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Economic evaluation of biomass heating systems: a case of greenhouses in northern Greece


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In this paper, a methodology for the evaluation of the economic viability of investment plans for biomass heating systems is applied. The factors participating in the development and application of biomass heating systems as well as the financial criteria used for the evaluation of the investment are analytically presented. The methodology is applied to the economic evaluation of two greenhouse-heating projects in the area of Chalkidiki, northern Greece.
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... Their heating needs depend on the type of construction, the crop cultivated and the local climate. Indicative values for their heating loads are approximately 170 W/m 2 ; for their annual energy they demand 304 MWh per 1000 m 2 (Gousgouriotis et al., 2007). The main fuels currently used for heating agricultural greenhouses in northern Greece are heating oil, natural gas with co-generation systems and low enthalpy geothermal energy. ...
... Dimitrios is providing waste heat at 70 MWth to the district heating system in Kozani. Assuming that each ha of a modern greenhouse in northern Greece requires for its heating 1.7 MWth (Gousgouriotis et al., 2007), it is concluded that the same amount of heat could cover the heating needs of 41.2 ha of greenhouses. ...
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The possibility of using the rejected heat from lignite-fired power plants for heating greenhouses in northern Greece has been examined. Although currently industrial waste heat is used for district heating in a few towns in Greece, its use in agriculture has not been reported so far. Due to many environmental and economic benefits symbiosis of industrial and agricultural activities is promoted in many countries. Greenhouses in northern Greece utilize mainly natural gas as heating fuel. However heat recovery from the existing power plants and its use in greenhouses could increase their energy efficiency and reduce the thermal pollution. It will also decrease the use of fossil fuels in greenhouses and the resulting carbon emissions as well. Their heating requirements have been estimated at 170 W/m2 and the required hot water temperatures are 50-60 oC below the required water temperature in district heating systems, at 120 oC. Currently the price of heat sold in the district heating system in the town of Kozani is 0.0435 €/KWh, which is very attractive for heating greenhouses compared with other existing methods or fuels. It has been estimated that the heat recovery from the power plants at 70 MWth could cover the heating needs of 41.2 ha of modern agricultural greenhouses in northern Greece. Recycling of industrial waste heat in greenhouses in northern Greece, apart from the resulting environmental benefits, will offer a competitive advantage, increasing the profitability of those enterprises.
... In Chalkidiki, Greece, researchers investigated the application of biomass combustion units in greenhouses. The study revealed that implementing biomass combustion units, with capacities ranging from 900 kW to 2 MW, could be a profitable investment, with a relatively short payback period for the larger unit [160]. Matsue, Japan Solar-powered Semi-transparent, Poly-Si spherical microcells -These PV modules are suitable for installation on sidewalls and roofs, since they have a low module conversion efficiency variation of only 0.2% over a wide range of incident radiation angles.; -Higher yield ratio due to capturing ground-reflected radiation; -Low module conversion efficiency variation over a wide range of radiation angles; [139] Bari, Italy Solar photovoltaic hydrogen system powering a low enthalpy geothermal heat pump -Alkaline barometric water electrolyzer shows promise in greenhouse-integrated heating system; -Efficiency depends on location, climate, and energy demand; -Includes photovoltaic panels, hydrogen storage, fuel cells, and geothermal heat pump; [156] Souss-Massa, Morocco ...
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Resource management in agriculture is considered a pivotal issue because greenhouse farming and agriculture-related activities generate about 10-29% of all global greenhouse gas emissions. The problem of high greenhouse gas emissions is still unresolved due to the rapid expansion of arable land to meet global food demand. The purpose of this systematic literature review was to generate new perspectives and insights regarding the development of resource management and optimized environments in greenhouses, thereby lowering energy requirements and CO2 emissions. This review sought to answer what technologies and inventions could be used to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions through efficient energy-saving mechanisms while considering their technical and economic viability. The synthesis of the findings led to several themes which included energy-saving techniques for greenhouses, systems that reduced unfavorable external conditions and renewable energy systems. Other themes identified regarded energy storage systems, systems for managing conditions in greenhouses, carbon capture and storage, and factors influencing the performance of different technologies to enhance resource management and ensure zero carbon emissions. The findings also revealed various technologies used in the design of energy-saving techniques in greenhouses including proportional-integral-derivatives (PID), fuzzy, artificial neural networks, and other intelligent algorithms. Additionally, technologies that were a combination of these algorithms were also examined. The systems that reduced unfavorable external conditions included the use of insulation panels and intelligent shading systems. Greenhouse covers were also optimized by smart glass systems, sensors, Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. Renewable energy systems included PV (solar) panels, wind turbines, and geothermal electricity. Some of the thermal energy storage systems widely studied in recent research included underground thermal energy storage (UTES) (for seasonal storage), phase-change materials (PCMs), and water tanks, which are used to address short-term shortages and peak loads. The adoption of the various technologies to achieve the above purposes was constrained by the fact that there was no isolated technology that could enable agricultural producers to achieve zero energy, zero emissions, and optimal resource utilization in the short term. Future research studies should establish whether it is economical for large agricultural companies to install smart glass systems and infrastructure for slow fertilizer release and carbon capture in greenhouse structures to offset the carbon footprint. Citation: Maraveas, C.; Karavas, C.-S.; Loukatos, D.; Bartzanas, T.; Arvanitis, K.G.; Simeonaki, E.
... The author has estimated that the payback period of solar-PV investments in greenhouses varies between 7.2 and 14.4 years depending on the financial subsidy in their capital cost offered by the government. Gousgouriotis et al, 2007 have assessed the economic viability of biomass heating systems with reference to two agricultural greenhouses located in Chalkidiki, Northern Greece. The heating load of the greenhouses was 170 W/m 2 and the annual heat demand for a 5,000 m 2 greenhouse was 1,519 MWh (304 KWh/m 2 ). ...
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The possibility of using fuel cells powered by solar hydrogen for energy generation in greenhouses with reference to the island of Crete, Greece has been examined. Change of fossil fuels used in greenhouses with renewable energies and sustainable energy technologies is very important for mitigation of climate change. Various renewable energy sources and low carbon emission technologies including geothermal energy, biomass, solar photovoltaics and co-generation systems have been used so far. Use of solar photovoltaics for generating electricity consumed in water electrolysis for hydrogen production has been investigated. Hydrogen feeding a proton exchange membrane fuel cell co-generating electricity and heat was used in a greenhouse located in Crete, Greece. The system could be useful in a stand-alone greenhouse with annual specific energy consumption at 150 KWh/m2. A solar photovoltaic system with nominal power at 33.33 KWp powering an electrolytic cell at 5.71 KW could produce annually 2,083 kg hydrogen. The hydrogen could feed a fuel cell at 1.71 KWel generating annually all the electricity required in a greenhouse of 1,000 m2. Co-produced heat could also cover 11.11% of the annual heat requirements in the greenhouse. It was found though that the overall electric efficiency of the system was very low at 4.5%. The low overall efficiency and the size of the solar-PV required indicate that the abovementioned energy system is not suitable in commercial agricultural greenhouses.
Stressful life and reduced well-being have always been an issue of lifestyle in modern society. Constructing a multidisciplinary conceptual framework of environmental tranquility and quality of life is required for the field of architectural development, improved environmental quality, and enhanced human well-being. This paper reviews the main concepts of tranquility, environmental quality, and quality of life and presents examples of the relevant underlying conceptual models. Environmental tranquility has been researched quite broadly and therefore defined in a variety of ways. In this study, various definitions of the concept are reviewed and synthesized into a descriptive model based on the relationship among human needs, environment, and tranquility, depending on environmental, architectural, and urban features. The present study adheres to a qualitative exploratory design and uses content analysis based on an interpretive paradigm. For data collection, we employed a documentary and library method together with an argumentative approach to deepen the understanding of the issue and provide a descriptive model of environmental tranquility based on the theoretical grounds of tranquility in the fields of environmental psychology, social sciences, applied acoustics and landscape, and urban planning. The framework organizes the related concepts of environmental tranquility‎ in relation to human needs in terms of spiritual, psychological, social, and physical environment features. Finally, the model of environmental tranquility is presented according to the authors' perception of previous models. In our suggested model, all environment types have reciprocal relationship with tranquility, and the highest type of tranquility is considered the Reassured Soul and Genius Loci‎ that is more permanent and effective. Besides, the model depicts a multidimensional and conceptual definition of tranquility in relation to environment, human, and architectural-urban features. This study may offer helpful insights to stimulate new research, investigate multidimensionality, create operational definitions for quantitative studies, and guide semi-structured interviews for qualitative interdisciplinary studies.
In agricultural greenhouses, employment of energy-saving strategies along with alternative energy sources has been identified as a potential solution to address the intensive energy consumption of these cultivation facilities. This study investigates the integration of renewable energy technologies, including solar thermal, solar photo-voltaic (PV) and photovoltaic-thermal (PVT), geothermal, and biomass with greenhouse cultivation systems as net-Zero Energy Greenhouses (nZEGs). Solar energy is the most abundant renewable energy source that has been successfully used to provide thermal and electrical power requirements of greenhouses. The use of geothermal heat in greenhouses will save primary energy sources (more than 20%) and reduce operating costs. Utilizing solid biomass not only provides heating and cooling demands of greenhouses but also can supply their CO 2 requirements. In terms of energy storage, the use of Sensible Thermal Energy Storage (STES) can cause a 3-5 • C increase in the inside air temperature while resulting in almost 28 kWh/m 2 energy saving per area of the greenhouse. Phase Change Materials (PCMs) are extensively used in TES systems and provide high thermal ef-ficiencies and reduce energy consumption (around 30-40%) with the main drawbacks of low thermal conductivity , associated environmental concerns, and high costs.
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Greenhouses consume large amounts of energy compared with other agricultural activities contributing to environmental pollution. However the current advances in sustainable energy technologies allow the use of benign energy sources for heat and power generation in them. Various renewable and high efficiency energy technologies are currently used in Greece or could be used in the near future in them. The technologies are mature, reliable and cost-effective. Among them the direct geothermal energy, solid biomass, solar-PV, waste heat re-use and co-generation of heat and power. Their use in small or larger greenhouses reduces the environmental pollution due to fossil fuels use, lowers the dependence on imported fuels, promote investments and create jobs in the local societies. Currently modern hydroponic greenhouses in northern Greece use co-generation of heat and power systems fuelled with natural gas. Heat is used in the greenhouses and the generated power is fed into the grid. Others utilize direct geothermal fluids for space heating. Solid biomass is also used for heating them. All of them can cover all the heating needs in greenhouses. Industrial rejected heat from lignite fired power plants in northern Greece could be easily used in the future for heating them. At the same time the high solar irradiance allows the use of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems for power generation in them. Further integration of sustainable energies in greenhouses in Greece requires the governmental support both in the form of financial subsidies and in removing the existing barriers preventing their use.
Due to increasing environmental concerns especially related with the use of fossil fuels, new solutions to limit the greenhouse gas effect are continuously sought.With the growing concerns of greenhouse emissions, biomass is set to become an important contributor to the world energy need. Today biomass is seen as the most promising energy source to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.This research is based on library and documental studies that it was done in time that the Crisis in the use of fossil fuels and destructive agents due to it. The purpose of complementary and analytical studies performed on the use of biomass for energy production, is investigating environmental crisis and replacing and modifying sources used for creating energy and equilibrium cycle in nature and continuity of turning production and consumption patterns to solve environmental crises and finding a suitable model in order to use this energy in buildings, and advantages that today's architects and engineers are taking from this matter. Finally, the result is that the design approaches of architects are crucial to the utilization condition and methods of renewable energy. Through profound comprehension of the relationship between biomass energy utilization and design approaches, we can achieve a dual-standard of building environment performance and esthetics.
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The aim of this research was to examine the energy equivalents of inputs and output in greenhouse vegetable production in the Antalya province of Turkey. For this purpose, the data for the production of four greenhouse crops (tomato, cucumber, eggplant and pepper) were collected in eighty-eight greenhouse farms by questionnaire. The results revealed that cucumber production was the most energy intensive of among the four crops investigated. Cucumber production consumed a total of 134:77 GJha −1 followed by tomato with 127:32 GJha −1. The consumption of energy by eggplants and pepper were 98.68 and 80:25 GJha −1 , respectively. The output–input energy ratio for greenhouse tomato, pepper, cucumber and eggplant were estimated to be 1.26, 0.99, 0.76 and 0.61, respectively. This indicated an intensive use of inputs in greenhouse vegetable production not accompanied by increase in the ÿnal product. This can lead to problems associated with these inputs such as global warming, nutrient loading and pesticide pollution. Therefore, there is a need to pursue a new policy to force producers to undertake energy eecient practices to increase the yield without diminishing natural resources. ? Nomenclature n is the required sample size, N the number of holdings in target population, Nh the number of the population in h the stratiÿed, Sh 2 the variance of h the stratiÿed, d the precision where (x − X), z the reliability coeecient (01.96 which represent the 95% reliability) and D 2 the d 2 =z 2 .
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We are all familiar with current environmental deterioration and problems due to a large number of factors. Some of the most important pollutants are generated in conventional energy utilisation (fossil primary energy). Additionally, one of the strategic objectives of EU’s White Paper on Energy (European Commission 1997) is to increase the contribution of renewable energy sources to 12% of the EU’s gross inland energy consumption, by 2010. In this field, biomass based energy is regarded as a significant potential contributor towards the reduction of pollution caused by extended use of fossil fuels. Biomass crops are an important source of energy biomass. In comparison to conventional crops, perennial energy crops have lower input requirements and their cultivating techniques are more environment friendly.
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Various fuel characteristics, such as moisture, ash, lignin, holocellulose and extractive contents of different biomass species were determined on ash-free dry weight and extractive-free dry weight basis to find out relationship, if any, between ash and extractive content with the higher heating value. Moisture in biomass generally decreases its heating value. Ash and extractive content are two important parameters directly affecting the heating value. High ash content of a plant part makes it less desirable as fuel, whereas high extractive content adds to its desirability. Again the heat content, which is a very important factor affecting utilization of any material as a fuel, is affected by the proportion of extractives present in it. Extractives raised the higher heating values of the biomass samples.
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The island of Crete is a typical Mediterranean area with a high biomass potential, the major part of which is still unexploited or irrationally exploited, but at the same time has a problematic energy supply during the high touristic season. In this paper the energy content of the biomass potential is estimated, as a parameter to alleviate the energy system of the island. The exploitation of biomass is studied with reference to the following aspects: The major residue production (olive kernel, husks – citrus fruits, grapes), branches (olive tree, citrus tree, grape tree); The qualitative analysis (proximate, ultimate, calorific value, ash analysis) of samples of basic agricultural residues of the Cretan production (vineshoots, olive tree wood and citrus, olive kernel).
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Food economists and financial researchers have long been preoccupied by the issue of evaluating the performance of agri-food firms. As the financial restructuring of the agri-business sector during the past two decades or so reflects sweeping changes that have occurred worldwide, questions have arisen regarding the application of the most suitable financial decision-making tools. This paper introduces a new financial decision aid approach, which is based on data analysis techniques in combination with a multicriteria analysis method (PROMETHEE II). Several notions and concepts forming the financial engineering methodological framework are adopted for the design of this approach. For illustrative purposes, the case of Greek agri-businesses is used. The analysis results in an overall ranking of the examined firmsÕ performance. Finally, given the limitations of the current study, a research agenda is proposed.
Italy imports more than 83 per cent of its primary energy. In particular, the Italian agricultural sector imports 100 per cent of its primary energy needs. Today, an effort is being made towards a better mix of primary sources and towards reducing the country's dependence on imports, especially in this sector where there are considerable endogenous energy sources. Solar thermal energy and energy from biomass can be substituted for oil. The present paper analyses the end uses of energy in Italian agriculture and assesses the amount which can be substituted by solar thermal and biogas technologies. For each end use category, the benefits of renewable technologies are compared with the economics of non-renewable sources. The results of the analyses show that the most competitive technologies are biogas systems, passive solar systems (especially solar greenhouses) and energy-saving measures. Active solar systems are close to the threshold of competitiveness for low temperature heating, so that their penetration is very dependent on fuel prices and on the politics of financial subsidies.
Following the oil crisis, most developed countries have increasingly implemented measures for energy conservation and fuels substitution aimed at decreasing the energy intensities of their economies. These efforts have been further augmented during the eighties due to growing awareness of adverse effects of energy use on the environment. The measures and their effectiveness differ greatly from country to country, without clear identification of the relevant cause–effect relations. We examine this issue by using a multicriteria decision aid (MCDA) method based on preference disaggregation analysis. The method used is the UTADIS (UTilités Additives DIScriminantes) method that has already been widely applied for financial management. The problem examined in this paper has been formulated following the segmentation approach where a number of countries are grouped into a set of predefined classes according to their energy intensities. The UTADIS method proceeds to the estimation of a set of additive utility functions referring to various indices characterizing the economic and energy structure of each country. The analysis is performed at 3 distinct points in time in order to check for consistency of results and investigate time-dependent phenomena. The results show to what extent each of the examined characteristics influences the countries' energy effectiveness and may be further exploited in energy-policy making. They confirm that the UTADIS method is a powerful tool for examination of a wide range of real decision situations.
Different renewable energy sources can be used for greenhouse heating, but several problems have to be solved before renewable energies can substitute fossil fuels. Possibilities and criteria are discussed.
Our main purpose here is to assess the viability of Greek companies that operate in the field of agricultural food-production and marketing. More specifically, we present the basic operational framework within which the agricultural organizations of co-operatives operate; we also examine the main features of the juice market. The analysis concerns the periods 1993-1998 (for the co-operatives) and 1994-1998 (for juice-producing firms), and is based upon the financial characteristics of 10 agricultural co-operative organizations and 2 investor-owned firms established and operating on the largest Greek island, Crete, and the 15 largest (in economic and financial terms) juice-producing companies in Greece. The assessment procedure includes data analysis techniques in combination with a multicriteria analysis method (the PROMETHEE II method). The analysis results in an overall ranking of the examined firms' performance. This indicates the strengths and weaknesses of the firms involved with regard to their financial behavior, thereby contributing to the identification of the imperfections of the examined firms. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.