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Abstract and Figures

Urban stormwater contains substantial loads of Cu, Pb and Zn, which are considered as key stormwater contaminants. Stormwater biofiltration is a promising option to treat these contaminants. Biofilters are exposed to an alternate cycle of drying and wetting, and the influence of this on pollutant removal performance is as-yet unknown. To investigate the effect of drying and subsequent rewetting on the retention of heavy metals by stormwater biofilters, a laboratory study has been conducted using three groups of biofilter columns, which were dosed with semi-synthetic stormwater according to three different drying and wetting regimes. Some biofilters were fitted with a submerged zone combined with a carbon source, at the bottom of the filter. Overall, the biofilters were very effective in heavy metal removal, provided that they received regular stormwater input. However, after drying extending to three or four weeks, removal of heavy metals decreased significantly. A statistically significant correlation between antecedent dry days and metal removal was shown. Furthermore, a clear effect of the submerged zone was found: after extended dry periods, biofilters with this feature performed significantly better than those without it. In particular, the removal of Cu was clearly increased both during wet and dry periods; for Pb the negative effect of drying was completely eliminated by introducing a submerged zone.
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11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008
Blecken et al. 1
Heavy metal removal by stormwater biofilters:
can it withstand alternative wetting and drying conditions?
Godecke-Tobias Blecken1*, Yaron Zinger2, Ana Deletić2, Tim Fletcher2, Maria Viklander1
1 Urban Water, Department of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering,
Luleå University of Technology, 971 87 Luleå, SWEDEN
2 Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration, Department of Civil Engineering,
Monash University, Victoria 3800, AUSTRALIA
*Corresponding author, e-mail
Urban stormwater contains substantial loads of Cu, Pb and Zn, which are considered as key
stormwater contaminants. Stormwater biofiltration is a promising option to treat these
contaminants. Biofilters are exposed to an alternate cycle of drying and wetting, and the
influence of this on pollutant removal performance is as-yet unknown. To investigate the
effect of drying and subsequent rewetting on the retention of heavy metals by stormwater
biofilters, a laboratory study has been conducted using three groups of biofilter columns,
which were dosed with semi-synthetic stormwater according to three different drying and
wetting regimes. Some biofilters were fitted with a submerged zone combined with a carbon
source, at the bottom of the filter. Overall, the biofilters were very effective in heavy metal
removal, provided that they received regular stormwater input. However, after drying
extending to three or four weeks, removal of heavy metals decreased significantly. A
statistically significant correlation between antecedent dry days and metal removal was
shown. Furthermore, a clear effect of the submerged zone was found: after extended dry
periods, biofilters with this feature performed significantly better than those without it. In
particular, the removal of Cu was clearly increased both during wet and dry periods; for Pb
the negative effect of drying was completely eliminated by introducing a submerged zone.
Biofiltration, Drying and rewetting, Heavy metals, Stormwater; Submerged zone
Urban stormwater is a major source of water pollution in urban environments (Marsalek et al.,
1999). Biofilter technologies have a high potential to remove pollutants from stormwater
before it is discharged to receiving waters. Thus, stormwater biofilters can contribute to the
development of sustainable urban water management options, involving treatment and
possibly even harvesting of stormwater (Hatt et al., 2007a).
A typical biofilter consists of a vegetated swale or basin, underlain by a filter medium, e.g.
soil or gravel, and a drainage pipe on the bottom (figure 1). Stormwater infiltrates, is filtered
by the vegetation and filter media, and the treated water is collected in the drainage pipe
(Melbourne Water, 2005; Prince George's County, 2002). Several studies have shown that
biofilters have the capacity to treat stormwater effectively; removal of Cu, Pb and Zn in
11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008
2 Heavy metal removal by stormwater biofilters: effect of alternative wetting and drying
excess of 90% has frequently been shown (Davis et al., 2003; Hatt et al., 2007a; Lau et al.,
2000; Sun et al., 2007).
However, stormwater events are very variable due in their frequency. Stormwater biofilters
are thus exposed to an alternating regime of wetting and drying, for varying durations.
Despite this, most biofilter laboratory studies have provided only results based on stormwater
application at constant intervals, and with constant volumes (Davis et al., 2001; Davis et al.,
2003; Lau et al., 2000; Scholz, 2004). Thus, the effect of altering drying and wetting on the
treatment efficiency has not been taken into account, thus paying no attention to ‘real-world’
conditions. Better knowledge of biofilter performance under more natural conditions is
essential to ensure that biofilters are designed in a way that maximises the efficiency and
reliability of treatment.
Until now, only Hatt et al. (2007b) tested the effect of drying and wetting on pollutant
removal, but only for unvegetated stormwater biofilters. No significant effect of drying and
re-wetting on metal treatment was observed. However, drying processes and associated
oxidation of sediment have a significant effect on the chemical phase distribution of metals in
soils or sediments (Saeki et al., 1993), leading to increased mobilisation of the metals
(Förstner et al., 1998).
In this paper the preliminary results of a laboratory study of vegetated biofilter systems under
three different varying drying and re-wetting regimes are presented. We investigated if there
is an effect of extended drying on the heavy metal removal during subsequent storm events.
Furthermore, we determined if a submerged zone at the bottom of the filter has an effect on
the metal removal, by maintaining a more constant soil moisture regime in the biofilter.
Contrary to the findings of Hatt et al. (2007b), it was found that extended drying caused
decreased metal removal from stormwater. However, even after drying of up to seven weeks,
between 70% and 90% of metals were removed in the filter. Most importantly, the effect of
drying could be minimised for Cu and even eliminated for Pb by a permanent submerged
zone at the bottom of the filter media.
Experimental set-up
Laboratory tests were conducted on 18 biofilter columns (mesocosms) made of PVC
stormwater pipes (inner diameter: 375mm, area: 0.11 m2, height: 900 mm; Figure 1). A
transparent perspex pipe (height: 400 mm) glued on top allowed water to pond, without
affecting the plant’s light availability. The columns were randomly placed in a greenhouse
with open mesh on the sides, but a roof to exclude rainfall (so that a mass balance of inflows
and outflows could be maintained).
The filter media in the columns included four layers (listed from top, Figure 1a):
Top layer, 400 mm, sandy loam, with vegetation (seven plants per column of Carex
appressa R.Br. (Tall Sedge),
Bottom layer, 400 mm, fine sand,
Transition layer, 30 mm, coarse sand,
Drainage layer, 70 mm, fine gravel, with an embedded drainage pipe at the bottom which
leads to a sampling outlet.
11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008
Blecken et al. 3
In 12 columns a submerged zone (hereinafter called ‘SZ’) of 450 mm was created by
elevating the outflow port using an external riser pipe (Figure 1). In the SZ, 800 g of a carbon
source (hereinafter called ‘C’) consisting of 1/3 pea straw and 2/3 red gum wood chips, was
added. The primary purpose of this was to provide optimal conditions for denitrification, as
part of a parallel study on the optimisation of nitrogen removal (Zinger et al., 2007).
C. appressa
outflow with SZ
outflow no SZ
Figure 1. Biofilter columns: (a) configuration and filter media set up, (b) columns in
greenhouse (transparent top, vegetation, riser pipe)
Experimental procedure
Drying / Wetting. The 18 columns were divided into three groups with six columns each,
which were dosed as follows:
Group A: 1 week wet / 7 weeks dry / 4 weeks wet
Group B: 1 week wet / 1 week dry / 1 week wet / 2 weeks dry / 2 weeks wet /
3 weeks dry / 2 weeks wet
Group C: 1 week wet / 4 weeks dry / 2 weeks wet / 3 weeks dry / 2 weeks wet
During wet periods the columns were dosed with 25 L stormwater each twice weekly based
on the following assumptions: biofilter area of 2.5% of catchment area; effective precipitation
(after initial losses) of 590 mm per year, 104 rainfall events per year (i.e. twice weekly).
During dry periods the columns received no inflow at all. Each group consisted of two
replicate standard columns without a submerged zone and without carbon source, and four
replicate advanced columns with both a submerged zone and carbon source.
Semi-synthetic stormwater. Semi-synthetic stormwater was utilised, since natural stormwater
was not available in the required quantity and consistency over the time of the experiment. It
was made by adding real stormwater sediment from a stormwater pond to dechlorinated
(using Sodium thiosulfate) tap water, and topping up with laboratory-grade chemicals as
11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008
4 Heavy metal removal by stormwater biofilters: effect of alternative wetting and drying
required to replicate typical urban stormwater event mean concentrations (Duncan, 1999) as
given in Table 1 were achieved.
Table 1. Selected mean pollutant inflow concentration over the entire experiment duration
and their sources in the semi-synthetic stormwater
Pollutant Mean stormwater
Chemicals used for topping up
of existing sediment concentrations
as required
Total susp. solids (TSS) 154 .2 mg/L stormwater pond sediment (300µm)
Copper (Cu) 95.1 µg/L copper sulphate (CuSO4)
Lead (Pb) 199.1 µg/L lead nitrate (PbNO3)
Zinc (Zn) 587.3 µg/L zinc chloride (ZnCl)
Sampling. For each stormwater dosing, composite inflow samples (for all 18 columns) were
taken in two replicates to monitor the inflows over the entire duration of the experiment.
Additionally, 1 L outflow composite samples were taken at most events.
Water quality analyses. All samples were taken in polyethylene bottles and then digested with
nitric acid according to standard methods (APHA/AWWA/WPCF, 1998). The samples were
analysed for the total concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn using an ICP-OES (Varian 720-ES).
The device detection limits were 0.3 µg/L for Cu, 0.6 µg/L for Pb and 0.5 µg/L for Zn.
Soil moisture content. In each group, the moisture content θ (%) of one column with and one
without SZ and C was measured using ML2 ThetaProbes (Delta-T Devices Ltd. Cambridge,
UK), placed 225 mm under the soil surface in the top layer.
Data analyses
Removal efficiencies. In this paper Cu, Pb and Zn removal data were analysed because these
metals are regarded as key stormwater pollutants. The removal was calculated as a % of the
inflow concentrations: removal (%) = (1 - out(µg/L) / in(µg/L)) · 100%.
Treatment during wet periods. To assess the overall performance of the filters (regardless of
drying) and to compare it with other studies (with regular stormwater applications), analysis
of only sampling events during wet periods with a maximum of three antecedent dry days
(ADD) was undertaken; based on residence time of water in the filter, it is known that after
this time, the filter media will still retain relatively high levels of soil moisture.
Effect of drying and SZ on metal removal. To investigate the effect of drying on metal
removal, a regression analysis between removal (%) and the length of drying before a storm
event (ADD) was performed separately for columns with and without SZ. Accordingly, fitted
line plots of removal vs. ADD were compiled. Furthermore, the effect of SZ on the treatment
performance after drying was tested.
11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008
Blecken et al. 5
Metal treatment regardless of drying
During wet periods (with a maximum of three ADD) Pb and Zn removal in the biofilter
columns is consistently very high (Figure 2) for all columns, both with and without C and SZ.
Cu removal is very good as well, however with significantly worse treatment in columns
without SZ and C (Figure 2). The very effective treatment corresponds to the findings of other
studies of biofilters (Davis et al., 2003; Lau et al., 2000; Sun et al., 2007). The significant
influence of C and SZ on Cu removal confirms in general the results of a previous study
undertaken with the same columns used for these experiments (Blecken et al., submitted).
The positive effect of C on Cu treatment is explained by adsorption of Cu by C (formation of
Cu-organic matter complexes, Reuter et al., 1977). In contrast to Cu, other metals have less
affinity to organic matter (Yin et al., 2002). With introduction of SZ, pH in the outflow water
increases (data not reported in this paper) and, thus, metal solubility decreases. Furthermore,
it is assumed that the submerged zone contains pockets of both aerobic and anaerobic
conditions, facilitating both nitrification and denitrification (as shown by Zinger et al. (2007)
the latter would not occur in oxic conditions). Higher metal sorption of sediments under
anoxic conditions (Bradl, 2004) might explain the improved treatment of metals in the SZ.
However, the effect of pH is considered to be stronger because pH is the main factor
influencing metal sorption (Bradl, 2004).
Removal (%)
Cu without SZ+C Cu with SZ+C Pb Zn
Figure 2. Overall removal of key metals during wet periods; influence of C and SZ on Cu
Effect of drying on metal treatment
Metal removal (%) is generally reduced after longer periods of drying. While there is no
obvious effect after one and two weeks of drying, a clear influence of drying in excess of
three to four weeks can be seen. Only Pb removal in columns with SZ and C shows no
dependency on drying (Table 2).
After drying the biofilters recover quite quickly and often outflow concentrations reach their
initial extend already one or two dosings after long drying. However, in climates where there
are prolonged dry periods, interspersed with isolated rainfall events, the influence of drying
11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008
6 Heavy metal removal by stormwater biofilters: effect of alternative wetting and drying
on the overall metal removal will be significant. Importantly, where achievement of receiving
water concentration targets is a primary consideration, the influence of drying may be critical.
Table 2. Mean metal removal during wet periods and after drying
Mean metal removal (%) ± Standard deviation
after drying
Metal and
column design wet (1) 1-2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 7 weeks
Cu with SAZ + C 98.8 ± 0.2 98.8 ± 0.3 93.0 ± 4.7 91.3 ± 5.7 85.2 ± 2.3
Cu without SAZ + C 92.4 ± 2.1 90.1 ± 1.0 80.9 ± 4.1 82.1 ± 0.0 72.1 ± 0.4
Pb with SAZ + C 98.9 ± 0.5 99.0 ± 1.0 99.8 ± 0.1 99.2 ± 0.3 99.0 ± 0.1
Pb without SAZ + C 99.0 ± 0.4 97.7 ± 2.4 97.1 ± 0.3 94.2 ± 0.0 90.8 ± 1.5
Zn with SAZ + C 98.5 ± 0.4 98.7 ± 0.3 97.7 ± 0.8 96.2 ± 1.4 87.6 ± 2.4
Zn without SAZ + C 98.2 ± 0.7 97.4 ± 0.2 96.7 ± 1.3 96.6 ± 0.0 92.6 ± 0.4
(1) only results of the first two stormwater applications (first week of the run-time)
Regression analysis between removal (%) and length of drying before a storm event
(antecedent dry days, ADD) shows a strong linear (or quadratic) relationship. Where
significant (ie. p<0.05), regression coefficients R2 (adjusted) were all in excess of 73%
(Figure 3). However, these results must also be placed in the context of their practical
implications; even after 7 weeks of drying (and in the worst case, i.e. filters without SZ and
C) still around 70% of Cu, 90% of Pb and 85 to 90% of Zn were removed (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Biofilter performance affected by length of drying: metal removal after drying vs.
length of drying period (antecedent dry days). Linear or quadratic regression line provided
where significant. P-values and R2(adj) of the regression analysis.
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49
Antecedent dry days
Cu removal (%)
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49
Antecedent dry days
Pb removal (%)
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49
Antecedent dry days
Zn removal (%)
Cu +anox. zone Cu -anox. zone
Pb +anox. zone Pb -anox. zone
Zn +anox. zone Zn -anox. zone
(quadratic regression)
Cu with SZ + C
Pb with SZ + C
Zn with SZ + C
Cu without SZ + C
Pb without SZ + C
Zn without SZ + C
11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008
Blecken et al. 7
The strong negative correlation between treatment performance of the biofilter and the length
of antecedent drying might be explained by the effects of the decreasing moisture content in
the filter media during drying. As a result of this process, accumulated metals in the filter are
likely to be oxidised and, thus, washed out at the next stormwater event. Oxidation of
(initially anoxic) sediments is estimated to be the most efficient way to mobilise metals into
the environment (Förstner et al., 1998). The behaviour could also be explained in part by
physical changes in the media after drying. It is likely that long periods of drying result in
small fissures appearing in the media, thus creating preferential flow paths and diminishing
the trapping efficiency of particulate and dissolved material (Hatt et al., 2007b). Only Pb
removal in biofilters with SZ was not correlated to antecedent drying at all (very high removal
rates over 98% were always achieved) while without SZ Pb treatment was strongly correlated
to ADD, decreasing as the dry period became longer (Figure 3).
Enhanced treatment after drying by introducing SZ
Introduction of a submerged zone (in these experiments combined with C) maintains optimal
Cu and Pb treatment, even after drying periods in excess of three weeks (Figure 3). Soil
moisture content, measured in the top layer (thus above the actual SZ) was around 5% higher
in columns with SZ, both during wet and dry periods compared to columns without these
features (Figure 4). Thus, less oxidation of the filter media during dry periods might occur in
biofilters with SZ even above the actual SZ. This might explain less leaching of already
accumulated metals after drying from these biofilters (Tack et al., 1998; Tack et al., 2006).
Because the reported values were measured relatively close to the top, it is, thus, assumed that
the significant moisture content decrease due to drying (Figure 4) flattens by depth.
Figure 4. Soil moisture content vs. length of drying period (antecedent dry days). Quadratic
regression line, p-values and R2(adj) of the regression analysis. Influence of SZ (columns
without SZ and C: dashed line, white markers; columns with SZ and C: continuous line, black
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49
Antecedent dry days
Soil moisture content (%)
11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008
8 Heavy metal removal by stormwater biofilters: effect of alternative wetting and drying
The analysis of the preliminary results of this study show that:
similar to several similar previous studies, metal treatment in stormwater biofilters during
wet periods is excellent, with removal exceeding 95% in most cases,
there is a significant effect of drying (in excess of 3 to 4 weeks) on the filter performance,
resulting in significantly decreased metal removal,
introduction of a submerged zone combined with a carbon source can reduce (Cu removal)
or even eliminate (Pb removal) this negative effect of drying.
The results of this study suggest that design of biofiltration systems for metals removal should
take into account the criticality of variations in concentrations in the outflow. Where small
variations in performance are permissible, ‘standard’ biofilters will perform acceptably well.
However, where consistent reductions of at least 95% of inflow concentration are required,
the presence of a saturated zone at the base of the filter is recommended.
APHA/AWWA/WPCF. (1998). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edn.
American Public Health Association / American Water Works Association / Water Pollution Control
Federation, Washington, DC, USA.
Blecken, G.-T., Zinger, Y., Deletic, A., Fletcher, T. D. & Viklander, M. (submitted). Impact of an anoxic zone
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Bradl, H. B., 2004. Adsorption of heavy metal ions on soil and soil constituents. Journal of Colloid Interface
Science, 277, 1-18.
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through bioretention: Lead, copper, and zinc removal. Water Environment Research, 75(1), 73.
Duncan, H. P. (1999). Urban Stormwater Quality: A Statistical Overview (No. Report 99/3). Melbourne,
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Hatt, B. E., Deletic, A. & Fletcher, T. D. (2007a). Stormwater reuse: designing biofiltration systems for reliable
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Lau, Y. L., Marsalek, J. & Rochfort, Q. (2000). Use of a Biofilter for Treatment of Heavy Metals in Highway
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Prince George's County (2002). Bioretention Manual. Department of Environmental Resources, Programs &
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Blecken et al. 9
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... Stormwater biofilters, while quantitatively managing stormwater runoff, can also efficiently remove pollutants including some nutrients, suspended solids and heavy metals, preventing them from infiltrating stormwater runoff Davis et al. 2006;Davis 2007;Davis et al. 2007;Blecken et al. 2008Blecken et al. , 2009). Nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon can degrade water quality when present in high concentrations. ...
... Stormwater biofilters, while quantitatively managing stormwater runoff, can also efficiently remove pollutants including some nutrients, suspended solids and heavy metals, preventing them from infiltrating stormwater runoff Davis et al. 2006;Davis 2007;Davis et al. 2007;Blecken et al. 2008Blecken et al. , 2009). Nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon can degrade water quality when present in high concentrations. ...
... They support this view by reporting that higher nitrate-nitrogen concentrations are present in the outflow, as the residue of the nitrification of ammonium-nitrogen during the drying phase; that these remain in the system; and are washed off eventually during the next rainfall event. In order to enhance nitrate-nitrogen reduction in bioretention filters, past studies have added additional organic material and also designed a permanent saturated zone to provide electron donors and to induce anoxic conditions, respectively (Kim et al. 2003;Blecken et al. 2009Blecken et al. , 2010. ...
Full-text available
Nitrogen is an important nutrient that can impact the quality of aquatic environments when present in high concentration. Even though low concentration levels of ammonium-nitrogen have been observed in laboratory studies in bioretention basins, poor removal or even the production of nitrate-nitrogen within the filter is often recorded in such studies. Ten Perspex biofilter columns of 94 mm (internal diameter) were packed with a filter layer, transition layer and a gravel layer. While the filter layer was packed to a height of 800 mm, transition and gravel layers were packed to a composite height of 220 mm and operated with simulated stormwater in the laboratory. The filter layer contained 8% organic material by weight. A free board of 350 mm provided detention storage and head to facilitate infiltration. The columns were operated with different antecedent dry days (0 d to 21 d) and constant inflow concentration at a feed rate of 100 mL/min. Samples were collected from the outflow at different time intervals, between 2 min and 150 min from the start of outflow, and were tested for nitrate-nitrogen and total organic carbon. Washoff of organic carbon from the filter layer was observed to occur for 30 min of outflow. This indicated washoff of organic carbon from the filter itself. At the same time, a very low concentration of nitrate-nitrogen was recorded at the beginning of the outflow, indicating the effective removal of nitrate-nitrogen. We conclude that the removal of nitrate-nitrogen is insignificant during the wetting phase of a rainfall event and the process of denitrification is more pronounced during the drying phase of a rainfall event. Thus intermittent wetting and drying is crucial for the removal of nitrate-nitrogen in bioretention basins.
... Stormwater biofilters are designed to manage stormwater both quantitatively by reducing peak flow runoff and qualitatively by removing nutrients, solids, and heavy metals (Blecken et al. 2008(Blecken et al. , 2009bDavis 2007;Davis et al. 2003Davis et al. , 2006Davis et al. , 2007. Nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorous, and carbon, degrade water resource quality when present in high concentrations, and stormwater runoff has often been shown to contain high concentrations of such nutrients (Ice 2004;Liu 2011). ...
... As mentioned earlier, one of the important aspects of a stormwater biofilter is that it is subject to intermittent wetting and drying cycles. Most studies on the performance of stormwater biofilters have focused on the removal of pollutants only during the wet phase of a rainfall event, attributing any removal of nitrate-nitrogen to pollutant removal processes in the wet phase (Blecken et al. 2009a(Blecken et al. , 2010aBratieres et al. 2008a, b;Davis et al. 2001Davis et al. , 2006Greenway 2008, 2011). The dynamics of zone development (based on the availability of dissolved oxygen) in biofilms, however, is likely to be affected significantly by the alternating wetting and drying cycles, and the development of the various zones are more dynamic during these occasions than during a continuous wet-phase event. ...
Full-text available
High concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen degrade the quality of aquatic environments. The primary mechanism by which nitrate-nitrogen is removed (denitrification) requires anoxic conditions and electron donors. While removal of total and ammonium-nitrogen is often high in stormwater biofilters, poor removal or even the release of nitrate-nitrogen in the outflow has often been observed. Five Perspex biofilter columns (94 mm internal diameter) were fabricated with a filter layer that contained 8% organic material. Columns were operated at 875 mm/h and fed with simulated stormwater with different antecedent dry days (ADDs) and concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen. Samples were collected from the outflow at different time intervals between 2 and 150 min and were tested for nitrate-nitrogen. The removal of nitrate-nitrogen varied during an event from a high removal percentage (60-90%) in the initial outflow that gradually decreased in the first 30 min and settled at 0-15% removal thereafter. This remained consistent during all simulated events independent of the number of ADDs or inflow concentrations. ADDs and previous event feed concentrations affected the outflow nitrate-nitrogen concentration in the first 30 min of the current event. Therefore, from this study it is concluded that denitrification within stormwater biofilters occurs mainly during drying periods rather than wetting periods.
... They are designed to remove suspended solids, heavy metals, and nutrients, which are common stormwater pollutants that adversely impact aquatic environments in receiving waters (Bratieres et al. 2008a; Davis et al.2003Davis et al. , 2006Hatt et al. 2009;Li and Davis 2009). Analysis of removal efficiency of pollutants in both laboratory-scale and field-scale installations has been studied in the past (Blecken et al. 2008(Blecken et al. , 2009aBratieres et al. 2008b;Coustumer et al. 2009;Davis 2007;Davis et al. 2001Davis et al. , 2003Davis et al. , 2006Hsieh et al. 2007a, b). ...
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Ripening period refers to a phase of stabilization in sand filters in water treatment systems that follow a new installation or cleaning of the filter. Intermittent wetting and drying, a unique property of stormwater biofilters, would similarly be subjected to a phase of stabilization. Suspended solids are an important parameter that is often used to monitor the stabilization of sand filters in water treatment systems. Stormwater biofilters, however, contain organic material that is added to the filter layer to enhance nitrate removal, the dynamics of which is seldom analyzed in stabilization of stormwater biofilters. Therefore, in this study of stormwater biofiltration in addition to suspended solids (turbidity), organic matter (TOC, DOC, TN, and TKN) was also monitored as a parameter for stabilization of the stormwater biofilter. One Perspex bioretention column (94 mm internal diameter) was fabricated with filter layer that contained 8 % organic material and fed with tapwater with different antecedent dry days (0-40 day) at 100 mL/min. Samples were collected from the outflow at different time intervals between 2 and 150 min and were tested for total organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, total nitrogen, total Kjeldhal nitrogen, and turbidity. The column was observed to experience two phases of stabilization, one at the beginning of each event that lasted for 30 min, while the other phase was observed across subsequent events that are related to the age of filter.
This study investigates the performance of laboratory-scale vegetative biofiltration systems in reducing five heavy metals [cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn)] from synthetic graywater. Thirty-six biofiltration columns of the same design were constructed, and twelve species of ornamental plants were planted, with three specimens from each species being planted in a single column. The study was conducted for six months in an arid climate. The overall removal efficiency for Zn and Cu was found to be about 98% and 75%, respectively. It was observed that soil Zn and Cu concentrations increased from 11.24 to 26.13 mg/L and from 11.09 to 12.12 mg/L, respectively, after irrigation with graywater. Zn and Cu were mainly removed by soil accumulation and plant uptake, respectively. Both Pb and Cr increased in effluent (about 29% and 6.5%, respectively) and in soil (about 12% and 63%, respectively) after irrigation with graywater, whereas Cd increased in effluent (about 7.6%) but decreased in soil (about 46%). Finally, the plants were ranked and recommended for application based on their performance consistency and effectiveness. The species Alternanthera ficondea topped the ranking, followed by the species Ixora coccinaea, Vitex agnus, Rhoeo discolor, and Jasmine sambac.
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Stabilisation affects performance of stormwater biofilters operating under intermittent wetting and drying, mainly due to wash-off of filter material. Understanding the dynamics of solids wash-off is crucial in designing stormwater biofilters. The current study analysed the dynamics of solids wash-off in stormwater biofilters and quantified the loss of solids from the filter. Four Perspex™ bioretention columns (94 mm internal diameter) were fabricated with a filter layer that contained 8% organic material and were fed with tap water with different numbers of antecedent dry days (0-40 day) at 100 mL/min. Samples were collected from the outflow and tested for particle size distribution and total solids and turbidity. Solids of particle size less than 50 microns were washed off from the filter during the stabilisation period, indicating that no sand particles were washed off. The very first event after commissioning the filter resulted in the highest wash-off of solids (approximately 75 g of fines) while a significant drop in wash-off followed from the second event. An empirical model fitted to the data showed that preliminary stabilisation of a filter occurs in the first three events, during which almost 25% of fines are lost from the filter.
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An exploratory study of urban runoff toxicity was undertaken at 14 urban sites, including two sites receiving runoff from major multi-lane divided highways (> 100,000 vehicles·day−1). To assess various types of toxicity, a battery of tests was used including Daphnia magna, Microtox™, sub-rmtochondnal particles, and the SOS Chromotest (for genotoxicity). The whole data set composed almost 70 samples and 350 test results, which were reduced to toxicity point values using a toxicity scale. About two fifths of all data did not show any toxic responses, one fifth indicated severe toxicity, one fifth confirmed toxicity, and one fifth potential toxicity. When comparing urban stormwater toxicity to that of multi-lane divided highway (MLDH) runoff, the main difference was noted for the severe toxicity level; almost 20% of MLDH samples were severely toxic compared to 1% of urban stormwater samples. The MLDH data were obtained at the edge of the pavement, and although attenuation of runoff toxicity during transport can be expected, particularly m grassed swales, additional research is required.
An exploratory study of urban runoff toxicity was undertaken at 14 urban sites, including two sites receiving runoff from major multi-lane divided highways (>100,000 vehicles·day−1). To assess various types of toxicity, a battery of tests was used including Daphnia magna, Microtox™, sub-mitochondrial particles, and the SOS Chromotest (for genotoxicity). The whole data set comprised almost 70 samples and 350 test results, which were reduced to toxicity point values using a toxicity scale. About two fifths of all data did not show any toxic responses, one fifth indicated severe toxicity, one fifth confirmed toxicity, and one fifth potential toxicity. When comparing urban stormwater toxicity to that of multi-lane divided highway (MLDH) runoff, the main difference was noted for the severe toxicity level; almost 20% of MLDH samples were severely toxic compared to 1% of urban stormwater samples. The MLDH data were obtained at the edge of the pavement, and although attenuation of runoff toxicity during transport can be expected, particularly in grassed swales, additional research is required.
Effective treatment of stormwater by laboratory-scale biofilters has demonstrated that these simple filters may be used to remove dissolved metals and sediment-adsorbed metals found in stormwater runoff. Laboratory testing indicated that even biofilm just 3 days old provided suspended solids and heavy metals removals in excess of 90%. A filter operated for 9 weeks retained its treatment efficiency and removed more than 90% of total Cu and Zn. Field-scale testing is recommended.
Heavy metals in upland, dredged-material disposal sites are of concern. Metal mobility and availability are closely related to the composition of the liquid phase. To appraise changes in pore-water metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) after continued leaching, surface soil samples from abandoned metal contaminated dredged sediment disposal sites were subjected to consecutive saturation extracts. For an ??Alternating dry and wet?? moisture regime, where soils were allowed to dry between extractions, metal concentrations varied randomly in the consecutive extracts. For a ??Continuously wet?? moisture regime, metal concentrations decreased when reducing conditions were being established and then remained constant at a lower level than in the ??Alternating dry and wet?? moisture regime. Potential short-term hazards (15-40 years) related to metal migration were estimated from the observed leaching behavior. Although metal concentrations in the saturation extracts of the oxidized soils were above levels found in pore-water of clean soils, metal migration is estimated to be limited. However, an enhanced availability of Cd, Cu, and Zn for organisms living in these soils must be anticipated.
Soil solution metal concentrations are affected, among others, by hydrous oxides of iron and manganese. In a greenhouse study, eight selected soils were subjected to different moisture regimes mimicking during 2 weeks (1) strongly oxidizing conditions of a completely dry surface soil; (2) moist, oxic conditions at field capacity; and (3) a short period of flooding and, hence, the establishment of temporarily low oxygen conditions. Hydrous oxides were characterized using selective extractions, X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The moisture regimes did not significantly alter the 0.25 M NH2OH·HCl+0.25 M HCl-extractable (“amorphous iron oxides”) nor the 0.04 M NH2OH·HCl+25% HOAc-extractable (“amorphous+crystalline iron oxides”) Fe, Mn and Al. X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy revealed that no major conversions or changes in degree of crystallization or redox state had occurred in any of the soils as a result of the 2-week events of flooding or drought. In sandy and acidic or poorly buffered soils that had been dried, soil solution metal concentrations were between 2 and 40 times higher than in the corresponding reference soils that had been kept at field capacity all the time. Soils that had been saturated tended to have slightly lower concentrations of metals in the soil solution. While the importance of iron oxides should not be neglected, it is clear that it is not the single dominant factor. Soil solution metal concentrations at one moment of time may significantly depend on previous soil moisture conditions.
The aim of this study was to assess the treatment efficiencies for gully pot effluent of experimental vertical-flow constructed wetland filters containing macrophytes and granular media of different adsorption capacities in a cold climate. For approximately 6 months, nickel nitrate and copper nitrate were added to sieved gully pot effluent in order to simulate contaminated primary treated stormwater runoff. The inflow concentrations for nickel, copper and nitrate were approximately 1.0, 1.0 and 3.7 mg dm−3, respectively. For those filters receiving metals, an obvious breakthrough of nickel was recorded after road gritting (containing salt). Reductions of nickel, copper, biochemical oxygen demand and suspended solids were frequently insufficient compared with international secondary wastewater treatment standards (eg suspended solids <30 mg dm−3). A further treatment step should be considered. Outflow conductivity and nickel concentrations were high due to the effect of road salting. Microbial activity was likely to be responsible for the overall filtration performance. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry
In order to understand the effects of oxidation on heavy metal behavior in sediments, the changes in chemical phase distributions of heavy metals with oxidation of sediments from Lake Teganuma were investigated using a sequential chemical extraction procedure for heavy metals.The exposure of sediments from the lake bottom to atmosphere caused the increase of Eh and the decrease of acid volatile-S in sediments. Most of the cadmium is expected to exist as relatively stable forms such as sulfides in original reduced sediments prior to exposure to the atmosphere. With the oxidation of sediments, Cd in the sulfidic/organic fraction were transformed to forms in the exchangeable and the reducible fractions which are easily dissolved. The chemical phase changes of Cu, Pb and Zn in sediments were less drastic than the case of Cd. Cadmium distinctly affected by the change in redox potential in sediments, and its behavior in the oxidized state is most mobile. Compared to Cd, the behavior of Cu and Pb are not so remarkably affected by the change in redox condition of sediments.
Biofilters are an effective treatment option for the substantial heavy metal loads in urban stormwater. However, to increase their nitrogen treatment efficacy, the introduction of a submerged (anoxic) zone (SZ) and a cellulose based carbon source (C) has been recommended because it has been shown to enhance denitrification and thereby increase overall nitrogen removal. To examine the impact of this design modification on heavy metal treatment, a laboratory study using biofilter mesocosms with different levels of SZ and with or without added C was conducted. The results show that SZ and C have a significant impact on metal treatment. In particular, the removal of Cu was improved significantly. The presence of SZ and C allows outflow Cu concentrations to meet Swedish and Australian water quality guidelines, which are not met with a standard biofilter without SZ or C. Although Zn and Pb removal was enhanced slightly by the presence of a SZ, this improvement is of less practical importance, since Zn and Pb removal is already very high (>95%) in standard biofilters. The best metal treatment was achieved with 450 and 600 mm SZ. Based on these results, the incorporation of SZ with C in stormwater biofilters is recommended.
The role of organic ligands in metal complexing in natural waters has received little attention because of uncertainties regarding both the abundance and nature of dissolved organic carbon compounds. Recent data show that the bulk of dissolved organic matter in natural waters consists of highly oxidized and chemically and biologically stable polymeric compounds closely resembling soil humic substances. Average molar concentrations of these aquatic humics in major U.S. rivers range from 5 × 10−6to 3 × 10−5 moles 1−1. Fractional elution of soil organic matter by meteoric waters may be considered to be the main process contributing to the presence of humic matter in rivers. The aquatic humic polymers participate in complex formation through ionizable functional groups with a range of differential acidities. The stabilities of metal-humic complexes in natural waters are higher than those of the corresponding inorganic metal complexes. Quantitative evaluation of the metal-organic interactions can be approached by applying variable equilibrium functions which take into account the differential physico-chemical characteristics of the active complexing sites on the polymer molecule. Assuming an average humic concentration of 10 mg 1−1, complexation of trace metals can be significant even in the presence of excess concentrations of major cations.