Pedro Hípola

Pedro Hípola
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja | UNIR · Vicerrectorado de investigacion



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Academic journals, Scientific publishing, Information market, Digital publishing, Electronic publishing, Software documental, Document management software
Additional affiliations
March 2018 - present
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
  • Project Manager
November 2013 - present
  • Investigador principal
October 1986 - February 2018
University of Granada
  • Professor
January 2007 - November 2011
University of Granada
Field of study


Publications (131)
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Currently there is much talk about the so-called infomediary sector. This sector of the digital content industry has grown thanks to recent legal texts regulating the re-use of a portion of the information generated by the public sector. If we look at the list of firms in this sector, we see that many come from what has been known for decades as th...
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Purpose This study looks into the latest advances in ontology-based text summarization systems, with emphasis on the methodologies of a socio-cognitive approach, the structural discourse models and the ontology-based text summarization systems. Design/methodology/approach The paper analyzes the main literature in this field and presents the stru...
This study presents the basic lines of electronic administration in Spain. The complexity of the Spanish political-administrative system makes such a study challenging, in view of the considerable degree of autonomy and competences of the regional administrative bodies and local agencies with respect to the central government, the former being more...
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Purpose Information from CRIS is stored in different formats, in platforms that are not compatible, or even in independent networks. It would be helpful to have a well-defined methodology to allow for management data processing from a single site, so as to take advantage of the capacity to link disperse data found in different systems, platforms,...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to first, describe the origins and evolution of electronic information products and services for the business community in Spain and second, to analyze the current distribution of today’s market players. Design/methodology/approach – This study is based on a review of the scholarly literature about the inform...
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In this review, the background to the construct of Emotional Intelligence and its more widely accepted perspectives are presented. The scientific literature on the relationship between dance and Emotional Intelligence was obtained from the Web of Science (58) and Scopus (5) databases, and the results of these investigations were analysed. Dance is...
The globalization of the economy has meant that firms increasingly need a great variety of information, which may be about its competitors, suppliers, distributors, potential customers, but also about technological, legal, sociological, about access to markets, etc. That information may refer to a single country or many. The Internet has led to the...
Conference Paper
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The appearance of telematic networks such as Bitnet, Internet, etc., gave rise to the emergence of diverse applications that allowed users to communicate with each other. Email distribution lists were one such application. The possibility of creating open or closed forums, with very specific themes, aimed at people dispersed around the world, who c...
Companies need to use information from multiple sources to improve their competitiveness. Since its beginnings in the 1950s, the European Union has developed a number of instruments for this purpose. This article gives an overview of the information resources that are most important for businesses and that originate from institutions and other bodi...
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En este trabajo se presentan las principales tecnologías de la Web Semántica que pueden ser de utilidad para la gestión de fondos archivísticos. Se examinan diversos proyectos de ámbito internacional y local que parten de descripciones normalizadas ISAD-G para generar ontologías, así como la disponibilidad de LIAM (Linked Archival Metadata), que fa...
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The concept of international intelligence has taken on a greater importance for companies seeking to internationalize and access foreign markets. An exhaustive environmental scan—including international competitors, suppliers, clients in target countries, legislation and the political situation in other territories, and others—involves gathering th...
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El ejercicio de las profesiones relacionadas con la Documentación y la Comunicación en la actualidad va asociado al uso de la tecnología y de software especializado. El software es diverso, numeroso y evoluciona constantemente, por lo que resulta difícil incluirlo dentro de los planes de estudio. En la mayoría de los casos, su aprendizaje queda a d...
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El ejercicio de las profesiones relacionadas con la Documentación y la Comunicación en la actualidad va asociado al uso de la tecnología y de software especializado. El software es diverso, numeroso y evoluciona constantemente, por lo que resulta difícil incluirlo dentro de los planes de estudio. En la mayoría de los casos, su aprendizaje queda a d...
Conference Paper
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Los cambios acelerados que presentan las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, tanto hardware como en software, aplicados a la realidad de cualquier profesión, crea en ocasiones una disfunción entre la realidad universitaria y la realidad profesional, que suele ir más rápido que la primera. En este contexto se desarrolla, desde 2014,...
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Purpose The paper proposes a tool that generates authority files to be integrated with Linked Data by means of learning rules. AUTHORIS is software developed to enhance authority control and information exchange among ibliographic and non-bibliographic entities. Design/methodology/approach The article analyzes different methods previously develope...
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Digital information and economic activity: gaps and progress in Spain during the period 2007-2010 In this dissertation we evaluate some of the progresses and gaps that can be observed in the supply and delivery of digital information for economic activity in Spain during the period 2007-2010 from four different viewpoints. These four study areas...
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This article examines the structures of information transfer to the agricultural (production) and agro-alimentary (transformation and commercialization of the products) sector within Spain. An historical perspective is provided to better illustrate the reality and complexity of Spain with regard to the systems of agrarian extension, agricultural re...
Conference Paper
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Using the database of the PuertoTerm project, an indexing system based on the cognitive model of Brigitte Enders was built. By analyzing the cognitive strategies of three abstractors, we built an automat that serves to simulate human indexing processes. The automat allows the texts integrated in the system to be assessed, evaluated and grouped by m...
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From different public and private requirements, mechanisms have been set in action that allow for companies to obtain information in order to make decisions with a stronger foundation. This article is focused on the description of an entire information system for the business world, developed in the realm of the Chambers of Commerce of Spain, which...
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Installation and use manual for open source software eGroupWare. This document describes the use of this type of softwares, the advantages of eGroupWare, installation and configuration process of version 1.4.002.
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The management of information in the business world constitutes a single consolidated area within undergraduate and graduate study programs in Librarianship and Information Science. This article describes information studies for the business sector within Spain, including the university programs known as Diplomatura in Librarianship and Documentati...
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Conference Paper
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Recovery of information from databases with web resources described with metadata provides better results that performing it only from full text. This paper aims to show a working model with general procedures that may be applicable to any system description and metadata in distributed environments. Authors propose to use RDF (Resource Description...
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In this interview, Pedro Hípola, with over twenty years of dedication to the library world from multiple aspects: university professor, FESABID President, Vice President of EBLIDA or codirector of "EPI" journal, discusses the controversial fee loan, the curricula of Library and Information Science, or the importance of professional associations. E...
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Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition with Introduction and notes by theology staff of the University of Navarre. Accompanied by New Vulgate Text. The Navarre Bible New Testament commentaries offer extensive explanations of the meaning of the scriptural text and its implications for everyday life. The commentaries draw on a rich variety of sou...
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Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition with Introduction and notes by theology staff of the University of Navarre. Accompanied by New Vulgate Text. The Navarre Bible New Testament commentaries offer extensive explanations of the meaning of the scriptural text and its implications for everyday life. The commentaries draw on a rich variety of sou...
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Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition with Introduction and notes by theology staff of the University of Navarre. Accompanied by New Vulgate Text. The Navarre Bible New Testament commentaries offer extensive explanations of the meaning of the scriptural text and its implications for everyday life. The commentaries draw on a rich variety of sou...
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Le Nouveau Testament, commenté par la Faculté de Théologie de l'Université de Navarre, est une réalisation originale présentant sur deux pages en parallèle le texte français dans son intégralité et le texte latin, accompagnés d'un commentaire approfondi de la Sainte Ecriture. Un ensemble de douze tomes regroupe les 27 livres du Nouveau Testament. C...
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Digital publishing: formats and alternatives The large variety of formats currently used for creating digital documents calls for a detailed analysis and evaluation of their functionality. Accessibility, portability and methods of creation are essential factors to consider when selecting a format. Choosing the appropriate format involves a search...
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Digital libraries: current situation and problems Literature on digital libraries is increasing dramatically. The objective of the present work is to provide a global vision of the current status of digital libraries by analysing the main definitions currently used to describe them as well as by exploring the principal problems encountered. La pr...
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Digital libraries: current situation and problems Literature on digital libraries is increasing dramatically. The objective of the present work is to provide a global vision of the current status of digital libraries by analysing the main definitions currently used to describe them as well as by exploring the principal problems encountered. La pr...
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Conference Paper
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Las 2as Jornadas Andaluzas de Documentación, organizadas por la Asociación Andaluza de Documentalistas (AAD), se plantean como objetivos: a) Contribuir al conocimiento de la realidad de la Documentación e Información en Andalucía, en sus distintas vertientes. b) Servir de foro donde se encuentren los profesionales y organizaciones del sector en e...
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Descripción y evaluación de siete agentes multibuscadores -Copernic, EZSearch, MataHari, iMine, WebSeeker, WebFerret y WebStorm- midiendo la precisión, exhaustividad y tiempo de respuesta obtenidos a partir de los veinte primeros resultados de las quince consultas realizadas con cada agente. Todas las consultas fueron hechas el 21 de agosto de 1999...
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Interview to Pedro Hípola, professor of the Faculty of Librarianship and Information Science of the University of Granada (Spain) Entrevista realizada a Pedro Hípola, profesor de la Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad de Granada (España)
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The distribution of online information resources, especially via WWW, far from being the long awaited dream, is turning into a nightmare in the form of an information avalanche. Unskilled users rarely obtain satisfactory results when conducting searches, and even experts tend to commit mistakes when using search tools. The solution to the problems...
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For over thirty years ahead of the documentation is on "the electronic information industry." If we ask what is the current state of the industry or try to make surveys, at least in the short term, we might conclude that some of its spheres describe a spiral evolution. Hace ya más de treinta años que la vanguardia de la Documentación está pendient...
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In recent years there had been clear on numerous occasions the need for a unified system of access to information on the Internet. Various contributions were made in the context of the "philanthropic generosity" that characterized the early life the Network. Recently, however, advances occur in a fierce battle of commercial interests. In the follow...
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In recent years it has produced a series of standards intended to facilitate the exchange of electronic information openly. This implies progress towards standardization of the "electronic document". This paper discusses the various trends within those standards. En los últimos años se ha preparado una serie de normas destinadas a facilitar el int...
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Para superar la pobreza tipográfica de los primeros sistemas de correo electrónico, han surgido nuevos modelos de intercambio de mensajes entre los buzones de los usuarios. El uso de sistemas como BinHex, MAPI (Microsoft´s Messaging Application Programming Interface), MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) o X.400, permite, dentro de Internet...
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Professional cooperation increases thanks to computer mediated communication with other colleagues. Both government bodies and private companies are discovering Internet as an important source of information. In this paper we analyse the possibilities of accessing the Internet from Spain. Las posibilidades de cooperación profesional aumentan en la...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents one of the tools that are currently causing the greatest impact on the Internet, the World Wide Web. And it provides a short analysis of WWW resources in Spain, based on the interactive map updated by Jordi Adell, University Jaume I of Castellón, by the official list maintained by RedIRIS and by the Villafranca space station.
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Various formats to perform editing documents in machine-readable format are proliferating. The race for hegemony in control "electronic document" only just begun. Each company or group of companies has its own rules. Who will prevail? This report analyzes the technical characteristics of the major formats and standards available in the market to pl...
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CD-ROM IN SPAIN: SUCCESSES AND FAILURES AFTER NINE YEARS OF PRODUCTION Optical disc production in Spain began in 1985. Since then the production of cd-roms containing information generated in our country has experienced a remarkable growth. During these years of development important successes and failures have occurred. In the following pages the...
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Sin duda algo está cambiando en la Biblioteca Nacional. Las (interminables) obras de remodelación han permitido integrar por los recovecos del vetusto edificio madrileño la infraestructura necesaria para dotar de cierta "inteligencia" informática las instalaciones de la "cabecera del sistema bibliotecario español". Y ya no es tan raro oír hablar de...
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Conference Paper
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Esta comunicación pretende difundir entre los profesionales españoles de la información y la documentación una nueva herramienta llamada IweTel. Se trata de la primera teleconferencia permanente de comunicación electrónica en España sobre Información y Documentación. Ha sido puesta en marcha en noviembre de 1993 por la revista INFORMATION WORLD EN...
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Conference Paper
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The continuous training of library and information professionald counts on new media that promote the exchange of experiences, news, etc. This presentation describes some of these systems, with particular attention to the electronic fora (listservs, Usenet and teleconferences) and electronic journals. A brief inventory of the existing systems on li...
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Contributions of computational linguistics to works of LIS have produced over the years some improvements in some of the management systems document databases, such as the incorporation of weighting functions in the process automatic indexing of document collections in full text. In this paper we analyze the possibility, advantages and limitations...
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Companies, industry associations, goverment agencies and international organizations join forces to exploit the benefits of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). EDI systems are designed primarily for use in business transactions among the main centers of industrial production. But the world of electronic information market and libraries are taking ad...


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