontal structures. This suggests that
plants used as chewing sticks have phytochemical pro-
perties still not justified by pharmacists. However, little is
known about biological and pharmacological properties of
chewing sticks as a consequence of the little documen-
tation available on the species used as chewing sticks in
Benin. This study aims to
(a) Identify species used as chewing sticks in Benin.
(b) Understand folk classification and prioritization of
concerned species.
(c) To identify chemical components of the most impor-
tant species and their importance in dental hygiene.
Study area
Republic of Benin is located at the so-called Dahomey-Gap, in
which the savannah extends as far as the sea, through a hiatus in
the West African rain forest over some 200 Km from South East
Ghana to South East Benin (Whitmore, 1990; Martin, 1991; Maley,
1996). This study was conducted in the Guinean region: from about
N 9°10’N (South of Abomey latitude) to about N (at Savè
latitude). The districts of Savè, Abomey, Savalou and Dassa
(Centre Benin) and Comè, Cotonou, Porto-Novo (southern Benin)
were surveyed. The mean temperature is constantly high (25°C)
with daily amplitude below C in the South and 10°C in the North.
The weather in Benin is characterized, these past years, by a high
variation in annual rainfall from one year to another and within each
year. Southern Benin has a subequatorial climate subdivided into
four seasons of unequal length: two rainy seasons (from April to
July and September to October), and two dry seasons (from Nov-
ember to March and end of July to August). In Benin republic, the
vegetation is characterized by a great variety and a fragmentation
of habitat caused, on the one hand by climatic, topographic and
edaphic factors and, on the other hand, by human influence on the
environment. There are no evergreen tropical forests or rain forests
in Benin. At the same time, there is an increasing population
pressure on natural ecosystems to satisfy the need for fuel wood,
construction, medicine, etc. In the South, the remaining forest
patches include the Lama Reserve and Pobè relict forests (Sokpon,
1995). In Central Benin, natural forests have been cleared and
replaced by a mosaic of savannas and dry forests. Southern Benin
represents only 10% all the country and gathers at least 50% of the
Beninese population with densities lower than 150 inhabitants with
the k (da Matha San' T Anna, 2001). In the centre, density is
approximatively 38 habitants/km² (INSAE, 2002) Figure 1.
Inventory, identification and prioritization of chewing sticks’
The inventory and prioritization of chewing sticks species according
to local perception were assessed through interviews. Ethno-
botanical surveys were conducted among local people of 8 districts
in Southern and central of Benin. The sampling method was non-
random, and the informants were pre-defined (Albuquerque and
Paiva, 2004) using indications and orientations from local comm-
unities. A survey based on structured questionnaire and focus
groups discussions was carried out on 105 persons of various
socio-professional groups (Table 1). Different ethnic groups were
considered (Fon, Goun, Mina, Tchabè and Idaatcha). Respondents
were composed of the people of the two sexes belonging to all the
categories of age suggested by OMS (1974). 60% of informants
were considered from rural villages and 40% from urban centres.
Indeed, according to PAFT (1987), the percentage of rural popula-
tions using the chewing sticks is higher than the percentage of
urban centres and could even exceed 80%.
Respondents were asked to make a free listing of species used
as chewing sticks and rank them by priority. Provision sites were
also recorded for each listed species. Initially, the respondents
listed all the species used as chewing sticks. Then, it was reques-
ted from each person interviewed to mention the five main species
used from the most important to the less important. We selected the
four most important and used species taking into account the
budget planned for the phytochemical screening which could cover
only four species. Sixty nine respondents were considered for the
prioritization exercise considering that many of them (essentially
urbans) do not know enough species and could not identify the
species name (local or scientific).
For each quoted species, local name was recorded and the
species was sampled during field trips with the informant. Species
384 J. Med. Plant. Res.
Table 2. Protocol of chemical groups characterisation
Chemical groups Specific reagent Reaction
Alkaloids Mayer (potassium iodomercurate) Yellowish precipitate
Tannins FeCl3 Coloration blue-bed, green or
Flavonoids Shinoda (reaction to the cyanidine) Orange, red colouring or violet
Quinoid derivatives Bornträger (reaction between quinoid cycles in NH4OH
Purplish red
Saponins Determination of the foam index (IM) Positive if IM>100
Steroids and Terpenes Liebermann-Burchard (Acetic anhydride H2SO4 (50:1) Coloration blue, green or violet
Heterosides cardiotonics 1%dinitrobenzoïc acid in EtOH + 1N NaOH (1:1) coloration red crimson
Derivatives Guignard (impregnated paper of picric acid) chestnut colour
Essential oils Drive with the vapour sense of smell
sampled were identified by botanists of the Laboratory of Ecology
Applied and National Herbarium of Benin.
Phytochemical Screening of four most important chewing
sticks species identified by local communities
We collected leaves samples from the most important chewing
sticks species as indicated by the respondents for phytochemical
analysis. Samples were ground into powder material and analyses
were done following method by Houghton and Raman (1998).
Phytochemical analysis consists of qualitative determination of
the following components in collected samples: alkaloids, tannins,
flavonoids, quinonic derivatives, the saponins, steroids and terpe-
noids, cardiotonic heterosides, cyanogenetic derivatives and essen-
tial oils (Table 2). These chemical compounds are recognized for
their antibacterial (tannins, flavonoïds, essential oils), anti-inflamm-
atory (flavonoids, saponins, essential oils, steroids and terpenoids),
analgesic (saponins, steroids and terpenoids), anaesthetic (alka-
loids), antiseptic (tannins, essential oils), anti oedema (saponins),
and healing (tannins, essential oils) properties (Houghton and
Diversity and classification of chewing sticks’
species in Southern and central of Benin
Chewing sticks in Benin Republic belong to a diversity of
families of which Euphorbiaceae, Combretaceae, Anacar-
diaceae, Rubiaceae and Rutaceae are the most
important (Figure 2). Rubiaceae and Euphorbiaceae are
included in the most ecologically dominant families in
Benin (Adomou et al., 2007). Our results suggest a
probable correlation between families’ abundance and
selection of families used for medicinal purposes. Accor-
ding to this assessment, the more a species is abundant
in an area the more its medicinal uses are known.
Thirty five species of chewing sticks were recorded in
the study area and categorized using local classification
based on the sources of provision, healing properties and
knowledge of each cultural area. Three categories were
defined considering local perceptions and traditional
knowledge of Benin communities. The category 1 consis-
ted of species imported by sellers from neighbouring
countries (Ivory Coast, Ghana and Togo). Category 2
consisted of species collected and marketed locally and
category 3 contains harvested chewing stick species that
were not marketed (Table 3).
The specific richness of chewing sticks species ob-
tained in the southern and the central of Benin is not so
different with the record of Arbonnier (2002) who iden-
tified for chewing sticks purposes 40 species in the dry
zones of West Africa. However all the species inventoried
during this study except for Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides,
Dialium guineense, Pteleopsis suberosa, Phyllantus
muellerianus, Ochna subscorpioides, Citrus sp., Bridelia
ferruginea and Anogeissus leiocarpus were not invent-
toried by Arbonnier (2002). About 70 species of woody
plants are used in Ghana as chewing sticks (Blay, 2004).
The list of species of chewing stick should be rather
dynamic since the rural populations use new species in
case of drastic reduction of species currently used for this
purpose. Our study includes new species in this list of
Arbonnier (2002) and this could be improved by inves-
tigated the northern part of the country. There is certainly
a crucial lack of data to be developed and capitalize in
each country of West Africa.
Prioritization of chewing sticks species
The percentage of positive response in the listing of
chewing sticks’ species is in the following order: Garcinia
sp. (83%), Pseudocedrella kotschyii (54%), Napoleona
vogelii (51%), Pseudospondias microcarpa (51%) and
Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (48%). According to the
classification based on local perception, 86% of respon-
dents consider those five species in the list of priority
species. 14% of respondents included three other spe-
cies (Anogeissus leiocarpus, Rothmania urcelliformis,
Sorindea warneckei) in the list of the five priority species.
The species of the genus Garcinia regarded as priority by
the populations is the only one of category 1. It is known
Akpona et al. 385
Figure 1. Study area
under various names: Ghanalo, Lomèlo or Côte-d'ivoire
lo which indicate their source (example, Ghanalo means
the chewing stick came from Ghana). Indeed, this
Garcinia sp. is marketed in Ghana and Togo. The trade
and use of chewing sticks are very widespread in Togo.
In Southern Togo the genus Garcinia (species gnetoïdes
and polyantha) of the family of Guttiferae growing in
dense forest is more requested (FAO, 2001). Considering
the deforestation in the forest area of Togo, the two
species mentioned above are rare and consequently, all
of chewing sticks presently used are imported from the
neighbouring Ghana (FAO, 2000). In Ghana, the best
chewing sticks in terms of quality come from 'tweapea'
(Garcinia kola) and 'nsokar' (Garcinia epunctata) trees
(Blay, 2004). In Benin, traders recognized that Garcinia
sp. comes from Togo and Ghana. This emphasized the
concept of chain in marketing due to the scarcity of this
species. If the sticks of Garcinia sp. do not have an
indigenous local name like the majority of the species of
category 2, this presupposes that the populations are not
familiar with the species because of its scarcity. There
are some wild species of Garcinia but only one is
domesticated and locally called Ahowé (Fon and Goun)
and Orogbo (Yoruba) in Southern Benin.
386 J. Med. Plant. Res.
Figure 2. Importance of Family of Species used as Chewing Sticks.
4 4
1 1
Chemical groups
Al Ta Fl T and St Card Sap
Figure 3. Importance of Chemical Groups in Plants.
According to the flora of Benin Republic, the probable
species are Garcinia kola, Garcinia livingstonei, and
Garcinia smeathmami (Akoègninou et al., 2006). Chew-
ing sticks based on Garcinia sp. are brought in from the
neighbouring countries while the other four priority
species are collected and marketed locally. This justified
the choice of Pseudocedrella kotschyii, Napoleona voge-
lii, Pseudospondias microcarpa and Zanthoxylum zantho-
xyloides for the phytochemical analysis.
Biological and pharmacological properties of four
most important chewing sticks species
Six major groups of chemical compounds were found in
our samples: alkaloids (Al), tannins (Ta), flavonoids (Fl),
saponins (Sap), steroids and terpenoids (St and T) and
heterosids cardiotonics (Card) (Table 4). Tannins and
alkaloids are the chemical groups most frequent and they
were found in the four species (Figure 3). These are
followed by saponins and flavonoids present in 50% of
the plants. Steroids and terpenoids are present in only
one plant (Pseudospondias microcarpa). Moreover, het-
erosides cardiotonics with genuine cardenolides were
found in traces in the same species. Anthocyanins, leuco-
anthocyanidins, quinonic derivates and cyanogenic deri-
vates are absent in all plants concerned by the phyto-
chemical analysis. Pseudospondias microcarpa contains
the others groups (alkaloids, tannins, terpenoids and ste-
roids) which have positive actions on dental care.
However, the presence of traces of heterosides cardio-
tonics is dangerous. This is because of the risks of car-
diotoxicity known for these chemical compounds. There-
fore, the use of chewing sticks containing heterosides
cardiotonics must be avoided.
Anti-inflammatory, analgesics and local anaesthetic
properties found in the chemical compounds could be
profitable in the dental gingivitis, pains and some infla-
mmatory affections of the oral cavity. Disinfectants and
antibacterial properties could be profitable for infections
of the oral cavity (Table 5).
The use of the plants as chewing sticks originated from
the Greeks and the Romans but is still practiced in parts
of Africa, Southern Asia, Tropical America and among
some populations of Indians in Northern America (Chaaib
kouri, 2004). In a survey carried out by MacGregor
(1963), it was observed that tribes in Ghana prefer plant
based chewing sticks to the modern brushes. Indeed, a
large number of these plants possess antibacterial,
antifungal, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory or analgesic
properties. Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides is especially
Akpona et al. 387
Table 3. Ethno-botanical diversity of the species of vegetable brush.
Local nommenclature
Species Ethnic
groups Fon Nagot Goun Yoruba
Category 1 Garcinia sp. Ahowé Kpako Ahowé Orogbo
Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.)
Zepern.andTimber Hêtin - - Igui ata
Napoleona vogelii Hook. and Planch. Zèdou - - -
Pseudocedrella kotschyii (Schweinf.)
Harms Atindokpé Tchaguigui - Tchakisi
Pseudospondias microcarpa (A. Rich.)
Engl. - - - Ito
Dialium guineense Willd. Asswènssweèn - - Eweanyi
Sorindea warneckei Engl. Adouhouadouhoua - - -
Ochna scweinfurthiana F. Hoffm. Adjahimèlo - - -
Olax subscorpioides Oliv. Amitin ; Mitoun - - Ifan ;èla
Lecaniodiscus cupanioides Planch. Ganhotin Akika Ganhotin Akika
Allophylus africanus P. Beauv. Allo-viaton - - -
Terminalia glaucescens Planch. Ex
Benth. « Alotoun, - Anagossiti -
Combretum collinum Fresen. - Gbodomi - -
Anogeissus leiocarpus (DC.) Guill. and
Perr. Hlihlon Ayi Hlihlon Ayi
Bridelia ferruginea Benth. - - - -
Hymenocardia acida Tul. - Okpa - -
Entada africana Guill. and Perr. Akakayi - -
Maranthes polyandra (Benth.) Prance - Tchowoco - -
Category 2
Rothmania urcelliformis (Hiern) Robyns - - - Egui
Clausena africana Gbodouzohouin - - -
Citrus aurantifolia (Christm. and Panzer)
Swingle Clé Ossin - -
Monodora tenuifolia Benth. - - - -
Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Kininoutin
Psidium guayava L. Kinkountin Yovolènkoun
Entada gigas (L.) Fawc.and Rendle Antoyi
Lannea humilis (Oliv.) Engl. Iran adjé
Malacantha alnifolia (Baker) Pierre Akala
Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn. Houngo Emin Emin
Phyllantus muellerianus (Kuntze) Exell Ahoudjin
Microdesmis puberula Hookk. f. Ex.
Planch. Idoun
Waltheria indica L. - Nondi nondi - -
Nauclea latifolia Sm. - Igbèssin - -
Sarcocephalus latifolius (Sm.) E. A. Bruce - Eokodjikassi - -
Parinari curatellifolia Planch. Ex Benth. - - - -
Category 3
Pteleopsis suberosa Engl. and Diels - - -
recognized by African healers (Chaaib kouri, 2004).
Indeed, Z. zanthoxyloides is used as an internal and
external parasiticide. The roots of this plant are par-
ticularly appreciated as chewing stick. This study under-
taken on Z. zanthoxyloides did not show any toxicity of
the whole plant by oral and for the other modes of
administration but according to Pousset (1989), this
toxicity is very low. The bark of the stems, as well as
the sheets appeared less toxic (Neuwinger, 1996),
which means that the use of Z. zanthoxyloides (Lam) is
not harmful to human health.
Terminalia glaucescens does not show negative
compounds on human health. In the Central and North
of Togo, it is especially the roots of Terminalia
glaucescens that are mostly used (FAO, 2000).
Other species such as Napoleona vogelii, Pseudro-
cedrella kotschyii and Anogeissus leiocarpus are
strongly used for their importance in the treatment of
oral diseases. Moreover, the species Ochna scwein-
furthiana, already listed by Arbonnier (2002) for the
treatment of fever, malaria and furuncle is also iden-
tified during investigations and is highly commerciali-
The majority of species used as chewing sticks in
388 J. Med. Plant. Res.
Table 4. Phytochemical screening.
Chemical groups
vogelii Pseudospondias
microcarpa Pseudocedrella
kotschyii Zanthoxylum
Alkaloids ++ ++ +/- ++
Tanins ++ ++ +++ ++
Flavonoids - - ++ +/-
Anthocyanins - - - -
Leuco -anthocyanidins - - - -
Quinonics derivatives - - - -
Terpenoids and
- ++ - -
Heterosides cardiotonics - +/- - -
Saponins ++ - ++ -
Cyanogenic glycosides - - - -
–: negative results ++: clearly positive results
+: positive results +/–: traces
Table 5. Properties of chemical compounds present in the plants.
Chemical groups Main biological and pharmacological properties
Alkaloids Action of local anaesthesia
Tanins Healing, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, antioxidant, enzymatic inhibition: 5-lipo
Flavonoids Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antiviral in vitro.
Saponins Anti-bacterial, antiseptic, antiviral.
Anti-inflammatory, anti-oedematous and analgesic.
Terpenoids and Steroids Antiviral, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.
Heterosides cardiotonics Cardiotonic : positive inotrope, negative chronotropic, negative dromotrope,
Cardiac toxicity
Benin has a diversity of medicinal properties which are
related to dental hygiene. However, the medicinal uses
listed by rural populations for the majority were not
pharmacologically tested to validate the remedies
indicated. The phytochemical screening was carried out
on four species which represent only 11% of the non-
exhaustive species richness of chewing sticks’ species in
Complementary surveys are thus recommended to
identify, purify, and isolate the compounds from these
chemical groups present in the plants and to study their
efficacy in the treatment of certain infections of the oral
cavity. It is also suggested that ethno-medical study of
these vegetable drugs be carried out.
This study was conducted with the financial support
provided by “National Institute of Agricultural Research of
Benin (INRAB)” via a competitive grant in 2006. We are
grateful to the local communities in the study area whose
contributions had been very useful for the implementation
of this research project. We would also like to thank Orou
G. Gaoue for the comments on an earlier version of this
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... The interest in medicinal plants nowadays can be justified by their effectiveness, availability, easy access to herbal health care as well as their relatively low cost [5]. The African flora, mainly that of Benin, is endowed with several species of medicinal plants which the population uses to treat both human and animal diseases [6]. Napoleonaea vogelii is one such plant species. ...
... Napoleonaea vogelii is one such plant species. It belongs to the Lecythidaceae family and is a tropical flowering plant widely distributed in the coastal regions of West Africa mostly in the rain forest and along the sea shores, extending from Sierra-Leone through Nigeria to Benin [6] [7] [8]. The plant (shrub or a small spreading tree) grows up to 15 m high with fibrous and alternate leaves. ...
... The species N. vogelii has various vernacular names depending on the country of origin and also ethnic group. For example, in English language it is called "African nut tree" [15] and it is known as "Zedou" in Fon (Benin) [6]. ...
... In Benin, [6] provided the first list of 10 plant species used as a plant brush with indications on their pharmacological properties. Later, 33 species were identified as plant brushes in eight districts, all in southern Benin, and taking into account only 11 socio-linguistic groups [9,10] . The analysis of this work shows that the current knowledge on plants for oral use remains incomplete enough in Benin. ...
... But this would be the taxons of woody plants because herbaceous plants used as vegetable brushes make up only 13.50% of the plants surveyed, while among the 6 most rich in species in Benin are three families of plants herbaceous plants including Poaceae, Asteraceae and Cyperaceae [11] . The diversity of the plants listed is well beyond the 35 species reported by [9,10] in the southern and central regions of Benin. This is explained by the fact that these authors have restricted the inventory of plants to the southern and central areas of the country. ...
... This is explained by the fact that these authors have restricted the inventory of plants to the southern and central areas of the country. The oral flora listed in this study takes into account the 10 species reported by [6] and 25 of the 33 species reported by [9,10] . It then brings the number of species used as plant brushes in Benin to 170. ...
... These phytochemicals are known to be biologically active. They possess some properties such as antibacterial properties (tannins and flavonoids) antiseptic properties (tannins),anti-inflammatory properties (flavonoids,saponins), analgestic properties(steroids) and anaesttheticproperties (alkaloids) [16]. The presence of tannins was found to play a role in the antifungal, antibacterial, astringent and antibiotic activities [16]. ...
... They possess some properties such as antibacterial properties (tannins and flavonoids) antiseptic properties (tannins),anti-inflammatory properties (flavonoids,saponins), analgestic properties(steroids) and anaesttheticproperties (alkaloids) [16]. The presence of tannins was found to play a role in the antifungal, antibacterial, astringent and antibiotic activities [16]. Phenolic acids and flavonoids have been the object of a great number of studies of their anti-oxidative activity which is mainly because of their capacity to act as free radical scavengers and/or metal chelators [17] [18]. ...
... The above result is similar to the findings of Christainet al., [6] who in his report of methanol and petroleum extracts of the stem bark of Napoleonavogelii stated the presence of tannins, alkaloids and saponin. Previous phytochemical studies indicated the presence of alkaloids, tannins and saponins on Napoleonavogelii stem bark [16]. Though few works have been done on the phytochemicsls of the stem bark, it was found out that the leaves of the plant contained tannin, alkaloid, saponin, flavonoid carbohydrate and cardiac glycoside. ...
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Sequel to the increasing application of plant materials in ethnomedicine and for nutritive purposes the phytochemicals, vitamins, macro and micro elements and antimicrobial analysis of the stem bark of Napoleonavogelii were undertaken using standard methods. The result shows that Napoleonavogeliicontains bioactive phytochemicals such as tannin (0.45±0.25%), phytosterols (12.53±0.25%), alkaloids (4.42±0.23%), flavonoids (9.27±0.18%), saponins (4.27±0.25%), hydrogen cyanide (0.37±0.20%). The vitamin analysis shows that the stem bark of Napoleonavogeliicontains vitamin A (1.20±0.03Mg/g), vitamin E (1.31±0.04 Mg/g), vitamin C (2.78±0.04 Mg/g), vitamin B1(7.20±0.05 Mg/g), vitamin B2 (0.90±0.31 Mg/g), vitamin B9(4.09±0.05 Mg/g), vitamin B3(1.27±0.25 Mg/g), vitamin B6(12.50±0.04 Mg/g)andvitaminB12(8.25±0.04Mg/g) in varying amounts while vitaminB5andvitaminB7wereabsent.Sodium(1247mg/kg),Calcium(2006mg/kg),Copper(1.23mg/kg),Phosphorous(410.22mg/kg), Iron(304.660mg/kg), Manganese(56.99mg/kg) and Zinc(2.69mg/kg) were the detectable mineral elements, Potassium (4996mg/kg) had the highest value while Arsenic and Nickel were below detection limit (0.001mg/kg).The result of the antimicrobial screening of the ethanol, butanol and chloroform extracts of the stem bark of Napoleonavogeliiagainst five pathogenic microbes, Escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus sp, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans shows that the butanol extract showed higher antimicrobial activities compared to the other extracts. Results from this study have shown that the stem bark of Napoleonavogeliicontains medicinal properties.
... Many medicinal virtues have been attributed to this plant in Africa. It is used for the traditional treatment of hyperglycemia, gonococcia, anemia, diarrhea, filariasis, anguillulosis, rheumatism, ankylostomiasis, ascaridiosis, cestodosis, malaria, typhoid fever, hemorrhoids, edema, stomach ache, jaundice, pediculosis, diabetes, trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, elephantiasis, central nervous system disorders, arthritis, eye problems, kidney problems, naso-pharyngeal infections, jaundice, and yellow fever [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] . Some of the medicinal properties attributed to this plant have been scientifically proven including anxiolytic, antisplasmodial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antidepressant, cytotoxicity, analgesic, and anticonvulsant activity [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21] . ...
Pseudospondias microcarpa is a tree belonging to the Anacardiaceae family. It produces a red or blackish blue fruit when ripe. This fruit is highly appreciated by the rural population of the Congo for its sweet smell as well as its sweet and tangy taste. Essential oils from epicarp, hull, kernel, and seed obtained by hydrodistillation were analysed by capillary gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and flame ionization detection. A total of sixty-three compounds were identified as hydrocarbon and oxygenated monoterpenes, hydrocarbon and oxygenated sesquiterpenes, and nonterpenic derivatives. The main compounds depend on the part of the fruit: α-terpineol and borneol for the epicarp (22.9 % and 8.2 %), vaccenic acid and ascorbic acid 2,6-dihexadecanoate for the hull (20.1 % and 29.8 %), caryophyllene oxide and α-humulene for the seed (8.4 % and 6.8 %), α-humulene and β-caryophyllene for the kernel (9.4 % and 6.4 %). The presence of 2,6-dihexadecanoate ascorbic acid may partly justify the tart taste of this fruit.
... According to Djossou [17] , the functional justification of vegetable toothbrush is related to its four roles: cleaning of dental surfaces (mechanical action), gingival massage (activation of blood circulation), oral asepsis (phytotherapy) and stimulation of periodontal structures. Recently, 34 species have been identified as chewing stick across 8 communes in southern and central Benin Republic as well as assessing their market value and availability in a few habitats [18] . However, the literature review revels that there is little evidence on the subject of chewing sticks as far as their chemical characteristic and biological activity are concern, despite their wide use in Benin's Republic. ...
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Triclosan Oral hygiene is a determining factor in the prevention of oral diseases. In other to meet this challenge, rural populations in several developing countries including those of Benin Republic use chewing stick, whose activity are yet to be elucidated. The objective of this present work was to analyse the phytochemical, the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the root of Caesalpinia benthamiana, a chewing stick used in Benin Republic for oral hygiene using standard techniques described in the literature. The ethanolic extract exhibited a good ability to inhibit the DPPH radical and also to reduce ferric Fe 3+ ion to ferrous Fe 2+ ion and this could explain their rich content in phenolic compounds. The ethanolic extract also exhibited a good antimicrobial activity against Proteus mirabilis with MIC value of 6,250 mg/mL.
... 2 Adongo et al.: Possible anxiolytic effect of the leaves of Pseudospondias microcarpa in mice both the methanol-methylene chloride and aqueous bark extracts of P. microcarpa have been reported [9]. Also, the leaves contain alkaloids, tannins, terpenoids and steroids [10]. The plant also possesses antimicrobial properties [11], potent antioxidant effect [9] and anti-plasmodial properties [12]. ...
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Background: Pseudospondias microcarpa is a plant used for managing various diseases including CNS disorders. Previous studies showed sedative and anticonvulsant effects, suggesting possible anxiolytic activity. This study therefore assessed the anxiolytic effects of P. microcarpa hydroethanolic leaf extract (PME) in mice. Methods: In the present study, anxiolytic-like effect of the extract in behavioural paradigms of anxiety - the elevated plus maze (EPM), light/dark box (LDB), social interaction test and stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH) - was evaluated. Results: Mice treated with PME (30-300 mg kg-1, p.o.) exhibited anxiolytic-like activity similar to diazepam in all the anxiety models used. The extract increased open arm activity (p<0.05) in the EPM as well as increasing the time spent in the lit area in relation to the time spent in the dark area of the LDB. Sociability and preference for social novelty significantly (p<0.05-0.001) increased in mice treated with PME. In the SIH paradigm in mice, both PME and the benzodiazepine receptor agonist, diazepam, significantly (p<0.05) reduced the stress-induced increase in rectal temperature. The extract did not impair motor coordination and balance in the beam walk test. Conclusions: Results of the present study indicate that PME possesses anxiolytic-like effects in mice.
Indigenous knowledge, practices, techniques, and skills have many benefits to mankind and the environment. Indigenous knowledge is knowledge held by indigenes of a particular local community or rural area. Given the necessary attention, this knowledge could potentially enhance ecosystem processes as well as population health. In spite of this, indigenous knowledge is gradually being replaced with foreign ones, which brings about cultural erosion. This chapter aims to illuminate the importance of indigenous knowledge and practices for achieving sustainable development. To achieve the objective of this chapter, a systematic review was carried out to collate and discuss various applications of indigenous knowledge and practices for human development. Research studies included in the systematic review for this chapter were from reputable databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, and Web of Science. A total of 1470 research studies were downloaded, but only 51 research papers were in accordance with the selection criteria following the PRISMA) framework. The review was guided by article title, abstract, and keywords. The results showed that indigenous knowledge was the panacea to sustainable development, especially for the developing world. Indigenous knowledge benefits everyone and enhances food security as well as environmental quality. The integration of indigenous knowledge in development plans, policies, and programmes is recommended for the envisaged sustainable world.
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'Chewing sticks' of carefully selected plants were registered as the pioneers in the field of oral hygiene. Later it was misplaced among the sophisticated tools for oral hygiene. The use of chewing stick is considered as old fashioned in the modern society. Though modern tooth brush took advantage, the traditional chewing stick still holds its popularity among the rural population worldwide and continues to draw attention of people in developed countries. The reasons mainly attributed to the culture of a local community, scientific validation of the chewing stick plants for their antimicrobial activity against oral pathogens and the chemical constituents present in them. Hence the objective of this article is to review the use of chewing sticks in different parts of the world and to justify the benefits in using chewing sticks.
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This paper gives a historical overview of the African rain forest from its origins, towards, the end of the Cretaceous period. The areas around the Gulf of Guinea, in particular from Ivory Coast to Nigeria and especially Cameroon, Gabon and Congo, appear to have been already occupied at this time by wet tropical forest formations mainly composed of Angiosperms. In the course of the Tertiary period the combined effect of the equator being situated further north than now and the development of the Antarctic ice cap favoured the development of wet tropical conditions over a large part of North Africa. Towards the end of the Tertiary, the equator reached its present position and the northern hemisphere ice caps appeared, and these phenomena resulted in the disappearance of the forest formations spread across the north of Africa, and the concentration of these formations near the equatorial zone around the Gulf of Guinea and in the Congo-Zaire basin. From 800 000 years ago onwards the marked glacial variations at middle and high latitudes in both hemispheres, lowered temperatures in equatorial areas and brought arid climates at times of maximum glacial extension. -Author
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Rising demand for medicinal plants has led to increased pressure on wild plant populations. This, combined with shrinking habitats, means that many species in South Africa are now facing local extinction. In 1997, a study was initiated to determine the extent of trade in medicinal plants in the South African Lowveld (the low lying plains to the east of the Drakensberg escarpment), and to investigate socio-economic factors influencing trade and resource management. Trade was not as extensive in the Lowveld as in major urban markets such as Durban or the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg and surrounding towns), either in terms of the quantity, number or range of species sold, or the numbers of people relying on the trade for an income. In markets assessed in Mpumalanga Province, 176 species were identified (71% of the vernacular names encountered in the market place), representing 69 plant families. In Limpopo, 70 different species were identified (84% of the vernacular names encountered in the market place), representing 40 families. Imports were significant in Mpumalanga (33% of the plants on offer), mainly from Mozambique. A detrended correspondence analysis showed substantial differences between species traded in Mpumalanga and those sold in Limpopo. There was little variation in the species stocked by vendors in Mpumalanga, regardless of the season, the attributes of the seller, or whether business was carried out in urban or rural areas. In contrast, there was considerable variation in the stock inventories of the Limpopo traders. Despite the lower levels of local trade, increased harvesting pressure is being experienced regionally, to meet demand in metropolitan centres such as the Witwatersrand. This study showed considerable local variation and complexities in the harvesting and marketing of medicinal plants, with both a national and an international dimension. This dual spatial scale presents both opportunities and challenges in the management of these plants, which need to be addressed simultaneously, particularly with respect to research requirements and development of predictive models and capacity. Cooperation in conservation strategies and policies is required at regional, national and international levels, while ensuring that management initiatives take into account local market conditions and the socio-economic realities facing both consumers and those who depend on the trade for their livelihoods.
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Many types of action can be taken in favour of the conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants. Some of these are undertaken directly at the places where the plants are found, while others are less direct, such as some of those relating to commercial systems, ex situ conservation and bioprospecting. In the latter cases, actions taken will not lead to in situ conservation unless they feedback to improvements in the field. Probably the single most important role for medicinal plants in biological conservation is their use to achieve conservation of natural habitats more generally. This stems from the special meanings that medicinal plants have to people, related to the major contributions that they make to many people's lives in terms of health support, financial income, cultural identity and livelihood security. Problems associated with biopiracy or (the other side of the coin) excessive restrictions on research have come to assume policy prominence in the general thematic area of medicinal plant conservation and use. The fair and equitable sharing of benefits from bioprospecting is required under the Convention on Biological Diversity, but it is not always easy to achieve these ideals in practice. While experience is accumulated in how this may practically be achieved, it is important, at the present time, that controls imposed on scientific research to prevent biopiracy or theft of local and indigenous intellectual property do not unduly restrict research that has little or nothing to do with these matters.
Nowhere eise in the world did industrialized countries leave such early marks in the rainforest as in West Africa. Past and present developments here are in one way or the other significant for rainforests on other continents as weil. West Africa is a pioneer in both a good and a bad sense. This is reason enough to take a closer Iook at the history of moist tropical West Africa. Until recently, no one really seemed to be interested in the rainforests except for a few specialists. The world's scientific community neglected to study the incalculable riches of tropical forests, to make the public aware of them and their due importance. Although interdisciplinary research has been a popular topic for some decades now, it was not applied to just the most complex habitat on earth. Scientists from all fields studied only that which was easiest to record, seemingly blind to a myriad of details awaiting closer examination. Botanists wentabout establishing their herbariums and paid much too little attention to the vegetation as a whole, or to the significance of useful plants for local populations. Zoologists, too, busied themselves with collecting and describing species. Anthropologists, on the other hand, tended to overlook faunal details: in their ignorance of the animal world, they wrote of tigers and deer in Africa. And finally, foresters saw neither the forest nor the trees for the timber - and even confused rainforests with monocultures of fir trees.
Levels of commercialization, size class profile and fruit production of Sclerocarya birrea (marula) trees were studied in the Bushbuckridge region of South Africa. A stage-based population matrix model was used to estimate the sustainable yield for S. birrea fruit. The trees begin to bear fruit at an average size of 42.8cm in circumference and this relates to an approximate age of 19 years. For a stable size class profile, the population growth rate, λ, was 1.1828758. The observed size class profile did not conform to the stable stage size class profile, obtained from the model. Thus, it was not possible to predict the state of the observed population.Using the model, it was estimated that 92% of fruit could be removed without impacting the current population profile. The management of other more destructive forms of S. birrea resource use (such as bark or firewood harvesting), however, do need to be monitored to limit negative impacts on the population that may reduce fruit availability for regeneration or cropping.
Aboriginal people in remote Australian communities have limited opportunity to participate in the market economy. The Aboriginal arts and craft industry offers an important option to generate cash income and the sustained supply of native plants used in production is vital. We assessed the current harvest of a rainforest tree species commonly used for sculpture, Bombax ceiba. Information from field surveys, a regional rainforest inventory and sales figures from the Maningrida region were used to estimate the population size and structure of B. ceiba, the harvest intensity of patches and the economic value of the harvest. We estimate the density of B. ceiba to be 105.10±12.32 stems ha−1 and a regional population of 76615±14063 stems. A cumulative harvest over 20 years of 6% suggests approximately 4596 stems harvested, and the harvest was worth about $200,000 over the last three years. The majority (80%) of harvested stems coppiced and were suitable for harvesting. Logistic regression suggests both distance to outstation and township influence harvesting intensity, with some localised over-harvest. Rainforests provide a valuable resource to Aboriginal artists in Maningrida and their maintenance provides important conservation benefits to the Australian community.