Rashid Javanshir

Rashid Javanshir
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences | ANAS · Department of Earth Sciences

International Coordinator of the Joint Project between Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and University of Oxford


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January 1974 - February 2020
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
  • Corresponding Member
July 1988 - July 1992
Institute of Deep Oil and Gas Deposits of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Field of study
  • Geophysics
January 1984 - March 1988
January 1974 - June 1978


Publications (101)
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Here we present the results of the first paleoseismic study of the Kura fold‐thrust belt in Azerbaijan based on field mapping, fault trenching, and Quaternary dating. Convergence at rates of ∼10 mm/yr between the Arabian and Eurasian Plates is largely accommodated by the Kura fold‐thrust belt which stretches between central Azerbaijan and Georgia a...
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Quaternary convergence at rates of ~10 mm/yr between the Arabian and Eurasian plates is largely accommodated by the Kura fold-thrust belt at the longitude of the Greater Caucasus Mountains in Azerbaijan and eastern Georgia. Here we present the results of the first paleoseismic study of the Kura fold-thrust belt in Azerbaijan. A single paleoseismic...
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Although the theories researchers use to describe the structural properties of Earth’s interior have now persisted to decades, the assumptions they make are far from realistic. Through their research, Dr Hatam Guliyev and Dr Rashid Javanshir, both of the National Academy of Sciences in Azerbaijan, have integrated concepts from both mechanics and Ea...
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We studied the isotropic ball using data of Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM). It's shown that such a ball should be either destructed or gone into a more stable equilibrium state with uneven distributed deformation under thermobaric condition of the inner core. Body elastic waves with real velocities cannot propagate in it. This manuscript...
Abstract This article deals with the scientific and practical problems related to estimating oil and gas reserves in terrigenous reservoirs of the Productive Series of middle Pliocene and in Upper Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The deposits in question are spread over onshore Azerbaijan and adjacent offshore areas in the Caspian Sea and...
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Realisation of the adequate scheme of experimental study of basic conditions effect on porosities and permeabilities parameters of teriigenous reservoir rocks in process of hydrocarbon pools development was exemplifyed by terrigenous reservoir rocks of South-Caspian depression. This scheme differs that porosities and permeabilities parameters under...
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A matrix approach has been used for accelerated solving problem of determining the quantitative relation between the components and porosity of the rock. From geophysical log data , in the Tengiz field (Precaspian) and Fakhdy (Syria) examples, we have obtained the graphical representation of the mineral composition and porosity of rocks in a sequen...
Data on hydrocarbon group composition of oils—as a whole and in various fractions—are of great importance for understanding the process of the transformation of petroleum and constructing a genetic classification of oils. This chapter explains models of hydrocarbon group composition and main properties of oils, relationship between composition and...
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It is normal practice to formulate the tasks for the choice of the best decision such that the comparison is based on a unique preferable criterion (penetration, bit run, overall rate, cost per meter). At that, the best decision is thought to be the one providing the maximum rate (or minimum cost per meter). This approach, however, seems unsuitable...
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Axiomatic principles for simulation of the process of sediment compaction were formulated. On this basis, a multiplicative model of compaction of sedimentary rocks was prepared, which is a principal part of models representing changes in rock properties under the influence of thermobaric, structural-lithological and geotectonic factors. On the basi...
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The study of behavior and values of deformations in the geological medium makes the scientific basis of the methodology of synthesis of true values of parameters of its physico-mechanical and density properties taking into account the influence of geodynamic impacts. The segments of continuous variation of homogeneous elastic uniform deformations a...
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A theoretical method for determining variation intervals of strains is suggested within which the conditions of reliable determination of values of elastic parameters of previously strained solid media are conserved. Strains only occur in solid bodies within certain limits continuously. The elastic equilibrium state is stable within these limits. T...
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A theoretical method for determining variation intervals of strains is suggested within which the conditions of reliable determination of values of elastic parameters of previously strained solid media are conserved. Strains only occur in solid bodies within certain limits continuously. The elastic equilibrium state is stable within these limits. T...
Conference Paper
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Для исследования различных проблем геологии, геофизики, сейсмологии и др. разделов наук о Земле создан новый неклассический подход. Разработаны теоретические основы данного подхода, построены соответствующие геолого-геофизические модели, в рамках которых сформулированы постановки соответствующих математических задач, предложены методы их решения и...
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Data collected over the past 15 years from exploration, appraisal and production in the offshore South Caspian Sea validates the previously developed model of lateral fluid flow from the overpressured basin center to the basin margins within the sandstone aquifers of the Pliocene Productive Series. Specifically, new data confirm the predictions tha...
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Для исследования различных проблем геологии, геофизики, сейсмологии и др. разделов наук о Земле создан новый неклассический подход. Разработаны теоретические основы данного подхода, построены соответствующие геолого-геофизические модели, в рамках которых сформулированы постановки соответствующих математических задач, предложены методы их решения и...
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The work was devoted to the review of publications dedicated to the new non-classical approach of studies of various problems of the Earth Sciences. The integrated interdisciplinary approach was based on the nonlinear theory of deformation of continuous solid media. Various specific tasks of mining mechanics, the internal structure and dynamics of...
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The work was devoted to the review of publications dedicated to the new non-classical approach of studies of various problems of Earth Sciences. The integrated interdisciplinary approach was based on the nonlinear theory of deformation of continuous solid media. Various specific tasks of mining mechanics, the internal structure and dynamics of the...
Conference Paper
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The South Caspian Basin (SCB) has a long history of hydrocarbon production (Fig. 1). In the last decade the SCB has once again achieved global prominence due to substantial export of oil and gas to world markets through a number of major upstream and midstream projects: 1) Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli oil development, 2) Baku-Tiblisi-Ceynan oil pipeline,...
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The basic theoretical equations and the ratio of the non-classical linearized approach are given and their use for the study of various problems of recent geodynamics is justified. The problems are listed for which the given approach can be applied. As the results, the results on the influence of stress state to the kinematic and dynamic characteri...
For the South Caspian basin, the findings of Buryakovsky et al. can be summarized as follows. (1) Regionally developed abnormally high-formation pressures were encountered onshore of Azerbaijan and offshore of the South Caspian basin. (2) Paleogene to Neogene shales and argillaceous rocks, widespread in the geologic section of Azerbaijan and the So...
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The rocks, opposed to traditional materials applied in engineering, in laboratory and natural (i.e.in Earth's interior) conditions exhibit various mechanisms of deformation. According to generally accepted classifications should the strict conditions theoretical rules be provides in laboratory conditions the values of parameters are determined, whi...
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The rocks, opposed to traditional materials applied in engineering, in laboratory and natural (i.e.in Earth's interior) conditions exhibit various mechanisms of deformation. According to generally accepted classifications should the strict conditions theoretical rules be provides in laboratory conditions the values of parameters are determined, whi...
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В публикуемой ниже статье рассказывается об областях применения модели развития литосферы, а также о важнейших проблемах горных наук, уже исследованных и тех, что будут изучены с применением этой модели в ближайшее время
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In November 1997 the article entitled “Non-classical theoretical model of structural development of lithosphere ” was presented to the magazine “Вестник Российской Академии Наук”. This article was published in this magazine 2000, volume 70, №2, p.129-135, under the title “Models of lithosphere development ”. The aim of publication of this article i...
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In November 1997 the article entitled “Non-classical theoretical model of structural development of lithosphere ” was presented to the magazine “Вестник Российской Академии Наук”. This article was published in this magazine 2000, volume 70, №2, p.129-135, under the title “Models of lithosphere development ”. The aim of publication of this article i...
This article deals with the scientific and practical problems related to estimating oil and gas reserves in terrigenous reservoirs of the Productive Series of middle Pliocene and in Upper Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The deposits in question are spread over onshore Azerbaijan and adjacent offshore areas in the Caspian Sea and are appr...
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Исследован ряд аспектов теории складкообразования в пределах модели неустойчивости с учетом различных форм деформируемых тел, форм складчатости, нелинейных больших деформаций, одноосности, двухосности и трехосности как "мертвых", так и "следящих" внешних нагрузок. Введен общепланетарный тип складчатости. Раскрыты механизмы реализации всех типов скл...
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M u d volcanism is pne of the most interesting nature phenomenon, which occurs in many coun- tries of the world. However, Azerbaijan is unrivalled in number of volcanoes, variety of forms, freguency of eruptions.Mud volcanoes differing from magmatic volcanoes on activity area astonish by their beauty, but their direct connection with oil and gas sy...
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Buckling of a packet of geological strata, for example, because of folding, may redistribute the stress over certain internal areas shorter than the radius of curvature of the buckled region. İn this situation, the resulting internal stress may shear the packet horizontally; along stratal surfaces, even in the absence of any (other) externally appl...
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Buckling of a packet of geological strata, for example, because of folding may redistribute the stress over certain internal areas shorter than the radius of curvature of the buckled region, In this situation, resulting internal stress may shear the packet horizontally; along stratal surfaces, even in the absence of any (other) externally applied f...
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The present paper highlights the problems related to the abnormally-high formation pressures (AHFP) in the oil and gas fields of Azerbaijan and the South Caspian Basin. The authors discuss the origin of abnormally-high formation pressure, diagenetic-catagenetic montmorillonite-illite transformation and hydrochemical factors. On the basis of new dat...
For the first time, we have discovered processes in deeply (4.5-6.0 km) and super-deeply buried (>6 km) complexes of deposits in Eastern Azerbaydzhan facilitating the preservation of favorable fluid barriers and reservoirs at the depths investigated (down to 10 km); this is yet another indication of the great promise that such complexes hold for fi...
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Искривления в слоистых структурах Земли, возникающие, например, в процессе складкообразования, могут приводить к такому перераспределению напряжений в некоторых площадках, чьи размеры меньше геометрических размеров(параметров) искривлений, в результате которого появляются внутренние напряжения, достаточные для начала процесса разрушения расслаивани...
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В теориях о развитии Земли и в геотектонике [1,2,3], наряду с другими главными структурными элементами, важное место занимают глубинные разломы. В настоящее время сформировалось прочное мнение о том, что эти разломы, подчиняясь определенным закономерностям, в основном расположилось на радиальных (вертикальных относительно наблюдателя с дневной пове...
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A three-dimensional nonclassic linearized mathematical-geomechanical mo-del of lithosphere structure de-velopment created by the authors earlier shows, that in various conditions such structural elements as folds and cracks can be formed in local, regional and generally planetary scales. The formations isolated and global structural elements commun...
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Formation of diapers is an interesting natural phenomenon. Numerous diapers, diapiric ridges and complexes have been described by now. They are typical to orogenic zones and deep synclines of platforms. According to morphologic properties, one can mainly, distinguish between clayey and saline diaperism. These varieties of diapers are characterized...
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Data on hydrocarbon group composition of oils—as a whole and in various fractions—are of great importance for understanding the process of the transformation of petroleum and constructing a genetic classification of oils. This chapter explains models of hydrocarbon group composition and main properties of oils, relationship between composition and...
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We have already described (3) a folding mechanism which assumes that crustal blocks lose equilibrium when force is applied (3). From this model one can determine, given the block geometries and mechanical properties ot the rocks making up a given structure, the force that will produce folding and the depth at which the block undergoing folding is l...
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On the example of oils in the Apsheron oil- and gas-bearing region and Apsheron archipelago located in the western part of the Southern Caspian depression, the authors have developed mathematical models of a group hydrocarbon composition; interconnections between oil density and content of asphalt-resin materials, benzine, and ligroin; interconnect...
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Axiomatic principles for simulation of the process of sediment compaction were formulated. On this basis, a multiplicative model of compaction of sedimentary rocks was prepared, which is a principal part of models representing changes in rock properties under the influence of thermobaric, structural-lithological and geotectonic factors. On the basi...
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Складчатость структуры земной коры - давно установленный факт. Вместе с тем проблема складкообразования продолжает оставаться в центре внимания исследователей, служит объектом научных дискуссий.
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We have already described [3] a folding mechanism which assumes that crustal blocks lose equilibrium when force is applied [3]. From this model one can determine, given the block geometries and mechanical properties of the rocks making up a given structure, the force that will produce folding and the depth at which the block undergoing folding is l...
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Складчатость структуры земной коры - давно установленный факт. Вместе с тем, проблема складкообразования продолжает оставаться в центре внимания исследователей, служит объектом научных дискуссий.
Conference Paper
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Предлагается модель возможного механизма формирования горизонтальных сжимающих сил за счет внутренних факторов осадочного комплекса, что позволяет с новых позиций подойти к проблеме складкообразования и связанных с ним процессов. При этом особая роль принадлежит процессам формирования и развития аномальных давлений поровой жидкости. (АВПД).
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In this paper we present a mathematical model of a general mechanism of folding. We emphasize that in this formulation the nature of the forces producing the folding is immaterial. The rather general character of the model enables us to give these forces and other parameters specific geometric, mechanical, or mining geological interpretations of va...
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Проблема формирования складчатости горных пород до сих пор сохраняет свое принципиальное значение.В последнее время наблюдается даже тенденция возрастания интереса к дальнейшим поискам и обоснованию адекватного механизма складкообразования. В настоящей работе излагается математическая модель одного общего механизма складкообразования.
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Проблема формирования складчатости горных пород до сих пор сохраняет свое принципиальное значение. В последнее время наблюдается даже тенденция возрастания интереса к дальнейшим поискам и обоснованию адекватного механизма складкообразования. Существующие представления сводятся к тому, что в природе действуют два основных фактора складкообразования:...
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The South Caspian basin contains both sands and shales that have pore-fluid pressures substantially in excess of hydrostatic fluid pressure. Pore-pressure data from the South Caspian basin demonstrate that large dif- ferences in excess hydraulic head exist between sand and shale. The data indicate that sands are acting as drains for overlying and u...
Experimental investigations of Pliocene clays in the Baku Archipelago have noted that the persistence of montmorillonite content to 6200 m is connected with predominance of the process of secondary montmorillonite formation from illite over the process of primary montmorillonite destruction. Based on the mechanism of interrelation and reciprocal in...
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The Baku Archipelago, in the Southern Caspian Basin of the USSR, yields hydrocarbons from wells that have reached a maximum depth of 6.5 km. The presence of commercially producible hydrocarbons, particularly gas, is forecast to be present at depths as great as 9 km. Extrapolation of trends observed down to depths of 6.5 km suggests that suitable re...
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The analysis of the exploitation of the oil and gas fields with abnormally high formation pressures (AHFP) revealed the possibility of the pore water influx from the overlying, undercompacted, overpressured shales into the productive zones, situated at the lower levels. A study of a well with abnormally high formation pressure in South Louisiana sh...
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Relationship of porosity (φ) to depth of burial (D, in m), geologic age (A, in millions of years), and lithology (ratio of thickness of shales/total thickness of terrigenous deposits = R) has been developed by the writers, which gives satisfactory results: where φ0 = initial porosity of the argillaceous sediment. A nomogram has been prepared for an...


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