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Patel RV, Wockenforth R, Milliken I, Marshall D. Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS): it can take away your breath, alertness, wee and poo. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Nov 20;2013. pii: bcr2013201435. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-201435.



Patel RV, Wockenforth R, Milliken I, Marshall D. Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS): it can take away your breath, alertness, wee and poo. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Nov 20;2013. pii: bcr2013201435. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-201435.
Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS):
it can take away your breath, alertness,
wee and poo
Ramnik V Patel,
Rebecca Wockenforth,
Irene Milliken,
David Marshall
Department of Paediatric
Urology, University College
London Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust, London, UK
Department of Paediatric
Surgery, Royal Belfast Hospital
for Sick Children, Belfast, UK
Correspondence to
Ramnik V Patel,
To cite: Patel RV,
Wockenforth R, Milliken I,
et al.BMJ Case Rep
Published online: [please
include Day Month Year]
A 5-week old full-term previously healthy rst-born
male infant presented with apnoea, desaturations,
increasing lethargy, anuria for 1 day and constipation
for 5 days. This was on a background of persistent
projectile non-bilious vomiting for 10 days, during
which he had been given Carobel for presumed gas-
tritis and gastro-oesophageal reux. Fathers cousin
had pyloric stenosis. He was lethargic, pale and dehy-
drated with 14% weight loss. Heart rate was 130/
min, shallow respirations of 28/min, intermittent
desaturations to 7080%. He had epigastric fullness
with visible peristalsis. He was started on 36%
oxygen, given two boluses of normal saline. Urine
dipstick after resuscitation showed pH 7.0, venous
blood gas showed pH 7.53, PCO
9.2, PO
55 and BE 27.8. ECG showed at T-waves
and ST-segment depression. Babygram ruled out
pulmonary aspiration and showed a dilated stomach
with paucity of distal gas. Ultrasound scan conrmed
infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS)
(gure 1). He was intubated, ventilated and trans-
ferred to paediatric intensive care unit. After 72 h of
biochemical correction, he underwent supraumbilical
pyloromyotomy uneventfully.
IHPS is a common condition and the severity
and duration of symptoms enhance loss of uid,
electrolytes and cause severe acidbase imbalance.
This leads to dehydration with oliguria and anuria,
hypokalaemia, hypochloraemia, severely metabolic
alkalosis with compensatory respiratory acidosis.
The mortality associated with IHPS was as high as
14.4% in 1935, but improved to 0.5% in the late
1960s, where it has held eversince.
Only rarely
now is apnoea and paradoxical aciduria seen in
patients with pyloric stenosis.
Figure 1 (A) Babygram, (B) abdominal ultrasound, (C) urinalysis, (D) capillary blood gas, (E) ECG and (F) serum
electrolytes showing typical changes of advanced infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS).
Patel RV, et al.BMJ Case Rep 2013. doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-201435 1
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Learning points
Gastrointestinal and plasma compensation: Carobel thickens
gastric contents, converting partial obstruction into complete
one and prevents gastrointestinal compensation. Water gets
absorbed from the colon producing constipation in addition
to complete gastric outlet obstruction. Oral rehydration uid
helps restore balance and reduces vomiting as there are no
milk curds to block the lumen.
Renal compensation: The kidney compensates for this shift
in uid, electrolytes and acid/base imbalance by increasing
the reabsorption of water, producing oliguria, preserves
sodium and allows potassium to be excreted, responds to
the alkalosis by decreasing bicarbonate reabsorption,
producing alkaline urine in an attempt to decrease the
serum bicarbonate level. Later on, when potassium level
falls to dangerously low levels, it starts excreting hydrogen
ions for potassium preservation and paradoxical aciduria is
an advanced renal compensation to preserve life.
Respiratory compensation: It promotes hypoventilation
similar to that of hyperventilation in metabolic acidosis and
an increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide and
compensatory respiratory acidosis. The resultant hypoxia as
a result of hypoventilation prevents its progression to overt
respiratory failure. However, hypoventilation can in turn lead
to atelectasis and hypoxaemia and apnoea is considered
secondary to metabolic alkalosis associated with IHPS which
is rare. The management should include continuous
cardiorespiratory monitoring, pulse oximetry, oxygen,
contingency plans for emergent airway stabilisation and
management. Admission to general paediatric units and
infant transport with personnel unprepared for managing
the infant airway is ill-advised and may prove catastrophic.
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the paediatric accident and
emergency and paediatric intensive care unit teams of the referring hospital and our
hospital transport and paediatric intensive care unit teams for stabilisation and
transfer safely and effectively.
Contributors All the authors have made substantial contributions to the
conception and design of this manuscript, search of literature, the acquisition,
analysis and interpretation of the data, to drafting the article or revising it critically
for important intellectual content and to the nal approval of the version to be
Competing interests None.
Patient consent Obtained.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
1 Tigges CR, Bigham MT. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis: it can take your breath away.
Air Med J 2012;31:458.
2 Pappano D. Alkalosis-induced respiratory depression from infantile hypertrophic
pyloric stenosis. Pediatr Emerg Care 2011;27:124.
3 McCauley M, Gunawardane M, Cowan MJ. Severe metabolic alkalosis due to pyloric
obstruction: case presentation, evaluation, and management. Am J Med Sci
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2 Patel RV, et al.BMJ Case Rep 2013. doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-201435
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Full-text available
Background Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS) leads to excessive vomiting and metabolic alkalosis, which may subsequently cause apnea. Although it is generally assumed that metabolic derangements should be corrected prior to surgery to prevent apnea, the exact incidence of perioperative apneas in infants with IHPS and the association with metabolic alkalosis are unknown. We performed this systematic review to assess the incidence of apnea in infants with IHPS and to verify the possible association between apnea and metabolic alkalosis. Methods We searched MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane library to identify studies regarding infants with metabolic alkalosis, respiratory problems and hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. We conducted a descriptive synthesis of the findings of the included studies. Results Thirteen studies were included for analysis. Six studies described preoperative apnea, three studies described postoperative apnea and four studies described both. All studies were of low quality or had other research questions. We found an incidence of 27% of preoperative and 0.2‐16% of postoperative apnea, respectively. None of the studies examined the association between apnea and metabolic alkalosis in infants with IHPS. Conclusions Infants with IHPS may have a risk to develop perioperative apnea. However, the incidence rates should be interpreted with caution because of the low quality and quantity of the studies. Therefore, further studies are required to determine the incidence of perioperative apnea in infants with IHPS. The precise underlying mechanism of apnea in these infants is still unknown and the role of metabolic alkalosis should be further evaluated.
We report an infant with apnea due to infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. The distinct mechanism of compensatory respiratory depression of severe metabolic acidosis is implicated.
A 46-year-old man presented to the emergency room with severe metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, and respiratory failure requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation. The cause of his acid-base disorder was initially unclear. Although alkalosis is common in the intensive care unit, metabolic alkalosis of this severity is unusual, carries a very high mortality rate, and requires careful attention to the pathophysiology and differential diagnosis to effectively evaluate and treat the patient. A central concept in the diagnosis of metabolic alkalosis is distinguishing chloride responsive and chloride nonresponsive states. Further studies are then guided by the history and physical examination in most cases. By using a systematic approach to the differential diagnosis, we were able to determine that a high-grade gastric outlet obstruction was the cause of the patients' alkalosis and to offer effective therapy for his condition. A literature review and algorithm for the diagnosis and management of metabolic alkalosis are also presented.