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Chronic stress, but not hypercaloric diet, impaired vascular function in rats.

Author(s): V. J. Neves, M. J. C. S. Moura, B. S. Almeida, R. Costa, A. Sanches, R. Ferreira, M. L. Tamascia,
E. A. O. Romani, P. D. Novaes & F. K. Marcondes
Article title: Chronic stress, but not hypercaloric diet, impairs vascular function in rats
Article no: 601369
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Chronic stress, but not hypercaloric diet, impairs vascular function
in rats
, M. J. C. S. MOURA
Laboratory of Stress, Department of Physiological Sciences, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas, Piracicaba,
Sao Paulo, Brazil,
Life Sciences Center, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and
Department of Morphology, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil
(Received 25 September 2010; revised 28 April 2011; accepted 24 June 2011)
The aim of this study was to evaluate vascular and metabolic effects of chronic mild unpredictable stress (CMS) and
hypercaloric diet (HD) without carbohydrate supplementation in rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to
four groups: Control, HD, CMS, and HD plus CMS. CMS consisted of the application of different stressors for 3 weeks. The
rats were killed 15 days after CMS exposure. The HD group presented higher plasma lipid concentrations, without changes in
fasting glucose concentration, glucose tolerance test, and vascular function and morphology, in comparison with the control
group. Stressed rats presented higher fasting blood concentration of insulin, higher homeostasis model assessment index
values and area under the curve in an oral glucose tolerance test, in comparison with non-stressed rats. CMS increased the
plasma concentrations of corticosterone and lipids, and the atherogenic index values, without change in high-density
lipoprotein level. CMS increased intima-media thickness and induced endothelium-dependent supersensitivity to
phenylephrine, and lowered the relaxation response to acetylcholine in the thoracic aorta isolated from rats fed with control
or HD, in comparison with non-stressed groups. CMS effects were independent of diet. In non-stressed rats, the HD induced
dyslipidemia, but did not change glucose metabolism, vascular function, or morphology. The data from this study indicate
that CMS promotes a set of events which together can contribute to impair function of the thoracic aorta.
Keywords: Aorta, endothelium, insulin resistance, nitric oxide, lipids, stress
In Western societies, regular consumption of hyper-
caloric diets (HDs) and obesity are often associated
with the occurrence of metabolic and cardiovascular
diseases. Atherogenic dyslipidemia is a major under-
lying cause for the development of atherosclerosis
(Sheril et al. 2009). However, a high-fat, high-sugar
diet alone cannot account for the current epidemic of
obesity (Ludwigh 2003) and coronary heart disease
(Gu et al. 2009). Moreover, despite the association
between atherosclerosis and an increase in serum lipid
concentration, many individuals develop severe ather-
osclerotic lesions while they have low serum lipid
concentration, and others develop far more severe
atherosclerosis than would be expected on the basis of
a modest elevation of serum lipids (Kaplan et al. 1983).
As exposure to chronic stress also correlates with an
increasing incidence of visceral obesity, insulin
resistance, hypertension, and atherosclerosis, stress
has been recognized as a risk factor for cardiovascular
and metabolic diseases (Kyrou and Tsigos 2007;
Shively et al. 2009). However, in response to stress,
some people lose weight while others gain weight
and the mechanisms involved in the relationships
among chronic stress, visceral obesity, dyslipidemia,
and cardiovascular diseases have not yet been
completely clarified.
Animal experimentation is a useful tool to
complement clinical research and epidemiological
Correspondence: F. K. Marcondes, Departamento de Cie
ˆncias Fisiolo
´gicas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, Universidade Estadual
de Campinas, Avenue Limeira, 901-Vila Areia
˜o, 13414-903 Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Tel/Fax: 55 19 2106 5380/2106 5212. E-mail:
GSTR 601369—13/7/2011—SHANMUGAM—395854
Stress, 2011; 00(0): 1–11
qInforma Healthcare USA, Inc.
ISSN 1025-3890 print/ISSN 1607-8888 online
DOI: 10.3109/10253890.2011.601369
data. Rodents generally adapt to repeated application
of stressors; however, this does not occur if the
presentation of stimuli is unpredictable, as it is in
chronic mild unpredictable stress (CMS). (Moreau
et al. 1994; Moreau 1997). In a previous study (Neves
et al. 2009), it was observed that CMS induced
proatherogenic changes in rats and that this effect
seems to be related to a decrease in the bioavailability
of endothelial nitric oxide (NO) induced by stress.
Here, we tested the hypothesis that CMS would
adversely alter vascular function independently of
high-fat diet.
Since insulin resistance and dyslipidemia are
involved in atherogenesis and endothelium dysfunc-
tion (Hsueh and Quin
˜ones 2003; Carvalho et al. 2006),
the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects
of CMS and high-fat HD on the reactivity of thoracic
aorta to phenylephrine and acetylcholine, morphology
of the thoracic aorta, blood lipid concentrations, and
glucose metabolism.
Materials and methods
Animals and experimental design
Seventy-two male Sprague-Dawley rats (60 days old;
290 –340 g) were randomly assigned to four groups:
Control, HD, CMS, and HD plus CMS
(HD þCMS). Rats were housed one per cage at
22 ^28C with lights on from 06:00 to 18:00 h, and
received filtered water ad libitum. All procedures were
approved by the UNICAMP Committee on Animal
Research Ethics (Protocol number 900-1) and were in
accordance with the guidelines of the National
Council of Control of Animal Experimentation
For 7 weeks, the control and CMS groups were fed
a control diet based on AIN-93M, formulated for the
maintenance of adult rodents (Reeves et al. 1993),
containing 3.6 kcal/g (14.1% kcal protein, 75.9% kcal
carbohydrate, 10.0% kcal fat). The HD and
HD þCMS groups received a modified high-fat but
not high-sugar HD, based on a purified moderately
high fat (PMHF) diet (Lauterio et al. 1994) contain-
ing 4.41 kcal/g (16.8% kcal protein, 51.4% kcal
carbohydrate, 31.8% kcal fat). In this study, all the
butterfat (52 g) and cor n oil (118 g) in the PMHF diet
were replaced by coconut fat (44.2 g) and soybean oil
(118 g), respectively. The soybean oil was used to
replace corn oil because it was also used in the control
diet, and because the literature has postulated that it
may contribute to promoting insulin resistance in
rodents (Bueno et al. 2008). The coconut fat replaced
butterfat to increase the amount of saturated fatty
acids (SFA). Coconut fat is a highly saturated fat
(containing .76 g SFA/100g fat), rich mainly in
lauric, myristic and palmitic acids, which have been
shown to be capable of promoting dyslipidemia in rats
(Kamgang et al. 2005; Silva et al. 2006).
Stress protocol
The CMS protocol used in this study is based on the
model described by Moreau (1997) and modified
according to Neves et al. (2009). It consisted of the
application of different stressors for 7 days per week
for a period of three consecutive weeks (from the 3rd
to 5th week) as described in Table I. In this CMS
model, a different stressor is presented every day and it
does not allow the rodents to adapt to the stressors.
The absence of adaptation was confirmed in a pilot
study carried out in our laboratory; plasma corticos-
terone determinations showed that 1 and 15 days after
the end of CMS, stressed rats had higher corticoster-
one concentrations (32.6 ^2.4; 21.2 ^0.9 ng/ml,
respectively) in comparison with non-stressed rats
(2.4 ^0.4 ng/ml). As the aim of this study was to
evaluate long-term effects of CMS, the metabolic and
vascular evaluations were carried out 10 or 15 days
after CMS. Control rats were subjected only to the
procedures related to their normal care.
Oral glucose tolerance test and homeostasis model
assessment (HOMA index)
Ten days after stress, the rats were fasted for 6 h prior
to the collection of tail blood in heparin-coated tubes
for subsequent determination of fasting glucose and
insulin concentrations. Between 13:00 and 14:00 h,
the rats were anaesthetized with Halothane, the tail
was cut and blood samples were collected to
determine the glucose and insulin fasting concen-
trations. Immediately afterwards, an oral glucose load
(2 g/kg) solution was administered by oral gavage.
Additional blood samples were collected without
Table I. Chronic mild unpredictable stress procedure.
Morning Afternoon
Monday 08:00 h, 1 h immobilization 13:00 h, 1 h immobilization; 18:00h, overnight illumination
Tuesday 08:00 h, 1 h immobilization 14:00 h, 1 h immobilization followed by water and food deprivation for 18 h
Wednesday 08:00 h, access to food restricted for 2 h 13:00 h, 1 h immobilization followed by water deprivation for 18 h
Thursday 08:00 h, exposure to empty water bottle
for 2 h; 11:00 h, 1 h immobilization
14:00 h, 1 h immobilization; 15:00h, wet bedding for 17 h
Friday 08:00 h, 1 h immobilization 18:00 h, reversed light/dark cycle throughout the weekend
GSTR 601369—13/7/2011—SHANMUGAM—395854
V.J. Neves et al.2
additional anesthesia at 30-, 60-, 90-, and 120-min
time intervals. The blood collected for all analysis was
obtained from the same site as the first bleeding,
which was halted by applying a tourniquet. In each rat,
only one tail cut was made. Plasma fasting insulin
concentration was measured with a commercially
available kit (LINCO Research
, St Charles, MO,
USA) with a sensitivity of 3.4 pmol/l. Blood glucose
was measured using the Prestige LX
The homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) index
was used to assess insulin resistance and it was
calculated by the formula: [fasting plasma glucose
(mmol/l) £fasting plasma insulin (mU/ml)]/22.5
(Søndergaard et al. 2006).
Analytic methods and tissue collection
All the rats were killed by decapitation 15 days after
the end of stress, without previous anesthesia to avoid
anesthetic-induced increase in plasma corticosterone
concentrations (Vahl et al. 2005). Trunk blood was
collected in heparin-coated tubes, and the plasma
was used to determine corticosterone and lipids by
enzymatic colorimetric assays. The thoracic aorta was
isolated. Three depots of visceral white adipose tissue,
which have been associated with insulin resistance and
cardiovascular diseases, were carefully removed and
weighed. The above-mentioned depots were the
epididymal fat pad (around the testis and ductus
deferens), retroperitoneal (located on the border
between the spine and the posterior abdominal wall)
and perirenal fat pad (along the posterior wall from the
kidney to the hip region) (Cinti 2005; Tran and Kahn
2010). The ratio of total fat pad weight to final body
weight was calculated (Levin et al. 2000).
Corticosterone was assayed using the Corticoster-
one Enzyme Immunoassay Kit (Assay Designs
Ann Arbor, MI, USA), with sensitivity of
0.027 ng/ml, the intra- and inter-assay coefficients of
variation being 7.7 and 9.7%, respectively. Total
cholesterol (TC) was assayed using a commercially
available kit (Laborlab
, Guarulhos, SP, Brazil), with
sensitivity of 0.03 mmol/l; the intra- and inter-assay
coefficients of variation were 3 and 2.7%, respectively.
Triglycerides (TGL) were also assayed using
the Laborlab
kit, with sensitivity of 0.02 mmol/l.
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) was determined
using the Laborlab
kit, with sensitivity of
0.01 mmol/l. The Friedewald’s formula: low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) ¼TC 2HDL 2(TGL £0.2)
was used to determine the plasma LDL concen-
trations (Friedewald et al. 1972). The atherogenic
index (AI) was determined using the formula: AI ¼
TC 2HDL/TC (Kamgang et al. 2005).
Concentration-effect curves
The middle portion of thoracic aorta was excised free
of fatty and connective tissue and then cut into two
3-mm-long to 5-mm-long rings. One ring was
manipulated carefully to avoid damaging the endo-
thelium, and the intimal surface of the second ring was
scraped gently with a scalpel blade to remove the
endothelial layer. The rings were suspended in a 20 ml
organ bath containing Krebs –Henseleit solution.
(Moura and Marcondes 2001). The aortic rings were
connected to an isometric force transducer model
7004 (Ugo Basile, Varese, Italy), which was in turn
connected to an Ugo Basile 2-channel Gemini
recorder model 7070 (Ugo Basile) for registration of
contractile responses. Concentration-effect curves
(CEC) were obtained for aortic rings with and without
endothelium to determine whether there were changes
in the contractile activity of the thoracic aorta and
whether the change was endothelium dependent, or
was mediated directly by changes in the vascular
smooth muscle (Cunha et al. 2005; Neves et al. 2009).
After 60 min of stabilization, the intactness of the
endothelium was assessed by determining the vasodi-
lating response to acetylcholine (1 mM) in rings pre-
contracted with phenylephrine (0.1 mM). Only aortic
rings that presented 100% relaxation by acetylcholine
were considered to have an intact endothelium.
The effectiveness of mechanical removal of the
endothelium was confirmed by the complete absence
of response to acetylcholine. The aortic rings
were rinsed and allowed to re-equilibrate for 60 min.
One cumulative CEC for phenylephrine (0.1 nM
0.1 mM) was obtained in each ring and the maximum
response was evidenced when an increase in agonist
concentration did not produce any additional
response (Cunha et al. 2005; Neves et al. 2009).
Changes in thoracic aorta sensitivity to phenylephrine
were evaluated by determining the concentration
that produced 50% of the maximum response and
were expressed as the mean negative logarithm (pD
(Miller et al. 1948).
To evaluate the role of NO in modulating the
thoracic aorta sensitivity to phenylephrine, aortic rings
with intact endothelium, obtained from other rats
subjected to the same treatments, were isolated as
described above and were incubated with the NO
synthesis inhibitor, N
-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester
(L-NAME) (10 mM) for 40 min. A CEC for phenyl-
ephrine was obtained in the presence of L-NAME.
A CEC for acetylcholine was obtained in endo-
thelium-intact thoracic aorta rings isolated from other
rats subjected to the same treatments. In these
experiments, the aortic rings with intact endothelium
were pre-contracted with phenylephrine (1 mM). After
stabilizing the contractile response to phenylephrine,
acetylcholine (0.1 nM 0.1 mM) was cumulatively
added into the bath medium to induce relaxation.
GSTR 601369—13/7/2011—SHANMUGAM—395854
Chronic stress impairs vascular function in rats 3
The relaxation responses were expressed as percen-
tages of the response to phenylephrine (1 mM).
The stock solutions of phenylephrine and acetyl-
choline (Sigma Chemical
, St Louis, MO, USA) were
dissolved in 2% ascorbic acid and stored at 2108C for
1 week. The dilutions for the CECs were prepared
immediately before use and later discarded. For the
Krebs Henseleit solution, standard salts (Merk
Darmstadt, Germany) were prepared in deionized
water. The quality of the water was assessed weekly by
measuring its conductivity and pH.
Morphometric study
To evaluate whether the functional changes in the
aorta observed in the CEC were associated with
morphological alterations, the inferior third of the
thoracic aor ta beginning 5 mm above the diaphragm
muscle was placed in Karnovsky’s fixative (Karnovsky
1965). In a previous analysis, we observed that the
supersensitivity to phenylephrine observed in CEC
obtained in the middle portion of thoracic aorta was
also observed in its inferior third. Therefore, in order
to decrease the number of rats used in the
experiments, the morphometric study was carried
out in the inferior third of the aorta isolated from the
same rats from which aortas were used for obtaining
the CEC to phenylephrine in the presence of L-
NAME. The aorta fragments were washed in 1%
osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.3,
for 2 h at room temperature and dehydrated with 50,
60, 70, 90, and 100% acetone. The fragments were
embedded in Araldite-502 resin (Luft 1961), and
polymerized for 48 h at 608C.
Semi-thin (1 mm) transverse sections of the aorta
were cut on a SORVALL
Porter-Blum MT2-B
ultramicrotome with a glass knife, and collected at
10 mm intervals. The sections were stained with 0.5%
toluidine blue in 1% sodium borate for 50 s followed
by 1% basic fuchsin for 30 s. Five sections of each
aorta in five rats per group were obtained, totaling 25
sections in each studied group for analysis by light
The measurements of total intima-media thickness
(IMT) were made using a photomicroscope (Carl
Zeiss, Oberkochen, West Germany) connected to a
millimeter eyepiece (Ernest leitz, Wetzlar, Germany,
12.5X), and using a millimeter ruler (Carl Zeiss
5þ100/100 mm) for calibration. To calculate the
IMT, 24 measurements were made in each section,
using a 25X objective lens and 1.6X optovar,
considering the IMT limits to be between the luminal
surface and external elastic lamina. The IMT results
are shown in micrometers (Neves et al. 2009).
Statistical analysis
Statistically significant differences were determined
by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by
the Tukey test for multiple comparisons of means
(p,0.05). Stress and diet were considered the main
factors, and their interaction was also analyzed. Values
are presented as means ^SE of the means (SEM).
Two-way ANOVA carried out on plasma corticoster-
one concentration evidenced a significant main effect
of stress [F(1,44) ¼60.14, p¼0.000, Table II],
without significant effect of diet ( p¼0.883) or
interaction ( p¼0.634). Stressed rats showed a higher
plasma corticosterone concentration in comparison
with non-stressed groups (Table II). There were no
significant differences in initial body weight
(p.0.05, Table II) among the four groups. However,
15 days after CMS, there was a significant main effect
of stress [F(1,44) ¼5.106, p¼0.029], and diet
[F(1,44) ¼30.198, p¼0.000] on final body weight,
without signifi cant interaction ( p¼0.306, Table II).
In the FP/BW
ratio, a significant stress/diet inter-
action [F(1,44) ¼18.174, p¼0.000, Table II] was
observed. The groups fed with a HD (HD and
HD þCMS) presented a higher FP/BW
value when
compared with the groups treated with the control diet
(p¼0.000, Tukey’s test, Table II). However, con-
sidering the effect of stress, stressed rats treated with a
HD (HD þCMS) showed a higher FP/BW
compared with non-stressed rats treated with the same
diet (HD) ( p¼0.000 with Tukey’s test, Table II]),
without difference between stressed (CMS) and non-
stressed (control) rats fed the control diet ( p¼0.392
with Tukey’s test, Table II).
Table II. Plasma concentrations of corticosterone and body weight of control and stressed rats, fed with control, or HD.
Variable Control CMS HD HD þCMS
Corticosterone, ng/ml 2.02 ^0.41 19.42 ^2.86*3.34 ^0.66 18.72 ^3.02
Initial body weight, g 319.1 ^2.1 324.3 ^3.0 319.9 ^3.6 324.4 ^2.5
Final body weight, g 437.5 ^2.4 426.0 ^1.6*453.1 ^4.5*448.8 ^4.5
0.0303 ^0.0012 0.0269 ^0.0013 0.0372 ^0.0024*0.0472 ^0.0014
Control, non-stressed rats fed with control diet; CMS, chronic mild unpredictable stress; HD, hypercaloric diet; HD þCMS, hypercaloric
diet þchronic mild unpredictable stress. FP/BW
¼ratio of total (epididymal þretroperitoneal þperirenal) fat pad weight to final body
weight. N¼12 animals/group. *Significant difference vs. control ( p,0.05; two-way ANOVA þTukey).
Significant vs. HD ( p,0.05; two-
way ANOVA þTukey).
Significant vs. CMS ( p,0.05; two-way ANOVA þTukey). Values are mean ^SEM.
GSTR 601369—13/7/2011—SHANMUGAM—395854
V.J. Neves et al.4
Two-way ANOVA carried out on TGL
values evidenced significant effects of stress
[F(1,44) ¼10.102, p¼0.003, Figure 1], and diet
[F(1,44) ¼7.251, p¼0.010], without significant
interaction ( p¼0.236). Significant main effects of
stress [F(1.44) ¼10.01, p¼0.003], and diet
[F(1.44) ¼9.86, p¼0.003, Figure 1] were also
observed for TC plasma concentration, without
significant effects for plasma concentration of HDL
(p.0.05). With regard to LDL, there was a
significant main effect of stress [F(1,44) ¼5.881,
p¼0.019, Figure 1], and diet [F(1,44) ¼8.777,
p¼0.005, Figure 1], but no interaction ( p¼0.222).
Similarly, for the AI, there was a significant effect of
stress [F(1,44) ¼10.782, p¼0.002, Figure 1], and
diet [F(1,44) ¼16.746, p¼0.000, Figure 1], without
interaction ( p¼0.526). Therefore, statistical analysis
showed that the groups fed with a HD (HD and
HD þCMS) presented higher plasma TGL concen-
trations, TC and LDL as well as higher AI values in
comparison with the groups treated with the control
diet (control and CMS). As regards the effects of
stress, CMS increased the plasma concentrations of
these lipids both in rats fed with the control and HD,
and this effect was more pronounced in the
HD þCMS group.
Figure 2 displays the mean fasting plasma glucose
(Panel A) and insulin (Panel B) concentrations, area
under the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) curve
(AUC) (Panel C), and HOMA index (Panel D) of
the four experimental groups. There was no signifi-
cant difference in fasting glucose among the
groups ( p.0.05), but two-way ANOVA revealed
a significant main effect of stress on fasting
insulin [F(1,36) ¼7.572, p¼0.009], AUC
[F(1,28) ¼38.065, p¼0.000], and on the HOMA
index [F(1,36) ¼9.169, p¼0.005], without signifi-
cant effect of diet or int eraction ( p.0.05). These
results showed that CMS increased the fasting insulin
concentration, AUC and HOMA indices, but not the
Atherogenic index
Figure 1. Effects of stress on plasma lipid concentrations of TGL,
TC, HDL, and LDL in control rats, stressed rats subjected to CMS,
non-stressed rats fed with HD, and rats fed with HD and subjected
to CMS (HD þCMS), 15 days after the end of stress protocol
(n¼12 rats per group). The AI for each of the four studied groups is
presented on the right axis of graph (n¼12 rats per group). Data are
mean ^SEM. *Significant difference vs. control ( p,0.05; two-
way ANOVA þTukey).
Significant vs. HD ( p,0.05; two-way
ANOVA þTukey).
Significant vs. CMS ( p,0.05; two-way
ANOVA þTukey).
Fasting glucose (mmol/L)
Fasting insulin (pmol/L)
1000 *
AUC (mmol x min/L)
HOMA index
Figure 2. Fasting plasma glucose (n¼10 rats/group), fasting plasma insulin (n¼10 rats/group) concentrations, area under the OGTT
curve (AUC) (7 –9 rats/group), and HOMA index (10 rats per group) carried out in control rats, stressed rats subjected to CMS, non-stressed
rats fed with HD, and rats fed with HD and subjected to CMS (HD þCMS), 10 days after the end of stress protocol. Data are presented as
mean ^SEM. *Significant difference vs. control ( p,0.05; two-way ANOVA þTukey).
Significant vs. HD ( p,0.05; two-way ANOVA þ
GSTR 601369—13/7/2011—SHANMUGAM—395854
Chronic stress impairs vascular function in rats 5
fasting glucose concentration in rats fed with the
control or HD, in comparison with the non-stressed
groups (control and HD) (Figure 2). The HD did not
change these parameters (Figure 2).
As the treatments did not modify the maximum
response to phenylephrine and dry weight of aortic
rings among the groups ( p.0.05; Table III),
the CEC were expressed as percentages of
maximum response (Figure 3). Considering pD
values of phenylephrine of endothelium-intact rings
(Table III), two-way ANOVA revealed a significant
main effect of stress [F(1,16) ¼37.923, p¼0.000],
without significant effect of diet or interaction
(p.0.05). Therefore, stress induced supersensitivity
to phenylephrine in the thoracic aorta with a 3.7-fold
shift to the left in endothelium-intact aortic rings of
Table III. Dr y weight of aorta rings and maximum contractile response (MR) to phenylephrine in endothelium-intact, endothelium-
denuded thoracic aortic rings and in the presence of L-NAME, isolated from control and stressed rats, fed with control or HD.
Groups Dry weight (mg) MR (mg/100 mg tissue) pD
Control Endothelium-intact 106.80 ^5.45 11.03 ^1.98 6.82 ^0.09
Endothelium-denuded 98.76 ^6.77 10.45 ^2.12 7.63 ^0.11
L-NAME 102.10 ^2.54 10.98 ^2.45 7.66 ^0.09
CMS Endothelium-intact 98.05 ^3.43 12.09 ^1.66 7.45 ^0.26*
Endothelium-denuded 103.40 ^3.43 10.34 ^1.54 7.47 ^0.11
L-NAME 97.80 ^3.14 11.34 ^1.67 7.50 ^0.12
HD Endothelium-intact 101.02 ^4.45 9.89 ^0.87 6.76 ^0.11
Endothelium-denuded 98.40 ^5.13 10.34 ^1.78 7.23 ^0.10
L-NAME 102.00 ^8.44 10.65 ^1.54 7.34 ^0.11
HD þCMS Endothelium-intact 99.45 ^2.42 11.34 ^1.34 7.32 ^0.06
Endothelium-denuded 97.56 ^5.61 12.34 ^1.67 7.36 ^0.11
L-NAME 101.40 ^3.66 11.35 ^0.98 7.40 ^0.09
Control, non-stressed rats fed with control diet; CMS, chronic mild unpredictable stress; HD, hypercaloric diet; HD þCMS, hypercaloric
diet þchronic mild unpredictable stress. N¼5 rats/group. pD
¼negative logarithm of the molar concentration of agonist producing 50%
of the maximum response. L-NAME ¼N
-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. Data are presented as mean ^SEM. *Significant difference vs.
control ( p,0.05; two-way ANOVA þTukey).
Significant vs. HD ( p,0.05; two-way ANOVA þTukey).
Significant vs. the CEC obtained
in the endothelium-intact aor tic ring in the same group ( p,0.05; two-way ANOVA þTukey).
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4
Log [phenylephrine] M
% Maximum response
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4
Log [phenylephrine] M
% Maximum response
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4
Log [phenylephrine]M
% Maximum response
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4
Log [acetylcholine] M
% Relaxation
Figure 3. CEC for phenylephrine in endothelium-intact (A), endothelium-denuded (B), and in the presence of L-NAME in the
endothelium-intact (C), and CEC to acetylcholine (D) obtained in the thoracic aorta isolated from control rats, stressed rats subjected to
CMS, non-stressed rats fed with HD, and rats fed with HD and subjected to CMS (HD þCMS), obtained 15 days after stress protocol
(N¼56 rats/group). Data are presented as mean ^SEM. *Significant difference vs. control ( p,0.05).
Significant vs. HD ( p,0.05).
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V.J. Neves et al.6
the CMS group when compared with the control
group (Figure 3A), and a 3.2-fold shift to the left of
the HD þCMS group when compared with HD
group (Figure 3A). Among the groups, there was no
difference in CEC obtained in aortic rings without
endothelium ( p.0.05; Figure 3B; Table III) or in
CEC obtained in the presence of L-NAME ( p.0.05;
Figure 3C; Table III). In the aorta isolated from the
control and HD groups, pD
values for phenylephrine
obtained in the presence of L-NAME were higher in
comparison with those pD
values obtained in the
endothelium-intact aor tic rings of the same
group. However, L-NAME did not change pD
phenylephrine in the aorta from the CMS and
HD þCMS groups when compared with the endo-
thelium-intact aorta (Table III). Considering the CEC
to acetylcholine, two-way ANOVA revealed a signifi-
cant main effect of stress [F(1,19) ¼8.522,
p¼0.009] in the maximal acetylcholine-induced
relaxation, with no effect of diet or interaction
(p.0.05). Aortic rings isolated from stressed
rats presented a markedly impaired maximal acetyl-
choline-induced relaxation, when compared with
non-stressed groups (Control ¼95.97 ^8.22; CMS
¼61.27 ^6.14; HD ¼94.21 ^6.14; HD þCMS
¼82.09 ^7.29%) ( p,0.05, Figure 3D).
When considering aortic morphology, there was a
significant main effect of stress on the aorta IMT
[F(1,16) ¼39.217, p¼0.000], without significant
effect of diet or interaction ( p.0.05). CMS
and HD þCMS groups presented greater aorta
IMT in comparison with the control and HD
groups, respectively (Control ¼91.3 ^0.7 mm;
CMS ¼96.9 ^1.1 mm; HD ¼90.6 ^1.2 mm;
HD þCMS ¼97.7 ^1.0 mm, p,0.05).
This study showed that CMS induced insulin
resistance, high concentration of lipids in the
circulation, impaired the function and morphology
of the thoracic aorta from the stressed groups, fed with
control or high-fat but not high-sugar HD. The data
indicate that CMS seems to be the determinant factor
for these effects, since dyslipidemia induced by the
high-fat HD alone was not sufficient to induce
functional or morphological changes in the thoracic
As reported in other studies (Willner 1997; Marin
et al. 2007), the high plasma corticosterone concen-
trations and lower final body weight observed after
the end of the stress protocol in stressed rats in
comparison with non-stressed rats, confirm the
efficacy of the CMS protocol and support the absence
of adaptation to stressors. The aim of this study was to
analyze long-term effects of CMS. According to
Moreau et al. (1994), CMS promotes a state of
anhedonia in rats, which can last for up to 20 days
after stress. Hence, the purpose of waiting 15 days
after the end of CMS was to analyze the level of
corticosterone within this 20-day period of anhedonia.
The sustained increase in the plasma corticosterone
concentration 15 days after the end of stress confirms
that CMS is an effective protocol to study the delayed
effects of chronic stress in rats.
The higher values observed for final body weight,
, and dyslipidemia with regard to the HD
versus control diet indicate the effectiveness of HD
treatment to disrupt the control of body weight. These
effects observed in the HD and HD þCMS when
compared with the control and CMS groups could be
related to the high-fat content in the HD. The oleic
acid present in soybean oil, and coconut fat in the
presence of sucrose (Bueno et al. 2008) can readily be
converted into acetate and then into cholesterol. The
SFA contained in coconut fat, mainly lauric, myristic,
and palmitic acids (Mendis et al. 2001), and in
soybean oil (palmitic) (Bueno et al. 2008), could
increase the production of TGL and cholesterol by
the liver, and could also decrease LDL catabolism
by repressing its receptors (Kamgang et al. 2005). In
addition, when associated with oleic acid, palmitic
acid (Black 2002) could increase the biosynthesis of
chylomicrons (rich in TGL) (Silva et al. 2006).
Unlike the effects of a HD on lipids, in the present
study, there were no differences in fasting plasma
glucose and insulin concentrations between non-
stressed rats fed with hypercaloric and control diets.
Moreover, the HD alone did not induce insulin
resistance. Although HD intake can be associated with
hyperglycemia and insulin resistance, different
authors have shown that these effects are often
controversial, and seem to be dependent on a high
supply of fat associated with high-sugar content.
While a sucrose-rich diet impaired glucose homeosta-
sis and induced insulin resistance before the increase
in adiposity was detected (Soria et al. 2001), a diet rich
in coconut oil and cholesterol without a significant
increase in sugar content induced an increase in blood
lipids accompanied by hypoglycemia and lower
concentrations of serum insulin in rats (Zulet et al.
1999). In healthy women, replacing 4% of the energy
in the form of palmitic or lauric acid by mono-
unsaturated fatty acids had only minor effects on
serum lipids and lipoproteins and caused no changes
in glucose metabolism (Schwab et al. 1995). It has
also been reported that the area under the curve
during the intravenous glucose tolerance test was
significantly lower, or did not change, after healthy
women were treated with a diet enriched with
monounsaturated fatty acid or SFA, respectively
(Uusitupa et al. 1994). Therefore, the fact that the
carbohydrate supply was not increased in the HD used
in the present study could explain the absence of
differences in glucose metabolism between the HD
and control groups.
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Chronic stress impairs vascular function in rats 7
The duration of treatment also influences the
metabolic effects of HDs. While the treatment of
rats with a high-fat diet rich in saturated and
unsaturated fatty acids for a period of 24 weeks
increased the blood concentration of insulin and
glucose, no differences were observed after 4 or 12
weeks of treatment in comparison with the
group treated with low-fat diet (Song et al. 2006).
Therefore, the results of the present study confirm
that the effect of a HD on glucose metabolism is
dependent on the association between high-fat and
high-sucrose content, since all the rats in the
present study were subjected to the same period
of treatment and the HD had a higher lipid content
but not a higher carbohydrate content in comparison
with the control diet.
When considering the metabolic effects of chronic
stress, in the present study, it was observed that CMS
increased the blood lipid concentration, and the
association between the HD and CMS potentiated
the dyslipidemia as well as the increase in FP/BW
observed in the HD þCMS group in comparison
with the control and HD groups. This effect could be
related to a possible stress-induced desensitization or
down-regulation of adrenoceptors in the fat cells
(Black 2003), leading to lower catecholamine-induced
lipolysis and increased adiposity in this group.
Another hypothesis is that the interaction between
HD and CMS could have an additive effect on CMS-
induced insulin resistance. In the present study, while
the HD alone did not change glucose metabolism,
CMS increased the fasting insulin concentrations,
HOMA index values, and OGTT responses in
stressed animals when compared with non-stressed
rats. Therefore, the high TGL and TC concentrations
in the circulation of the stressed groups may be a
consequence of the insulin resistance promoted by the
stress hormones. Under chronic stress conditions,
corticosteroids may cause insulin resistance (Black
2002; Kyrou and Tsigos 2009), which facilitates TGL
synthesis in the liver and may delay the clearance of
lipoproteins, also resulting in hypercholesterolemia
(Brindley et al. 1993). Moreover, the glucocorticoids
may decrease the binding and degradation of LDL by
liver cells (Brindley et al. 1993; Black 2002).
The metabolic effects of CMS observed in the
present study are in agreement with the evidence that
chronic stress interacts with dietary habits to
determine the occurrence of metabolic diseases. In
the chronic psychosocial stress model, it has been
observed that subordination is associated with
increased weight gain and dominance is associated
with lower weight gain or weight loss in mice fed on a
standard diet. However, opposite effects were
observed in mice fed on a high-fat diet (Bartolomucci
et al. 2009). It has been proposed that when chronic
stress to which animals and humans cannot easily
adapt is combined with high-fat high-sugar diets, it
stimulates the sympathetic nerves to upregulate the
expression of neuropeptide Y, which is an adrenergic
co-transmitter and stress mediator. Stress and a HD
also increase the glucocorticoid concentration in
visceral fat, which in turn upregulates the expression
of neuropeptide Y and its receptor Y2R, resulting in
fat growth, hyperinsulinemia and hyperlipidemia
(Kuo et al. 2008). In the present study, although
there was a cumulative effect of HD plus CMS on the
elevation of blood lipid concentration, it seems that
this effect did not influence the increase in fasting
insulin or lead to insulin resistance. This could be
explained by the duration of treatment because in
the present study the rats were treated for a period of
7 weeks.
Since dyslipidemia and insulin resistance are also
associated with vascular diseases and high risk of
atherogenesis, the function and morphology of the
thoracic aorta were also evaluated in the present study.
The use of adrenergic agonists, which are not
substrates of the catecholamine uptake systems, are a
tool for the study of the mechanisms involved in
alterations of vascular reactivity. In experiments
carried out in vitro, comparison among the responses
of endothelium-intact and endothelium-denuded
aortic rings, and CEC obtained in the presence and
in the absence of inhibitors of NO synthesis, are used
as pharmacological tools to investigate the role of the
endothelium and NO, respectively, in the modulation
of vascular activity. In addition, CEC to acetylcholine
may provide a direct evaluation of NO involvement in
vascular physiology. In the present study, CMS
induced supersensitivity to phenylephrine in aortic
rings with endothelium, and this effect was indepen-
dent of diet. The absence of difference in the CEC
obtained in the endothelium-denuded aortic rings
among the groups indicates that CMS-induced
supersensitivity to phenylephrine was endothelium
dependent. The absence of difference between
groups, in aortic rings incubated with L-NAME,
which is an NO synthesis inhibitor, indicates that
endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) seems to be
inhibited in vivo, by some other factor not related to
the addition of L-NAME in the incubation bath
(Neves et al. 2009). This effect seems to stem from the
exposure to CMS. The lower relaxation response to
acetylcholine observed in the thoracic aorta isolated
from stressed groups in comparison with control and
HD groups indicates that CMS decreased NO
Considering that dyslipidemia induced by HD in
non-stressed rats did not change the sensitivity to
phenylephrine or acetylcholine in the thoracic aorta, it
seems that the increase in corticosterone levels and
insulin resistance induced by CMS could be the main
factors involved in the vascular changes observed in
the present study. Glucocorticoids reduce the
expression of guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase
GSTR 601369—13/7/2011—SHANMUGAM—395854
V.J. Neves et al.8
1 mRNA, which is necessary for the synthesis of the
cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin, essential for stabilizing
eNOS (Mitchell et al. 2004). Insulin stimulates
endothelium-derived NO production (Muniyappa
et al. 2008) and during insulin resistance, there is a
decrease in endothelial eNOS activation and an
increase in NO destruction by the reactive oxygen
species. These effects result in diminished vasodilata-
tion (Whaley-Connell and Sowers 2009) and
increased endothelin-mediated vasoconstriction
(Muniyappa and Quon 2007), and could also be
involved in the effects of CMS.
Other authors have shown that the vascular effects
of other stress protocols are dependent on the genetic
background of the animals. Bernatova and Csizma-
diova (2006) showed that chronic crowding stress
significantly reduced NO synthase activity in the
aorta, and acetylcholine-induced relaxation of the
femoral artery in borderline hypertensive adult rats
with normotensive mothers. Bernatova et al. (2007a)
did not observe change in the activity of NO synthase
in the aorta of Wistar normotensive rats subjected to
crowding stress. In addition, Bernatova et al. (2007b)
showed that crowding stress increased the acetyl-
choline-induced relaxation in the femoral and
mesenteric arteries from normotensive Wistar-Kyoto
rats. While borderline hyper tensive rats (BHR)
subjected to crowding stress showed a reduction in
NO synthase activity, suggesting a reduction in NO
production, when compared with the control BHR, no
changes were observed in Wistar normotensive rats
(Okruhlicova et al. 2008). Cordellini et al. (2006)
studied the effect of acute and chronic stress by
immobilization in Wistar and spontaneous hyperten-
sive rats (SHR). These authors showed that the
vascular adaptive response to stress involves hyper-
activity of the endothelial NO system in normotensive
rats. However, in the SHR strain, this adaptive
response is impaired, independently of the hyperten-
sive state.
In addition to the influence of genetic background,
the differences observed between crowding and the
vascular effects of CMS could also be related to stress
intensity. Since crowding is a mild stress protocol with
predictable stressors, and seems to be capable of
eliciting adaptive mechanisms to prevent cardiovas-
cular dysfunctions in normotensive rats, the repeated
and unpredictable characteristics of the stressors used
in the CMS protocol prevent the rodents from
adapting, and seem to impair endothelial function.
Q5 This hypothesis is supported by the high plasma
corticosterone concentrations observed in stressed
rats in the present study, and the absence of significant
difference in plasma corticosterone between rats
subjected to chronic crowding stress and control rats
(Bernatova et al. 2007a).
Diminished NO availability could also be related
to the increased aorta IMT in stressed groups
(Okruhlicova et al. 2008). Morphological evaluation
of IMT in the carotid artery is considered a marker of
target organ damage in human hypertension (Sierra
and de la Sierra 2008), and experimental studies
(Razuvaev et al. 2008). Considering that decreased
NO bioavailability may lead to the loss of mitogenic
quiescence of vascular smooth muscle cells and
consequent vessel wall hypertrophy (Costa and
Assreuy 2005), the results of this study suggest that
the aortic hypertrophy could be the result of the
possible lack of NO elicited by the higher plasma
corticosterone concentrations and insulin resistance
induced by CMS.
Therefore, the proatherogenic and prohypertensive
functional and morphological changes observed in the
thoracic aorta from stressed rats are in agreement with
the high AI values observed in both the CMS and
HD þCMS groups. However, in spite of the increase
in the AI value, non-stressed rats fed with the HD diet
did not develop any alteration in the thoracic aorta.
Another hypothesis to explain the absence of diet-
induced deleterious vascular effects is that dyslipide-
mia has to be associated with high concentration of
stress hormones or insulin resistance to be capable of
generating vascular damages in rats. Further studies
are needed to evaluate these hypotheses. These results
indicate that rats, although resistant to the athero-
sclerosis induced only by diet (Moghadasian 2002),
may present proatherogenic effects induced by CMS
via insulin resistance.
In conclusion, the present study showed that the
CMS protocol appears to be an appropriate model for
the investigation of the cardiovascular and metabolic
effects of stress. Investigation into the vascular damage
associated with dyslipidemia induced by stress but not
associated with dyslipidemia induced by the con-
sumption of a high-fat, but not high-sugar, HD could
help to clarify why some people present high
cholesterol concentrations in the circulation in the
absence of cardiovascular disease, while chronically
stressed individuals could suffer heart attacks, for
example. The association between glucocorticoids,
insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia in rats may be one
of the keys of association between chronic stress and
cardiovascular diseases, and may be investigated in the
CMS protocol providing insights for future clinical
studies of the relationship between chronic stress and
The authors thank Margery Galbraith for English
Declaration of Interest: This work was supported
by FAPESP and CNPq, Brazil. The authors report no
conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible
Q6 for the content and writing of the paper.
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GSTR 601369—13/7/2011—SHANMUGAM—395854
Chronic stress impairs vascular function in rats 11
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Here, we investigated the effect of chronic mild stress (CMS) on the development of atherosclerosis as well as the expression of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) signaling pathway in adolescent apolipoprotein E knockout (apoE-/-) mice. Mice were subjected to daily CMS for 0, 4, and 12 weeks, respectively. To identify the expression of Toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway in adolescent apolipoprotein E knockout mice subjected to CMS, we compared gene expression in aortas of stressed and unstressed mice using TLRs signaling pathway real-time PCR microarrays consisting of 87 genes. We found that atherosclerosis lesions both in aortic tress and sinuses of CMS mice were significantly increased linearly in response to duration of CMS exposure. Among 87 genes analyzed, 15 genes were upregulated in stressed mice, especially TLR4, myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), and IL-1beta, and 28 genes were downregulated compared with nonstressed mice. CMS mice demonstrated markedly increased aortic atherosclerosis that were associated with significant increases in levels of expression of TLR4, MyD88, nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB), MCP-1, IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, and sICAM-1. Taken together, our results suggest an important role for TLR4 signaling pathway in atherosclerosis in a CMS mouse model.
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The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of chronic mild unpredictable stress (CMS) on the vasoconstrictor response and morphology of the thoracic aorta and serum lipid profiles in rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were submitted to CMS, which consisted of the application of different stressors for 7 days per week across 3 weeks. The rats were sacrificed 15 days after CMS exposure. CMS induced supersensitivity to the vasoconstrictor effect of phenylephrine in endothelium-intact thoracic aortic rings without changes in aortic rings without endothelium, or pre-incubated with nitric oxide (NO) synthesis inhibitor. Rats submitted to CMS showed hypertrophy of the intima and tunica media of thoracic aorta, increased serum levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and atherogenic index, without changes in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, when compared with control rats. These data indicate that CMS induces physiological and morphological changes that may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis by mechanisms related to deficiency in NO production and dyslipidemia.
Stress, defined as a state of threatened homeostasis, mobilizes a complex spectrum of adaptive physiologic and behavioral responses that aim to re-establish the challenged body homeostasis. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) constitute the main effector pathways of the stress system, mediating its adaptive functions. In western societies, indices of stress correlate with increasing rates of both obesity and metabolic syndrome which have reached epidemic proportions. Recent data indicate that chronic stress, associated with mild hypercortisolemia and prolonged SNS activation, favors accumulation of visceral fat and contributes to the clinical presentation of visceral obesity, type 2 diabetes, and related cardiometabolic complications. Reciprocally, obesity promotes a systemic low-grade inflammation state, mediated by increased adipokine secretion, which can chronically stimulate the stress system.
Diminished tissue sensitivity to the metabolic actions of insulin is a characteristic feature of various pathological conditions termed the “cardiometabolic syndrome.”1–3 Factors that contribute to the complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors required for impaired insulin signaling include obesity, inactivity, and aging. Recent research has underscored the importance of heightened activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and sympathetic nervous system, oxidative stress, inflammation, and mitochondrial functional abnormalities in promoting insulin resistance.1–3 In addition to the negative effects of these factors on insulin metabolic signaling in conventionally insulin-sensitive tissue, such as skeletal muscle, there is a contemporaneous negative effect on metabolic signaling in cardiovascular tissue. These negative effects include reduced insulin stimulation of endothelial cell NO production and increased NO destruction with resulting endothelial dysfunction and hypertension.1,2 Indeed, both pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies to improve insulin metabolic signaling generally also improve endothelial function and lower blood pressure. In this regard, the current report from Ruggenenti et al4 is an important translational contribution that provides a potential mechanism by which oral provision of a critical mitochondrial substrate, l-carnitine, can correct insulin resistance and lower blood pressure through improvements in mitochondrial free fatty acid use. This investigative team prospectively studied 2 cohorts of insulin-resistant subjects with the presence of other cardiometabolic risk factors, such as body mass index >25 kg/m2 and hypertension. Eligible subjects underwent a euglycemic, hyperinsulinemic clamp to determine glucose disposal rate (GDR) and were divided into those with and without a …
In response to stress, some people lose while others gain weight. This is believed to be due to either increased beta-adrenergic activation, the body's main fat-burning mechanism, or increased intake of sugar- and fat-rich "comfort foods." A high-fat, high-sugar (HFS) diet alone, however, cannot account for the epidemic of obesity, and chronic stress alone tends to lower adiposity in mice. Here we discuss how chronic stress, when combined with an HFS diet, leads to abdominal obesity by releasing a sympathetic neurotransmitter, neuropeptide Y (NPY), directly into the adipose tissue. In vitro, when "stressed" with dexamethasone, sympathetic neurons shift toward expressing more NPY, which stimulates endothelial cell (angiogenesis) and preadipocyte proliferation, differentiation, and lipid-filling (adipogenesis) by activating the same NPY-Y2 receptors (Y2Rs). In vivo, chronic stress, consisting of cold water or aggression in HFS-fed mice, stimulates the release of NPY and the expression of Y2Rs in visceral fat, increasing its growth by 50% in 2 weeks. After 3 months, this results in metabolic syndrome-like symptoms with abdominal obesity, inflammation, hyperlipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance, hepatic steatosis, and hypertension. Remarkably, local intra-fat Y2R inhibition pharmacologically or via adenoviral Y2R knock-down reverses or prevents fat accumulation and metabolic complications. These studies demonstrated for the first time that chronic stress, via the NPY-Y2R pathway, amplifies and accelerates diet-induced obesity and the metabolic syndrome. Our findings also suggest the use of local administration of Y2R antagonists for treatment of obesity and NPY-Y2 agonists for fat augmentation in other clinical applications.
Endothelial dysfunction and insulin resistance are frequently comorbid states. Vasodilator actions of insulin are mediated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent signaling pathways that stimulate production of nitric oxide from vascular endothelium. This helps to couple metabolic and hemodynamic homeostasis under healthy conditions. In pathologic states, shared causal factors, including glucotoxicity, lipotoxicity, and inflammation selectively impair PI3K-dependent insulin signaling pathways that contribute to reciprocal relationships between insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction. This article discusses the implications of pathway-selective insulin resistance in vascular endothelium, interactions between endothelial dysfunction and insulin resistance, and therapeutic interventions that may simultaneously improve both metabolic and cardiovascular physiology in insulin-resistant conditions.
A method for estimating the cholesterol content of the serum low-density lipoprotein fraction (Sf- 0.20)is presented. The method involves measure- ments of fasting plasma total cholesterol, tri- glyceride, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, none of which requires the use of the preparative ultracentrifuge. Cornparison of this suggested procedure with the more direct procedure, in which the ultracentrifuge is used, yielded correlation coefficients of .94 to .99, de- pending on the patient population compared. Additional Keyph rases hyperlipoproteinemia classifi- cation #{149} determination of plasma total cholesterol, tri- glyceride, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol #{149} beta lipo proteins
Socially stressed adult male cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) fed a low fat, low cholesterol diet developed more extensive coronary artery atherosclerosis than unstressed controls. Groups did not differ in serum lipids, blood pressure, serum glucose, or ponderosity. These results suggest that psychosocial factors may influence atherogenesis in the absence of elevated serum lipids. Psychosocial factors thus may help explain the presence of coronary artery disease (occasionally severe) in people with low or normal serum lipids and normal values for the other "traditional" risk factors.
A purified moderately high fat diet has been developed to examine diet-induced obesity in rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed this or an AIN-76A diet for 15 wk and energy metabolism indices were monitored. Food intake, body weight and water balance indices were recorded on a weekly or daily basis. Over the 15-wk period, rats fed the experimental diet diverged into two groups differing in the rate of body weight gain. Animals were labeled as "gainers" or "resisters" depending on their susceptibility to obesity. Following the dietary period, rats were decapitated and trunk blood was collected for glucose and insulin measurements. Gainers consumed slightly more energy than resisters over the experimental period (P < 0.05), but due to greater fecal energy loss, absorbed energy did not differ. Hence gainers became obese without significantly altered energy retention. Urinary creatinine, urea nitrogen and water balance were not different between the groups and consequently could not explain body weight differences. Further, gainers had significantly greater plasma glucose concentration than controls, indicating a potential for these animals to become diabetic. Results suggest metabolic differences must account for the divergence in weight gain observed in the two groups. The dietary model characterized in this study should provide a useful tool to study diet-induced obesity and to determine its underlying mechanism.