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Liver fatty change classification using 25 MHz high frequency ultrasound


Abstract and Figures

Liver fatty change (steatosis), the accumulation of fat within liver cells, is a common histological finding in liver biopsies. The histological changes of steatosis, such as the distribution of fatty droplets, cannot be resolved by conventional ultrasound. High frequency ultrasound (≥20 MHz), on the other hand, has the potential to reveal more detail of steatosis. B-mode HF ultrasound images of 19 fresh human liver samples were obtained to evaluate ultrasound's ability to determine the steatosis grade. The images were acquired by a mechanically controlled 25 MHz single crystal probe. Image features derived from gray level concurrence and non-separable wavelet transform were extracted to classify steatosis grade using a support vector machine classifier. Each liver sample subsequently underwent histological examination and liver steatosis was graded and classified according to the number of hepatocytes affected. It is found that, compared with the results acquired from conventional ultrasound at 7 MHz, classification accuracy is clearly better at 25 MHz. Thus, liver steatosis can be more accurately characterized using high frequency B-mode ultrasound. Limitations and potential solutions of liver steatosis using high frequency ultrasound are also discussed.
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Liver Fatty Change Classification Using 25MHz High Frequency
Wen-Chun Yeh, Yung-Ming Jeng
, Cheng-Han Li, Po-Huang Lee
and Pai-Chi Li
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Department of Pathology and
Department of Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei,
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Abstract - Liver fatty change (steatosis), the
accumulation of fat within liver cells, is a
common histological finding in liver biopsies.
The histological changes of steatosis such as the
distribution of fatty droplets cannot be resolved
by conventional ultrasound. High frequency
ultrasound (20 MHz), on the other hand, has
the potential to reveal more detail of steatosis. In
this study, B-mode images of high frequency
ultrasound of 19 fresh human liver samples were
obtained to evaluate ultrasound’s ability in
determining the steatosis grade. B-mode images
were acquired by a mechanically controlled
25MHz single crystal probe. Image features
derived from gray level concurrence and
non-separable wavelet transform were extracted
to classify steatosis grade using a classifier
known as the support vector machine. Each liver
sample subsequently underwent histological
examination and liver steatosis was graded from
0 to 3 (0: no fatty change; 1: less than 33% of
hepatocytes affected; 2: 33% to 66% of
hepatocytes affected; and 3: more than 66% of
hepatocytes affected). The four grades were then
combined into 2 classes- grade 0 and grades 1-3
(non-steatosis and steatosis); 3 classes- grade 0,
grade 1 and grades 2-3 (non-steatosis, mild
steatosis, and prominent steatosis); and 4 classes
(all different grades). Classification results were
correlated with histology. It is shown that the
best classification accuracy of 2, 3 and 4 classes
were 90.5 %, 85.8 % and 82.6%, respectively.
Compared with the results acquired from
conventional ultrasound at 7 MHz (the best
classification accuracy of 2, 3 and 4 classes were
81.6 %, 75.8 % and 74.2 %, respectively), the
classification accuracy was clearly better at 25
MHz. Thus, liver steatosis can be more
accurately characterized using high frequency
B-mode ultrasound. Limitations and potential
solutions of liver steatosis using high frequency
ultrasound are also discussed.
Liver fatty change (steatosis), the
accumulation of fat within liver cells, is a
common histological finding in liver biopsies.
Steatosis in nonalcoholic patients is widely
believed to be a benign condition with little or
no risk of disease progression. However, marked
steatosis may result in necroinflammation,
fibrosis and even cirrhosis [1]. B-mode
ultrasound is usually recommended as a first step
to evaluate the patient with mild elevated values
of serum liver enzymes and it has been used for
liver tissue classification. Steatosis change
increases the echogenicity of liver relative to that
of the kidneys and this characteristic has been
adopted in clinical diagnosis. Steatosis can also
be classified using image features. Mojsilovic et
al. proposed a non-separable wavelet transform
method to extract the B-mode image features for
classification of healthy liver, cirrhosis and
steatosis [2]. However, B-mode ultrasound at
lower frequencies ( 10 MHz) generally does
not have adequate resolution to reveal
morphological changes of steatosis.
High frequency ultrasound ( 20 MHz)
has superior resolution, thus allowing imaging
finer structures of tissue. Nevertheless, high
frequency ultrasound has not been widely
applied to liver tissue characterization primary
due to its limited penetration. The intra-vascular
approach (through inferior vena cava to hepatic
veins) provides a potential solution for the
application of high frequency ultrasound to
human liver. In this study, we evaluate the
feasibility of tissue characterization of human
liver using 25 MHz B-mode ultrasound in Vitro.
Results of the feasibility study can be a
foundation of intra-vascular high frequency
ultrasound for liver disease classification.
Image Feature Extraction and Classification
In this study, the gray level concurrence
(GLC) method and the non-separable wavelet
transform (NSW) method were adopted for
image features extraction. With these features,
steatosis grades were classified using the support
vector machine (SVM), a classification
technique proposed by Cortes and Vapnik [3].
In the GLC method, a spatial gray-level
dependence matrix (i.e. concurrence matrix) is
first calculated. The matrix,
represents the probability that the first pixel has
a gray-level of i and the second pixel has a
gray-level of j under the condition that the
distance between two pixels is d in the direction
of θ. For example, the following equation
indicates the concurrence matrix at θ=0°. The
concurrence matrix at other angles can be
similarly defined [4, 5].
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21690-7803-8412-1/04/$20.00 (c)2004 IEEE.
2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics,
and Frequency Control Joint 50th Anniversary Conference
where (k,l) and (m,n) are coordinates of two
pixels in an image; the image has a size of
LL ×
, and I represents the intensity of a
particular pixel (0 to 255). The symbol #{}
denotes the total number of occurrences and T is
the total number of pixel pairs with the
pre-specified d and θ. Figures 1a and 1b show
the concurrence matrices (d=6, θ=0°) of 25MHz
ultrasound images of a steatosis liver and a
non-steatosis liver, respectively. Generally, the
probability pattern of the concurrence matrix of
a steatosis liver is more diversely distributed
than that of a non-steatosis liver. Image features
such as the angular second moment, contrast,
correlation, entropy and sum entropy can be
derived from the concurrence matrix [4, 5].
Fig 1. B-mode sub-images of 25 MHz ultrasound with its
corresponding concurrence matrix in a steatosis liver (grade
1) (a) and a non-steatosis liver (b).
In addition to GLC, NSW was also applied
to extract the image features. The quincunx
wavelet transform was applied [2, 5]. In this case,
the original image was filtered by a 2-D diamond
shaped high-pass filter and a low-pass filter of
the same shape before it was down-sampled to a
new image with half of the original area.
Filtering and down-sampling were performed
four times, thus producing high pass filtered
sub-images H1-H4 and low pass filtered
sub-images L1-L4. The variances of images
H1-H4 and L4 were taken as the image features
[2, 5]. Figure 2 compares the NSW output
images of a steatosis liver (a) to those of a
non-steatosis liver (b) (25 MHz ultrasound). In
this particular case, the variances of the output
Fig. 2 Non-separable wavelet transform of a steatosis liver
(grade 1) (a) and a non-steatosis liver (b). H1-4: images after
high-pass filtering and down-sampling, L4: image after final
low-pass filtering and down-sampling.
images (H1-H4 and L4) of a steatosis liver
exceed those of a non-steatosis liver.
The features extracted by the above two
methods were used by SVM for classification [5].
The SVM maps features of the training examples
to a higher dimensional space and finds a
hyper-plane to separate the two classes with the
decision boundary set by the support vectors.
The testing samples were then classified by the
trained SVM. The three-class SVM classifier can
be generated from a two-class classifier by
further dividing one of the original classes into
two classes. A classifier of higher classes can be
produced similarly. A multi-class SVM classifier,
developed by Junshui Ma (NIS-2, Los Alamos
National Lab.) and Yi Zhao (EE department,
Ohio State University), was used
Image Acquisition and Processing
Nineteen fresh human liver samples obtained
from surgical specimens were studied. These
specimens were cut to bar shape and immersed
in normal saline. After scanning by 25 MHz and
7 MHz ultrasound, these specimens received
histological examination for steatosis grading.
A. High frequency ultrasound (25 MHz)
A lithium-niobate single crystal focused
transducer (NIH Resource Center for Medical
Ultrasonic Transducer Technology, Penn State
University) was used. The transducers center
frequency is 44 MHz (–6 dB bandwidth: 34-59
MHz). A block diagram of the experimental
setup is shown in Fig. 3. To extend the depth of
focus of the fixed focus transducer, two images
were acquired and combined (also known as
depth scan) [6]. The two images corresponded to
two different transducer positions which were 2
mm apart in the axial direction. For 25 MHz
imaging, 3 cycles of a sine wave pulse with a
center frequency of 25 MHz was transmitted.
The spacing between two adjacent scan lines
was 20 µm. All images here are displayed with a
36-dB dynamic range.
Fig.3 A block diagram of the setup of 25MHz ultrasound.
B. Conventional ultrasound (7 MHz)
After the 25 MHz data was acquired, the
same specimen was also scanned using a 7 MHz
linear array transducer (10L, GE LOGIQ 500,
Chalfont St. Giles, UK) in a water tank. The
images were then acquired using a frame grabber
(UPMOST UPG401B, Taipei, Taiwan) with 256
gray levels and 320 x 240 pixels resolution.
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21700-7803-8412-1/04/$20.00 (c)2004 IEEE.
2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics,
and Frequency Control Joint 50th Anniversary Conference
C. Image processing
A sub-image of 64 x 64 pixels (11.0 mm x
11.0 mm and 2.8 mm x 2.8 mm equivalent to
51.3 λ x 51.3 λ and 46.7 λ x 46.7 λ for 7MHZ
and 25 MHz, respectively, where λ is the
ultrasound wave length) was selected from each
image. Five to ten sub-images in each frequency
of each specimen were selected; the cross-
correlation coefficients among the images were
all below 0.5. Image features were extracted
using GLC and NSW from these sub-images.
After ultrasound scanning, the specimens
were fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin.
Several sections with a thickness of 5 μm were
cut from each specimen and were stained with
Masson’s Trichrome stain for histological
examination. Slices of all specimens were
photographed to histological pictures (i.e.,
low-power magnifying) by a digital camera
(Sony S85, Tokyo, Japan). The steatosis grade
was classified by an experienced pathologist
according the following criteria [1]: 0: no fatty
change; 1: less than 33% of hepatocytes affected;
2: 33% to 66% of hepatocytes affected; and 3:
more than 66% of hepatocytes affected. A
semi-automatic method to calculate the
percentage of affected hepatocytes was also
adopted. Microscopic pictures (i.e. high-power
magnifying) of the liver slices were
photographed by a digital camera (Nikon
Coolpix 4500, Tokyo, Japan) mounted on a
microscope (Teng-Bo Roomkop XTL 300A,
Taipei, Taiwan). The digitized images were then
sent to a personal computer and were processed
using a commercial image processing software
(Adobe Photoshop, 4.0.1 TC, San Jose, CA ).
Fig. 4 (a) A microscopic picture of a steatosis liver (grade 2)
with Masson’s Trichrome stain, image size is 2.1 mm x 1.6
mm. (b) The steatosis affected hepatocytes (black arrow in
(a)) are marked in white, un-affected hepatocytes are in gray
and the other tissues (white arrow in (a)) are in black.
The hepatocytes affected by steatosis (the black
arrow in Fig. 4a) were marked by white color as
shown in Fig. 4b, the unaffected hepatocytes
were marked by gray color and the other tissues
(the white arrow in Fig. 4a) were marked by
black color in Fig. 4b. The percentage of
steatosis can be calculated as the sum of affected
hepatocytes (number of pixels of the white areas)
divided by the sum of total hepatocytes (number
of pixels of the white and the gray areas). Table
1 lists the mean steatosis percentage (counted
from 5 images in each specimen) and the grading
of the 10 steatosis specimens. It was further
verified that the grading results were the same as
Table 1: Mean percentage of steatosis and grading of 10
specimens of steatosis liver
those done by the pathologist. The all four
grades of steatosis were then combined into 2, 3
and 4 classes according to the following criteria:
2 classes- grade 0 and grades 1-3 (representing
non-steatosis and steatosis); 3 classes- grade 0,
grade 1 and grades 2-3 (representing
non-steatosis, mild and obvious steatosis); and 4
classes (all different grades). The classification
accuracy was tested using the support vector
machine by the leave-one-out method. After
testing, the classification results were recorded.
The process was repeated until all images had
been tested. The accuracy was then determined
where CI is the number of correct incidences in a
particular class and N is the total number of
samples in that class. Various combinations of
input features (angles and distances of GLC;
filter pairs of NSW) and the SVM parameters
(penalty term and kernel function parameters)
were tested to find the best performance
Among the nineteen specimens, nine
specimens were non-steatosis and ten specimens
was steatosis. The combination of all features of
the GLC (d=6, θ=0°) and all feature of the NSW
yielded the best results among all the different
combinations. For 25 MHz ultrasound images,
the best accuracy of 2, 3 and 4 classes were 90.5
%, 85.5 % and 82.6%, respectively. For
conventional ultrasound images at 7 MHz, the
best classification accuracy of 2, 3 and 4 classes
were 81.6 %, 75.8 % and 74.2 %, respectively.
Compared with the results acquired from
conventional ultrasound, the classification
accuracy was markedly better with high
frequency ultrasound. The comparison was
graphically shown in Fig. 5.
Figure 6 compares the images between 25
and 7 MHz. The hepatocytes affected by
steatosis in the microscopic picture (arrow in Fig.
6a) are shown as bright ovoid or strip shaped
structures in the histological picture (arrow in
Fig. 5 Comparison of the steatosis classification results
between the 25 MHz and 7 MHz.
21710-7803-8412-1/04/$20.00 (c)2004 IEEE.
2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics,
and Frequency Control Joint 50th Anniversary Conference
Fig. 6 (a) A microscopic picture (i.e., high-power
magnifying) of a steatosis liver (grade 2) with Masson’s
Trichrome stain, image size is 2.1 mm x 1.6 mm. (b) A
histological picture (i.e., low-power magnifying) with
Masson’s Trichrome stain, image size is 19.6 mm x 16.0 mm.
(c) The corresponding 25MHz ultrasound image, image size
is 18.6 mm x 11.8 mm. (d) The corresponding 7 MHz
ultrasound image, image size is 20.0 mm x 15.0 mm.
Fig. 6b). Furthermore, the pattern of steatosis
distribution in Fig. 6b is more clearly
demonstrated in the 25 MHz ultrasound image
(arrow in Fig. 6c) than the 7 MHz ultrasound
image (arrow in Fig. 6d). The higher spatial
resolution at 25 MHz is believed to play a
critical role in the resultant higher accuracy.
Discussion and Conclusions
The 25 MHz images had better accuracy for
steatosis classification. Comparing the
histological pictures of steatosis livers with the
25 MHz ultrasound images, some similarities
were found. Figure 7a shows that the steatosis-
affected hepatocytes (grade 1) locate mainly in
the pericentral area of acinus and the clusters of
affected hepatocytes appear as an ovoid shape
(arrow). The 25 MHz ultrasound image shows a
similar pattern to the clusters of affected
hepatocytes shown in Fig. 7a (arrow in Fig. 7b).
Figure 7c shows that the steatosis-affected
hepatocytes (grade 1) in another liver locate
mainly in the periportal area (arrow). Again, the
25 MHz B-mode image in Fig. 7d presents a
similar pattern (arrow). Also, comparing the 25
MHz liver images of mild steatosis with severe
steatosis, the brightened lesions occupy larger
areas with higher grade of steatosis (Fig. 6c).
High frequency ultrasound has good spatial
Fig. 7 (a) and (c) show the histological pictures of 2
steatosis liver (grade 1) with Masson’s Trichrome stain,
image size is 21.0 mm x 16.0 mm; (b) and (d) The
corresponding 25MHz ultrasound images, image size is 18.6
mm x 11.8 mm.
resolution and reveals more details of steatosis
than conventional ultrasound at lower
frequencies, but the shorter penetration depth
and the smaller focal zone limit its clinical
applications. Intra-abdominal organs are hard to
be accessed by the high frequency ultrasound
because high frequency sound waves cannot
penetrate through the abdominal wall. The
intra-vascular approach may be a potential
solution. In addition to the limited penetration,
the small depth of focus of the single crystal
probe creates another limitation. For example,
fibrosis patterns may not be adequately
demonstrated using high frequency ultrasound.
The degree of fibrosis ranges from fibrous
expansion in the portal area to cirrhosis. The
regenerative nodules of a cirrhotic liver are
enclosed by fibrotic tissues and existence of
regenerative nodules is one of the key features
for pathological diagnosis of cirrhosis. The
diameter of regenerative nodules is generally
larger than 3 mm in patients with diseases such
as late phase of hepatitis B cirrhosis and
autoimmune cirrhosis, and primary biliary
cirrhosis. Although in our previous study, we had
successfully classified the fibrosis grade by
SVM using 7 MHz ultrasound [5]. However, the
increased spatial resolution of 25 MHz may not
improve the classification of fibrosis due to the
limited penetration and the small depth of focus.
In conclusion, the 25 MHz ultrasound
images had better accuracy for steatosis
classification. But the limitations of poor
penetration depth and small focal zone need to
be overcome for further clinical applications.
The authors would like to thank the National
Science Council of the Republic of China for
financially supporting this research under Grant
No. NSC 93-2213-E-002-119 and Mr.
Chao-Kang Liao for photographic assistance.
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21720-7803-8412-1/04/$20.00 (c)2004 IEEE.
2004 IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics,
and Frequency Control Joint 50th Anniversary Conference
... hepatitis) and in an extreme situation can evolve to liver cirrhosis leading to permanent liver damage [2, 3]. However the disease can be reversible if detected in its initial stage [3, 4]. This pathology is commonly associated with some troubles such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, high blood triglycerides, and the excessive alcohol consumption [2]. ...
... Good classifier results were also reached in the works developed in [29], [46] and [47], however they were limited to a small feature set besides the usage of one single classifier, in opposite to the current work. Additional features showing promising results were also explored by the authors [3, 4], however, again, they were only limited to one single classifier. ...
Full-text available
This paper presents a semi-automatic classification approach to evaluate steatotic liver tissues using B-scan ultrasound images. Several features have been extracted and used in three different classifiers, such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN). The classifiers were trained using the 10-cross validation method. A feature selection method based on stepwise regression was also exploited resulting in better accuracy predictions. The results showed that the SVM have a slightly higher performance than the kNN and the ANN, appearing as the most relevant one to be applied to the discrimination of pathologic tissues in clinical practice.
... They used samples of rat liver and a 3D Ultrasound Nakagami Imaging method [38]. Yeh et al. [39,40] suggested that fatty liver changes could be better characterized using 25 MHz ultrasound than with lower frequencies, such as 3.5 and 7 MHz. In addition, high-frequency quantitative imaging modalities are suitable for monitoring parenchymal cell damage injury in small animal models [41]. ...
... Changes in tissue regularity and homogeneity during the healing process have also been observed using HFU [ quantitative measurements for monitoring the above healing parameters with HFU are limited. These measurements include the co-occurrence matrix, explained in detail by Theodoridis et al. [18] and used to analyze the echographic structures of skin and liver tissues192021 ; and randomly weighted frequency components of the intensity values, used to calculate the frequency band energy in the region of interest (ROI) as a measure of echogenicity [17]. In a recent work, the generation and healing of pressure sores were assessed quantitatively by extracting relevant parameters from the HFU images [22]. ...
... However, quantitative measurements for monitoring the above healing parameters with HFU are limited. These measurements include the cooccurrence matrix, explained in detail by Theodoridis and Koutroumbas [14] and used to analyze the echographic structures of skin and liver tissues [12,151617 , and randomly weighted frequency components of the intensity values, used to calculate the frequency band energy in the region of interest (ROI) as a measure of echogenicity [13]. The objective of our study was to develop a quantitative approach for HFU wound analysis that did not require the user to have prior knowledge in interpreting the results. ...
Full-text available
Abstract-This article focuses on the development of a method to quantitatively assess the healing process of artificially induced pressure sores using high-frequency (20 MHz) ultrasound images. We induced sores in guinea pigs and monitored predefined regions on days 3, 7, 14, and 21 after sore generation. We extracted relevant parameters regarding the tissue echographic structure and attenuation properties. We examined tissue healing by defining a healing function that used the extracted parameters. We verified the significance of the extracted features by using analysis of variance and multiple comparison tests. The features displayed ascending/descending behavior during wound generation and reverse behavior during healing. We optimized the parameters of our healing function by using a pattern search method. We tested the efficiency of the optimized values by calculating the healing function value on assessment days and then comparing these results with the expected pattern of changes in the tissue conditions after removing the applied pressure. The results of this study suggest that the methodology developed may be a viable tool for quantitative assessment of pressure sores during their early generation as well as during healing stages.
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Alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is one of the leading causes of chronic liver diseases and mortality in Western countries and Asia. Ultrasound image assessment is most commonly and widely used to identify the Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). It is one of the faster and safer non-invasive methods of NAFLD diagnosis available in imaging modalities. The diagnosis of NAFLD using biopsies is expensive, invasive, and causes anxiety to the patients. The advent of advanced image processing and data mining techniques have helped to develop faster, efficient, objective, and accurate decision support system for fatty liver disease using ultrasound images. This paper proposes a novel feature extraction models based on Radon Transform (RT) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). First Radon Transform (RT) is performed on the ultrasound images for every 1 degree to capture the low frequency details. Then 2D-DCT is applied on the Radon transformed image to obtain the frequency features (DCT coefficients). Further the 2D-DCT frequency coefficients (features) obtained are converted to 1D coefficients vector in zigzag fashion. This 1D array of DCT coefficients are subjected to Locality Sensitive Discriminant Analysis (LSDA) to reduce the number of features. Then these features are ranked using minimum Redundancy and Maximum Relevance (mRMR) ranking method. Finally, highly ranked minimum numbers of features are fused using Decision Tree (DT), k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN), Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Fuzzy Sugeno (FS) and AdaBoost classifiers to get the highest classification performance. In this work, we have obtained an average accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 100% in the detection of NAFLD using FS classifier. Also, we have devised an integrated index named as Fatty Liver Disease Index (FLDI) by fusing two significant LSDA components to distinguish normal and FLD class with single number.
Conference Paper
In this paper, a fully automatic approach to select the regions of interest (ROIs) of the liver images and an automatic hierarchical procedure to characterize normal, fatty and heterogeneous livers, using textural analysis of liver ultrasound images are described. The proposed algorithm contains two stages. The first stage, automatically assigns some ROIs in a liver ultrasound. In the second stage, discrimination between heterogeneous, fatty and normal livers is performed in a hierarchical method. This stage, first, classifies focal and diffused livers and then discriminates fatty and normal ones. The wavelet packet transform is used to analyze liver texture and obtaining a number of statistical features. A support vector machine classifier is employed to classify three classes. The fully automatic scheme to select the ROIs with low computational cost and the hierarchical classification scheme outperformed the non-hierarchical one-against-all schemes, achieving an overall accuracy of 97.9 %.
Fatty liver or steatosis is a pathology characterized by fat accumulation in the liver cells. Ultrasound is the most common technique used for its evaluation, however the diagnosis is strongly dependent on the physician's expertise and system settings. These drawbacks have motivated the development of procedures for the quantitative analysis of ultrasound images to help the steatosis diagnosis. In this work, three approaches are presented and tested with human liver images. The first one addresses textural analysis of the hepatic parenchyma using five classifiers, 357 features, a feature selector, and classifiers fusion. Its performance is measured by two parameters: accuracy and area under the ROC curve. The second makes use of the hepatorenal coefficient followed by a statistical analysis to discriminate echogenicity differences between liver and kidney. The third is based on the acoustical attenuation coefficient evaluated over a line traced in the images with parallel orientation to the acoustical beam. The use of classifiers fusion has provided better results (accuracy of 0.79), when compared with the performance of the best one considered alone (0.77 for ANN). The hepatorenal coefficient proved to be a good parameter for steatosis detection with calculated sensitivity and specificity of 0.90 and 0.88, respectively. It was observed the hepatorenal coefficient is not influenced by the ultrasound machine parameters. The attenuation coefficient provided lower sensitivity and specificity values than the ones from the hepatorenal coefficient.
Although, high resolution, real-time ultrasonic (US) imaging is routinely available, image interpretation is based on grey-level and texture and quantitative evaluation is limited. Other potentially useful diagnostic information from US echoes may include modifications in tissue acoustic parameters (speed, attenuation and backscattering) resulting from disease development. Changes in acoustical parameters can be detected using time-of-flight and spectral analysis techniques. The objective of this study is to explore the potential of three parameters together (attenuation coefficient, US speed and integrated backscatter coefficient-IBC) to discriminate healthy and fibrosis subgroups in liver tissue. Echoes from 21 fresh in vitro samples of human liver and from a plane reflector were obtained using a 20-MHz central frequency transducer (6-30 MHz bandpass). The scan plane was parallel to the reflector placed beneath the liver. A 30 x 20 matrix of A-scans was obtained, with a 200-microm step. The samples were classified according to the Metavir scale in five different degrees of fibrosis. US speed, attenuation and IBC were estimated from standard methods described in the literature. Statistical tests were applied to the results of each parameter individually and indicated that it was not possible to identify all the fibrosis groups. Then a discriminant analysis was performed for the three parameters together resulting in a reasonable separation of fibrotic groups. Although the number of tissue samples is limited, this study opens the possibility of enhancing the discriminant capability of ultrasonic parameters of liver tissue disease when they are combined together.
Conference Paper
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This paper describes the application of the nonseparable wavelet decomposition for the discrimination of diffuse diseases of liver. The proposed feature extraction algorithm uses the filter bank performing the quincunx transform and characterizes textures by a set of channel variances estimated at the output of each filter. Classification experiments on a set of three different tissue types show that this approach could be a reliable method for analysis of B-scan liver images
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This paper describes a new approach for texture characterization, based on nonseparable wavelet decomposition, and its application for the discrimination of visually similar diffuse diseases of liver. The proposed feature-extraction algorithm applies nonseparable quincunx wavelet transform and uses energies of the transformed regions to characterize textures. Classification experiments on a set of three different tissue types show that the scale/frequency approach, particularly one based on the nonseparable wavelet transform, could be a reliable method for a texture characterization and analysis of B-scan liver images. Comparison between the quincunx and the traditional wavelet decomposition suggests that the quincunx transform is more appropriate for characterization of noisy data, and practical applications, requiring description with lower rotational sensitivity.
In this paper, the classification of ultrasonic liver images is studied by making use of some powerful texture features, including the spatial gray-level dependence matrices, the Fourier power spectrum, the gray-level difference statistics, and the Laws' texture energy measures. Features of these types are used to classify three sets of ultrasonic liver images-normal liver, hepatoma, and cirrhosis (30 samples each). The Bayes classifier and the Hotelling trace criterion are employed to evaluate the performance of these features. From the viewpoint of speed and accuracy of classification, we have found that these features do not perform well enough, either consuming much time or yielding low classification rate. Hence, a new texture feature set (called multiresolution fractal features) based upon the concepts of multiple resolution imagery and fractional Brownian motion model is proposed to detect diffuse liver diseases fastly and accurately. In our approach, fractal dimensions estimated at various resolutions of the image are gathered to form the feature vector. Texture information contained in the proposed feature vector will be discussed. A real time implementation of our algorithm is performed on a SUN 4/330 workstation and produces about 90% correct classification for the three sets of ultrasonic liver images. This suggests that the multiresolution fractal feature set is an excellent tool in analyzing ultrasonic liver images.
The support-vector network is a new learning machine for two-group classification problems. The machine conceptually implements the following idea: input vectors are non-linearly mapped to a very high-dimension feature space. In this feature space a linear decision surface is constructed. Special properties of the decision surface ensures high generalization ability of the learning machine. The idea behind the support-vector network was previously implemented for the restricted case where the training data can be separated without errors. We here extend this result to non-separable training data. High generalization ability of support-vector networks utilizing polynomial input transformations is demonstrated. We also compare the performance of the support-vector network to various classical learning algorithms that all took part in a benchmark study of Optical Character Recognition.
OJECTIVE: Steatohepatitis is a morphological pattern of liver injury that may be seen in alcoholic or nonalcoholic liver disease. This pattern may occur with obesity, diabetes, the use of certain drugs, or the cause may be idiopathic. The well-recognized histopathological features of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) include hepatocellular steatosis and ballooning, mixed acute and chronic lobular inflammation, and zone 3 perisinusoidal fibrosis. Currently, there are no systems for grading necroinflammatory activity or for staging fibrosis as exist for various other forms of chronic liver disease. The purpose of this study was to develop such a grading and staging system and was based on review of liver biopsies from 51 patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis from Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center.METHODS: For determination of grade, 10 histological variables of activity were initially analyzed; an overall impression of mild, moderate, and severe was made and the variables considered to be most significant were used to develop the necroinflammatory grade.RESULTS: The histological lesions considered to be significant were: steatosis, ballooning, and intra-acinar and portal inflammation. A staging score was developed to reflect both location and extent of fibrosis. The fibrosis score was derived from the extent of zone 3 perisinusoidal fibrosis with possible additional portal/periportal fibrosis and architectural remodeling. Fibrosis stages are as follows: Stage 1, zone 3 perisinusoidal fibrosis; Stage 2, as above with portal fibrosis; Stage 3, as above with bridging fibrosis; and Stage 4, cirrhosis.CONCLUSION: We propose a grading and staging system that reflects the unique histological features of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
Thesupport-vector network is a new learning machine for two-group classification problems. The machine conceptually implements the following idea: input vectors are non-linearly mapped to a very high-dimension feature space. In this feature space a linear decision surface is constructed. Special properties of the decision surface ensures high generalization ability of the learning machine. The idea behind the support-vector network was previously implemented for the restricted case where the training data can be separated without errors. We here extend this result to non-separable training data. High generalization ability of support-vector networks utilizing polynomial input transformations is demonstrated. We also compare the performance of the support-vector network to various classical learning algorithms that all took part in a benchmark study of Optical Character Recognition.
B-mode images of 20 fresh postsurgical human liver samples were obtained to evaluate ultrasound ability in determining the grade of liver fibrosis. Image features derived from gray level concurrence and nonseparable wavelet transform were extracted to classify fibrosis with a classifier known as the support vector machine. Each liver sample subsequently underwent histologic examination and liver fibrosis was graded from 0 to 5 (i.e., six grades total). The six grades were then combined into two, three, four and six classes. Classifications with the extracted image features by the support vector machine were tested and correlated with histology. The results revealed that the best classification accuracy of two, three, four and six classes were 91%, 85%, 81% and 72%, respectively. Thus, liver fibrosis can be noninvasively characterized with B-mode ultrasound, even though the performance declines as the number of classes increases. The elastic constants of 16 samples out of a total of 20 were also correlated with the image features. The Pearson correlation coefficients indicated that the image features are more strongly correlated with the fibrosis grade than with the elastic constant.
A major design problem concerning high-frequency broad-band ultrasound imaging systems is caused by the strong dispersive attenuation of the tissue, which gives rise to images with inhomogeneous resolution and poor signal to noise ratio (SNR). To address the noise problem, strongly focused transducers with high energy density in a narrow focal region are utilized, which also provide more isotropic images due to improved lateral resolution. To account for the short depth of the focal area two suitable imaging conceptions are used: 1) synthetic aperture concept and 2) B/D-scan concept. To avoid the inhomogeneity of the images, different transmitter signals for each depth are applied, which are pseudoinversely prefiltered according to the transfer function of the tissue. To gain signal energy required for inverse filtering, a pulse compression technique with nonlinearly frequency modulated chirp signals is utilized. These procedures have been implemented in an ultrasound imaging system, which has been developed in the authors' laboratory for eye and skin examinations, It can be used with transducers in a frequency range from 20 to 250 MHz.
The classification of ultrasonic liver images is studied, making use of the spatial gray-level dependence matrices, the Fourier power spectrum, the gray-level difference statistics, and the Laws texture energy measures. Features of these types are used to classify three sets of ultrasonic liver images-normal liver, hepatoma, and cirrhosis (30 samples each). The Bayes classifier and the Hotelling trace criterion are employed to evaluate the performance of these features. From the viewpoint of speed and accuracy of classification, it is found that these features do not perform well enough. Hence, a new texture feature set (multiresolution fractal features) based on multiple resolution imagery and the fractional Brownian motion model is proposed to detect diffuse liver diseases quickly and accurately. Fractal dimensions estimated at various resolutions of the image are gathered to form the feature vector. Texture information contained in the proposed feature vector is discussed. A real-time implementation of the algorithm produces about 90% correct classification for the three sets of ultrasonic liver images
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: a proposal for grading and staging the histological lesions
  • Em Brunt
  • Cg Janney
  • Di Bisceglie
Brunt EM, Janney CG, Di Bisceglie AM, et al. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: a proposal for grading and staging the histological lesions. Am J Gastroenterol 94: 2467-2474, 1999.