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Computer-Aided Thyroid Nodule Detection in Ultrasound Images



Nodular thyroid disease is a frequent occurrence in clinical practice and it is associated with increased risk of thyroid cancer and hyperfunction. In this paper we propose a novel method for computer-aided detection of thyroid nodules in ultrasound (US) images. The proposed method is based on a level-set image segmentation approach that takes into account the inhomogeneity of the US images. This novel method was experimentally evaluated using US images acquired from 35 patients. The results show that the proposed method achieves more accurate delineation of the thyroid nodules in the US images and faster convergence than other relevant methods.
Computer-Aided Thyroid Nodule Detection in Ultrasound Images
D.E. Maroulis
, M.A. Savelonas
, S.A. Karkanis
, D.K. Iakovidis
, N. Dimitropoulos
Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunication, University of Athens, Greece
Dept. of Informatics and Computer Technology, Technological Educational Institute
of Lamia, Greece
Dept. of Medical Imaging, Euromedica Medical Center, Athens, Greece
Nodular thyroid disease is a frequent occurrence in clinical practice and it is associated
with increased risk of thyroid cancer and hyperfunction. In this paper we propose a novel
method for computer-aided detection of thyroid nodules in ultrasound (US) images. The
proposed method is based on a level-set image segmentation approach that takes into account
the inhomogeneity of the US images. This novel method was experimentally evaluated using
US images acquired from 35 patients. The results show that the proposed method achieves
more accurate delineation of the thyroid nodules in the US images and faster convergence
than other relevant methods.
1. Introduction
Nodular thyroid disease is extremely common and of concern because of the risk of
malignancy and hyperfunction. The risk of developing a palpable thyroid nodule in a lifetime
ranges between 5 and 10%, while 50% of people with solitary nodules detected by
experienced physicians have additional nodules detected when examined further by
ultrasonography [1].
Thyroid ultrasonography is a non-invasive diagnostic test, which provides immediate
information on the structure and the characteristics of thyroid nodules. It combines low cost,
short acquisition time, absence of ionizing radiations and sensitivity in ascertaining the size
and number of thyroid nodules. However ultrasound (US) images contain echo perturbations
and speckle noise, which could make the diagnostic task harder. Additionally, image
interpretation, as performed by the experts, is subjective. Therefore, a method for computer-
aided thyroid nodule detection should take into consideration the inherent noise
characteristics of the US images and be capable of interpreting these images, based on
explicit image features. Such a method could contribute to the objectification of the medical
diagnosis and consequently to a reduction of false decisions.
Active contour models first appeared in the late eighties [2]. The classic active contour
approach in image segmentation is based on the deformation of initial contours towards the
boundaries of the image regions to be segmented. The deformation is realized by the
minimization of an energy functional designed so that its local minimum is reached at the
target boundaries. The energy functional in its basic form is comprised of two components,
the first controls the smoothness of the contour and the second is image dependent and forces
the contour towards the boundary. This active contour approach is boundary based and
utilizes local filtering techniques such as edge detection operators. In the case of noisy
images, such as US images, many unwanted edges may appear due to noise, and should
consequently be smoothed by the application of a strong isotropic Gaussian filter. Such
filtering introduces the risk of smoothing the target boundaries and therefore contour leakage
effects may appear resulting in diminution of the delineation accuracy [3]. Moreover, the
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS’05)
1063-7125/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE
parametric formulation of the classic active contour approach, does not allow for changes in
the topology of the evolving contour, such as splitting and merging. Therefore,
complementary procedures have to be considered to enable adaptability to the required
topological changes [4].
Active contours have been employed in various medical US image analysis applications
either in parametric or in level set form. Parametric active contour applications include the
detection of hepatic tumors [5], the detection of lumen and media-adventitia border in
sequential intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) frames [6] and the evaluation of margins for
malignant breast tumor excision through mammotomes [7]. Level set active contour
applications include the automatic quantification of the ventricular function [8] and the
segmentation of prostate [9] and cardiac US images [10]. To the best of our knowledge there
has not been proposed any information technology approach to thyroid nodule detection in
US images.
Active Contours Without Edges (ACWE) [3] has been proposed as a noise-robust image
segmentation method. It is capable of detecting objects even with smooth boundaries due to
its region-based approach in which the functional is a combination of domain and boundary
integrals. Moreover, following the level set formulation, originally proposed in [11], it is
capable of detecting two or more objects in the image as it provides adaptability to
topological changes e.g. contour splitting. A limitation of this model is that it presumes
homogeneity for object and background areas. This presumption is violated in thyroid US
images due to the intensity inhomogeneity of the thyroid tissue texture and the presence of
calcifications appearing in the form of bright spots. A modification that takes into account
image inhomogeneity could lead to more accurate object detection.
In this paper, we propose a novel level set active contour model, for thyroid nodule
detection in US images that takes into account image inhomogeneity by utilizing a variable
background approach for the enhancement of the nodule detection accuracy while achieving
faster contour convergence.
The rest of this paper is organized in three sections. Section 2 includes a brief description
of the Active Contour Without Edges model and the presentation of the proposed Variable
Background Active Contour model. The experimental results from the application of the
proposed model on thyroid ultrasound images are apposed in Section 3. Finally, Section 4
summarizes the conclusions of this study.
2. Variable Background Active Contour Model
2.1. Active Contour Without Edges
The ACWE model as posed in [3] has the form of a minimization problem: Let ȍ be
a bounded open subset of
its boundary. We seek for
),,(inf CccF
Ru :
is the input image,
]1,0[:)( RsC
a piecewise parameterized curve,
are unknown constants representing the average value of
inside and
outside the curve and parameters
0, >
are weights for the regularizing
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS’05)
1063-7125/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE
term and the fitting terms, respectively. This formulation describes a special case of the
minimal partition problem, for which the existence of minimizers has been proved in
[12] for
continuous on ȍ and in [13] for more general data. As in the minimum
energy problem, the minimizer corresponds to the “equilibrium” of the regularizing and
fitting terms that force the contour to stop. It should be noted that, as implied by (1),
this model assumes that the image is formed by two regions of approximately piecewise
constant intensities.
In the level set method [11],
is represented by the zero level set of a Lipschitz
,: R
such that
Using the one-dimensional Dirac measure į and the Heaviside function H, which are
defined respectively by
)()( zH
z =
where zR, the constants
can be expressed as
By keeping
fixed, and minimizing
with respect to
, the associated
Euler-Langrange equation for
is deduced. For this purpose, slightly regularized
versions of
are considered. The applied
regularized Heaviside function
is derived from
whereas the corresponding regularized delta function
is derived from
, both approximations converge to
and į. These approximations allow the
algorithm to compute a global minimizer, as described in [3].
Parameterizing the descent direction by an artificial time
, the equation in
),,( yxt
defining the initial contour) is
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS’05)
1063-7125/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE
),(),,0( yxt
In a practical implementation, a quantitative criterion should force the algorithm to
stop when the changes of
fall bellow a threshold for a fixed number of iterations.
When this criterion is satisfied it is assumed that the minimizer is found and the
corresponding equilibrium has been reached.
2.2. Variable Background Active Contour
The proposed model, named Variable Background Active Contour (VBAC) follows Eq.
(1) where
is derived from Eq. (8):
and the difference term
),( yx
is given by:
0)),,(()),((),( >=
Note that
restricts the integrals in a region of interest, which for the purposes of our
study coincides with the thyroid gland. The constant a, determines the background area
considered. The introduction of
),( yx
reduces the effects of background area
inhomogeneities corresponding to calcifications appearing in the US image in the form of
bright spots as well as to the intensity inhomogeneity of the thyroid tissue texture. This can be
justified by the fact that these inhomogeneities cause abrupt changes of
which result in
1)),(()),(( == yxHayxH
for the inhomogeneous areas in the image. Therefore,
0),( yx is satisfied in a limited image subset, which excludes inhomogeneous areas.
3. Results
Thyroid ultrasound examinations were performed on 35 patients using a digital ultrasound
system HDI 3000 ATL with a 5-12 MHz linear transducer. The acquired digital images had a
resolution of 256×256 pixels and 256 gray-level depth. We developed a special purpose
software suite in Microsoft Visual C++ for the implementation of the ACWE and the VBAC
models. Both of these models were applied for thyroid nodule detection in the US images
. For the purposes of our study we adopted the
image intensity as the supervising feature for the contour evolution, to enable the detection of
hypo-echoic thyroid nodules. Low echogenicity characterizes the majority of thyroid nodules
and especially those that are suspect of malignancy [14].
Three expert radiologists manually delineated the thyroid nodules to enable comparisons
with the active contour models. For each US image, “ground truth” delineation is obtained,
following the rule that each pixel is considered as part of the nodule when it is included in at
least two out of three experts’ delineations [15]. As a measure of similarity between a
delineated area A and the “ground truth” delineated area G, we have considered the overlap
value [16]:
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS’05)
1063-7125/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE
The inter-observer variation was estimated 7.4% in terms of the Coefficient of Variation
CV% = 100*(
/ m
), where
and m
are the standard deviation and the mean value of i,
respectively [15].
The experiments showed that the proposed VBAC model and the ACWE model
converged to overlap values with an average difference of
i = i
– i
= 6.2±2.3%. Both
models resulted in a maximum overlap of 99.1%. The minimum overlap values obtained were
78.6% and 62.1% for the VBAC and the ACWE models respectively, whereas the
corresponding mean overlap values were 88.8% and 82.6%. Moreover with the VBAC model
the convergence was reached in 10% less algorithm iterations than with the ACWE model,
which is translated in approximately 8.5% speedup in terms of absolute execution time.
Figure 1 illustrates an example US image delineated by an expert radiologist, the VBAC
and the ACWE models respectively. It can be observed that the VBAC surrounded the hypo-
echoic nodule more accurately than the ACWE compared to the expert’s delineation. The
overlap values achieved per iteration for the image of Fig. 1 are illustrated in Fig. 2. This
figure shows that the VBAC model converges to a higher overlap value (94.6%) in
approximately 10
less iterations than the ACWE model which leads to a maximum overlap
value of 80.9%.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1. Two indicative examples of a thyroid nodule in a US image delineated by (a)
an expert radiologist, (b) the VBAC, and (c) the ACWE.
iterations (x 1000)
i (%)
Figure 2. Overlap value i as a function of the number of algorithm iterations
corresponding to the US image illustrated in Fig. 1, using the ACWE and the VBAC
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS’05)
1063-7125/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE
4. Conclusion
We have proposed a Variable Background Active Contour model and applied it for the
detection of thyroid nodules in ultrasound images. In this model, the background is a variable
subset of the image, which changes shape to reduce the effects of background inhomogeneity.
The results of the experimental study lead to the conclusion that the proposed model provides
improved accuracy and faster convergence, compared to the Active Contour Without Edges
model. In particular, the improvement in contour accuracy is important due to the fact that
nodule size and shape are factors affecting the subsequent nodule classification [1].
Future perspectives of this work include the embedment of textural features to
supervise contour evolution enabling the detection of non hypo-echoic nodules.
5. Acknowledgments
This work was partially funded by National and Kapodestrian University of Athens,
Special Account of Research Grants.
6. References
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Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS’05)
1063-7125/05 $20.00 © 2005 IEEE
... As shown in table 1, there were mainly two kinds of segmentation methods. Although the contour and region (C&R) based methods (Maroulis et al 2005, Du and Nong 2015, Nugroho et al 2016 showed high mean overlap (MO) values of 79.0%-94.6% when compared with the segmentation results by radiologists, there were serious limitations. ...
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Objective: There has been a considerable amount of Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) methods highlighted in the field of ultrasonic examination (USE) of thyroid nodules. However, few researches focused on the automatic risk classification, which was the basis for determining whether Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) was needed. The aim of this work was to implement automatic risk level assessment of thyroid nodules. Approach: Firstly, 1862 cases of thyroid nodules with the results of USE and FNA were collected as the dataset. Then, an improved U-Net++ model was utilized for segmenting thyroid nodules in ultrasound images automatically. Finally, the segmentation result was imported into a multi-task convolutional neural network (MT-CNN), the design of which was based on the clinical guideline called KWAK TI-RADS. Apart from the category of benign and malignant, the MT-CNN also exported the classification result of four malignant features, Solid Component (SC), Hypoechogenicity or Marked Hypoechogenicity (HMH), Microlobulated or Irregular Margin (MIM), Microcalcification (MC), which were used for counting the risk level in KWAK TI-RADS. Main results: The performance of the improved U-Net++ was evaluated on our test set, including 302 cases. The Dice coefficient and Intersection over Union (IoU) reached 0.899, 0.816, respectively. The classification accuracy rates of SC, HMH, MIM, MC, were 94.5%, 92.8%, 86.1%, 88.9%, while the false positive (FP) rate was 6.0%, 5.6%, 10.6%, 12.9% separately. As for the category of benign and malignant, the precision and recall rates were 93.7% and 94.4%. Significance: The proposed CAD method showed favourable performance in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules. Compared with other methods, it could provide reports closer to clinical practice for doctors.
... Several methods have been reported in the literature for segmenting nodules in thyroid US images such as the active contour model (ACM), variable background active contour (VBAC), and genetic algorithm with a VBAC [3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. Tsantis et al. presented another thyroid nodule detection method named hybrid multiscale model. ...
Accurate delineation of thyroid nodules in ultrasound images is vital for computer-aided diagnosis. Most segmentation methods are semi-automated for thyroid nodules and require manual intervention, which increases the processing time and errors. We propose an automated intuitionistic fuzzy active contour method (IFACM) that integrates intuitionistic fuzzy clustering with an active contour for thyroid nodule segmentation using ultrasound images. Intuitionistic fuzzy clustering is used for the initialization of an active contour and estimation of the parameters required to automatically control the curve evolution. The IFACM was tested extensively on both artificial and real ultrasound images. The IFACM obtained a higher value of true positive (95.1% ± 2.86%), overlap metric (93.1 ± 2.95%), and dice coefficient (90.90 ± 3.08),indicating that the boundary delineated by the IFACM fits best to true nodules. Moreover, it obtained a lower value of false positive (04.1% ± 3.24%) and Hausdorff distance (0.50 ± 0.21 in pixels), further verifying the higher similarity of shape and boundary, respectively. According to the significance test, the results of the proposed method were more significant than those of the other segmentation methods. The main benefit of the IFACM is the automatic identification of nodules on the basis of image characteristics, which eliminates manual intervention. In all the experiments, all initial contours were automatically defined closer to the boundaries of the nodule, which is a benefit of the IFACM. Moreover, this method can segment multiple nodules in a single image efficiently.
... al. [27] Thyroid US Images 4 Despeckling Algorithms Objective Priti S. Dhaygude et. al. [28] Thyroid US Images Median Filtering Objective Ali A. Ardakani et. al. [29] Thyroid US Images 12 Despeckling Algorithms with Hybridization ...
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Images Quality assessment shows vital role in image processing applications and is an active field of research. In medical imaging field various imaging modalities i.e. Ultrasound (US), X-ray, Computer Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) etc. are used to diagnose the disease by the doctors. In US imaging modality coherent sources are used for imaging purpose. Due to coherent sources, speckle noise inserts in US images and causes loss of information and blurring which leads to misdiagnose of the patients by the doctors. To avoid this situation, various despeckling filters are used to remove the speckle noise and their performance is analysed on the basis of subjective and objective assessment parameters. This paper summarizes the various performance evaluation parameters i.e MSE, RMSE, SNR, PSNR, AD, SI, NK, MD, LMSE, NAE, IQI, SSIM, and BETA, their significance & relevance with the example of despeckling filters i.e. LEE Sigma, Detail Preserving Anisotropic Diffusion (DPAD), Fourier Butterworth Filter (FBF), ROFTV (Rudin, Osher and Fatem) and Hybridized Mean and Wiener Filter.
Active Contour (AC) is an algorithm widely used in segmentation for developing Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems in ultrasound imaging. Existing AC models still retain an interactive nature. This is due to the large number of parameters and coefficients that require manual tuning to achieve stability. Which can result in human error and various issues caused by the inhomogeneity of ultrasound images, such as leakage, false areas, and local minima. In this study, an automatic object segmentation method was developed to assist radiologists in an efficient diagnosis process. The proposed method is called Automatic Combinatorial Active Contour (ACAC), which combines the simplification of the global region-based CV (Chan-Vese) model and improved-GAC (Geodesic Active Contour) for local segmentation. The results of testing with 50 datasets showed an accuracy value of 98.83%, precision of 95.26%, sensitivity of 86.58%, specificity of 99.63%, similarity of 90.58%, and IoU (Intersection over Union) of 82.87%. These quantitative performance metrics demonstrate that the ACAC method is suitable for implementation in a more efficient and accurate CAD system.
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In Sri Lanka, there are a lot of patients who have thyroid nodule disorders. Among them, most of the patients getting recommended to do diagnostic tests every six months. In a crisis or a pandemic situation, those patients will be unable to channel a doctor physically to check their prevailing conditions through the medical laboratory reports bought by them. This paper proposes a mobile application that can scan the physical laboratory reports and notify the prevailing health situation of the patient. Additionally, it indicates the deviation of the results from the standard levels. According to the information given by the system, the patient will be able to decide whether to meet the doctor or not.
It is meaningful for radiologists to segment thyroid nodules in ultrasound images quickly and accurately using an effective segmentation algorithm. With the rise of deep learning in computer vision, many deep learning-based methods have been proposed to assist radiologists in diagnosing thyroid diseases, such as thyroid nodule classification, detection and segmentation, but there exist few methods paying attention to malignant thyroid nodule segmentation. The goal of thyroid nodule segmentation is to identify the type of thyroid nodule. However, the identification of thyroid nodule type has been relatively well developed and the identification work almost can’t bother radiologists. The more important for radiologists is to detect the inconspicuous malignant nodules precisely in ultrasonic images, avoiding radiologists confusing tissues and malignant thyroid nodules during their diagnosis. This paper proposes a deep learning-based CAD (Computer-aided diagnosis) method called Dual-route Mirroring U-Net (DMU-Net) to segment malignant thyroid nodules automatically. The method uses two subnets (U-shape subnet, inversed U-shape subnet) and three modules (pyramid attention module (PAM), margin refinement module (MRM), aggregation module (AM)) to extract contextual information of thyroid nodules and margin details in ultrasonic images. Further, the strategy of mutual learning is introduced from the natural image classification task to enhance the performance of DMU-Net. We train and evaluate our method on the self-built Malignant Thyroid Nodule Segmentation (MTNS) dataset. Finally, we compare the DMU-Net with several classical deep learning-based methods on the MTNS dataset and other public datasets. The results show our DMU-Net can achieve superior performance on these datasets.
Thyroid is an extremely essential butterfly shaped organ which is positioned in front of neck. For finding thyroid disease, ultrasound imaging is considered a best for identification of thyroid nodules because of its inexpensive and trouble-free nature. For diagnosis of thyroid disorder, it is very important to separate thyroid nodules from thyroid gland. For the same in biomedical image processing, image segmentation and classification followed by image preprocessing is very imperative steps. The key goal of this work is to categorized of thyroid nodules, thyroid gland segmentation methods. This paper explained different segmentation methods like counter and shaped based, region based and machine learning and deep learning strategies for thyroid gland and thyroid nodules. In addition, grouping of thyroid knobs is classified by traditional and convolution neural network for different feature extraction methods. All these methods are evaluated and compared by different quality metrics. After careful assessment of plenty of paper we did comparative and comprehensive analysis of segmentation methods with deep learning. Segmentation by deep learning approach gives better performance but it required more marked data base. In thyroid nodules segmentation region-based methods and contour and shape-based methods gives better performance. This paper concludes segmentation methods and their performance which is based on image attributes applications etc. The performance is assets by accuracy, selectivity and specificity and mean overlap parameters. Moreover, we concentrate on several advantages and disadvantages of current thyroid nodules ultrasound image segmentation of thyroid nodules and thyroid gland methods for 2Dimentionsl Ultrasound image, which would be useful for future studies such as identification of specific thyroid disease.
Conference Paper
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Region growing is performed in a multi-feature vector space. Three novel criteria are developed for region growing control. First, instead of using the local information as do the conventional region growing methods, this method uses global information. Second, to overcome the effects of speckle noise and attenuation artifacts, a new idea termed, “geographic similarity”, is introduced. Third, an equal opportunity competence criterion is employed to make results independent of processing order. Segmentation results for in vivo intracardiac ultrasound images and the corresponding statistical analyses show that this method is reliable and effective
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Mathematics Version of Record
A snake is an energy-minimizing spline guided by external constraint forces and influenced by image forces that pull it toward features such as lines and edges. Snakes are active contour models: they lock onto nearby edges, localizing them accurately. Scale-space continuation can be used to enlarge the capture region surrounding a feature. Snakes provide a unified account of a number of visual problems, including detection of edges, lines, and subjective contours, motion tracking, and stereo matching. The authors have used snakes successfully for interactive interpretation, in which user-imposed constraint forces guide the snake near features of interest.
Conference Paper
Computer assisted surgical planning and image guided technology have become increasingly used in neurosurgery. We have developed a system based on ATmC (Adaptive Template moderated Classification) for the automated segmentation of 3D MRI brain data sets of patients with brain tumors (meningiomas and low grade gliomas) into the skin, the brain, the ventricles and the tumor. In a validation study of 13 patients with brain tumors, the segmentation results of the automated method are compared to manual segmentations carried out by 4 independent trained human observers. It is shown that the automated method segments brain and tumor with accuracy comparable to the manual method and with improved reproducibility. KeywordsSurgical planning-Image guided neurosurgery-Magnetic resonance (MR)-segmentation-registration-brain-tumor
We devise new numerical algorithms, called PSC algorithms, for following fronts propagating with curvature-dependent speed. The speed may be an arbitrary function of curvature, and the front also can be passively advected by an underlying flow. These algorithms approximate the equations of motion, which resemble Hamilton-Jacobi equations with parabolic right-hand sides, by using techniques from hyperbolic conservation laws. Non-oscillatory schemes of various orders of accuracy are used to solve the equations, providing methods that accurately capture the formation of sharp gradients and cusps in the moving fronts. The algorithms handle topological merging and breaking naturally, work in any number of space dimensions, and do not require that the moving surface be written as a function. The methods can be also used for more general Hamilton-Jacobi-type problems. We demonstrate our algorithms by computing the solution to a variety of surface motion problems.
A snake is an energy-minimizing spline guided by external constraint forces and influenced by image forces that pull it toward features such as lines and edges. Snakes are active contour models: they lock onto nearby edges, localizing them accurately. Scale-space continuation can be used to enlarge the capture region surrounding a feature. Snakes provide a unified account of a number of visual problems, including detection of edges, lines, and subjective contours; motion tracking; and stereo matching. We have used snakes successfully for interactive interpretation, in which user-imposed constraint forces guide the snake near features of interest.
In this paper, we propose a new model for active contours to detect objects in a given image, based on techniques of curve evolution, Mumford--Shah functional for segmentation and level sets. Our model can detect objects whose boundaries are not necessarily defined by gradient. We minimize an energy which can be seen as a particular case of the minimal partition problem. In the level set formulation, the problem becomes a "mean-curvature flow"-like evolving the active contour, which will stop on the desired boundary. However, the stopping term does not depend on the gradient of the image, as in the classical active contour models, but is instead related to a particular segmentation of the image. We will give a numerical algorithm using finite differences. Finally, we will present various experimental results and in particular some examples for which the classical snakes methods based on the gradient are not applicable. Also, the initial curve can be anywhere in the image, and interior contours are automatically detected.