Conference PaperPDF Available

Automated Algorithm for Ovarian Cysts Detection in Ultrasonogram


Abstract and Figures

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a female endocrine disorder which severely affects women's health and its diagnostic requires medical treatment or even surgery. Manual analysis of PCOS diagnosis often produces errors. Recently, many automated algorithms have been studied for polycysts detection in Ultrasound images. This paper presents cysts detection and classification in the ovary ultrasound images with an accuracy that reaches 90%.
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Automated Algorithm for Ovarian Cysts Detection
in Ultrasonogram
Hares Moussallem
Chiraz Skaf
Charles Yaacoub
Biomedical Engineering Department
Telecommunications Engineering Department
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK)
Jounieh, Lebanon
Abstract Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a female
endocrine disorder which severely affects women’s health
and its diagnostic requires medical treatment or even
surgery. Manual analysis of PCOS diagnosis often
produces errors. Recently, many automated algorithms
have been studied for polycysts detection in Ultrasound
images. This paper presents cysts detection and
classification in the ovary ultrasound images with an
accuracy that reaches 90%.
Keywords—ultrasound medical imaging, cysts,
thresholding, multiscale morphological method , svm
Diagnostic ultrasound (US) is nowadays the most common
noninvasive medical-imaging modality. In fact, the first step in
the roadmap for the diagnostic of ovarian cystic masses is
based on ovarian ultrasound. Ovarian ultrasounds are
maneuvered by gynecologist in order to detect and heal cysts
that may occur.
These cysts are developed due to incomplete developed
follicles in the ovaries. They can generally be detected on the
ultrasound images by some dark regions, darker than other
regions in the same image, thus tracing a sort of edge of an
elliptic geometric shape.
Manual analysis by clinicians is generally used in the
diagnostic. Generally, periodic measurements of the size,
texture and shape of follicles over several days are the primary
means of evaluation. Nevertheless, nowadays, automated
software able to help the clinicians to identify the cysts and to
reduce the burden of the clinical diagnosis in order to
differentiate among malignant and benign cysts could be
appropriate. The objective of this paper is to develop an
extended processing scheme for automatic detection of
follicles in ultrasound images of ovaries.
Different methods have been developed in the literature on the
identification of the ovarian cysts. Potocnik and Zazula worked
on a method based on optimal thresholding [1] and then
upgraded by using active contour technique [2] for the
segmentation of follicles. Cigale and Zazula implemented the
neural network approach for the segmentation [3]. Others use
the multiscale morphological method for the denoising,
contrast enhancement [4], and horizontal and vertical
thresholding for cysts segmentation [5] .
The method presented in this paper consists of applying a
multi-scale morphological process for noise reduction and for
the contrast enhancement, followed by segmentation and
detection. It aims at extracting features that every clinician
bases his diagnostic on. These parameters are major axis,
minor axis, area and perimeter. In addition, it allows us to
differentiate between simple, polycysts and endometrioma
cysts, by calculating the mean and the standard deviation of a
sub-image extracted from each detected cyst.
US image acquisition
Digital recordings of ovaries ultrasound scans have been
provided by the obstetrics gynecology polyclinic MD. Barakat.
These images were performed on a group of women with no
cysts, simple cysts and polycysts syndrome. Some of the
simple cysts syndromes present endometrioma cyst [1]. These
images were assessed by the clinician through periodic
examinations and some of them through surgery. At total, 25
ultrasound images are used for the development of this method.
US image processing
Figure 1 shows the image processing flowchart developed
in this paper. A preprocessing part consists of contrast
enhancement of the grayscale image and in image binarization.
A post processing part consists of detecting and labelling
connected components leading finally to geometrical features
extraction and classification of the cysts.
A. Image preprocessing
After converting the images into grayscale, contrast
enhancement is performed based on morphological operation,
such as top hat and bottom hat. The former top hat, returns the
image minus the morphological opening of the image (erosion
followed by dilation) while the bottom hat transformation
returns the image minus the morphological closing of the
image (dilation followed by erosion). Equation 1 summarizes
the process:
2013 2nd International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering
978-1-4799-0251-4/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 219
1 1
( , ) ( , ) 0.5 ( , ) 0.5 ( , ),
m m
iS iS
i i
g r c g r c F r c F r c
= =
= +
where ğ(r , c) the output pixel at coordinates (r , c) , S is a disk-
Figure 1- General bloc diagram
shaped structuring element of radius R=3 empirically used for
morphological opening and closing, F
and F
the top hat
and bottom hat transforms at scale i, containg respectively
bright and dark features smaller than S, and g the input image.
In a medical ultrasound image many undesired structures blur
the desired outcome of the image like blood vessels, nerve
fibers, lymphatic glands and added noise due to the ultrasound
waves propagation. So the detection of cysts becomes a
challenging task in such a noisy image. Therefore, traditional
edge based techniques (such as sobel, prewitt) give false results
when applied on these images due to added noise. The follicle
appears as a homogenous region in the ultrasound image. The
gray level values for the pixel within the follicles will be more
or less the same as the background. The thresholding method
proposed is based on horizontal and vertical scanline
thresholding respectively then merging both results in order to
obtain the binary image. The horizontal scanline thresholding
could be described as follows. The image g of size M x N is
considered. The mean m
and standard deviation σ
of the r
row sub image are given by equations (2) and (3), respectively.
( )
m g r c
( )
( )
r r
g r c m
A threshold T
= K
is applied to the image for the
binarization, where K
is a scale multiplication factor. Same
procedure is applied for each column as expressed in equations
(4) and (5), where K
is the scaling factor and T
= K
( )
m g r c
( )
( )
c c
g r c m
The results of horizontal and vertical scan-line thresholding
are then merged by applying the logical “OR” operation to
yield at the end a binary image mask.
B. Image postprocessing
Applying morphological opening on the binary image
enhances the quality of the image obtained by removing the
undesired small components. The morphological opening
operation is an erosion followed by a dilation, using the same
structuring element for both operations. The structuring
element used is disk-shaped element with radius R=3.
The region of interest (ROI) window is covered by waves
emitted by the US probe. The use of a mask having the same
shape as seen in Figure 3 limits the ROI and helps reducing
false detection. The mask is generated with adobe Photoshop
CS version by assigning to the ROI area a white color (i.e.
logic ‘1’) and the affecting the remaining area with black (i.e.
logic ‘0’). The binary image mask obtained after
morphological opening and the mask specifying the ROI are
then multiplied in order to better detect connected components
and filter out undesired image areas.
Figure 2- ROI Mask of same size of the original image
representing the angle of the probe
Generally, two adjacent pixels, assigned with similar values
belong to the same component. 8-connectity is used to
elaborate all connected components in the image. Connected
components within a certain range of size assumed to be
probable follicles or cysts are considered in the next steps.
C. Feature extraction
The medical diagnosis for identifying the cyst is based on
indicators such as the number of follicles exceeding a certain
size and their relative position in the ovary. Measurement is
mandatory and periodical, even daily analysis could be
performed over 8-10 days, depending on the situation. To
efficiently characterize follicles, some parameters should be
known to be compared with standard parameters. Geometrical
and texture features of the ovarian cysts in ultrasound images
such as area, major axis length, minor axis length, major axis
length to minor axis length ration, compactness extent, centroid
and so on helps characterizing these follicles. Following the
clinical flowchart of the clinician, the Area, the Major axis
length, the Minor axis length, and the centroid are extracted as
geometrical features. Area is the number of pixels included
inside the potential follicle. A circular form at a diameter
normally between 2 mm and 30 mm gives an area of 4mm
. This factor is crucial in differentiating between a
follicle and a cyst. Using the resolution (DPI) of the ultrasound
machine, the area in the metric system is calculated. Knowing
the major axis and the minor axis, the area is computed (6).
Area = π(Major Axis • Minor Axis) (6)
Major and minor axis: all follicles and cysts have an oval shape
close to an elliptic form, and are therefore modeled by an
ellipse. The major axis and the minor axis are the ones
corresponding to the ellipse having the same 2
moment as the segmented area (follicle or cyst). The centroid is
the center of mass of the region of interest characterized by its
x and y coordinates. Objects of interest in an ultrasound are
better visualized when they are in the middle of the field of
view (angle of the probe).
Geometrical features extraction orients the diagnosis
toward the absence or the presence of cysts based on its
location, shape, area… Nevertheless, it does not give a clue
about the type of the cyst, whether it is an endometrioma cyst
or a normal one. This differentiation will be done using texture-
based feature extraction. Figure 3 illustrates the difference in
texture between a normal cyst and an endometrioma cyst.
Figure 3- Normal (left) and Endometrioma (right) cysts
To be able to differentiate between these two types of cysts,
a sub-image of 17x17 is extracted from each identified region,
centered at the centroid, thus getting sure that the processing is
inside the ROI, then the mean and the standard deviation are
computed for each type of cyst. These two parameters are
different for dissimilar types and provide a reliable parameter
to classify the two types of cysts based on the texture.
D. Classification and validation using ROC
Linear Separate vector machine is used as a classification
method. The classifier takes the mean and the standard
deviation as input vector and gives an output differentiating
between normal and endometria cysts. . SVM is easily
implemented comparing to “Neural Network” or other
classifiers: Phase1- training: Inputs to the SVM, 2 vectors; an
input training feature vector and a class vector as the output
corresponding to the input. Phase 2- testing: a test vector as
input to validate the SVM classifier. This classifier is usually
reliable in differentiating between only 2 classes having no
interference. To validate the algorithm cited above, the
“Receiver Operating Characteristic” (ROC) analysis is a
common means of comparing precision, accuracy, and
efficiency. This method shows a good evaluation with simple
and clear criteria, used by the “American Statistical
Association” in the medical field. A population has been
chosen divided into 4 parts; True negative (TN), false negative
(FN), false positive (FP) and true positive (TP). There are two
potentials of errors: FP and FN; either the individual is non-
diseased with positive test or diseased with negative test. TP is
for diseased individual with positive test and TN is for non-
diseased individual with negative test. 80 images were divided
into 4 groups equally, between simple, poly, and endometrioma
cysts in addition to 20 healthy non-containing cysts. The
accuracy is defined as the capability of giving the right choice
without distinguishing between positive and negative.
= ×
+ + +
The sensitivity is defined as the proportion of patients
having a disease and detected by the algorithm.
= ×
The specificity is defined as the portion of people diagnosted
free from any disease and in the same time they are not ill.
= ×
Figure 5 shows the importance of top hat and bottom hat
filter transformations and how the contrast of the dark regions
is enhanced. Comparing to Figure 4, the edge of the cysts is
getting more evident.
We consider next another ultrasonogram and show the results
of the binarization process. Figure 6 shows the result of
vertical scanline thresholding, and Figure 7 the horizontal
scanline. Both images are merged in Figure 8 using the logical
“OR” operator. The next step is to find the connected
components based on 8-connectivity; Figure 10 shows the
connected components detected and labeled. The only cyst is
labeled 1 and the other connected components were labeled as
2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the black background. These small groups
of white pixels should be removed in order to decrease the
probability of false cysts detections. After applying the
constraint on the cyst’s size and location based on the area,
centroid and location parameters, Figure 1 and 12 illustrate the
resulting segmented ultrasonogram of a simple cyst, and
polycyst (bi-cyst) US respectively.
For texture based classification, the mean and the standard
deviation of the segmented cysts characterize the image.
Twenty simple cysts images and twenty endometrioma cysts
were taken for training phase. Another 5 images of each type
were used for the testing phase. SVM classifier is used and the
Figure represents the classified cysts.
Figure 4-Grayscale ultrasonogram Figure 5 - After contrast enhancement
Figure 6-Horizontal scanline and Vertical scanline thresholding
Figure 7- Vertical and Horizontal merged the logical OR operator
As we see the simple cyst class is found above the kernel
function and the endometrioma are below the kernel function.
To validate this algorithm, the accuracy, sensitivity and
specificity have been computed :
accuracy= 90% , sensitivity= 88.33%, specificity= 95%
Figure 10- (a) Result of morphological opening, (b) ROI mask, (c) negative of
the result obtained by multiplying image in (a) with the one in (b).
This paper presents the elaboration of a new algorithm capable
of detecting the cycts in ovarian ultrasound images and of
differentiating between the two types of cysts. This detection
and classification has been made based on the geometrical
features of the cysts their texture. The accuracy found of 90%
is a promising result. For future work, the algorithm would be
improved to generalize the work on all ovarian cyst types,
including Dermoid cysts, while keeping in mind the
improvement of the classification accuracy. Increasing the
database size and the number of images would therefore be
necessary for a better evaluation of the solution.
Figure 11- Connected components found and labeled
Figure 12- Simple cyst segmented
Figure 13- Bi-cyst segmented and labeled
Figure 14- Graph representing simple and endometrioma classes separated by
the linear kernel function
The authors would like to address their special thanks to MD.
Habib Barakat, who provided the ultrasonograms and the
clinical assessment of each ultrasound image.
[1] A.H.Balen, J.S.E.Laven, S-L.Tan, D.Dewailly, "Ultrasound assessment of
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2003; 9:505-514.
[2] Cigale B and Zazula D, "Segmentation of ovarian ultrasound images using
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[3] Anthony Krivanek and Milan Sonka, "Ovarian Ultrasound Image Analysis:
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935-944, 1998.
[4] P.S.Hiremath and Prema Akkasaliger, "Despeckling medical ultrasound
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[5] P.S.Hiremath and J.R.Tegnoor, "Automated detection of follicle in
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... The authors in [47,48,52,64] have worked on ultrasound images. Each of these have used different methods like gray scaling, histogram equalization etc. for cleaning the data. ...
... Some initiatives could be taken by the researchers in future to prepare some guidelines that can not only educate but improve the diagnosis experience as well. Rihana et al. [64] have used SVM classifier to detect cysts and classify them in the ovary ultrasound images. The images are first pre-processed and then feature extraction is performed from the defined region of interest. ...
... Rihana et al. [64] SVM Classifier ...
Full-text available
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS, is a major hormonal imbalance affecting women primarily in their reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have either infrequent or extended menstrual cycles or sometimes excess male hormone i.e. androgen levels. The ovaries may grow with number of slight collections of fluid, called follicles that fail to release eggs every month regularly. It is also seen that PCOS not only affects a woman’s fertility but also indirectly causes various other health issues like type 2 Diabetes, obesity, blood pressure and other metabolic disorders. Recent researches have focussed on the use of different algorithms in Machine Learning to diagnose PCOS using structured or unstructured data. Therefore, in this study, a considerable Literature Review has been carried out to provide a detailed analysis of various algorithms that have been used to detect PCOS with their comparative study. Also some of the work particularly focuses on health issues, the food and dietary patterns and the ways to manage PCOS. Further, these algorithms are critically analysed to understand the framework and limitations that should be considered while putting forward the solutions relevant to the diagnosis of PCOS in an effective way.
... It is very simply taught by Refs. [3,4] how to detect follicles utilizing the best division and classification techniques automatically. The writers have expounded on the taxonomy of cysts and their ramifications in Ref. [6]. ...
... The preprocessing stage in the work presented by Ref. [4] is used to remove image noise. The next step is the watershed technique separation process, which extracts the feature by detecting segment results, cysts, and papillary and their diameters. ...
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Most women generally have an ovarian cyst, causing the disorder. Pregnant cysts occur when many water-packed tumors appear in the womb. This is especially true for women who have a worthy cause for childbearing. Women are related to menstrual problems and cyst problems during pregnancy. Recently, ultrasound imaging and machine learning techniques have been used to detect ovarian cysts. Different domain experts provide their own decisions on finding out what kind of ovarian cyst it is from ultrasound images. However, a most accurate and uniform decision-making system is necessary for the early detection of cysts. To aid physicians, an automated detection system has been proposed in this paper to make it more effective for physicians to eliminate these problems. This system uses the extracted features from the image for cysts detection and classification. Automatic ovary cyst detection (OCD) and classification are implemented in this work using a fuzzy rule-based Convolutional Neural Network (FCNN). The proposed system (OCD-FCNN) has yielded 98.37% accurate results when tested with benchmark datasets.
... A window's median will be updated in the main window. The Otsu global threshold [12] of the image can be used to determine how similar the two pixels are. The threshold values are iterated through Otsu's thresholding approach. ...
Conference Paper
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a widespread hormone problem for women of childbearing age. Women with PCOS may not ovulate; they might have high levels of androgens and have many small cysts on the ovaries. It can cause missed or irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne, infertility, and weight gain. Machine Learning (ML) can effectively diagnose this disease at an earlier stage as tons of medical data are available now. Traditional approaches to detect PCOS encompass a combination of clinical evaluation, medical history assessment, physical examination, and laboratory tests. These approaches aim to identify the characteristic symptoms and hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS. Physical examination requires good resources and costs time and money. In recent times, data-driven techniques have substantially advanced disease prediction within the medical field. We aim to utilize ML approaches, incorporating unique feature selection algorithms, to predict PCOS. This paper introduces a data-driven approach to PCOS diagnosis, combining Feature Engineering and ML. Several feature selection approaches have been considered to select sets of features for training the ML model, including CatBoost, Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM), AdaBoost, Random Forest (RF). Results demonstrate that AdaBoost, with ten features selected by RF Feature Importance and Highest Correlation (HC), provides the highest test accuracy.
... The differentiation and classification of cysts have been facilitated based on their geometric characteristics and texture properties. At the end of the study, this proposed system accurately detected 90% of the results [10]. ...
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Most women, in general, have an ovarian cyst, which causes a variety of disorders. Cervical cysts occur when multiple cysts appear in or on top of the uterus. This is especially true for women who have a good reason for having a baby. Related to menstrual problems and cyst problems in women during pregnancy. Ultrasound imaging techniques are used to detect ovarian cysts. Doctors have many difficulties identifying these types of tumors that are not clearly visible from ultrasound images and what type of ovarian cyst they are To make these problems more useful to the doctors, the system of automatic detection of various cyst type has been implemented. The cyst detection and classification method are implemented using the features extracted from the ultrasound image. Automated detection methods and various ovarian cyst classification are implemented using a 2D Convolutional Neural network, and the proposed prediction model has yielded 99.37% accurate results.
... The authors [12] classified three types of ovarian cysts by using a technique based on the strength of histogram moments and the grayscale co-occurrence matrix, combined with fuzzy mathematics and K-nearest neighbor (KNN) analysis. Rihana et al. [13] achieved a classification accuracy of 90% with the linear support vector machine (SVM), and Nabilah et al. [14] adopted watershed segmentation and contour analysis for distinguishing two different types of ovarian cysts. The researchers [15] used fuzzy logic to distinguish simple and complex types of cysts. ...
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The ovarian cyst is a prevalent disease among women of childbearing age. Early detection of ovaries can effectively prevent the risk of large cysts leading to torsion, infertility, and even progression to ovarian cancer. Ultrasonography is a common method for screening ovarian cysts. However, as the demand for ultrasound has exploded in recent years, doctors’ workloads have undoubtedly increased. The ultrasonic image analysis of ovarian cysts using deep learning is aimed at assisting doctors in rapid diagnosis and providing a good diagnostic decision for patients. We proposed a deep learning network for the classification and diagnosis of ovarian cysts, namely Ocys-Net. This method incorporates a reverse bottleneck design strategy and makes full use of global information to improve its feature extraction ability. Meanwhile, the efficient channel attention (ECA) module is used to realize local cross-channel interaction, which pays sufficient attention to pathological information features and effectively makes up for the defects caused by channel dimension reduction. As a lightweight network, the proposed method takes into account the efficient learning performance of the model and is evaluated on our ovarian cyst dataset with high accuracy. The classification accuracy of this network is 95.93%, which has certain practicability in clinical application.
... In both studies [34,35] we obtained more accurate results than the ones observed on CT images. Texture analysis of ovarian cysts remains a hot topic in the radiology research community, with more studies aiming to use this tool in characterizing adnexal masses [36,37]. ...
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Background and aims The conventional computed tomography (CT) appearance of ovarian cystic masses is often insufficient to adequately differentiate between benign and malignant entities. This study aims to investigate whether texture analysis of the fluid component can augment the CT diagnosis of ovarian cystic tumors. Methods Eighty-four patients with adnexal cystic lesions who underwent CT examinations were retrospectively included. All patients had a final diagnosis that was established by histological analysis in forty four cases. The texture features of the lesions content were extracted using dedicated software and further used for comparing benign and malignant lesions, primary tumors and metastases, malignant and borderline lesions, and benign and borderline lesions. Texture features’ discriminatory ability was evaluated through univariate and receiver operating characteristics analysis and also by the use of the k-nearest-neighbor classifier. Results The univariate analysis showed statistically significant results when comparing benign and malignant lesions (the Difference Variance parameter, p=0.0074) and malignant and borderline tumors (the Correlation parameter, p=0.488). The highest accuracy (83.33%) was achieved by the classifier when discriminating primary tumors from ovarian metastases. Conclusion Texture parameters were able to successfully discriminate between different types of ovarian cystic lesions based on their content, but it is not entirely clear whether these differences are a result of the physical properties of the fluids or their appartenance to a particular histopathological group. If further validated, radiomics can offer a rapid and non-invasive alternative in the diagnosis of ovarian cystic tumors.
... The SVM classifier received input of geometric characteristics, and the outcomes were improved. [15][16][17][18] But the demographic and diagnostic data were not used as input for classification. ...
Full-text available
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), is a hormonal disorder that occurs among women in their reproductive age. It has effective conflicts throughout this gynecological disorder, as it affects one in ten women at an early age. There are certain symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, missed periods, heavy bleeding during the menstruation period, excess of androgen hormones, obesity, acne or oily skin, hair growth on the face, and a typical weight gain. The exact cause of PCOS is not yet properly defined, but it could involve genetic causes and an imbalance in the diet. Due to certain effectiveness like the risk of heart attack, and type two diabetes, it is necessary to get detected and diagnosed as early as possible and start the possible treatments which include a healthy diet and exercises, with medications like birth control pills that control the level of hormones. Certain Machine Learning algorithms are used to detect this disorder. The data set consists of 541 patients, and out of 44 features, 10 potential features were identified using the filter method. This paper includes a detection model of PCOS using various machine learning algorithms like Random Forest, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Classifier, and Decision Tree. Among all these algorithms, Random Forest has 83.48% accuracy for the model.
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Introduction Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age and remains widely underdiagnosed leading to significant morbidity. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) hold promise in improving diagnostics. Thus, we performed a systematic review of literature to identify the utility of AI/ML in the diagnosis or classification of PCOS. Methods We applied a search strategy using the following databases MEDLINE, Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, the Web of Science, and the IEEE Xplore Digital Library using relevant keywords. Eligible studies were identified, and results were extracted for their synthesis from inception until January 1, 2022. Results 135 studies were screened and ultimately, 31 studies were included in this study. Data sources used by the AI/ML interventions included clinical data, electronic health records, and genetic and proteomic data. Ten studies (32%) employed standardized criteria (NIH, Rotterdam, or Revised International PCOS classification), while 17 (55%) used clinical information with/without imaging. The most common AI techniques employed were support vector machine (42% studies), K-nearest neighbor (26%), and regression models (23%) were the commonest AI/ML. Receiver operating curves (ROC) were employed to compare AI/ML with clinical diagnosis. Area under the ROC ranged from 73% to 100% (n=7 studies), diagnostic accuracy from 89% to 100% (n=4 studies), sensitivity from 41% to 100% (n=10 studies), specificity from 75% to 100% (n=10 studies), positive predictive value (PPV) from 68% to 95% (n=4 studies), and negative predictive value (NPV) from 94% to 99% (n=2 studies). Conclusion Artificial intelligence and machine learning provide a high diagnostic and classification performance in detecting PCOS, thereby providing an avenue for early diagnosis of this disorder. However, AI-based studies should use standardized PCOS diagnostic criteria to enhance the clinical applicability of AI/ML in PCOS and improve adherence to methodological and reporting guidelines for maximum diagnostic utility. Systematic review registration, identifier CRD42022295287.
Full-text available
Segmentation of ovarian ultrasound images using cellular neural networks (CNNs) is studied in this paper. The segmentation method consists of five successive steps where the first four uses CNNs. In the first step, only rough position of follicles is determined. In the second step, the results are improved by expansion of detected follicles. In the third step, previously undetected inexpressive follicles are determined, while the fourth step detects the position of ovary. All results are joined in the fifth step. The templates for CNNs were obtained by applying genetic algorithm. The segmentation method has been tested on 50 ovarian ultrasound images. The recognition rate of follicles was around 60% and misidentification rate was around 30%.
Full-text available
The ovarian ultrasound imaging is an effective tool in infertilitytreatment. Monitoring the follicles is especially important inhuman reproduction. Periodic measurements of the size andshape of follicles over several days are the primary means ofevaluation by physicians. Today monitoring the follicles is doneby non-automatic means with human interaction. This work canbe very demanding and inaccurate and, in most of the cases,means only an additional burden for medical experts. In thispaper, a new algorithm for automatic detection of follicles inultrasound images of ovaries is proposed. It has typical objectrecognition scheme (preprocessing, segmentation, featureextraction and classification). The proposed algorithm uses edgebased method for segmentation. The preprocessing employsgaussian low pass filter or contourlet transform for despecklingthe ultrasound images of ovaries. The classification is based on4σ intervals around the mean feature (geometic) values. Theexperimentation has been done using sample ultrasound imagesof ovaries and the results are compared with the inferencesdrawn by medical expert. The experimental results demonstratethe efficiency of the method.
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The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous condition, the pathophysiology of which appears to be both multifactorial and polygenic. The definition of the syndrome has been much debated. Key features include menstrual cycle disturbance, hyperandrogenism and obesity. There are many extra-ovarian aspects to the pathophysiology of PCOS, yet ovarian dysfunction is central. At a recent joint ASRM/ESHRE consensus meeting, a refined definition of the PCOS was agreed, encompassing a description of the morphology of the polycystic ovary (PCO). According to the available literature, the criteria fulfilling sufficient specificity and sensitivity to define the PCO should have at least one of the following: either 12 or more follicles measuring 2-9 mm in diameter, or increased ovarian volume (> 10 cm3). If there is a follicle > 10 mm in diameter, the scan should be repeated at a time of ovarian quiescence in order to calculate volume and area. The presence of a single PCO is sufficient to provide the diagnosis. The distribution of follicles and a description of the stroma are not required in the diagnosis. Increased stromal echogenicity and/or stromal volume are specific to PCO, but it has been shown that the measurement of ovarian volume (or area) is a good surrogate for quantification of the stroma in clinical practice. A woman having PCO in the absence of an ovulation disorder or hyperandrogenism ('asymptomatic PCO') should not be considered as having PCOS, until more is known about this situation. Three-dimensional and Doppler ultrasound studies may be useful research tools but are not required in the definition of PCO. This review outlines evidence for the current ultrasound definition of the polycystic ovary and technical specifications.
Ovarian ultrasound is an effective tool in infertility treatment. Repeated measurements of the size and shape of follicles over several days are the primary means of evaluation by physicians. Currently, follicle wall segmentation is achieved by manual tracing which is time consuming and susceptible to inter-operator variation. An automated method for follicle wall segmentation is reported that uses a four-step process based on watershed segmentation and knowledge-based graph search algorithm which utilizes priori information about follicle structure for inner and outer wall detection. The automated technique was tested on 36 ultrasonographic images of women's ovaries. Validation against manually traced borders has shown good correlation of manually defined and computer-determined area measurements (R2 = 0.85 - 0.96). The border positioning errors were small: 0.63+/-0.36 mm for inner border and 0.67+/-0.41 mm for outer border detection. The use of watershed segmentation and graph search methods facilitates fast, accurate inner and outer border detection with minimal user-interaction.
Ultrasound assessment of the polycystic ovary
  • A H Balen
  • J S E Laven
  • S-L Tan
  • D Dewailly
A.H.Balen, J.S.E.Laven, S-L.Tan, D.Dewailly, "Ultrasound assessment of the polycystic ovary", international consensus definitions, Hum Reprod Update 2003; 9:505-514.