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Fluoroscopic Epidural Injections in Cervical Spinal Stenosis: Preliminary Results of a Randomized, Double-Blind, Active Control Trial

  • Pain Management Center of Paducah and Marion
  • Pain Management Center of Paducah & Marion

Abstract and Figures

Cervical spinal stenosis is a common disease that results in considerable morbidity and disability. There are multiple modalities of treatments, including surgical interventions and multiple interventional techniques including epidural injections. The literature on the effectiveness of cervical epidural steroids is sporadic. Emerging evidence for cervical interlaminar epidurals for various conditions in the cervical spine is positive; however, the effect of fluoroscopic epidural injections in cervical spinal stenosis has not been studied. A randomized, double-blind, active control trial. A private interventional pain management practice, a specialty referral center in the United States. To evaluate the effectiveness of cervical interlaminar epidural injections with local anesthetic with or without steroids in the management of chronic neck pain with upper extremity pain in patients with cervical central spinal stenosis. Patients with cervical central spinal stenosis were randomly assigned to one of 2 groups: injection of local anesthetic only or local anesthetic mixed with non-particulate betamethasone. Sixty patients were included in this analysis. Randomization was performed by computer-generated random allocation sequence by simple randomization. Multiple outcome measures were utilized including the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), the Neck Disability Index (NDI), employment status, and opioid intake with assessment at 3, 6, and 12 months post-treatment. Significant pain relief or functional status was defined as a 50% or more reduction of NRS or NDI scores. Significant pain relief was seen in 73% in Group I and 70% in Group II, in Group II showing both significat pain releif and functional status improvements. Group I's average relief per procedures was 11.3 ± 5.8 weeks; for Group II it was 8.6 ± 3.6 weeks, whereas after initial 2 procedures, average relief was 13.7 ± 8.7 weeks in Group I, and 13.6 ± 4.7 weeks in Group II. In the successful group, the average total relief in a one-year period was 42.2 ± 14.7 weeks in Group I and 34.3 ± 13.4 weeks in Group II, with 76% in Group I and 77% in Group II. Study limitations include the lack of a placebo group and that this is a preliminary report of only 60 patients, 30 in each group. Patients who have chronic function-limiting pain that is secondary to cervical central stenosis might receive relief with cervical interlaminar epidurals of local anesthetic, whether with or without steroids. NCT01071369.
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Background: Cervical spinal stenosis is a common disease that results in considerable morbidity
and disability. There are multiple modalities of treatments, including surgical interventions and
multiple interventional techniques including epidural injections. The literature on the effectiveness
of cervical epidural steroids is sporadic. Emerging evidence for cervical interlaminar epidurals for
various conditions in the cervical spine is positive; however, the effect of fluoroscopic epidural
injections in cervical spinal stenosis has not been studied.
Study Design: A randomized, double-blind, active control trial.
Setting: A private interventional pain management practice, a specialty referral center in the
United States.
Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of cervical interlaminar epidural injections with local
anesthetic with or without steroids in the management of chronic neck pain with upper extremity
pain in patients with cervical central spinal stenosis.
Methods: Patients with cervical central spinal stenosis were randomly assigned to one of 2 groups:
injection of local anesthetic only or local anesthetic mixed with non-particulate betamethasone.
Sixty patients were included in this analysis. Randomization was performed by computer-generated
random allocation sequence by simple randomization.
Outcomes Assessment: Multiple outcome measures were utilized including the Numeric
Rating Scale (NRS), the Neck Disability Index (NDI), employment status, and opioid intake with
assessment at 3, 6, and 12 months post-treatment. Significant pain relief or functional status was
defined as a 50% or more reduction of NRS or NDI scores.
Results: Significant pain relief was seen in 73% in Group I and 70% in Group II, in Group II
showing both significant pain relief and functional status improvements. Group I’s average relief
per procedures was 11.3 ± 5.8 weeks; for Group II it was 8.6 ± 3.6 weeks, whereas after initial 2
procedures, average relief was 13.7 ± 8.7 weeks in Group I, and 13.6 ± 4.7 weeks in Group II. In
the successful group, the average total relief in a one-year period was 42.2 ± 14.7 weeks in Group
I and 34.3 ± 13.4 weeks in Group II, with 76% in Group I and 77% in Group II.
Limitations: Study limitations include the lack of a placebo group and that this is a preliminary
report of only 60 patients, 30 in each group.
Conclusion: Patients who have chronic function-limiting pain that is secondary to cervical central
stenosis might receive relief with cervical interlaminar epidurals of local anesthetic, whether with
or without steroids.
Key words: Chronic neck pain, cervical disc herniation, cervical stenosis, cervical central stenosis,
cervical epidural injections, epidural steroids, local anesthetics
Pain Physician 2012; 15:E59-E70
Randomized Trial
Fluoroscopic Epidural Injections in Cervical
Spinal Stenosis: Preliminary Results of a
Randomized, Double-Blind, Active Control Trial
From: 1Pain Management Center
of Paducah, Paducah, KY; and
2University of Louisville, Louisville,
Dr. Manchikanti is Medical
Director of the Pain Management
Center of Paducah, Paducah, KY
and Associate Clinical Professor,
Anesthesiology and Perioperative
Medicine, University of Louisville,
Louisville, KY.
Dr. Malla is an Interventional Pain
Physician at the Pain Management
Center of Paducah, Paducah, KY.
Kimberly A. Cash is a Research
Coordinator at the Pain
Management Center of Paducah,
Paducah, KY.
Carla D. McManus is a Nursing
Administrator at the Pain
Management Center of Paducah,
Paducah, KY.
Vidyasagar Pampati is a Statistician
at the Pain Management Center of
Paducah, Paducah, KY.
Address correspondence:
Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD
2831 Lone Oak Road
Paducah, KY 42003
Disclaimer: There was no external
funding in the preparation of this
Conflict of interest: None.
Manuscript received: 11/10/2011
Accepted for publication:
Free full manuscript:
Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD1,2, Yogesh Malla, MD1, Kimberly A. Cash, RT1,
Carla D. McManus, RN1, and Vidyasagar Pampati, MSc1
Pain Physician 2012; 15:E59-E70 • ISSN 2150-1149
Pain Physician: January/February 2012; 15:E59-E70
along with inappropriate methodology, leading to in-
appropriate conclusions (1,20). A Cochrane review of
medicinal and injection therapies for mechanical neck
disorders (37) have shown no significant evidence for
cervical epidural injections. However, the role of epi-
dural injections in managing chronic persistent pain of
cervical spinal stenosis has not been evaluated.
Evaluating the role of cervical interlaminar epi-
dural injections with or without steroids in a certain
patient population is the present study’s purpose—
specifically, in patients who have chronic, function-
limiting neck pain and disability secondary to central
cervical spinal stenosis. This preliminary report de-
scribes data from 60 patients who have completed a
one year follow-up; the full report will have data on
120 patients.
The present study was performed in the United
States in a private pain management practice and
specialty referral center. Consolidated Standards of
Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines were followed
(44). The Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved
the study’s protocol; the study is registered with the
U.S. Clinical Trial Registry, NCT01071369.
New patients presenting for interventional pain
management were recruited for the study and as-
signed to one of two groups.
Both groups received cervical interlaminar epi-
dural injections. Group I patients received 5 mL of
0.5% lidocaine; Group II received 4 mL of 0.5% li-
docaine mixed with 1 mL or 6 mg of nonparticulate
The IRB-approved protocol and informed consent,
which describe the study in detail, were given to the
Pre-enrollment Evaluation
A pre-enrollment evaluation was conducted.
Data collected during the evaluation included work
status, demographic data, opioid intake, physical ex-
amination, medical and surgical history with coexist-
ing disease(s), Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) pain rating
scores, functional status assessment with the Neck Dis-
ability Index (NDI), and radiologic investigations.
Chronic recurrent neck pain in adults is
common. The 12-month prevalence is 30% to
50%; intense pain and disability are seen in
14% of adults (1-3). Common causes include cervical
spondylosis, cervical disc herniation, cervical stenosis,
cervical facet joint arthritis, radiculopathy, and cervical
discogenic abnormalities (4-7).
Cervical spinal stenosis is a common disease that
results in considerable morbidity and disability (8-10).
Degenerative change is the most common cause of
cervical stenosis and can be due to disc herniation, os-
teophyte formation, or a combination of both, namely
disc-osteophyte complex (8). Tandem spinal stenosis
(TSS) is a degenerative disease that describes a double
stenotic lesion involving the cervical and lumbar spine
(11,12). Historically, TSS accounts for between 5% and
25% of all cases of stenosis (11,12). However, cervical
spinal stenosis is less common than lumbar spinal ste-
nosis. With increasing age, a large proportion of the
population exhibit radiological signs of discopathy or
spondylosis, leading to constriction of the spinal canal
(9). Thus, cervical spinal stenosis has been detected in
26% of asymptomatic group of older individuals (13)
Despite multiple modalities of treatments, includ-
ing surgical interventions and various other modalities
for diagnosis and treatment of spinal pain, with ex-
ploding health care costs, the treatment modalities for
cervical spinal stenosis have not been well described
(1,3-6,11,12,14-40). Apart from surgical interventions,
epidural steroid injections are one of the most com-
mon interventions in the non-surgical management
of neck and upper extremity pain secondary to disc
herniation and radiculitis, spinal stenosis, post surgery
syndrome, and discogenic pain (1,14-20,25,41-43).
Benyamin et al (1) in a systematic review of cer-
vical interlaminar epidural injections determined that
the evidence was moderate in managing chronic neck
and upper extremity pain; however, this evidence has
been related to mostly disc herniation and radiculi-
tis even though some studies have included patients
with different etiologies. Further, Manchikanti et al in
2 studies, in their preliminary reports (14,25) showed
the effectiveness of cervical interlaminar epidural in-
jections with or without steroids in over 75% of the
patients with axial neck pain or disc herniation and ra-
diculitis. Even then, the evidence has been questioned
and continues to be debated similar to lumbar epi-
dural injections due to the design of the studies, fluo-
roscopic utilization, study size, outcome parameters,
duration of follow-up, and bias exerted peer reviews, E61
Fluoroscopic Epidural Injections in Cervical Spinal Stenosis
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Inclusion criteria were a diagnosis of cervical central
spinal stenosis with or without foraminal stenosis, patients
over 30 years old and with a history of chronic function-
limiting neck pain and upper extremity pain of at least 6
on a scale of 0-10, pain for at least 6 months in duration,
and patients who were competent to understand the
study protocol and provide voluntary, written informed
consent, and participate in outcome measurements.
Further inclusion criteria included patients who failed
to improve substantially with conservative management
including, but not limited to, physical therapy, chiropractic
manipulation, exercises, drug therapy, and bed rest.
Exclusion criteria were a history of cervical spinal
surgery, foraminal stenosis without central stenosis, un-
controllable or unstable opioid use, uncontrolled psy-
chiatric disorders, uncontrolled medical illness (either
acute or chronic), any conditions that could interfere
with the interpretation of the outcome assessments,
pregnant or lactating women, and patients with a his-
tory or potential for adverse reaction(s) to local anes-
thetics or steroids.
Description of Interventions
A single physician performed all procedures in an
ambulatory surgery’s sterile operating room. Patients
were prone, appropriately monitored, and sedated
with midazolam and fentanyl. Under fluoroscopy, the
epidural space between C7 and T1 to C5 and C6 was
entered, using the loss of resistance technique and con-
firmed with nonionic contrast medium. Then, the ap-
propriate injection, based on the group the patient was
assigned, was made.
Additional Interventions
Patients remained blinded unless they requested
unblinding or if an emergency arose. Treatments were
performed as assigned. Additional cervical epidural in-
jections were given depending on a patient’s response.
Nonresponsive patients continued conservative man-
agement without further injections, unless they re-
quested unblinding.
If physical and functional status improved, then re-
peat injections were given. Also, only when there was
increased pain and deteriorating relief below 50% were
repeat injections given.
Patients did not receive bracing, specific physical
or occupational therapy, or any intervention other than
the assigned study intervention. However, patients did
continue exercise programs already started as well as
their occupation. Most were already taking adjuvant
analgesics, both opioid and nonopioid. If they im-
proved enough, these adjuvants were either stopped or
dosages decreased. For some, dosages were increased.
This study seeks to evaluate whether cervical epi-
dural injections, with or without steroids, are effective
for managing pain caused by chronic neck and upper ex-
tremity pain secondary to cervical central spinal stenosis.
The following outcomes were measured at base-
line and at 3, 6, and 12 months post-treatment: opioid
intake measured in morphine equivalent; work status;
NDI; and NRS.
Pain relief of 50% associated with a 50% improve-
ment in NDI was considered significant. The NRS and
NDI have been shown to be valid and reliable in pa-
tients with mechanical neck pain (45-47).
Morphine equivalents were used to measure opi-
oid intake (48).
Patients unemployed due to pain and those em-
ployed only part-time due to pain were considered
employable. Those not working, but not due to pain,
including those retired or who chose not to work and
homemakers were not considered employable.
Sample Size
The sample size needed for each group was deter-
mined to be 60 patients. This is based on a 10% attri-
tion/noncompliance rate, as well as a 0.05 two-sided
significance level, a power of 80%, and a 1:1 allocation
ratio (49). Fifty to 60 patients in a group is considered
appropriate (50-61).
Sixty patients are expected to be randomly as-
signed to each group.
Sequence Generation
A computer-generated random allocation se-
quence performed the randomization.
Allocation Concealment
Patient randomizing and appropriate drug prepar-
ing were done by an operating room nurse who as-
sisted with the procedure.
Pain Physician: January/February 2012; 15:E59-E70
If they met inclusion criteria, patients were invited
to become study participants. A nurse assigned as one
of the study’s 3 coordinators enrolled them and gave
them their group assignment.
Blinding (Masking)
Group assignments were blinded to the partici-
pants and the physicians performing the interventions.
The injectates were clear; it was impossible to tell if it
contained steroid. Also, participants were mixed with
patients not enrolled in the study who were presenting
for routine treatment. The physician was not informed
who was and who was not a study participant. A statis-
tician not involved with patient care selected those cho-
sen for one-year follow-up. If unblinding did occur, the
physician and other patients were not informed, thus
preserving the integrity of the blinding.
Statistical Methods
Four statistical analyses were performed: for dif-
ferences in proportions, Chi-squared statistic; if the ex-
pected value was less than 5, Fisher’s exact test; t test for
comparing mean scores between groups; paired t test for
comparing pre- and post-treatment average pain scores
and NDI measurements at baseline against scores at 3, 6,
and 12 months. Statistical significance was P < 0.05.
The last follow-up data or initial patient data from
study dropouts was used for the intent-to-treat analy-
sis. A sensitivity analysis used best and worst case sce-
narios and last follow-up scores.
Participant Flow
Figure 1 illustrates the participant flow.
Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of patient flow.
Patients Excluded
Patients Not Meeting Inclusion Criteria = 22
Patients Refusing to Participate = 16
Patients randomized
Patients included in this
evaluation = 60
Group II
Cervical epidural with local anesthetics
Participants included in analysis = 30
12 months
93% (28) participants available for follow-up
100% (30) participants included in analysis
Cervical epidural with local anesthetics
and one of the steroids
Participants included in analysis = 30
Eligible Patients Assessed
Group I
12 months
90% (27) participants available for follow-up
100% (30) participants included in analysis E63
Fluoroscopic Epidural Injections in Cervical Spinal Stenosis
Enrollment period started in August 2007 and
Baseline Data
Table 1 shows baseline characteristics. There were
no significant differences observed in any of the aspects
except mean weight which was higher in Group I com-
pared to Group II.
Tables 2 and 3 illustrate severity and levels of spinal
Analysis of Data
Intention-to-treat analysis was carried out by last
follow-up data, as there were no significant differences
noted with sensitivity analysis.
Pain Relief
NRS scores are shown in Table 4. At 12 months, 73%
of Group I participants and 70% of Group II participant
showed significant pain relief. However, the proportion
Table 1. Baseline demographic characteristics.
Group 1
Group II
(30) P value
Gender Male 30% (9) 43% (13) 0.284
Female 70% (21) 57% (17)
Age Mean ± SD 49.9 ± 8.5 49.7 ± 8.9 0.918
Weight Mean ± SD 196.0 ± 54.2 170.7 ± 32.7 0.032
Height Mean ± SD 66.5 ± 4.5 65.9 ± 3.7 0.617
Duration of pain (months) Mean ± SD 115.2 ± 89.9 94.3 ± 77.4 0.338
Onset of the pain Gradual 60% (18) 53% (16) 0.602
Injury 40% (12) 47% (14)
Pain ratio
Neck Pain only 18% (5) 11% (3)
Neck worse than Upper extremity 68% (19) 54% (15)
Upper extremity worse than Neck 7% (2) 3% (1)
Both equal 7% (2) 32% (9)
Neck Pain Distribution
Right 10% (3) 17% (5)
0.467Left 20% (6) 10% (3)
Bilateral 70% (21) 73% (22)
Numeric rating score Mean ± SD 7.9 ± 0.8 8.0 ± 0.9 0.762
Neck Disability Index Mean ± SD 29.2 ± 5.2 29.2 ± 5.8 0.981
Table 2. Spinal stenosis: Severity and involved level(s) as classified by radiologist(s) (MRI or CT scan).
Group Severe Moderate Mild
C3/4 C4/5 C5/6 C6/7 C7/T1 C3/4 C4/5 C5/6 C6/7 C7/T1 C3/4 C4/5 C5/6 C6/7 C7/T1
I 0 1 3 1 0 2 3 7 6 0 1 6 7 6 0
II 1 2 4 1 0 1 2 8 4 0 1 3 7 4 0
Tot a l 1 3 7 2 0 3 5 15 10 0 2 9 14 10 0
Secondar y
I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 1 0 0
II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
Tot a l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 2 2 1 0
*Primary: Indicates worst level of stenosis or same type stenosis at multiple levels in participants with multiple level stenosis and all participants
with single level stenosis.
Pain Physician: January/February 2012; 15:E59-E70
of participants in the successful categories reporting
significant pain relief was 76% in Group I and 77% in
Group II.
Functional Assessment
Table 5 shows functional assessment evaluated
by NDI. Significant improvement was shown in both
groups at 12 months: 77% in Group I and 70% in
Group II. When further separated into failed and suc-
cessful categories, the successful categories showed
improvement in 79% of Group I and 77% of Group II.
Pain Relief and Functional Improvement
The proportion of participants with significant
changes in pain and function are shown in Fig. 2. At
12 months, the changes are 73% in Group I and 70%
in Group II. When successful categories are examined,
there was improvement of 76% in Group I and 77%
in Group II.
Employment Characteristics
Table 6 demonstrates employment characteristics
in both groups.
Opioid Intake
Table 7 illustrates opioid intake characteristics.
Therapeutic Procedural Characteristics
Therapeutic procedural characteristics are illus-
trated in Table 8. Epidural entry was as follows: 10%
between C5 and C6, 52% between C6 and C7, and
38% between C7 and T1 vertebral interspaces.
Average relief per year was 40.8 ± 16.3 weeks in
Group I and 30.4 ± 16.1 weeks in Group II. The average
number of injections per year was 3.7 ± 1.2 in Group
I and 3.6 ± 1.2 in Group II. However, when patients
were separated into successful and failed groups, the
average number of injections per year was 3.8 ± 1.1
in Group I and 3.6 ± 1.2 in Group II in the successful
group, with total relief of 42.2 ± 14.7 weeks in Group
I and 34.3 ± 13.4 weeks in Group II with significant
If a patient’s relief lasted at least 3 weeks with 2
initial injections, then it was considered successful; if
not, then it was considered a failure.
Table 3. Number of stenosis levels involved in the study
Group I (30) Group II (30) Total
One Level 16 19 35
Two Levels 11 11 22
Three Levels 1 0 1
Four Levels 2 0 2
Table 4. Mean pain relief of NRS scores and proportion of
patients with significant pain relief (≥ 50%).
Rating Score
Group I (30) Group II (30) P value
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Baseline 7.9 ± 0.8 8.0 ± 0.9 0.862
3 months 3.7* ± 1.2
3.5* ± 0.9
(87%) 0.625
6 months 3.4 * ± 0.9
3.7* ± 1.0
(80%) 0.353
12 months 3.6* ± 1.1
3.8* ± 1.2
(70%) 0.434
Percentages in parentheses indicate proportion of participants with
significant relief (≥ 50% reduction in Numeric Rating Score from
* indicates significant difference with baseline values (P < 0.001)
Table 5. Illustration of functional assessment scores by Neck
Disability Index and proportion of patients with significant
improvement (≥ 50%).
Neck Disability
Group I
Group II
(30) P value
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Baseline 29.2 ± 5.2 29.2 ± 5.8 0.981
3 months 15.1* ± 5.8
13.6* ± 3.8
(87%) 0.219
6 months 13.2* ± 4.8
13.5* ± 4.6
(83%) 0.826
12 months 13.2* ± 5.4
13.9* ± 4.5
(70%) 0.824
Percentages in parenthesis indicate proportion of patients with signifi-
cant improvement with NDI scores from baseline ( 50%).
* indicates significant difference with baseline values (P < 0.001) E65
Fluoroscopic Epidural Injections in Cervical Spinal Stenosis
Fig. 2. Illustration of reduction (at least 50%) in average pain and Neck Disability Index from baseline.
Successful groups Failed groups Overall results
Table 6. Employment characteristics.
Employment status Group I (30) Group II (30)
Baseline 12 months Baseline 12 months
Employed part-time 0 0 0 1
Employed full-time 2 2 6 6
Unemployed (due to pain) 1 1 4 3
Not working 1 1 0 0
Eligible for employment 4 4 10 10
Total Employed 2 2 6 7
Housewife 22 22 18 18
Disabled 3 3 0 0
Retired 1 1 2 2
Total Number of Patients 30 30 30
Table 7. Opioid intake (morphine equivalence mg)
Opioid Intake
equivalence mg)
Group I (30) Group II (30) P
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Baseline 51.37 ± 31.30 66.07 ± 72.62 0.313
3 months 45.63 ± 38.29 49.03* ± 70.40 0.817
6 months 45.13 ± 38.40 48.70* ± 70.52 0.809
12 months 46.13 ± 37.56 48.70* ± 70.52 0.861
* indicates significant difference with baseline values (P < 0.001)
Changes in Weight
Even though the 2 groups had a significant weight
difference from each other at baseline, Table 9 illus-
trates that neither group showed a change in body
weight from baseline.
Adverse Events
Two subarachnoid punctures, one intravascular en-
try and one report of soreness lasting one week were
reported from the 214 procedures performed. No post-
operative headache was reported in both patients after
subarachnoid puncture.
Gro u p I Gro u p II
Pain Physician: January/February 2012; 15:E59-E70
The fluoroscopic epidural injections in cervical spi-
nal stenosis evaluated by randomized, double-blind,
controlled trial showed significant pain relief in 73%
in Group I and 70% in Group II with functional status
improvement in 77% in Group I and 70% in Group II.
The study also showed decrease in opioid usage. How-
ever, this study’s results show no significant differences
in pain relief or functional status whether patients re-
ceived injections with steroids or without steroids. Spe-
cific data are illustrated in the tables above.
Cervical epidural injections are quite common,
but systematic reviews are limited (14). There is one
Cochrane review of medicinal and injection therapies
for mechanical neck disorders (37). Benyamin et al (1)
looked at the randomized evaluations included in the
evidence synthesis (41-43). Their conclusions were that
that positive results were shown for short-term relief in
all 3 studies; positive results for long-term relief were
shown in 2 studies, and the results of long-term relief
were not available for one study (43). Short-term relief
was defined as 6 months and long-term relief was de-
fined as more than 6 months. Manchikanti et al, in 2
studies (51,52) evaluating the role of cervical epidural
injections with or without steroids in patients with ax-
ial neck pain or disc herniation, showed significant im-
provement in physical and functional status in approxi-
mately 70% to 80% of the patients. But interlaminar
epidural injections of local anesthetic with or without
steroids do not provide long-term relief for patients
with cervical spinal stenosis as shown in the present
study. However, if patient evaluation is done appropri-
ately and repeat injections are performed judiciously,
long term relief can be achieved. The study has illus-
trated an average of 9.6 to 13.8 weeks of relief. Similar
results have been shown for cervical epidurals using the
same methodology for disc herniation (14), axial pain
without disc herniation or facet joint pain (25), or cer-
Table 8. Therapeutic procedural characteristics with procedural frequency, average relief per procedure, and average total relief in
weeks over a period of one year.
Successful Patients Failed Patients Combined
Group I
Group II
Group I
Group II
Group I
Group II
1st procedure relief 7.1* ± 5.5
4.5 ± 3.8
1.6 ± 2.3
6.8* ± 5.6
4.1 ± 3.7
2nd procedure relief 11.6 ± 7.9
8.4 ± 2.9
(24) -1 ± 1.2
11.6* ± 7.9
7.4 ± 3.8
3rd procedure relief 13.6 ± 9.1
13.4 ± 5.1
(22) -10
13.6 ± 9.1
13.2 ± 5.1
4th procedure relief 12.9 ± 0.9
12.8 ± 1.8
(16) - - 12.9 ± 0.9
12.8 ± 1.8
5th procedure relief 12.4 ± 1.5
12.7 ± 0.8
(6) - - 12.4 ± 1.5
12.7 ± 0.8
Number of procedures per
year 3.8 ± 1.1 3.6 ± 1.2 1 2.2 ± 0.5 3.7 ± 1.2 3.6 ± 1.2
Average relief per procedure 11.7 ± 5.5 9.6 ± 2.6 0 2.0 ± 1.9 11.3* ± 5.8 8.6 ± 3.6
Average relief per procedure
after initial 2 procedures 13.7 ± 8.7 13.8 ± 4.7 - 10 13.7 ± 8.7 13.6 ± 4.7
Total relief per year (weeks) 42.2* ± 14.7 34.3 ± 13.4 0 5.0 ± 5.7 40.8* ± 16.3 30.4 ± 16.1
Table 9. Characteristics of changes in weight.
Weight (lbs) Group I (30) Group II (30) P
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Weight at beginning 196.0 ± 54.2 170.7 ± 32.7 0.032
Weight at one year 190.7 ± 54.3 169.8 ± 30.4 0.070
Change -5.3 ± 10.6 -0.9 ± 6.8 0.060
Lost weight 63% 47%
0.328No change 17% 17%
Gained weight 20% 36% E67
Fluoroscopic Epidural Injections in Cervical Spinal Stenosis
vical post-surgery syndrome (55). The same is true for
caudal and lumbar interlaminar epidurals ifor disc her-
niation, discogenic pain without disc herniation, spinal
stenosis, and post surgery syndrome (51-54).
This study provides an understanding of the proce-
dure’s effectiveness for successful and failed categories
in the two groups. Our results are generalizable for in-
terventional pain management settings. It is also the
first such study performed in an American private prac-
tice and that used fluoroscopy. Active control studies,
such as the present one, measure effectiveness rather
than efficacy like an explanatory trial, thus providing
useful data (1,17-20,31,32,62-64). Such an active control
design compares 2 commonly used therapies, rather
than just an existence of effect or absolute effect size
(65). Another difference in this study are the repeat in-
jections given based on an increase in pain and func-
tional status decline, rather than the normal routine of
3 injections or limiting the number of procedures.
The lack of a placebo group is a limitation for this
study, but having a placebo group for interventional
procedures in studies done in the United States is dif-
ficult (43,66-71). Unless the same methodology is used,
along with fluoroscopic guidance, the results might not
apply to the general patient population. Despite these
caveats, this study does help shed light on whether ste-
roids should be used with local anesthetic in injections
.Corticosteroids appear to make no difference in a pa-
tient’s improvement for managing chronic neck pain of
spinal stenosis. There were differences in weight, but
failed to influence results.
The mechanism of the action of steroids and lo-
cal anesthetic has been described (43,72-92). There is
also emerging evidence that local anesthetics may be
equally as effective as steroids in managing low back
and neck pain without disc herniation and also pain of
facet joint origin (50-57,76-85).
Multiple complications also have been described
with cervical epidural injections, including infection,
bleeding, neural trauma, etc. (1,93-98); however, none
were observed in this evaluation except 2 cases of sub-
arachnoid puncture without further side effects.
This randomized, double-blind, controlled trial of
cervical interlaminar epidural injections shows a 71.5%
rate of effectiveness in pain reduction and functional
status improvement for patients with chronic function-
limiting neck pain and upper extremity pain secondary
to central spinal stenosis.
The authors wish to thank Sekar Edem for as-
sistance in search of literature, Tom Prigge, MA, for
manuscript review, and Tonie M. Hatton and Diane E.
Neihoff, transcriptionists, for their assistance in prepa-
ration of this manuscript. We would like to thank the
editorial board of Pain Physician for review and criti-
cism in improving the manuscript.
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... Based on the search criteria, 10 publications were considered for inclusion; 6 of these were excluded because of duplicate publications or lack of data. Ultimately, 4 RCTs [31,32,34,36] were included in the present analysis. ...
... The studies were not heterogeneous. One RCT [36] followed up patients treated with epidural injections of a steroid (n = 30) or without the steroid (n = 30) for 1 year; 50% pain relief associated with a 50% functional improvement was considered significant. Work status was also an outcome measure; at the 1-year follow-up, the effectiveness in terms of pain relief and functional improvement was 71.5%. ...
... All of the studies demonstrated that both treatments were effective for the management of neck pain secondary to cervical disc herniation, spondylosis, or postsurgery syndrome. One of the studies [36] included 1-year follow-up data and the other 3 [31,32,34] followed up patients for 2 years, which reduced the bias in outcome reporting. Additionally, opioid intake by the patients was significant decreased by the 2 two treatments. ...
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Aims: To compare the effectiveness of cervical epidural injections of local anesthetic with vs. without a steroid. Methods: Three databases (PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane library) were used to search and assess all clinical randomized controlled trials regarding the clinical efficacy of epidural injections from January 01, 2009, to October 31, 2020. Cochrane review criteria and the Interventional Pain Management Techniques-Quality Appraisal of Reliability and Risk of Bias Assessment instrument were used to evaluate the methodologic quality of the included studies. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed according to best evidence synthesis principles and by single-arm meta-analysis, respectively. Results: Based on the search criteria, 4 RCTs were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed in the single-arm meta-analysis. Treatment with lidocaine alone or with the steroid resulted in decreases of 4.46 and 4.29 points, respectively, in pain scores and of 15.8 and 14.46 points, respectively, in functional scores at 6 months. Similar trends were observed at the 1-year follow-up: pain scores decreased by 4.27 and 4.14 points, while functional scores decreased by 15.94 and 14.44 points in patients with neck pain who received lidocaine without or with the steroid, respectively. In the 3 studies that reported 2-year follow-up data, patients with neck pain treated with lidocaine or lidocaine + steroid showed 4.2- and 4.14-point decreases, in pain score and 15.92- and 14.89-point decreases, respectively, in functional scores. Conclusions: The studies showed level I (strong) evidence for short- and long-term improvements in pain relief and functionality with cervical epidural injections of local anesthetic alone or with a steroid in the management of neck pain.
... The results of the search criteria and selection of trials for inclusion in the systematic review are shown in a flow diagram of study selection as recommended by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Metaanalysis (PRISMA) (Fig. 1) Overall, there were 34 manuscripts considered for inclusion; however, only 7 randomized trials, either active-controlled or placebo-controlled met inclusion criteria (51)(52)(53)(54)(55)(56)(57). There were 3 RCTs assessing the transforaminal approach (58)(59)(60) which failed to meet the inclusion criteria. ...
... Of the 7 included trials of interlaminar epidural injections, 4 assessed patients with disc herniation (51,(55)(56)(57), one trial included patients with disc related axial pain without disc herniation or radiculitis (52), one trial included patients with central spinal stenosis (53), and one trial assessed patients with post surgery syndrome (54). All of the trials were of an active control design. ...
... There was only one randomized trial meeting the inclusion criteria in the evaluation of central spinal stenosis in the cervical spine (53). This study was of an active-controlled design and a preliminary report, but showed positive results. ...
Background: The high prevalence of chronic persistent neck pain not only leads to disability but also has a significant economic, societal, and health impact. Among multiple modalities of treatments prescribed in the management of neck and upper extremity pain, surgical, interventional and conservative modalities have been described. Cervical epidural injections are also common modalities of treatments provided in managing neck and upper extremity pain. They are administered by either an interlaminar approach or transforaminal approach. Objectives: To determine the long-term efficacy of cervical interlaminar and transforaminal epidural injections in the treatment of cervical disc herniation, spinal stenosis, discogenic pain without facet joint pain, and post surgery syndrome. Methods: The literature search was performed from 1966 to October 2014 utilizing data from PubMed, Cochrane Library, US National Guideline Clearinghouse, previous systematic reviews, and cross-references. The evidence was assessed based on best evidence synthesis with Level I to Level V. Results: There were 7 manuscripts meeting inclusion criteria. Of these, 4 assessed the role of interlaminar epidural injections for managing disc herniation or radiculitis, and 3 assessed these injections for managing central spinal stenosis, discogenic pain without facet joint pain, and post surgery syndrome. There were 4 high quality manuscripts. A qualitative synthesis of evidence showed there is Level II evidence for each etiology category. The evidence is based on one relevant, high quality trial supporting the efficacy of cervical interlaminar epidural injections for each particular etiology. There were no randomized trials available assessing the efficacy of cervical transforaminal epidural injections. Limitations: Paucity of available literature, specifically conditions other than disc herniation. Conclusion: This systematic review with qualitative best evidence synthesis shows Level II evidence for the efficacy of cervical interlaminar epidural injections with local anesthetic with or without steroids, based on at least one high-quality relevant randomized control trial in each category for disc herniation, discogenic pain without facet joint pain, central spinal stenosis, and post surgery syndrome. Key words: Chronic neck pain, cervical disc herniation, cervical spinal stenosis, cervical post surgery syndrome, cervical discogenic pain, cervical epidural injections, interlaminar epidural injections, transforaminal epidural injections, steroids, local anesthetic
... CSS is the most common cause of spinal cord dysfunction in the middle-aged and elderly populations, with significant disability rates [24,25]. The pathological basis of CSS is progressive compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots caused by cervical stenosis, leading to a series of neurological dysfunction symptoms due to ischemic changes in the nerves [1][2][3]. ...
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Objective Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is the standard procedure for the treatment of cervical spinal stenosis (CSS), but complications such as adjacent segment degeneration can seriously affect the long-term efficacy. Currently, posterior endoscopic surgery has been increasingly used in the clinical treatment of CSS. The aim of this study was to compare the clinical outcomes of single-segment CSS patients who underwent full endoscopic laminotomy decompression or ACDF. Methods 138 CSS patients who met the inclusion criteria from June 2018 to August 2020 were retrospectively analyzed and divided into endoscopic and ACDF groups. The propensity score matching (PSM) method was used to adjust the imbalanced confounding variables between the groups. Then, perioperative data were recorded and clinical outcomes were compared, including functional scores and imaging data. Functional scores included Visual Analog Scale of Arms (A-VAS) and Neck pain (N-VAS), Japanese Orthopedic Association score (JOA), Neck Disability Index (NDI), and imaging data included Disc Height Index (DHI), Cervical range of motion (ROM), and Ratio of grey scale (RVG). Results After PSM, 84 patients were included in the study and followed for 24–30 months. The endoscopic group was significantly superior to the ACDF group in terms of operative time, intraoperative blood loss, incision length, and hospital stay (P < 0.001). Postoperative N-VAS, A-VAS, JOA, and NDI were significantly improved in both groups compared with the preoperative period (P < 0.001), and the endoscopic group showed better improvement at 7 days postoperatively (P < 0.05). The ROM changes of adjacent segments were significantly larger in the ACDF group at 12 months postoperatively and at the last follow-up (P < 0.05). The RVG of adjacent segments showed a decreasing trend, and the decrease was more marked in the ACDF group at last follow-up (P < 0.05). According to the modified MacNab criteria, the excellent and good rates in the endoscopic group and ACDF group were 90.48% and 88.10%, respectively, with no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05). Conclusion Full endoscopic laminotomy decompression is demonstrated to be an efficacious alternative technique to traditional ACDF for the treatment of single-segment CSS, with the advantages of less trauma, faster recovery, and less impact on cervical spine kinematics and adjacent segmental degeneration.
... [12] It results in reactive hypertrophy of endplate osteophytes and uncal, ligamentous structures, with swelling of the cervical disc. [2,[13][14][15] CSS also describes Table 1 Comparison of the characteristics of control and CSS group. osteoarthritic changes in the spine, including osteophytes, spondylosis and facet joint disease, in addition to ligament abnormalities such as ossification or hypertrophy of the CLF. ...
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Thickening of the cervical ligamentum flavum (CLF) has been considered as a main cause of cervical spinal stenosis (CSS). A previous study reported that cervical ligamentum flavum thickness (CLFT) is correlated with CSS. However, the whole hypertrophy is different from focal thickness. Therefore, to analyze hypertrophy of the CLF, we created a new morphological parameter, called the cervical ligamentum flavum area (CLFA). We hypothesized that the CLFA is an important morphological parameter in the diagnosis of CSS. CLF samples were acquired from 83 patients with CSS, and from 84 controls who underwent cervical magnetic resonance imaging (C-MRI). T2-weighted axial C-MRI images were acquired. We measured the CLFA and CLFT at the C6-C7 intervertebral level on C-MRI using appropriate image analysis software. The CLFA was measured as the cross-sectional area of the entire CLF at the level of C6-C7 stenosis. The CLFT was measured by drawing a straight line along the ligament side towards the spinal canal at the C6-C7 level. Mean CLFA was 25.24 ± 6.43 mm² in the control group and 45.34 ± 9.09 mm² in the CSS group. The average CLFT was 1.48 ± 0.28 mm in the control group and 2.09 ± 0.35 mm in the CSS group. CSS patients had significantly higher CLFA (P < .01) and CLFT (P < .01). For the validity of both CLFA and CLFT as predictors of CSS, a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed an optimal cutoff point for the CLFA was 31.66 mm², a sensitivity of 92.8%, specificity of 88.4%, and an area under the curve of 0.97 (95% CI, 0.94–0.99). The optimal cut off-point of the CLFT was 1.79 mm, with a sensitivity of 83.5%, specificity of 84.5%, and an area under the curve of 0.92 (95% CI, 0.87–0.96). Both CLFT and CLFA were significantly related to CSS, but CLFA was the more sensitive measurement parameter. Therefore, to evaluate patients with CSS, treating physicians should test for CLFA.
... CSS is the most common cause of spinal cord dysfunction in the middle-aged and elderly populations, with signi cant disability rates [20,21] . The pathological basis of CSS is progressive compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots caused by cervical stenosis, leading to a series of neurological dysfunction symptoms due to ischemic changes in the nerves [1][2][3] . ...
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Objective Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is the standard procedure for the treatment of cervical spinal stenosis (CSS), but complications such as adjacent segment degeneration can seriously affect the long-term efficacy. Currently, posterior endoscopic surgery has been increasingly used in the clinical treatment of CSS. The aim of this study was to compare the clinical outcomes of single-segment CSS patients who underwent full endoscopic laminotomy decompression or ACDF. Methods 138 CSS patients who met the inclusion criteria from June 2018 to August 2020 were retrospectively analyzed and divided into endoscopic and ACDF groups. The propensity score matching (PSM) method was used to adjust the imbalanced confounding variables between the groups. Then, perioperative data were recorded and clinical outcomes were compared, including functional scores and imaging data. Functional scores included Visual Analog Scale of Arms (A-VAS) and Neck pain (N-VAS), Japanese Orthopedic Association score (JOA), Neck Disability Index (NDI), and imaging data included Disc Height Index (DHI), Cervical range of motion (ROM), and Ratio of grey scale (RVG). Results After PSM, 84 patients were included in the study. The endoscopic group was significantly superior to the ACDF group in terms of operative time, intraoperative blood loss, incision length, and hospital stay (P < 0.001). Postoperative N-VAS, A-VAS, JOA, and NDI were significantly improved in both groups compared with the preoperative period (P < 0.001), and the endoscopic group showed better improvement at 7 days postoperatively (P < 0.05). The ROM changes of adjacent segments were significantly larger in the ACDF group at 12 months postoperatively and at the last follow-up (P < 0.05). The RVG of adjacent segments showed a decreasing trend, and the decrease was more marked in the ACDF group at last follow-up (P < 0.05). According to the modified MacNab criteria, the excellent and good rates in the endoscopic group and ACDF group were 90.48% and 88.10%, respectively, with no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05). Conclusion Full endoscopic laminotomy decompression was demonstrated to be an efficacious alternative technique to traditional ACDF for the treatment of single-segment CSS, with the advantages of less trauma, faster recovery, and less impact on cervical spine kinematics and adjacent segmental degeneration.
... Key words: Interventional techniques, bleeding disorders, aspirin, antithrombotic agents, cervical epidural injection, cervical epidural hematoma Cervical epidural injections with or without steroids are commonly performed procedures used in the management of chronic neck pain secondary to either disc herniation, spinal stenosis, discogenic pain without facet joint pain, or post cervical surgery syndrome (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). The analysis of utilization patterns in the United States in the Medicare population showed 390 cervical and thoracic epidural procedures per 100,000 population in 2014, with an increase of 104% of cervical interlaminar epidural injections from 2000 ...
Epidural injections are performed frequently in managing chronic neck pain secondary to disc herniation, spinal stenosis, discogenic pain, and post cervical surgery syndrome. Major risks and devastating complications have been reported with cervical transforaminal epidural injections. Cervical interlaminar epidural injections have been considered as safe and effective in managing chronic spinal pain of multiple origins. Epidural hematoma is one of the rare complications. Efforts at prevention of cervical epidural hematoma have focused on avoidance of the procedures or cessation of therapy in patients with bleeding disorders, on antiplatelet therapy, fi sh oil, and multiple other drugs. The guidelines from multiple organizations have provided variable recommendations regarding the need to stop nonsteroidal anti-infl ammatory drugs (NSAIDs) including low dose aspirin and antithrombotic agents. The risks of thrombotic events have been reported to be higher than of bleeding during surgery or interventional techniques with discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy. We looked at a 16 year span of cervical interlaminar epidural injections (2000 through 2015), performed in a single facility during which time there were two epidural hematomas. The fi rst patient was managed conservatively while the second patient required surgical intervention. Both patients recovered without residual complications. During the same period, 2 cases of cardiovascular events were reported in our practice associated with the cessation of antithrombotic therapy. They also recovered without residual complications. Nevertheless, rapid diagnosis is crucial as manifested by increased or unusual axial pain at the site of injection which is often different from patient’s previous experience. Two cases provided a prevalence rate of 0.0085% (2/23,552) over 16 years at this facility. Based on occurrence of the year, the prevalence was one of 2,604 cases, or 0.03%, in 2012 and one of 2,287 cases, or 0.04%, in 2015. This provides a prevalence rate of 0.085 per 10,000 procedures. Even though complications are extremely rare, it is essential to weigh the risk benefi t ratio of these procedures and select the patients with extreme caution and perform the procedures with diligence. Key words: Interventional techniques, bleeding disorders, aspirin, antithrombotic agents, cervical epidural injection, cervical epidural hematoma
... Indeed, in an interventional pain practice, controlled substances may be prescribed at lower doses, particularly opioid analgesics, in con-junction with interventional techniques (182). It has also been shown that interventional techniques may reduce psychological distress and improve functional status (183)(184)(185)(186)(187)(188)(189)(190)(191)(192)(193)(194)(195)(196)(197)(198)(199)(200)(201). More likely than not, the requirement for opioids and adjuvant drugs may be reduced or at least become stable. ...
Results: Part 2 of the guidelines on responsible opioid prescribing provides the following recommendations for initiating and maintaining chronic opioid therapy of 90 days or longer. 1. A) Comprehensive assessment and documentation is recommended before initiating opioid therapy, including documentation of comprehensive history, general medical condition, psychosocial history, psychiatric status, and substance use history. (Evidence: good) B) Despite limited evidence for reliability and accuracy, screening for opioid use is recommended, as it will identify opioid abusers and reduce opioid abuse. (Evidence: limited) C) Prescription monitoring programs must be implemented, as they provide data on patterns of prescription usage, reduce prescription drug abuse or doctor shopping. (Evidence: good to fair) D) Urine drug testing (UDT) must be implemented from initiation along with subsequent adherence monitoring to decrease prescription drug abuse or illicit drug use when patients are in chronic pain management therapy. (Evidence: good) 2. A) Establish appropriate physical diagnosis and psychological diagnosis if available prior to initiating opioid therapy. (Evidence: good) B) Caution must be exercised in ordering various imaging and other evaluations, interpretation and communication with the patient; to avoid increased fear, activity restriction, requests for increased opioids, and maladaptive behaviors. (Evidence: good) C) Stratify patients into one of the 3 risk categories – low, medium, or high risk. D) A pain management consultation, may assist non-pain physicians, if high-dose opioid therapy is utilized. (Evidence: fair) 3. Essential to establish medical necessity prior to initiation or maintenance of opioid therapy. (Evidence: good) 4. Establish treatment goals of opioid therapy with regard to pain relief and improvement in function. (Evidence: good) 5. A) Long-acting opioids in high doses are recommended only in specific circumstances with severe intractable pain that is not amenable to short-acting or moderate doses of long-acting opioids, as there is no significant difference between long-acting and short-acting opioids for their effectiveness or adverse effects. (Evidence: fair) B) The relative and absolute contraindications to opioid use in chronic non-cancer pain must be evaluated including respiratory instability, acute psychiatric instability, uncontrolled suicide risk, active or history of alcohol or substance abuse, confirmed allergy to opioid agents, coadministration of drugs capable of inducing life-limiting drug interaction, concomitant use of benzodiazepines, active diversion of controlled substances, and concomitant use of heavy doses of central nervous system depressants. (Evidence: fair to limited) 6. A robust agreement which is followed by all parties is essential in initiating and maintaining opioid therapy as such agreements reduce overuse, misuse, abuse, and diversion. (Evidence: fair) 7. A) Once medical necessity is established, opioid therapy may be initiated with low doses and short-acting drugs with appropriate monitoring to provide effective relief and avoid side effects. (Evidence: fair for short-term effectiveness, limited for long-term effectiveness) B) Up to 40 mg of morphine equivalent is considered as low dose, 41 to 90 mg of morphine equivalent as a moderate dose, and greater than 91 mg of morphine equivalence as high dose. (Evidence: fair) C) In reference to long-acting opioids, titration must be carried out with caution and overdose and misuse must be avoided. (Evidence: good) 8. A) Methadone is recommended for use in late stages after failure of other opioid therapy and only by clinicians with specific training in the risks and uses. (Evidence: limited) B) Monitoring recommendation for methadone prescription is that an electrocardiogram should be obtained prior to initiation, at 30 days and yearly thereafter. (Evidence: fair) 9. In order to reduce prescription drug abuse and doctor shopping, adherence monitoring by UDT and PMDPs provide evidence that is essential to the identification of those patients who are non-compliant or abusing prescription drugs or illicit drugs. (Evidence: fair) 10. Constipation must be closely monitored and a bowel regimen be initiated as soon as deemed necessary. (Evidence: good) 11. Chronic opioid therapy may be continued, with continuous adherence monitoring, in well-selected populations, in conjunction with or after failure of other modalities of treatments with improvement in physical and functional status and minimal adverse effects. (Evidence: fair) Disclaimer: The guidelines are based on the best available evidence and do not constitute inflexible treatment recommendations. Due to the changing body of evidence, this document is not intended to be a “standard of care.” Key words: Chronic pain, persistent pain, non-cancer pain, controlled substances, substance abuse, prescription drug abuse, dependency, opioids, prescription monitoring, drug testing, adherence monitoring, diversion
... Even more importantly, most studies indicate that patients on long-term opioid therapy are unlikely to stop even if analgesia and function are poor and safety issues arise (36). On the other hand, patients reporting pain relief and improvement in function with other modalities or surgical or non-surgical interventions continue to use opioids (260,(313)(314)(315)(316)(317)(318)(319)(320)(321)(322)(323)(324)(325). ...
Background: Opioid abuse has continued to increase at an alarming rate since the 1990s. As documented by different medical specialties, medical boards, advocacy groups, and the Drug Enforcement Administration, available evidence suggests a wide variance in chronic opioid therapy of 90 days or longer in chronic non-cancer pain. Part 1 describes evidence assessment. Objectives: The objectives of opioid guidelines as issued by the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) are to provide guidance for the use of opioids for the treatment of chronic non-cancer pain, to produce consistency in the application of an opioid philosophy among the many diverse groups involved, to improve the treatment of chronic non-cancer pain, and to reduce the incidence of abuse and drug diversion. The focus of these guidelines is to curtail the abuse of opioids without jeopardizing non-cancer pain management with opioids. Results: 1) There is good evidence that non-medical use of opioids is extensive; one-third of chronic pain patients may not use prescribed opioids as prescribed or may abuse them, and illicit drug use is significantly higher in these patients. 2) There is good evidence that opioid prescriptions are increasing rapidly, as the majority of prescriptions are from non-pain physicians, many patients are on long-acting opioids, and many patients are provided with combinations of long-acting and short-acting opioids. 3) There is good evidence that the increased supply of opioids, use of high dose opioids, doctor shoppers, and patients with multiple comorbid factors contribute to the majority of the fatalities. 4) There is fair evidence that long-acting opioids and a combination of long-acting and shortacting opioids contribute to increasing fatalities and that even low-doses of 40 mg or 50 mg of daily morphine equivalent doses may be responsible for emergency room admissions with overdoses and deaths. 5) There is good evidence that approximately 60% of fatalities originate from opioids prescribed within the guidelines, with approximately 40% of fatalities occurring in 10% of drug abusers. 6) The short-term effectiveness of opioids is fair, whereas the long-term effectiveness of opioids is limited due to a lack of long-term (> 3 months) high quality studies, with fair evidence with no significant difference between long-acting and short-acting opioids. 7) Among the individual drugs, most opioids have fair evidence for short-term and limited evidence for long-term due to a lack of quality studies. 8) The evidence for the effectiveness and safety of chronic opioid therapy in the elderly for chronic non-cancer pain is fair for short-term and limited for long-term due to lack of high quality studies; limited in children and adolescents and patients with comorbid psychological disorders due to lack of quality studies; and the evidence is poor in pregnant women. 9) There is limited evidence for reliability and accuracy of screening tests for opioid abuse due to lack of high quality studies. 10) There is fair evidence to support the identification of patients who are non-compliant or abusing prescription drugs or illicit drugs through urine drug testing and prescription drug monitoring programs, both of which can reduce prescription drug abuse or doctor shopping. Disclaimer: The guidelines are based on the best available evidence and do not constitute inflexible treatment recommendations. Due to the changing body of evidence, this document is not intended to be a “standard of care.” Key words: Chronic pain, persistent pain, non-cancer pain, controlled substances, substance abuse, prescription drug abuse, dependency, opioids, prescription monitoring, drug testing, adherence monitoring, diversion
Chronic neck pain with or without upper extremity pain or headaches is relatively common in the adult population secondary to disc herniation, discogenic pain, spinal stenosis, spondylosis, and post-surgery syndrome. Treatments for chronic neck pain, recalcitrant to conservative management resulting in disability, include surgical management as well as interventional techniques with epidural injections utilizing either an interlaminar approach or transforaminal approach. There have been multiple systematic reviews and clinical trials of efficacy and effectiveness of cervical interlaminar epidural injections. However, the literature continues to be sparse in reference to cervical transforaminal epidural injections. In addition, cervical transforaminal epidural injections have been associated with an inordinate risk. Overall, there is Level II evidence of efficacy and effectiveness of cervical interlaminar epidurals in managing neck pain with or without upper extremity pain with cervical disc herniation or radiculitis, discogenic pain, central spinal stenosis, and cervical post-surgery syndrome. However, the evidence of effectiveness is less favorable with Level III to IV with substantially higher risk for cervical transforaminal epidural injections in disc herniation.
Spine intervention is an important treatment option for the management of spinal pain, and the numbers of the most representative epidural steroid injection (ESI) procedures performed are expected to increase significantly in the future along with increased life expectancy and the increasing prevalence of spinal disorders. Therefore, it is important to understand the efficacy of ESIs according to each spinal disorder they are administered to treat, and one must be familiar with the possible complications. In fact, although numerous ESI-related articles have been published, there is still considerable controversy regarding the efficacy of ESI procedures. Furthermore, due to the rarity of serious complications, most instances have been recorded in the form of case reports. In this article, we aimed to review the indications of cervical and lumbar ESIs and to compare interlaminar ESI (ILESI) and transforaminal ESI (TFESI) techniques in terms of analgesic efficacy, possible complications, and safety profiles. This article includes opinions based on the authors’ experience with ESI indications and efficacy, and presents practical tips for coping with specific situations related to each complication. By combining the dedicated anatomical understanding of radiologists with image-guided interventions, ESI is expected to stand out in the rapidly expanding field of spine intervention.
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In the past twenty years, evidence based medicine (EBM) has become a dominant paradigm of the contemporary medical practice. Since the emergence of the significant article by Geddes and Harrison in 1997, this doctrine has become part of psychiatry too. According to the rules of EBM, the most valuable clinical data comes from randomized-controlled trials (RCT). Nevertheless there are numerous researchers who point out at some limitations making RCT less valid in psychiatry than in other medical disciplines. The authors of this paper reviewed the available literature on the place of RCT in psychiatry and subsequently presented current opinions about the reliability of those trials, as well as highlighted the possible solutions of potential controversies. We suggest that in spite of the limitations mentioned above, RCT remains the most valuable research strategy in psychiatry. Most of the obstacles do not differ significantly from the problems seen in other medical fields. There are also known methods of improving methodology of RCT (such as recruiting larger groups of patients or performing expertise-based RCT).
Study Design. A systematic review was conducted. Objective. To identify, evaluate, and compare standard scales for assessing neck pain or dysfunction. Summary of Background Data. The degree of a patients neck pain or dysfunction can be evaluated using standardized scales at the time of a clinical encounter or during the performance of clinical research protocols. The choice of a scale with the most appropriate characteristics, however, is always a challenge to clinicians and researchers. Methods. Articles concerning scales for functional evaluation of neck pain or dysfunction were identified by computer searching of MEDLINE (January 1966 to June 1999) and CINAHL (1985 to 2000), citation tracking using the Citation Index, hand searching of relevant journals, and correspondence with experts. Results. Five standard scales were found. Three scales were remarkably similar in terms of structure and psychometric properties: the Neck Disability Index, the Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale, and the Northwick Park Scale. However, only the first instrument has been revalidated in different study populations. The Neck Pain and Disability Scale provides a visual template for collection of information, but its usefulness is limited if the questionnaire must be read to the patient. The Patient-Specific Functional Scale is very sensitive to functional changes in individual patients, but comparisons between patients are virtually impossible. Conclusions. The five scales identified in this study have similar characteristics. The Neck Disability Index, however, has been revalidated more times for evaluation of patient groups. For individual patient follow-up evaluation, the Patient-Specific Functional Scale has high sensitivity to change, and thus represents a good choice for clinical use. The final choice should be tailored according to the target population and the purpose of the evaluation.
Homogenized autogenous nucleus pulposus was injected into the lumbar epidural space of four dogs through an indwelling catheter. After daily injections of the material over 5 to 7 days, the dogs were killed at 5,7,14, or 21 days after the first injection. In four dogs that served as controls, normal saline was injected on an identical schedule and the dogs were killed at times identical to the experimental group. Evaluation of the dural sac, the spinal cord and its roots was performed by gross inspection and microscopic analysis. There was evidence of an inflammatory response to the nuclear material injected, but no inflammatory response occurred in the control group.
Clinicians involved in the opioid pharmacotherapy of cancer-related pain should be acquainted with a variety of opioids and be skilled in the selection of doses when the type of opioid or route of administration needs changing. The optimal dose should avoid under-dosing or overdosing, both associated with negative outcomes for the patient. Although equianalgesic dose tables are generally used to determine the new doses in these circumstances, the evidence to support the ratios indicated in these tables largely refers to the context of single dose administration. The applicability of these ratios to the setting of chronic opioid administration has been questioned. A systematic search of published literature from 1966 to September 1999 was conducted to critically appraise the emerging evidence on equianalgesic dose ratios derived from studies of chronic opioid administration. There were six major findings: 1) there exists a general paucity of data related to long-term dosing and studies are heterogeneous in nature; 2) the ratios exhibit extremely wide ranges; 3) methadone is more potent than previously appreciated; 4) the ratios related to methadone are highly correlated with the dose of the previous opioid; 5) the ratio may change according to the direction the opioid switch; and 6) discrepancies exist with respect to both oxycodone and fentanyl. Overall, these findings have important clinical implications for clinicians and warrant consideration in the potential revision of current tables. The complexity of the clinical context in which many switches occur must be recognized and also appreciated in the design of future studies.
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