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Identification of neutral genes at pollen sterility loci Sd and Se of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) with wild rice (O. rufipogon) origin


Abstract and Figures

Pollen sterility is one of the main hindrances against the utilization of strong intersubspecific (indica-japonica) heterosis in rice. We looked for neutral alleles at known pollen sterility loci Sd and Se that could overcome this pollen sterility characteristic. Taichung 65, a typical japonica cultivar, and its near isogenic lines E7 and E8 for pollen sterility loci Sd and Se were employed as tester lines for crossing with 13 accessions of wild rice (O. rufipogon). Pollen fertility and genotypic segregations of the molecular markers tightly linked with Sd and Se loci were analyzed in the paired F(1)s and F(2) populations. One accession of wild rice (GZW054) had high pollen fertility in the paired F(1)s between Taichung 65 and E7 or E8. Genotypic segregations of the molecular markers tightly linked with Sd and Se loci fit the expected Mendelian ratio (1:2:1), and non-significances were shown among the mean pollen fertilities with the maternal, parental, and heterozygous genotypes of each molecular markers tightly linked with Sd and Se loci. Evidentially, it indicated that the alleles of Sd and Se loci for GZW054 did not interact with those of Taichung 65 and its near isogenic lines, and, thus were identified as neutral alleles Sd(n) and Se(n). These neutral genes could become important germplasm resources for overcoming pollen sterility in indica-japonica hybrids, making utilization of strong heterosis in such hybrids viable.
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Genetics and Molecular Research 10 (4): 3435-3445 (2011)
Identication of neutral genes at pollen sterility
loci Sd and Se of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa)
with wild rice (O. rupogon) origin
B. Liu, J.Q. Li, X.D. Liu, M.Q. Shahid, L.G. Shi and Y.G. Lu
State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical
Agro-Bioresources, College of Agriculture,
South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China
Corresponding authors: J.Q. Li / Y.G. Lu
E-mail: /
Genet. Mol. Res. 10 (4): 3435-3445 (2011)
Received April 19, 2011
Accepted September 8, 2011
Published October 31, 2011
ABSTRACT. Pollen sterility is one of the main hindrances against the
utilization of strong intersubspecic (indica-japonica) heterosis in rice.
We looked for neutral alleles at known pollen sterility loci Sd and Se
that could overcome this pollen sterility characteristic. Taichung 65,
a typical japonica cultivar, and its near isogenic lines E7 and E8 for
pollen sterility loci Sd and Se were employed as tester lines for crossing
with 13 accessions of wild rice (O. rupogon). Pollen fertility and
genotypic segregations of the molecular markers tightly linked with Sd
and Se loci were analyzed in the paired F1s and F2 populations. One
accession of wild rice (GZW054) had high pollen fertility in the paired
F1s between Taichung 65 and E7 or E8. Genotypic segregations of the
molecular markers tightly linked with Sd and Se loci t the expected
Mendelian ratio (1:2:1), and non-signicances were shown among the
mean pollen fertilities with the maternal, parental, and heterozygous
genotypes of each molecular markers tightly linked with Sd and Se loci.
Evidentially, it indicated that the alleles of Sd and Se loci for GZW054
did not interact with those of Taichung 65 and its near isogenic lines,
and, thus were identied as neutral alleles Sdn and Sen. These neutral
Genetics and Molecular Research 10 (4): 3435-3445 (2011)
B. Liu et al. 3436
genes could become important germplasm resources for overcoming
pollen sterility in indica-japonica hybrids, making utilization of strong
heterosis in such hybrids viable.
Key words: Rice (Oryza sativa); Wild rice (Oryza rupogon);
Pollen sterility; Neutral gene; Molecular marker
Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) can be classied into two distinct subspecies
i.e., indica and japonica (Kato, 1930). Inter-subspecic hybrids have signicant hybrid vigour
that provides greater increase in rice production (Yuan, 1987). However, the partial or com-
plete hybrid sterility hinders the utilization of strong heterosis between subspecies (Long et
al., 2008).
The mechanism of F1 sterility in subspecies is complex. There are different theories
about the hybrid sterility in rice, such as male gamete abortions (Zhang et al., 1993; Liu et al.,
2004), female gamete abortions (Yokoo, 1984; Liu et al., 2004) and reduced dehiscence of
anthers (Zhang et al., 2006). Among them, pollen and embryo sac sterility are the two most im-
portant factors which cause hybrid sterility and both of them have contributed almost equally
to spikelet fertility (Song et al., 2005). Wide compatibility and specic compatibility hypoth-
esis are the main theories for rice hybrid sterility. The former theory concerns female gamete
abortion (embryo sac sterility) and it is caused by an allelic interaction (S5i, S5j and S5n) at
S5 locus on chromosome 6 as well as other loci with minor effects including S-7, S-8, S-9,
f1, f3, f8, Sd1
n (t), Sd2
n (t) and S-p(t) (Wan and Ikehashi, 1997; Yi et al., 2001). S5 locus has been
successfully cloned (Chen et al. 2008). The latter one concerns male gamete abortion (pollen
sterility) and controlled by at least six loci (i.e., Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd, Se and Sf) (Zhang and Lu, 1989,
1993). Until now, the Sa gene has been successfully cloned and two adjacently located genes
(SaM and SaF) jointly controlled indica-japonica hybrids sterility. Typical japonica cultivars
contain SaM-SaF- and typical indica cultivars contain SaM+SaF+ alleles at this locus, and the
interaction between SaM+/SaM- lead to abortion of the male gametes carrying the SaM - allele
in the presence of SaF+ allele (Long et al., 2008). The Sb, Sc, and Sd loci have been nely
mapped (Yang et al., 2004; Li et al., 2006; Li et al., 2008), and Se locus has been preliminary
targeted (Zhu et al., 2008).
Gene interaction at each pollen sterility locus could lead to partly abortive pollen.
Therefore, the alleles that do not interact with typical japonica (Sj) and indica (Si) alleles called
neutral alleles for pollen fertility (Sn) and they have signicant importance to overcome the
pollen sterility caused by each locus (Shi et al., 2009). A few neutral genes for certain pollen
sterility loci were identied in cultivated rice (Ding et al., 2003). O. rupogon Griff. Is the
ancestor of cultivated rice and has great genetic diversity and elite genes for rice breeding. O.
rupogon covers a large area in Gaozhou, Guangdong province. Earlier studies in our laboratory
indicated that they might have neutral genes for pollen fertility in wild rice (Li et al., 2007; Lian
et al., 2008). Using Taichung 65 and its near-isogenic line (NIL) at Sb locus as tester lines an
accession of O. rupogon GZW099 was identied to have the neutral gene for pollen fertility at
Sb locus (Shi et al., 2009). Sd and Se loci have important effect on pollen fertility in F1 between
indica and japonica (Li et al., 2008; Zhu et al., 2008). However, no neutral genes at Sd and Se
Genetics and Molecular Research 10 (4): 3435-3445 (2011)
Identication of neutral genes in cultivated and wild rice
loci have been identied either in cultivated rice or in wild rice.
An NIL of Taichung 65 (i.e., E7) for Sd locus was bred by successive backcrossing and
molecular assistant selection, using the japonica variety Taichung 65 (E1) as recipient parent
and the indica variety Dee-geowoo-gen as donor parents (Li et al., 2003, 2008). Another NIL
of Taichung 65 (i.e. E8) at Se locus was also bred by the similar manner, which is the BC4F3 of
Taichung 65 (recurrent parent) and the indica variety Guangluai-4 (donor parent) (Zhu et al.,
2008). Taichung 65 and its NILs at Sd and Se loci (i.e. E7 and E8) have a similar genetic back-
ground except some genotypic differentiation at Sd and Se locus, i.e. genotypes Sd
j Sd
j, Se
j Se
for E1, Sd
i Sd
i, Se
j Se
j for E7 and Sd
j Sd
j, Se
i Se
i for E8. The model of gene interaction for Sd and Se
locus tted the one-locus sporo-gametophytic interaction model (Zhang and Lu, 1989, 1993).
That is to say, indica and japonica varieties usually possess SiSi and SjSj alleles, respectively, at
a locus, and the gametes having Sj allele are partially aborted in the hybrid genotype SiSj.
To explore the neutral gene for pollen fertility at the Sd and Se loci in Gaozhou wild
rice, Taichung 65 and its NIL E7 and E8 were used as the genetic testers in this study. Thirteen
accessions of Gaozhou wild rice were selected to cross with the genetic testers. Analyses were
made on pollen fertility of F1 and F2 within the pairs of testcross and the genotypic segrega-
tion of the molecular markers linked tightly with these two loci to identify the neutral allele.
The objective of the present study was to identify the neutral genes for pollen fertility in O.
rupogon at Sd and Se locus and offer new germplasms for overcoming the pollen sterility in
indica-japonica hybrids.
Plant materials
Taichung 65 (Sd
j Sd
j, Se
j Se
j), E7 (Sd
i Sd
i) and E8 (Se
i Se
i) were used as female parents,
which have same genetic background except at Sd and Se locus and was kindly provided by
professor Zhang GuiQuan. O. rupogon indigenous to Gaozhou, Guangdong province which
is conserved at the Oryza genus germplasm resources of South China Agricultural University
(SCAU), was used as the male parent. A total of 13 accessions of wild rice from Gaozhou
(GZW) were selected: GZW006, GZW009, GZW011, GZW013, GZW026, GZW054,
GZW060, GZW099, GZW101, GZW133, GZW135, GZW136, and GZW137 from 6 popula-
tions of 141 accessions. Crosses were made at SCAU from 2006 to 2007. The F1 plants were
sown at the same time in late season, 2007 at SCAU. The F2 plants derived from F1 were sown
in late season, 2007 at Sanya, Hainan province.
Pollen fertility analysis
Five spikelets that would open the following day in the top area of each spike of main til-
ler were selected and xed into Carnoy’s xative solution for 24 h. Then they were transferred to
70% alcohol. Three spikelets were selected randomly and dissected. Pollen grains were stained
with 1% iodine potassium iodide (I2-KI) solution. Microscopic observation of pollen was done
under Motic BA200 at 10 x 20. More than 300 pollen grains were scanned randomly on each
slide and pollen fertility was divided into four categories i.e., normal pollens, stained abortive
pollens, spherical abortive pollens and typical abortive pollens (Shahid et al., 2010).
Genetics and Molecular Research 10 (4): 3435-3445 (2011)
B. Liu et al. 3438
DNA extraction and SSR analysis
The genomic DNA was extracted from fresh-frozen leaves of each plant as described
by Zheng et al. (1995) with minor modications.
We selected 5 and 4 polymorphic pair of SSR primers based on the ne mapping of
Sd and Se locus, and these primers were linked tightly with Sd and Se locus, respectively. The
genetic distance of PSM13, PSM91, PSM41, PSM42, and PSM43 from Sd locus was 0.4,
0.05, 4.8, 4.8 and 3.2 cM, respectively. The distance of PSM597, PSM448, and PSM461 from
Se locus was 4.75, 0.2 and 0.6 cM, respectively. PSM559 was inside the Se locus. PSM597 and
PSM559 are InDel markers, whereas the others are SSR markers. PCR and genotyping were
done according to Shi et al. (2009).
Identication method for the neutral gene at Sd and Se loci
Identication method for the neutral genes Sd and Se loci was modied from the
method of Shi et al. (2009). The genotype of candidate tested line was assumed to be Sd
Firstly, the candidate tested line was crossed with both E1 and E7 (when Sd locus was de-
tected; or E8 when Se locus was detected) to make a pair of test combinations. Because E1 and
E7 (or E8) had the same genetic background and differed only at Sd (or Se) locus, the signicant
difference of pollen fertility in the same pair of test combination was due to the allelic interac-
tion at Sd (or Se) locus and the allelic interactions at the other loci were the same. Thus the
inuence of the genetic background was reduced. The interaction of the testcross at Sd (or Se)
locus would be one of following three conditions.
If Sd
x is Sd
i, the genotype of the F1 from the testcross between the candidate tested
line and E1 should be Sd
j. F1 pollen and the gametes of Sj would be partly abortive because
of the allelic interaction. Correspondingly, the genotypes of molecular markers tightly linked
with Sd locus in F2 generation would show a deviated distribution with reduced numbers of the
alleles from E1 (Sd
i gamete). However, the genotype of the F1 from the testcross between the
candidate tested line and E7 was Sd
i, and thus, the pollen fertility of F1 was normal due to no
allelic interaction. The corresponding molecular marker linked with Sd locus in F2 population
would segregate according to Mendelian ratio (1:2:1).
If Sd
x is Sd
j, the genotype of the F1 from the testcross between the candidate tested
line and E1 should be Sd
j and the F1 pollen was fertile because of no allelic interaction. The
corresponding molecular marker linked with Sd locus in its F2 population should follow the
Mendelian segregation (1:2:1). However, the genotype of the F1 from the testcross between
the candidate tested line and E7 should be Sd
i. F1 pollen and the gametes of Sj were partly
abortive because of an allelic interaction. Correspondingly, the genotypes of molecular marker
tightly linked with Sd locus in its F2 population would show deviated distribution with less
numbers of the alleles from candidate tested line (Sd
i gamete).
If Sd
x is Sd
n, the genotype of the F1 from the testcross between the candidate tested
line and E1 or E7 should be Sd
j or Sd
i. Allele Sd
n was compatible with both Sd
j and Sd
i, so
there was no allelic interaction between them. The F1s of them were fertile and would show
non-signicant differences between two crosses. The genetic segregation ratio of correspond-
ing molecular marker linked with Sd locus in both F2 population should be in accordance with
Mendelian ratio (1:2:1).
Genetics and Molecular Research 10 (4): 3435-3445 (2011)
Identication of neutral genes in cultivated and wild rice
The above method was used to identify the neutral gene for pollen fertility at Sd locus
and same method was used to detect neutral gene at Se locus.
Preliminary selection of materials carrying neutral gene
According to previous studies, a total of 13 wild rice accessions, which had high
pollen fertility, embryo sac fertility and seed set percentage or their F1s when crossed with
E1, were selected from 141 accessions of GZW. The average pollen fertility of F1s obtained
from the testcrosses of GZW006, GZW099, GZW094, GZW133 with E1 was signicantly
higher than the corresponding F1s between these wild rice and E7, showing that the genotype
at the Sd locus for the four accessions of wild rice was Sd
j. Similarly, average pollen fertil-
ity of E1×GZW094 and E1×GZW133 was signicantly higher than that of E8×GZW094 and
E8×GZW133, indicating Se
j genotype at Se locus.
Average pollen fertility for E1×GZW054, E7×GZW054 and E8×GZW054 was more
than 94% and their parents also showed high pollen fertility and seed set (>90%). Non sig-
nicant differences were found based on a Student’s-t-test in F1 generation (Figure 1, Table
1). These results indicated that GZW054 might posses the neutral genes for pollen fertility at
Sd and Se locus and further checked by molecular markers. Similarly, average pollen fertility
for E1×GZW013 and E8×GZW013 were high and non-signicant, indicating that GZW013
might possess neutral genes at Se locus.
Figure 1. Pollen fertility of different genotypes in E1, E7, E8, GZW054 and their F1s. 1. E1 (genotype Sd
j, Se
2. E7 (genotype Sd
i); 3. E8 (genotype Se
i); 4. GZW054 (genotype Sd
n, Se
n); 5. F1 of E1×E7 (genotype Sd
6. F1 of E1×E8 (Se
j); 7. F1 of E1×GZW054 (genotype Sd
n, Se
n); 8. F1 of E7×GZW054 (genotype Sd
n); 9. F1
of E8×GZW054 (genotype Se
Genetics and Molecular Research 10 (4): 3435-3445 (2011)
B. Liu et al. 3440
Molecular marker and pollen fertility analysis in paired F2
Pollen fertility of each F2 plant of three crosses (E1×GZW054, E7×GZW054 and
E8×GZW054) was observed and the results are as follows (Figure 2, 3):
A total of 119 F2 individuals were checked of E1×GZW054. The maximum, minimum
and average pollen fertility was 97.76, 0.29 and 87.36%, respectively (Figure 2). A total of 115
plants showed normal pollen fertility (>50%), and it constituted 96.64% of the total population.
Testcross Pollen fertility (%) (mean ± SE) t value P value
E1×GZW006 80.64 ± 5.30 2.328 0.067
E7×GZW006 59.77 ± 2.38
E1×GZW054 95.54 ± 1.37 0.679 0.546
E7×GZW054 94.05 ± 1.77
E1×GZW054 95.54 ± 1.37 -0.464 0.688
E8×GZW054 96.81 ± 0.08
E1×GZW099 89.28 ± 1.07 6.34 0.001
E7×GZW099 77.79 ± 0.56
E1×GZW013 74.95 ± 3.69 0.215 0.837
E8×GZW013 73.41 ± 4.88
E1×GZW094 89.85 37.564 0.017
E7×GZW094 69.03 ± 0.32
E1×GZW094 89.85 69.125 0.009
E8×GZW094 50.34 ± 0.33
E1×GZW133 87.79 ± 2.87 3.749 0.020
E7×GZW133 70.75 ± 2.42
E1×GZW133 87.79 ± 2.87 3.851 0.031
E8×GZW133 63.09
Table 1. Pollen fertility in F1s between different accession of Gaozhou wild rice and Taichung 65 (E1) and its
NILs (E7, E8).
Figure 2. Frequency distribution of pollen fertility in 119 individuals of E1×GZW054 in F2 population.
Genetics and Molecular Research 10 (4): 3435-3445 (2011)
Identication of neutral genes in cultivated and wild rice
Similarly, the average pollen fertility of E7×GZW054 in F2 generation was 86.40%
(Table 2), and it ranged from 2 to 100% in 174 samples, and a total of 166 plants showed nor-, and a total of 166 plants showed nor-and a total of 166 plants showed nor-
mal pollen fertility (>50%), and it accounted for 95.40% of the total population.
Testcross Molecular Genotypes Number of plant Pollen fertility Chi-squared test for Analysis of variance
makers (%) (mean ± SE) genotypes for pollen fertility
2 value P value F value P value
E1×GZW054 PSM13 1 (Sd
j Sd
j) 34 90.58 ± 1.06 0.078 0.962 0.847 0.432
2 (Sd
j Sd
n) 72 87.51 ± 2.12
3 (Sd
n Sd
n) 35 84.81 ± 4.52
PSM91 1 (Sd
j Sd
j) 32 90.48 ± 1.63 2.751 0.349 2.751 0.068
2 (Sd
j Sd
n) 86 88.37 ± 1.73
3 (Sd
n Sd
n) 38 81.21 ± 4.55
E7×GZW054 PSM41 1 (Sd
i Sd
i) 55 87.94 ± 2.45 2.941 0.230 0.381 0.893
2 (Sd
i Sd
n) 89 87.29 ± 1.89
3 (Sd
n Sd
n) 58 83.80 ± 3.00
PSM42 1 (Sd
i Sd
i) 37 83.15 ± 5.18 5.856 0.054 0.645 0.526
2 (Sd
i Sd
n) 103 87.50 ± 1.43
3 (Sd
n Sd
n) 61 86.50 ± 2.39
PSM43 1 (Sd
i Sd
i) 59 83.00 ± 3.31 2.682 0.262 1.527 0.220
2 (Sd
i Sd
n) 90 87.15 ± 1.71
3 (Sd
n Sd
n) 52 89.14 ± 1.91
Table 2. Genotypic distribution of the molecular markers and their corresponding pollen fertility in the F2
populations of E1×GZW054 and E7×GZW054.
Figure 3. Pollen fertility of different genotypes in F2s of E1, E7, E8 and GZW054. 1. F2 of E1×GZW054 (genotype
j Sd
j); 2. F2 of E1×GZW054 (genotype Sd
j Sd
n); 3. F2 of E1×GZW054 (genotype Sd
n Sd
n); 4. F2 of E7×GZW054
(genotype Sd
i Sd
i); 5. F2 of E7×GZW054 (genotype Sd
i Sd
n); 6. F2 of E7×GZW054 (genotype Sd
n Sd
n); 7. F2 of
E1×GZW054 (genotype Se
j Se
j); 8. F2 of E1×GZW054 (genotype Se
j Se
n); 9. F2 of E1×GZW054 (genotype Se
n); 10. F2 of E8×GZW054 (genotype Se
i Se
i); 11. F2 of E8×GZW054 (genotype Se
i Se
n); 12. F2 of E8×GZW054
(genotype Se
n Se
Genetics and Molecular Research 10 (4): 3435-3445 (2011)
B. Liu et al. 3442
Figure 4. Genotypes of PSM13 in the F2 population of E1×GZW054. 1-3 indicate maternal genotype (E1),
heterozygous genotype and paternal genotype (GZW054) in F2 population, respectively.
Figure 5. Genotypes of PSM91 in the F2 population of E1×GZW054. 1-3 indicate maternal genotype (E1),
heterozygous genotype and paternal genotype (GZW054) in F2 population, respectively.
Testcross Molecular Genotypes Number of plant Pollen fertility Chi-squared test for Analysis of variance
makers (%) (mean ± SE) genotypes for pollen fertility
2 value P value F value P value
E1×GZW054 PSM597 1 (Se
j Se
j) 37 88.86 ± 2.06 1.450 0.484 0.239 0.788
2 (Se
j Se
n) 70 86.97 ± 2.37
3 (Se
n Se
n) 44 86.13 ± 3.02
PSM448 1 (Se
j Se
j) 43 89.72 ± 1.82 2.703 0.259 1.104 0.335
2 (Se
j Se
n) 82 87.38 ± 1.94
3 (Se
n Se
n) 30 83.14 ± 4.85
E8×GZW054 PSM461 1 (Se
i Se
i) 38 87.17 ± 2.63 2.000 0.368 1.756 0.178
2 (Se
i Se
n) 56 82.68 ± 2.32
3 (Se
n Se
n) 26 78.89 ± 3.91
PSM559 1 (Se
i Se
i) 31 80.81 ± 4.88 0.024 0.988 0.107 0.898
2 (Se
i Se
n) 62 82.84 ± 2.29
3 (Se
n Se
n) 32 82.42 ± 2.77
Table 3. Genotypic distribution of the molecular markers and their corresponding pollen fertility in the F2
populations of E1×GZW054 and E8×GZW054.
The highly polymorphic molecular markers between E1 and GZW054, i.e. PSM13 and
PSM91 at Sd locus were selected. The distribution of three genotypes (maternal, parental, and
heterozygous) in their F2 is shown in Figure 4, Figure 5 and Table 2. The segregation ratio of the
three genotypes for both markers in the F2 population followed the expected Mendelian ratio
(1:2:1) based on the chi-squared test results (P = 0.962 and 0.349, respectively), and average
pollen fertility corresponding to the three genotypes in the F2 population showed non-signi-
cant difference based on the analysis of variance (P = 0.432 and 0.068, respectively). Therefore,
it indicated that the alleles of GZW054 had no interaction with those of E1 at Sd locus.
A total of 106 plants of E8×GZW054 were observed and their average pollen fertil-
ity was 82.36% (Table 3). The minimum and maximum pollen fertility was 4.4 and 98.79%,
respectively. A total of 99 plants showed normal pollen fertility (>50%), and it was 93.40% of
the population.
Furthermore, the SSR markers PSM41, PSM42 and PSM448 were selected for trac-
ing the genotypic distribution in the F2 of E7×GZW054 because of high polymorphism be-
Genetics and Molecular Research 10 (4): 3435-3445 (2011)
Identication of neutral genes in cultivated and wild rice
tween them. It showed that the distribution of the three genotypes in the F2 of E7×GZW054
tted the Mendelian ratio of 1:2:1 using a chi-squared test (P = 0.230, 0.054 and 0.262, re-
spectively), and there were non-signicant difference in average pollen fertility correspond-
ing to the three genotypes based on the analysis of variance (P = 0.893, 0.526 and 0.220,
respectively) (Table 2). It suggested that there was no interaction between the alleles of E7
and GZW054 at Sd locus.
According to the method of identifying neutral alleles, it was conrmed from the
above results that the alleles of GZW054 are compatible to those of E1 (i.e. SjSj) and E7
(i.e. SiSi) at Sd locus and thus, we concluded that GZW054 has a neutral gene at Sd locus
(i.e. Sd
Similarly, the molecular markers PSM597 and PSM448 were highly polymorphic
between E1×GZW054 as well as PSM461 and PSM559 for E8×GZW054 at Se locus. We
obtained similar results to Sd locus, i.e. the segregation ratio of the three genotypes in their
F2 population tted the expected Mendelian ratio (1:2:1) (Table 3) based on a chi-squared
test, and the average pollen fertility corresponding to the three genotypes in their F2 popula-
tion showed non-signicant difference by the analysis of variance for both crosses (Table 3).
Therefore, the results indicted that GZW054 has a neutral gene at Se locus.
Hybrid sterility is common between the subspecies of rice. On one hand, it drives
speciation and evolution; on the other hand, it blocks favorable genes/traits intercross as com-
bining elite genes/traits together in breeding is needed. Wide Compatibility Gene theory (Ike-
hashi and Araki, 1984) and Specic Compatibility Hypothesis (Zhang and Lu, 1989, 1993)
was used to overcome the embryo sac sterility and pollen sterility, respectively. It can increase
spikelets fertility of indica-japonica hybrids by introducing neutral genes into subspecies. It is
well known that wide-compatibility gene S5
n proposed by Ikehashi and Araki (1984), offered a
bright prospect to overcome the sterility in indica-japonica hybrids. Recently, a compatibility
gene Sa
n for pollen sterility was proposed by Long et al. (2008). The rapid development of mo-
lecular marker techniques and genome sequencing has made it easier to identify neutral genes.
A total of 10 wild rice accessions were identied carrying S5
n allele by functional molecular
markers (Yang et al., 2009). However, sometimes molecular markers are not related to the
gene, so phenotype identication by testcross is also necessary to obtain accurate results. Shi
et al. (2009) proposed a new method to identify neutral genes by use of testcross and molecu-
lar markers together. This is an accurate method to identify neutral alleles and was applied in
the present study.
Wild rice (O. rupogon) is considered as an ancestor of cultivated rice and has a num-
ber of useful genes. Wild rice is resistant to pests and diseases, it can grow well in poor soil
even in polluted water and it has many useful genes to improve rice varieties. Some earlier
studies indicated that there might be neutral gene in wild rice. For example, high intra-specic
hybrid fertility was found when wild rice was crossed with cultivated rice (Oka, 1964). There
is a highly signicant correlation between pollen fertility and spikelets fertility of the F1s
between wild rice and cultivated rice, and wild rice has afnity with cultivated rice (Li et
al., 2007). Gaozhou wild rice has abundant genetic diversity and high pollen fertility (>85%)
which was achieved when crossed with other cultivars (Lian et al., 2008). These results indi-
Genetics and Molecular Research 10 (4): 3435-3445 (2011)
B. Liu et al. 3444
cated that wild rice might have neutral genes for pollen fertility, which can overcome the pol-
len sterility of intra-specic hybrids. The present study furthermore conrmed that Gaozhou
wild rice had neutral alleles for pollen fertility at Sd and Se locus.
In our case, we used Taichung 65, a typical japonica cultivar and its NILs for pollen
sterility locus as testers and combine traditional method (testcross) and molecular marker
analysis together to detect neutral gene in wild rice. The materials used for testers were bred
using Taichung 65 as a recipient parent and indica variety Dee-geowoo-gen, Guangluai-4 as
donor parent through successive backcrossing (Li et al., 2003, 2008; Zhu et al., 2008). Mo-
lecular markers were used to check the polymorphism between Taichung 65 and NILs and
similar genetic background was found between them except at Sd and Se loci (Li et al., 2008).
Therefore, the results of present study are more precise than a common variety used as tester.
The pollen fertility of F1 hybrid depends on allelic interaction at each pollen steril-
ity locus. The neutral alleles did not have an interaction with both Sj and Si alleles. Therefore,
neutral alleles at each locus have potential to overcome the F1 pollen sterility associated with
the locus. Exploitation and utilization of neutral alleles are of signicant importance. At pres-
ent, Sa
n was proposed by Long et al. (2008), Sb
n was detected by Shi et al. (2009), and Sd
n and
n were found by our study. By pyramiding these novel neutral genes into elite cultivated
rice varieties, varieties having strong compatibility either with indica or japonica would be
expected. Thus, it provides an effective way and important germplasm to overcome the hybrid
pollen sterility of F1 between indica and japonica and enhance the utilization of the strong
heterosis between subspecies.
Research supported by the Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation
of China and Guangdong Province (Grant #U0631003) and Natural Science Foundation of
Guangdong Province (Grant #5300831).
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... A major QTL located on chromosome 12 (thus named RHS12) was detected in both F 2 populations (Figures S1A and S1B). Notably, this locus is located near several previously identified QTL for RHS between multiple indica and japonica varieties (qS12, pf12, S25, and Se) or between japonica and wild rice (S36) ( Table S1) [28][29][30][31][32] ; RHS12 was thus selected for further study. ...
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Hybrid sterility restricts the utilization of superior heterosis of indica-japonica inter-subspecific hybrids. In this study, we report the identification of RHS12, a major locus controlling male gamete sterility in indica-japonica hybrid rice. We show that RHS12 consists of two genes (iORF3/DUYAO and iORF4/JIEYAO) that confer preferential transmission of the RHS12-i type male gamete into the progeny, thereby forming a natural gene drive. DUYAO encodes a mitochondrion-targeted protein that interacts with OsCOX11 to trigger cytotoxicity and cell death, whereas JIEYAO encodes a protein that reroutes DUYAO to the autophagosome for degradation via direct physical interaction, thereby detoxifying DUYAO. Evolutionary trajectory analysis reveals that this system likely formed de novo in the AA genome Oryza clade and contributed to reproductive isolation (RI) between different lineages of rice. Our combined results provide mechanistic insights into the genetic basis of RI as well as insights for strategic designs of hybrid rice breeding.
... Resistant alleles have been reported not only for gamete killers in rice (Wang et al. 2005;Liu et al. 2011;Yu et al. 2016;Koide et al. 2018) and tomato (Rick 1971), but also for spore killers in fungi such as Neurospora (Turner 2001) and for the meiotic driver wtf in fission yeast (Nuckolls et al. 2017). Resistant genotypes are valuable resources to distinguish between killer-target and poison-antidote models of gamete killers. ...
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The principles of heredity state that the two alleles carried by a heterozygote are equally transmitted to the progeny. However, genomic regions that escape this rule have been reported in many organisms. It is notably the case of genetic loci referred to as gamete killers, where one allele enhances its transmission by causing the death of the gametes that do not carry it. Gamete killers are of great interest, particularly to understand mechanisms of evolution and speciation. Although being common in plants, only a few, all in rice, have so far been deciphered to the causal genes. Here, we studied a pollen killer found in hybrids between two accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. Exploring natural variation, we observed this pollen killer in many crosses within the species. Genetic analyses revealed that three genetically linked elements are necessary for pollen killer activity. Using mutants, we showed that this pollen killer works according to a poison-antidote model, where the poison kills pollen grains not producing the antidote. We identified the gene encoding the antidote, a chimeric protein addressed to mitochondria. De novo genomic sequencing in twelve natural variants with different behaviors regarding the pollen killer revealed a hyper variable locus, with important structural variations particularly in killer genotypes, where the antidote gene recently underwent duplications. Our results strongly suggest that the gene has newly evolved within A. thaliana. Finally, we identified in the protein sequence polymorphisms related to its antidote activity.
... Neutral alleles for pollen fertility (S n ) that do not interact with typical indica (S i ) and japonica (S j ) alleles provide a platform to exploit the strong hybrid vigor derived from intersubspecific crosses by controlling the reproductive obstacles between japonica and indica hybrids. Substantial evidence has shown that neutral genes, S a n , S b n , S c n , S d n , and S e n , provide valuable gene resources to surmount the pollen sterility related to the respective locus [4][5][6][7][8]. ...
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Double pollen fertility neutral genes, San and Sbn, can control pollen sterility in intersubspecific (indica × japonica) rice hybrids, which has excellent potential to increase rice yield. Previous studies showed that polyploidy could increase the interaction of three pollen sterility loci, i.e. Sa, Sb and Sc, which cause pollen sterility in autotetraploid rice hybrids, and hybrid fertility could be improved by double neutral genes, San and Sbn, in autotetraploid rice hybrids. We compared cytological and transcriptome data between autotetraploid and diploid rice hybrid during meiosis and single microspore stages to understand the molecular mechanism of neutral genes for overcoming pollen sterility in autotetraploid rice hybrids, which harbored double neutral genes. Cytological results revealed that the double neutral genes resulted in higher pollen fertility (76.74%) and lower chromosomal abnormalities in autotetraploid hybrid than in parents during metaphase I, metaphase II, anaphase I and anaphase II. Moreover, autotetraploid rice hybrid displayed stronger heterosis than a diploid hybrid. Compared with diploid rice hybrid, a total of 904 and 68 differently expressed genes (DEGs) were identified explicitly in autotetraploid hybrid at meiosis and single microspore stages, respectively. Of these, 133 and 41 genes were detected in higher-parent dominance and transgressive up-regulation dominance, respectively, which were considered autotetraploid potential heterosis genes, including a meiosis-related gene (Os01g0917500, MSP1) and two meiosis specific-genes (Os07g0624900 and Os04g0208600). Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Gene and Genomes pathway (KEGG) analysis revealed that DEGs significantly enriched in amino acid metabolism and photosynthesis metabolism. These results indicated that meiosis-specific and meiosis-related genes, and amino acids and photosynthesis metabolism-related genes contribute to higher yield and pollen fertility in autotetraploid rice hybrid. This study provides a theoretical basis for molecular mechanisms of heterosis in autotetraploid rice harboring double neutral genes for pollen fertility.
... In fact, an increasing number of studies have suggested that a gradual accumulation of multiple epistatic genes with no, or a small, individual effect may play important roles in the development of reproductive isolation in initial speciation (Cabot et al. 1994;Orr 1995;Kao et al. 2010;Kubo et al. 2016). In addition, the existence of third neutral alleles for S24 and S35 have been reported in studies using numerous cultivars and the wild progenitor Oryza rufipogon (Wang et al. 2006;Shi et al. 2009;Liu et al. 2011). This observation implies that these pollen killer loci may contain tightly linked multiple genes like S5 and Sa, or may be pure trialleles of a single gene. ...
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Pollen killer genes disable noncarrier pollens, and are responsible for male sterility and segregation distortion in hybrid populations of distantly related plant species. The genetic networks and the molecular mechanisms underlying the pollen killer system remain largely unknown. Two pollen killer genes, S24 and S35, have been found in an intersubspecific cross of Oryza sativa ssp. indica and japonica. The effect of S24 is counteracted by an unlinked locus EFS. Additionally, S35 has been proposed to interact with S24 to induce pollen sterility. These genetic interactions are suggestive of a single S24-centric genetic pathway (EFS-S24-S35) for the pollen killer system. To examine this hypothetical genetic pathway, the S35 and the S24 regions were further characterized and genetically dissected in this study. Our results indicated that S35 causes pollen sterility independently of both the EFS and S24 genes, but is dependent on a novel gene close to the S24 locus, named incentive for killing pollen (INK). We confirmed the phenotypic effect of the INK gene separately from the S24 gene, and identified the INK locus within an interval of less than 0.6 Mb on rice chromosome 5. This study characterized the genetic effect of the two independent genetic pathways of INK-S35 and EFS-S24 in indica-japonica hybrid progeny. Our results provide clear evidence that hybrid male sterility in rice is caused by several pollen killer networks with multiple factors positively and negatively regulating pollen killer genes.
... During 2014, leaves were collected from young seedlings 15 days after transplantation, and DNA was extracted using a previously-described method (Liu et al., 2011). Eighty seven SSR primers equally distributed on twelve chromosomes (McCouch et al., 2002) were analyzed. ...
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We studied the genetic variability due to mutation induced by γ-rays (10, 15, and 20 Kr) on various traits of twelve rice genotypes. Mutated and non-mutated seeds were sown in the field between July 2013 and 2014 using a split plot design. Yield and yield-related trait data was recorded, which showed significant (P < 0.05) genotypic and irradiation effects. Gamma radiation exerted non-significant effects on the panicle length of all plants, indicating the uniformity of performance of this character at different radiation levels. The plant height, grains per main panicle, panicle length, 1000-grain weight, grain weight per main panicle, and fertility percentage was minimum in Basmati-198, Basmati-Pak, Shaheen-2000, Super Basmati, Basmati-385, and Super Basmati, respectively, when exposed to radiation at 20 Kr. However, Basmati-370 attained maximum flag leaf area at this level of radiation. Broad sense heritability ranged from 72.0 to 97.7%, indicating the possibility of selection during earlier generations. Phenotypic correlation was positive and significant between grain weight per main panicle with panicle length and flag leaf area. Number of grains per main panicle and genotypic correlation were positive among grain weight per main panicle, panicle length, fertility percentage, 1000-grain weight, and plant height, indicating the effectiveness of these traits in the selection for yield. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a pair-wise similarity ranging from 0.51-0.76 before mutation and 0.39-0.89 after mutation. This study proved that γ-rays at 20 Kr would be most effective in creating genetic variability in the existing germplasm.
... The genus Oryza contains 20 wild rice species, which are classified into 10 distinct genome types (AA, BB, CC, EE, FF, GG, BBCC, CCDD, HHJJ, and HHKK). Wild rice has many valuable features, including tolerance to different biotic and abiotic stressors; therefore, wild rice is considered a good genetic resource for rice improvement (Zhong et al., 1995;Wei et al., 2010;Liu et al., 2011;Tong et al., 2011). O. officinalis (2n = 24, CC) was originally distributed throughout South China, and is a perennial species with resistance to bacterial blight, rice blast, the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens), and leaf rollers, is salt-and cold-tolerant, and has a high protein content, so is an important germplasm for rice breeding (Zhong et al., 1995). ...
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Oryza officinalis has proven to be a natural gene reservoir for the improvement of domesticated rice as it carries many desirable traits; however, the transfer of elite genes to cultivated rice by conventional hybridization has been a challenge for rice breeders. In this study, the conserved sequence of plant stress-related NAC transcription factors was selected as a probe to screen the O. officinalis genomic transformation-competent artificial chromosome library by Southern blot; 11 positive transformation-competent artificial chromosome clones were subsequently detected. By Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, an indica rice variety, Huajingxian 74 (HJX74), was transformed with a TAC clone harboring a NAC gene-positive genomic fragment from O. officinalis. Molecular analysis revealed that the O. officinalis genomic fragment was integrated into the genome of HJX74. The transgenic lines exhibited high tolerance to drought stress. Our results demonstrate that the introduction of stress-related transformation-competent artificial chromosome clones, coupled with a transgenic validation approach, is an effective method of transferring agronomically important genes from O. officinalis to cultivated rice.
... There are many reasons for low fertility of intersubspecific (indica-japonica) hybrids, including the abortion of the male and female gametophytes (Ikehashi and Araki 1986;Zhang and Lu 1993;Yanagihara et al. 1995;Zhuang et al. 1999;Liu et al. 2011;Shahid et al. 2013), the low affinity of pollen and stigma (Xu 1995), the reproductive isolation of male and female gametophyte (Zhu et al. 1996) and environmental factors (Yu 1991;Li et al. 1995). Many scientists have shown that abortion of male and female gametophytes (mainly embryo sac abortion) was the main reason for low fertility of intersubspecific hybrids (Qiu et al. 2005;Song et al. 2005;Hu et al. 2009;Wei et al. 2010;Tong et al. 2011;Yang et al. 2012;Shahid et al. 2013). ...
Embryo sac sterility is one of the main reasons for infertility of indica–japonica hybrids and S5 is a major locus for embryo sac fertility. The present study was planned: (1) to sequence germplasm not carrying \({S_{\it{5}}}^{\it{n}}\) gene to ascertain their sequence diversity and domestication of Asian cultivated rice (indica–japonica), (2) to identify genotypes of ORF3 and ORF4 gene in materials with S5 gene coding region variation, and (3) to evaluate the effect of S5 gene coding region variation on embryo sac sterility. A total of 273 materials were sequenced, including 134 cultivars of Oryza sativa and 139 accessions of Oryza rufipogon. The results showed that 273 materials had different degrees of variation in S5 gene sequence compared with control cultivars. Coding region variation mainly occurred in exon 1 and exon 2, including 3 variable sites, of which 8 materials had 9 bp deletion at 177–185 bp, 1 materials had 12 bp deletion at 1,479–1,490 bp. Phylogenetic analysis suggested independent origin of indica and japonica subspecies from wild rice. Further, we found that all materials carrying S5 gene coding region variation were ORF3+, ORF4+, and ORF5+. Testcross hybrids were developed by crossing typical indica and japonica cultivars with lines carrying large differences in S5 coding region. Substantial evidence showed that ORF3+ is a major type for overcoming hybrid sterility, and S5 gene coding region variation had insignificant effect on embryo sac fertility. Genetic nucleotide diversity of \({S_{\it{5}}}^{\it{i}}\) and \({S_{\it{5}}}^{\it{j}}\) indicated that S5 is a very conservative gene. Further, it suggested that indica and japonica subspecies originated separately from ancestral wild rice.
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According to the principles of heredity, each parental allele of hybrids equally participates in the progeny. At some loci, however, it happens that one allele is favored to the expense of the other. Gamete killers are genetic systems where one allele (the killer) triggers the death of the gametes carrying the other (killed) allele. They have been found in many organisms, and are of major interest to understand mechanisms of evolution and speciation. Gamete killers are particularly prevalent in plants, where they can compromise crop breeding. Here, we deciphered a pollen killer in Arabidopsis thaliana by exploiting natural variation, de novo genomic sequencing and mutants, and analyzing segregations in crosses. We found that the killer allele carries an antidote gene flanked by two elements mandatory for the killing activity. We identified the gene encoding the antidote, a chimeric protein addressed to mitochondria. This gene appeared in the species by association of domains recruited from other genes, and it recently underwent duplications within a highly variable locus, particularly in the killer genotypes. Exploring the species diversity, we identified sequence polymorphisms correlated with the antidote activity.
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Hybrid sterility between Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima is a main reproduction barrier when transferring the favorable alleles from O. glaberrima to O. sativa and it happens due to allelic interaction at sterility loci. Neutral alleles at each locus have the potential to overcome the sterility between the two cultivated rice species. In this study, an O. sativa cultivar Dianjingyou 1 (DJY1) and its near-isogenic lines (NILs) harboring the single sterility allele S1-glab, S19-glab, S20-glab, S37-glab, S38-glab and S39-glab as the tested lines were crossed with O. glaberrima, O. rufipogon, O. nivara, O. glumaepatula, O. barthii, O. meridionalis and O. sativa so as to detect the neutral alleles of these loci. Pollen fertility was investigated in the paired F1s based on two seasons’ result and genotypic segregation was also analyzed in some F2 populations to confirm the results of pollen fertility investigation. The neutral alleles of S38-n and S39-n were identified based upon the pollen fertility and genotypic segregation analysis for the first time. The neutral alleles of sterility loci detected from present report have the potential to know of the nature of interspecific hybrid sterility, and to overcome the interspecific hybrid sterility between O. sativa and O. glaberrima.
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Autotetraploid rice has a great genetic potential but low seed setting rate is the major encumbrance in its use. Embryo sac fertility and pollen fertility are the most important factors which affect the seed setting rate in autotetraploid rice. Whole mount eosin B-staining confocal laser scanning microscopy (WE-CLSM) was used to study the fertility and abnormalities in embryo sacs of diploid and autotetraploid rice during different seasons. The results indicated that the embryo sac fertility (64.5%) was much low in autotetraploid than that in diploid rice (86%), and five main types of abnormal embryo sac were found in all 10 autotetraploid rice. Moreover, some other type abnormal embryo sacs were also observed in autotetraploid rice. Embryo sac without female germ unit and embryo sac degeneration were the most frequent types of abnormalities in autotetraploid rice. Embryo sac fertility ranged from 49.3% to 79.3%, pollen fertility ranged from 56.2 to 85.9%, and seed setting rate varied from 12.5 to 69.01% in various genotypes of autotetraploid rice. Embryo sac and pollen fertility were found to have a significant correlation with seed setting rate. Seasons have significant effect on pollen and embryo sac fertility in both type of rice. All the autotetraploid lines exhibited different types of embryo sac abnormalities which indicated that these might be related to different genotypes.
Reproductive barriers between distant groups of rice are anticipated to be overcome through a systematic use of widely compatible varieties in breeding programs. For this purpose a total of 74 varieties were screened for compatiblity types in terms of F1 fertility by crossing them to one each of indica and japonica testers. The compatibility of a variety to a tester was rated by pollen and spikelet fertility of the F1 hybrid. The pollen fertility of more than 90 percent and the spikelet fertility of 75-80 percent were rated normal. The compatibility tests showed that the pollen fertility is independent of the spikelet fertility. Therefore, each variety was inspected for four fertility scores, namely, the pollen and the spikelet fertility in each cross to an indica and a japonica tester. Out of 24 Indonesian upland varieties, 15 showed normal pollen fertility with both testers, and normal spikelet fertility with a japonica tester, but gave remarkable spikelet sterility with an indica tester. Six showed semi-sterility in all the four scores. Only one variety, Padi Bujang Pendek revealed normal fertility in all the four scores. The remaing two seemed to belong to an exceptional type. A total of 27 Aus varieties showed many types of compatibility including six varieties of indica type and five of japonica. Five varieties revealed sterility in all the four scores. Only two, Aus 373 and Dular seemed to be widely compatibe. The remaining nine were not classified into any difinite categories. In the test of 15 varieties which are identified tolerant of salinity, drought or peat soil, ten of strongly photoperiod-sensitive varieties were classified into typical indica rice. Two photoperiod-nonsensitiwe varieties were clearly identified to be japonica. In additional tests of some varieties which are notable from previous works, Calotoc, CPSLO 17 and Ketan Nangka were confirmed to be widely compatible. The screening results indicate that the Aus group of rice is a complex of various compatibility types, while a majority of Indonesian upland rices seemed to be of a type which is closer to japonicas rather than iledicas. Only a few varieties were identified as the wide-compatibility type, contrary to the expectation based on earlier works. It was discussed that the upland cultivation has permitted the Aus group to preserve the diverse compatibility types, while photoperiod-sensitive lowland varieties are predominantly of iledica type.
Twenty-one wide compatibility varieties (WCVs) of rice together with three indica and three japonica testers were assayed with 160 DNA probes that were selected to represent the entire RFLP map at an average interval of 11 cM. On the basis of four enzyme digestion 125 probes detected polymorphisms among the WCVs and subspecies' testers. Among these polymorphic probes there were 68 that could distinguish the indica from the japonica testers. Two dendrograms were constructed on the basis of 398 polymorphic fragments of 125 probes and 139 polymorphic fragments of 68 subspecies' differentiating probes in combination with single enzymes, respectively. The reliability and representativeness of the testers and the levels of DNA variations among WCVs were estimated. The potential of WCVs in the utilization of intersubspecific heterosis is discussed.